CONGRESSIONAL RECORD— Extensions of Remarks E946 HON
E946 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 15, 2008 Most importantly, it extends a critical safety Sidney Feinberg of Deerfield Beach was in- the thrift store and assisting in the day care. net to help farmers manage production risks tegral in the building of Broward Homebound Additionally, she lends a hand mentoring ele- when facing unsustainably low prices or nat- Program, Inc., in Century Village Deerfield mentary students with behavioral issues and ural disasters. Beach, submitting the grant proposal to the has helped wounded troops recuperating in Illinois receives the 4th most nutrition dollars Florida Legislature in 1986 and being awarded Germany through her assistance to the in the nation. I was happy to see that nearly a 1-year pilot project in 1986. Broward Home- Landstuhl Hospital Care Project. three-quarters of all farm bill spending will go bound Program, Inc., has functioned inde- Paul B. Snow of Hallandale Beach has vol- toward food and nutrition programs, including pendently since 1987. Sidney has also served unteered his life following retirement to volun- $50 million for food pantries to address the ris- as president of Young Israel in Deerfield teering for the poor, elderly, homeless and dis- ing costs of food and food shortages. Beach, Flatbush, and Jamaica Estates, and is abled in south Florida, joining the Hallandale The bill also increases conservation spend- president of the Coalition for Century Village Food Pantry in 1991 and later becoming Di- ing to safeguard agricultural lands from the East and is one of the founders of the Na- rector. In that time, the Pantry has expanded pressures of urban and suburban develop- tional Association of Jewish Homes for the from helping 11 families in his first week to ment, and to protect our natural resources.
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