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Ent21 2 133 137 Golovatch.P65 Russian Entomol. J. 21(2): 133137 © RUSSIAN ENTOMOLOGICAL JOURNAL, 2012 An unusual new species of the millipede genus Glyphiulus Gervais, 1847 from Borneo (Diplopoda: Spirostreptida: Cambalopsidae) Íåîáû÷íûé íîâûé âèä äâóïàðíîíîãèõ ìíîãîíîæåê ðîäà Glyphiulus Gervais, 1847 ñ Áîðíåî (Diplopoda: Spirostreptida: Cambalopsidae) S.I. Golovatch1, J.-J. Geoffroy2, J.-P. Mauriès3 & D. VandenSpiegel4 Ñ.È. Ãîëîâà÷1, Æ.-Æ. Æîôôðóà2, Æ.-Ï. Ìîðüåñ3, Ä. ÂàíäåíØïèãåëü4 1 Èíñòèòóò ïðîáëåì ýêîëîãèè è ýâîëþöèè ÐÀÍ, Ëåíèíñêèé ïð. 33, Ìîñêâà 119071 Ðîññèÿ. 1 Institute for Problems of Ecology and Evolution, Russian Academy of Sciences, Leninsky pr. 33, Moscow 119071, Russia. 2 Muséum national dHistoire naturelle, Département Ecologie & Gestion de la Biodiversité, UMR 7204 CERSP du CNRS, Equipe EVOLTRAIT, 4, avenue du Petit Château, F-91800 Brunoy, France. 3 Muséum national dHistoire naturelle, Département Systématique et Evolution, Section Arthropodes, Case Postale n°53, 61 rue Buffon F-75231 Paris Cedex 05, France. 4 Musée Royal de lAfrique centrale, B-3080 Tervuren, Belgium. KEY WORDS: Diplopoda, Glyphiulus, taxonomy, new species, cave, Borneo. ÊËÞ×ÅÂÛÅ ÑËÎÂÀ: Diplopoda, Glyphiulus, òàêñîíîìèÿ, íîâûé âèä, ïåùåðà, Áîðíåî. ABSTRACT. The large, basically Southeast Asian Hypocambala Silvestri, 1897 is the next genus to po- genus Glyphiulus appears to be represented in the fau- tentially be present in Borneo as well, because a couple na of Borneo (Kalimantan, Indonesia) by a new, quite of its 13 described species are widespread pantropical aberrant species, G. striganovae sp.n., which fails to anthropochores, whereas another few congeners have readily fit into either of the two species groups current- been described both west and east of Borneo [Jeekel, ly delimited in the genus, i.e. the granulatus- or the 2004; Golovatch et al., 2011d]. javanicus-group. This new species tentatively remains The basically Southeast Asian genus Glyphiulus ungrouped pending the discovery of further congeners Gervais, 1847 is by far the largest in the family. Based south of Malay Peninsula, including Borneo. on the structure of # legs 1, the genus is divided into two well delimited, obviously natural species groups, ÐÅÇÞÌÅ. Áîëüøîé, ãëàâíûì îáðàçîì þãîâîñ- the granulatus-group, which currently encompasses 22 òî÷íîàçèàòñêèé ðîä Glyphiulus ïðåäñòàâëåí â ôàó- species, including the pantropical G. granulatus (Ger- íå Áîðíåî (Êàëèìàíòàí, Èíäîíåçèÿ) íîâûì, âåñüìà vais, 1847), and the javanicus-group, which includes óêëîíÿþùèìñÿ âèäîì, G. striganovae sp.n., êîòî- 33 species [Golovatch et al., 2007a, b, 2011b, c]. Com- ðûé íåâîçìîæíî ÷åòêî îòíåñòè íè ê îäíîé èç äâóõ bined, both groups range from the central-southern ãðóïï âèäîâ, ïîêà âûäåëåííûõ â ñîñòàâå äàííîãî parts of China and the Ryukyus in the north, through ðîäà, ò.å. íè ê ãðóïïå granulatus, íè ê ãðóïïå java- Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia, to south-central Thai- nicus. Ýòîò íîâûé âèä âðåìåííî îñòàåòñÿ âíå ãðóï- land (excluding Malay Peninsula) in the south [Golo- ïû, ïîêà ê þãó îò Ìàëàéñêîãî ïîëóîñòðîâà, âêëþ- vatch et al., 2011b, c]. The geographically closest record ÷àÿ Áîðíåî, íå áóäóò íàéäåíû äðóãèå âèäû ýòîãî of a Glyphiulus to Borneo is that of G. javanicus Carl, ðîäà. 1911 from north-central Java, Indonesia [Carl, 1911]. However, because that species was found in a sugar Introduction cane plantation, while all other congeners occur north of the Malay Peninsula, we can soundly suggest that G. Formally, Borneo has hitherto been known to sup- javanicus in Java actually represents an introduction port only one genus of the basically Australasian milli- from a still unknown locality somewhere in Indochina pede family Cambalopsidae: Plusioglyphiulus Silves- or China [Golovatch et al., 2007b]. tri, 1923. Six species of altogether 27, nearly all caver- All the more interesting is a recent discovery in a nicoles, are currently considered as being endemic to cave in Borneo of an obviously local species of Glyph- that island; none shows a pantropical distribution, iulus. It appears to show a number of aberrant traits whereas the bulk of species diversity is observed in that do not allow us to assign it with certainty to either Thailand and Malaysia [Golovatch et al., 2009, 2011a]. of the accepted species groups. In addition, this new 134 S.I. Golovatch, J.-J. Geoffroy, J.-P. Mauriès & D. VandenSpiegel Fig. 1. Glyphiulus striganovae sp.n., # paratype. A & D collum and segments 25, lateral and dorsal views, respectively; B & E midbody segments, lateral and dorsal views, respectively; C & F posterior body portion, lateral and ventral views, respectively; G cross-section of a midbody segment, caudal view; H sensilla on antennomeres 5 and 6, lateral view; I & J limbus. Scale bars: 0.2 (B), 0.1 (A, CG), 0.01 (H & I) & 0.002 mm (J). Ðèñ. 1. Glyphiulus striganovae sp.n., ïàðàòèï #. A, D êîëëóì è ñåãìåíòû 25, ñîîòâåòñòâåííî ñáîêó è ñâåðõó; B, E ñðåäíåòóëîâèùíûå ñåãìåíòû, ñîîòâåòñòâåííî ñáîêó è ñâåðõó; C, F çàäíÿÿ ÷àñòü òåëà, ñîîòâåòñòâåííî ñáîêó è ñíèçó; G ïîïðå÷íûé ðàçðåç ÷åðåç ñðåäíåòóëîâèùíûé ñåãìåíò, ñçàäè; H ñåíñèëëû íà ÷ëåíèêàõ àíòåíí 5 è 6, ñáîêó; I, J ëèìáóñ. Ìàñøòàá: 0,2 (B), 0,1 (A, CG), 0,01 (H & I) è 0,002 ìì (J). species is among the smallest congeners known to date. ZMUM Zoological Museum, State University of A brief introduction to the karst region where the new Moscow, Moscow, Russia; species comes from can be found in Salas et al. [2005]. SEM Scanning electron microscopy. The present paper provides a description of the first Glyphiulus encountered in Borneo. It remains yet un- Material and methods grouped pending the discovery of further congeners south of Malay Peninsula, in particular in Borneo. The material serving as the basis for the present contribution derives from the subterranean collections Abbreviations used: made in Indonesia by Anne Bedos and Louis Dehar- MNHN Muséum national dHistoire naturelle, veng (both MNHN). Most of this material, including Paris, France; the holotype, has been deposited in MZB, with several MZB Museum Zoologicum Bogoriense, Cib- paratypes shared between the collections of MNHN inong, Indonesia; and ZMUM, as indicated hereafter. An unusual new species of Glyphiulus from Borneo 135 Fig. 2. Glyphiulus striganovae sp.n., # paratype. A legs 1, front view; B & C anterior gonopods, caudal and front views, respectively; D & E posterior gonopods, front and caudal views, respectively. Scale bars: 0.05 mm. Ðèñ. 2. Glyphiulus striganovae sp.n., ïàðàòèï #. A íîãè 1, ñïåðåäè; B, C ïåðåäíèå ãîíîïîäû, ñîîòâåòñòâåííî ñçàäè è ñïåðåäè; D, E çàäíèå ãîíîïîäû, ñîîòâåòñòâåííî ñïåðåäè è ñçàäè. Ìàñøòàá 0,05 ìì. SEM micrographs were taken using a JEOL JSM- rior gonopods and the prominent telopodite vestiges of 6480LV scanning electron microscope. After examina- the posterior gonopods. tion, SEM material was removed from stubs and re- DESCRIPTION. Length of both sexes 813 mm, turned to alcohol, all such samples being kept at MNHN. width 0.60.7 mm. Coloration pallid, only repugnatori- Carinotaxy formulae are those developed by Golo- al glands and ocelli sometimes showing red-brown. vatch et al. [2007a, b, 2011b, c]. Body with 3037p+32a+T in both sexes. Holotype ca 10 mm long, 0.7 mm wide, with 31a+3p+T segments. Taxonomic part Usually 47+47 ocelli, often nearly unpigmented and thus very poorly visible, arranged in 23 loose Glyphiulus striganovae sp.n. vertical rows (2+2 to 3+3+1, counting from frons). Figs 13. Antennae short and stout (Fig. 3A), antennomere 5 largest, together with 6th with a distodorsal group of HOLOTYPE # (MZB), Indonesia, Borneo, Kalimantan Timur, minute bacilliform sensilla (Fig. 1H). Gnathochilarium Pengadan, Cave Gua Mardua, 19.08.2004, leg. L. Deharveng, A. oligotrichous, mentum divided. Collum (Fig. 1A & D) Bedos, Y. Suhardjono & C. Rahmadi (KAL-119). PARATYPES. 1 #, 2 $$ (MZB), 1 #, 1 $ (MNHN GA 099), evidently crested, most of crests being incomplete; car- 1 # (ZMUM), 1 # (SEM), same locality, together with holotype. inotaxy formula, 1c+II+3c+4a+pc+ma. Segments 24 NAME. Honours Bella R. Striganova, a renowned each with only one row of high, simple, rounded crests Russian soil biologist and ecologist, on the occasion of (Fig. 1A & D), following metaterga with two trans- her 80th birthday. verse rows only dorsally and one (caudal) row lateral- DIAGNOSIS. Differs readily from congeners in its ly; carinotaxy pattern of midbody segments, 0/3(4)+I/ very small size, the peculiar carinotaxy formulae (es- i+p/p+m/m (Fig. 1AE & G). pecially of the midbody segments, in which the front Ozopores starting from segment 5, ozoporiferous row of crests below ozoporiferous tubercles is fully cones stump-shaped, rather low, broader than high (Fig. obliterated), coupled with the evidently bipartite ante- 1AC, E & G). Metatergal surface very sparsely and 136 S.I. Golovatch, J.-J. Geoffroy, J.-P. Mauriès & D. VandenSpiegel Fig. 3. Glyphiulus striganovae sp.n., # paratype. A antenna, lateral view; B legs 1, front view; C leg 2, caudal view; D leg 3, caudal view; E & F anterior gonopods, front and caudal views, respectively; G posterior gonopods, caudal view. Scale bars: 0.2 (AD) & 0.1 mm (EG). Ðèñ. 3. Glyphiulus striganovae sp.n., ïàðàòèï #. A àíòåííà, ñáîêó; B íîãè 1, ñïåðåäè; C íîãà 2, ñçàäè; D íîãà 3, ñçàäè; E, F ïåðåäíèå ãîíîïîäû, ñîîòâåòñòâåííî ñïåðåäè è ñçàäè; G çàäíèå ãîíîïîäû, ñçàäè. Ìàñøòàá: 0,2 (AD) è 0,1 ìì (EG). finely lunulate (Fig. 1AE). Postcollum constriction terior gonopods (Figs 2D, E, 3G) rather short, distally evident, but not particularly strong (Fig. 1A & D). membranous, folded, with a short, but evident flagel- Telson (Fig. 1C & F) bare and smooth, paraprocts only lum (fl), at base with a pair of unusually high, stump- poorly setose, hypoproct bean-shaped. Limbus very shaped telopodites (te) on caudal face. finely microdentate (Figs 1I & J). REMARKS. Based on the conformation of # legs Legs short, nearly as long as midbody height (Fig. 1, the new species clearly belongs to the javanicus- 1AC & G).
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