The Inventory of the Charles Webb Collection #426
The Inventory of the Charles Webb Collection #426 Howard Gotlieb Archival Research Center WEBB, CHARLES Gift of 1969 RESTRICTED A) Manuscripts ,Mi f 1) LOVE, ROGER. Houghton Mifflin, 1969. (Formerly HARDT, ROGER). ,, II a) Typescript with holograph corrections and printer's marks, 228 pp. (#1). / I II b) Typescript with profuse holograph corrections and printer's marks, Ca. 250 pp. (#2). ,, ,, c) Xerox of typescript with holograph corrections and printer's marks, 230 pp. (1/3') • .&ix I-old) Miscellaneous xerox, typescript, carbon typescript pages with holograph corrections and printer's marks, ca. 800 pp. (//4A,4B,4C). /J/)K ~e) 2 sets of galleys. (One with printer's marks). (115). J!/JY S f) Publicity materials: 11 printed pieces, l Typescript, 1 Mimeograph, 5 Photographs of CW (116). ,, ,. g) Printed materials (#7). 1. Reviews (Some xeroxed). 58 pieces. 2. LOVE, ·ROGER. Condensed. Cosmoplitan, September 1969. 3. Miscellaneous (Some xeroxes). 15 pieces mentioning book. /1 1 I h) Legal agreem,ents ({/.8). 1. Houghton Mifflin Co~ Signed by CW, March 21, 1968 • .'.. Includes xerox TLS from Robert Lantz (his April 8,' 1964. 2. Andre Deutsch Ltd. Signed by CW. March 21, 1969. Xerox copy. 3. 6 Xerox contracts with Universal Pictures, signed by CW. Includes 2 TLS-, No,vember 1968. ;• i) 1 book jacket (118) • j) 5 printed and typescript miscellaneous pieces . ((/8). " t/ page 2 WEBB, CHARLES Gift of 1969 ~DX :> k) Correspondence: With publishers, agents and re: movie rights. With many CTL replies by CW. April 22,. 1967-September 11, 1969. (#9). 77 TLS 12 Xerox TLS 17 TL 59 CTL 7 Xerox CTL 5 ALS 2 Telegrams 1 Signed memo 4 Xerox ALS 2) THE LAUNDROMAT • .Eox 3 a) Typescript with profuse holograph corrections, ca.
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