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LBJ Strives for Unity Seen Hesitant Veep

MONDAY, AUGUST 24, 1G64 ATordgt Daily N«t Prcaa Ran Thf FmtoT IHaitrlii^atrr %ralb For toe Week Hnded ------Augnet 82, 1984 O onir tealght, taw 88 to Ito Ohaaea ef ehewere Wedaeafiy The membership committee nettrlclan’e liate nreman Manohestor WATB8 will aisratag, partly anany to aitan- moot tomorrow at tho Italian of Bt James’ Holy Name So­ $115,000 For 11 Agenciei 13,705 Deimia A. HeMTon, U.S. Navy BITUMINOUS ASPHALT PAVINB aeon, high In 88s. About Town eon of Mr. and Mna Arthur Amorlcan Club, Bldridge St. ciety will meet tonight at 8 at Member of the Andtt Aftor weighing In between 8 St. James’ School caifeterla. A r­ Heffron, 08 Starkweather St., e DBIVEWATM • PABB3NO lAKfB Bniean ei drcsdatoia Manekmter^A City o f V M o g o Chmrm and 7, tho group will go to thur C. England, president, will ' H m ▲mM'ioan L «floa will recently returned to Long figMt tomorrow at 8 p.m. at the Beach, CaUf., on the anti-aub- tho home of Mra John Oarrett, discuss plains tor a membership United Fund Goal • GAM STATIONM • MAHMUm tALL OOUMM 88 Goodwin St., Bast Hartford. KtaMiHed AdvertMng «■ Page 14) PMOE home. Tto* executive board marlne . warfare aircraft car­ drive. An Work Penanany Btafiervlwi MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, AUGUST X , 1964 meet « t 7 p.m. All axecu- rier USS Bennington, after a Members ewe reminded to bring (SIXTEEN PAGES) We An 188% « TOL. Utxxra, NO. 178 ttva board toaetlnga tor the tour of duty with the Seventh their own chadrs. The board of Robert Davidson, son of Mr. Same as Last Year yawing aeaaon have been eched- Fleet In the Far East. He visit­ directors wlU meet tqplght at and Mm. Charles Davidson of 5 e d t o r 7 pjn., preceding the ed porU In Japan, Hong Kong 8 at the home of Mrs. Carl 73 Walnut St., is enroute to Thomaw, Dobeon Ave., Ver­ TCgular monthly meetlnge at 8 and the Phillpplnei. Florida by oar, where he will The goal for Manchester’s 1964-68 United Fund cam­ non. •a the hurt Tueeday o< each take a boat to the Grand Ba­ paign has been set at $115,000. The goal— the same as DE MAIO BROTHERS " nth. Dr. William H. Cuttle, super­ The Army-Navy Club Auxili­ hama Hotel for a ccmvention of WAS S€t for Isst yoAr’s d riv^—was Announced by United TeL 643-7891— W* C «nT Jamrito Seakr intendent of schools, will give Alpha ’Tau Omega fraternity. Beleaguered Khanh ary will sponsor a card party Fund general chairman Robert Fuller, along with the ap­ She Wcenen’e Ouild of Trln- the second half of a talk about tonight at 8 at the clubhouse. He will enter hie Junior year proved dUtrlbuOon of tho fund^— — — ' LBJ Strives for Unity his trip to Russia tomorrow Mp Oorenant Church wUl meet at the University of Vermont, i«ceipte. The fund coneolldates W6T6 flnaOy submitUd to the luimeinw at 7 p.m. at the home noon at a meeting of the Ki- About 90 patients of the and has spent the summer as a wanis Club at the Manchester Into one yearly drive the fund fund’e hoard of dtreeton m a •f t « w m e n Johneon, 81 Oak Rocky Hill Veteran’s Hospital waterfront director at the raising actlvlUea of 11 town rectmmendatioa. The board Country Club. Time’! Camp, Andover. NOTES from QUINN’S PHARMACY •etwe M. attended a flreplewe party agencies. suhaequently approved the Cuts Title^ Powers^ Thursday sponsor^ by the The agencies- and the breakdown aa aubmitted. h e l l o NEIGHBORS Every Mctii- American Legion Post at the Members of Memorial ’Tmh- amounU they wUl receive are: Membera o f the budget com­ day one of my aaaoclataa or I will hospital. Henry Wierablckl, ple, Pythian Sisters, will have Manchester Memorial Hos- mittee were Attya. Jamea Hlg- be speaking to you through this new commander; Eugene Freeman, a picnic tomorrow at 8:80 p.m. piUl, 829,520; gina and Anthony J. Gyrk, Mra. column to teU you eomethlng about Seen Hesitant witli SMART NEW adjutauit; and Edward Walters, at the home of Mre. Wendell Greater Hartford Chapter of Eleanors L. Gowen, CPA Pran- doings at Quinn’s Pharmacy. We’re historian, and their wives, hood­ Graves, Bolton Lake. Transpor­ the American Red Cross, 821,- cia Murray and Robert Warfel. likely to write about most anything. But Remains Chief ed a committee for the event. tation wUl be arranged at "It la Important to remem­ We may write about what’s new fa .t Child Guidance Clinic, 810,- A spokesman for the group said Orange Hall at 6:15 p.m. ’Those ber,’’ fund chairman Fuller aaya our family...or tell you eomethlng about our prescription department SAIGON, South Viet that patients at the hospital attending are reminded to bring 720; of the drive, "that there la a Manchester Council of the (of which we’re very proud). Or would like to heair from place settings and gdfts for a Bubatantial aaving In time, ef­ Nafn (AP) — Maj. Gen. Middle - Road Dixie Fights cup auction. Boy Scouts of America, 89,- then again we may juet tell you aa n «« UIGGAGE in this area. fort and money for the people Nguyen Khanh gave up the amusing anecdote that we hope will MARLOW'S LUGGAGE DEPARTMENT — 120: of Mancheater by combining 11 Manchester Council of the catch your fancy. However It goes, title of president and his Platform Set Over Seats Girl Scouts of America, 88,600; agencies Into one United F\md we hope you’ll look for oiur column dictatorial powers today The Largett in All o f Manchester! Childrens’ Services of Man­ drive. every Monday and stop in to see us under the angry demands Police Roughed Up chester, 88.600; "One gift to the United Fund at Quinn’s Pharmacy, the etore that of students and Buddhists For Approval Unresolved Manchester Public Health thus represents 11 separate offers personal service. gifts to the 11 participating or­ for an end to military rule. Nurses Association, 88,060; JOHN JOHNSON 878 MAIN STREET 641-4188 Lutz Junior Museum, $7,020; ganisations.’’ He was expected to stay on, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. In Halting Near Riot ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. (AP)—President Johnson’s Samsonite* Diocesan Bureau, 88,480; Fuller adds that, "With the however, as the actual chief (AP)— A middle-road plat­ Young Women’s Christian As­ enthuaiaatic support we are of the U.S.-backed govern­ peacemakers worked back- sociation of Manchester, $4,240; getting I am confident that form that largely reflects stage today in a new effort Spectators and residents early yesterday morning ment. And the Young Men’s Chris­ this year the United Fund will President Johnson’s desire to shape the 1964 Demo­ were bystanders at a near riot in which three Manches­ tian Association of Manchester, go over the top.’’ The 87-yearold strong man Silhouette may resume the premiership he not to rock the boat goes cratic National Convention $1,080. ter policemen were roughed up by a milling and alleged dropped after the revolutionary before the Democratic Na­ The fund's 1964-66 budget was into an LBJ unity spectac­ NAAMIV CMR ^Uiiimi beer-drinking mob gathered in the parking lot at Deci s prepared by a five-man com­ military council elected him to tional Onvention tonight. ular unmarred by Southern Tht f m m Nti nSTvisitf L..L.;— 1M.00 Drive-In Restaurant on Center* the presidency 10 days ago. Or Approval is expected, with with someone yelling "get mittee appointed by the fund disharmony. tN pau for hiiniryl WNk Eni Cm — - $25.00 St. he might have himself re-elect­ their guns,’’ police reports say. directors. no floor fight in prospect As part of this strategy to When the mob was nnally dis­ Each participating agency ed president of a revamped SWioueHe k Ihi look-yeu proftr...... " « 0 M persed, four persons were tak­ The two policemen were WORLD GREEN regime. He retains command of over any of the planks. keep Democratic ranks Intact, pushed around and kicked in submitted Its fund request for INSTANT Members of the platform the President was reported heal- Enry line is msjnificenlly trim. Made ...... fioM en to police headquarters on review, and subsequently had South Viet Nam’s armed forces. disorderly conduct charges. the legs as Gosselin tried to Jubilant student leaders told committee finished their work tating over the possible cholc* wHh scuff-rMist.nl textur.d finish ...... ""{S m hold Numac. A near riot ensued an opportunity to clarify the Frank Numac, 22, of 3 Wal­ The Associated Press that late Monday, turning out a doc­ of Sen. Hubert H. Humphrey aa Md strong lightweight magnesium <3250 a.s spectators, who had heard reasons for the request at a his running mate because of nut St.; David A. Burnett, 22, Khanh had agreed to hold a new ument that for the most part frame, locks re hidden. Interior. « Cwp.alon Case....- W2.50 the distrubance, stood back hearing with the committee. INTERIORSt affirms prpsent administration evidence of Dixie opposition. of 133 Main St.; James Kiely, BY STAMPS election for chief of state and along Center St. or on the porch­ The request of each agency policies and promises to im­ As the convention went Into a re dMigned for wrinkle-free packing...... 20, of 200 Witcomb Rd., Glas­ that the military council would es. None called police headquar­ was weighed against its ser­ Hermene Hershey prove and expand them rather second day it still faced smol­ For her. Oxford Grey, Dover White, ...... "•■S; tonbury; and Walter Kelly, 20. then be dissolved. ters for more help. vices and the program the funds than break new ground. dering disputes over the seating Biseayne Blue, Platinum Grey, Willow ^ ...... ‘ of 31 Stone St., were all charged with breach of the peace. Kelly Soon after, patrol cars came were being asked to support, to DECORATIVE Student leader Ton Thah Tue The chairman, House Demo­ of the Alabama and Misslssipirt Green, Venetian Red. For him: Tan- ^ ...... ' was also charged with intoxi­ onto the scene with Patrolmen determine what each would be said he had been in telephone cratic Leader Carl B. Albert of delegations. Erick Dam, Ronald Roberts, CONSULTANT Maj. Gen. Nguyen Khanh, left, resigned t o ^ y as contact with Khanh at the presi­ Johnson, who has said ba brk. Oxford Grey. Dek> Olive. cation. alotted. Oklahoma, said that although The four posted bonds and James Martin, Robert Parizeau The eommittee’s findings 643-9958 EVERY president of South Viet Nam and Maj. Gen. Duong dential office building, and there were some differences wants aU the people of the na­ were released for appearance in and James Taylor. Van Minh, right, whom he ousted, will probably Khanh said he was willing to : within the committee over spe tion to imite under his tent, was Manchester’s Circuit Court 12 Broken and empty beer bot­ —Revoke the charter he pro­ clfic planks, the final action on trying to find a way of cooling become caretaker chief of state. (AP Photofax,) off these two fires before they plea session Sept. 14. tles were found strewn against mulgated Aug. 16 that gave him the platform was unanimous. a stone wall and about the park­ sweeping powers. “ We go united to the conven­ erupt Into a floor fight and per­ Police said the near-riot oc­ ing lot, police reported. WED. haps anger other Southern —Have the military council curred after a complaint to po­ tion, and I expect it to accept As one policeman said, "the hold a new election for the chief our recommendations without states. lice 12:35 a.m. yesterday. group thought no more of as­ ' BONNE BELL The rebel Alabama delegatM Patrolman Charles Morneau FREE!! Strike Grounds of state — conceivably re-elect­ any floor fights, he told news­ saulting officers as assaulting OPEN ing Khanh. who refused to sign a pledge to TttiltiHsf was dispatched to Deci’s park­ each other.” Burnett was taken I NEW men. ; support the party’s noralneea ing lot at 12:39 to break up a A New Roll Of WED., —Dissolve the council sifter On the three issues that Re­ were told to surrender their to the hospital for treatmmt. I MOISTURE publicans battled over at their group of men standing in the Kelly, who was also told to the election, and set up some credentials. THURS., convention last month — cjvil lot. It was reported that some leave the premises before he Kodak Film I LOTION Pan Am Airline new form of government. Only 13 members of the dele­ 20 to 30 persons were drinklhg FRI. & SAT. An aide in Khanh’s office said rights, extremism and control of gation—6 delegates and 7 al­ was arrested, turned and alleg­ With Each Roll Developed Gov. John Dempsey of Connecticut and Sen. Abraham Ribicoff chat with Ella beer, yelling and making noise edly said to the police, "Hey, TILL that this version was essentially nuclear weapons - - the Demo­ ternates — have signed the (Black and White and I Reg. n e w YORK (AP) — Pan Apart Monday night but waa d^ Grasao on floor of Convention Hall in Atlantic City last night at Democratic na­ in general. Momeau, on seeing what’s your name, 1 want to correct. It does not mean, the cratic platform drafters drew pledge but Monday night all the the group, called lor additional Color Printa) $6.00 9 P.M. American Worid Alrwmye dl»- layed by the Impending strike aide said, that Khanh has re­ clear-cut Issues for the coming tional convention. (AP Photofax.) remember you, you lousy cops.” by maintenance mechanics, Alabamians brushed past help. Sgt. Walter Ferguson and patriied one flight from New camptiign. The five-minute scuffle ended lofkders, port stewards and signed h\s power as chief of Viet guards and took their seats any­ Auxiliary Patrolman Raymond without more serious conse­ York to Paris today then an­ Nam. The Republicans, adhering to way. LIGGEH'S nounced Buapenelon of all out­ commissary and flight service Gosselin arrived at the scene quences, it was__ reported, . „ _and _ The deputy premier for econo­ the wishes of Sen. Barry Gold- When they returned to their a t t h e PARKADE BONNE BELL bound mom fag fMghte because personnel. iMsty CsM soon after. | Burnett's injuries were the only my, Nguyen Xuan Oanh, told water, their presidential candi­ Events hotel, a telegram was awaiting of a strike. Pastore Oration David Burnett then alightw require medical care al- WASHINGTON (AP) — Pan The Associated Press that the date, were silent on “ extrem­ them from David Lawrence, from a car with his lace cut and ------— COSMETICS A company spokesman said ism" and control of nuclear chairman of the CredentiaUl FUST TO MARLOW’S—THEN BACK TO SCHOOL! though Sgt. Ferguson was also the departures were halted un- American Airways was early new move means Khanh no swollen about the eye. He told reportedly struck in the face by today by an AFL-CIO Transport arms. But not the Democrats. Committee, asking them to sur­ A'vailabic tfl noon, when a mediation at­ longer is either president or In State Momeau to arrest Numac for an unidentified person. Workers Union strike after a "We condemn extremism, render their passes. beating him up. tempt was soheduled to be In Old Tradition There was no immediate AseU Exclusively At TUESDAY and breakdown in negoUatlons (flee Page whether from the right or left, made in Washington. The sion whether they would. Both Burnett and Numay were KILLED BY DYNAMITE LECLERC ■pokenman said Pan Am hoped aimed at averting a wallrout of 'TBChidlng'The extreme tactics of told to get In a police cruiser. MEEKER, Coio. (AP) — WEDNESDAY for a settlement then. some 12,000 employes. A federal such organizations as the C!om- By HUGH A. MUILIGAN Athem, they were probably aU Bishop Defends As the President held back on James Kiely reportedly then in­ Twenty-two sticks of dynamite FUNERAL HOME PINE PHARMACY mediator said negotiations had munlst party, the Ku Klux Klan his decision on a running mate, The Paris flight from New Terrorist Bombs ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. (AP) cowering barefoot under the tervenedici vciitju 111 in uciciiocdefense V71of Numac. exploded while four men worked York carried 48 passengers. reached an "insurmountable and the John Birch Society,’’ boardwalk. one of the men he vetoed for tbs MARLO Keily was told to leave but on a flatbed truck preparing It 884 Center St. — 849-9814 Bircher Pastor Jofa—announced finally and foi> FUNERAL SPECIALS It had been scheduled to de- impasse.’’ the Democratic platform says. — Until my grandfather died "Shame, shame,’’ he cried in FOR EVERYTHING SINCE 1911! wouldxaf<->iil/4 ni-kfnot. U Hea txraowas thenfhart toldtrxlfl thattH nt 4for r \ y itaause in casingnaointf a O nnt*fhu/Aat»northwest­ mally he wps entering the New Union members began walk­ Hotel in Saigon As for nuclear weapons. It and left me his old gold railroad charging that extremists had he also was under arrest. ern Colorado oil well. ing off the Job within an hour York Senate race. DOWNTOWN MAIN STREET—MANCHESTER SERVICE declares that control over their watch, I never knew what a overtaken the Grand Old Party BRIDGEPORT (AP)—A Kelly then reportedly started The blast "blew the men to after negotiations between un­ use must continue to rest solely Mfanessota’s Humphrey, oho Cubans Evacuate aAIOON, South Viet Nam stem winder was. Now, I ’m niert “ lock, stock and barrel” and Roman Catholic pastor in to fight Morneau as Sgt. Fer- i pieces,” Undersheriff Bob WALTER N, ion and management leadera in the hands of the President. was everywhere dofag every­ T tkk'il ,E R .C 725 Middle Turnpike East (AP) — A terrorist bomb shat­ so sure I know anymore. the inultitudes echoed his scorn guson then went to help his fel- Kracht said. broke off. Picket lines were set tered parts of two floors at Salg- On the divisive civil rights Is­ Bridgeport has every right thing he could to prevent any low patrolman. At this point, it An oil company representa­ Director As Storm Nears up at Pan American bases on In the opinion of most of H ie "fa a thimder of applause. to be a member of the John incident that would m ar the uni­ IN MANCHESTER cm’s Caravelle Hotel today, In- sue, the Democrats wrote a Democratic delegatea, who Pastore had no trouble mak­ was reported by police, an un- tive discovered the bodies Sun- both coasts. plank that the Southerners on ty that Johnson wanted 23 Main Street, Mancheater The company said in advance jviring at least nine persons, cheered him for a solid 10 min­ ing his presence felt in the mas­ Birch Society, his bishop identified man in the mob ; day. Kracht said the tragedy KINGSTON, Jamaica (AP) — the platform committee said achieved, was the ennamsia of the walkout that a strike four of them Americans. utes, Sen. John O. Pastore de- sive Convention Hall that Is just said yesterday. jumped on Ferguson's back as \ may have occurred either Fri- Call 649-5869 they could go along with and choice by leading Demoerata for Leaving Hati behind. Hurricane probably would ground -all its The blast was centered in a liivred a real stem winder of a a little bit smaller than Rhode The Rev. Francis E. Fentcm, First To Marlow's — others grabbed at his uniform, day or Saturday. that one of them, Pierre Pelham the place. But individually and Cleo churned on today for a flights. Its planes carry about room rented Monday night by a .^note address. If so, It was a Island. pastor of Blessed Sacrament of Alabama, called “ something collectively they conceded llMy B O n O M 17,000 persons daily. Vietnamese man now being medium-large stem winder; You had the feeling that even Church, has served on the Birch brush with Jamaica and a possi­ of a victory for the South.” don't have an Inkling o f John­ sought by police, a hotel source something less than the clang If the public address system Society’s national council for Then Bock To School.. ROUND ble collision with Cuba. The union is seeking a 15 per It declares that "the Civil setveral months. son’s thinking. ROAST Jamaican weathermen said cent pay raise, improved vaca­ said. and clamor of Big Ben, but sev­ failed his sonorous voice would "As an Individual, Fatiier Some dissent to the obolM of injured were Rights Act of 1964 deserves and eral thousand decibels above Cleo is lo w in g remsirkable tions, a shorter work week and requires full observance by eve­ Fenton enjoys the freedom of Humphrey 'had been oommunl- identified as Mr. and Mrs. Dan the old dollar Ingersoll. (See Page Two) FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE similarity to last year’s Hurri­ other fringe benefits for the ry American and fair, effective every American citizen to be­ cated to Johnson, lending cre­ BEST STEER BEEF maintensmee, ground service Moran of San Francisco, Mrs. The little Rhode Islander, who cane Flora, which lightly enforcement if there is any de­ long to any organisation of his dence to reports that he still h ^ employes and flight service per­ Hugh G. Glassford, wife of a stands no higher than a two- NO FAT ADDED touched Jamaica and then hit fault.” choosing. As a priest he con­ not made up his mind deigrtta sonnel it represents. National Broadcasting Co. cor­ pound keg of mail-it-home salt Cuba with devastating force, Albert said this means that M tinues to enjoy that right,” said the relattvety late hour. NO ENDS About 1,100 to 1,200 employes respondent, and an unidentified water taffy, was In the grand Subway Blast SHOES THAT PASS EVERY TEST COIN OPERAXEC killing more than 1,(XX) persons. the comprrtiensive antldiscrlml- The Most Rev. IValter W . Cur­ Oov. Carl Sanders of Oaorgia, WASH-’N-DBY CLEAN ALL CENTER CUTS walked off their Jobs at 2 :16 U.S. serviceman. All had minor tradition of convention orators. OPEN TILL 5 P. M. Havana radio said residents tis, Bishop o< the B r id g ^ r t on whom Johnson hsu! been 11 MAPLE ST. In 80 minutes of rolling rhetoric (Gee Page Four) Diocese. leaning heavily fa his efforts to AoroM From First N»tionnl| (See P'age Eleven) See Page Three) and pounded home points, he Spurs Panic The priest was reprimanded (See Page Three) salvage part of the South ta'lha MONDAY-TUESDAY-FRIDAY Store Parking Lot really gave his fellow Demo­ last year after he announced November election, ssdd fa. aa OPEN 7 LAVS crats something to chew on. He NEW YORK (AP) — A sub­ his support of a petition that TOP interview he had told Johnson a$ 16-TJ). Wash—^25o gave thoee Republicans what- way station explosion and panic sought the removal of Bari JxJtiliL IjanluuL a White House conference Sat­ 8-Lb. Dry Clean—82.00 ROUND for and you-know-what In no un­ injured at least 10 persons today Warren, Chief Justice of the 5 Lbs. fl.28 during the morning rush hour. United States. urday be thought Swi. Bngana certain terms. J. McCarthy might he a better Free Mothproofing If there were any Republicans The blast In a station • The Right Rev. William F. Bobby Declares Candidacy choice from toe South’s stamW left In Republican- dominated room occurred afSiSO a.ni.,i|$H Kearney, vicar general of the SlfWJilL, Atlantic County when he got nearly an hour lalter all irtitvfcB diocese, iesued the reprimand point. through beating the socks off on the Lenox Avenue line above against Father Fenton for NEW YORK (A P)—Atty. Gen. 96th Street was halted. “using his pulpit to promote fSes PiBge *wele») W HEEI W ATER’S SAVE 30c Rnbert F. Kennedy declared his It came as a train pulled into an iesue with political o' Here are fehe most *tyle- candidacy today for the Demo­ the 116th Street station. tones.” _____ A POUND cratic nomination to the U.S. Police said injuries resultod Monslgnor Kearney said he wiee, long lasting and H0T-H0T.AND Senate from New York, a nomi­ News Tidbits when those aboard an express conferrM with Bishop <3urtls, nation considered already In his fled from the train. who was In Rome at flie time, value packed shoes your from the AP Wires B iiU etins THERE’S A LOT! pocket. Six of the injured were taken before the reprimand was Is­ children can possibly EHLERS Kennedy formaUy began his to Harlem Hospital. The other sued. , Cri«d froM AP WirM The pulpit incident "is a first campaign for elective of­ four said they would seek pri­ wear back to school I General Motors Corp. and vate medical attention. closed issue,” the blshCH? GRADE A fice at the side of Mayor Robert three dealer associations clear­ It did not Involve the priest’s Now! For only SVjC* a F. Wagner, the state’s No. 1 Trouble also developed at the PAPAL P *A «* APPKAl. ed of conspiring to reetraln 136th Street station and police membership In the Birch So- Democrat. trade by discouraging discount- cl6ty. VA'noAN onr (a p )— The attorney general issued and an ambulance were sent day for fuel.. .hot water house ^ales of automobiles. . . Father Fenton gave ttie fa- Vattossi soorose m iA Papa his long-expected announcement there also. Examiner recommends that In­ Paul YI will BBoke an »x tn - for aU— all the time! SAVE LB. from Grade Mansion, Wagner’s terstate Commerce Commission («ee Page Eleven) («ee Page Eleven) ordlnafy peaee appeal 26c CAN official residence. The mayor approve unification of five rail­ Wechieaday. A a sooreea eali returned to the city from the roads into nation’s largest sys­ toe poBtttf wonid speak at Ma Democratic National Conven­ If you live in a typical tem—nearly 26,000 miles. weekly geaend audtonm a* house, you could easily tion at Atlantic Oty. N.J., for Me in n ir r resMenoe Jnot the occasion. Gunfire breaks out in Mon­ out of hot water several roe, Ga., between crowd of Ne­ sonto e< Reme. The Pope aiM Kennedy met head on the is­ State Delegates Laud times * week. groes and several white persons. hi his tin t aneyellcal twa Now you can have all the GIANT sue of his residence: . . .Housewives begin paying woelca ago toat he would b8 hot water you need at one "I shall devote all my effort ready to latervene to help and whatever talents I possess higher prices for meat in some time tor only 9Vic'* a day. SIZE cities as National Farmers Or­ Bailey Rostrum Stint aettle worid dtaputee. A tuff Think of it—only 9«/|C* a TIDE to the State of New York. This I ganization continue to with­ days later he day! pledge.” Yes, thanks to MobUheat If New York Democrats nomi­ hold cattle from markets in 23 peaee on Oypme. __and an oU-flred hot water nate him next Monday, Kennedy states. , By GEORGE BAZAN < “He wae axceUent,” eaid the heater of correct capacity— OUTSTANDING said, “ I shall resign from the Houston has recorded 179 ATLANTIC CITY (AP) — governor, aununlng up the re­ MABB ABMBBTfi your family can take care of SAVINS OF Cabinet to campaign for elec­ suspected encephalitis cases Connecticut delegates may be action. MEW DELHI, Indin (AP)— all their washing needs at tion." and city health officer says a singing “ John B^ley won’t you • Bailey, hla specUoles popping More toan 2HM OemmimUti one time. 26c A PKS. Kennedy seeks the seat occu­ possibility exists that major please come home” today. on and off his forehead through­ protesting against food ehoct* Mom can do the family pied by Sen. Kenneth B. Keat­ epidemic may oceur. . .Soviet Bailey is not expected to be out his long stint on the ros­ ages and rfaiag prices hava waah. Sis can do the dishes ing, a Republican who has an­ Union accuses United States "hom e” for some time, but his trum, banged an oversized gavel been Jnlled In IndU’e biggsM at the same time Junior nounced for re-election. Mrs. and Belgium of armed Interven fellow delegates are hoping to hard five times and the conven­ inaaa ptdltioal am at atawe In­ takes his bath, and you en­ Caare Boothe Luce has said she tion In Congo and drops sugges see more of him here now that tion was under way. dependence. Sixteen hnndrad joy a shower. might run as a Conservative tlon that it might come to aid he has successfully launched the A moment later the Connec­ demonstrators w«re arrested Don’t delay— phone us to­ FILLET of SOLE party candidate for the same of­ of Communist-backed rebels Democratic national convention. ticut delegates rose In a body Monday on toe llrst day ef n day. Find out how easy It Is fice. fighting regime of Premier It was Gov. John N. Dempsey, and gave him a redounding four-d^ aatlonwlde protest, n to switch to a Mobllheat- The attorney general’s wife, Moise Thombe. . Democrats the delegation chairman, who cheer. government spekeemnn said decide to omit showing of film facetiously suggested the new today. This was the greataet flred water heater. FRESH Bthel, was with him as he an­ “Will Connecticut be in or­ 'Average family of four. nounced. * at tonight’s national convention theme song when the delegates number of poUUoal arrests In yesterday gave their state and der?” Bailey commented wryly. one day einee Gandhi’s elril A T OU R "All that President Kennedy session. At the conclusion, o f the 16- stood lor and all that President Two of St. Augustine’s Cath­ national chairman a rousing dlsobedlenee movement iBr sendoff to Convention Hall, minute speech the delegatee freedom M yeare ago. Abtad W E GIVE F ISH D E PT. Johnson is trying to accomplish, olic schools start registering cheered again. But this time all the progress that has been The proud Nutmeggers 1,000 Communist agHateif GREEN STAMPS Negroes Monday for the fall they held aloft a dozen placards. made, is threatened by a new term...... Mostlywatched fair Bailey skies step pre Into the full had been takm into eneiote vail over niach of n*tton al- glcre of the national limelight "Our man Bailey,” read the by midday today aa plifcto GRADE A LONG ISLAND and dangerous Republican as- ■zvilt,’’ the attorney general though line of thunderztorms ffotn virtually front row seats, signs. "Hooray to t JMB.” tag, street maroMs and ran In his speech, the chainnan said. develops from upper Great "W e’ll hit that gavel hard. Bee eonttaued actoee InMh MORIARTY "N o one associated with Pres­ Lakes to Texas Panhandle. . . . Brilev had promised the 48- urged the assemblef^ Democrats The spokesman mid toe Oept* U.S. NO. 1 POTATOES ident Kennedy and with Presi­ Ben. Barry Gtoldwater says he .mi>er delegation. Away to remember and pursue the munlst demonatmtlenB BROTHERS dent Johnson—no one commit­ told 60 leaders of New York we’ll go and hope we get goals of Presidents Kennedy and ------“ by ta» panjta ted to participating in public life Inisfaees, Industry, and banking through it all right, Johnson. tal,” bnt a fewvlnlewytoddinto wapt AIA^©' —can alt on fae aldelines vdth so at private dinner meeting that It was the c^ceiuus tajnrod to a( much at atake.’ ’ AHv. Gen. Rdbert F. Kennedy has rented this $800,000 mansion in Glra Clove "a man beeomee a succeeaful i delegates later that the veteran of Democratic admlnlstrmtlonf, ^ ' 643-5135 day MAIN ST„ l^ANCHESTER .. . 849-S221 BOW Uvos fa Vleglnta on Long Island. N. Y . The property ifl owned by drew designer Philip Huhtar. biisliiseiiiiin when he foUowa| stats leader had done the atate lb. bat * PCZNML r d t o i t p y i e n iE E MAIN ST. nnd PURNELL PAJRKINO a 25 1.39 (AP Photofax.) - M


■ftsr playing Ms grsat MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, AUGUST 25, 1964 P A G E f i n m keynoter ever to shed a teai^ nova Mt, ‘Desiflaado*’ tha qnar* ri­ Sheinwold on Bridge belt a erocodOe o m , for 1 2 t b C i m i t Getf Quartet, tkt auaweead aswaral vooal val kaynotar on tha RepUDHeaa quests from the audisnee and itstore Oration ■tda o f tha roatnim. axj — n snONWOUD G m rt Cases elomd thalr part of the Miow ml Mm*! UiMB Ohnmplsn 1 b tha high glm o f Ma a*^ Tony Bennett with aa feHtnanoBtal umrion of Champ Parachutists disnea, Paatora allowad aa how The true bridge et^wtwda K53t Gov. Mark Hatfleld’a San Fnm- their current Mt. And Qeti fin­ so BfiTSMlTiilT ikht bo may In Old Tradition Maco address was doomad to At B ig Tent ished the last line of lyrtoa. too. Hihik o f him self as a •wash- A JM «t faUure from Uie start « Bond forfettnraa totaUag HSi All but forgotten on the buckler with a pistol In eiute Visitors at Pioneer "He really tried hard, but he era called during yaaterdiqr'a skimpy program, the Ralph hitnd and a ontlass betwesn Ms ^ K A ir r » c » o m ) edtlch Om Utah delegation sent ■g ■ow n : HotiOOMB Sharon trio providsd moro than blasts of live steam pufflng to­ tust didn’t make tt,” the Rhode plea eesslon in omin In dia^ teeth. In tee play of tee cards, alUon o f sM it oaaaa, o m o f adequate, background for the ^ f i S 4 t By PHINEAS FISKE ' to Vm roftor-lMM roof, way ward the celling from a huge Uand spallUnder said of Ms b s «r aoagr haTO ^ bowsvor. ha waara both bolt and vdileh alao krouglit a raan Sail rimtnWrm. but his t a m t Iter. Sharon alao handlas the a 87 ■^.dMca wiMTO footballs float oo gold steam whistle that was Oregon counterpart “Ha wrote WHpendwrs. and he carries an Manchester’s Pioneer Parachute Co. was host yes­ order from Judge BeneiSet ta WMSuglnnl, Bm Oak arrsoMlng fbr tha aingar, a skill i A M I f 1_____ ♦ 1 * 4 fpn oftomooHs wben the hall Is shaped like a beehive. Ms speech for Rockefeller — he nmkraOa whsn tews is nary terday to five members of th4 U.S. sport parachuting delivered it for Scranton — and Holden and a new bond o f |800. ifiiMrrl Theatar to be sk- provsn by the oontinual stream eload In tea sky. •OOIH iMsd fbr Indoor professional ■ The first mention of Johnson dande M. Begin, 88, of Nor­ of Mts producad. A A 7 4 team — here to see how their competition winning sent the Texas delegation into a the convention ended up with act, aaittm a last night Tangr Bsote dealer fam es. Goldwater, and now he won’t wich,' diarged with obtaining Bennett added another ohaptar Tha douMa-barrelad . Both stdos vulnemUe V A Q C chutes are made. UNANlMpUS frensy. K s sonorous oifan ^ e voice, buy tt.” foods by false pf s i snasa, for- to the Mg tsat’a long string tatlon continuea throagh Sun­ Opening lead—^Flve o f Chiba. All five have just returned chutes, the Commander Is full mam mellifluous and pleadlnf, The loudest anti-Republlcan 'eited a 8*00 bond when he Of tMrd-generaUon Italian o f top Boteh SMIvldual eonceata. day (BO matlnaaa). Th«rs’s nothing fearfully dar­ from the world parachute of a variety of holes designed BOW cnttinf w ^ a fine edfe of catcalls greeted the senator’s failed to apfwar In cou rt H io O^dale goes back to the mu­ championships in Leutklrch, charge of conspicuous inconsis­ descent, Pastore had the New The Bta« GetB <^tsrtot w m aim ing about South's contract to make the 'chute mo^re man­ oaroasm, now deep with a Judge then ordeMd Begin’s the MB hot K wna Mrictly sical play department next Booth should hid game evm If Germany — where they won euverable and to slow its des­ doomsday emphasis on the dark tency against Goldwater. Englander’s way of endtng aen arreat and set tha new i week when "Camelot” makes a t !S tences with a rising inflection in Tony’s Mioww — Md. ai Tony’s he doesn’t know a awash from three of four major competi­ cent. days ahead, seemed to out-pipe "■fhe world,” he Intoned, higher bond. return performance. This thna A« tions while wearing Pioneer "cannot wait until Saturday to his voice for emphasis, the audience, too. a hackle. The play Is another As a result, the Para Com­ the Oonventlon Hall pipe organ, Begin was arrested by State the show wfil star George Wal­ story. South goes down tt he made Para Commanders — and learn what he meant on Mon­ same as did John F. Kennedy, a Police ftor reportedly purchas­ He gave them aU. Singing mander Is capable of moving which local boosters claim to be lace, Jan Ifoody and Arthur fOrgris Ma umbrsUa. has no club to lead. It Bast did were on their way to the U.S. forward faster than it moves CHOICE t h i r d-generation Irishman. the largest in the worid. day. The man in the White ing a bottle of liquor for |1.40 old songs, BOW aongs, fa st Treacher, stars of the National West opens the five of clubs, have a club, the suit would then National competitions in Salt House has to be understood the There was alao tha feeling that while passing a 896 Mieck at an soc«a, alow aonga, happy aonga downward, giving the para­ In Ms half-hour address. Pas- Company. Tremendous public and Bast pUys the Jack. The av­ break 4-4, and South would lose Lake City, Utah. first time. For Mm there is no Hurricana Cleo might have Andover package store. The and blue aoi^a — all only three club tricks anyway. chutist considerable time to find tore mentioned the word Repub- response to the first production erage declarer pla^ a cunning During a brief stop over they second guess.” reached Atlantic City early, the check bounced at the bimk From hte “Isillahy of Broad- •As pesaimiatio pUy gtraa up toured Pioneer’s Forest St. his landing spot and adjust the Hcaa only nine times and Barry way the keynoter kept flailing ( s t a r r i n g Howard Keel) king to win this trick, hoping direction of his fall. In the long tradition of the where the accuont was stiarked w ^ ’ openar to Ma *1fanMnt o f prompted produoers Ben Segal to confuaa the opfXMants aa to South’s chance for two ohib plant, went to lunch with sales Goldwater by name only three stem winder, which really be­ his arms and snatching at imag­ ‘‘cloeed.” Truth” eloaer they were wen tricks—except that South waa Herman Weber, and As a result, Miss Taylor times. But he mentioned Lyndon inary flotsam and Jetsam. and Bob Hall to reschedule the the whereabouts of the queen. says, the Commander takes gan to unwind with William Jen­ The seven other bond forfei­ received. Lamer and Lowe Mt It turns out to confuse no­ never going to make a second held a hasty press conference B. Johnson U times, John F. nings Bryan's famed "Cross of Pastore had the distinction of tures were called against out- Included were aoase an-tlm« Mub' trick. The important thing before rushing to Bradley some time to get accustomed being the first convention body. South must go after the to. ”I made a lot of jumps with Kennedy 9 times and the word Gold” keynote back in 1886, of-state motorists who failed to Bennett Mts — the aforomen- diamonds, and East wins with is to lim it Want to thrao a h » Field for a westbound flight. Democrat 11 times. Pastore’s address was a classic speaker to get the audience ac appear in court to answer to tioned "San Franclaoo,’* "Raga tricks. The five parachutlstu — from it before I realised what It was tually to listen to Mm, no mean Mrs. Kenny G^ts the king and returns tha nine all about,” she says. But when At the first mention of the late combination of imforglvable Re­ speeding etuuKea to Rlehea,” “T ou n gar Hiai of cliiba. IMa holds tea trick, DnOy Q m e U m areas as far separated aa President Kennedy, Pastore's publican sins and unforgettable trick in a hall massively overpo­ Flnw of 898 each wore or­ raitnarapM wUi 1 M* #• she did, she added, "It was Spring” and "Becauae of Tou.' and East continuea with Ma re- Bloomfield here in Connecticut like flying.” speech was interrupted by the Democratic deeds. pulated with back- poundliv. dered M the oases of Uklis P. Some new onea too — of laaa UF Post Again to U pahitB), and tee anxt ear-bendiiig, aisle-trotting poUti- midnlng club to gtvs Weat the and Riverside, Calif., in the Part of the reason for the Bight's biggest ovation, during But he was probably the first Berens, 17, of 4 9 Doane St. for nerw to tfaeae aais. nlayier passes. Toa hoUt Oaba, weat—appear at first as though Mans. dUregudlng a "no paselng rest o f the suit. team visit to Pioneer was to From the reeponM of the Mrs. Dorothy F. Kenny, 96 The defenders collect one dia­ M ; Hearta, 9-5-4-S; INamsnda, they would have little in com­ 'The senator, in fact, was so sign”: Edward F. Armstrong, 8.7; Chiba, A-16-S4-S. see the chutes being made. generally upUfling as a keynot­ 36. Rockville, failure to drive nearly flUed tent. It waa easy W. Middle Tpke., has been ap­ mond and four clube, defeating mon. While production parachutes to aee why he has three aBiuma pointed Miairman o f the MuMM- the contract South takas tbs What do you say? But it quickly becomes ap­ iiTk f - that moat of th« delentes to the right; Robert A. Hansen, Answer: Pass. Game is cot of used for military purpoees are didn’t go near a bar or a pokeri. 15, o f 184 Charter Oak S t, op­ on the 100 moot popular list pal Division of the 1664-66 cutlass out of Ms mouth to say parent that their rather singu­ manufactured for the most and why he sold 86,000,000 United FUnd oamfwign. She wfil "Hard lock, partner!’’ tee question since you have only lar shared experiences In jump­ no parlor for a full hour after erating a motor vMilcle with 4 p(£nte in M | ii cards and part­ part at Pioneer plants in the the session adjoumsd. defective brake#; Patricia Hol­ worth o f diaes in 1068. assume tee post for tee third The eaq;>ert sees thnt be oan ing from airplanes has welded south, the competition and ex NORMAN’S ner has only 18 potoito at m eet lis. Bast Hartford, for driving Bom Anthony Debenadette, oonsecutive year. afford to lose three Muba hut them into a close personal com­ perimental models are made at Some of them even found Mm not four. He plays the hand One notrump should be a rear munity. so morally persuasivs as to ask a motor vehicle without a driv­ he atarted out einging Joe Bari Mrs. Kenny le secretary to sonaUe partecore contract the Manchester plant. for the Newest Models in pessimistically with that dls- Anne Batterson of Blomfield their wives’ permission to catch er’s license. but had hki name changed to General Manager Richard Mar­ With their tour completed ^ b a r m a n Also, Paul B. Lunt 17, He­ tin. She is a member of the tinctlan in mind. describes herself as a 23-year- about 2 p.m. yesterday most of the midnight show at the Globe Tony Bennett by Bob Hope. He South must allow East to win For Sbeinwold’s 88-pago book­ bron, 815, failure to drive in an got a few quips in about the M Unic^ Employes Group, St old "professional stuX'nt.” the team members packed in burlesque house, where Sally the first trick with the Jack of let "A Pocket Guide to Bridge,” There is an air of the collegiate Weber's car and rushed to Rand, the grand old girl of glT' established lane; and Howard Italian parentage durliw ^ Bridget’s Rosary BoMety, tee send 60 cenU to Bridge Book, E. Tuthlll, 68. Springfield, Chiba. When Bast returns the beatnik suggested by her long, Bradley Field to get an out­ lie shows, is nightly exMMtlng Mai lyrics to “Rags to RiMiee’' Ladles of Columbus and St nine of clubs South must play Manchester Eve. Herald, Box Ifass., 816, pasting in s ’’no but ki sn aside, told the audi­ Margaret’s Circle, Daughter of straight hair and the thong san­ bound flight. the best preserved chassis tMs low once menu. 3818, Grand Central Statlan, Mew dals on her feet. She is a mem­ Their baggage, Weber said side of an antique automobile passing” sone. ence he’d leave the Italian sing­ Brnbella. York 17, N.T. Burton L. , 17, of St South ifiays cos of his hotx«x ber of the women’s team which this morning, was 160 pounds U.S. parachute team members Dick Fortenberry, Anne Batterson, Tee Taylor, Ron Sewell *m J muaeiun. ing to Jerry Vale. She ki a volunteer for tee on the third round of clubs and Copyright 1864 overweight—they carried their and Mrs. Doris Inman look over the parachute components during a tour of the Pioneer With the keynote qweeh out of Elro St., charged with dls- One of the nation’s foremoet American Red Croae Nurses eeneral Feataree Oorpw took first place in the interna­ chaige of fireworks, a vlMatVon Is then safe. Whan East gets In tional competition. parachutes with them onto the Parachute Co. Forest St. plant yesterday. (Herald photo by Pinto.) the way and the credentials contemporary Jasa mualMans, Aid corps, and has woiked for with tee king of diamonds, he RCA VICTOR of a town ordinance, had Ms Dick Fortenberry ks a 26- plane. Not exactly the way to commltte well on the way to Gets also showed a flair for the Red Cross Blood Baific and , I case transferred to Juvenile year-old staff sergeant station­ breed confidence amongst the (Jleo’s gales extend 160 miles to deciding the fate of the rival comedy in Ms between numbers tee Mothers’ March on Polk) other passengers on the flight. occurred, rescued a wounded MlssisBlppi delegationa, about court authorities. The compan­ ed with an airborne unit at Ft. Vietnamese room boy from the Cubans Evacuate the north of her center^ and [ lit hundred and «ilghty-sevan Main Street, comments. But although some She is a former Cub Boout den Shows At 7:00-9:15 Bragg, N. C. Off duty he gives the only suspense now left at the ion case of David Hildebrand. rubble and helped others out of about 100 miles to the south. Maneheeter, eowiectiout 16, who gives Me address as SIC of hie work was a little far out mother. the impression of being relaxed convention is for Lyndon John­ for this slightly square review­ L dust- and smoke-filled corridors. As Storm Nears The distance between Jamal-1 son to hold the vies presidential Garden Dr., was given a nolle P E T E R ELK E to the core, expressing himself Terrorist Bombs to the fireworks count. Both er, his artistry with the tenor COURTSHIP DELATED OPEN for in refiectlve terms and a home- Then Heib forced open doors ca and Cuba is only 100 miles. candidate iq> by the ears and sax was apparent to every ear, VARNA, ni. (AP)—A ro­ SELLERS SOMMER of an elevator stalled between (CoBtlnued from Page One) Cleo can’t squeeze between 1 SPORT JACKETS and SLACKS show wMeh man he wants. boys were chaiged foKowing a }y vernacular. “The Pioneer fireworks dlstrahance in a VibnqilKmlat Gerry Burton, mance Interrupted by the boy people have been real good to Hotel in Saigon the fourth and fifth floors and them. a refugee from the G eorg marcMng off to war la an old have begun evacuating Cuba’s paiidng lot of a Center St Liooh aod DioHors .SHOT,INTHE, us,” he Intones in talking about rescued a hysterical but unin­ The hurricane hit Guadeloupe I fhoM of jros, who sre ‘‘oarly bird” ahoppeni will drive-in reataurant. Shearing group, also demon story. his visit to Manchester. Forten­ (Contlnned from Page One) jured Frenchwoman. Oriente Province. Saturday, killing at least 14 per­ But in the case of Oiarlee L. DARK Nones were also entered In strated great ability as muMc Speciellaing In DeliMoae berry, from Riverside, Calif., The suite in which the bomb The Kingston Weather Bureau sons, injuring 100 and causing bs hiitnstod ko know that we have atarted to re- Jeanes, 94, of Staunton, ni., and iCOlURi Injuries caused by flying glass the cases of John A. Bowers, ian, arranger and composer. ItnUan-Amerieea Foods won the men's overall cham- exploded had been occupied $50 million damage. It then 41, of 86 Essex St., for breach Olive Brown, about 86, the story said Cleo's 140-mile- an-hour The only disappointing note I^onship in Germany. and other debris. through Monday by U.S. Air skirted to the south of Puerto M ire o«r new eoUection of fall and winter aptHi: of the peace; and Paul W. is armmd 66 years old. Also injured were a secretary winds were slowed to 110 miles waa caused by a case of chick­ O AK STROT In crisp comparison is Tee Force men. Field grade U.S. of­ Rico and the Dominican Repub­ Fi£ts, 46, no certain address, The couple was married Sat­ of the New Zealand Embassy, a an hour by the mountains of en pox. It was contracted by AIR-CONDITIONED Taylor, an ex-airline stewardess ficers frequently are billeted at lic before roaring across the jsMkete and alaeliB. Sven tf you are not in the for non-support. urday, fulfilling a courtsMp in­ RESTAURANT French businessman and sever­ Haiti, but are expected to build Astrud Gllberto, the Brasilian 3rom Dallas whose fajher sug the Caravelle pending assign­ iMuthern Up of Haiti. Several eases were continued terrupted when Jeanes went to SO OAK STREET al hotel employes. up again between Jamaica and marhet for one at thie time looking them over songstress whose whlspery vo­ BURNSIDE gested that she try parachuting ments In Saigon. In Mexico, weather officials to later court dates for dle- w a r—the Spanlsh-Ameriosn SO'. ,1 AVI IASI l.AkTIvk: Cuba. cal on "TTie Girl from Ipanema” to settle hU curiosity. She did, The bomb apparently had The Caravelle is Saigon's warned that Cleo would hit the posttlons by plsa or trial. War. FRFt PARKING 5'i»8 M .l Although the full force of the has made it one of the hottest and she is now world champion been placed in a broom closet in Yucatan channel between Cuba BOight ehange your mkad. leading tourist hotel. The Au.s- hurricane is expected to skirt hyt Herman Wise, records in the country. woman sport parachutist. On one room of a three-room fifth- tralian and New Zealand em­ and the Yucatan peninsula with­ Gets explained her absence this former British island, Reg. Fh. tee ground she is trim, sophis­ floor suite. The explosion demo­ bassies are on the seventh floor. in 48 hours if she remains on Break Reported and added he wouldn’t attempt ticated and reserved. lished the suite, blasted holes in Jamaicans were warned to pre­ hi the weeks to oome we hepe to replace her as vocalist, but pare for gales and possibly hur­ course. Ron Sewell is the only civill- the relnlorced concrete floor FIRM BEING SOLD to explore and to explain some At Supermarket an member of tee men’s jump- ricane force winds. Above nor' and ceiling, blew out part of a STRATFORD (AP) -- Ne­ of the more interesting aspects HAPPY HOUR <»‘fr team, which took third wall and started afire from an mal «des and battering surf Trncli Total IS Million of the wide and wonderful field gotiations are in progress on were forecast for the northern COLOR TV place It the world’s competl of medicine. We wlU inveaUgate store offtcials at the A A P 4 PJL TO 8 P JL DAILT electrical short circuit. More details of the sa^ of Manning, Food Store on Broad St. today tlons. He agreed with Miss than 26 rooms nearby were coast of Jamaica — especially DETROIT—The United Stales, WITH UHF and VHF a few "firsts,” dwell s moment MEADOWSES' Maxwell and Moore, Inc., to between Port Maria and Monte HOLA\E^ are doing an Inventory of goods HlfO SPCFD OPrtV RI 91 Noith The Qark’s COCKTAIL Taylor that it was curiosity damaged. Dres.ser Indxistries, Inc,, of with 13,000,000 trucks, has 401 on some of the great pioneers go Bay, where most of the plush per cent of the world’s total. and look Into some of the as­ to see what may be missing, 1 Min. from O. Fox A Co. 98 North S t e TeL 438-9001 teat got him involved with par­ The fire was brought under Dallas, Tex. The boards of di- the result of a break into the OF YOUR CHOICE achuting. control after the hotel power Vectors of both companies have tourist hotels are located. The rest of the worlif has 19,-1 tounding breakthroughs of ENDS TONITE — Color W IL U M A N n C The hurricane is moving in a 250,000 trucks, with tee Soviet medicine that have Increased food firm last night. Mrs. Gladys Inman, a mem­ was turned off. approved the sale In principle, Patrolman Erik Dam found “HOW THE WEST Widely renowned, and Justly ber of the championship worn Capt. George Heib, 37, of De­ it was announced last night. west-northwesterly direction at Union, Japan, Britain, and Can- [ life expectancy from 92 years about 15 miles an hour. ada the main truck-driving na­ in the time of Caesar to the 70- the break at 1:82 a.m. today W AS WON” so, Is tee hisoious bar of Cavey’s en's parachuting team, is the troit, Mich., a U.S. Army officer The purchase price was report­ tions. plus yesuiB we ean look forward when be saw a smashed plate Date and Nut Bread Indeed mother of three, and looks who was pa.ssing when the blast ed to be about 127.5 million. The Weather Bureau said to today. glass window located between STARTS WED. — Color right here on the prcsnlaes. EAST CENTER SntEBT pleasantly like the better half two front doors at the food Seen “Janies Bond’’ So good H is that we do of the family next door. She Medicine’s progress has some­ firm. Entry had been made, it Connery brisk take-out trade nt 81 Is from Spokane. Wa.sh.. and times been a stop-and-start was r^Mrted. hi Alfred Hltobcoek's tee loaf. became a parachutist becau.se trial-and-error proposition in Police called: in store of­ “MARNIE” OPEN EVERT DAT her curiosity was aroused by ficials, wtio said that H oould the March for health where life Luncheon, Dtimer, CoektaOs bearing much talk about the and death are the two sides of not bo determined what goods Children under 12 Free; GIANT FREE PLAYGROUND •port. the same biological coin. Aa we might have been taken. If any, Despite their obvious diver- continue to sift through the his­ until an Inventory is made. No report was available early this TONIGHT rity there is an even more ob­ tory of medicine, we h

PAGE t i t - - MAIfCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, OO^fN., TUESDAY, AUGUST 25, 1964 < JO 0 1 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, TUESDAY, AUGUST IB, 1*64 public hsqrhig tomorrow m Bolton BoM)y Declares er Ml downtown Rockville. Court laam, loUowafl by ttia aj^ortua- at hatrad which araatas M p.m. a t the Community Curtis Still Compiles Data •V&mon data haa been set for Rookvllla ity Id employ leantag Mi elaar and ptaasnt dangar at the request of Michpiel hOlek and Circuit Court on Sept. S. Middle-Road the ereatiaa of aometblBg of val­ Tiolaiiea. Wa eaadama aatram- George Mllek for a change from N.Y. Candidacy ue to tbomoolyoo and to tho aa- lam, whathar from Mm right or residential to busineee zone on FOR EXPERT Hoapital Notea On Possible Hike Site Use tlon. laft, Inehidlag tha axtrama tao- their land qlong R t 44A across (Continued from Page OnM-. Admitted yesterday: Nelda Platform Set tiea of auch organiaatians aa tha School Orientations WHEEL ALIGNMENT—WHEEL BALANCING Oay, 2 Gerald Dr.; Julie Men­ Ttao Individual; Our taak ia to from the Bolton Lake Hotel ihwedel Joins Critics make the national pui;poao CommualBt pairty, tha Ku KIux property. “TMs to qutto a piaes ati Nike site would commit the and maintains a voting resi­ RADIATOR REPAIRING AND RECORING ard, 7 Ridgewood Dr.; Charles Kiaw and tha John Birch Socla- COMPLETE BRAKE SERVICE Wheeler, 14 Skinner Rd.; ■orvo tho human purpooo — that In their meeting last week pro|>erty,” St^Mrinisndciit at board to an expanded and ex­ dence in his native ^ t e of Mas- For Approval ovoiT paroon thail ImVo tho op­ ty. Wa know what violmca and Slated tensive college program. Stephen Jaakolka, Tolland; for Sept. 8 the zoning board decided thaL a Sdiools WUllam H. Curtto said eachusetts. He has negotiated SEE John and Walter Flye, 24S portunity to bo«omo all that ho hata can do. Wo havo aaan tha zone change, from residential to Rottner then asked Dean At-Large Elections (CoattBoad trsBS Rag* Oaa) or oho U capablo of bocoming. tragic conaaquancao of mlaguld- last night to deaorlbtog the Lowe what his projections tor a home on Long Island to Ragan Rd.; Lynn Partington, Tha hoard o< adueaUoa at ttsCOrade 7 and 8 general adance business, would have to be rer Tolland; Remi St. Germaine, Social Wwaro: Wo will eon- od saal and twlatad logto. quested before a radio tower Nike site ott Keeney St. to the would be for future enrollments become a New York resident.' nation measure is not eompliad Unuo to fight until wo havo oue- John r . Kannady: Wo honor aaeating laat night approved aa teacher, the board voted to of should such a site be purchased. He cited past connections with CLARKE MOTOR SALES j: liMarg* aecttom for 'Thia ia not representative Hartford Tpke.; Mrs. Mary hia momory boat — and aa ha could be erected on Box Moun­ board of education, meeting a t IglitatlVM under a oonnoUdated government, and It la not Indi­ Hayes. 8 Cold Spring Dr.; with, it will be enforced. cooded In Including boipital orientation day Sept. 8 .for all fer a contract to Miss Eleanor tain and that they were not in Dr. Lowe said It was his knowl­ New York State, but said he did caro for oldor Amorlcaiu In tho would wish — by devoting our- L Nldtols at ttie starting sal­ Bennet Junior High School. edge that community colleges not base his candidacy upon 301 BROAD STREET—643-9521 Tirarm ia not repraaentatlve cative of confidence in the citi- Clarence Metcalf, Ellington. The Republican . platform aetvea anow to tha largar pur- RENT A FLAMaESS junior-aanior high echool pupUz, favor of making such a change “I would hate to think ttiis gM amnant, Nat N .Schwodel xena of Vernon to choose proper Births yesterday: A daughter Social Security program and ary of |6,000. since there would be no accept usually quadruple their enroll­ tiiese connections. avoided uee of the world enforce have insured adequate asaiat- poaaa for which ha lived. awarded tha milk aontract to A nativs emo- Three breaks or attempted Aetna Casualty ..120 128 portioned on the basis of popula­ board is told of a change. property of Edward Thoms on ties. Dr. Curtis has as yet made onA, hut of fairness to the fire Aetna Life ...... 184 192 " MANCHESTER " CAPITAL Brandy St. school, which has no breaks In Rockville and Vernon tion. kitchen, the contract will prob­ At the suggestion of Mrs. Vernon Rd. The brush, being no recommendation for use of iMsti li I and the dty . . . that have been reported since the Conn. General .. . .177 185 But they scored a surprise DE MAIO BROTHERS BARBER SHOP BARBER SHOP Claire Warfel, board secretary, cut yesterday afternoon below the site although he said It ap­ there be on the Board of Rep- Hfd. Steam Boiler 179 victory too when Sen. Jo se^ 8. 1099 Main Street_ 843 Main Street__ ably include that school, too. the transportation bills will be a house under construction, was reai t attves six Interested citl- weekend. The board made a motion pears to be entirely adequate At 8:30 toiiay. an attempted Security Ins...... 77 81 Clark of Pennsylvania won ap­ Tel. 643-7691—We Carry Jennitc Sealer STATE EAGLE listed with the other bills the apparently left to bum. which for educational actl'vitles. Join the smart car SMiB originating from the fire break into Backofen s Market Travelers ...... 43 48 proval of a plank calling on BARBER SHOP that future specifications for board reviews, so that towns- alarmed the neighbors. Astrlot area and six from the BARBER SHOP In answer to a question from at 80 School St. was reported. Public rtllltics Congre.ss to revise its rules and 10 Blssell Street 113% Center Streep bids on milk call for either wax people will be aware of where The fire department will drill city. 'Rils was to be aocom- According to police, a window procedures "to assure majority or plastic containers. This year their money is spent. The total tomorrow at 7 p.m. at the Atty. John Rottner, Manchester pUihed by four sections of the Conn. Light Power 37H 39>,4 RUSSELL’S ~ JAMES the specifications called for Community (College Dean Frede­ in the building was damaged Hartford Gas Co. 43 46 rule.” BARBER SHOP transportation bill, based on the firehouse. town, each having three rap n - when someone tried to pry it This evidently was aimed at BARBER SHOP plastic or glass. The board designated routes, will be $29,- rick W. Lowe Jr. said MCC en sm tattrea, one of which would Southern New Eng­ 1(95 Spruce Street___ 360 Main Street off. Entry into the building wa-s land Telephone 57 >,4 80 %the Senate rule requiring a two- agreed that glass was a hazard. 500. Manchester Evening Herald rollment rates were running buyers who made be hwaa ihe minority party.” PARKADE three times ahead of laat year. not made. Manufacturing Companies thirds majority to break a fili­ AMERICAN LEGION MERZ After formally accepting the Zone Hearing Set Bolton correspondent, Cleme- “TIm actual study made by Chester Thlfault told police buster and at weakening the BARBER SHOP BARBER SHOP sesignation of Ralph Sweet for The zoning board will hold a well Young, telephone 648-8981. Rottner said the purchase of the the aoaunlttee (to suggest divi- yesterday morning that some­ Allied Thermal . . . 48 52 power of the House Rules Com­ 141 North Main Street 378 W. Middle Tum plk^ Mom of ihe four voting dis- Arrow, Hart, Heg. 57% 60% one had stolen a coin changer mittee to hold up action on leg­ EMIL’S Mehi), oonatsting of Wil- from his establishment, the Barden ...... 11 12% islation. WALTER’S hsm Smith, Demoiu^t, and Bristol Brass .... 9% BARBER SHOP Three Sons Cleaners and Laun­ 8% Northern liberals and ikMith- BARBER SHOP 312 Main Street - the number one 6obert Oarabedian, Republi- derette. on West St., over the Coleco ...... 11 12% em conservatives on the plat­ 515 Main Street __ saa, ahowed that the four dls- Dunham-Bush . .. 4 4% TEDFOBD’S trM a would have 4,156 afflllat- weekend. Value of the machine form committee generally ~PAOANI COOPER ST. was set at $150 plus about $40 N. B. Machine . . . 27% 30% agreed there had been some BARBER SHOP BARBER SHOP ad voters Mi both parties, and in change which was in the North and Judd . . 18 19% give and take by both aides that 701 Main Street 4,hM unaffiUated voters, as per Peter Paul ...... 32% 34% 8BINGO O’CLOCK—LEGION HOME, LEONARD ST. 58% Cooper Street machine. produced a platform they could » e last lists," Schwedel said. Plastic Wire Cable 13 14% MANCHESTER GREEN VERNON *The eommisslon worked all Dale Zahner reported to Ver­ all unite behind. seller the number non police that a milk machine Standard Screw . . 37% 40% Albert described It as a plat­ BARBER SHOP BARBER SHOP Mvough Rde year tr3ring to Stanley Works . . . 23% 25% EVERY WEDNESDAY NIGHT 503 E. Middle Turnpike Route 30, Vernon Mtve the pereonnel problems in at the Pizza Patio on Rt. 83 form "we can agree on, run on near Vernon Circle was broken Veeder-Root ...... 155% 58% and win on.” Both areas, and to reassure The above quotations are not • m s s people working for all into. An estimated f24 was stol­ en. to be constru^ as actual mar­ ATLANTIC CITY. N.J. (AP) the governments on a full-time kets. basis, that they would get fair Timothy Gidman, 18. of Tal- - Here are highlights of domes­ one b u y!! hreatiaeRt,” Schwedel eontin- oottvllle. was arrested by Rock- tic planks in the platform that ■vllle Police Sgt. Clarence Neff 190 TO m wiir be presented tonight to the Sdxwedet aapialned that un- last night and charged with HARTFORD (AP)—The Democratic National Conven­ te the Rwi^H^vn ^ two counts of operating a motor -State Motor 'Vehicle Department tion for expected approval: Chevrolet has always been a favorite car. Now it’s more in anssMile to have as m aw as vehicle with defective equip­ reported today the following Freedom and Well-Being; favor than ever! Just drop by your Chevrolet dealer’s to wmlvs SMmbens of the Board ment (headlight and taillight) comparison of traffic fatalities There can be full freedom only see why. Look at his wide assortment of brand-new a t Repraaentatlvee from three and failure to carry operator’s from Jan. 1 through midnight: when all of our people have op­ and aone hmm the llcenM. The charge involved 1963 1964 portunity for editcation to the Chevrolets, Chevelles, Chevy II’s and Corvairs. Pick the ttie operation of a motor ecoot- 104 190 full extent of their ability to one you want-then join all those smart buyers who got a / number one deal on the number one seller. But don’t wait too long; there are a lot of other smart buyers around I YOUR CHILD KNOW RAMBLER AMERICAN NEEDS A BREAKS ALL-TIME SALES RECORD I SOMETHING SAVINGS Chevrolet Impala Sport Coupe Rambler buyers gel biggest choice and best trades evert FUND IMPORTANT!

Big Mvings in tho Compact Economy King In Manchester — Rambler American! Chevelle Malibu Sport Coupe $. B. M. Pays DIVIDENDS of Chevy U Mom Sport Coupe \

Hmr M oflkial! Mort ptofilc have already bought the Rambler you want—from a huge choice of styles, Rambler Americans for than were sold in any other colors, equipment and with glamor^ptions like bucket ...... eadn model year! seats, eopsoles, floor-shift transmissions and the rest. BsMifsyoM —and Rambler buyers the country over— And every model gives you Rambler’s famed extras at tkyrvair Monta Club Coupe wbo ean cash in on this all-out, end-of-season cele­ no extra cost—Advanced Unit Construction, Deep-Dip bration. Right now you can make the year's most excit­ ru.st proofing, to name just a few. Start a savings program for your children whFla they ars ing, most saving buys—not only on thrifty Americans, Curront S E E THE MAN WITH THE Ho.1 BUYS Come in. Look over all the Ramblers. Take advan­ still young. Than as they grow, so will their savings. You hm . on roomy Classics and luxurious Ambassadors, too. tage of the year's best savings while we’re going great Annual Divklanei Y«Bl|MUf,bsg MradM and irresistible deals on just guns—and get your buy-of-a-Ufetime on a Rambler nowl can make your child's future secure by savings et Man* AMWUCAW MOTORS BOfIPORATION-DEDICATED TO EXCELLENCE CHEVROLET chatter's oldest financial institution where savings are MVOUR CHEVROLET oJ DEALER fully insured (up to $J0,000) and where highest dividends have always been paid throughout the years. It DOES from Day of Deposit Chemkl-ChmUeChevyn‘Cm(^ Comlte CURRENT ANNUAL DIVIDEND ON make a difference WHERE you save! NaJ C m . No.1 Values, M Time to buy-N ow atym trdealeti INSURED SAVINGS Compounded Quarterly -ft -ft -ft f 7 96 MW AUTHORIZED CHEVROLET DEALER Mom exciting buy among luxury, high- Smartest choice ever in big-room Sixes AUTHORBEBD CHEVROLET DEALER S A V IN G S IN MANCHESTER, CONN. IN WEST HARTFORD, CONN. ^formance V-8s—the Rambler or V-8s—Rambler Classic! Six-6-footer AMERICAN EXPRESS CARTER CHEVROLET CO., INC. THE GRODY CHEVROLET CO. Ambassador! Sporty options galore. roomy inside—trim outside. TRAVEI.ERS CHEV|UES SMIN S B a n k a n d LOAN 6 1226 MAIN ST R E ^—649-6238 21 ISHAM ROAD—286-5601 ^’V ,S S O C' T A T I O M AUYH(»IKBD CHEVROLET DEALER AUTHORIZED CHEVROLET DEALER IN NEW BRITAIN, CONN. IN HARTFORD, CONN, /J¥St/jr£"£t SA V/A/CS WILCOX>«AU CHEVROLH. INC. CAPITOL MOTORS. INC. O F M a n c h e s t e r 1214 MAIN STREET—M1-81U tfuliartiiiriRitlM RAMBLER YEAR-END SELUNG SPREE OtaiST riHAIiCIAL INSTITUTIOW 1161 STANLEY STREET—229-0345 MAMi OMCM EAST BRAMMm WEST W»4 WCM AVTHOBOHD CHEVROLET DEALW AUTHORISED CHEVRCXATT DEALER DE CORMIER MOTOR SALES Inc. 2SS Broad St, Hanokosttr 1007 MAIN STREET NEAR MAPLE STREET m EAST EABTFOBD, CONN. IN WINDSOR. CONN. DWORIN CHEVROLET, INC. ARDERY tHIVROLir. INC, HtANCH OFPiCZ — ROCTZ M — OOTENTRT 476 CONN. BOULEVAM) USU 8441 126 POQUONOOK

; .


to 8 p.m. tomorrow. They are unaware o t the move, and that Coventry asked to bring in birth certifi­ Goldwater Group endorsement of the national m '♦'HUmrljfrtrr wUeh way that slsetloa Itself happens cates and proof of vaccination ticket is a subject the town I w N f T Jimmy Beleaguered Khanh a g a ^ t smallpox, and cards of committee will dlscusa when it to be decided. It Is, one would say if ona Adult Gasses Meets Thursday NEW t transfer from a previous meets next Monday. EmtittQ Ifrralb eould conquer one’s old-fashioned sus­ Start Sept. 23 school. These may be brought Goldwater supporters will or­ Barron and Hoffman have MOISTURI picion that perhaps they are the very Cuts Titlef Powers to either the Robertson School already conferred with leaders o ^ m o . people who have helped bring it on, a Breslin on Cross St. or Coventry ganize a Goldwater Club of of Goldwater clubs in the state, LOTION u _ TIm first adult aducatlcm .-pro­ Grammar School on Rt. 81. H«KiMSt«r sickness for the sociologists and the psy­ (Continued from Page One) Catholic vlUage in Da Nang pro­ Manchester Thursday night and with some town committee duced most of the bloodahM, in- gram will start Sept. 38 and Schotd Sketch Submitted when they hold a public meet­ members, and they say they I Reg. A A I £ R. nm o' chiatrists to examine. (Contlmied from Page 6) eluding the deaths of as many Preliminary sketches for the PuMuiban __ premier. The military revolu­ contlpaa through Nov. 11 under ing in Whiton Memorial l i ­ "feel confident there is a real ^ $6.00 daUU j IVwadad Ootobar 1. u n tionary coimcil will be called as seven persons. aponaorahip o t tha Coventry proposed Jimlor High School (Joldwater sentiment in Man­ and playing with their lives and News of the government have been submitted to the brary at 8:30. 4i into an urgent session tonight, Grammar School FTA. chester.” Child-Eldctioneering now you wanted to get out of upheaval was broadcast this project building committee by The meeting has been called Thursday's main speaker will he said, to elect a new chief. the architectural firm of' Rus­ - Cota.. M ■aooBd O ut Mall the room and go someplace. Khanh probably will be re­ afternoon by Saigon radio, The courses will include by William C. Barron of 371 be George Bruhns of Thomp- BONNE BELL Down in New Jersey there has issued sell, Gibson and VonDohlen. Convention Hall was the named premier, Oanh said. The which earlier in the day bad typing, ehortband, modem Oak St. and Wayne C. Hoffman sonville, chairman of Ooldwa- a formal Instruction; from the State been vcou^ed by rioters. The Building Committee Chairman COSMETIOS ■DBSCSIFTION RATn wrong place. Convention Hall Junta then will dissolve itself, mathematics, oil painting, Malcolm Erb said further plans of 34E Garden Dr., both engi­ ter clubs in the state. Also Payablt In adranc* Eklucatlon Department, to a local Board sits In the middle of rickety and a new junta comprising station said the former military speaking will be an official of tea Taar ...... »-00 leaders were prepared to return stock market, introductory psy­ will be brought in to the next neers a t ' Pratt and Whitney of Education, that in Jackson Township, summer shacks and Inside it, cMlians as well as military Aircraft in East Hartford. the Mansfield Goldwater Club. Available l b Montba ...... §0 workmen crawled around. The to the field and de'vote their ef­ chology, conversational French, meeting at 7:30 p.m. Monday Ibraa Montba ...... t W directing it to conform to a state law men, will be organized. and beginning sewing. From a at (Coventry High School. Barron this morning said It Exclusively At Ona Month ...... two pictures of Lyndon Johnson As the news came from the forts to fighting OonununlsU which forbids the use of schoolchildren were on the gloomy wall be­ and neutralists. survey made this spring by the Erb, who is also chairman of will be an Independent political MKMBBR OP „ presidential office building, a PTA, those courses elicited the group, but not entirely inde­ _r TUB ASSOCIATiaj PRbSS to distribute election materials. hind the blue speaker’s plat­ U.S. Ambassador Maxwell D. the Coventry Grammar School cheer rose from a mass of dem­ Taylor was not immediately largest interest, Mrs. Ronald PTA to Meet pendent of the Republican PINE PHARMACY tAb Aaaoclated Prats is axclualsalT entlUM New Jersey’s State Education Com­ form. They nre pictures of the onstrators outside. ’They em­ M uM uts ot republlcatlon of all asws d^ left side of Johnson’s face, available for comment. Aronson, unit president, point­ The Coventry Grammar Town Committee because it will 684 Center St — 648-8814 ililrtus credited to It or not otherwise credit- missioner Frederick M. Raubinger issued braced each other and waved Large detachments of troops ed out. She has been working share the same headquarters. ig^tn *hi« paper and also the local news pub- which la his favorite side. There their banners wildly. School PTA will have Its first Front End his directive after he had investigated are a lot ol st&tistics on the size and ^Uce were ranged outside with School Principal Clarence meeting of the school year at 8 He said his group will work to Aii rights of republlcatlon ol special dla> “Victory!” some yelled. Edmondson in planning the pro­ the formal complaint filed by 30 resi­ ol the pictures, but figure two the embassy, the U.S. Informa>- p.m. Sept. 15 In the auditorium. pace the national campaign in­ patches oeraln are also reserved. _____ Jubilant because they’’appar­ Uon Service and other American gram. Mrs. Doris Delano is dents of the school district in question. pictures of a man’s face that is This will be a meet the teachers dependent a t the October town Special The Herald Printing Compuy. lac., aa- seven stories high and you have ently brought Khanh to heel, installations in Saigon. project chairman for the unit. and dessert program, followed elections so that Goldwater hnnMs no financial responsibility for typo- These residents who were so uncivil as thousands of demonstrators draKlcal errors appearing in advertlsem^ts it. And If you stand in the empty Top Vietnamese army officers The classes will run for eight by a social hour and a short may be given the full scope of Req. $12.50 to complain took their action because marched through Saigon, cheer­ had conferred until long after weeks from 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 Sndfolher reading matter in The Manchester hall and look at them, they are ing as they passed the head­ business meeting. attention right up to the Nov. (1) ALIGN FROI>fT END Mvy a g Herald. ______they resented it when children came embarrassing. And the embar­ midnight with Taylor and Depu­ p.m. There will be a minimum Briefs 3 national elections. Barron (2) BALANCE FRONT quarters of several political ty Ambassador U. Alexia John­ registration of 10 per class. ervice client of N. E. Jl Service, Inc. home, the day before school district rassment stretches out until it leaders. The North Coventry Coopera­ said that he is confident the WHEELS—Reg. $4.00 lers Representatives — The Jullu comes very close to being son. Registration will be held at 7 GOP Town Committee will co­ Spedal Agency — New York Chi- elections last February, bearing copies Khanh’s announcement came tive Kindergarten parent-mem­ ( 8 ) CHECK FRONT obscene. "This means turning the rule p.m. Sept. 16 at the school. The operate with his group and WHEEL BEARINGS Detroit and . __. of a newsletter called “’The Interpreter.” after more than 20,000 students of Viet Nam over to the street,” bers will meet at 8 p.m. today ------a u d it b u r e a u o f dR C U U L - They tell you that the whole converged on the presidential charge will be |8 per person or li. the basement of the Second work with it once the town (4) CHECK BRAKE The petition of complaint claimed that one said. "I can see nothing 815 per married couples. elections are over. SYSTEM game Is, of course, power. And office building. It was the larg­ ahead but trouble.” Congregational Church. The ..~.ay advertising closing hours: these two pictures on the Con­ Town GOP chairman Francis the “material and Its arrival in the home est antigovernment outpouxx g The demonstrators showed Mrs. Aronson pointed out first month’s tuition will be due AH Four Only br Monday — 1 pjn, Prtdav. just prior to the opening of the polls vention Hall wall, and the man since Viet Nam won its indepen- | that there are no commitments at this meeting. DellaFera said today he was • Tuesday — 1 p.m. Monday. and his wife back in the room growing anti-American lean­ Wednesday — 1 p.m. Tuesday. dence from France 10 years ings. Most ol the political, reli­ through the survey; that any­ The South Coventry Coopera­ For Thursday — 1 p.m. Wednesday. constituted a deliberate attempt to eating dinner and waiting, are ago. one interested in being m i Tiled •,For Friday — 1 p.m. Thursday. brainwash the voters to influence them the ultimate expressions of this gious and student factions are tive Nursery and Kindergarten For Saturday — 1 p.m. Friday, Deputy Premier Nguyen Xuan regarded by American intelli­ must register at the time and parent-members will have an aaaslfled deadline: 10:80 a.m. each day el to approve the budget, and to elect power. ’They tell you that you Oanh told the students that date stated above. $ A .9 S can get used to these things, gence men as Infiltrated by open house program at 8:30 ynbUcatlop aicept Saturday — 8 a.m. those candidates who favored expendi­ Khanh was resigning and dis­ Communists. 48 Become Voters that it’s merely big politics, but banding his junta of 60 army of­ p.m. tomorrow at Kingsbury GAR RENTALS tures for school purposes.” Just before noon, a large A total of 49 new voters House. Hostesses will be Mrs. Tuesday, August 15 I don’t know how you ever can ficers. Before it is dissolved, have registered with 34 from Commissioner Raubinger didn't buy get used to it. I still remember bomb exploded in a suite at Roland Stoodley, Mrs. Kenneth howevet;, the junta will meet to­ Saigon’s plush Caravelle Hotel, the First District and 15 from •r LEASING SERVIGE ON ALL that, in those exact words, but his in­ seeing the letter a Congressman night to elect a premier, pos­ the Second District. There were Lemlre, Mrs. Mark Spink. All CONVENTIONAL MAKES wrote to Lyndon Johnson last used by American servicemen, Interested parents are invited. vestigation led him to say that the news­ sibly Khanh. officials and tourists. Four 16 regfistered as Republicans, •An MokM The Sicknem year reminding Johnson that the Back in the confused Viet­ 14 as Democrats and 19 re­ The Coventry Board of Se­ letter contained “no particular statement Congressman had voted for him namese political picture was Americans were hurt. lectman appointed Robert L. * AH Mofikk 5 maining unaffillated. Bmmat John Hughes, who once wrote which can be cited as outright propa­ In Da Nang Monday rioters MORIARTY WINDOW toi the 1960 convention at Los Maj. Gen. Duong Van Minh, the In the First Dlstriot there Helms as special constable to •AH TiiiMS ipeeches for Dwight Eisenhower, and Angeles. The letter was dated stoned a U.S. enUsted men’s patrol the local lake. ganda urging approval of the election popular Buddhist who led the barracks and tried to break in. were nine registering as Re- Who now writes a column for News­ proposals and yet the tenor of the whole Saturday morning, Nov. 23, 1963. overthrow of President Ngo publicans, 18 as Democrats Paul Dodo* PenricK Dinh Diem last Nov. 1. Khanh personally addressed Manchester Evening Herald BROTHERS SHADES week magazine, wrote himself an imagi­ unquestionably favors approval of the the students — by this time the and 12 remalnii^ unaffiliated. INC. 801-816 CENTER ST. Minh, known as Big Minh, In the Second &strict, there Coventry correspondent, F. Mod* to Order nary letter the other day. He pretended budget presented and of those candidates was removed as figurehead crowd had swelled to 30,000 — 378 MAIN STREET TEL 64S-S1S6 from atop a sound truck. He were seven registering as Re­ Pauline Little, telephone 743- Phone 849-2881 ALSO K was a composite expression of ques- who support expenditures for public ed­ Tool Box Stolen chief of state in the Aug. 16 publicans, one as a Democrat told them he sided with them in «3S1. VENETIAN BLINDS Uong some of his European friends have ucation.” shakeup. A government source wanting to get rid of dictator­ and seven remaining unaffili- been asking him this 1964, but it was From Man’s Car said today he probably will be ated. Bring your old roBers ia In any case, the literature sent home brought back as caretaker chief ships but added he also wanted and save 85o per sh ad e really, of course, Hughes writing to to get rid of Communists. ITie next session for making with school children the day before Police are investigating the of state. himself. One does not have to be abroad school district elections came close Khanh also opxened the door to Student leaders promised to new voters ■will be held from theft of a red colored tool box. give him a chance to carry out 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sept. 6 in the to Sense the condition Columnist Hughes enough to being election material to .containing snap-on tools, and 1 political activity, reforms. Only 60 unarmed sol­ new Town Office Building. An­ nttm pts to describe. We have taken draw the ruling from Commissioner Rau­ two orange colored metal \ “ y some means or another,” diers stood by. other session here will be from horses, total value at approxl-1 ^®puty Premier Oanh told The 9 am. to 8 p.m. Oct. 10. our shot at It here in this space, with an binger. And New Jersey has a law mately JBOO. I Associated Press, "a ruling Khanh’s resignation as presi- SPALDING McGREGOR ocoasional notation that there is some- dent came just as he was trying Addition B u il^ g (Committee, which eovers, and forbids, such prac- Afloat With Sjivian Ofl&m Rocco Traill of 84 N. School council with the same powers as lliing “slek, sick,sick” In the America the present junta but made up to forge a new cabinet, and at a reports the addlticm has been Uoe. ONE MORE TALL SHIP: Coast Guard’s “Eagle" St., owner of the stolen items, time when American hopes inspected-.and work is progres-1 •f today. of civilians will be created. The The normal answer to suoh a law. or f said that they were taken some­ civilians will be picked from a were running high that the na­ sing to the extent that his What Oohimnlst Hughes really does, such a ruling, or to tjje protest of any time during the last lour days broad spectrum of political par tional pacification program to committee feels the area will Ihen, is try to describe the sickness he citizens anywhere who do not think from the rear of his station ties and groups so as to be com. rid the coimtry of Viet Cong be completed in time for classes feels. So he has his imaginary com­ wagon. He told police yesterday pletely representative.” would soon begin to pay off. next month. children should eome home from school afternoon that the tools may It is expected that military posite European ask “what is going on On Saturday, In a direct con­ Stodents to Register with literature urging their parents to have been taken sometime Fri­ frontation with the student lead' plans against the Communists All students motdng into In the hoart and brain of America?” Connecticut Yankee probably will be disrupted and vote one way or another on any kind of Jimmy day evening when he had his ers, Khanh said free political town since the close of school llbien he has his imaginary correspond­ Issue, school or otherwise,—the normal Waiting By A.H.O. car parked at the rear of the activity was impossible as long delayed, for the third time in in June are asked to register Community Y on N. Main St. as the Communist menace per­ less than a year. Governments at Coventry High School office SALE ent continue as follows: answer is to ask why in the world chil­ have been turned over three “I mean no obvious European taunts. The opponents of the kind of court misses the crucial point while he was attending the sisted. from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. through CLUBS—BAGS—SHOES dren shouldn’t play some part in im­ reapportionment the courts or­ that in apportionment cases the Eighth District Firemen’s Peach Khanh’s action may have times since last Nov. 1, and Friday of this week for Grades I am not maliciously obsessed with the proving their own schools and their own Breslin dered have a relatively easy personal civil right of the voter each change has resulted in 7 through 12. This will facili­ Festival. averted an attempt at a mili­ E. L JOHNSON ugly weaponry of rifles In Dallas and community. What’s wrong with having time of it with their routine ini­ is intertwined with large, over­ Police reported that most of tary coup by military leaders more disruj^on of military ef­ tate limng up classrooms. forts. police dogs in and switch­ a child carry a message home remind­ Hubert Humphrey drank a had. Sen. Humphrey?” he said. ting tensed up right about this tial statement. They will say, riding questions concerning rep­ the tools had the owner’s name supporting the influential Dal Children entering Grade 1 Manehester PAINT CO. Humphrey look McKeon’a week.” with an air of passionate convic­ resentation i.e., concerning po­ Rioters continued fighting to­ and any not previously regis­ blades in Harlem. I am not cruelly fasci­ ing his or her parents that a new school small glass of red wine as and his Pratt & Whitney clock Viet party. PHONE 649-4501 toast to Gov. Hughes of New hand and shook it and narrowed "What happens to you when tion, that the great error the litical philosophies and prac­ number on them. In any case, Khanh avoided day in Da Nang, South Viet tered with the local elementary NassiffAtms nated by the racial hates or the regional is needed ? Jersey, and then he sat down his eyes a little and looked right you walk past the telephone?" courts have made is that of de­ tices of representation in a dy­ implicating government troops Nam's second largest city. They schools are asked to register 723 MAIN ST. spite, the jobless millions or the lawless Well, perhaps one small thing wrong with the tension inside him and into McKeon's glasses. He smiled. "We have some ciding. to take the words used namically democratic public or­ or police in bloodshed, and may killed a man by hanging him from 9 a.m. to noon and 1 p.m. Slums. These are anguishing matters. with it is that It is a technique which tried to relax. His wife was "I certainly do remember that people sort of minding the tele­ by Connecticut's Alfred M. der, in which groups are as have gained an Important moral with barbed wire. Rioters re­ next to him. Platinum hair, meeting." he said. “And it is phones for us." Bingham. that "democracy portedly caught him trying to But they have known causes, unmis­ boomerangs sooner or later. People get relevant as individuals. Indeed, victory. black dress with a silver LBJ not going to be forgotten. No. Then he .sat down again with should be considered a problem groups and parties are the Personal Notices No political faction in Viet throw a grenade. It was not takable meanings, and conceivable solu­ Impatient with and affronted by written pin on it, and quiet. Mrs. .sir, you can count on that. It is a thing called the Vice Presi­ in mathematics.” building blocks of political pow­ Nam is strong enough to domi­ clear whether he meant to tions. They are—in a word—understand­ importunities brought home by their Humphrey was very quiet dur­ not going to be forgotten.” dency of the United States on There is less eloquence and e r . . . The group dymamics of In Memoriam nate the country. throw the grenade at the riot­ able. children. People don’t like to be made a ing this private dinner party. "Fine, Sen. Humphrey. Thank his mind. A girl at another table certitxxde among all the critics American politics cannot be Ig­ The stormy political develop­ ers, or some other target. yoxi very much,” McKeon said. got up and started to teach the ‘T am asking, rather,” Hughes has his captive audience. She sat with her husband and of the courts when it comes to nored forever in reapportlon- In loving memory of Mrs. Annie ments capped a month of In­ There also was a report “that the two of them ate and every­ Then he turned around and left. accordionist a Minnesota college ment litigation.” Lucas, wtto passed away Auprust 26. as many as six other persons imaginary European continue, “about their effort to present and de­ creasingly dangerous opposition But the basic principle, and the one body in the small room kept Business this brutal never takes song. The accordion player be­ scribe what they think the al­ Supreme Coxirt Justice John 19G2. demonstrations, culminating In have died during the rioting in LAST 4 DAYS something in American life not easy to which must have prompted passage of looking at them and it was no long to conduct. gan the tune. The girl clapped ternatives to "a simple exercise Marshall Harlan, in his dissent, Gone but not Porffotten. rioting the past few days in Da Nang during the past 14 WATKINS understand at all—something elusive good at all. Somewhere in Wa.sh- "What is this doing to you in- her hands and so did the others provided at least one quotation Saigon, Hue, Da Nang and Qui New Jersey’s law in the first place, of applying elementary arith­ Children and ifrandchlldren hours. and unsettling. We hear the politician ington. a man was making a aide?"Humphrey was asked. at her table. Humphrey and metic to census data” slxould be. near our quest: Nhon. Buddhist attacks on a A battalion of Vietnamese SEMI-ANNUAL would simply be that It is not fair or decision about them, and he was Oh. it's all right." Then he wife smiled and everything report a threatened polarizing of your 'What we have been looking “The Constitution is an bi- paratroopers reinforced by ar­ right to make innocent children captive keeping them waiting in ten- hunched his shoulders forward seemed good, except that .some­ for, we confess, has been a tan­ atrxxment of government, funda­ mored personnel carriers FURNITURE politics toward extremes, and the so­ carriers for any political cause, no mat­ Bion, and maybe it is good, and put his hands out In front of body still was sitting .someplace gible expression of something mental to which is the promise moved into Da Nang today and ciologist warns of an imminent end to ter what it might be. shrewd politics, like everybody him and his body gave a little which is really intangible - that in a riiffxision of govern­ advanced to a Catholic village DRAPERY SHOP-11 OAK STREET - PHONE 643-5171 the moderate consensus ruling American People want to make up their minds says, but it is not good life. shake. "Of course, you start get­ (Bee Page Seven) i something which would give mental authoiity lies the great­ which has been repeatedly at­ "Well, Hubert,” a man who est promise that this nation will SALE life since World War II, But we sense on issues without having their own chil­ definition to the good positive Let Beneficial put tacked by Buddhist demonstra­ came over to the table .said, alternative to elemental mathe­ realize liberty for all its citi­ REPAY. AMOUNT something more deep and cryptic; a tors. dren used as powerful persuaders. "what do you think the chances matics. zens.” MONTHLY OF LOAN In Da Nang, the Buddhists restless tremor of the spirit, a strange How many parents have, on occasion, are? About 90-10? Or has it A Thought for Today Bingham, in his Yale Law Re­ And Justice Harlan said this; $16.75 $300 burned several more Catholic unmooring of values, and a gray impre­ felt that they might be betraying their changed? " port article, said the judicial or­ “It is surely equally obvious ”Ha,ha!” said the harpmer. re 26.58 500 buildings. "I'd say it looks good,” The Power of I..ove ders "would debase at its source and. in the context of elections, cision of purpose. These incertainties are own dear child if they did not vote the "I knew you wouldn't succeed. Most of the fighting in Da Humphrey said. "It has looked Once there was a little piece and fountainhead the federal more meaningful to note that 36.41 700 Nang - - and the hanging — Shop at home for not concealed—they are, in fact, betray­ way the slip he has brought home sug­ of iron, w'hich looked very frail, I’ll show you the way.” people are not ciphers and that good right along and I can't see principle, which is one of the 51.16 1 . 0 0 0 occurred near a U.S. enlisted ed - by sporadic, sudden, passionate gests ? where anything has happened hut was really very strong. One But at the first fierce blow, Rindamental orders of democ­ legislators can represent their •On 24 month plan. men’s barracks. No American pursuits of phantoms. Something seems There have been enough grumblings that woxxld change it.” after another had tried to break off flew his head, and the iron racy.” electors only by speaking for remained as before. in your pocket-fast casualties were reported. wrong, as it were, in the inner ear of over this in the past, even in states "Well, we re hoping," the man it but failed. Federal Judge Robert Ander­ their interests economic, so­ Custom-Made Slipcovers said. "I’ll master it.” said the axe; "Shall I try,” asked the soft, son said, in his dissent, the fol­ cial. political- many of which your nation. Your balance seems un­ where no law exists, to suggest that the Planning a vacation at the beach? In the moun­ "Thank you," Humphrey said. And hie blows fell heavily on small flame. lowing: do reflect the place where the tains? Or, maybe a visit to the World’s Fair? With Diet After Fall steady, your stride uneven- as you shuf­ practice has just about ended its political Bill Mckeon, the New York the iron. They all despised the flame; “The history and time proven electors live.’’ cash from Beneficial, you may take advantage of Stale Democratic Chairman, Bxil every blow made his edge but he curled gently around the American concept of democracy y . r . i . r HM.ro M A.SS Give your home a fresh-as-a fle along worn paths, only to halt usefulnessc, and ought not to be resorted Justice Potter Stewart. In his today’s exciting vacation opportunities. Phone now STAMFORD (AP)— A 45- Sofa and lounge daisy look with Watkins Slip­ abmptly, from time to time, to kick the banxe ■hoiild feel assuied behave like the be- bitions. Board of directors unani- Robert G. Dixon, Jr., profes­ Home Service. Icagriiered. Conservatives cry out more Thus it evolves that Hamden and buses for trolley cars on South ought also to love one another.” The public interest is composed nxouslv vote to authorize town - I .Irxnn 4:10-11. sor of law at George Washing­ of many diverse intei'ests, and wxathfully - as national policy becomes North Haven are as conscious of East Manchester line. admini.strat ion to prepare p|; 4s ton University, comes closer to Rock's place in the scheme of present . . . in the long run can better Steadily more conservative. And these Democrats endorse Republi­ and costs estimates for meas­ Submitted by: our quest, with the following: be expressed by a medley of things as others. Certain interests in can candidates for town treas­ ures to alleviate storm water The Rev, Kenneth L Gustafson, "In a aense, of course, these sealots steal fronx despised Communist these towns are having as much to component voices than by the urer, clerk and collector a t problems in various parts of Calvary Churrh of the cases do involve voting. But this majority's monolithic com­ gospel, contrive their own conspiracy say as are, for instance, spokesmen for revenue. town. Assemblies of God. simple characterization by the Save-The-Rock Committee. Motives of mand." theory of history, and rally against their Imbedded in these quotations Choose new draperies right at home! Imagined ring of foes: ‘the Eastern es­ the respective parties differ. Actually what defenders of the Rock were some of the words or tablishment’ Euxd 'the control apparatus,’ phrases we were looking for, BIG REASONS are Itrying to save is valuable, irreplace­ Transform your home with fresh new hooks hand sewn. Lined with finest Internationalists and inlegrationists, the Fischetti like "federal principle at Its able open space which surrounds the source and fountainhead,” or draperies and make your selection right sateen. Hand finished hems and head­ neutralist across the globe and the Ne­ pinnacle landmark. While those on one “proven American concept of WE ENJOY ings with weights in all comers and gro down the street. Have so many Bide of the question ti e. Interchange 91 in the rooms you’re redecorating ! Phone and connector links I think in terms of democracy," or “group dy­ seams. Take 90 days to pay. Call 643- namics of American politics” 643-5171 and our representative will Americans ever found such'varied foes a .superhighway necessary to progress OIL HEATING call. Choose your fabrics from vast as­ 5171 now for Shop-at-Home Service. to stir such violent feai-8? and development of neighboring com­ and "context of elections’’ and munities, those on the other side view “medley of component voices.” sortments of weaves, prints, patterns, “To the left, I must ask,” continues One of the participants in one Hughes, more and iixore just writing to it as a “superhogway " encroaching need­ textures and colors. Decorating service lessly on a public park and nature pre- of the hearings who was looking ECONOMY and tiimself, “has not yours become a most for his own word suggested is also available to customers. Draperies aerve. are custom made, pinch pleated, and pallid cause? You seem able only to Little that is new or not already on that the “climate" of public life record is being stated here. What brings in Connecticut was at stake. PEACE OF MIND parry the unrighteous thrusts of others, And our own word, one we have Ilook In vain for a high sense of renewed the subject to the fore after a quiet Just set your thermostat and for­ summer Is that the Slate Highway De­ been using for almost anything national puFpose, to inspire such unity partment has voiced confidence that and everything of late, and get it. . . . all winter long. Oil heat #id urgency as the Communist threat that the East Rock connector will go which fits well enough here, is the peace of mind fuel. It’s non­ Save up to $45 on re-upholstery ayoked.-over the last twenty years. You through and action will occur also this might be “texture.” Out of our volatile so it cannot escape into fall on the route of the Mount Carmel history as a state, out of our seem to crave, too, as much detente at limitations and out of our im­ the atmosphere. It has so much connector, of interest to both Hamden heating capacity that you will al­ Sofa and chairs worn out and sagging? You can transform them l^me 8X8 abroad. You utter little preach­ and Nortlx Haven. perfections, and in adjustment to new again with Watkins Re-upholstering Service. You select ment more stirring than the doctrine of •' All of which leads to the suspicion to them, as well as out of our ways be warm and comfortable. ODexistehce—fur big business and big that what has been gained so far in Strengths, we have woven a pat­ Best of all, oil heat costs far less fabrics right in your home. Your sofa and chairs are stripped to tern! a clo.sely knit texture of the frames; loose joints are reglued; old webbing replaced with Ifovernment. And so you bring only un- the efforts to save the East Rock Park than any other method. Remember, amounts to little other than a delay- political life and functioning new. Springs are hand-tied 8 ways with finest Italian twine. New fsrvent leadership to an unsure society. Ing action, a stand-off until the Stats which haa been good, and which in cold Connecticut only oil heat cannot be duplicated out of any i saves you money and serves you fillings are added when needed; fabrics are carefully cut, matched ; "Wherever I probe, then, I miss the gets.X set to go. A hearing does loom and tailored to Watkins traditional quality. New MOLDED FOAM in... early Septembeer on a permanent slide rule or computer. best. feel of the ‘main roots’ of your con­ I RUBBER CUSHIONS replace old cushions' AT NO EXTRA science and your will.” injunction of the East Rock connector. Perhaps in the remaining interval COST! Take up to 90 days to pay. Phone 643-5171 now for Shop- There, from Columnist Hughes’ mythi- Quotation for Today the Save-The-Rock forces should cru- Why Suffer Through Another Cold Winter? at-Home Ervice. S^ correspondent^ is some approxima- Bade vigorously in a last-ditch stand People vote their resentment, arouse public opinion on the side not their appreciation. The v /- Hon of the kind of sickness which is to erage man does not vote for Switch to Oil Heating and Be Comfortable. Watkins collections of drapery, slipcover and opholster- l ^ n the American people today. of their campaign. And a HIghw'ay Department w’hich is capable of such anything, but against some­ big fabrics is one of the largest in this area. It is a sickness which seems much notable confusions as the current mesa thing H. H, Munro, .British important than the naffdnal elec- writer who used the pseudonym involving the Kimberly Avenue bridge is Saki— (1870-1916)*. ws are going to hold in the midst surely self-exposed to the need for - ond-thoughts and re-evaluation of n rm MANCHESTER BEHER HOME HEAT COUNCIL W, Is a steknass which says i t Its most insistently-pushed projeetB. ■ * i m m 4UYC To Kio> M w tc u to a m fto i • Today's BlrthdaF to BN|W .M>^«r«nce —NEW HAVEN RBqMRMikx j Actor Van JtdmsoB k #a,V(


though there have been some a gold medal in a C-1 on a 10,- small grumblings, it is hoped 000 meter course. Canoeing has COAST TO COAST. Catholic Scouts Explorer Confab that townspeople will cooper­ become very ocunpetitive and Events in World Events in Nation ate and stay off the official intereet has Increeied in recent TV-Radio Tonight Set 6th Retreat Termed Success course. years. The local talent has been MOSCOW (AP) — Premler^Douglaa-Homa and Ian Smith, ’The lake was surveyed last in flrat place in a lot o f compe­ WASHINGTON (AP) — TheAwill attract wide Interest "since >ic Canoe Trials Catholic boys who are mem- Khrushchev has marked the premier of Southern Rhodesia. Five days. of long hours and Census Bureau says toere Is at so many of the economic and winter by Kirby Tappan, as­ tition lately and the word 1s Dempsey -Tegeler 20th annlvereary of the libera­ sisted by Wilbur Fletcher, Wil­ around that they might give l^rs o f Charter Oak Council, A senior official of the British miles of walking on the Univer­ least one television set in 68 of social problems in the world re­ tion of Paris from Naid Germa­ government commented: ‘"rhe every 100 American households late directly to the absence or liam Murphy and Guy Newhall, these distinguished visitors a Television 3oy Scouts of America, will ny by declaring France and the sity of Kansas campus resulted prime minister certainly will in accomplishments that will rs- and one family In six has two or dearth of fresh water.” a member of the National Pad­ race to remember. 6:00 ( <) Big 8 ’Theater (20) Open Mike & CO.,INC. have their sixth annual retreat Soviet Uni(m should cooperate Ipighiight Weekend dling Committee. (18) Navy film use all the authority imd in­ sult in better Exploring, ac­ more sets. Dr. Glenn T. Seaborg, chair­ ( 8) Nave MEMBERS NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE Sept 11, 12 and 13 at Lake of to prevent a "new tragedy in Fletcher, whose canoe was (lO-U-18-90) Movie (23-90) Oem Convention fluence at the command of the cording to William Vincent, Two years ago, a similar bu­ man of the Atomic Blnergy Maacbeeter Evening Herald 7:90 (94) Science Reporter Isles Scout Reservation, North Europe." used as an impetus for the be­ (22) Movie at 6 government to make Ian Smith Msmeheater, who attended the reau survey showed at least one Commission who will head the Oohanbla Cano* Club hmat'inany,. who will fly here for the Columbia correepondent, Vir­ (24) What a New (18) Ufe of Riley Stonington. The retreat is for The declaration was in a mes­ ginning of the club, is, o f (S-8-10-13-30-10) Dem. Conven­ S29 MAIN STRSn MANCHESTER fully aware once again of the Second National Bhcplorer Con­ television set in 90 per cent of U.S. delegation to the Geneva competltlon. He was an Olympic ginia Carlson, telephone (30) Early Show Boy Scouts only. • sage Monday to President filled oft a really Me coup in course, a charter member. The (40) Stoney Burke tion dangers of a 20th century Bos^ ference from Aug. 16 to 20. all U.S. bomes. mee^ng, presented to President contender in 1963; Marcia Jones, 228-9224. 8:00 (18) Subscription TV The event will open with a Charles de Gaulle. Johnson a report which said the hivlne tlw national ohamplon- club now owns 16 craft plus a 6-10 ( I) Newi Sports and Weath (24) African Writers TEL 643-1105 ton tea party.” A 17-polnt national program The bureau said. Monday its o f Oklahoma, a winner in the er sermon and prayer Friday at 8 The Soviet government news latest survey revealed that per' United States leads the world in Bhlp racee for the Olympic trials war canoe. 6:16 (30) Sports (Camera 8:90 (34) Helfets Master (Hass of action, "Youth Measures KIW event last year in the 9:00 (34) Bridge p.m., to which parents u e in­ agency Taas quoted the mes­ development of atomic energy hild at the lake this weekend. The local Civil Defense Or­ (22) Backstage sage as saying that France and KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia Up,” was adopted by over 1,- sons living alone had a relative Presidential Cup Regatta, the 9:90 (24) Hartford Sytnphony vited. There will be no evening ly low percentage of television for peaceful uses. ‘The Ideal club, organiBed only ganization has planned a com­ Hospital People 6:90 (10-22-90) Huntley-Brinkley 10:00 (18) SutMcrlpUon 'Tv the Soviet Union, "being conti­ (AP) — ’The Defense Ministry 100 high school age boys who International Regatta at Sugar (12) Newsbeat meal served Friday. Boys are sets — 77 per cent — while 98 tttree 3rears ago, has burgeoned munications system for the 11:00 (3-^10-12-3MO-40) News, nents European powers, bear announced today three more In­ attended the conference. Prom Island, Ont., National champion­ (34) C!aet of Hope Sports, Weather reminded to arrive no later WASmNG’TON (AP) —Scien­ LENOX PNARNIACY per cent of the households with Into one with racers to be reck­ event and will work with offi­ At AHA Parley ( .I) Walter Cronklte special responsibility for Euro donesian invaders have been 60 diacuaaion groupa, the princi­ 299 E. CENFER STREET— 649-0896 ships in Lake Sebago, N. T., and U:16 ( 8) Movie than 7 p.m. and to bring four persons had one or more tists have discovered an under­ oned with. the North American Champion­ cials on the starter boat, the (8) Wide Country 11.30 ( 12) Movie pean security, and are called ! idUod, bringing the total djsad to ples that should toncem high launching area and the finish 6:46 ( 20) Ron Cochran 11:90 (10) Tonight (C) Missals and Rosary Beads. sets. sea mountain almost as tall as Dennis Murphy, 15, and Rob­ ships in Quebec City. Manchester Memorial Hospi­ All meals, including one at upon to do everything possible Forty-one others reportedly school youths were prepared as line. Members of the Recrea­ 7:00 (3) To Tell The Truth 12:16 (8) Movie have been captured. a progrsun to be used by 22,000 California’s Mt. Whitney but its ert Fletcher will defend their tal administrators a n attend­ (10) Rhode Island at Conv. (40) Mov'e noon Sunday, will be furnished. In order to prevent a new trag­ There is also Francine Fox, tion council have planned to Authoritative sources said the WASHINGTON (AP) — The peak is still 8,800 feet l^Iow the of the fastest time for ing the 66th annual convention (24) Wbat’a New 12:30 (23) Tonight Mess kits will not be needed. edy in Europe." Explorer posts across the coun- 15-year-old holder of the Na­ operate a "chuck wagon” each Invasion force numbered about use of nuclear energy to remove surface of the Pacific Ocean. f'2’s, and Dennis happens to tional Champion Women’s Kay­ of the American Hospital As­ SEE SATURUAX-A t v w e e k FOR COMPLETE LISTINO WALLPAPER Reservations are limited and try. salt from sea water and gener­ The Coast and Geodetic Sur­ day during the racing events. SANTIAGO, Chile (AP) — The flrst statement In the the youngest boy in the na- sociation in this week. may be made with Paul White 100 heavily armed men. vey euinounced Monday the dis­ HAVE YOU AN ak singles and the New York, Other menvbers are planning to Chile has requested Britain’s program which was described ate electricity at the same time to hold the title as a mem- The professional lectures, of 75 Pine St., scoutmaster of Indonesia has denied that it covery 175 miles south of Wake New Jersey and Connecticut open their homes to visitors Queen Elizabeth n to arbitrate as helping to “shape character will be discussed at the third Superb EVENT SCHEDULED ' of the C-4 senior team since technical exhibits and displays Troop 120. Registrations should had anything to do with the Island. Its ship, Pioneer, found state chsunplonships in 1962; and camp sites have been ar­ a frontier dispute with Argenti­ of tomorrow’s men and to help annual international conference Glorlane Perrle of Wa^ington, will present the latest develop­ be signed by parents and turned Aug. 17 landing. on peaceful uses of atomic ener­ the mountain while on a six- THAT CALLS for f Fanners In the nationals will ranged for families who wish to Radio na involving a frontier area cov­ build a better world” urged the D. C., the winner of the Nation­ camp out. ments in hospital concepts, re- in to the scoutmaster with the eting 96,000 acres of good land. gy at Geneva Aug. 81 to Sept. 9. month scientific expedition to Q A m m FOOD? bk M)le to enter the North al Championship Women’s tan­ (This Bstliig Includes only those news broadOMts o f 10 or U registration fee, as soon as TOKYO (AP) — U.S. nuclear- Explorers to "know the demo­ the Indian Ocean. The American Red Cross will latlontoips, and techniques in Each country gives a different powered submarines this year cratic procedures of the United It could also form part of the ii^srlcan Championship races dem kayak, the North Ameri­ rainnte length. Some stations i»rry other abort newscasts). SALE possible. agenda for an international ’The underground mountain It may be a wedding, a ban­ the U.S. today. alid the Presidential Cup races set up two flrst aid stations at interpretation to the. general will be allowed to make their States' and keep informed of ERI//QE can Championship in Quebec Hospital officials attending in 7:00 Ken Orlffin Each troop will arrange symposium on water desalina­ rises about 14,130 feet above the 2 quet or Just an Informal gat- to be held at Washington, D.C. the Community Beach. Mrs. WDBC—U66 treaty of arbitration of May 28, first visit to Japan. Foreign current legislation.” The Ex­ and The President’s Cup. staggered visits are: Edward J. ■ :U0 L,ong John Rada 12:00 Gerry Gordon transportation for its boys. 1902, in which the British crown tion to be held in Washington ocean floor compared wih the together of a society, lodge or tae following weekend. These Also, Billy Gates, 15, of Ded­ Mason Uuhfer and her son, Mar­ S:00 Dick Robinson Minister Etsusaburo Shiina said plorers agpked that they should 14,495 feet above sea level for some friendly gronp. Thoms, hospital administrator; ffi Newt Sisn Of) Those attending will report to also was involved. Oct. 3-9 next year and to which ^dinners will be eligible for the ham, Mass., the winner in the shall Nuhfer, who have proper­ I today. perform their duty to their Bernard L. Felton, administra­ W HAt -«1 6 Apache Camp Oflice at the The United States has repeat­ the United States has invited all Mt. Whitney. Olympic trials at Orchard National CL junior last year ties across the bay from the 6:UU Fred Swanson Show reservation for sleeping assign­ country by obeying its laws and 114 nations with which it has di­ Dr. Robert S. Dietz, a survey We Are Prepared to Beach Sept. 12-13. All contes- racing site, have offered the use tive con.sultant; Charles A. 6:3U News, Sports and Weather LONDON (AP) — Prime Min­ edly pre.ssed the Japanese for supporting its Constitution. and the C3L senior. Markel, administrative a.s- ments. Troops will be kept to­ plomatic relations. oceanographer, said the moun­ t^ ts are amateurs. of their land for spectntors, and 7:00 Edward P. Morgan FOR ister Sir Alec Douglas-Home docking privileges for the subs, Other points emphasized ” un- Serve You to Your Others are: Bill Jewell, Perry sistant; Jack R. Hunter, hospi­ 7:15 Ed Hynes Show Vi gether if posible. Scoutmasters was reported gravely worried but the government has de­ The State Department an­ tain Is probably an extinct vol­ I for pnddlers to launch toeir PRICE Registrations have already Lenz and Roger Mullenbrook, t ■.Vi aitm Oft and adult leaders must accom­ selflsh and unsolicited service to nounced plans for the symposi­ cano which sank about 60 mil­ tlMH received from Hawaii in craft. Spectators are urged to tal analyst; and Warren Kess­ WINS—1216 today that Southern Rhodesia’s ferred a decision, saying it others, to uphold the freedoms Complete Satisfaction ail of California and all nation­ ler, administrative resident. 6:00 News pany troops to supervise boys, um Monday and predicted it lion years ago. toe names of Anona K. Naone al champs in their respective bring chairs as it will be a long all-white government may at­ wanted to study safety factors. expressed in the Bill of Rights, Mrs. Philip E. Sumner, pres­ 6:20 Radio Greater Hartford Cosmetics SEVERAL HUNDRED PATTERNS unless special permission is Leftists have charged that the Our catering service is a t f i op shd Karen ICnudsen and Ber- classes; Jim O’Rourke and Joe day. 6:46 Lowell Thomas tempt to seize independence practicing patriotism, a citi­ ident of the hospital auxiliary, 7:00 News granted. early in October. United States wants to use the bration near here Monday. An­ to be flexible enough to ac­ rjard McKeaque and Thomas Dronzek, national champs in Canoeing was demonstrated LIMITED TIME ONLY Departure time will be Sun­ zen’s obligation to God, consid­ show for which Jeanine Zavrel, schroeder. The women have reg­ as long ago as 1924 in Olympic and Mrs. John L. Von-Deck, 7:30 Public Affairs ITS Aides said reports from port calls to introduce nuclear eration for fellow men,* and Miss Teen-age America, served other 83 were injured. commodate any size gathering. the CL senior class. 8:00 Yankees vs. Senators day at 3 p.m., and arrange­ Why not call us and talk over istered for the K-1 and K-2 Games held in Paris. By 1936, first vice president, will also at­ 10:30 Mus'e to Relax By Southern Rhodesia indicate weapons into Japan. need for a high level of educa­ as mistress of ceremonies. Rescue workers, digging There are fourteen events ments should be made for the details T mces for women and the boys scheduled and they begin at enough countries were interest­ tend. 12:15 Sign Off some form of unilateral and ille­ tion.” Everyone had a good time through debris in the village of WTIC—1086 transportation. Atlatlahuca in central Mexico, ill the senior K-1 singles and the noon Saturday and Sunday ed so that canoeing became an 6:00 News. Weather Sports Liggetfs C. J. MORRISON gal action is being contemplated Blood Isotopes Gauged Three major topics were In­ and learned a great deal, says lk - 2 tandem kayak. Mrs. Lucius and finish about 5 p.m. each Olympic sport. HOUSING CONTRACT 6:36 Old Borrowed Blue to thwart London’s plan for giv­ cluded in the conference theme, Vincent said the toll of dead and Injured 6:4.6 rreee dtar Extra PAINT and WALLPAPER STORE KILLED IN CRASH might go higher. Robinson is the clerk in charge day. The U.S. won flrst place in a WASHINGTON (API—F. D. ing Negroes a voice in the WHITE PLAINS, N.Y. — A "seek the Truth In all Things.” 7:06 Conversation Piece At The Parkade KE3NT (AP) — Ralph R. ’The fireworks exploded near (tf load registrations. The lake will be closed, or C-2 and second place in a C-1 in Rich Co., Inc., of Stamford, 7:30 Democratic Convention 739 MAIN ST__ State Theater Bldg.— 649-9713 Woodard, 15, was killed yester­ Southern Rhodesian govern­ new device that measures iso­ They were citizenship, the FIREWORKS KILL 48 GARDEN GROVE 11:13 Sports Final MANCHE.STER Toluca, Mexico (Ar")—At several tanks of inflammable , Others expected to attend at least restricted for the gen­ 1948 Olympic Games. In 1952, Conn., has received a $7,079,677 day when he rode his bicycle ment. tope radiation in the blood­ world of tomorrow, and the TELEPH O N E 649-5313— 649-5314 contract for Navy hou.sing at 11:30 Art Johnson Show gas. Authorities said they had lire: Charles Lundmark, an eral use of motor boats from Frank Havens, who has demon­ WPOP- -1416 out of his driveway in front of The matter is to be thiashed stream to gpiage circulation Exploring program. least 42 persons were killed not determined what set off the Army engineer stationed in Ger- noon to 6 p.m. both days. A l­ strated on the local course, won Charleston and Beaufort, S. C. 6-.00 Lou Tern an oncoming car, state police out at a meeting scheduled in after surgery Is being marketed A highlight of the conference when a pile of fireworks ex­ said. London on Sept. 7-8 between by a White Plains Arm. was the all-Explorer variety ploded during a religious cele­ fireworks.


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DAILY CROSSWORD PUZZLE BY ROUSON OUR BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOOPLE Hunter Set AmwMT to Pmfeui Pun** State Delegates Laud Obituary Martin Not Satisfied Museum Seeks Fundi Noted Names IF nraL'!iL-in m ■ i- x i i -j kiwLi ■ ra rjtiiirj ■ i.-nvju To Start on ACROSS Waama WiUtan M m rttm 8r. For Nature Center OUKE DOES SEEA^TO 8 t — b lflk iU lO H Iir n3ll?;|[-il21kd Bailey 'Rostrum Stint William Martens Sr., 72, of With Rec Accounting MAN OF SOME MEANS,3AKE. 1 Praldentltl 68 Snare L-3L-4WW U l=l :-JI:JL It i DUKE 30NES LIKES HANSIN' 40 Encounter Laurel, N. Y „ father of Wil­ BUTT KNOW YOUR FOND- •< nickname w niraw fisiw [--iisiLaH School Wing AROUND WITH ME, AMOS.' HE tHiuBettr 41 Nickname (Onnttiined tram Pnge One) liam R. Martens of t Stephen Lute Junior Musoum neods |6,000 to-run th« Oak NESS FOR EKA6&ERATION 42 Additional w w a i j u m m SAVS HIS-^LUS-BLOOD FRIENDS' SPat'abuddy w m ts )n IIIW12U thinking of hiring a sign paint­ S t, died Sunday. BULLETIN—Gcnenl Manager Richard Martin this •HEH-HEH— NEKT 45 Wedded Jack R. Huntar Inc., tha Grove Nature Center, and last night its request for tJONT have No FUN AT ALL— WHonert----- l.iLdH nttecked tha llepubllcnn party er to make the sign read "You Other survivore include his afternoon informed Recreation Superintendent James YOU’LL BETELUN© MBi IS Ranee 46 To that end building contractor aelactad to funds was presented to the board of education. Dr. SEST RIDE AROUND VI PPIN' 51 Sanlt----- [R H U •a "a new stagecoach creaking know he’s far right" wife and seven grandchildren. YOU'RE PROSPEROUS. 14 Matt drinkf llb^l^l Herdic that he will take his review “ under advisement’’ construct an addition to tha Philip Sumner, president of the museum, said ha had t z < a f t e r p o k e s .'— HE WA* 15 Manage (coll.) Marie (ab.) IS o ft the aasnnbly line,” and ex­ The funeral will be held to­ YOURSELF — BUT VOO, 52 Franchot — Several Connecticut visitors morrow at 11 a.m. from the and “ try to come up with a decision shortly.” Martin Robartaon School, eonflnnad bean Inatructad by town offl-^ BUGGS BUNNY 20NNA BUY A YACHT AS Blfi 16 "Song of aisjli^siiziiiLH luni I horted Democrat* to work and COULDN'T BE THAT Solomon" 53 American vote In the election ahead. got stuck between floors for Schaeffer Funeral Parlor, said he was “perplexed about what to do” about con­ this morning that work on tha rials to go through the board of AS A BALL PARK, BUT HE patriot r a n n ia r -i services the museum had m - COULDN'T THINK OF ANV ABSURD.^ 18 Fixed laUry about 20 minutes in the dele­ Brooklyn, N. Y., with a eolemn tinuing abuses of town personnel and procurement rules. projact will bagin ahortly— education for the funds. The 20 Intenrening 84 Large caak Afterward Bailey surrendered high Mass of requiem at St. probably this waak. dered the schools. VOU’RE NCrr LEAVING r ...BUT I'VE SOT TO' PLACE TO 6 0 HE HADN'T 31Completo his gavel to Sen. John 0. Pae- gation's hotel headquarters last board objected, saying it (the OOPS! SET HIM o u r r fPUFFSU 21 Yugotlav dtjr 55 Turn out OAUmentf Michael's Church, Brooklyn. “ I don’t see how anyone who must be responsible for Supt. of Schools William Cur­ The board said it would emif HERE TILL HE'S REST UP BEFORE I 56 Vagetablet 10 Sharp 33 Perfume tore of Rhode Island, the con­ night. It was hot, but no one board) waa not a legitimate LET OF HERE! /CAN'T CATCH I 22 Guldo’i nota Burial will be in Greenwood the town departments can have any more confidence in tis raportad to tha board of sider the museum’s request 24 Ova 57 Perch llEmntial being 38 Reduce in nide vention’s temporary chairmai\ was hurt. The elevator hung be­ channel to transfer funds for IT'S ABOUTUME h e) VER .C A U 9 H T 1 C'N 00 ANY AAORE 40 Basque cap Cemetery, . Brooklyn. aducation last night that tha though It seemed unusuaL Dr. ^ V— ^(PUFFJ) RUNNIN'l 26 ------hamDOWN Young 17 Likenestea and keynote speaker. . tween the third and fourih what is going on in the recreation department,^’ Martin Dr. Sumner said the museum Sumner’s somewhat desparata LEFT! HE'S BEEt^CAT IN, 27 Art (Latin) IVeblcIea 19 Fish (comb, 41 Constrain Friends may call at the fu­ school wing is all but undar waa In acute difflcultiee to fi­ I (0A6P!) (PUFF!)(WHEEZE!L 42 ------von Bailey Is expected to be > as floors. A power failure was said, ‘^ obody questions your competence in handling reply, "W e’re here because LOAnN© ON xT k PETUNIA.' 30 Package 2 Touch form) blamed for the incident. neral home tonight from 7 to *. way. nance a directorship for the COUCH ALL OKAY., 32 Ear of maize 3 Soviet area 23 Citrus fruits Biamarck busy as ever for Oie remainder recreation, but almost everyone— including me— ques­ (pause) we have to be here,” 43 Pronoun of the convention but from now Tha contractor will start pra- Nature Center. Board member 34 “Lily maid of 4 "Cam_ptown 24 Fencing tword Harry E. Follansbee tions your competence in this part (accounting) of the brought forth laughter all _ .DA/1 25 Rancor 44 Poultry he will be doing most of his limlnary aita work and ranova- John Rottner said the museum O Aitolat" Harry E. FoIIanabsc. 67, of job.” tlona to tha axiating school around. He said perhaps a new 35 Landed 5 Algerian port 26 Lose blood 46 Operanc sole work off the convention stage ahould request fuiKIs from the arrangement for traiMferring property 6 Diapatcher 27 Peasimista 47 Toiletry case Dover, N. H., father o f Mrs. building until the tract slatad reaponslble town agencies. 46Depraaslott itself. LBJ Strives funds could he worked out In 36 Old age (dial.) 7Wueeated 28 Mlit Hayworth The delegation’s first caucus Harley Lovell of S2 Dorothy General Manager Richard Martin met for two hours for tha new wing can ba clear­ 20 Ooze M Coxcomb Rd., (Srade 5 teacher et Buckley ed. Since Lutz had received its the future but that for now he yesterday nominated John M. this morning with Rm Superintendent James Herdic, reeponalMUty for the 53-acre was only doing what he had 8 ' 9 10 11 Golden of New Haven and Mrs. For Unity at School, died yeeterdmy at Tri- A six-family tanamant locat­ 1 F“ 4 5 6 7 County Roapital, K 1 11 e r y, “in an attempt to find out why, despite directives and ed where tha wing is to ba built track off Porter and Oak been advised to do In the face Beatrice RosenthaC of Water­ Grove Bts. from the Town Con­ of a need for funds. ford to new terms of the na­ Maine. charter regulations to the contrary, the irregularities, will ba demolished by Joaeph A. JT i4 Other eurvlvora Include his Fava, a Middletown building servation Conunlaslon , Sumner Lutz Museum is a privata o t- tional cofnmlttee. C o n vention uncovered by s recent depart-^>------. . _ g{^ization wiUi Its own board wife, two other daughters and wrecker, sis soon as tha last Fvo wae asked why he didn’t go to The nat^mial committee will ment audit, were being follow­ there "to see that Herdic gets of directors that handled 16,054 seven grandchildren. families have moved out. It for funds. IS r r 17 be elected formally by the con- ed.” a good hearing.” visitors in the last year, 3,686 of (Continned from PageTOne) The Manchester Redavalop- Dr. Sumner said that, accord­ venHor tonight. On Friday, the Funeral services 'will be held The meeting was attended by "Ihe seven were unanimous in which were part of school class mant Agency (MRA), which Is ing to previoua discussions with r r new committee will hold Its first tomorrow at 1:30 p.m. at Buck­ Town (Controller Joaeph Cle- saying, "He’s good to us, and trips or In-class instructions. BY V. T. HAMLIN "Understand me,” Sanders minster Chapel, Portsmouth, N. we want to see him cleared of buying tha addlUonal land town officials, they do not wish ALLY OOP meeting. It Is expected to re­ said, "I raised no objecUons to msntlno and Assistant Con­ to separate allocations to the Though classroom vlslta havo f t elect Bailey as national chair­ H. Burial will be in Central troller ’ntomaa Moore, who had any cloud hanging over his ne^ed for the school as part decreased due to lack of trans­ it 23 Sen. Humphrey. But I said that Cemetery, Rye, N. H. head.” of the North End urban renew­ museum. They prefer all to be ...BUT I CANT SEE HOW TOU CAN SERVE Y'MEAN '«OU YOU PUT IT WELL, WHAT KINPA I TO KNOW WHO MY man. been asked to bring with them portation, resource persons vis­ WHY, OF COURSE I INFORMATION IS I ENEMIES ARE-AND 1 believed McCarthy was not as There will be no ealUng houre. The morning session was de­ al project, had hoped all six made through the school board. VCXJ CAN TRUST THAT'S GONNA BE ANY / AS MY VB?Y WANT ME TO BLUNTLY 1 The caucus also approved a all records, daUng back to July iting the schools from Um mu­ SPY ON / BUT THAT'S rr vau want me V the nature of 28 29 well known and his views were voted to a review of directives families would ba out by tha Rottner said the board has no EJC /*t BTt HELP TO TM' QUEEN / O W N , PERSONAL k Z7 resolution praising Sen. Abra­ 1, 1960, relative to the rec de­ seum have doubled. UNDERCOVER ^ PEOPLE? 1 ABOUT IT/ TRIG UP FDR TOU?\ THEIR PLANS' not as well known in the South Issued in the past by Martin, weekend. legal authority to allocate ■ ham Rihicoff for the medicare partment. funds, but It mutt keep track OPERATIVE/ fflf 33 and that he might be a Ijetter specifying the procedure to be Two of the fsimlliea stlK re­ 5 T 31 program for the aged he has candidate." Funerala Martin delved Into past and followed by department heads in main. however. Ckirtls raportad of the funds it spends. He said CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER Introduced In the Senate, and preaent payroll and purchase to allocate funds through the McCarthy, a Roman Catholic, the procurement And purchase to tha board of aducation last Strike Grounds W 35 for his opposition to bills that practices within the department, of supplies, and in the method night that the two will prob­ board seems a subterfuge. The would delay state leffislatlve has been regarded as one of the Mice Delis R. Onrrsn in a further effort to ascertain ably have completed their ar­ board has no control over those The funeral of Mies Delia R. to be followed when hiring Pan Am Airline reapportionment court cases. top contenders for second place whether proposed reforms have rangements and vacated the funds passing through its hands, s r 38 on the ticket. He and Humphrey Curran of 653 Main St. waa held personnel. Such eases are now pending in been Instituted. Martin speciflcally questioned building by this evening. he said, because it has no au­ have paralleling strong views in this morning from the John F. Oonnscticut and other states. the procedure followed in the thority to hold Lutz accountable (Continued from Page One) favor of civil rights, but Hum­ Tierney Funeral Home, 219 W. In calling today’s meeting, 41 John J. Drlsooll of Bridge­ hiring of rec department sum­ for them. phrey’s have been well publi­ Center St., with a solemn high Martin had written to Herdic, a.m. at New Y oik’a John F. port. president of the Connecti­ "It Is my intention to explore mer personnel, and wanted to Tha trouble with the board cized and McCarthy’s have not. Mass of requiem at St. James’ 12th Circuit 43 44 46 47 48 cut State Labor Council, AFL- the administraUon of the Recre­ know why they were employed handling the funds for the Kennedy International Airport, Every maneuver at this con­ Church. CIO, Introduced the resolution ation Department to tha extent without first filling out employ­ museum, Rottner said, is that the union said. vention has pointed toward a The Rev. Eugene F. Torpey 51 and praised Rlblcoff for doing a necessary for determinaUon by ment applications, “ as is done Court Cases it merely increases the board’s 49 Johnson effort to placate dissi­ 'wae celebrant, assisted by the education budget. Then there is About the same time, the un­ •'terrific Job for the senior citl- me as to its merits." in all other departments?" ion called 2,500 of its meinben dent forces and emerge with his Rev. John D. Regan, deacon, complaint that the board of ed­ *ens o f our country.” and the Rev. Joseph H. McCann, Herdic defended his pro­ off their jobs on the Pacific 52 53 54 first presidential nomination This morning’s meeting was cedure as "the normal practice ucation uses up too much of Rlblcoff and the state's five subdeacon. Mrs. Ralph Macca- halted at noon with nothing EAST HARTFORD SESSION CkMist and Hawaii. About ISO with a relatively united party in hiring summer personnel." John McCarthy, 39. of 79 the town’s money, he said. BY AL VERMEER Democratic congressmen were rone waa organist and soloist. yet resolved, and was to resume Dr. Sumner replied that the pickets marched in Miami, the PRISCILLA’S POP 55 57 behind him. When the meeting adjourned, 1 .Mnmer St.. Manchester, ar- present at the meeting and Burial was in St. James’ Ceme­ at 2 p.m. muMum had to aell Its prod­ union said. 26 Martin told Herdic, “The in­ reeted early this morning at hie were introduced by the gfover- tery. Father McCann read the In attendance this morning stituted town purchasing and uct of educational services to Pan America operates no sor. committal service. home on a Circuit Court war­ stay alive. He said that in the domestic flights but flies to were seven female members of employment procedures were rant charging him with non­ OUT OUR WAY %Y J. R WILLIAMS Thomas J. Dodd, the state’s last year, half of the musetim points throughout the world Subway Blast the rec department-sponsored evolved to keep you, along with support, this afternoon had his senior senator, was not pres­ Senior Citizen’s Club, whose expenses had come from the from New York, Miami, Chica­ ail other department heads, out case continued, withodut bond, ent. The governor, when quer­ spokesman said that they were of trouble." town and slightly more from go, Washington, , Wash, MEG Asks Hike until Sept. 36. The eeise contin­ ied toy newsmen, said he did not private persons kiohiding the Portland, Ore., San Francisco, Spurs Panic uance followed a statement know why Dodd did not attend. United Fund. Los Angeles and Houston, Tex. In Clerk Wages from McCarthy, before the Dodd was not in his seat with But since all of the mu- The union said the 2,700 em­ (Conttnued from Page One) School Board Weighs Policy court, ttiat he hSM a job to go aeum’s servicee are given to the ployes It iriPireeents at Cape Mm voting delegates for the to and plana to aupport Ms Kennedy, Fla., would take no opening session. The Municipal Bmployea’ community and echoola, the The explosion was In a room Group (MEG) Is asking the family. oommunlty should pay for what part In the strike. The union has Secretary of Slate Slla T. at the north end of the station. town to adjust trie wages of On Kindergarten Admission it la getting, he said. The prin­ a no-strike agreement with the Oraseo, the eo-chairman of the Benjamin Henderson, conduc­ present clerical workers to keep ciple of paring for aenrices ren­ federal government affecting eonventlon's resolutione com­ tor of the train, said the loud them one pay grade ahead of Town to Seek dered is a necessary one, he missile site workers. The Cape mittee, oompleted her week- blast frightened passengers, newly hired clerks. *nta board of aducation un-^the time and responsibility of said. Private people shouldn’t Kennedy union members work long labora on the party's plat- who rushed through the train In a letter to General Man­ dertook a re-view of the kinder­ the Jn*>- All Increments are in Bid§ on Itemg have to support what the pub- on launching pads, fueling mis- #orm. doors in panic. garten admleslone policy last addition to regular teacher sal­ Mo receives. sllee and maintenance. ager Richard Martin and the aries. She deeeribed the platform as The fire turned out to be mi­ board of directors' the MEG night at Bennat Junior High The board members replied Sc9k>oI, but came to no deciaion All poeltions received some The town is advertising for that however much R agreed a “moving and eloquent docu­ nor. Police said it was extin­ asks a two-step pay Increase to change It. On the other hand pay advsmcement but none bids on unit prices for four sixes It could only approve funds for ment . . . on which ail Demo- guished and caused no injury, for incumbent clerical workers It came to no decision not to. were greater than 3KX) over last of cast Iron water pipe for the servicee rendered. They Implied srate csei stand together." although hea-vy smoke filled the INVITATION BONNIE BY JOE CAMPBELL “ to eliminate the inequities that The board did refuse an ap­ year. town water department, and for that a proposed Nature Center, station. result" when new employes are The board approved a re­ ATLANTIC (TITY (AP) — plication for early admission by two pieces of equipment for the though undoubtedly education­ TO BID Transit Authortly spokesmen hired at the same wage level. a resident. Some members felt quest by Oollln.«i that consider­ park department, a ttirf-sliclng al, was not a legitimate service Keade Alcorn of Suffield, for­ Sealed bids in duplicate for •said another train was stuck The employes’ group says the with Atty, John Rottner that ation of the personal policy rec­ unit and a power roller. already rendered. mer Republican national chair­ the supplying of Finish Hard­ near the IS.'ith Street station. problem arises because the ommendation of his committee The water pipe bids will be Dr. Sumner said the school man, la having a good time at the burden of proof should lie ware and Toilet Accessories for An ambulance was sent there town increasea the starting pay with the parents to show by be postponed until the next opened at 11 a.m. an Sept. 2 board should request the direc­ this DemocraUe national con­ meeting. He had been asked by the Highland Park School, Man­ “ Picture tube burned out! Electric shaver broken! Paper vention. amid reports of hysteria, pre­ for clerical Joba each year to paychological testa or other in the Municipal Building, while tors to make the supplemental sumably linked to the power remain competitive with ether board member Christis McCor­ chester, <;k>nn., will be received boy late! To top It off I break the yolk of your egg! Alcorn Is here a.s a political means that underage children those for the park equipment allocation on the basis of serv­ until 2 p.m. D.S.T. Sept. 3, 1964 shutoff. employers. mick for the postponement, he will be opened at 11 a.m. on ices rendered. The board admit­ Maybe we can have the President declare the place sommentator for a television were exceptional enough to de­ said. at the office of the General network. He was also at the 'Thus a secretary who be­ serve early enrollment. Sept, 4 ted previous appropriations had a disaster areal" gan work for the town three Collins said he believed the Manager, Town of Manchester, Republican convention in San Board chairman Katherine The specifications call for the not adequately covered the Municipal Building, 41 O n ter years ago— who has had an an­ Manchester Education Associa­ Francisco last month. Town Notified Bourn thought there should be tion (M EA) preferred majority water pipe to be tar-coated and St., Manchester, Conn., at which “I'm enjoying it here very nual pay Increase—is still on some leeway in the system. representation rather than the cement-lined, and to be of #lx, time all proposals will be opened much,” Alcorn said. "There’s the same pay level as a new Board member Atty. William proportional representation his eight, ten and twelve-foot diam­ and publicly read. (Joples of the Of Fall Claim eters. really not much difference. clerical workers, since the base Collins also disliked the rigidity committee had proposed. He INVITATION plans, specifications and bidding You have the same cast of pay has Uicreased at the same of the present system which ex­ said, however, he was not sure The turf-slicing unit is to be documents may be obtained at BEN CASEY eharacters, the same fights, A Foster St. man has filed rate as tm secretary’s wage. cludes a child from enrolling in this was the MEA position be- a Ryan Maiaway, heavy-duty, TO BID the office of Louis J. Drakos St the same corridor conferences, notice with the town alleging According to MEG, a similar kindergarten if he or she does cau.se that position waa often self-powered machine The pow­ Sealed bide will be received at Associates, architect, Profes- the same cocktail parties. It’s er roller i.s to be a Ryan Roll- he was injured after being trip­ two-step increase is allotted to not have a fifth year birthday confusing. the Office of the General Mana- sional Park, Farmington, Conn, a lot of fun." ped up by an uneven sidewalk. board of education clerical aire model, with reverse gear, 1 MANAGED TD 6ET CAN TO THE on or before Jan. 1. The MEA has sent a letter ger, 41 Center Street, Manches- on or after Aug. 25,1964. Francis T. Gee, 30 Foster St., workers. “Following the prac­ The board discussed several to Collins objecting to his rec­ and will be traded against a ter, Connecticut, until Septem- No bidder may withdraw hla d oo rw ay b u t I NEEDED TO Bveryone wants tickets ex­ says in the notice that he fell tice ot the board of education possibilities to make the sys­ ommendation that membership 1946 Moto Power Roller. ber 2, 1964 at 11:00 A.M. for bid within 30 days after actual BY FRANK O’NEAL MAKE A PATH THROUGH THAT tra or otherwise--to the Con­ about 12:30 p.m, on July 9 gHORT RIHS HAIL OF BULLETS. I USED THE seems a fair way to solve this tem more flexible, but none on official committee^ be pro­ Cast Iron Water Pipe. date of opening thereof. The vention Hall. when he tripped on a rai.sed l a s t o f o u r ROCKETS...' problem," the MEX3 says. were formally submitted or act­ portioned between the town’s Bid forms and specificaUons Town of Manchester reserves "There la no relationship be­ .sidewalk slab in front of 749 The employes’ group also ed upon. two teacher organizations. The Peach Festival are available at the Controller’s the right to waive any Infor- tween tickets and bodies," Na­ Main St. " ^ notes that the board of cduca- In other action the board ap­ MEIA has not yet made public Office, 66 Center Street, Man- malities in or to reject any and tional Chairman John M. Bailey i As a result of the fall, Gee Uon extends the top pay for proved a salary schedule of any reasons for its objections. Called Success cheeter, ConnecUcut. all proposals. told his Connecticut delegates. , says, he suffered an injured clerical workers who have school department heads and The board approved its final Town of Manchester, Signed, "You pass out tickets and ankle and aggravation of an reached the top of the eetab- building superintendents. By revised and adjusted budget ex­ The annual Peach Festival Connecticut Richard Martin, then nobody uses them," he existing circulatory condition, lished pay scale. penditures for 1963-64. It asked said. "They’re status symbols, j means of five classifications, sponsored by the Eighth Dis­ Richard Martin, General Manager Once you have one you decide j these poeitimis will now receive for further Information on why trict Fire Department last Fri­ General Manager Town of Manchester to sit in a bar and watch the ' increments from $150 to 3500 its janitorial overtime esti- day evening was a huge suc­ show on television. Then we depending upon tiie^^iumber of mates fell 312,000 short of ex- cess and returns are still being havo two or three thousand , Fly er Wins Legal Round people in the depamhant and penses. received, according to co-chair­ empty seats in the hall.” men J. Edward McKeever, lieu­ Timothy Simon, 427 S. Main tenant, and Frank Mordavsky, In erd^r to eerraet any miscencaption which There’s a large Republican In Dispute Over Airfield St.; Miss Louise Arner, 66 assistant chief, who also re­ sign on the boardwalk here. It Events Cushman Dr.; Mrs. Constance ported that 1,600 persons at­ might hava arisen from our advertiiamant in MOR'TY MEEKLE BY DICK CAVAIXl features a picture of Sen. Barry tended. The Town of Tolland has been-^ In its request for the tem­ Mitchell. 6 Buckland Alley; BY ROY CRANE Goldwater, the time and tem­ Mrs, Sophie Platt, 76 McKee The second helpings o t short­ Monday's Haraid, wa wish to bring to your BUZZ SAWYER porary injunction, the town cake served in other years had perature, and it reads: In vour denied a request for a temper St.; Janice Archamboult, Cov­ H AH OOhi, claimed that the aeronautical In State to be curtallril because of the attantidn that Doctors of Dontistry aro quali- MEANWHILE, ALL NAVAL heart, you know he's right. Vote ary injunction which would entry; Mrs. Alice Weir, 117 h K A C T A V m — activities of Francis A. Dureiko, unexpected crowd. Forty-five W CRAFT ARE PULLED for Barry Goldwater." have barred a Rockville flying Summer St.; Leo Poulin, 20 CONTLerTHaM Gov. John N. Dempsey can 139 E. Main 8t. are against the (Ceettoeed from Page Oae) baskets of peaches were peeled fiad to proserrbo modicatien and perform aral OFF THE SEARCH Florence St.; Alfredo Santos, by wives of volunteers and oth­ UNTIL THE RAGE OF FL6HYDU(3Vee see the sign every time he looks enthusiast from operating a pri­ town’s zoning regulations and 162 N. School St.; Mrs. Augusta er women in the area. THE TYPHOON 1M5 azIN K / out of his hotel sitting room. vate airfield. create a nuisance. vocation at a rally in New surgery. August, East Hartford: Mra. The event was held In the MODERATES. But It was former Sen. Wil­ In a finding yesterday, Judge In his answer, Dureiko York City last week at which Mabel Philbrick. Ellington; Robert A. Wall, of the cjourt of claimed that his activities are: gaily decorated lot next to fire liam Benton of Fairfield who the principal speaker was John Mrs. Constance Kaplan. 126 headquarters at Main and Hil­ Con- Common Pleas, .said that the air Recreational jM f permitted un­ Rousselot, public relations di­ I poked fun at it during a Adelaide Rd.; Lewis Willey, 55 liard Sts. John Britney, organ­ Wtfdon Drug Company a field falls short of constituting a der zoning becluse zoning regu­ rector of the John Birch So­ necticut caucus. Ridge St. ist, played old familiar tunes f Benton suggested that he was nuisance. lations do n«t/prohibit airports; ciety and a former Republican ADMITTED TODAY: Linda congressman from California. during the evening. r constitute an accessory use to M, Bruno, Wapping; Lee A. a dwelling house in the process TTie right-wing Birch So­ Belcher, RFD 1. Bolton; Mrs. of construction; is an existing, ciety la condemned as an ex­ Jancie DiBella’, 173 Union St.; I I non-conforming use (the air­ tremist group in the proposed Theodore Winot, 14 Brainard p port was started before zoning Democratic platform. Republi­ Pi. I cans at their national conven­ OOi. 'l regulations went into effect); BIRTHS YESTERDAY: Ai ? (][]E FINDS A DESERTED HUT, EVEN AN AXE, tion took no stand on extremist ,2 V and that regulations excluding son to Mr. and Mrs. Edward ‘'AND BEST OF ALL, COCONUTS. iZS groups and Sen. Barry Gold- airports are an unwarranted Allard, West Wllington; a VY , S tudebater water, the OOP candidate for M^Donaldli and unreasonable Interference president, has declined to re­ daughter to Mr. and Mrs. with hla constitutional rights. nounce the support of Birch Thomas McC^sker, 14 Burke CAPTAIN EASY BY LESLIE TURNER THE COMMON-SENSE CAR Rd., Rockville; a daughter to MICKEY FINN BY LANK LEONARD The proposed airfield is lo­ Society members. cated between Brown Bridge Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Fuller, M I 3MERK»H 20 Jensen St. Rd. and Rt. 30 on land formerly EXPLOSION AT FENN I u jy TTNCN LET U6 FRAME UP owned by the Stafford Springs NEWINGTON (AP)—About BIRTHS TODAY: A daugh­ THE AAAP FOR HIAA/ $ Railway and used as a trolley ter to Mr. and Mra. Leonard NO! IT WOULD BREAK THAT? OUR SPECIALTY TO 260 workers were evacuated line between Rockville and Staf­ DeLlsle, Webster Rd., Rockville. OUR BOYS HEART IF A . , VK3U KNOW/ from the Fenn Manufacturing DISCHARGED Y E S T E R- ford Springs. Dureiko said he 800 (3o. yesterday after a fire and DAY; Mrs. Martha Wood, purchased the property In 1957, explosion burned two employes. Cider Mill Rd., Bolton; Mrs. DON'T WAIT TILL OCTOIER and since then has worked clear­ Henry Dolron, 56. of Hartford, Margaret Wetherell, 343 Park­ ing the area and leveling the and Edmqnd Roth, 56, of New er St.; Mrs. Shirley Glenney, land. Britain were treated at New 182 Boulder Rd.; June Fries, GET CLOSE-OUT PRICES A hearing waa held last De­ Britain General Hoepital and South Windsor; John Orsini Jr., cember and about 180 Tolland released. The blast occurred in South Windsor; Mrs. Jean RIGHT NOW residents went on record favor­ the firm’s nuclear division, but Schmitt and son, 11 Gerard St.; ing the airport. About 60 resi­ a state official said there was Mrs. Betty Petricca and daugh­ 1 «0 H M IM B m HAMlimOMtt-Ml from kmm dents opposed the project. no evidence of any radioactive ter, 218 Porter St.; Mrs. Shirley aMaf — but top qooiHy b*#f frewnd fr*eh J«Sy. AAdtonoW't Dureiko said that a result ot material involved. Sparks from Hampton and daughter, 218 the hearing the State Aero­ a grinding machine apparently Wetherell St. Hambwryw ora torrad hot *lf lb* «rW •• tooriod bum '- nautics (Commission licenses the started the fire and ignited ex­ DISCHARGED TODAY: Al­ airport (or private use. plosive material, a. company bert Yiznltsky 40 Vernon St.; ibo woy yo6 Hfco 'o « bo*H He said that he received the spokesman said. Francis Sesto, 104 W. Middle license on June 3 and since Tpke.; Miss Elsa Johnson, 531 CMSF aOLOIN MOWN HtlNCM MllS-cwt from cbeleo MR. ABERNATHY BY RALSTON JONES and FRANK RIDGEWAY DAVY JONES BY LEFF and McWILLIAMS then the town has initiated Its Hartford Rd.; Barclay Zelonls, #1 hkiho petatoo* - preparod to yo«r tatto and torvod injunction action. A hearing on East Hartford; John Stratton, the permanent injunction is Hospital Notes 805 Hartford Rd.; Cheryl Moz- piptof bet. You nom hod them to «jood1 JES' DON'T YO' '' slated for next month. '’^O P THIS NEVER FERGIT IT, zer, 136 Avery St.; Gary Ber- FOOLISHNESS, MAH OARLIN'...AH 2-DOOR SEDAN visiting hours are X to 8 p.m. zanowskl, 45 Wedgewood Dr.; TRini-THICK D A«Y *HAKI$ - »mooth and oraamy-tlia TALOOLY'N' LET AM RIGHT BEHIND 4-CYLINDER In all areas excepting matern­ William Tierney, Hartford; MAH BUODV YO'.» r -r m u f f f Public Records ity where they nre 2 to 4 p.m Miss Virginia Talbot, 456 E. •aad ald-taihlowd Und mod# jutt riphti OUT O' TH AR .', Radio, Heater, and 6:36 to 8 p.m. and private Middle Tpke.; Mrs. Bertha Delivered rooms where they are 10 ajn. Files, Crestfleld Convalescent Auto. Trans. WarraatM Deetd to 8 pjn. Visitors are requested Home; Mrs. Cora Young, 51 Optional Extra. In Manchester FVank W. Barry and Patricia not to smoke In patients’ rooms. Elm St., Rockville: Mrs. FYsui- N. Barry to Thomas P. Mc­ No neore than two visitors at ces Tierney and daughter, 11 Kenna and Margaret B. Mc­ ene time per patient. Academy St.; Mrs. Carol Pon- Kenna, property at 42 Arcallia tlcelli and daughter, 171 E. Dr. ADMITTED YESTERDAY: Middle Tpke.; Mrs. Kathleen Building Permlta Mrs. Magdalene Roberta, Staf­ Ogrodnik and daughter, RFD iHe Dtiald't Boland Motors To Frank (Gambolati, for con­ ford Springs; Carol Ackerman, 1, Bolton; Mrs. Sharon Lussier struction of a dwelling at 38 Tolland; Oianf Reijman, .East and son, Columbia; Mrs. Shir­ 369 CENTER ST. at Wost Center St. Somerset Dr., 317,000. Hartford; David and Deborah ley Barton and daughter, Staf­ To UAH Housing Corp., for Stelmat, Windeorvllle; Mrs. ford Springs; Mrs. Ruth 46 WEST CENTER ST.. MANCHEStER Tel. 443-4079 Open Evenings construction of a dwelling at Louise Gallagher, 9 Foster St.; Borgason and daughter, (3ot- 37 Highweod Dr., 336,000. Mra. Hattie Naaon, Owantry; e n try . ■ K

MANCHESTER EVENINO HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, AUGUST K , 18^4 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN., TUESDAY, AUGUST 25, 1964 PAGE THm nBf LVS' Slugs Five Hits Against Phils; Chisox Ldse^ Trail by Two ’THE Herald Angle Manchester Open Set Sept. 13-14 Rico Carty Bolsters Top Rookie Bid HOWIE HOLCOMB AssIstaBt Sporto Editor Browns Still Confident ■ ■ ■ NEW YORK (AP)—Ri-t *««"• c*rty—“i ww^iniIng the Los Angeles Dodgers,«against the Dodgers in the flrsl*tial ty*“* Prize Money ■ 4-2. In other action, St. with a four-run out- but Jim I^ t picked non » just a kid and I didn’t realize What Seaoon !• It, Anyway? CO Carty of the Milwaukee Louis whipped Pittsburgh, 6-1, burst helped along by Tommy ford off first to end the Inning. Rookie Place-Kicker Braves admits he was a bit what I was doing”—had signed and Houston blanked the Chi­ Davis’ error on a Willie Mays Chicago then closed to within We're iitting in again (and that’s not for any demon­ This Season over-anxious about break­ with the Estrellas club in the cago Cubs 2-0. liner. ’That produced one run, one run in the eighth, but reliev­ stration) at the aports desk while EWY soaks up some Dominican Republic before a grounder i y Orlando Oepeda er A1 Worthington got Moose ing into organized base­ The , Skowron and Buford on short more New England sunshine and in a quieter moment wielding his pen for the Giants meanwhile, lost an opportunity drove one In in the second and Up to $1;700 Swapped to Cowboys ball. and Reds. ’The Estrellas chib Jim Hm t finished things up flies with the tying run on tWrd. yestw^ay reflected on the^confusion that exists if one He ligned wiUi just about to gain ground on American had sold Carty to the Rraves. League leading , fall­ with a two-run homer. • • • takee a quick look from the calendar to the current pile Dates for the 18th an­ every club In the Dohilnlcan Against the Phillies, Carty CARDS-PIRA’TES — N E W YORK (AP) — will play aa long as I oan,* Republic. And with San Fran­ ing two games behind the Ibe Dodgers scored their only of mail. nual Manchester Open Golf doubled in the first, singled in The month o f August is There were 28 seconds re­ ■aid Groza. ”I never woiR cisco. And Cincinnati. And he Orioles after a 4-3 loss to Min­ runs in the first on a homer by Bill White hit a two-nm horn-, the other opponents, Windsor, maining on the clock. on the principle a t lea'ring. the second, homered in the ibown on Uie calendar, Indicat­ 'Eoumament — Sept. 13-14 had his runaway pen in hand, nesota in the only game on Willie Davis, then were shut er for the Cardinals hi th« Northwest and South Catholic, Cleveland’s Lou Groza fourth and doubled in the fifth ing the baseball season is in were announced recently by "I’ll probably be aroimd ready to sign with St. Louis, the schedule. out the rest at the way by Jim Wilby of Waterbury and Penny calmly lined up his field goal and seventh, lifting his average • • • eighth and Ken Boyer followed' full swing — and it seems we until they sweep me out." when Milwaukee protested. Duffalo. Duffalo, who hadn’t with another homer, taking the of East Hartford. tourney chairman Joe Za- attempt with the Browns from .312 to .323 vrlth the BBAVES-FHOUS— have heard something of that They may never sweep But the Braves haven’t pro­ pitched a complete gams since jiressure off . Gib­ Manchester will play the same netti. 'The local event ranks trailing the Los Angeles spurt while bringing his home his first major league start In nature around and about — but him out of the recocfl tested since. run output to 13 and his runs Carty led a 16-hit Milwaukee son was working on a 3-1 load old CCIL slate — no changes among the leading events Rams, 28-27, In the Nation­ books. A 24-year-oId outfielder mak­ attack against five Philadelphia 1961, allowed only six hits. you'd never guees it from the and no additions. batted in total to 66. at that point and wound up with in New England and is rat­ al Football Leagiie cham­ The Ml time leadiiig boot* ing a bid for rookie o f the pitchers. Hank Aaron chipped • • • a six-hitter while striking out 12. maU. • * * pionship game. Carty, who has been over­ Included in recent days has ed right behind the ICJO in er in the NFL. Groza holds year honors in the National in with his 22nd homer and TWINS-WHITE SOX— * • * As Groza approached the League, Carty slammed five shadowed in his bid for rookie three runs batted in while Eddie (Men the football brochure of College Forecast state golf importance. eight league records and honors by the Phillies' Richie The ’Twins scored twice in the COLTS-CIJBS — ball for the all-important his seniority as a pro dates straight hits—a homer, three Mathews collected three hits. Southern Connecticut State The college football forecast, This year $1,700 in prizes will kick, on the sidelines, the doubles and a —as the Allen, has no less impressive second Inning against the White Pitcher Bob Bruce, who al­ College, a press release from briefly mentioned earlier, is in be offered. Aa in the past Sun­ back to the original credentials. Allen, who has Wes Covington supplied most Browns already were heav­ Braves walloped the first-place lowed only two hits, got the the Boston Patriots, a' football the current edition of Look mag­ Browns of the now defunct played in 30 more games, is o f the fireworks for the Phil Sox with the aid of an error by day play will be for amateurs, ing their helmets li\-lhe air , 12-9, lies, driving in six runs wltn Colts’ winning rally started in forecast from a popular na­ azine. Monday’s for pro and low han­ All-American Conference. hitting .314 with 23 homers A1 Weis, and added two more the eighth inning with a single in a sign of victory. Groza will be shooting to last night. two homers and a pair of tional magazine, a release Picked to be the outstsmding dicap (under seven) amateurs. That was 13 years ago, and 66 RBI. in the third on singles by Rich off Lou Burdette. Walt Bond’.s hit the 1,000-point mark in Carty has hit like that in doubles. Clay Dalrymple also about a benefit National Bas­ group in the East are the Sal- L&st year Ed Kuna, assistant and Groz:a Justified the The loss trimmed the Phillies’ Rollins, Tony Oliva and Zollo single and an error on the play his NFL career this season. the Braves’ chain ever since homered for Philadelphia. ketball Association game and tine Warriors of Syracuse. Yale pro at Woodhrldge County Browns’ confidence, kicking they took his Inkwell away by lead to six and one-half games Versalles. Then they held on as by Billy Williams let both runs • * • believe R er not, the home is tabbed as the Ivy League Club, topped a field of 388 with the winning field goal. He has scored 987 points on appealing to the late Gcor;?e over the Sah Francisco Giants. the White Sox muffed their op­ score. Hal Woodeshick pitched 176 field goals, 453 extra OIAN’TS-DCHIGERS— portunities. ncbedule ef the New York champ with Columbia’s All- a winning score of 07. Ninety- Once again, yesterday, Trautman, then the president who broke a tie for second the ninth for Houston after Everything, Archie Roberts, as points and one touchdown. of the minors, i place with Cincinnati by defeat- The Giants put it away The White Sox had Uie poten- Bruce hurt his back. Rangers. five professionals were In that the Browns expressed their That doesn't sound bhe sum­ the Ivy’s outstanding individual. field. confidence in Groza, now a The touchdown came on Roberta would be an All-Amer­ a pass from Otto Graham mer! Again this season the leading 40-year-old veteran of 18 But there are more signs of ican with a powerhouse team,” amateurs in the state including professional football sea­ In 1950 on a since outlawed the magazine declared. the ocHTiing season changes — State and New England cham­ sons, by trading rookie tackle eligrible play. Oklahoma Is picked as the CAUGHT!-—Don Hufonl of the White Sox is tagged out by Twins’ first base- much earlier than the leaf pion Ron Smith, Jimmy Grant, kicking specialist Dick Van One other trade was con­ Yogi Fails in Pinch-Hit Role Major League No. 1 team nationally and the Raaphorst to the Dallas cluded during the day as man Don Mincher. The play cut short a Sox rally and helped the Twins to a ^langee, by the way. only major college club to go Allan Breed and Pete Zaccag- Holdover Tony Aitbrio and nlno are expected to partici­ Cowboys for an undisclosed the 32 pro football clubs 4-3 win. (AP Photofax.) =Lea

MAMonemt lYBm fo h b i a l d ^ MAMCHKmmL oovnr., fuisD AT, a u g r w t bb, i o m MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHE STER, CONN^ TUESDAY, AUGUST tS , 1964 S-7; fO U R T B lS K m Mvslad 88 Wntod R«it ISl T1 For M s 71 71 Salesmen Wanted M*A By FAGALT and SHORTEN B«Ip W anM—Nale 36 6 8 Business Services THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW f o r SALB' — llirea nttore. WANTED hi vicinity at boa- BKHVr ROOM ralaad raaob, MANCHESTER — New 5 room RANCH, 4^roeme, 8 EXPBRIBNCBD Salesmen or Offered 13 FLUMBttRa and helper! exper­ i f J J s m AMD JMWBUIT i* . ^•rtene, M ttttaft ISS5h. BOLnrOM C flO fm t A p u tn e n to , pltal two furnished one bed­ two yoars old, large Itvtaig aarrieoB Golontal. 13x84 Itvlnfi Mtohea, fivtag room, wooded tom hunt eentar kail ienced In new construction. women needed for expanding palrtoK. Promj^ Mrvloa. Dp to Coma in> and try tiiem out room apartments. Oontaet room with fireplace, modem room, family room, buUt-tn lot, handy to bos, BwpplM, 7 n a n o , 2 M e n a t w o r k .* k w a r e T Real Estate operation cover­ Goner Brandy tt and Bolton RAPID RUBBISH removal—At­ Call after 7, 289-0611. S o «B your ow mtota In tnd*. Fbone 649-7867 otr O49-TU0. Oantar Rd., new 8 rooms, haat, Mrs. Budcler, 948-U41, Bxt Utohen with tnOtOiMi, family UtohoB, mamer bedroom wMh sde. Excellent eendWon. $13,- / $LOH DOWN.' ing Manchester, Vernon. South hrssaeway, 9-car CLASSIFIED tics, cellars, and yards. Handy aoM d Mondays. F. B. Bray, hot watar, atova, rsMgarator, 308, betwasn 7 a.m.-S p.m. room, 4 or 8 badrooms, 3-aona dresBiifi room, low twentlee. 800. Fhflbrlek A ganey, 449- Windsor area. We are looking man service. Call M9-0218, 643- «UCH flOllS MA'/ SeiNO- • n e t Main Stroot, 8tat« Thoator 8190. 64ft88N, 64S-48U. hot water heat, garage, 8M,900. R a yee A gen cy. 841-4505, fWUXw OIQ| 7479. A fUZZLCD FR0WM-> for full-time people With pro­ BuUding. Wearing Apparri— F n s 87 QUIET REBINBD famUy with PMIbritik Agaaoy, 64M4M. |M,909. P M M e k Afioney, 5 »> fessional attitudes licensed and SIX ROOM duplex, ideal loca­ two small children desire rent 80. WINDfiOR, Wapplnfi. HOLL 8TRBirr-ln the center STEPS, SIDEWALKS, Stone AMERICAN ENKA CORP. * ^OOATB, jack ets, ready to go. On tile Job train­ tion, liirae ehfidran accepted. up to $100. AppUances op- 900. 739 G riffin R oad. a Q e a i % of everything. A five bedroom advertising walls, fireplaces, flarxtone ter­ Florists—N«nericfi 49 blouses, and dresses, exeellant room ranch, caiport, full Imum- cider colonial with eeparate TWO FAMXLT. ~aaat Bde. S- ing will be proidded. liberal GaU 649-U4B. ttonal. 380-4174. races, hatchways, dry wells. i« looking for . . . condition, steea 10-14. 6464li ELLINGTON mont, half acre treed lot Own­ gueet houee. Two bathe, r garagee, great poteaSal ba> commission earnings with JAPANBSB TBWS—Dig them CLASSinED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS All concrete repairs. Reason­ draw possibilities. AK Realtor THRBB ROOMS, haat, hot wa- er transferred. Immediate ae- room, pordiee. Asking ta the eauM a t locaticn. WsBey E. able. 643-0801. PRODUCTION yoursalf, 4 to 8 yoars old, 98c eupmey. Aseumahle 4%% low twenties. Bxcellssit boy. SnaKh A gency, 545-3587. 6 AM. to 5 P.M. and MLS facilities available. Wanted— Ta B a y 88 tar, arlilBg lor eleetiic etove. Time to make a obaage be­ and up. Fred Tedford’s F4m 648-8068. O .I. m ortgage. Call ow ner, 044- T . J. Oroekett, R ealtor, 948- YOU ARE A-1! Truck is A-1! o p e r a t o r s Call Mr. Werbner at 648-1121 Gardens, 179 Fern Street. fore echool Btarte, priced BOimXN - OOVEirntT line ■ or 648-7847 for an appointment GASH IM M BDIATBLT—W e hm for quick sale. Roomy 6% 0610. 1577. COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. Cellars, attics, trash, small THRBB ROOM heated u o r t - BUamBSS BONB m - BQibt Immaculate 'wHh a large trucking done A-1 right! Call to discuse this fine opportun­ anything from a pin to battle- room Ranch ta jtieaeant MANCHukrER Vksliilty—A 8 BUCKLEY SCHOOL Area - 4 oMcken coop. Ideal retirement MWIDAT Thru ntlDAX lt:SO A.M.»8ATTrRDAX • A.U. ■hip. Used furniture and ap­ meet, and garage, IIS M aln rooms wltli two otttoee, sep­ country setting. Must be 643-292^, Tremano Trucking Good pay, steady work, ity. Fuel and Peed 49-A S t , $100. 6 4 f t 5 » . fr5. arate entraace, euitalila for bedroom ranch on country bedrooms, 8 fidl baths, heat­ set-up, beautiful home, tw « ear Service. pliances. Ask for Mr. R e^ seen to be appreciated. For sized wen shrubbed lot, huge ed family room, kitetasn with garage phM taeom e Aram company paid insurance f o r SALB — Seasoned hard m o-8254. 349-4794. bualnaaa or pmfssalwial oaa. inform ation ca ll owner, 875- PLEASE READ YOUR AD program. Apply IMRBB ROOMS, first floor Phllbriok Aganey. MftSMO. living room with flr^lace, buUt-tas, dininf area, S-car ga­ ohiekene ta jour ewn bock HAVE SMALL pickup truck— w o^ tor fireplace. Immediate Inquire 96 Wells Street before 8068. family slsed kitchen, spotless rage, 100x300 lot, 132,900. YTol- yard. Look tne one over, H OtaMmed Mr **WMt .Ads” a n tekea over tbe phone no n Attics and cellars cleaned. Situations Wanted— delivery. Trunk and trailer WE BUY, SELL or trade on m e n are there 6 p.m . BS80 SBRVICB station far condition. Sctiidly built 1964, verton A gency, R ealtor, 649- you want retirem ent p t a In* oonvenlMtoe. Tlie ndvMiioer should rend his ad the FIRST Rubbish removed. Rea.sonabIe. Tme r F e m a le 8 8 loads available at yard. B. J. tlque and used fundtura, nbinn, THATS CORRECT- glMs. silver, picture frames leaae at Bolton Notch, Big $15,600. W olverten A gyncy, 3811. come. T. J. Onxdiett, Reeltoe* DAT IT APPEARS and REPORT ERRORS In time for the Call 649-1043. Employment Office B egin, 164 M anchester Road, FOUR ROOM dupleoc, west ways 4 and 44A. Gontaet M MANCHESTER — New 8 room R ealtor, 649-2818. 848-1577. aent taaertion. The Herald Is reaponslbii for only ONE incor- IT’S THE %VORK SECRBITARY, experienced typ­ Glastonbury. Tel. 6S8-39SS. and old coins, old dolls and ist, stenographer and recep­ side, available after Sept. 10. D. Lothrop, 837-4188. raised ranch, 3-ear garage, COVENTRY-Beautiful 6 room root or ondtted Insertion tor nay advertisement and then only WASHING MACHINES re­ TOU CANT DETECT/ Dividend Rd., Rocky Hill guns, hobby coUectiens, attic By appointment between 6-8 huUt-lns, IH baths, % acre lot, MANCHESTER — Executive Cape, modem kltchsn, 4 bed­ HOLLISTER SCHOOL Aiee-^ paired, RCA, Whirlpool and tionist, desires part-time poel- contents or odiole esfrdeo. Fttr^ to tiM extent of a "make rood” lasertloa. Errors which do not GardeiH-i^W nt— ^Dairy p.m. only. No pete. Gall 649- tremendous vahio. Hayes Agen­ neighborhood, lovely 7 room rooms, full basement, oil heat, Newly listed ftroom enpaafi- leaoea the value o f the adverUsemeat will not he oorrected by Kenmore. All work guaran­ tion. Call 649-9041. nlture Repair Service Toteott- 3591. flonses For Smk 72 cy , 648-4808. Colonial, mammoth Uving aluminum storms. Terrific val­ able Cape, beeiitlful deep teed. Call 643-4913, 644-8141. | Products 50 ville, Oonn. TeL 648-7449. “make food” InaarUoa. room, modem kitchen with ue, $9,900. Sriiwartz R ealtor, treed lot, aluminum riding and SIX ROOM duplex, excellent 88,100 - WBA. KBPT room WILLIAMS ST.—Two family, bullt-tns, 3-car nrage. Sacri windows. A cleaner than dean SHARPENING Service — Saws, I DUE TO EJXPANSION and pro­ CLEANING by the hour-^ a n ACRB of blueberries, choice WANTED TO BUT—Antiques 533-6838, A m id a , 848-6454. motions within our organiza­ condiUan, nice location, mod­ nuieh, t bedrooms, attractive 4-4, economical gas heat, alu­ fice at $19,900. Hayes Agency, hom e only $16,500. W esley R . knives, axes, .shears, skates,' homes, offices. Call 648-7028. cultivated variety and pick­ and good used furniture, vn- dining area, aahirhaa. Owner tion, we now have an opening em kitchen with hullt-lns, minum storms, garage, sew­ 648-4808. Smith A gen cy, 048-1567. DIAL 643-2711 rotary blades. Quick service. ing, 80c pint. Dooley, Watrous *age Peddler Auction House, avafiable about September 1, amfiona OsrltOD W. BntoMns, ers, bus line, priced low for Capitol Equipment Co., 38 for a man to train for a man­ WILL BABYSIT; also, for eld­ R oad, B olton. 649-8096. Route 88, aaitawton. 878^711, Realtor. 64»4nn. MANCHBBTBR-618,900. Owner agerial position. Salary, com­ erly people. Call after 8:80 $136. 648-1216. quick saue. R obert Anderson, 8ACRIFICB1D below 9HA ap­ Main St.. Manche.ster Houns Bob Fhxdtiger, aaN Son. R ealtor, 836-0189, 538-1776. praisal. 4 room eust(»n Ranch selling 6 room Dutdi Odoni^ daliy 7-5. Thursday 7-9 Satur­ mission, plus auto allowance, p.m., 649-3482. blueberries — Gboice cul­ BIRCH SntBBr — 2 bedroom Msuichester with garage, fireplace, 1^ Lot size 60.8x150. Vldntty IB- day' 7-4. 643-7958. to start. Many employe bene­ tivated late varieties, over 1,- WANTED — Silver doHars and flat up, modem Improvements, NEW COLONIALS — We have ing Junior and High Schoblx. 000 pints ready fo r picking; aH old and rare coins. Gon- ceramic baths, kitchen bullt- Tm lilt RtHhiic Our Advertiser? fits, Apply in person to the UK AAlLAitte just listed two four bedroom liu. Don’t miss this real buy. T el. 048-0190. LAWN MOWERS, sharpened Singer Company, 832 Main 30c pint; 10 quarts or over, necticut VaKey Coin Go., 648- WORK FREE CAPE TSNN Cape. IEA4 by tMle4 EaatiKa lyw*ee9e. iac. Dogs— Birds— Pets 41 6300. colonials with all the extras up Wesley R. Smith Agency, 648' and repaired, sales and serv­ Street. SOc a quart. Dooley, Watrous F IV E ROOM apartm ent, 84 on Grandview Street. One home 1567. MANCHECmm—gl8,80o! Mod- ice, rental equipment. L A M GROOMING and boarding, will R oad, B olton. 649-8096. Clinton Street, available Sep­ Immaculate well cared for emiaed 8 bedroom home. 24-Heur Answeriis Service 6 room home, all aluminum has two and a half baths, the Equipment Con).. Route 83, T-V TECHNICIAN, must be ex­ collect and deliver. H. C. tem ber 1. Can 649-3685. other m . Two car garages, LAKEWOOD CIRCLE Area^ Quiet, residential. BuEt-tas, Vernon, 875-7609. Manche.ster perienced in black and white Rooms Without Bokrd 59 exterior for maintenance room Colonial with breezeway OLD AND faster waRs. City wat«r. Sew­ Bonds— Stocks— Schools and Classes 33 Help Wanted— Female 35 Chase, Harmony Hill Kennels, CORN for freesing. walk-out basements, family exchange, Enterprise 1945. and color .servicing, days or Bolton, 643-5427. HUie- ROCKVILLE—^New S bedroom free living, located near and 2-car garage, 38 foot liv­ er. Capper tublM . OQ heat. Free te Herald Readers Mortgages 27 tow n R oad, 649-6496. ROOM FOR RENT, gentleman room, etc. Has to be seen to TYPIST—Clerical position local nights, full or part-time. Make apartment, all electric ap- Verplanck School, neatly be appreciated. Oall, ws have ing room with fireplace, din­ H. B. Grady, Broker, 845-8009. your own hours. Good pay. only, tree parking, references I^ a n ces. 875-8416. priced at $16,260. S. Clark fPaat M om atioa oa one of our claoalfled advertteements? No SECOND MORTGAGE - Un­ Insurance company, 5 days THREE CUTE puppie.s, 7 weeks required. CaH after 8 p.m., the key. T. J. Crockett, Real­ ing room, large family kitch­ Household Services weekly, 8:15-4:15. Good start­ Call 742-6062. old, females, $2.50 each. Call 649-6806, 875-2800. ELEGANT REMODELED • room home M w er at the telephone Nstedf Slmplo eaB the limited funds available for sec­ Honseliold Goods 51 643-3608. AVAILABLE SEPT. 1 — Four tor, 648-1577. en, 8 spacious bedrooms, IH Offered 13-A ing pay, fringe benefits, ca­ 742-7097. baths, tree shaded yard, $36, with new IH hotlis, new Uteb- ond mortgages, payments to ALL AROUND mechanic. Ap­ room centrally located apart­ en, reflnlshed floors, com­ .suit your budget. Expedient reer opportunity. Evening in­ SmOER SLANT-O-MATIC, OEN xtuBMBN — N icely fu r­ 818,900—DELIOirmJL e-room 400. W olverten A gency, R eal­ EDWARDS REWEAVTNG of BURNS, moth WANTED ply Amerbelle Corp., 104 E. ment, heat, hot water, stove, expandable Cape In excellent Completely restored OoJo- pletely redecorated, cioee to service. J. D. Realty. 643-6129. terviews by appointment. Call years old. Excellent condition. nished roome next to bath, refrigerator and garage includ­ Barrows * Wallace tor, 649-2818. holes. Zippers repaired. Win­ Mrs. Lubas, 643-1124. Main St., Rockville. A.sk for TWO CUTE kittens looking for condition, fine residential k>- nlel in a park-Uke setting. IMS, schools and shopping. Well ANSWERING SERVICE Mr. Passardi. Cost new $889, will take $139 parking, residential. 649-6801 ed, $130. 640-6544. Manchester Parkade, This Is mhanced by many dow shades made to mea.sure, A BETTER ARRANGEMENT w o m e n — home. Phone 649-7375. after cation, anxious owner moving MANCHESTER — tootiess worth a look. Ask for Nomnaa o r $8 a w eek. 349-0786. M anchester 640-5806 fln« features — large re- 449-0500 — 875-2519 all .sizes Venetian blinds. Keys of your finances will make FOUR ROOM first floor flat on Boutii. W esley R . Smith Agen­ room Colonial with breeeeway Hohenthal, BeMcre Agency, made while you wait. Tape re­ ACT NOW — COMFORTABLE well furnished cy , 648-1567. and garage, 38 foot living finished rooms, stone fire­ 9486181. more of your income available To Train for FREE — Three kittens need Ridge St., Manchester. Elder­ gad leave your i------g- Youll hear from our advertiser la )lR corders for rent. Marlow’s. 867 for personal use. Lump debt COMBINATION gas awl gas room for gentlem an, peurking, OONOORD RD - Beautiful room with flreitiace, dining place ta a laig* paneled homes. Call 649-4866, 643-9648. ly couple without children. Call VERNON—Ranch 5 rooms, 8 living room. Over one acre PORTER arnurafr Area—Oar^ time wlttioat spcndfaig aH evening at the telephone. Main., 649-5221. into one monthly payment of DEMONSTRATE TOYS CLERK stove, 880. C all 648-4701. 272 Main Street. 742-6728. ranch, large living vuonit fonn- room, 8 bedrooms, IH baths, al dining room, cabinet kitchen bedrooms, family rise kitch­ large kitchen, close to schools lot. Knotty pins Utohen risen Oceania], 7 beautifuny $22.26 for each thou.sand dollars PBX—SWITCHBOARD decorated rooms, 4 twin bed­ FURNITURE Reflnlshed, colors including repayment over five Work now 'til December full or BVERYlXaNO in eternised re- THE THOMPSON House, Cot­ SIX ROOMS, fu ml riled or un- 2 bedrooms, reoreattan roo^ en, partial rec room in bsae- and shopping. A Buy at $30,- with stainless steel sink, 3- changed, estimates given. Man­ Wanted for men’s clothing meni, lot 90x156 with treee, rooms. m batiu, fireplace, years. Frank Burke, 246-8897, part-time. Experience unneces- Articles For Sale 45 eondltioned used furniture ana tage Street, centrally located, fumiriied, large yard, adults, landscaped yard. MOrioa 900. Wedverton Agency, Real' oar garage, low heat cost, Lost and Found Automobiles For Sale 4 che.ster Refinishing Co., 643- RECEPTIONIST- ■sary. Excellent commissions. store. Good opportunity, large pleasantly furnished $14,600. n itlb rie k A gency, 649- all aluminum storm s, famHy room, Utehsn buOt-tae. Connecticut Mortgage Ex­ any selling experience ai^apces, high quality—low no pets. C all 649-7770. Robertson. Realtor. 948-M09 tor, 649-3818. 9283. No investment. No collecting. pneea. LeBlanc Furniture, 196 rocens, parking. G a l 649-3858 ecreene, and doom , !$18,t06. Transfeired owner waato Im­ NOTICE is hereby given that 1968 CHEVROLET Bi.scayne, change, 15 Lewis St., Hartford, TYPIST would be helpful. Must SCREENED loam for the best I No delivering. Write or Call col­ South S tre e t R ockville. 870- for overnight and permanent NEWLY DECORATED 4 room FICrURBSQUX MtUng—T loom QUALITY SPLIT LEVEL—The mediate action. Wesley R. Pass Book No. 91269 is.sued by , automatic, 6 cylinder, radio, Conn. have good references. Write in lawns, delivered from our INVESTORS: Good paying lect SANTA’S PARTIES, INC. screening plant. Andover Co­ 3174. Open 9-8. gueat rates. apartment. West Side, reason­ brick ranch, family tom , m axim um In housing at a real­ Bmltii A gency, 948-1587. The Savings Bank of Manche.s-; excellent condition. 649-2184 , 8 TWX—TELETYPE three family, with one ■ room Builcllni;— Contracting 14 Avon, Conn., OR3-3465. After 6, lumbia. George H. Griffing, able rent. C all 649-5807. baths, double garage, woodetl istic price. Ideal residential ter has been lost and applica- a m.-6 p.m. unit, and two threes. Good lot, VERNON — room randl, ___ Musical—Dramatic 30 | KEYPUNCH OR3-9829. Write Box T, Herald Inc., 742-7886. A P A R m B N T Mifiw atovea, $38. ROOM FOR LADY, Utdien lot, Manchester. OaiitoB W. setting In Lakewood C ircle. tion has been made to .said n, vTcmiTro d i .' "IQUALITY CARPENTRY— Porcelain sinks, S’, tour frui- prlvUegee, parking. 341 Char­ AVAILABLE SEPT 15-72 Ma­ Hutchins, R ealtor. •49-S182. bus line, central heat. One va­ 8 rooms, 3H baths, two car D. REALTY taillt-tas, aewly painted, fM d- bank for payment of the, ®i Room.s, dormers, porches, PIANO, VIOLIN. VOICE. In­ MILLIO'NS of rugs have been eets, good for Induetrial work. ter Oak Street. 648-8600. ple Street. Large 8-rocm apart­ cancy available. T. J. Crock­ garage. Brick and aluminum etione waB. Located In very de- amount of depo.sit. cylinder, power .steering, P*>w-, bngpment.s refinlshed, cab- structors conserv'alory tramed. ^eam on live boards. Train POSITION available Rockville DRIVERS Tractor trailer train­ cleaned with Blue Lustre. It’s OrIginaBy $380, aa crlfice, $86. ment! ample cloaet space, tile CUSTOM BUILT 8 bedroom ett. R ealtor, 648-1577. exterior. Plenty of trees. Let slraMa aeigliborhoed. Gtoes to ------1 ®’" hrake.s, 4-door sedan, top inets, biillt-in.s, formica, tile. Classical or Popular^ Y our! Public Health Nursing As­ ing. High wages, fine future. America's finest. Rent electric Fentaina’s Used Reatsiurant bath and shower, heat, hot wa­ ranch, 8 baths, large Uvii us hear your ofier, owners eohocta, churches, shppphy. NOTICE is hereby given that' condition, new brake linlng.s,. fjo too .smail. Willinm home or our studios. 742-7425. Nations largest PBX sociation. New position for See our ad under Schools and CLEAN, piMaAfit room for rent ter, electric range and refrig­ room, fireplace, Utchea wl M any OKtree. Owner tamiint Optional Share Book No. 7744', new tire.s, call after 5 p.m., shampooer $1. The Sherwin- Equipment, 478 Windsor VetTMU ready to move. T. J. Oroekett, Robbins <'arpenti7 .service. staff nurse open for applica­ Classes, CTa.s.sification No. 33. Street, H artford. 537-6771. in private hom e. CWI 649-1435. erator, T-V antennae, large built-tos, finished roc room R ealtor. 648-1577. la rg e r borne. |18,900. Owner ls.Hued by the Manche.ster Sav-i 649-6827. School. tions immediately. Call 875- Williams Co. 649-3446. screened rear porch, $115. per with fiimlace and bar, at­ WOMAN’S PARADISE 875-fTM. Can eoHeet. li^s and Ix>an Asaoclation, In- i PIANO li struction In my home, 4961 or apply in person at 62 LINOTYPE operators (two)— LAWNMOWERS — A r i e n s. LARGE AOTQfiCATIC washer, month, one year lease. May be tached 3-car garage, latge SPACIOUS 6 rocmi older Co­ corporated, has been lost and HOME maintenance and repair, 166 McKee Street. 649-9679. Park Street, Rockville, be­ Job work on night .shift, over ROOM FOR gentleman, near CEWmAUjT loealed 8 room Call — Write Visit Lawn Boy, Toro, Bolens Orbit good oonditlcn, fSB; counter seen by appointm ent. CaH 648 wooded lot tor maximum pri­ Ranch with 6 rooms fire­ lonial, modem kitchen, IH appfilcation lias been made to roofing, siding, kitchens, porch­ tween 8 a,m.-4 p.m. scale to right men, union or Air, and riding mowers. Wheel- BbA, 18; 4 wood sash, 80a1 bath, p a rk iiy. 54 Ifigh S treet vacy, 826,900. PhXbrlck Agen­ baths, 8 bedrooms, 3-car ga­ Cape, khanfainm siding, wood­ BEAIIPRE’S ons. place, garage, built ta oven ed lot, 8480 down. P am k R eal­ said Asiweiation for payment es and recreation rooms. Call Schools and Cla.sses 33 for free information eligible, fringe benefits, .steady horse and Bolens 4-vidieel 81. 649 4996. cy , 649-5464. rage, almnlnum combinations Russ Atkins, Builder, 643-0411. work in modem plant. Ro- LZGHIT HOUSEKEEPma room and range, 1% batiu. ly. 28^7475. T4B5MI. of the amount of depo.sit. Reconditioned Used Cars tractors. Parts and service. —large, comfortable, oonven- SIX ROOM apartment, $190 100x140 w ooded lot, 817,900. Mark Typographic, New Ha­ E LE CTR IC RANGES — 40” NO. COVENTRY - Custom Very desirable neighbor­ CARPENTRY-32 years’ ex­ AVON CHRISTMAS Capitol Equipment Company, lent for gentleman working m onthly. 4TB Main Street, 640- hood. $17,900. Can R . Tour- P hllbriok A gency, 640-8464. COVE NTRY H O im i - Near 525-9317 ven, 777-3477. WesUnghouse, $10; Hartford, 5230, 9 5 . DuUt Lrooloolal ranch, paneled perience. Ceilings and floor 38 Main St., Manchester. days. Parking. CaE 648-6961. tellotte. 649-8808. 8796611, TWO F A M IL T -O n e yea r oM, One entry gait eoutee. 300 acre Annoiincenieiita 1963 Chevrolet Conv. Super Open daily 7-6, Thursday 7-9, 816; 86” O.E. $86; 40” Hot- 34 toot lilting room, many au­ $14,900 BUTS tins 6H room Sport. Cordavan Brown, 4 tiled, porches, rec rooms, ga­ WANTED CONCRETE foundation man 876-9964. 4 and 6 rooms, 2 bedrooms, farm, Mgli tooatioti. lota of road Gift Co.smetics ready now! Saturday 7-4. point, n o . 648-3880. CREST LUXURIOUS duplex thentic detaUs, 5 pictoivsque ranch situated on a 90x800 foot family room one apartment, BJLBCTROLUX sales and serv­ Speed Trans., 426 H.P. En­ rages, additions, attics finish­ wanted, will train, year 'round frontage, older 9 room hcme< M. T. I. SCHOOLS Earn .substantial commis- FURNISHED room near Main apartments, 414 rooms, acres. H ayes A gen cy, 648-4808. lot, walk-out basement, 8 bed­ modem Utohen, excellent con­ ice, bonded representative. Al­ gine. Positraction Rear ed, remodeling, concrete work. WOMEN—MEN work. 875-6038. CHANCE OF A LIFETIME baths, heat, hot water, dls- rooms, Utohen with dining dairv barn, oat buUdtngs, .sions selling near home in PICNIC Tables, several styles, St., 9 B asel Street. 949-2170. dition. Phllbrick Agency, 649- menk potentiskls. Lawrence F. fred Amell, 110 Bryan Dr., End, Radio A Heater. No job too small. Immediate 750 Main Street Hartford .spare time; friendly recep­ TO GO HOUSEKEEPING poeal, refrigerator, range, car­ MANCHESTER — Year-old cus­ BanoM Ts ftW aB ace area, high location. Wolverten extra sturdy construction, 6 8464. F lano, Realtor, 548-9705. Manchester, 644-8141. estimates, 643-2629. tion created by National TV CUSTOMER MOVING TO peted staircase, Venetian tom 6H room ranch, aluminum A gency, R ealtor, 649-2818. ,'f2795.00 To Train as Suite 804 foot, $12.50 up; 8 foot, $15.50 LARGE pleasant room toi quiet Mancbeeter Parkade, Ohariee Nicholson. M56804. up; delivered. W. Zlnker, Pln- LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA bHnds, washer, dryer, base­ siding, 3-car garage, 3 baths, ADDITIONS — Retaining walla, Advertising. No experience COMMERCIAL home. Suitable for teacher. 56 Mamfiieeter 6496806 INVESTMENT PACKAGE — 4 1968 Chevrolet Impala Conv. required; start now. (Phone ney Street, Ellington. 876-7143. •O THEY GANT USE THIS Jensen Street. Phone 649-4082 ment storage, on bus line, rea­ family room with fireplace, BOWERS SCHOOL—T room full Personals cement floors, garages, bath- huge suburban lot. Hayes Agen­ family and slnglo home on IflOmFTB^t S^^REET — t^^es^ V8 Auto. Trans, Black, " CASHIERvS— 289-4922). REFRIGERATION TAKE 8 TEARS TO PAT o r 649-8867. sonable rent. 571 Hartford Rd. shed dormer Cape, 4 or 5 bed­ one Id, excellent Income, cen' i-ooms tiled, remodeling. Roof­ cy . 548-4808. did Colonial. 8 rooms, 14 with Black A White Uphol­ STOCKMAN Help Wanted— Female 35 SAVE BIG! Do your own rug -WANTED— M r. OKI, 949-8666, evenings MINUTES FROM downtown room s, 14 baths, garage, $16,- tral Manchester location. Call RIDE WANTED from vicinity ing. Call 649-4291. and upholstery cleaning wi*h 900. P hllbrick A gency, 649- batiui, built-in range and oven, stery. White Tires, Radio A Reliable. Honest, Person CLEAN, ATTRACTIVE room 648-4862. Manchester—7V4 room ranch now for further partlcidars. caipettog, cvarstied garage, Center and Winter Streets to RN OR LPN, 11-7, full or Excellent opportunity for Blue Lustre. Rent electric BEAUnFDL paneled heated 8464. Heater. TO TAKE OVER in private hom e, parking. 649- on l(Xba66 alcely landscaped Wesley R. Smith Agency, MI- valuable soctrms. P riced knr St. Francis Ho.spital, Hartford, For supermarket, Discount part-time. Vernon Haven, 875- CASHIER wanted, experience mechanic experienced in all .shampooer $1. Oloott Variety NEW 4 ROOM duplex, large family room oa kitchen, 8 bed­ working hours 8-4 p.m. Cali $825.00 Roorini;— SidinsT 16 preferred, neat appearance. UNPAID BALANCE 7748. room ranch, aluminum etorms, kt, 8, 4, or 8 bedrooms, living 1667. twenties. Robert Andemi, Stores, Drug Stores. 2077. lines of commercial refrig­ Store. rooms, custom built, large THREE BEDROOM house near 643-6874 between 8-9 p.m. See Mr. Gordon at Arthur eration. Will be required to MONTHLY PAYMENTS cellar, 158x345 lot. only 8U. room with fireplace, paneled sch(X)l, shopping, nice sun- R ealtor, 5186159, 525-1T76. I960 FORD Fairlane 500 4-Dr. A. A. DION, INC. Roofing $16.70 NICELY FURNXSHBD room for yard, $135 month. Adults p re­ LAKBFRONT — 145 ft. sandy PART-TIME and full-time fab­ Drug. 942 Main Street, Man­ service food chain in this LOAM SALE! Dark, rich stone 600. C aitton W . HuteWm . 049- den, oil hot water heat, ver­ orch, lot has trees, $14,600. WANTED — Ride to Pratt A Town Sedan. Auto. Trans., siding, painting. CaiTsentry. Al­ S COMPLETE gentleman woriting days, good ferred . 940-9358. satile room arrangement. Wol- beach, large well built home, OAlENTOT—A ntoety toeated Train now — Pay Later. Free ric -sales girls wanted. Apply chester. area. Company car and free loam, regpilar $14 only references. Garage a'vaflable. 5183. ohn H. Lappen, Inc., 6496361, Whitney, East Hartford, first PS. Radio A Heater. terations and additions. Ceil­ ROOMS OF FURNITURE verton A gency, R ealtor, 649- ? 4 finished, 8 unflnlsiied bed­ 4 room home.. Baseboard hoot Placement Service. to Manager, Pilgrim Mills, tools provided. This is per­ $12.50. Fill, gravel, sand, stone. Can 643-9891. FIVE ROOM apsutiment avail­ 649-7445. shift. South Parking lot, Bran­ $925.00 ings, Workman.ship guaran­ Hartford Road, Manchester. EARN $50 and more In famous A n o f this m erchandise is In SEVEN ROOM oMer home, 3818. rooms, hot water heat, patio, Good steed rm ri. W t m . manent year 'round em­ 643 9504. able Immediately. Inquire 464 flrd>titoe, $16,900. Carlton W. ford St. or vicinity. Call 643- teed. 299 Autumn St. 643-4860. Open daily 10 a m.-9 p.m., brand items. No investment. ear warehouse. It has ne-ver left E. Center Street. bedrooms, 3 baths, lot 72x151. FIVE ROOM ranch, 5 yoars 1960 FORD Galaxie V8 4 Dr. Earn Big $ $ $ ployment. Complete bene­ Apartments— Marion B. Robertaon, Realtor, B(X>TON—Big T room ranch cn Hutchins, Realtor, 6496183. COLUMBIA — Fairly new »■ 6663. Saturday, 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Help friends .shop from home. fit program, including A ft SPECIAL End of Summer Sale our store and Is ftily guaran­ dd, large lilting room with H’Top, PS. PB. Power Seat BIDWELL HOME Improvement Send for free .396 page catalog. teed. Some In original factory Tenaaents 63 MANCHBSTEJR — 8^ room 648-6958. 4 acree. 1% batiu, 8 car ga­ fireplace, mcxlem kitchen with room Giunteoa CMoiML One H in.surance, life in.surance, now going on at your Gift Gal­ SUBURBAN CHARM. Two BIDE WANTED, Well.s Street A Windows, Factory Tn- Company—Roofing, siding, al­ Popular Club Plan, Dept. K801, crates and cartons with original apartm ent, garage, $75. CMI rage, basement finished oft. built-ins, $ bedrooms, fireplace a t tha finest homss ta Oo- terations, additions and re- Call - Write — Visit and pen.sion all free. Write lery, Watkins Bros. Carbone M ANCRBSTER - 814,900. Six homes or sold singly. Ons old­ to Asyhim and Woodland, .stalled Air G)ndition, Tint­ Lynbrook, New York. factory serial numbers. FIVE ROOM apartment, first 64S-0S67. large productive Mueherry In basement, Sherwood Circle, kxnhia. 46 bedrooms, 2 ftfl mwieling of all types. Excel­ for free information Box K. Herald, stating busi­ crinkle gla.ss, odd sample room brick Cape, flrepli er 8 bedroom Colonial, large Hartford, hours 8:10-4:10, 649- ed Gla.ss, Radio A Heater. pieces of .stemware—all half Beauti^l Westinghouse Elec. floor, luge yard, one child ac­ patch . . . good tor $500.00 $17,000. Can after 6. 649-0990. and 2 bsM baAs. Formal din- lent workman.ship. 649-6495. ness experience, education, garage, tKcOllent oonw kitchen and sunporch. One 8 tag room, kMdMn wMt buBt* »03. $1395.00 STENO-CLERK WANTED—Woman to do tele­ price. Refrigerator cepted, no pets, $98. m onthly. per year taocrae. Vacant, low 525-9317 phone work at home, no sell­ and .salary requirements. Available September 1. Call FOUR ROOM apartment, oreea, neu bus, sbopn tMrtfee. T. J. Oroekett, R ^ - bedroom ranch, huUt-tas, s| tas, and bandpsgged ranoh T8 RPM RECORD collectors of DION CONSTRUCTION—Roof­ Beautiful Bedroom Suite achool. C arlton W. HUtM clous lawn and stone wall, 1968 Chevrolet Bel Air 4 Dr. High .school commercial ing. excellent earnings. Write CEDAR CLOTHES line poles, Beautiful Liidng Room Suite 640-0147 after 4 p.m . and floor. Call 648-2986. tor, 648-1677. oak floors. Basement racrea- Manchester -- let's compare Radio A Heater. Power ing, .siding, alterations, ceil­ P.O. Box 889, New Britain, R ealtor, 649-6188. INVESTORS landscaped. Approodmately 4 tlan room, 2 flreplaeoa, over- ings. gutters and aluminum course or business school many sizes. Also good dump Beautiful Dinette Set notes; also, anyone having old Steering, 348 Engine, Auto. MARKET TRAINING Conn. TRUCK DRIVER'S helper: 18 truck plus jacks, chains, etc. LOOKINO tor anything In real MANCHESTER—Central. 6 ex­ MANCHESTERr-Look at tllis, acres, or 3 each. Near golf slsad 2-car gariiga. Only a records to sell caK Rodman windows. 643-4352, 643-0895. graduate, type accurately Beautiful "De Luxe” Range In­ MANCHESTER RANCH - Mr. Homeseeker! On Ferguson Trans. INSTITUTE years or older. Apply in per- 649-1353. estate rentals — apartments, tra large rooms, sunporch, ga­ Lcxilc Into this property on ccMrse on Route 44-A, No. stone’s tiirow to boating and ■tewart, 649-6116. and rapidly, take and tran­ stead of Westinghouse Elec. homes, mi£tiple dwellings, call rs old, exoaSent location, Rd., a beautiful 6 room ranch $750.00 BIDWELL SIDING and roof­ 750 Main Street Hartford GIRL FOR .shipping and re­ .wn to Watkins Bros. Shipping rage. West Side R ealty, 640- Main Street next to North Coventry. 743-7584. fishing. BeauttMUy landscaped scribe .shorthand, experi­ ceiving room, second shift, Refrigerator If you prefer J . D. R ealty, 648-5129. 4642. toot living room, fireplace with 8 twin sised bedrooms, 3 ing—finest quality aluminum Suite 804 enced in office procedures Department, 935 Main Street. [ DON'T MERELY brighten your Bugs, Lamps, Tables, Linoleum r End Development area. with pine and maple treeA AutomohDes For ^ le 4 1959 Olds Super 88 Conv. Black hours 3:30-12. Starting wage carpets Blue Lustre kitchen with buUt-lna, naturalbaths, pine paneled rec room, MANCHESTER—TWs beautiful CaE Ferrigno Agency anytime, siding and inslallalion. 643- and interested in a position and a Few Other Articles woodwifric, aluminum windows, Three apartment home, with Red interior. Radio A $1.70 per hour. Liberal em -, MECHANIC for truck fleet, them . . . eliminate rapid re- GLASTONBURY SINGLE FIVE rooms, fur- large wooded lot. The price Is 7 room Cape is located in cne 2M6852, 428-1596.______5379. that will pay well while EVERYTHINO nlriied, middle aged, nothing doors, and awnings, attached shop presently leased, phu of the best sections in town. Ne e d c a r ? Your credit turn­ Heater, PS. PB. White plove benefits. Apply in per-j married, re.spon,sible. extra .soiling. Rent electric .sham- right. Call Doris Smith at our ihe.ter for three cars.. Busi­ ed down? Short on down pay­ doing work that is de­ .son 8 a.m.-3:30 p.m., Klock hours, good weeks pay. Cali THE UNPAID COLONIAL VILLAGE te buy, no children, reason­ nrage, $21,800. Phllbrick Vernon office. Jarvis Realty There are so many fine tilings MANCRBSmt—Biamodiate aa- Tires, manding as well as re­ poner $1. Paul's Paint ft Wall­ ness and commercial poe- ment? Bankrupt? Repo.s.ses- Co., 1272 Tolland Tpke. 643-2414. BALANCE PRICE able, n ice tor teachers. 640- i^ e n c y , 640-8464. C o., 649-1300 E ves. 649-2519. about this home, it is difficult onpency, eoeeeBent location, T $1095.00 Roofing and tliimnevs 16-A warding. Interviews and paper Supply. GARDEN APARTMENTS ribllities. Can now. slon? Don’t despair! See Hon­ MERWOMEN ONLY $418.26 9034. to know where to begin. In room split level, butlt-tas, 4 tests at 9:30 a m. Wednes­ MANCHESTER — Beautifully est Douglas Inquire about low­ ROOFING — Specializing re- WALLPAPER SALE, one-half Free Delivery In Conn. KING SIZE SPLIT — Huge fairness to yourself, you really bedrooms, 34 bailu, garage, 1958 Plymouth 4 Dr. Wagon V8. day, August 26. Minutes from Hartford shapplnc FOUR ROOM tenement, with appointed 6H room Cape, est down, smalle.st payments Auto. Trans. Radio A Heal­ paii-ing r(X)fs of all kinds, new price on .several hundred pat­ Free Set-up by Our Men Utohen, fireplace, 1% baths, BELFIORE AGENGY riioUid see it. Call this evening aoeinnable mortgage. Scbwarti COUPLES We have an opening for a de­ Free Service by Experts a r e u . gas heat, automatic hot wa­ 100x2(K) weK shrubbed lot, at­ recreation room, garage, cel­ anywhere. No small loan or fi­ er. roofs, gutter work, cliimneys pendable person to work in our CONTACT terns. Limited time only. Mor- and ask for Carl Zinsser. Jar­ Realtor, 5226898. Mr. Ken, nance company plan. Douglas cleaned, repaired. Aluminum ri.son Paint Store, 739 Main Free Storage Until Wanted ter. Apply 50 HoH Street. tached garage, built-in kitchen lar, shade, only 818,500. Carl- 648-6121 vis R ealty Oo. 648-1191, Eves. $695.00 Rogers Corp. telephone promotion depart­ Spacious 1-2 bedrooms and du­ with dirdng area, 8 largo bod- Motors, 393 Main. siding. 30 years' experience. St . Theater Building. Phone for appointment plex apeutments. tan W. Hutchins, R ealtor. 649- 648-0088. MOTEL com er of MUt and Oakland Sts. ment. Experience not neces- 2*4 ROOMS, heat, hot w ater, rooms, liirbig room with wall- 5182. 1966 Ford Conv. All White. V8, Free estimates. Call Howley, MAN SAMUEL ALBERT M A N C H BB T E R — W indsor .snry, we will train. ^X'VE FOOT comfort all day lAKurtouB garden eetting. stove, refrigerator, centraKy to-wall carpet, aluminum sid­ Auto. Trans. White Walls. 643-5 361. 644-83.33. Manche.ster, Conn. H artford 247-0358 located. Reasonable. 13 noon- BOLTON — Contem porary 6 Street. Must sen. 64 room Wanted two bill.shoolers for the Charles CThester way. See It Day or Night ing, storms and screens. Wol- RANCH, 8 4 room s, nestled In Coventry $195.00 Swimming Pool and play area. 6 p.m ., 649-84(H. verton A gency, R ealtor, 649- the trees in a beautiful wooded room ranch, 3 full baths, 3-car ranch, 3 batiie, 8 er 4 bad* RAY’S ROOFING CO.-Shingle CAREERS An equal opportunity employer. live wire collection agency. Phone after 5 p.m., 64.3-7492. If you have no means of garage, shaded acre lot, full rooms, firs alam sytaem, im­ Mercedes-Benz roofs, gutters, biilt-up roofs, Cheek the.se benefits: 3813. neighborhood. Just off Route EXTRA SPECIAL 1969 Plymouth Belvedere V8, 2 Over 25. Travel 50 mile tran^xjrtation. I’ll send my Many wonderful bulH-ln appH- walk-out cellar, dining room, mediate oooupangr. See it, i roof and chimney repairs, Ray PACKARD Hou.se Paint, flat auto for you. No obligation even 15. House has 8 bedrooms, IH Dr. H'Top., Red With ..Group life in.surance radius Hartford. No selling, ances and eonvenlences. Fvrnished Apfirmients 6S-A baths, large rec room, patio, built-in kitchen, 8 bedrooms, cvendsed 6-room GM>e with mak« an offer. Can owner 6M- The most wanted car in the Jark.son, 643-8325, Ray Hage- AVAILABLE no collecting, average earn­ and gloss, $4 95 a gallon; all * you don’t buy. White Top. Radio A Heat­ DEMONSTRATORS for Beeline . .Ho.spital and .surgical bene­ new colors. Free bru.sh saver large lot, $18,400. Phflbrick fireplaced living room. Best full shed dormer. Just built 0590. world. All models, new and now, 649-2214, Fashions, $12. guaranteed com- ings $500 month. Call Mr. AU moderately priced. CX)NFIDENTIALLY er, Auto. Trans. fits with any purcha.se. Green A— K—nr—is ONE R(X>M, heated, furnished A gen cy, 649-8464. Buy Wolverton Agency, Real­ featuring 14 hatiis, fire­ Would you like a new exciting mi.sslon per style show. No col­ Sheldon Cyphers, Hartford, Msed, including the fabulous $650.00 Paint ft Wallpaper Co., 521 E. 48-46 ALLYN ST.. HAR’TFORD apartment, bedroom set, gas tor, 649-3818. place, garage ft huUt-ins. Radlo-TV Rcoalr career in the glowing motel in- lecting or delivering. Beeline ..Profit .sharing plan 249-7651. Monday through Directions: Take Olastonbury range, refrigerator, kitchen Middle Tpke. OPEN EVERT NIGHT TILL 9 If you must have a good SUNKEN FAMXLT room wMh This unusual home, steps Diesel — brings you 96-45 Services 18 duslry? We can train you to be Style Shows are Party Plan ..Retirement plan Friday, 8:00 a m. to noon Expressway to Hebron Ave. set. P’ree gas, electricity. Low fireplace, 64 room ranch, 14 SO. WINDSOR—64 roam Split away from lake. Unbeliev­ 111 Tt Motel Managers, Assistant Exit, light on House St. to Co­ address , tor your home Level with garage, shadM m.p.g., with minimum up­ BEAUPRE ’ . Sensation. Samples furnished ..Paid vacations and holidays and 7 :(X) to 10:00 p.m. TANKLESS hot water heater. ODDS AND ENDS of furniture rent. Adult. Apply Apartment baths, built-ins, garage, cov­ able at 814,900. J. Gordon CONNIE'S TV and Radio Seiw-! .Maimgers, Clerks. Housekeep- lonial Village. 100x200 lot, 8 bedrooms, rec BOLTON-BuskMOS loaad lot MOTOR SALE.S, INC free. Car nece.ssary. Wonderful . .Merchandise di.scounts Everhot 16. 6 gallons per min- fo r sale—^flnal ■week. P orcelain 4, 10 Depot Square. to a really good neighbor­ ered patio, ca^vatlng view. 6496806. keep. Call Robei-t Goehring, ice, available all hiairs. Satis-; ers and Hu.stes.ses. Don't ,et opportunity for Party Plan >ite with flow, mixing valve Qlenwood ofl and gas stove, hood with charm, and with Carltonm W. RutcMiis, 649-6182. 6i room, utility room , 1 4 baths, approslmately an acre. Soma faction guaranteed. Cail 649- lack of experience or educa- PART-TIME service .station at* CALL GLASTONBURY ANDOVER — TWO room fur­ kitchen with dining area, large T t ______T T f ,• » ! ____ frontage on Route 6 and 44A. your Newman Import man, 244 Broad St, Manche.ster Managers. Call 688-9006 collect. Apply in person and connecting unions, $46. 48 almost new, wllh fixturos, In- a wooded lot 1315. lion hold you back. Meet fa tendant. evenings. Apply in etodbig pum'n and mo ofl nished apartment for rent, re­ lilting room, immaculate. Wol- U flirO W S A W R l l S C c arm roi boM. T. J. Ckodkett, Cambridge Street. 688-7131 at 296-3291 or 649-0666. Open Till 9 p.m. 643-2496 mous and inlt^esUng people. ! per.son Boland Motors. 369 Cen­ drum s. 649-1823. frigerator, stove. C. H. Stiena, And have a limited budget VACANT RANCH verton Agency, Realtor, 949- Manchester Paricade, R ealtor. 649-1577.______Millinery, Dressmakiiip 19 Large earnings plus apt. AGE WANTED -Office help. King’i ter St. R oute 6. 742-7278. We offer a 3 bedroom ranch On tile west ride of Town 3818. Manchester 6496806 MONTGOMERY VN'ARD TAKE OVER payments on fo*- 4% ROOM GARDEN Apart­ (High Street) a five room HEBRON — Three aoros, 8Mf NO BARRIER . . . FREE EM- ! Dept. Store, Manche.ster ment, heat, hot water, stove, which will never need ex­ Boats and Accessories 46 lowlng Items: One O.E. auto­ 8% LARG E room furnished ranch with full basement. TO SETTLE ESTATE — Main road frontage, 7 mflee from 1665 OLDSMOBILE 88. 4-diX)r I 1965 DESOTO Firedotne 8 Hard­ AIvTERA'HONS done, women PLOYMENT ASSISTANCE i ’ 269 W. Middle Turnpike refrigerator Included, 8130. terior paint except for trim, m atic w asher $289.96. now apartment, first floor, all util­ and cost only $1M. last year Brick and frame, fireplace, Street property consisting of 8 SOUTH WINDSOR — Woodland Manlir - Conditioning and house, lake privUeges, one set-tubs, walk to schools and 1966 FORD Convertible, slick IjA'WNMOWER sharpening; re­ INTERIOR and exterior paint­ Foi' a fine future, job .se­ BEDROOM SET, 5 pieces, ma­ loom, flreidace, attached ga­ Insurance - Employes Life and Health Program 85,080 pairs, .sales, rotor blade.s curity, steady year round Kingsbury Ave. Ext., R.D. No. 1 Free Washer and Dryer ch ild accep ta b le, $80. m onthly. CONCORD ROAD - $35,000. (lu r c h e s . Owner 876-4604. V-8, new engine. $195. Tel. ing, wallpaper removed, fully hogany veneer, dresser and room ranch. Finished base­ ra ge, $22,900. P hllbrick A gin - Town Cleris - Rental Xerox Machine ...... 8 500 649-8369, after 4 :.’t0. sharpened; bicycle .sales, serv­ work with income of $10,- Rockville, Conn. 06066 ESSO HAS SEVERAL vanity with mirrors and bench. 648-1686. cy , 649-8464. Town Counsel ...... - ...... 81,500 insured. Rene Belanger, 643- Phone 876-1332 ment, 1^ baths, real deep lot ice. Manchester Cycle Sliop, 0612 or 644-0804, 000 a year, can be youi'.s. 4-draiwer diest. night stand aU to be financed from the anexpended wiptas, Oenefal 1966 CHEVROLET, 2-dooi' se­ 149 W. Middle Turnpike. 649 Major freight carriers are Only $150! FIVE R(X>M single home. $136 with picnic area, etc. Terrific and bed, $60. 946-0074. buy. T. J. Crockett, Realtor, VERNON—Mtnutes to schools, Fund, 1053-04 fiscal year. dan, auloniHtlc, after 6 , 643- 2098. .searching for profe.ssional month, centrally located. In­ (diurches and shopping. 4-year INVITA'nON INSIDE AND OUTSIDE paint­ Help Wanted— Female 35 SERVICE STATIONS quire Piccolo Pizza Palace, 643-1577. To: Special Fire District 1054-56 Budget for 8627. ing. You name your own price. trained tractor trailer driv­ U SED TWU aise bed. mat­ old 6 room Ranch with garage, 667^ Main Street. payment of temporejy indebtedneee ...... 850,005 REPAIRS on all makes of re­ 849-7863. 876-8401. ers. If you have a good tress. and b uxsqrring. $18, T el. shaded yard, built-in kitchen, TO BID frigerators, washer.s, ranges, Samuel M. HILLIARD ST. - $18,900—plus to be financed by: driving rel-ord, over 21 and FOR LEASE 649-7449. BOL'TON LAKE—4 room year another $3,p00 for a B. soue dining room, 8 bedrooms, liv­ Sealed bids will be received at 1. From operating surplus 1055-54 ...... 825,006.45 1961 HUDSON, parts and llre.s, and dryei's. All oil burners can drive an auto we can Electrical J*iervice9 22 DIGNIFIED SPARE TIME ’round ranch, furnished or un- lot. Neat home. 6 large rooms, ing room' with fireplace, excel­ the Office of the General Man­ 2. From increase in estimate miscellaneous - very reasonable. Call 643-2930, cleaned and serviced. All work lielp you make the grade. m a p l e COMBINATION chest Lavitt Agency a t SALES fumlriied, wltii option to buy, porches, tiled bath, garage lent condition, $19,000. Wolver­ ager, 41 Center Street, Man­ revenue ...... 8 8 4 J 5 guaranteed, Co.snia Appliance EREE ESTIMATES. Prompt Annually there are 8,000- MEDICAL AND RETIREMENT Of drawers and desk;JmeehoCe Worth Investigating. T. J. ton A gency, R ealtor, 649-2818. .Service, .5(M! Center. 649-0055. 948-2158 R ealtors 875-6387 or will rent fumlriied Septem­ chester, Connecticut, until Sep­ Tb; Whiten Ubrary Trust Fund service on all types of e'.ee- 10,000 job openings. Nation­ Liberal commissions, near desk; 4 kitchen chairs; 3-way ber ttirough Jtme, |25 weekly. C rockett, R ealtor, 641-1577. 1666 DODGE cu.stom Royal, $36. B oor lam p. 949-9740 a fter 8. Vernon CUrole, P kw y E xit 85 OFF EAST CENTER Street—6 tember 4, 1964 at 11:00 A.M. F or repairs and improvement •••••••••••••••• 85,8P5 Card 643-9819. Irieal wiring. Lieen.sed and in­ al Professional Truck Driv­ home, with < PLANS AVAILABLE 6486737. HAROIJJ ft SONS R u b b l^ ^ ^ - €$so Open 7 Days A Week MANCHBBTTDR—7 room Split room Ooloniai, 3-car garage, to r Equipm ent—^Park. to be financed by use of a portion a t th e nioval—Cellars, attics, yards. .sured. Wil.son Eleetricnl Co., ers Training works with redecorated, prices in me 15’s Bid fopms and spedflcations •••aeaa599959aa 1966 PLYMOUTH, good running ' Weekly or monthly pickup. Mnneliester, 649-4817, 643-1388. (FI„EET OWNERS) and AVON Musical Instruments 53 Level 'with 3-car garage, well Whiten Library Ttuet Fund — YYE HAVE custemers watting shaded lot, heated 23x34 family for immediate sale. Wesley R. are available at the Controller’s condJticm, best offer takes it. Harold- Hoar, 649-4034. trucking a.ssn. Free Life­ CONTACT MR. LOTHROP for the rental of your apart­ Resort Properly Office, 66 Center Street, Man­ time job advl.sory and coun­ Cosmetics. No experience re­ 220 BASS OOVELLA Accordion, room, 2 tile baths, kitchen Smith A gency, 848-1567. DAVID M. BARRY, 644-1819. Floor Finishing 24 ment or homo. J. D. Realty, For Rent 67 chester, Connecticut Board of Directors TYPEWRITERS — Standard seling .service exclusive for quired. Good (^portunlty now. alm ost new. $120. C all 649-8768 with bullt-lns, dining room, 8 1963 PONTIAC 8 Tempest Con­ (Phone 289-4922). betw een 9 :80-5. 6486139. Isuwe bedrooms, living room OOLONIAL—Bowers Area. Six Town of Manchester, M aneheater, OotmaatteMk , and electric. Repaired, over­ FLOOR SANDING and reflnlsh- our graduates. Budget DAYS — 527^183 BLACK POINT—8 bedroom eot Oonneotieut vertible, 2-door, white leather hauled, rented. Adding ma­ term.s are available. Send tags, full bath, fireplace, wlm fireplace, AA sane. Wol- rooms,M, Mianning, fl»fine oondl' ing (specializing in older FLAYER PIANO, eMeOent eon- 4^ ROOM APARTMENT, beat Btdiard Martto, top, automatic, radio, heater, chines rented and . repaired floors) Wa.\ing floors. Paint­ name, addre.ss, age, phpne eererised poeeh, avafioUe Am- aeitoB Aganey, Realtor, 949- eholee pteMtagi, NIGHTS — 649-1737 dMIOB, U m I lor me mot amd hot water, rent |UB JO par light blue, new tires, excellent! Pickup and delivery service, number and hours at home 2 n $ . m, 54ME8L Oeoeral Manager K ^ S d a rs * ing. Ceilings. Paperhanging. M B a 1400. BM 8 M . mcnth. OWi •456U5. g m t m an. 9486000. mechanical condition. Must Yale Typewriter Service. 649- No job too small. John Ver- for interview. Write to Box RN OR LPN , part-tim e, 649- m N. 81,986. OmX 643-019S. ' 4936. folKe, 649-8760. G, Herald. 4619. \ t , V •• • ',r a .^-.r - -r. .

I ' \

fUBBiUY, AUGUST » , M«4 ;ffianrl![«0t»r Stt^nftts l|m lb ATMrBfd DbIIf N ti Ptppg Thd Wdstlwr Far toe Weak i^ $ li

Angnst n , 18M ■ - - lO . and M n . Oriswold Chap* CampiMU Council, KufC, Yvill tbe sat Wine ocmoA be ^■Tl>TTTiTrT 1rl O ■ v s l 1 11 Town p M df 4T8 N. Main S t wOl cale- faavs it« annual family picnic Police Arrests Scouts Take ed and ttta gUiaaee could be kept PWr, asolar toadght, law to bnta their 60th wedding anni> Sunday from noon to 6 pm . at as aouvenira. Outstda ttie oaatla GLASS ENCLOSURES 1 3 ,7 0 5 ZiVlauiXfIpiliipL l i WUJpU U IJ^ Ms. Thnraday aaast|y aMuy, Mito ; Wita ■•• U to 15, InterMtod varsary with an open house Martin Park, Bast Hartford. No ttiera were beautiful sisniena, Sunday from 2 to 7 at North and a wonderful siaw of the to mM ar upper Tta, plauauat. reaervatlona art necessary. Ronald W. Pinney, 80, qf 15 Cruise Down tO'tirjttlff to Iw ehaerloadert Matho^t Church for friends cHy. **•---- •* Uro*#in ' f tlw MUiohMter Pony Rold- Tickets will be aold at the Sku*! St., has been charged with FOR RATHTUiS Manehetter A City of Village Charm and relatives. park. "On Monday, Aug. 1C, we I d p Itetb oll Toam, a n ramlnd- failure to obey/m traffic signal m d SHOWERS M V to OMMt tomorrow at 1 p.m. Rhine River traveled to Mainz, where a Parents and friends o f Girl (red light). The onsight traffic ataamer took tu on an aJl-day (CUoitfled Advertliteg am Pag* M ) PRICE SETSIf o n m at tha Waat Sida Rac, 110 Cadar St. Margaret’s Circle, Daugh­ Glacs does a beauttfal Job for YOL.L3 WW.4II NO. 17» (TWBNTY-POUR PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 26, 1964 Scout lYoop 1 will have a get ter of Isabella, will have a busi­ violation occurred yesterday at trip down the Rhine River to tmdk ■ t Tha ahaarlaadera are apon- together at 7:S0 p.m. tomorrow Linda- Mahar, a m e n ^ r of ness meeting tonight at 8 at the about 4:30 p.m. on Main S t, at Cologne. Ihe trip took 10 hours purposes in your bathroom. Eaiy to aored by tha Women’s Auxiliary in the girl scout room of Cen­ Senior Girl Scout Troop 1, re­ a t tha Manchester Midget and home of Mrs. Thomas Mag- Purnell PI. Pinney was issued and we saw many caatles, ruins Clean. Never wears out. ter Congregational Church. A a summons to appear in Cir­ ported on the girls’ stay in Ger­ of casijes, and ttie l^gmdary Pony Football Association, Inc., tape recording the scouts made notta, 32 Marshall Rd. many Aug. 8 to 10th. haadad by Mrs. John MoNary, cuit Court 12, Manchester, on rock, Lorelei. After docking in in Weymouth, England, will be Sept. 14. She wrote: "Leaving Swlts- (Jolo^e we had slipper and than W E N 8 A M . to 5 P M . M VWtwlckRd. ■ATURDAT 8 AM. to M N009T played. Parents whp wish to Richard Thurs, 17, of 210 Ad­ erland wraa hard, but w« did so boarded first dam aleepem Yor show slides or movies'the girls Cleo Pounds on the morning of Aug. 8, and Qartar DaOMmier, son of Mt.. dison Rd., Glastonbury, was an overnight trip to Copenha­ have sent home should Mng 4 H to H old charged with failure to obey traveled by train to Germany. and Mn. George DeCormler, their own projecton. gen.’’ |^“^ ’jMcCarthy Urges LBJ t n Porter St., left K enne^ a stop sign last night, after At a three-hour stopover in J. k. WHITE auss 00. being observed driving his mo­ Basil, we met Mrs. John Haller- Airport today plane for the Mountain Laurel Chapter, County Fair 31 73 O n ^ Bahama Hotel where he tor scooter through a stop sign Welsskopf and family, friends I b M l T k e m Ml *- » Sweet Adelines, Inc., will have on Cooper St. at W. Center St. Under Threat of Miss Ehnily Smith. They took Keys iHll attend a convention of Engagement a sing-out Thursday at 7:30 About 500 members of the Thurz was summoned to ap­ ua all to a restaurant for tea Alpha Tau Omega fraternity. pjn. at the Smlth-Wlghtman Ke will enter his senior year at Tolland County 4-H club will en­ pear In Manchester's Circuit and pastry. Later we walked to cottage, Standish Rd., Coventry Court 12 on Sept. 14. MIAMI, Fla. (AP) — l^rfta University, Medford, ter the 22nd Annual 4-H Fair a church near the Rhine River. Angelo - Roberts Lake. Mrs. Gertrude Drensel of Raymond L. Burns, 18, of 86 Mr. and Mrs. Anthony A ngdo GRADUATE and UNDERGRADUAH Hurricane Cleo, with at Maas., neat monUi. 8 Davis Ave., Rockville, owner Bfuall is the spot where Ftance, to be held Friday and Saturday Range Hill Dr., Rockville, yes­ Switzerland and Germany meet, of 6 Alien Dr., Vernon, an­ least 64 dead in her wake, Choose Humphrey o f the cottage, will be the host­ at the TAG building on Rt. 30. terday was picked up by Rock­ and we could see buildings in nounced tbe engagement of Ivoning Courses at thrashed slowly and errati­ ess. Lake residents are invited ville Police on a court warrant to hear the group. Members ' The youngatera will vie for each country from the church­ their daughter, Mias Dolores cally today across central prizes in 25 exhibition classes, charging him with breach of yard. Jean Angelo, to Larry Jay Ea»t "Hartford and WiUimantie B A R R iC iN i may bring guests. Refreshments the peace. The charge stemmed Cuba on a course threaten­ will be served. which are open to all 4-H mem-1 "About an hour before our Roberts, son of Mr. and Mrs. eaehiBively at hers. All exhibits must be ow n -' from an Aug. 21 fight at t,he Jay Walter Roberta, Orem, WH.LIMANTIC STATE COUEGE ing the Florida Keys. Friendly Ice Cream at 435 departure we went to the train Poll Reveals ed, prepared, managed or pro­ station to meet Dolores York Utah. The Miami Weather Bureau Mississippi The Army-Navy Auxiliary Main St. in which Raymond predicted that minor squallz in Liggeff Drug will have its first meeting of duced by the exhibitor as a 4-H and Diane Swanson, who were Miss Angelo is a senior at Offers English. Literature, Mathematics, History, project, according to Ann Wis- Lewie, 19, of French Rd., Bol­ advance of the storm would the fall season Wednesday, ton, was beaten up and taken returning to the troop from Mi­ Rockville High School. Mr. Rob­ PABKADE loh of Mansfield, president of Psychology, Science, Sociology, Art and Music and reach the Keys during the after­ Scant Alarm Rejects Seat Sept. 2 at the clubhouse. A to Manchester Memorial Hos­ lan after a two-week trip to erts is a 1962 graduate of the Fair’’ Association. Orem High School. He is serv­ noon and it expected to hoist potludc will be served at 6:30 pital whfre 14 stitches were Italy. Dolores was not in Switz­ Education Courses at both graduate and undergradu­ gale warnings tonight. p.m. Members are reminded to On FYiday, activities will in­ required to close lacerations of erland with the troop and, since ing with the U.S. Navy aboard On Backlash C o m p ro m ise clude the judging of all exhibits the USS Wltek, stationed at ate levels. Coming off the north coast of bring articles for a gift table. the eye and lip. Burns posted a she loves Swiss chocolate, the Cuba, over the warm waters of and Dairy Breed Classes. Sheep New London. $500 bond and his case will be girls presented her with 26 the Florida Strait, the hurricane and Beef Breed Classes, and o r -. Tuition: $ 1 7 . 5 0 Credit Hour ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. S. Sgt. Norman Gagnon of presented in Circuit Court 12 candy bars when she arrived. No date has been announced could quickly regain some of Its ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. SUMMER SPECIAL! ganized games will be conduct-1 Blast Hartford, formerly of on Sept. 14. "After saying goodbye to for the wedding. lost power. Its winds, which hit (AP) — Almost all Demo­ (AP) — Democrats turn Portable Typewriter Manchester, is stationed at ed. A Fair Time Frolic, featur-1 Robert William McCabe, 21, Cleaned, Oiled the Haller - Weisskopf family 140 miles an hour over Haiti, cratic leaders say they har­ from convention battles to Peshawar, Pakistan. He is with ing square and round dancing of 42 Hamlin St., was charged A4|nsted we boarded the train for Held' For Additional Information, MaU To: dropped to 75 over Chiba. bor no fears about any the loud but peaceful rit­ Security Service. He is a I960 with calls and music provided with breach of the peace last elberg where a coach took us to Reports from Cuba on the New Ribbon $ by Bill Bromley of Hebron, will white voter “backlash” in 7.99 graduate of Manchester High night at 10 o’clock following a storm’s position were not com­ ual tonight of acclaiming be held for 4-H members. Bad-Soden and we spent two BRUCE E BRADFORD YAU School. verbal argument with a patrol­ nights In a luxurious hotel. We plete. the November presidential I President Johnson as their On Saturday, the exhibits will man on Main St. McCabe post­ were served dinner, even CEMENT WILLIMANTIC STATE COLLEGE, WILLIMANTIC Fidel Castro’s weathermen election. nominee and hearing final­ Typewriter Service A committee on arragements be opened to the public at 9:30 ed a $25 bond and was ordered : t m S S t m < though we arrived at 10:30 p.m. have been cooperating with Instead, they confidently say ly his choice of a mnning 648-49M for the West Side Old Timer’s a.m. At 10 a.m. there will be a , to appear in court Sept. 14. hourly reports, forecaster Paul they hear what they call the Reunion will meet tomorrow at It tasted extra good as we had Name ...... *...... horse show and dairy showman- | Moore said at Miami, "but much larger crack of a moder­ mate. 7 p.m. at the West Side Rec. not had a real meal while trav­ W. H. ENGLAND still moving in a northwesterly dir^tion, Hurri­ All hands — including San. ship classes; at 1 p.m., Sheep eling. there have been none from im ate Republican “ frontlash” Showmanship Classes and Beef AddreM ...... •'...... cane Cleo pounded Camaguey Province in Cuba Eugene J. McCJarthy’s — point­ Driver Admits "We visited Heidelberg LUMBER CO. mediately near the storm cen against Barry Goldwater on Showmanship Classes; at 3 p.m., i last night and today is moving toward the Florida ter.” Nov. 8. ed to Sen. Hubert H. Humphrey, Auction of Flowers, Vegetables '■ Castle with its big wine cellar the bustUng quick-talking party Accident Blame and wine vat, with stairs lead­ "A t the Green" 649-5201 Town ...... Phone...... Keys. (AP Photofax.) "Maybe communications are These views came in an Asso­ and Foods, and all exhibits and j out," Moore said, "or conditions whip in the Senate as the man livestock will be removed from ■ ing to a platform at the top of ciated Press survey of the party John.son wants for vice presi­ :r B o ! are so bad they haven’t been leaders at the Democratic Na­ the fair grounds. A young motorist involved in able to make observations.” dent. tional Convention. They were McCarthy, who had been an­ NATIVE m iSi^E'*SoLOENlO EN JUIILEE Exhibitors may register at an early morning accident yes­ A Cuban forecast monitored asked whether they thought terday revealed his identity to other favorite in the vlce-preel- fMd RED HAVEN PEACHES. the TAC building, and exhibits Papal Peace Plea: in Miami said the hurricane was there is a backlash, and, if so, FOR RENT dential derby, declared today in way be entered from 3 to 8 p.m. police several hours after he left expected to move off the north how the Democrats should meet Native BARTLETT PEARS ’n ORAVEN8TEIN APPLES Thursday and from 8 to 9:45 the accident scene without stop­ 8 and 16 mm. Movie Frojec- Cuban coast near Calbarlen, favor of Humphrey, a fellow It. Minnesotan. a.m. Friday. Animals, except ping. tora— aoond or ailent, also city 180 miles south-southeast of Most did not agree on how to Police did not file charges McCarthy sent a telegram t o poultry and rabbits, may be 35 mm. slide projeotora. the middle Florida Keys. handle it. At the same time, 276 OAKLAND ST. brought to the grounds between against John J. O'Brien Jr., 17, Avoid Arms Race "We can tell more about the Johnson this morning, acknowl­ WELDON DRUG CO. they did not seem disturbed edging he had been interested MANCHESTER 5 and 8 p.m. Thursday. of 99 Laurel St., after he told storm and its movements,” about their disagreement. The them he had been involved in 901 Main SL— TeL 643-5821 for several weeks in the Job but 64.3-6384 The 4-H Fair is planned and backlash, in their view, was not the accident which was under CA8TBL OANDOLFO, Italymlttee report on the seating o t hams labuMs. Gale ^ p a » eup, which precipitated the cur­ rejected by the federal court The company said it would crat Robert F. Kennedy has ATLANTIC CITY (AP) — the controversial Mississippi Inga went lip on the Fla which ordered reapportionment ferry four jets to Europe empty MANCHESTER — 649-6261 Democrat Robert F. Kennedy rent crisis opened his campaign to become It was any port in a storm for delegation. ooaat from Fort Lauder of the legislature. to'p ick up westbound passen­ epens campaign to beowne sen­ Minh did not attend the Junta a senator from New York, say­ the Connecticut delegation. The report, approved without southward tfarou^ the heav session 10 days ago when Khanh populated metrtHMlitaii ator ftxjm New Y- dansad liquid. Bach gallon cams after a marathon negotl- record equip me to understand by a special thraa-jutee federal piu«d to eaueua at4 ta h oM I mderstand Nut I antiine NO OBLIGATION of aov kind by bmA- saovle theater ytUI be eonvartsd Ing «iiiUii«M makaa 100 gallona. That’s 800,- B ttof saaalisaaalon which iaated about New Ycofc’a problems and to do tribunal in Atlanta. Tna apacial haadquartara., , |if toto tolsvWen stodio for use of FlrainaB at Ml Him atottona 000 gallons at agaay.” 18 Mnaa with the National aoinething about them. I bqs* K court upheld validity of the pub- But reporti that the F u adem ■ 22rL2rQ 2& ' iiiliiiiiiliiiliiiliiiiiiiiiiliiiiililiiili Mbason wMfata jMnt mlxad tha tauaotiolda and ait- toma patianUF watted tor It ») (• a a VMM Va») SJTSf

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