5. Environmental Impacts of Biofuels
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BIOFUELS: PROSPECTS, RISKS AND OPPORTUNITIES 55 5. Environmental impacts of biofuels Although biofuel production remains small Depending on the methods used to produce in the context of total energy demand, it the feedstock and process the fuel, some is significant in relation to current levels crops can even generate more greenhouse of agricultural production. The potential gases than do fossil fuels. For example, environmental and social implications of its nitrous oxide, a greenhouse gas with a global- continued growth must be recognized. For warming potential around 300 times greater example, reduced greenhouse gas emissions than that of carbon dioxide, is released from are among the explicit goals of some policy nitrogen fertilizers. Moreover, greenhouse measures to support biofuel production. gases are emitted at other stages in the Unintended negative impacts on land, water production of bioenergy crops and biofuels: and biodiversity count among the side-effects in producing the fertilizers, pesticides and fuel of agricultural production in general, but used in farming, during chemical processing, they are of particular concern with respect to transport and distribution, up to final use. biofuels. The extent of such impacts depends Greenhouse gases can also be emitted by on how biofuel feedstocks are produced direct or indirect land-use changes triggered and processed, the scale of production and, by increased biofuel production, for example in particular, how they influence land-use when carbon stored in forests or grasslands is change, intensification and international released from the soil during land conversion trade. This chapter reviews the environmental to crop production. For example, while implications of biofuels; the social implications maize produced for ethanol can generate will be considered in the following chapter. greenhouse gas savings of about 1.8 tonnes of carbon dioxide per hectare per year, and switchgrass – a possible second-generation Will biofuels help mitigate climate crop – can generate savings of 8.6 tonnes change?10 per hectare per year, the conversion of grassland to produce those crops can release Until recently, many policy-makers assumed 300 tonnes per hectare, and conversion of that the replacement of fossil fuels with forest land can release 600–1 000 tonnes fuels generated from biomass would have per hectare (Fargione et al., 2008; The Royal significant and positive climate-change Society, 2008; Searchinger, 2008). effects by generating lower levels of the Life-cycle analysis is the analytical tool greenhouse gases that contribute to global used to calculate greenhouse gas balances. warming. Bioenergy crops can reduce or The greenhouse gas balance is the result offset greenhouse gas emissions by directly of a comparison between all emissions of removing carbon dioxide from the air as greenhouse gases throughout the production they grow and storing it in crop biomass and phases and use of a biofuel and all the soil. In addition to biofuels, many of these greenhouse gases emitted in producing and crops generate co-products such as protein using the equivalent energy amount of the for animal feed, thus saving on energy that respective fossil fuel. This well-established, would have been used to make feed by other but complex, method systematically means. analyses each component of the value Despite these potential benefits, however, chain to estimate greenhouse gas emissions scientific studies have revealed that different (Figure 22). biofuels vary widely in their greenhouse The starting point in estimating the gas balances when compared with petrol. greenhouse gas balance is a well-defined set of boundaries for a specific biofuel 10 The analysis in this section draws partly on FAO (2008d). system, which is compared with a suitable 56 THE STATE OF FOOD AND AGRICULTURE 2008 “conventional” reference system – in most A limited number of studies have considered cases petrol. Several biofuel feedstocks also vegetable oil; biodiesel from palm oil, cassava generate co-products, such as press cake and jatropha; and biomethane from biogas. or livestock feed. These are considered Given the wide range of biofuels, feedstocks “avoided” greenhouse gas emissions and and production and conversion technologies, are assessed by comparing them with similar we would expect a similarly wide range of stand-alone products or by allocation (e.g. by outcomes in terms of emission reductions – energy content or market price). Greenhouse which is indeed the case. Most studies have gas balances differ widely among crops found that producing first-generation and locations, depending on feedstock biofuels from current feedstocks results production methods, conversion technologies in emission reductions in the range of 20– and use. Inputs such as nitrogen fertilizer 60 percent relative to fossil fuels, provided the and the type of electricity generation (e.g. most efficient systems are used and carbon from coal or oil, or nuclear) used to convert releases deriving from land-use change are feedstocks to biofuels may result in widely excluded. Figure 23 shows estimated ranges varying levels of greenhouse gas emissions of reduction in greenhouse gas emissions for and also differ from one region to another. a series of crops and locations, excluding the Most life-cycle analyses of biofuels, to effects of land-use change. Brazil, which has date, have been undertaken for cereal and long experience of producing ethanol from oilseeds in the EU and the United States of sugar cane, shows even greater reductions. America and for sugar-cane ethanol in Brazil. Second-generation biofuels, although still FIGURE 22 Life-cycle analysis for greenhouse gas balances Life-cycle analysis for conventional fossil fuel Crude oil Conventional Transport extraction fossil fuel Use in for Refining and (petrol transport processing pre-treatment or diesel) GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS Feedstock production: land, fertilizer, Biofuel Ethanol pesticides, Transport processing: or Land-use Use in seeds, for enzymes, biodiesel change transport machinery, processing chemicals, and fuel energy use co-products Life-cycle analysis for liquid biofuel Source: FAO. BIOFUELS: PROSPECTS, RISKS AND OPPORTUNITIES 57 FIGURE 23 Reductions in greenhouse gas emissions of selected biofuels relative to fossil fuels Sugar cane, Brazil Second-generation biofuels Palm oil Sugar beet, European Union Rapeseed, European Union Maize Maize, United States of America -100-90 -80-70 -60-50 -40-30 -20-10 0 Percentage reduction Note: Excludes the effects of land-use change. Sources: IEA, 2006, and FAO, 2008d. insignificant at the commercial level, typically in subsequent stages of production and use. offer emission reductions in the order of 70– When land-use changes are included in the 90 percent, compared with fossil diesel and analysis, greenhouse gas emissions for some petrol, also excluding carbon releases related biofuel feedstocks and production systems to land-use change. may be even higher than those for fossil Several recent studies have found that the fuels. Fargione et al. (2008) estimated that most marked differences in results stem from the conversion of rainforests, peatlands, allocation methods chosen for co-products, savannahs or grasslands to produce ethanol assumptions on nitrous oxide emissions and and biodiesel in Brazil, Indonesia, Malaysia land-use-related carbon emission changes. or the United States of America releases at At present, a number of different methods least 17 times as much carbon dioxide as are being used to conduct life-cycle analysis those biofuels save annually by replacing and, as noted above, some of these do fossil fuels. They find that this “carbon not consider the complex topic of land-use debt” would take 48 years to repay in the change. The parameters measured and the case of Conservation Reserve Program land quality of the data used in the assessment returned to maize ethanol production in the need to comply with set standards. Efforts United States of America, over 300 years to are under way within, among others, the repay if Amazonian rainforest is converted Global Bioenergy Partnership, to develop for soybean biodiesel production, and over a harmonized methodology for assessing 400 years to repay if tropical peatland greenhouse gas balances. There is a similar rainforest is converted for palm-oil biodiesel need for harmonization in assessing the production in Indonesia or Malaysia. broader environmental and social impacts Righelato and Spracklen (2007) estimated of bioenergy crops to ensure that results are the carbon emissions avoided by various transparent and consistent across a wide ethanol and biodiesel feedstocks grown on range of systems. existing cropland (i.e. sugar cane, maize, In assessing greenhouse gas balances, wheat and sugar beet for ethanol, and the data on emissions emanating from rapeseed and woody biomass for diesel). land-use change are crucial if the resulting They found that, in each case, more carbon picture is to be complete and accurate. Such would be sequestered over a 30-year period emissions will occur early in the biofuel by converting the cropland to forest. They production cycle and, if sufficiently large, argue that if the objective of biofuel support may require many years before they are policies is to mitigate global warming, compensated by emissions savings obtained then fuel efficiency and forest conservation 58 THE STATE OF FOOD AND AGRICULTURE 2008 BOX 9 The Global Bioenergy Partnership The Global Bioenergy