Area/State Colby Free Press Friday, April 18, 2008 Page 3 Weather State may revise Corner Lt. Gov. tours Goodland tourism budget

By Sharon Corcoran the Department of Commerce and [email protected] Gov. Kathleen Sebelius. A bill that would separate the The Hays Daily News did an in- state travel and tourism budget depth article in Wednesday’s edi- and promotion efforts from the tion, Price said, but some of the Department of Commerce passed things said by opponents weren’t the Senate 33-7 but is now waiting true. They claim to oppose the bill for a conference committee before because they want less govern- ment, she said; actually, this isn’t Tonight...Mostly clear. returning to the House. increasing government — it’s Lows in the mid 30s. West Senate Bill 501, the making it smaller. winds around 10 mph in the Tourism Initiative would create Sebelius spokeswoman Nicole evening becoming light. an independent agency to promote Corcoran said in the Hays article Saturday...Sunny...Warmer. tourism with a budget that would that the governor believes the state Highs in the upper 70s. South include money from sales tax col- would be best served by keeping winds 10 to 20 mph. Saturday lected on tourism-related busi- the Travel and Tourism Division night...Mostly clear. Lows in nesses, Donna Price, director of in the Commerce Department. the lower 40s. South winds 10 the Sherman County Convention Corcoran said travel and tour- to 20 mph. and Visitors Bureau, told the bu- ism promotion fits well with the Sunday...Sunny. Highs reau’s board at its regular meeting agency’s other responsibilities, in- in the lower 80s. Southwest last Tuesday. cluding economic and community winds 10 to 20 mph. Sunday The conference committee, with development. Creating a separate night...Mostly clear. Lows in three members of the Senate and group to do work that’s already the lower 40s. three from the House, Price said, being done doesn’t make a lot of Monday through Tuesday and will meet Wednesday, April sense, she said. night...Partly cloudy. Highs in 30. The bill has a lot of support, the mid 60s. Lows in the mid she said, but faces opposition from 30s. Wednesday through Thurs- day . . . Partly cloudy. Breezy. Photo by Tom Betz/The Goodland Star-News COLBY RC FLYERS APRILFEST Highs around 60. Lows in the Lt. Gov. Mark Parkinson (center) talked with people playing cards at the Goodland Senior upper 30s. Center on Monday morning during a visit to promote Volunteer Kansas and talk about the FUN-FLY DAY Sunday, April 27 Thursday’s low, high: 31, 42, future of wind power in the state. .19 of moisture. SATURDAY, APRIL 19 2 to 5 p.m. If weather uncooperative, Sacred Heart School Gym event will be held next day Sponsored by: Sacred Heart Catholic Youth Women’s health to be featured at Goodland 6 Mile North of 24/25 Jct Organization Colby, KS. Admission: $5 per person 10:00 Until Dusk suggested donation Home and Garden show April 26-27 COME FLY OUR TRAINER Fun afternoon full of Polka dancing Goodland Star-News The Goodland hospital, in part- derscores the need for better edu- and Bingo. Music by the Wes AIRPLANE! Windholtz Polka Band from Hays nership with University of Kan- cation and understanding the steps The KLOE/KKCI Home and sas Medical Center’s Area Health women can take to prevent cancer Garden Show on Saturday and Education Centers, received a by detecting it early. Sunday, April 26-27, at Max Jones grant from the U.S. Department The Kansas Department of Bridal Fieldhouse will feature a cancer of Health and Human Services to Health and Environment says the J&R Marketing, KGCR-FM, and women’s health conference pay for the women’s health con- Northwest region has a higher Registry Leroy’s Printing,and KRDQ-FM Presents the first day. ference, said Tina Goodwin, hos- cancer rate for women than the The conference will include six pital marketing director. state as a whole and for two types Chad Jones 30-minute educational sessions Goodland was selected to hold in particular – colorectal and & from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., covering it because of the hospital’s mem- breast cancer. uterine, ovarian, lung, colorectal, bership in the Midwest Cancer The goal of the conference is to Carey Chenowth Mark Lowry cervical and breast cancer. Alliance, she said, with the hope help women and young girls take Shower- April 19 Be The Miracle Presenters will include Jana of clearing up some of the mis- charge of their health and under- Wedding- May 24 Eisenbart, a nurse practitioner and conceptions women have regard- stand the risk of developing can- oncology nurse at Goodland Re- ing cancer. cer, said Goodwin, and lifestyle TOUR gional Medical Center, and Jackie A survey by Harris Interactive changes they can make to reduce Home with LordSong and Jorgensen, nurse practitioner at found that nearly two-thirds of their risks. Furnishings Goodland Family Health Center. women (63 percent) mistakenly For information, contact Tina 462-2222 Stan Whitmire Door prizes and goodie bags will believe that if a typical woman has Goodwin at the hospital at (785) 950 S. Range • Colby Fax : 462-2262 be given away at each session. no family history of cancer, then 890-6036 or check the website at A booth at the show will fea- she is at low risk for developing Sunday ture booklets including “Protect the disease. and Detect: What Women Should In fact, said Dr. Kenneth L. April 27th Know about Cancer” produced by Noller, president of the obstet- 6:00 PM the American College of Obstetri- rics group, most cancers occur in Colby Community Bldg. cians and Gynecologists, as well people with no family history of Ladies Annual as information on where women the disease. He said the survey un- Sponsored by: can turn for help. Spring STYLE Servicemaster of NW Kansas Tickets: SHOW Rocking “Q” Farms $18.00 in advance Mattson Seed Farm $20.00 at the door. Smitty’s Tire • Dr. Joshua Gooden ATTENTION CONTRACTORS: th Groups of 20 Colby Quality Inn * April 19 Western Plains Energy • Ken Lang or more $15.00 Replacing Deteriorating Concrete Kee Trucking • Countryside Vet Clinic * 2 p.m. Doors Open at 1 p.m. Duell Families • Colby Sale Barn (Group ticket deadline, Oakley Housing Authority is requesting proposals from qualified Commercial Sign Co. April 22nd) contractors to tear out, haul off, pour and finish new concrete for a partial drive and parking area at the Westview Community Ticket Outlets: F& M Bank - Dillons - Colby; New Life Christian Books - Center, 700 West Fifth Street, Oakley, Kansas. Interested Presented by: McCook; Good Book Store - Hays; Peoples State Bank - ALL LOCATIONS (Colby, Garden City, Goodland, Hoxie, McDonald, Oakley) parties, call 785-672-4414 or stop by the office at 700 West 5th Street, Oakley, KS for more information. Proposals to be CJ’s Boutique Call 785-443-1994 for more information. Call us for details!!! submitted on or before May 5, 2008, by 4:00 p.m.

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Area/State 4-18-08 pg 3 1 4/18/08 12:47:06 PM