
Total Tax. Total Tax. A. M SINNOTT. Promised Prosperity. Queen Victoria’s Big Family. Delinquent T»i Lint. eov 15 $he tètmorc $uUctiu. 7.74, interest 2 43. cost 50c...... ___ 7» 8t5 I Can} on creek u«lj Hayes’ place I5o Notice la hereby giren that the following deecrlhed Jot kson, Com —Mt Ho , u s lot 3 w hf u 8 i tax 5.61 per cap « 50 school s dol thirty-two Two things ti that the Republi .... 14 28 ATTORNEY AT LAW. Queen Victoria lias had over seventy property will be eold to the bidder for oaeh who will lot two se qr qr two acre orchard, cts interest 35 cts coat 5o eta . ELMORE COUNTY, . used prosperity upon the election of Mr, : : r Vaugn, G—Boi*e, tw»nty-three cattle school party p thkc the leant part of real property and pay the taxer, or»etp3r 7 ot»o hundred tweety-two McKinley, the other, that the ronised prosperity descendants, sixty ol whom are living. acre« 1500, imp 350, hay pres« 200, two rat­ twenty-seven eta int two eta cost twenty-five c 54 00 Justice of the Peace. percent and cat, at the court house door In Mount- tle 20, two horses 40, not en 110, two thou­ Van S-hoick, J- Kocky Bar house 5o hf int bus not come. On the contrary, bankrupts in- Hhe lias had nine children, seven of in slaufhter house twenty-five dol 31 rattle 3 JElmoro County Official Paper. aiu Home, Klmore county. State of Idaho, MONDAY, sand two hundred twenty dois, tax 75.48, GLENN’S FERRY, IDAHO. • and poverty and want continue to enlarge the per cop 6.50* interest 3.70, cost 50c...... 80 27 hunt!ml twenty dol not 8 tax 13.70 interest whom are living, and innumerable the 5th day of. JULY, 1897, to pay the delinquent ...... 14 84 number of their victims. Hot it is that the Kepub- Kheim & Go—Neal District, frame «alt 64c cost 5o c .. ^^Collections promptly attended to. grandchildren and great grand-child­ taxes of the »me for the year 1890, together with building Block creek at fork of road to Wildman, M A- Mount Home, lots twenty G. M. BAYNE, lier party either knew they had bo policy In store twenty-two twenty-three hlk 0 Col- ,1 Editors ND BRoPKIKTUKS. ren. Her sous and daughters who are Intercut and coeta. Neal at foot of hill : mile from II« twenty MABEL !.. BAYNE, for the country which would bring the prosperity Kale to commence at 10 o’clock a. m. of said day stake 50, not en 0, 50. txx 2.01, per lege add 6o imp 75 one twenty dol two they promised, or that the Republican party did not living are : the Prince of Wales, the cap 12, school 41c interest 13, cost 60c...... 16 05 horse« 4o one vehicle ten dol not 13 tax 7 41 E. M. WOLFE, Duke of Connaught, the Duke of and to continue from day to day until sold. Kinney, Jerry Glenn's Kerry, house I r per cap« 60 school 1.74 interest 40c cost 5o c.. 16 61 know the policy it proposed iM not produc« prns- ToUl Tax. ground w of ck op Morrow's 125, tax 4.25, Whitney, K E Mt Home, s hf qr ne qr iw M OUNTAIN Home, June 2, 1897. m V*erity. In the > they told what the vulgar Kdinburgh, the ex-Em press Fredrick, Alnslie, M. O., Estate of Mill site and quarts school 63c interest and cost 50c...... 6 37 qr sec thirteen tp r nw qr sec t» en- 1 a w y er, mill, 5 staniftf, Bender creek, three miles ty-four tp one r « Ifio acres th hun twenty would call lies in the other c tii« re too ignor- of Germany, the princess Christian, Kincaid, 8 T— Mt Home, land l>eginning 15 ft from Neal B. O., $1,000, $30, sch«x»l district » qr see twenty-five tp3 r 6 dois imp loo 4 cattle 6o two horses 4o 1634 Mountain Home, Idaho. id they obtained office n se cor nw qr Silver 1ms reached the lowest point ant to govci the •try, the Marchioness of Iiorne, and the No. 3, $7, interest $2.05, cost 2f>o...... $43 30 about three a*- 150 dois, imp 256, two sheep $1634 sixteen bucks twenty-eight «lois iler false prêt« i. We si of that u*har liable Armstrong, C—Lot« 2, 3, 4, 6, 6, 7, block 40, horses 40. Si") sheep 6»*), » vehicle 15, not two vehicles 75 not en «5 tax 78.05 per cap 6.50 Princess Beatrice. Among her de­ Glenn's Ferry, 150, tax 5.10, school district . 109 40 it has ever touched with Ihe exception number who believe that the present administration en 10, 1073 76, Ux 36 51, per cad fl 50, spe! school 18.68 interest 4.87 cost 5o c.. scendants are Princes, Princesses, No 6, 75c. interest 30c, cost 25c...... 6 40 school 8.68, interest two dois twenty-six Wertz, C A -Glenn's Ferry lot« fifteen of a short peroid in 1894 when it was knew that the >t a word of truth in their Anthony, Thomas, Estate of—East bf NK qr HARRY C. WYMAN. FRANK T. WYMAN. Dukes, Duchesses, one Emperor, two cents, cost fifty cents...... 54 35 sixteen hlk sixty-two 4o imp loo tax 4.7« pr cap promise?, and that they made the promises purely »«*• 31, lots 3, 4, sec 32, tp 5. range 10 K, Keen, 8 V- Bine Grove, imp cm clai So 5.50 school 7o e int and cost fifty-three cts 11 49 quoted at fifty-eight cents. There is 15» acres, 350, Ux 11.90, s d 5, 1.75, Glenn Wide West Mining Co— Hock y Par.WideWest WYMAN & WYMAN. and simply to catch votes. In other words, they Empresses, one Marchioness and a Boise river 75, two 40, two h' S 40, little demand for the metal and the Lady—William George Jordan in Kerry, Interest «8c, cost 25c...... 14 68 one vehicle twenty five, not 10, 190, tax extension hxle ten acres I5o Wide West cxte-ti- mitted the same character of offense which the con Andreas, Emma improvement on posnsssory 6.4«, hit 83c, cost 50c...... 7 29 »ion 8 ac hun twenty dol mill site two ATTORNEYS AT LAW. indications are that it will go even low­ fidence commits when he obtains money under June Ladies' Home Journal. right, South Boise river near Fine, 100, 3 Keefer, John Imp lin 1 owned by George thirty dol one twenty-stamp mill lo.ooo 46, tax 4.93, int 25, oo«t 25 5 43 Crandal at Mt Home 50, tax 1 70, per cap Ux 350.30 int 17.51 cost 76c BOISE CITY, IDAHO. er and perhaps break the record of 1894. false pretenses. Aniircos, G E- Imp on pos right Bine, Woodruff, A J —Mt Home, school land lot gjSF'l hey are so little you liaiflly <1.50, school 40c, interest and coft 30c ...... 8 96 Patents tor mining claims a specialty. Two-thirds of the American voto was at least in 60, 3 horses 50, not enumerated 15, 115, Lapc Bros—Imp on on lot 5 hlk « Mt Home. twenty-three sec36 tp three r « 8.91 acres45tax With such an outlook for silver the favor of Bryan and against McKinley. McKinley’s know you are taking them. They tax 8.91, per cap« 50, int 20c, cost 25c----- 10 86 100, two horses 30, nuise 100, tax 7.8$, per one dôl fifty three cents school thirty-six c in­ novS Collections promptly attende! to. Brady, Mrs Bessie, Mtn Home—land com­ terest and cost thirty-five cents... • ••••• * *** majorities wore drawn from the colored vote which cause no griping, yet they act quickly cap 13, school 1.84, interest 14c cost 50c... 23 80 mission of the international monetary mencing at a point on n line of 40 acres, 20 Ling Chong Mt Homo, imp on rear lot « hlk Cruttenden, A E Lot « tilk C Mt Home 76 still *up|*o«es t lmt it is voting for the party of liberty and most thoroughly. Such are the rods e of n w corner s e qr sec 25 tp 3 r 6, one, 100, not en 60, 150, tax 4.10, school Imp two hundred fiftv dois Ux eleven dol five conference commissioners to Europe running s 40 rods, e 20 rods, north 40 rods, when it votes for the slave modern of the gold ring; 1.20, interest and cost 57c...... 6 77 cents school two dol sixty cU int and cost 93c.. 14 58 DR. B. B. SWAN, famous little pills known as DeWitt’s w 20 ro«ls, 5 acres, 225; land 48 rods north Casey A Smith -Atlanta Old Chunk mining must appoar hopeless even to the most from the foreign vote, which since the publie lands _ ttle W H Bine Grove, Imp oh South Boise Little Early Kisers. (Small in size, «•? 4 nw qr sec 25 tp 8 r 6. run­ river aisiut 7 miles below Berry 8prowl's50 claim lot thirty-six eighteen acres two hundred exhausted has congregated in tho cities and ning e 20 rods n 16 rods w 20 rods s 1« r«is seventy dois, Old Chunk mining claim lot thir­ Resident Dentist ardent Republican who has been so great in results. K. W. Smith. 2 acres, 100, lots 11, 12, block 2, 600; Im­ 9 cattle 90, 11 horses 110, not 5, 265, tax learned nothiag of free institutions in this country, 8.67, interest and oust 94c... e ei ty-six 4 acres 0«» Ux eleven dol twenty twocto foolish as to believe that party will over provements on lot 11, 600; imp on lot 12, McKim, Mrs. Ida B Mountain Home,lota 13 school two dol 99c int Ole cost 5o c...... 13 32 and from those who are weak and dependent upon 1000, 2325, tax 79 06, s d 4 18.60, interest Young, Lon, estate of—Atlanta house 4o int Representative Cochran o! Missouri 4.88, cost 1.00...... 108 03 14 16 1« 17 18 block 10, 225, tax 7.06, schl do anything for silver. manufacturers and corporations for employment. 1.80, interest 48c, cost 25c...... 10 18 dol 36 i ts school two dol twelve cents inter­ has introduced a resolution for sub­ Burns, Mr« C W- Lots 13, 14, block 2 Mtn est 8c cost twenty-five cents---- .... 1 81 These elements enabled tho Republican party to seise Home, 300, imp 250, not enumerated 67, Mountain Home Land and Canal Company— qr nw qr see twenty-five tp 3 r 6 e hf ne Ellis, W H—Meridian, two twenty dol 4 Senator Daniel, of Virginia, deliver­ power. Instead of granting tho country prosperity mitting to the legislature of the States 607, Ux 20.64, s d 4, 4.8«, int 1.28, cost 50c 27 66 horses 4o tax two dol 4 eta school 43c lut À c 38c 2 84 Mountain Home, Idaho. Bailey, James— Syrup creek lid, 100 ac .100 qr. to twentv-four in hlk two, 480 Ophir Mining Co—Rocky Bar, mining daim chasing power of gold. He has also placed at th qr of ne qr of see 26, running e 830.43 feet 480; lota 19 acres two hundred 85 dois mill site 5 a 75 dol CIVIL ENGINEER, lota • to twenty-four in hlk 3, 360; lots 1 longest lived, man or woman, is being head of the Treasury Department a man noted ns i the last income tax case. along sec Une s 114.05 ft, thence w 330.46 ft buildings at mine 675 ti amway 5 water right 114.06 ft, 8.68 acres, 60, imp 150, to 14 in blk 4, 210; lott to twenty-four to be In favor of the thence e to 24 in hlk 0, 480; two hundred dois twenty stamp mill lo, tax COUNTY SURVEYOR « agitated by English journals and sta­ contractiouist, wh ki >t cn 15, 1 c 20,245, tax 8.33, per cap in hlk 5, 360; l< One of our bright farmers has lota one to twenty-f« »nr in hlk 7, Ooo; lota 398.99 int 19.96 cost two dol 6o cts ...... 421 44 retirement of,'all kinds of ?y excepting gold, 6.50, s dist 4 1.96, int 52, cost 60c...... 17 81 Bierbower, V—Shoshone, lot 7 hlk 16 Glenn tistics from the office of the registrar- Carlos, A E Mt Home, lot 7 hlk 3, 225, Imp to twenty -fo in hlk 8, 840, lots to And TJ. 3. Deputy Mineral What Ik ould do after that, is not fully explained; found a good way to protect the twenty f< blk 9, 600; lota to 24 in Ferry Hammer’s arid ten dol, lot « hlk 37 ten 775, 1000, taxes 34, s d 4, 8, in 2.10, cost 50c 44 60 dol. tax 68c school 6c hit and cost twenty-nine c 1 03 general of England seems to prove that hut It is derstood that in; would allow the people fruit trees from the early frostB and Currev. Harriet Mt Home, lota 6, 7, hlk 14 hlk ten, 180; lota : to twenty four in blk Surveyor. eleven, 120; lots to twenty-four in hlk Fahey, Christopher lota one to 16 hlk eleven y but gold, except such as tho gov- 120, imp 400, not en 50, 570. tax 19.38, s dis Dodge add Mt Home 67 all of hlk tan one taun’d the average life of woman is longer than nave the young fruit. At the break­ 25 64 13, 9«o: lots 3 to twenty-two in blk 14, looo Mountain Home, Idaho. urnnu nt would issue il give to the banks without no 4. 4.56, int 2.10, cost 50o...... lots one to 8 and 13 to twenty-four in blk dol tax 5 67 school one dol 34 c int and cost 85c 7 80 Crockett, James Atlanta, house Main st Experience in all branches of surveying, mineral* that of man. It has also been estai any consideration whatever, and in that eus-lie would ing up of winter he puts enow or ice 16, 1*»00; lots one to twenty -f< in hlk 16 Mtn Home G & b M Co - Pine Grove, twenty near Turner’s, 50, tax 1.70, s dist 2, 15e in­ stamp mill 4,ooo tax 136 int and cost 7.30.... 143 30 gricultural and irrigation. authorize tho banks to loan the same and charge any on tho ground around tho tree, cov­ 960; lota one to twenty-four In hlk 17, 480; lishod that a married man lives longer terest lOe, cost 26c...... lota one to twenty-one in Hlk IS, 310; 1 «ta Cavanah, F P—engine and boiler at Mt Goat rate of int« rest they might desire He would also Daniel, Marion Can>on creek qr and i mine three hun dol L Jackson lode thirten than a single man. This recalls the ere the pnow or ice with hay or straw qr ne qr »ec 11 tp 2 r 6 e 200 acres, 1200, ira one to t«* twenty.4 in blk 19, 200; lota one empower the hunks to contract and expand the eur- to aleven In blk twenty, lo«»; lota acres 195 Laura Jackson lo«le nineteen a two A. T. H0LLUBER and tho hay or straw with some 800. 20 cattle 200, 3 cows 45, two horses 80, hun 85 dol E Duncan lode l5 a one hun twenty- old joke of the end man in the minstre I •y as would best suit the operations of the specu­ 76 horses 750, two vehicles 40, not en 86. twenty-four In blk twenty-one, 360; lots to twenty-four in blk twenty-two, 480; five dol. imp at Mtn Goat mine 75 tax thirty-4 lators with whom they •ted. On the earth. Kxiiorimonte show that this 3150, tax 107.10, s district 4, 25.20, interest dol thirty two eta int and cost 19.16 ...... 53 48 show who denies this and says that the . 146 23 lota one to twentv-four in blk twenty three top of all this, a tariff bill is proposed which will tax will retain the frost in soil at the 13.23, cost 75c...... 960; lots one t«> 13 in bik twenty-four, 890; Orr, W F -Glenn’s Ferry, b ft of lot 9 blk 19 life of a married man is not really long­ Denton, J G.—Mt Home, lots 7 8 blk 4, 200, lota one to twenty-four in hlk twenty-five twenty dol. Ux 68«: school tau c Int and cost the people to buy up greenbacks and treasury notes root of the trees until late and keep Imp 70, two horses 20, vehicle 5, not twenty-nine cents...... 1-07 Merchant Tailor, en 3, tax 10.13, per cap 6.60, 8 dist 4, 2.38, 96o; tract part hlk twenty-eight, 50; p'at er, but only seein6 so. d lake them out of circulation, with the view of the tree from blooming so early and twenty acres 25o; plat 21 acres 25o; H6o ft Olmsted, Frank-Glenn’s Ferry, Lots sloven Mountain Home, Idaho further contracting tho currency down to the basis Interest She, 50c...... » is of plat twenty two a, loO; blk twenty five to twenty hlk 4o two hundred dol. t«x 0.8o sch consequently greatly lesson the Davis, Nelson—Mt Home, lots 42, 43 sec 30 dol. Interest and cost 04c .... 8 44 Has a full li.ie of Spring and Summe» proposed hy the Secretary of the Treasury. tp 3 r 6, 17.79 acres, 50, imp 500, one cow, plat a, Hon; hlk twenty-six a, 25o; block A. H. Patter, with E. C. Atkins A twenty-feven plat a, loo; plat of ground Gray, J D— Pint Grove imp 13o land lot 6 sec Samples of Fine Goods., 1 ilia is the woy the Republican party is redeeming danger from frost.—Wadsworth 20, two horses 60, two vehicles 40, not en two three 4 0 « tp Co., Indianapolis’ Ind., writes: "I have 70, tax 25.16, school «list 4, 6.92, interest recorded for Lake & Co. 4oo; canals and 0 tp r ten lots its pledges. We can not compete with the volumes Dispatch. reservoirs, machinery, lo.ooo; tax 1,469.14, r ten loo not en 70 tax 5.78 per cap 0.50 inter­ Pants from fYOO up. Suits from never before given a testimonial in my 1.55, cost 75c.... 83.38 ...... 13 06 of falsehoods which the gold press are circulating Davis, C W—Glenn’s Ferry, lot 16 hlk 21, 75, special school tux 34.» 08, int 90.74, cost 15, 1920 56 est and cost 78c...... 115.00 up. Fit guaranteed. Call and life. But I will say that for three National H rc beginning see that it ob- Pd •’nt 20.02, bal 8.62, int 1.37, est 50c 23 50 Mai field, twenty -five horses Mountain Home, Idaho. stop pain, but cure absolutely. It is a! 6th. to 9th, and members of the associa­ Daniel, K P Canyon creek, lots 12 3 4 Minster, Mrs. estate of ne qr n«i qr sec26 tp Kaiser Stephen lined office, through fais«' pretci d that it has 4 r 6 n hf nw qr sec twenty-five tp 3 r 6 12o sch 5o e interest ■ 1 cost twenty eight cents.. 78 rigid, and anyone who tries it will tim tion anil others from points west of the 31 tp 1 r 7, 139 80 acres, 320, imp 180, imp« fourteen cattle sch forty-three sympetliy Ith the of the people, hut that claim at Mud springs, 160, 3 cows 80, 2 a*'res 360, imp loo, 460, tax 15.04, school Lynch, G W Missouri River, should hy all means 8.68, int 97c, cost twenty-five eta...... 20 64 cents int and cost twenty-t ight cents ...... 71 F. P. AKE. • - Proprietor it so.” For salo by R. W. Smith its only purpe ic m to co-operatc with e the hor 25, 4 hor 80,2hor 20,vehicle 20 nt cn 15, tax 28.56, per cap 0.60, school 6.72, inter­ Mallisf H c -Imp 13 19 20 hlk 6 Mt Pierce, T T four hursts 56 one wagon 60 not druggist. power of 001 «nitrated capital, to the end that Do- take tue Uuion Pacific. . I 15 one horse twenty dl ten sch thirty fi> e c int d cost •enfcy-Sc 68 est 1.77, cost 75c ...... 44 30 fifteen dol. thirty hor- «•racy shall give place to plutocracy. Thc Silver The service of the UNION PACIFIC , Mrs M A Mt Home, lota 11 12 hlk ; vehicle lo cn llo, 805, tax 27.37 pr Thurman J—One c GEO. F. MAHONEY. AUGUST KUNNEOKE. cap . school 6.44, int 1 cost 5o» ... 42 50 sch dol fourteen conto The Democratic canvass of Chicago Knight Watchman. via Omaha or Kansas City is the very 1 4, 2(H), Imp 300, tax 17, school 4, interest 22 30 Mitchell. Frank Moms. : Rocky Bar known int 1 cost thirty-one cents .. .. 1 45 for t ho recent city campaign discovered host. The equipment consists of hand- ' 1.05, coat : Jenkins house 16, tax 5ie per cap 0.50 Ed worthy, J- House at Rocky Bar loo tax & Drentner, VV Bine Grove, house op Row- 7 29 d cost forty-lwo tents.. 10 32 KUNNECKE MAHONEY'S St. Charles Catholic church nt land's hotel 25, h< 15, tax 1,86, per cap interest 3c cost twenty-five cents ...... 3.40 1'nr cap li .5o 1 that over 50,000 of tho persons alleged some day coaches, Chair Cars, Pull­ McMannia, Il II Land com at |M>int sw qr Cole, O—Tw enty-soven hd cattle two hun and Ilailey waa struck hy lightning last man Bullet and Drawing Room Bleep­ 6.50, interest 07, cost 26c...... S 18 4o rocs e sixteen roda s 4o rods it; seventy dol. sch 54c int and c twenty-eigt «’to 82 INEW to have voted at the presidential elect­ Davis, Wm Atlanta, house on Quarts st nxt rolira and 24 rrsls s ne jr sec 25 tp th Missouri Rmcj for this meeting. ol qf qr 75c interest and cost 55c...... 6 40 twcnty-thiee hun dol. lot three hlk three Diarrhoea Remedy does the work. After tp 8 r «, running s 32 rods 20 ro«ls n 32 South Boise I twenty-five dol. imp 350 threo For illustrated matter, folders etc., imp 200, 22 Nichols, SN Imp«» two hun A special telegram to Ihe Statesman taking medicines of my own prepara­ ro«lH I river 2oo, one hon c twenty dois, not en s thirtp dol. six cows 9o twojiorses 4o ten Administrator’s Notice oî call ou your nearest agent, or address cattle 220, two ho 30, tax 19.38, per cap 8.11 horses 95 two vehicles twenty-five dol. 331, not h«>oI dis 4 2.56, school dis 5, 1.25, 4o, 7.48, interest and cost 68c ...... from Salt Lake, dated 29th, says: tion and those of others, I took a dose E. L. Lomax, 6.50, Nourse, FA S id nw qr e hf awqr hoc twenty int and cost 11.20.. 188 79 interest 1.16, c t yOc...... 31 30 61, tux 136.1)3 Suh : Sale of Real Estate. of Chamberlain’s and il helped me ; a four tp one r 6, l6o acres. 2oo, tax 6.8«*, sch Bonaparte Con M C Gold Notice id hereby (riven, that in punmunce of an Gi ii’l Traffic Manager Ecoles of tho Gen. Pass, and Tkt. Agt. Omaha, Neb. Farnsworth, A B- -Mt Home, blk 22 west of » 07 second dose cured mo. Candidly and r r track 300, imp 20, « cows 110, not 1.0o, interest ; d c Belt lode 20 a :!00. Gold Belt order of the Frobute Court of the Count}' of Elmore, Oregon Short Line announced late to­ 2.50, tax 14.70, school 3.46, int91«-, cost 50c 19 67 Orel» gh, Paul imj tat 19 hlk two Mtn of the State of Idaho, made on the 30th day of April, conscientiously I can recommend it ns jfj£?~SomeLhing fur burns, scalds, H«*me 35o, barber shop fixtures 16o, lode ex. 20 a JOO, Berlin lode 20 1897, in the matter of tho estate of G. P. GLENN, night that tho "Ogden gateway” would Fultz, Harrv—Glenn’s Ferry, lota 1 2 blk 33 17 34, Ht-hool ,4.oH, in to rest 1 08, coat 6oc . 23 00 ! the best thing on tho market.” The 100, imp 200, not cn 10, tax 10.54, per cop deceased,' the undersigned, the admin ntrator of Haiti be opened to all connecting lines on chapped hands and lips. Healing fur Peck, George Two c. in, ot en 15 p<> a ;!00, Finley lode 20 a 800, bl’k estate, will sell at private sale, to the highest bidder, 6.50, school 1.66, interest 61c, cost 25c.... 19 46 3 39 June 1st. 25 and 50 cent sizes for sale hy R. W. cuts and sores. Instant relief for piles, Fisher, John G. Ferry, lots 21 21 hlk 19, 100 3, Hchool 3o, imp hf lot 1 blk sec 80 tp 3 r 6 19.51 the same facilities for tho interchange Petrifiod wood iH plentiful in tho Don’t got the notion that hard 8«»«». lot thirty-two school land hoc 3« tp 3 r oil at tin: time of his death, and ail the right, title 50, tax 1.70, per «*ap <».50, int 9c, cost 25c.. 8 54 acres 239, imp 150,lot 2 sec 30 ami interest that the Haiti estate has by operation of of freight and passenger traffic witli Rocky mountain region, hut per­ work kille. It doesn’t; it can’t. Fletcher & Campbell Atlanta store building 0, 8.91 acres 48, imp lo, two s 4«», two horses 4«>, t-liicles twenty-nve dois,not tp 3 r C 10 a 1,000, 1 cow 20, 2 law or otherwise, acquired other than addition tho Oregon Short. Line and also with Work may tire, hut that is all. 200, tax 0 80, school 60e, int 37c, cost 25c.. 8 02 to that of the Haid G. P. Glenn at the time of hi« haps tho largo fossilized tree of Mt H twenty-three «tala, tax 00.73, school tax tho Oregon Railway it Navigation Then you must rest. What good, Fruitdalc Imp. Co. qr ne qr 14 28, interest 3.75, co«t 75c...... 79 50 lid horses 50, vehicle 10, not en death, in and to all that certain lot, piece or parcel of Clover creek, in this State, is some­ and lot tp 4 r0, 80 acres, 480, o Roberta, Mrs F M Glenn’s Ferry, lot 45, tax 51.47, sch 12.11, int and land situate, lying and being in the said County of Company that have been enjoyed only ■hf ir ; 12 tp 4 r 0, 100 a 960, 48.90, Elmore, of the State of Idaho an«i hounded and do- thing out of the usual order. hard work does is to mako solid 64.00 hlk 0 twenty-five dois, imp 275 not en 60 by tho Union 1’aciiic road for the past sp school tax 11.62, int 3.0*2, cost 50o . . tax 1 4, school l SO, int ; d cost. 95c. 14 09 cost 5.68...... 69 26 H«'ril»e«i as follows and containing two hundred acres: J. P. Holler of Clover creok was men. The healthiest men in the Glenn, G P, estate of G Ferry, se qr c hf Rhoad. G—Mt Home, all block twelve in Tlie ne Hof range 10 e of Boise meridian. As soon as the new order goes into I in Hailey yesterday, having speei- 6 r 10, 280 acr«js 1400, tax 47.00, sc hool 7, one horse 6o. 4 horses 00, tw diicl 36 tax 19c, int and cost 35c...... 2 29 Sealed bids for tlie purchase of «aid premises, or ■rest *2.73, cost 50c...... 67 83 not cn 15. tax 14.03, per cap 6.50, school tx any subdivision thereof, will lie received by cffoct through sleepers will he run be- tuons of this curiosity along with est. It gives them appetite for Griffith, R N Mt Home, e hf sw qr ne qr nc Thurman, W L—Mayfield, 6 and 3.4 4. imerest 9o • «»st 5 25 96 the said above «lay and hour, at id above place. tween and Denver via Salt him. The tree in question is io- their meals and brings refreshing • <|r ; 24 tp 3 r 6, five acres, 738, tax Rilov, Hugh -Rocky Bar, house 5o, tax 1.70 cows 60, 150 horses 1500, 1 ve­ wid be opened. 25.09, school 6.90, one cow *20, not eu *218, Lake. eated on government land, adjoin­ sloep. Work all you like and can, 1' jap 05o, int i cost 34c ... 8 64 hicle 10, not en 3, tax 53.49, sch Terms and conditions of Sale: (-ash, or corfifled interest l.“5, cost 50c...... 33 04 check for ten per cent «if the purchase money to tie Gönn», Manuel, estate of- Mt Homo, land Rohe A- Land at point 4< Is n of tax 11.10, int and cost 3.73.... 68 23 ing Hubbard Davis’ ranch, being only don’t worry and don’t keep r qr twenty five tn 3 r 0 paid to the undersigned on the day of sale, balance * qr nw qr sec 25 tp 3 r 0, ’ two roda n 1( ■ds c two r«»ds s 10 Larsen, A C—House at At­ confirmation of sale hy said Probate Court. Deed Mrs. Cilafisford went to Boise this about seven miles from Bliss. It late hours. It is in the latter two ning e 20 rods s 10 rods w 20 rtals n 10 hundred twenty «loi, at expense of purchaser. rods 20 rods n 10 rods, two ac , 120, lanta 20«), tax 6.86, sch 60c int morning for a short visit. was discovered two years ago this points that danger lies; not in work. imp two hundred, tax lo , school 2.60, O. c. GLENN, Administrator imp 1100, lot 4 I »Ik 3, 225, imp 600, interest an«l cost 93c...... 14 87 and cost 43c ...... 7 89 of the Estate of O. P. Glenn, dec«Meil. If the man pulled the load month by a party of surveyors. I» —Edward W. Bok in Ladies Home 20, mdse 400, 2306, tax 77.01, per cap 6.50, Sargent, Fred—-Glenn’s Ferry, lots 7 8 9 ten P. G. Address, («lenn’s Ferry, Idaho. school 18.12, interest 4.76, cost 75c...... 107 14 hlk fifty-two, loo, imp 6oo, one vehicle ten Burns, C W—Land begin’ng Dated May 20, 1897. niy26td While the horse held the whip, stands perpendicularly as it grew, Journal. Gearhart, Charles Dixie, imp on claim foot not en so, tax 23.4«, pr cap 0.50, school 3.45 at point 12 rods e sw cor nw qr Wood creek hill 25, 13 cattle 160, 14 horse« S5 «1 He’d fix up the road with all its branches intact. When jp®“Constipation in its worst forms, 210, two wagons 30, not en 30, 455, tx 15.57 interest 1 35, cost 5o... nw qr sec 25 tp 3 r 6 run’g c 40 Skelton, Il F - Pim ti Notice for Publication. per cap 6.50, int 17c, cost 50c...... « *3 24 e. hi int When he’d made the first trip. found Ihe top of it stood above dysiH'psia, sick headache, billiousness Pine 25«*, 0 home hundred enty dol, rods n 40 roils w 40 rods s 40 rds United States Land Office, Boise City, frlah*. Giant Powder Go. —House at Atlanta loO.tax two vehicles 90 not 30 tax 15.04 I»er cap Hundreds of thousands have been in­ ground about four foet, and this led and derangement of the liver are read­ 3.40, school 30c, interest 17o, cost 25c ... 4 12 S3 42 50, station at Dixie 15, barn at May 3. 1897. ily cured hy DeWitt’s Little Early Ki- Gard, A J Imp’mto on Ditto «*reck 300, two 0 50 interest 78c cost 50c...... Notice is hereby give that the following named duced to try Chamberlain's Cough to its discovery. The variety of tho horses 30, one wogoff 10, 340, tax 11.50, Sloan, Oliver—Pine Grove, house twenty-five Rocky Bar 50, 32 hd horses 640 settler has filed jtlee of his intention to make final nty d«»ls 4 mules 4« Remedy by reading what it has done tree is oak—probably burr oak— Hers. These little pills never gripe. school 2.72, interest 72, cost 50c...... 16 60 dol 3 vehicles 150, not on 90, tax proofi [»port of hit claim, ami that said proof will Small pill, uafe pill, best pill. U. W. Garrison, T -Glenn's Fcrrv, bouse rear of R hide 4o not en twenty five tax 5 10 pereap 33.83, per cap 39.00, sch tx 7.96, be made Indore th« Clerk of the District Court, El­ for others, and having tested its merits and some very beautiful specimens house 25, tax 86c, sch 12c, int 5c, cost 25c 1 27 12 3C more C«)unty, Idaho, at Mountain Home, Idaho, on Smith. Sprague 60 one vehicle int and cost 7 07 ...... 87 86 JUNE 17, 1897, via: GEORGE L. COLE, Mountain for themselves are to-day its warmest Ho wet h, Mrs L A—Mt Home, Iota 7 8 9 10 11 per cap 0.5o sp _ , . j have been taken from it, and sold 12 hk L) 260, its 1 0 inc blkUSOO, iin,45U ten, not en twe Home, Idaho, Hd. application No. *2879, for the W hf friends, tor salo by E.W.Simth, forfrom50centBto$1 p,,r p()Und At first thought it docs seem a 75, 1090, tax 37.06, school school 64c interest Mr have uncovered the main trunk of W“R1 every workingman .must Htolcy, John Bellevue, land King Hill ten, 1 I Mr And notice is hereby given that un­ Land Office at Boise City, Idaho, thirty two res 93 h «ta 3 4 8 9 hlo-k of Sugar Trust stock, netting a profit the tree from the surface of the ! f^d the sale of which is cck 40 ac 50, tax 1.70, school 25c, in- * lot 17 in block less the taxes delinquent, together May 3, 189Z. t 30 1» 1 lot 13 block 19, loo; Notice is hereby given that the following-iuoueJ Lrest 10c cost 25c...... tw, ntv lo«»; lota one two three an«l four 7 8 witli all costs, are paid before said day * ' of #30,000 on the transaction. Who ground down to a depth of 27 feet. controlled by one of the most per­ Hall, G P— Mt Home, land beginning at block twenty 175; lots eleven twelve settler has filed notice of Ids intention t«» make final ; lota eleven tw tl thirteen Dated May 19, 1897. 8 ROE, B. M., Idaho, doesn’t seem strange at all.—Spok­ rods five ocres 600, imp 1000, ne qr qr sw fouatecn block twenty-three 2oo; lota Hu nanie.T tlie following wit- oubo qr e hf se n ant! Burton H , Burton, W. V., and one s^riPPln^ the tree. Ihe formation '• qr two ten hlk twenty-three 2o> hick thirty- JAMES O’NEILL, I of the most widely known men in the j about the tree seems to he clayey, ane Chronicle. sec 25 tp 3 r 0 35 re«, qr qr d lot two 45«»; lota 9 ten eleven twelve thirteen cultivation of, Haiti lan«l, viz: Edward C. Currev, 4 sec 19 tp 3 r 6 hf qr ' qr Assessor and ex-officio Tax Collector James Bennett, William A. Osgood, George B. lloll, tp 3 r « 100 acre*, loto 7 8 hlk 3 College odd hlk thirlv thru«. 175; lota three 4 5 6 7 blok ail of Mountain Home, Elmore «sountv, Idaho. state was cured of rheumatism after Heller says the slabs from the g.SST'Chicora, Pa., "Herald :” Rich­ 34 15 lots fifteen to nineteen in hlk thir- in and for Elmore Co., Idaho. two cowm4 hörnen two vehicle«, not may 5 CHARLES HIMROD, Register. three years suffering. He says : “I have j tree, cut sectionally, make fine ta- ard Vensel reeorts One Minute Cough 3,292.50, tax 111.96, pxr cup 0.50, school tv four 126: fui irteen lota in hlk 39*210; loto 152 «1 thin •- nty three In blk 41 165; loto not sufficient command of language to hie tops and bring fancy prices, Cure tho greatest success of medical 2«.34, interest 0.88, cost 1.50...... ntv in hlk 4o lo«); hlk forty- g^“8ign-wriUiig, house and car­ NOTICE. It Hftgar, Mrs L J Mt Home, tato 21 22 23 24 thirteen to convey any idea of what 1 suffered, my j js probable that there are other sim- science. He told us that it cured bis three loo; enty, fo riage painting, and paper-hanging Notice is hereby given that tlie undersigned, who hlk 8, 650 imp 500 not en 65, 1115, tx 37,91 l»c loo, not whole family of terrible coughs and school 18.93, interest 2.84 cost 25c ...... 60 72 hors«.-« 4o, mule •ntv, ploaded gnilty to the charge «»f misdemeanor and wm physicians told me that nothing could jiar remains iu the vicinity, but en 122.50, tax 222 57, per e up 6 5o, sp school done in first-class style by James sentence«! to eleven months In the county Jail of Kl­ Hall & Willson Bine G re, imp gov’urn t .... 279 65 tiefully done convinced tor me andthat nothingmy friends but deathwere ! .„„„e‘T * Pn-P^ng_ ,• rfor ,,them ,-has yet colds, after all other so called cures land, formerly k «iatii . h 32.73, Interest 12.75 cost 5. Carroll. more county, will make applied«>u te» tlie Ktate Boon! had failed entirely. Mr. Vensel said it commencing at small creek sw cor lot run Turner and Or baugh Imp lot ten block of Bardons at its next regular meeting in July fori* would relieve me of my suffering. In la‘h“d11t0 reveal . . n two humlrtxl and twenty rods c 80 rods s two 3«*, not en tax 4 35, school 1.03 in- pardon. » J. I). HELPfrIch. assisted his children through a very 40 ro«is e 30 rods * 160 ro«l8 to hank South terist and -»ost Notice for Publication. Mountain TIome, Idaho, May 10, 1897. my 12 t4 June, 1894, Mr. Evens, then salesman Heller was exhibiting yesterday il, Chris, estate of—Lot 4 sec 31 tp 4 r 0 bad siege of measels. One Minute Boise river w about 80 r«*ds to place of be­ I« United States Land Office, Boise City, hlaho, for the Wheeling Drug Co., recom- | a portion of one of the branches, ginning 300, tax 10.20. int 61c cost 25c...... 10 96 ota one two three 4 sec 3<> tp 4 r « 10«> acres48o Cough Cure makes expectoration very imp two hundred dol, two horses0o one wagon lav 12, 1897. STOCK BRANDS. Howard, Win Rocky Bar, ditch to B>onapart Notice Is hereby given that the following named on left hinand right ribs. Earmarks, crop and mended Chamberlain’s Fain Bain. At which weighed 21 pounds. It was easy and rapid. K. W. Smith. mine 1(0 two horses 5o four horse« 40 one ten not ou 4o tax 90.80 school 0 33 interest 1.00 ...... 86 87 settler has file«l notice of his intention to make final vehicle 30 not en 20, 240, tax 8.10 per cap proof in .sutqtorl of his claim, and that said proof Öunderhlt in left swallow, fork in right. L JL this time my foot and limb were swollen a beautiful specimen, and he sells 6.50 interest 43c cost 26c...... * OS Tyler, W W—Glenn's Ferro, building on hlk HU HOFF, Glenn's Ferry, Idaho. twenty four twenty «Toi tax 68c per cap 6.60 will bo made before Register and Receiver U. 8 Land to more than double their normal size the like for 50 cents a pound.—News For Over Kitty Fears. Hall, J N— De Lamar, house opp N Nichols' offi'-i .it i; »ise t’it\, Idaho, OQ JI NK 14. 1897, viz: Iatft hip. Marks: Crop and split in left unbll ta at Rocky Bar, 50, tax 1.70, int 9c, cost *25c t 04 •|HHdal school loc int 4c cost twentv five cts... 7 67 right, wattle left Jaw-. and it seemed to me my leg would Ninor. n ld and kli kied emedy Turner, R J —Mt Home, land beginning at a WILLIAM MARTIN, Mayfield, Idaho, hil. application X A O W ^T R . Herald, Jos Imp ou Smith's Brairie 50. fifty No. 8530 for the lot 3 section 14, lot 9 sec. 15, lota 1, Both hips. Marks: Crop and split in each ear- burst, but soon after I began using the point r «jr se«! twenty five tp3 r stub of Ohio, dr, of tolmk,. Luc Co. «. 1Mr8' Winslow’s Soothing Syrup has beivi cattle 500, 550,tax 18.70, school 3.85 2. 4, 5 and 0 sec. 23, township l N R 7 K, Boise me­ H wattle right jaw. A. M. HALL, interest 1.13 cost 50c ...... 24 18 6 run e Ihre** hun thirty-two ft n two hun sixty ridian, Idaho, v20 92 Mountain Home, Idaho. I’ain Balm the swelling began to four ft w three hun thirty ft » two hun sixtv- He ie« the following witnesses to i- kakk .1, c’hknfv mala - o.th that he » the senior been used for over fifty years by inil- Howeth, C W—Mt Home land commencing prove his conti mkience upon and cultivation decrease, the pain to leave, and now I ! 80 rôtis e «w hf nw qr hoc 25 tp 3 r 6 four ft two Oi- - imp 3oo twenty d (•artner oi the firm ot s j. chf-ikv a Co., üoiHK »m. Bong of mothers for their children of,said land, viz: Edward 1\ vud Eliiott Tennywn ■ consider tnat I am entirely cured. Fori1"', th. I Itv of Toledo, County an.l Slate afore- l , ■ . ,, - ... , . 8 ro«lse twentv rods#8 rodsw twenty rdj three h«» 6o Ol vehicle 15 ^ t 15 tax 17.34 of Mayfield, Elmore county, Idaho, John O. Breck- $500 Reward. id «mi w:ii |ntv th. sum of o.NK wll“° teething, with perfect success. one acre 50, larni 40 roda n of point 80 e school 4.08 i l.i»7 cent 5o cents ... 22 90 sale by R. W. Hmith, druggist. Tho , Bhil Ro«*ky Bar, log enhin twenty- idge and Frank Doba«»n of Boiae, Ada county, The Mountain Home ('atttanien * Protective A wo. ‘V,!!'!.'1’, IM,l-l-Aa*s ,, r <;*«h ■«>«» ••**> of I It soothes the child, softens the gums, hf nw qr sec 25 3-0 running n 8 ro«ls Idaho. use «»f all s », «« , .. ° , . five ply to Mias Mabel L. Payne. Class­ [L.S.J A. W. cleÀsÏin’ Notary Public. “llt lo lll° t»«te. Bold hy druggists in Moroni Johnson Mt Home, land commenc’g ootl «Moto___ 12 79 YOUR FORTUNE Hall’s Catarrh C Is y«> health. Votirhnpplne Is y««ur stremrth. ical music and instructions to be­ toktn internally m.i a< ta.ti- every part of the world. Twenty-five at point on n line said 40 acre tract twenty Mayne. J««—linlinn Creek, hf sw qr Ir ! Keep the II rad nmf TI. t clear and healthy •tly on the blood and surfaces of the ays- cenU bottle. r, .. , . . , rods e nw cor and running 40 ro«is s e 12 qr qr qr twenty seven tp 1 r 4 l«o and y «»nr mind and Drain I - » I ways at rest and ease, ËGsnsâtéspQûB ginners a specialty. tern, bend for testiiuo alH, fit-e. It8 value 18 IIICRIOU* rod* ti 40 rods w twelve rods, 3 a«: 150, acres 3oo imp two hundred «loi imp h i enfin MAW’» MKNTHOL f > Il A l.F.IC Is the c ,, . — f- J- CHENEY A 00., Toledo, O. lable. Be sure and ask for Mrs. Wius- one »ere 4o red. « lif nw qr sec ir t>y Orchard Form (Jo , tm-n ...... lief.. mankind In all head (roubles. fSf^Eflectivo April 5, 1897—The Sold hy Druggists, 7' two hundred d«»l imp bo tax *25.50 school 5.25 ; (’I'UFH ( OI.I)S, MOUE THUOAT, l’A> Hail’s Family Bills tho best. low’s Soothing Syrup, and take no interest I.<>4 cost 5o eenta . .. 32 20 TARKII. That awfol odor olCm.ii rh dis- BOOT 17 HE Oregon Hhort Line Railroad Co’s new . Bpixmrs by Ita use. \vnn«i«‘rrui In liar FeveriKM CE o .other kind. r«u, 4 uth m, tot. zi-2-s-i t.tk it sis Unknow formerly •d by K II Stanton, i Asthma |F*IH'Y ON Va Y (iNItMtVfi. ADIN M. HALL, President, 1,090 mile tickets will be placed ou | imp lots imp 40, two land iu I joining J Male's places «1 won Indian Il al DrnecUu •«•»id f»r It. By gär Lost—A dear little child who ------aw, bfk«, 125, nati. M» T. HUTCHINS, Treasurer. creek id t«» be soM t«> Or char» I 1 Co, two Cl'SHBiX DBl'U CO.,h«nn4 YINCKSNKN,(or HfMk *>n MmINU., V. Î7ÎI F. P. AKE, Secretary. (March 30, 1895. salo at the rate of #30.00 each. Tickets made home happy hy its smiles. And I All the different forms of skin j 907.50, tax 82.90, per cap Ü.60, school 7.74, hundred dol imp one hun ny «loi tax fo.88 will bo limited to one year from date, to think, it iHiRht have been saved had troubles, from chapped hand» to ecze- , l”tr»riV*3, cml 49 39 school two dol twentv f* V Ulrich, Jaroi of sale and good between all stations ! 1 tat* 3 47 h «i^ioTp II ' the parents only kept in the bouse One ma and indolent ulcers can be readily X, lot two sec 15 loo tax «.Ho int and cost r»9c...... 7 39 thingwanted to patent- ? anProtect ideaääs your ideas ; they may Wanted-finsnii iuuuIdea thing to patent?a» on the O. 8. L. and Ran Pete Valley Minute Cough Cure, the infallible cured by DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Halve, '«• r 7, 2«X), liouse at AI fiv«.Unknow .iol tax 80»'frac school lot 3!13 Glenn interest s Ferry ai»«l costtwedty- 30c. 1 27 BUIlMrVbring yon CO., wealth. Datent Write A t tonneys.WttaLiiiAU^ JOHN wKDDKH- Protect roar Ideas:n Ktheyr fJSeÄ may »»ring you wealth, railway. A. N. McCall, agent. cattle 0211. 8 hemes 4uo, vehicle 75, not remedy for croup. K. W. Smith. | tlie great pile cure. K. W. Hmith. cu 40, 1785, tax to).09, per cap 6.50, tU»'xd Van Drielien* »I N-'rn on laml uot filed on ; D, C.t for Umût U pr He offer. _ . . , ^ SÏÏTbJfiîStwo .