University of Cincinnati News Record. Thursday, February 25, 1965. Vol
Universit~y of' Vol. L1I,No.18, - Series BF 1 Zl53 Ed ·:Jucker ··'Quits".Ba:ker' .Ja,kes'- ,'Over , byJirti .Ramsey news of his retirement .~as made Eaily Tuesday Ed. Jucker Head Basketball Coach-at UC' public.Juck said~ '.'lc?n~idet'Tay, e Baker and Ray' Dlerrmger:tobe, Ve . Fe. , ', Sh . submitted his resignation effective at the end-of the current the fine~ basketbaUeoachesiu. 1m. , season. The reason given for .the resignation was a contin- the United States today." He let, oWing' uing strain on -.his health brought about by' his coaching, commented further, '~I have ...had H • 'd' B C'" a.lif~, t.iIl1;e.Of.. basketball in'my duties and family' obligations., '~ five years at UC." a te 'y, us' toms Jucker, who is also. an associate, professor of physical . Jueker went 'on to ~ay:/~(Win.. , . and health education: will remain at the University-in the ning'the first NCAA chami'ion-.. Federal Customs Agents. from Brown 110 represent Stetler ~ Department of Physical, Education and Athletics.· His duties ship wBsprobably my greatest. Cleveland "visited"campus. last ,court action, chargingviolati •• will consist of teaching' and administrative 'duties. " thrill white coaching ,at UC~al- ;Frjd~y t.o seize. th~ film "Vi~t- of personal rights. ' l)nder: Jucker,Cinc'iflnati be- though ,winning 'the; second n~~ being 'prese~ted. by. the, UC It was not divulged who ON.tot\ chan,pionshlp' . tepe~ted t heF~I~ Committee In Annie Laws edthe .qustom, A&:entsto Ciri:ei.~ carne the only (:ollege b~sket"· on Dec•. '14, after' the Kansas I ball team ever toreaeh the ':" .
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