Grace of God 3 Pastor Forke August 18/19 Peace Lutheran Church Readings for Personal Reflection This Week Genesis 12:1-9 Chosen by Grace What stands out for you regarding God’s calling of Abram’s response? Why is the promise God made to important to Genesis 12:1-5 you personally?

Cleaning Up the Mess of Sin Genesis 15:1-16 Abraham was impatient and questioning God. What was God’s response of grace? What is the significance of verse 6 for you? How do you know that you are a recipient of God’s grace? Abraham: Chosen by Grace to Be Blessed :13-16 & 5:1-10 According to Paul, why is Abraham’s story so significant for how Genesis 12:1-4 we understand our relationship with God? How has God blessed

us with His grace? How does someone receive that grace?

Faith as Righteousness John 8:48-59 (read 39-47 for more context) Genesis 15:6 Why is using Abraham to make his point? How is Jesus connected to the original promise given to Abraham in Genesis 12? How well are you listening to what Jesus words are teaching Chosen by Grace to Be a Blessing you? Genesis 12:3-4 60:1-3 & Matthew 5:14-16 How was the nation of Israel meant to be a light to the nations? Why does Jesus call his followers the light of the world? How do You: we fulfill his words and what is the result? How well are we doing Chosen by Grace to Be Blessed at shining the light of Christ, both individually and collectively as Romans 5:1-10 church?

Faith as Righteousness Personal Study and Group Discussion Guide Ephesians 2:8-9; Galatians3:11 August 19 - 25

My Story Chosen by Grace to Be a Blessing Matthew 5:14-16; Ephesians 2:10 What is the biggest mess you ever had to clean up? Who caused it? How did you go about it?

How had God cleaned up the messes in your life? Watch this message at Click on Media. To receive a text copy 2 via e-mail, contact us at [email protected] or at 715-834-2486. Quick Review Chosen to be a Blessing What is your initial response to the message? What inspired you? Abraham was chosen in grace to be a blessing. (Gen. 12:2-3) Surprised you? Challenged you? Confused you? Israel, the nation God made of Abraham’s descendants was chosen by grace to be a blessing. (Deut. 7:6-8; Isaiah 60:1-3) Jesus Digging Deeper teaches that his followers are also chosen by grace to be a blessing. The Story of Abraham (Matt. 5:13-16; Luke 6:27-36; Rom. 12:14-21) Read Genesis 12:1-9. Discuss how this part of the story Discuss how God’s grace given to us works through us to bless demonstrates God’s grace toward Abraham. What promises does others. He make to Abraham? Why? How has God given you the opportunity to be part of His Kingdom How is it also a story of God’s grace toward the whole world? “clean up crew?” How is it a gracious blessing for you to be a part of what God is doing to clean up the mess of sin in the world?

Read Genesis 15:1-16 & Genesis 17:1-8, 15-21. Each of these interactions with God come after Abraham had demonstrated a Taking It Home lack of faith in God’s plan. What does this say to you about the How has God graciously cleaned up the mess of sin in your life? grace of God? Why was God so determined not to give up on His Give thanks to him for his active grace? plan with Abraham and ? Make a list of the gracious blessings and promises you have been chosen to receive from God. Give Him praise for his active grace As you reflect on the story of Abraham, how would you describe in your life. the way in which God worked with him? What take-aways do you have about your own relationship with God? What opportunities is God putting before you, to bless others in the grace of Jesus Christ? How will you respond to God’s grace and share it with others? Grace and Faith Read and reflect on Genesis 15:6. How is this verse an important foundation for the rest of the story in the ? How does it speak Prayer Requests to you about your relationship with God? 

 Read Romans 4:13-16; Ephesians 2:4-9 & Galatians 2:15-16. Discuss the connections between Paul’s teaching and Abraham’s  faith in the promise being counted as righteousness. 

Abraham was chosen by God’s grace and you are chosen by God’s grace to receive His blessing in Jesus Christ. What are the Next Week! “Rescued by Grace!” Joshua-Chapters 2&6 promises God has given you and asks you to receive in faith? For some starter thoughts, see 2 Corinthians 6:16-7:1 & Hebrews Comments or questions regarding this study guide may be sent to Pastor David at 8:6-13. 3 [email protected].