E-PROCEEDING OF THE 7TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ARABIC STUDIES & ISLAMIC CIVILIZATION 2020 TIMBUKTU: A FORGOTTEN ISLAMIC LEGENDARY CITY! Soufiana Salim DRAMÉ The Department of Curriculum and Instruction_ Islamic Education, Kulliyyah of Education International Islamic University Malaysia, 53100 Gombak Email:
[email protected] ABSTRACT Over the past thousand years, the Islamic civilisation had been shining and made immense contributions to the global civilisation. The early development of Islamic civilisation started in Madinah in the mid-7th century, and then it spread to all the Muslim world. The Muslim scientists and thinkers were the mastermind and original source of several modern sciences and numerous innovations. Muslim civilisation gave birth to the first university alongside the first mental health hospital in the world. That greatest contribution was made by Muslims from all over the continents. Despite this ethnical diversity and geographical distance between Muslims, the Islamic faith (Tawhid) was the strongest link that connected them. In fact, that universality was the great secret of the true success of Islamic civilisation. Unfortunately, the reality shows that all these wonderful and priceless Islamic heritages and legacies seem to be forgotten by our today’s Muslims society, especially, among Muslim youth. Therefore, this paper aims to revive one of those forgotten Islamic legacies, which is the legendary city of Timbuktu. It is also the vision of this paper to call and recall the Muslims to turn back to those Islamic heritages and legacies. This study highlights considerable achievements of Islamic civilisation and as well as some significant contributions of Muslim Scientists around the world. The writer used the document research method by analysis and evaluation with an argumentative as well as narrative approach.