Cheating on the increase? No. 3 Forty-Niners upset Spartans crush Volleyball team pulls a major upset as it beats Stanford officials say although the number of nationally ranked Long Beach State. The cheating cases has risen, it's because Beach in Long are now on a seven-game win streak. students are reporting it more. Reports from IL"111 ii ' Spartans .k.\ ; SJSU state that occurrences in 1990 are down Homecoming Page 9 li 1 AU by 39 cases from last year. Page 4 In additon to all the ceremony, it was a 'Don't have a cow, man!' great game. SJSU running back 4 341,1 National Alcohol Awareness Sheldon Canley rushed for 168 yards After going head to head, Bart Simpson and Fox Colleges nationwide try informing students of in the 46-29 win. Page 8 TV gets the best of the Cosby Show. Page 7 the dangers of drinking. See Below

%%rather Published km. the University and %Iiistly Sunny. highs in the nivel 71k. University Communit) by the ( tear tonight sis tilt lows down to the Department of Journalism and low 50s. Mass Communications since 1934. SPARTAN DAILY tt cathei Si',. VoL time 95. NUMBER 32 RA( )EIDAY. O TuErER 15. 1990 Late reports hurt Steele's book incites outrage UPD crime solving By Angus Klein their acts because of reported date Daily staff writer rapes on campus.- Garrett said. Sgt. Bruce Lowe of the Universi- Lowe said there's heightened ty Police Department told the Asso- concern in the SJSU community ciated Students on Wednesday that because of several recent crimes. the biggest problem UPD faces in which has increased the demand for controlling crime is receiving late crime prevention speeches. reports. "I wouldn't he here today if "Some of these incidents involve someone hadn't invited me.- Lowe serious allegations. We often wish said. we had the information right away. Six assaults on women have instead of 48 hours later." Lowe been reported this semester, and said. three SJSU students were taken in Lowe said recent crimes on cam- to custody after fighting after a pus are not a result of weak crime dance on campus in September. prevention tactics by the UPD. On Tuesday. Lowe conducted a A.S. Student Services Director survey of crimes against persons on Gina Sutherst invited Lowe. who campus. The results show that said the UPD has been making these crimes are slightly higher this crime prevention speeches on cam- year than last. pus "since the first day of classes.' "'The difference is that this year UPD detective Brian Garrett said there's been a few more sex he and Lowe organize crime pre- assaults.- Lowe said. vention speeches to involve the Lowe said UPD chief Ric Abey- entire UPD officer force. ta has statistics in his office "that Among the groups UPD has spo- show that SJSU has one of the ken to this semester are: university highest arrest rates and lowest housing residents, new employees. crime rates in the CSU system.- faculty and staff, freshman during The majorit) of crimes on cam- orientation, the disable, and people pus are committed by non-students. over 60. Garrett said. Lowe said. Garrett and several other UPD Lowe urged victims of crimes officers were surprised to he invited and people who an: knowledgeable to several fraternities this semester. of crimes to file reports immediate- hut said that being invited by soror- also urged SJSU community' Roben W Soztle Special to the Daily ly. He ities was not as surprising. members to use the escort service. Diane Malker Elam yells at Shelby Steele fur portra) ing her land- Content of Our (liaracter: A New Vision of Race in America" has "I think some of the fraternities and if you're not willing to wait. ly in his nosel at a book reading on .1hursday. His work. "The raked a storm of controserss. are under some pressure to clean up use the istidik sssieni Book, author have 'New Vision' but some in audience unimpressed Panel says gays can By Anthony Cataldo induce low self-esteem in the belies mg Daily staff writer self as though it were the complete truth Shelby Sleek. author 01 a C1miroersial of the personality." he said. be Republicans too hook that discusses the problems it black 'And this is the piiint. The condition of America and the complexities id race being black iii America means that one By Laura DiMascio San Jose City Council and direc- lel:Mims. told a capacity crowd in the w ill likely endure more wounds to one's Deity staff writer tor for AIDS legal services Paul 'Music Concert Hall on Thursday night self -esteem than others and that the Two members of a three-per- Wysocki. spoke in behalf of the that he tried to he "unsparing" while writ- capacity tor self-doubt horn of these son panel urged gays and les- Democratic Party on Thursday. ing his hook. "'The Content of ()ur Char- wounds will he compounded and expand- hians to he actise in the Republi- in the Student Union Almaden acter A New Visual of Race in Ameri- ed hy the black race's reputation of irderi- can Party as a part of Gay and Room to an audience of eight. ca." Orli Lesbian Awareness Week 1990. "People are abandoning the Equally unspannl! cc is the audience's Sleek' also discussed what he called Event coordinators said the Democratic Party." said W) to ',1st reaction Inglish insmictor. "'white guilt" in America that stems from panel was one of the week's ki. "hut at the same time with At lost the mood \\ :IS 1 esl Ul the knowledge of the past racial crimes ininsi pros cativo: esents. The economic woes lacing us they're 11,1X%. II iii lii k S1Celt.' read passages ol whites committed against blacks. panel. called "Gay and Republi- not too enthralled with the his recorded thoughts about deep-roiled -Mow precisely. it comes from the jus- van?". discussed the question. "Is Republic Part). People are fed insecurities hindering blacks' I/11 yress ill t:11)0000n of this knowledge with the Mere a place for gays and les- up with both sides." mainstream 1111:10). ities table gratitude one feels for being Nans in the Republican parts'!" W) socki said that in the the essa) s lead were imt.iiiti Steele's white rather than black in America." Russ Paiyou, founder of the 1960s. there was a clear-cut dd. personal omits and obsei 5 amens on In the closing statements. Steele read Sitit gay fratenut) Delta Lamb- lerence in !dentin!) between the cone:cm,. pssche ol black Americans. the filial pas.ages of his Nails in mien:ince da Phi. and Martha O'Connell. a Republicans and Democrats. Ills list leading was ah1,111 Menial to Martin hither King: "We are on the Int:tither cif SJSU/Staff for Indi- "If son were a blue-collar per- V.011ikl% 1111110'AI on children that lead to other side ol his mountaintop. on the sidual Rights. spoke in favor ot son. the Republican Parry was sell -doubt and us hat Sleek. calls the "anti - does ice aid slope toward the valley he Dan Ocampo Daily man photo. . homosexuals being active in the the pan) of the rich and elite. sell." saes. Illis soillethillg %NC 014111 to know Republican party. The final panel Shelby Steele signs a book for Paul John La Botill and the Democrats wen: the poi it "It is a cataly enerns that tiles to member former for See STEELE. page 10 at a book signing On Thursday. See PANEL, page 10 Campus to observe national alcohol awareness week for first time

Till, \A first time the hell dose. .,1manda Helen ditiirial. page 2 ill be the Daily staff writer has heen rung since 1941. 'Fluoughout the week. ill, Alter parties and 110111l1 1C.111/C 111%.%) L.111 blase' Carla lwata ot the women's see mm- II:silk:We halls cc illparth. I[Site' V. tailgates collie lo .1 dose this week- "really good time doing things iltutig team and co-chair of the week's the eser-present bulletin hoard tly Alcohol Awareness Week end. and the beer cans are re1110% eel for the athletes, hopes the ens and ;limit: nights. The !tunics w dhow having alcohol involved." etch% Me% Alcohol Awareness Week starts today and continues through Saturday Sec,w of the from the parking lot at Spanan Sta- she said. hell will make an impact on the stu- tot example "Clean and Sober" and highlghts of the week include dium. students will he reminded with Events started texlay %kith "cita- dents. Die hell will be "very ellective "Less Than 1.ero." will all deal Monday: The University Police Department arid Prevention Education this week about the effects alcohol tions" handed out dining a "road m gelling the message across.- she drugs and alcohol and their effects Prcgram Student Assostants will hand out information concerning the laws has on them. Newts" by I !Ills Police Den:in- said. lwata cc ill take part in the bell on one's lute physically and socially regarding alcohol, including consequences and alcohol at the 10th and For the first time at SJSU. tik:N. The "citations- w ill he given ringing at 2:07 p.m. Pma oladas and other mixed Seventh Street Garages The 'Road Block' is taking place from 9 a m to 3 p m National Collegiate Alcohol Aware- to drivers entering the 7111 and 10th Mike Scialabba 01 the loothall drinks will be flowing 'reel \ urn and again from 6 p.m to 9 ness Week and events informing Street Garages 9 am to 3 p.m. and team. Tracy Hansen of women's tlln nigh mIte diem. ill mocktail pal TUesday: Skits on responsible drinking will be presented by fraternities. organizations Skits are 7 p m to 10 p m in the students about alcohol's impacts 6 p.m. 1o9 p.m. The citations will golf. Mike Wasserhurger of men's ties Mc Milt Wits, free of alcohol. soronties and student oma Pneta Room of the Student Union and effects V1111 he held. contain information on blood alco- basketball and 'fro) Stuart of men's will attempt to show residents !hal The program was planned last hol k's els and the laws regarding pninashes V. ill all he ringing the there can he a pan) without alvii Wednesday: Tables in the Student Union with information on alcohol year hut the ()cL 17 Loma Priori the consequences and penalties for bell at appointed times. according bob. Pila esplamed. use, as well as other health issues earthquake crumbled ellints and professors drunk drisers. Pi la said. Another to Pula. Campus resets ed a MI Thursday: 'As the Bell Tolls: sconsoted by the Athletic Department, is resulted in the cancellation of the road Nock is scheduled fia- Thurs- Also on Thursday. a controlled letter last week encouraging discus an event where student athletes will ring a bell every 2:3 minutes to symbol week's actis ihes. avoiding 10 Hai day. drinking experiment with campus sions on alcohol and its effect oil ize that someone dies in an alcohol- related incident every 23 minutes net Pita, comelinatoi of Peysentj. With the cooperation ill the radio station KSJS 90.7. will students into class all% iv. ea. There will also be a controlled drinking experiment by campus radio station KSJS (90 7), 11 a m to 2 30 pm outside the Student Union live Education Poigrani SJSU President's Unice. the Cali- instils,. two disc pockeys getting aecOnling 10 the !WHO. The goal 01 the week-long 11111 temtia State Nonni,' School Hell m drunk on the au rukk7 the supervi- %like Mr Menlher Friday: PEP student assistants information table and video set up at gram is to promote "responsible from nI Wahlguist Library South sion of the Highway Kappa Alpha I-rah:miry. spoke al The Student Union at 6 p m to decision mak* when it clams will he rung every 23 minutes Irom Patrol and the I ll% ersmly Pollee la`a cceek's Interfratermis ('idols.- ii Saturday: Announcements during the SJSU football game against alcohol use, whetho they i students) a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Thin sda) to i)eparnnent. said The attempt and Panhellenic meetings II) Mt' Utah State, 6 p m choose to drink or not to drink." will he to pose Mat although they gain support tor the Greek p.m. remind students that every 23 min- Soun-e SJSU Office of Public Affairs Pila said. utes someone dies Inan an alcohol- are below. the legal blood alcohol patron in the alcohol ass uii People. especially students. related accident. avoiding to Pila. limit the) an.. still too unpaired 10 week.


EDITORIAL Time to rethink booze use

and college it's a But students need to learn about the OUGYAikitS Otsi 0E Bcer TiAg connection that's been made detrimental effects of their drinking DEAD, before. It's been made in especially drinking and driving, ARE T.V., movies, books, and other which kills thousands every year. people's perceptions. For so long Students also need to learn the we've been told that booze and school alternatives to rushing the keg at the are interconnected that we almost party. Alcohol at social functions has believe it. been so ingrained in our But not quite. consciousness that there is just cause We'd like others not to believe it for a few seminars telling us how to too, and so do the administration and avoid the hooch. other campus organizations. To help out, they are sponsoring "Alcohol Awareness Week," on campus. Students will probably sparsely The series of events ranges from attend the events scheduled KSJS's potentially humorous but also this week. Its too bad, because educational controlled drinking we have all met or know students on experiment, to campus cops passing this campus who have a problem with out flyers informing people of the alcohol. legal ramifications of their drinking if But we're hopeful that some will they choose to drive. go, and thankful to the sponsoring The quick reaction is to make light organizations for the events. of the events. After all, we have plenty of friends who are so aware The week will be good for of alcohol they may have problems everybody who gets involved. We with it. hope to see you at the events.

REPORTER'S FORUM BILL WILLIAMSON Let women report in RaUl Domingues Spartan Daily the locker room

Scandals. game while they are taking a shower. And of There seem to be more of those in the sports course, they have every right to human world than on Twin Peaks. The latest furor is privacy. the case of Zeke and Lisa. The romantic But the locker rooms are closed to reporters LETTERS TO THE EDITOR locker room dirty talk between New England for the first 10 minutes after the game, so the Patriot tight end Zeke Mowatt and Boston players can do the hygiene thing before Herald sportswriter Lisa Olsen. interviews. They can cover up. and most do Considering Treasurer choices We all know the scoop. Zeke and four of his throw on their pants before they start talking. buddies swaggered au natural over to Olsen Women in locker rooms didn't make Editor: Californians. while saving $7 million. -a vote for Torn 1-la is a vote for while she was conducting an interview with a Mowatt say what he did Mowatt did. So This year Californians have a real Tom is dedicated and considers the one of us. Not mil), did Tom receive team member in the locker room. Apparently banning them from the room because players choice in the election of a State Treasurer's job a serious one. both a B.S. and his M.B.A. from San Mowatt made a lewd comment to Olsen and feel uncomfortable is a cop out. Another Treasurer. Jose State. he has been of mil,II all hell has broken loose because of his stupid reason for keeping the ladies in the Thomas W. Hayes. the incumbent. His opponent, on the other hand. service to the school. The School ii innuendos. hallway. (like Bengal Coach Sam Wyche did is probably one of the most highly seems to have little training or Business has selected him as one ot The ethical issues of women reporters being last week, and was heavily fined for) is they qualified persons to ever run for a experience for the job. Her principal its outstanding graduates. allowed access to men athlete's locker rooms take cheap looks at their athletes in their glory. major state office. He has been well qualification seems to be the fact that is again in vogue. Yeah right. Women run around checking out educated, his had years of valuable she comes from a political family. Let's exercise our votes \k; 1 side with Olsen. For what's it's word'. She 300-pound naked dudes instead of getting financial experience, and is widely She appears to view the Treasurer's Nov. (i! was just doing her job with her head pointed at quotes under deadline pressure. respected for his financial wisdom. In job as a way to enfer a political her notebook, not in the Football players the short time he has been State career. Robert A. /Juni, ; PI; // direction of Zeke's or aren't too exciting to Treasurer hes earned $2.5 billion for For those of us in the SJSU family. Proki\oi tpiiri in,. ,./ r anyone else's personal Football players watch, especially after business. a game, when they're Zeke Mowatt is aren't too exciting nude. In fact it's basically an idiot, plain to watch, especially downright disgusting. The importance of manners and simple. He's not that Imagine 45 guys, good of a football player. after a game, when including overweight Editor. twenty-three (23) years, 1 have students. (And it it were a perkci either. He' s just a sexist linemen, wiggling As many people on campus witnessed many changes in the way world, when students deal with staff moron. The only they're nude. around 50 reporters in already know, in the very near future people treat each other. This and faculty.) repercussion from this a room designed for 20 I will no longer be both Director of behavioral change is not limited to situation should be normal-sized people. Human Resources and Employee people on campus. of course, hut it is It just seems to me. especially at a Mowates suspension and a stiff fine. When I was in the Raiders' Relations. Several months ago I only to all of you who work on time of increasing enrollment and Be a sexist pigdon’t play. locker room during the summer I felt cramped asked for and received approval from campus (staff and faculty) that I workloads and The Patriots' show of class shouldn't ban around all those sweaty mountain men. It of decreasing President Fullerton and Executive address my remarks. women from locker rooms, where all the good would be like being in a VW Bug with Tootie resources that all of our time at work Vice President Evans to II) be quotes usually come from. and Natalie from The Facts Of Lifenaked. would he considerably brightened it Punish women just for being women? Yeah, real glorious, yeah. relieved of my responsibilities as If it were within my power to we heard a "thank you" now and Come on. Some people suggest making a So in a nutshell, we should drop the ethical Director of Human Resources and (2) somehow re-establish a practice from then. Let's all give it a go. Whii separate press room for women reporters. Isn't reasons why women should or shouldn't he he retained at .75 time as Director of the "good old days" that would knovo., maybe we'll start something this sort of like having different drinking allowed in locker rooms, and just let them do Employee Relations for staff become my legacy to the campus I that will make San Jose State fountains for whites and blacks? their job. If players don't want problems. they employees. Both changes will take would have it be the use of the simple University a more pleasant place to The teams and players should realize that should shut up and do their part. Remember. effect on October 15,1990. words "Thank you." 1 would most work. conducting two different interview sessions the whole fiasco didn't start with a woman As Director of Human especially like the words used by would be more difficult than wrapping a towel offending an athlete. It began when a player Resources/Employee Relations for staff when they deal with other staff. S. J. Miliot. Miriam around their waist before talking to a press interrupted a reporter when she was doing her the last four 141 years and before that staff when they deal with faculty. and Human Bewail esit:mploser crew of men and women. job. as the campus Personnel Officer for vice versa, and when staff deal with Relation, It seems like these guys are weary of Bill Williamson is a Staff Writer for the women being in the locker room after the Spartan Daily SPARTAN DAILY

ROB NEILI Executive Editor JESSE BALISCAO, Advertising Director LAWRENCE J. SALISBURY, Managing Editor/Production STEPHEN Y. BROWN, Retail Advertising Manager BRAD DETANNA, Production Manager ADAM STEINHAUER, Managing Editor/Editorial JULIE HARPER, Downtown Advertising Manager HI( A D THOMPSON, Co-op Advertising HOLLMAN JANE WONG, EDWIN ACE VEDO, Graphics Editor HARRY MOK, City Editor Special Sections Manager Advertising Manager LAURA CHUN, Photo Editor RANDY ROBERTSON, Sports Editor MI( 'KEY PANAHINIA, National CHRISTINE De GRAW, Entertainment R I( 71( ROM AGOSA, Chief Photographer ELHAM SHAIIMOHAMMADL Art Director Advertising Manager Editor MARK SMITH. Agate Editor Account NICK FISHER, Wire Editor TAMARA THOMPSON, Copy Chief Executives: Darin Greenwall, Leah Hamilton, Derek Smith. John Valinsky Art Department: Sandra Hutchins, Mike lwamuro, Elisa MIKE MOELLER, Features Editor KEVIN WEll Forum Editor Rogge Reporters: Marcos Azcarate, Anthony Cataldo. Susanna Cesar. Leigh Ann Clifton. Laura DiMascio, Wow pomp, OP gin Jaw 0111111.41. IlleMilliew of ft 41111 111100, wWIP*0 Assedikm and mar pieSiOil MIN my, st tan Aft Oleo UrwwW0 0110$ Ile saw volf. to WON wpm/ Si Ow mac we no Bryan Gold. Amanda Helen, Steve Helmer, Angus Klein Lori Sinsley, Shell* Terry, Paul Wheaton, Bill al Wwwsiam and Mon rime MS Williamson olowerimirik so unholy** erg IOW Salwilw billpegentwow MO MON tppwilinew al ismWw Ism MONIAMIll pit Mk am mempsim SIR OReelleste POP ellelete ,5 seas. OP aillipus Mow odd Photographers: Nikki Hart, Ann Nelson. Dan ()camp. Anna Marie Remedios. Kevin Squires INurualons0011100 WAN IOW PIN owils pw ilWwo Wirt Raw Moor tein 924 320. AOmplosne Rep .14.1270 Independent Publowisms. Pierwpww Pleads send ill address corrections io Stuart.,, Daly ded Age %I.!. un,sity, One Square, Pm Jo.,, Odeon* MIR


SpartaGuide Prop. 130 gets $1.67 million donation SACRAMEN.10 IAPI Mil- SpartaGuide is a daily calendar Jiii1 boost die industry CAMPUS MINISTRY: Bible study of Jere- 2 p m Student Union middle level call 448 lionaire investor Harold Arbil has available to SJSU student, faculty miah. Montalvo Room. 0830 NI i I ionaire investor counter-measure. Proposition 131i. 12313-1 30 pm.SU donated a record SI and stall organizations at no charge call 298-0204 ,677,000 to the reported taking in more than $4 Proposition 130 campaign aimed at says he's concerned million, The largest contributors TODAY A.S. LEISURE SERVICES: Last day to sign CAREER PLANNING AND PLACEMENT: reforming logging practices and were all wixsd-products firms CAREER PLANNING AND PLACEMENT: up for Sailing #213, 9 a m.-4 30 pm AS Macy's department stores Christmas season for vanishing 924-5961 recruitment. 11 a m -3 p preserving ancient forests, accord- based mostly in other states. Resume preparation - Learn how to Business Office in S U call m . Business Class- de- room ing to the latest financial disclosure velop marketable resumes and letters, SAFER.: Student Affiliation for Environ. Building Room 6 call 924-6048. Cre- redwoods Arbit is president of Concord 1:30 ating p.m . Student Union Almaden Room. call mental Respect meeting, 5 p m. Dudley career choices in psychology. profes- reports. Capital Management of San 924-6030 Moorhead Hall Room 235A sionals provide information on opportunities, Arbit. who says he was moti- Mateo. an institutional investment 12 30 pm. HUMAN MANAGEMENT SU Almaden Room, call 924- vated by concern for the state's They show that through Sept. ART DEPARTMENT: Student art shows RESOURCES E048 Co-op firm. Spokesmen for the timber in- speaker from Career Plan orientation professional work- vanishing redwood trees, has 30. the campaign and openings, 9 a m.-4 pm , Art Building CLUB: Meeting, experience program had raised $2.2 dustry. have milk:lied Arbit's mo- sing and Placement Center. 5-6 pm. SU 7 30 pm. SU Alma- and Herbert Sanders Gallery in Industrial den Room. funded the bulk of the Yes on 13(1 million in cash and in-lieu serv- tises. but they. base yet to furnish Montalvo Room, call 924-6030 Studies Building. call 924-4330 call 984-5346 campaign, according to the fund- ices. evidence that he or his clients BASKETBALL The TEAM: Looking for team NATIONAL PRSA: PublicRelations raising statements filed with the rival campaign mounted by would benefit from Proposition managers. COLLEGIATE ALCOHOL Society of America open to all SJSU students, call AWARENESS WEEK: dinner meeting $15 at pm. secretary of state. the timber industry to defeat Prop- 13(1's passage. 924-1221 Student Health Serv door 6 Palo ice and Prevention Education Program ! Alto Holiday Inn tor carpool information. call A.S. LEISURE SERVICES: SpartAerobics Sex Alcohol and More in the 90s, 9 a m 248-5683 offering A-Robics at a specrall daily drop- in rate of $2.50 for students, 530-630 pm, Event Center Aerobics Room, call 924-5960 MEChA: Statewide meeting for the Chicano- _V w V AB COMPACT DISC EXCHANGE ,11J Latino student organization. 530 p.m., Chi- er91-Oceei - - cano Resource Center, Wahlquist Library st Off 1 North Room 307. 292-1897 - call S; LAMBDA SIGMA GAMMA: Planning meet- LOOKING FOR CAREER rce ing. 6 p m Business Classroom Building NEED CASH? RitooV: Room 207. call 298-2549. '511 OPPORTUNITIES? WE BUY ANTHROPOLOGY CLUB: Archaeology he 1011Y:114 companies are hosting upcoming informational 1C11101IN ,a):1 USED r Lecture by Professor Thomas Layton - The ($11.88 MAGIC -Frolic" 7 Shipwreck, 5 p m Duncan Hall Ia CD$ Room 208. call 924-5712 TANDEM APPLIED MATERIALS PER llt.9Vr CD OLIY 6 CD'S & Monday, 10/22/90 HISPANIC BUSINESS ASSOCIATION: Tuesday. 10/23/90 BILLBOARD GET 1 FREE! 12:30 PM - 200 PM General meeting. new members needed to 12:30 PM - 2:(k) PM TOP sow , of! u Almaden, SU Costanoan. SU form organization, 3 p.m . Chicano Re- 30 illSTRIC 'OEMS o1 source Center. Wahlquist Library North 109 p.stf,4,,.-z EAST,;fN:s4:,’. Room 307. call 924-2707 SANTA CLARA Si. THE GAP WELLS FARGO lc N ICE HOCKEY AT SJSU: Skate and Meet- Wednesday, 10/24/90 Thursday, 10/25/90 (BETWEEN 3RD & 415-I) ing. $10 skating fee, 9 45 p m , Eastridge Ice ONE BLOCK FROM SJSU Arena. call 926-6939. 12:30 PM - 2:00 PM 12:30 PM- 2:00 PM Guadalupe. SU Almaden, SU NATIONAL COLLEGIATE ALCOHOL 294-0345 AWARENESS WEEK: Prevention Educa- tion Program members and SJSU police MON 'NU 10AM TO 10PV PRI SAT 10AM 11 MID SUN 11 NOON 9PM hand out leaflets at Seventh and 10th Street VARIAN FIRST DEPOSIT CORP. garages, 9 a m -6 p m call 924-5945 Monday. 10/29/90 Tuesday. 10/30/90 B.; COUNSELING SERVICES: Stress manage- 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM 12:30 PM - 2:30 PM ment group for students. 3-5 p.m . Adminis- Guadalupe. SU Costanoan, SU tration Building Roots 201. call 924-5910 NATIONAL COLLEGIATE ALCOHOL AWARENESS WEEK '90 SPARTAN TRACK CLUB: Workout. 530 pm.. South Campus track, call 971-8764 CYPRESS SEMICONDUCTOR *p_ "As the Bell Tolls" '-'74 Wednesday, 10/31/90 MONDAY - TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY 12:30 PM - 2:30 PM October 15 TUESDAY "! October 16 October 17 October 16 October 19 Costanoan, SU UPD ROAD BLOCK CAMPUS MINISTRY: Agape Community UPD ROAD ALCOHOL PEP Student Support, discussion on the short film -The Controlled Drinking Assistants Little Prince. 5 30-7 30 pm, 300 S. lath Start networking now! All those interested may attend! BLOCK and SEX Experlmont St call 298-0204 SKIT HEALTH DAY KSJS will do a live information table ART DEPARTMENT: Student art shows. 9 For more information, contact Career Planning at 924-6010, Bldg. Q. UPD AND PEP COMPETITION remote on campus with at the Union. by David Student Union a m -4 p m galleries. Lecture we. Mum. - nlon1 Student CHP and UPD rum. celiw, rolVon, m, pv1. sq. go 4.04119 at the Loma 900 m-3 00 pro Best. How to Keep Working. 5-6 p m Art Assistants t 00 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Authentic Building Room 133. Openings. 6-8 pm . Art .T.50.5 Pneta Room As the Bell Tolls Building. call 924-4330 !t.1 ! s’ee-e. !! !! !! l'ere-e"0 conduct a road Back to Basic Russian 7 00 pm 10 00pm Athletic Department AND PLACEMENT' block at 10th Rock Band CAREER PLANNING Blues 7:00 cm.-7:00 p.m. Resumes cnfiqued by experts on drop -in street and 7th Brigadiers first-come-first-served basis. 1-2 30 p m Amphitheatre UVE MUSIC: GRINDERS street garages S U Almaden Room. call 924-6030: Count- 1200 noon -1 00 p.m. Amphitheatre Amphitheatre ing on a career in accounting, professionals 12 00 noon-1 00 p m 12:00 noon provide information on career opportunities. Supported by PEP (Prevention Education PragrarN owner

DON'T PASS UP THIS BARGAIN EMPLOYEE RECOGNITION DAY SAN JOSE STATE UNIVERSITY SPARTANS vs UTAH STATE AGGIES October 20, 1990 - 6:00 p.m. On this special recognition day, all SJSU faculty and staff employees with I.D. will be given a free ticket to the game. Come show your support for the Spartans as they march toward a Big West Conference Championship. Bring up to QUESTIONS three friends and they will each be admitted for 1/2 price. I. Rank in order from the strongest to the least strong, the type of beverage that has the Offer good only on the day of the game at Spartan Stadium. greatest alcohol content in it: For more information call Senior (A) 12 oz. be (B) 6 oz, glass of wine Cl A one shot highball or cocktail 2. Your MC (Blood Alcohol Content) cannot exceed what percentage before you are considered the Event Center Box Office at Ralph Martini Photo by Ron Fried to be driving illegally in the state of California? 924-FANS 3. Alcohol is a stimulant. True or False? ALSO 4. Alcohol affects men and women in the same manner. True or False? 5. The average drink is metabolized by the liver in what length of by the liver in what length of time' I he first 5,000 fans in attendance will receive SJSU football trading cards, courtesy of the U.S. Forestry Service. Remember, if you party at the Pub and bring a designated FRESNO STATE IS COMING NOVEMBER 17 driver, that person receives free sodas, courtesy or our ORDER YOUR TICKETS NOW SOBER SPARTAN PROGRAM

IAL DEFECTIVE PAGE 4, SPARTAN DAILY, OCTOBER 15, 1990 STATE NEWS Reported cheating up at Stanford; students turning in peers STANFORD (AP) Reports of from 16 in the 1989 academic year Samuel Henry, assistant dean of "Graduates are calling up years and possibly change a grade." "It eats away at them until they cheating at Stanford University to 32 this school year, according to student services at San Jose State later. saying 'I cheated in Religious conversions have finally call up and confess," Wil- doubled in the last year, prompting the judicial affairs officer's annual University, said at his school re- school," said the school's student caused some to less up, Wilson son said. university officials to conclude stu- report released Wednesday. ports of cheating have declined judicial affairs coordinator, Jeanne said. Others found that their past Contrary to Stanford's explana- dents are becoming more rather "I don't know for sure if it's a from 66 cases in the 1989 school Wilson. In the past six months deceptions undermined their self- tion. Henry said students today than less honest. change in reporting or a change in year to 27 in 1990. she's handled four such cases. esteem, leaving them feeling they cheat more because they are are Judicial affairs officer Sally student conduct," Cole said. "But But Henry said those figures compared to only two or three over did not deserve their degrees. pressured to get good grades. Cole doesn't think Stanford stu- my feeling is that students these don't reflect reality. He said the the past five years. dents are cheating more. She be- days are less likely to put up with only reason reports of cheating The university is more lenient lieves a new breed of students are cheating." have dropped is because faculty with self-reported sneaks than with tired of their dishonest classmates Cole's interpretation might be members neglect to fill out aca- those who were snared by others. and are reporting miscreants more dismissed as the wishful thinking demic misconduct report forms. Still, the cheaters are punished. often. of a Stanford partisan, were it not At U.C. Davis, increasing num- "We don't take away their de- The number of academic mis- for a similar outbreak at the Uni- bers of students are turning them- gree." Wilson said. "But we will conduct cases at Stanford rose versity of California at Davis. selves in. put a letter in their disciplinary file Accused Officials say there's 'toddler's gap rapist in San Jose's immunization levels Inadequate immunization causes Associated Press pleads the outbreaks, according to stale A shortfall of immunized chil- 'I'd rather take my and local officials. Despite in- dren has created "a toddler gap" chances creasing medical evidence that innocent between both rich and poor in Cali- with the vaccines rarely produce long-term LONG BEACH (AP) A fornia. according to researchers. measles.' illness or deaths, millions of par- college student has pleaded "Young children, especially 7- ents refuse to immunize their chil- .innocent to 18 felony sexual month-old and 2-year-old children, Shannon Lenz, dren. assault, robbery and kidnap- have disturbingly low immuniza- mot her ping charges in connection tion levels," researchers wrote in with the so-called "St. Peter this month's issue of the Western mumps, rubella and diphtheria. Rapist" attacks. Journal of Medicine. Lenz' attitude is part of what FAST Joseph Brian Socha en- The state, they reported, lags health officials call a growing na- FUNDRAISING tered his plea Tuesday in behind national immunization pat- tional health epidemic. Parents PROGRAM Municipal Court. Charges in- terns. who distrust or don't know clude two counts each of Barely one-third of children about the country's immuniza- 4000 in just one week. rape, sodomy, robbery and using public clinics were adequa- tion program are contributing to tely immunized from 1979 to rising outbreaks of major and Eam up to s1000 in one kidnapping, and 10 counts of week for your campus oral 1987, and only two-thirds of the deadly diseases. copulation. organization. The 28-year-old California youngsters attended by private Even programs that offer free hamburgers have failed to State University, Dominguez physicians met state requirements, make a Plus a chance at according to dent in the immunization shortfall. Hills student is being held findings by Dr. Mi- $5000 more! without hail. A preliminary chael Scheiber, of the University The measles outbreak in the hearing was scheduled Oct. of California at Berkeley. and Dr. state is the worst in 20 years, with This program works! 17. Neal Halfon, of Children's Hospi- more than 10,000 cases and 47 No investment needed. A man who identified him- tal Medical Center in Oakland. deaths reported in the first two- self as "St. Peter, messenger More than half the 550,000 chil- thirds of 1990. Whooping cough is Call 1-800-932-0528 of the Lord," gave women dren born in California every year also up. with more than 4(X) inci- Ext. 50 hitchhikers rides in his car. will not be properly vaccinated by dents reported yearly. Another said she accepted a their second birthday, health offi- ride. cials estimate. The assailant drove his "The vaccines are poison," said : victims to a remote part of Shannon Lenz. who has nursed her COPY PRODUCTS , three children through concurrent K I 15 ENG G . the Long Beach harbor area, Mir i hacked off their hair with a bouts of whooping cough. _4 N+ knife and carved upside- "I'd rather take my chances q,F . ./ , down crosses on their backs with the measles," said Lenz, who invites SJSU faculty to an ie: irlar \t6 saying it would cleanse their refuses to have her 20-month-old 44/ souls. daughter immunized for measles. gla ' AT i ) qa/tfry geittit4ei a Z./ ) Come help us celebrate our') TOMORROW NIGHT First Birthday tues. oct. 16 October 13 - 19 IMAGING TECHNOLOGY THE WORLD AND MELT WITH Drawings Prizes Drink Specials OPEN HOUSE Featuring: TACO TUESDAY - 25rt Tacos MODERNSTOP Kodak EktaprInt Copler-Duplicators f WING 'N'WEDNESDAY - $1 for every 10 wings (Including a full color copier - Kodak ColorEdge) THURSDAY FAJITA RITA NIGHT Kodak 1392 Printer $1 Fajitas, $1 Margaritas (World's fastest Postscript Printer) N ...... 0"1...... 00""fte., . 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INTERNATIONAL NEWS SPARTAN DAILY, OCTOBER 15, 1990, PAGE 5 Britain threatens to use force in Gulf Reporters stage `mini-coup Associated Press and Kuwait. at Communist Party paper In ominous tough talk against a few weeks we would She said previous indications Saddam Hussein, Britain's foreign were that Americans males of that MOSCOW (AP) The edi- news conference on Wednesday secretary says leaders should eval- want to take stock to see how du, age were allowed to leave by Iraqi tor of the Communist Party that "these people thought they uate "within a few weeks" authorities, along with those under could organize a mini-coup." measures were working.' newspaper Pravda says he has whether military force is needed to peaceful 1)4. survived a mutiny by reporters Outside in the hallway. push Iraq out of Kuwait. Douglas Hurd Recent who say they want to raise Pravda writers held what they The Iraqi president State Department esti- was to speak British Forcign Seuretar. mates plummeting circulation by re- called a "parallel" news con- to the world's children indicated more than 600 later Fri Americans placing rambling speech text ference about their efforts to un- day, apparently pushing "Day by day, we must buildJi-1 were stranded in Ku- on with a U.N. Security Council were seek- wait and with readable copy. seat Frolov. They said they public relations the minds of the Iraqis the certainty more than 3(X) in Iraq. campaign aimed at ing to end a stalemate between the Some are Pravda on Friday published sough! to improve the newspa- winning over world that they have to leave Kuwait if being held at strategic opinion de- United States and the Palestine Iraqi installations an unsigned denial of reports per. officially described as the spite a sweeping not peacefully, then forced out by to deter possible global embargo Liberation Organization over how attack. that the newspaper's Commu- "organ of the Central Commit- and a multinational force opposing to condemn Israel for allowing po- military action," Hurd said. nist Party organization called tee of the Communist Party." him. lice to use force that killed 19 Pal- "Within a few weeks, with the The U.S. military, meanwhile. last week for the resignation of Pravda satirist Vladislav Ye- At the same time. Iraq was tight- estinians during riots Monday. coming weeks, we would want to looked to safety concerns in the Ivan Frolov who was appointed gorov told reporters leaving the ening its grip on its hostages, the The United States is trying to take stock to see how the peaceful Persian Gulf after separate acci- editor one year ago. Frolov news conference that the . State Department reported Thurs- avoid using its veto on a PLO reso- measures were working." he said. dents this week killed 12 American The notice, buried on page party organization at the news- day. U.S. officials said Iraq has lution for fear of alienating Arab The United Nations has autho- servicemen. The Air Force on eight, acknowledged that the paper had passed a resolution apparently decided to prevent older states and undermining the coali- rized its members to impose the air Thursday completed a 24-hour newspaper's party organization asking the Central Committee to American men from leaving its ter- tion it has assembled against Iraq and sea embargo on nearly all trade grounding of all gulf training had "sharp, sometimes tough" "review the question of the edi- ritory. following that country's Aug. 2 in- with Iraq and Kuwait. However. flights. discussions during two days of torial board." A group vasion of Kuwait. Iraq has been receiving supplies at of 321 Americans and However, Capt. A.C. Roper, a meetings and that "criticism of He said that 140 workers other In his speech to the annual con- through Jordan, is trying to boost the Western evacuees from Iraq spokesman for U.S. Central Com- the leadership was expressed." Pravda who are members of ference of the governing Conserva- food production and is rationing landed near London on Thursday mand, said in Saudi Arabia that But, it said, the meetings Communist Party cell had con- tive Party in Bournemouth. Eng- food. the res- in the first such flight in nearly Air Force "has not changed "did not adopt a no-confidence sidered calling for Frolovs land, British Foreign Secretary In Washington, State Depart- any- a, three weeks. The Americans and thing" in flight operations as a re- resolution in the chief editor." ignation but dropped the idea Canadians Douglas Hurd urged the world to ment spokeswoman Margaret Tut- on board were to leave sult of the suspension of flights. , Frolov said at an unusual too provocative. Friday for Raleigh-Durham Inter- remain united against Iraq's occu- wiler said U.S. officials have re- national Airport in North Carolina. pation. ceived reports that Iraqi authorities More than 170,0(X) U.S. troops said Andrew Varney. Gatwick air- He said Saddam should know are now barring American men 55 are deployed in Saudi Arabia and port's director of public affairs. that military force will be used if years and older from leaving Iraq on warships it) the gulf region. In New York, members of the Iraq does not pull out of Kuwait. [LARGE 99 GO SJSU: Gunmen on motorcycles PIZZA .85e per topping -'Last Chance!" LIMIT 5 PIZZAS PER CUSTOMER 3 murder Egyptian official Key National Honor Society 77,0 Golden U - BAKE PIZZA extends its memberships deadline to CAIRO, Egypt (AP) Gun- underpass in front ot the hotel. l'arlor Pizza "U-Bake" At Home Dough and Sauce From Scratch speeding against the traffic on the 19. Jr., Sr., Standing & Overall GPA of 3.3 required. men Friday killed the parliament Oct. Saratoga Ave. at 280 243-8984 speaker and three security men one-way street. Center) If you qualified but didn't receive your invitation by mail, (Inside Lucky Shopping outside a downtown hotel. The at- The fourth ran into a densely Bascom at Union 559-1015 bring your last semester's grade report to verify overpll GPA tack came after the government populated area nearby and disap- mammi (1/2 Mile South of Prune yard) warned that terrorists might strike peared. He wounded two bystand- PS44 OPEN 12-9 PLEASE CALL AHEAD ak to punish Egypt for its opposition ers who tried to stop him, Moussa On Tuesday Oct. 16, in front of the Student Union at 9 3prn to Iraq. said. There was no claim of responsi- The minister, confirming earlier bility for the attack by gunmen on reports, said two security men DANCING + LIVE MUSIC motorcycles, but the interior min- were killed in el-Mahgoub's car ister said he suspected Egyptian and another in a security car travel- BAD DRIVING MAC & PC WEI) Record Release Party Moslem fundamentalists or for- ing behind him. eigners. 17 GO MAN GO Rifaat el-Mahgoub. 64, speaker An hour after the shooting. el- RECORD? RENTALS EXIT HEDOFTHORNS Mercedes sat of the People's Assembly and the Mahgoubs black If The Computer Lab second ranking politician after the outside the hotel, its rear window is Full or Closed, For president, was shot as he sat in the and right front window smashed. NO PROBLEM FRI I ilantic Recording Artist slain bodyguards in rear of his chauffeur-driven Mer- One of the two GOOD RATES ON Term Papers, ch I'SYCHEFUNKAPUS cedes, Interior Minister Abdel- the car lay in the front seat, his Homework, resumes, muNG0 head torn apart by gunfire. 1 Halim Moussa said. The gunmen AUTO & other needs... .u.tyy DoGs then fled as other security men re- A mond car a Peugeot INSURANCE FROM HOURLY TO turned their-fire; Mialgsa said. was stOpped about 2(X) yards The shooting occurred as el- away, a man's body hanging onto CALL: SEMESTER RATES SAT REGGAE .%udif Mahgoub's car drove by the Hotel the roadway from the rear seat 10% Student Discount Semiramis Inter-Continental, a INK A INKS That man also was identified as a ,14IKE JOHNSON 20 The Brownies block from the U.S. Embassy. The member of a security detail travel- Computers To Go speaker was heading for a hotel ing with el-Mahgoub. Call 408/746-2945 miles away where he was 929-1000 about I v 539 S. Mu h , Sunn vale to meet a Syrian delegation. All streets were blocked around wED ROME PRESENTS Moussa told reporters that four the 28-story hotel, one of the new DENNIS ERECTUS young assailants attacked el-Mah- est and poshest in Cairo. Police at goub's vehicle and an accompany- the scene said little, but a 24 LIVE ing security car from two Suzuki bystander who said he saw the at- V LL Y ALL LIVE BROADCAST motorbikes. tack reported that an unknown Three escaped on the bikes, he number of assailants fled on mo- said. They rode through a nearby torbikes. HEADQUARTERS


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ciin, rip' in Inprineie 1 /ming Ila mg MMMMM MMMMM AIM WM 'A I ntque PAGE 6, SPARTAN DAILY, OCTOBER 15, 1990 FEATURES

a more effort -channel re- t ''El.. the Extra-Terres- proposed extensive LOS ANGELES (AP) - The If the search ever detects radio The 8.4-million opposi- of two large trial," donated $100.00() for that has met congressional search for alien civilizations in signals intentionally sent by aliens, ceiver, about the size tion. New radio is named Megachan- META I. space expanded to cover the entire it means "that it's not inevitable refrigerators, The new receiver, capable of lis- Assay II. It is Nothing has been heard so far. sky as a new radio receiver started civilizations in 'their technological nel Extraterrestrial tening to the heart of our Milk Argentina's Institute of and it probably will take 50 years running in Argentina on Friday adolescence destroy themselves," located at Way galaxy. was turned on Sagan Radioastronomy, 30 miles south- for the project to detect any signals receiver the anniversary of Columbus' dis- said by phone from Ithaca, Friedman at 11:09 a.m, local time N.Y. east of Buenos Aires. front aliens, Planetary Society ex- covery of the new world. in Argentina (7:09 a.m. The It is identical to META I at Har- ecutive director Louis Friedman PDT). "Today represents the opening Pasadena-based Planetary About HX) people watched as, up of half of the universe to the Society, which advocates space vard University's Oak Ridge Ob- has said. the the institute's director, Raul Co-, scans for search by the human species for exploration, financed the super- servatory in Massachusetts. Since The META project is Itimb. pointed one of the institute's extraterrestrial intelligence," said computer-controlled radio receiver 1985. that receiver has listened to world's most powerful operating al- 98-foot-wide radiotelescope dish Cornell University astronomer and signal analyzer with $150,000 Northern Hemisphere skies for sig- search for alien radio signals. antennas iiiward the Southern Carl Sagan, president of The Plan- raised from its 125,0(X) members nals from any alien civilization. though National Aeronautics and messages scientists Crov,_ etary Society. in more than I(X) nations. Steven Spielberg, who directed the Space Administration Buying of bland books booed by Board Coffee for Students SACRAMENTO (API The held public hearings, asked the "The .Ii ',[ I lets have this freedom so bland because publishers ha \ . no purchase necessary publishers to make dozens of and we encourage them to do spe- excluded anything the least hit state Board of Education approved groups we love students! new elementary and junior high changes to reflect some of the con- cialized purchasing." she said. controversial. He said sonic Free history textbooks Friday that back- cerns. Some changes made in the don't want anything negative about Between class, after class, their history ers say will tell the nation that stu- books at the behest of the commis- included, but that's come to Blimpie and enjoy The books are the first to follow not dents don't want bland books. sion were more emphasis on early reality. a cup of coffee on the house. the History-Social Science Frame- African civilizations and more in- "Any history worth its salt is The books, which stress the work approved by the board in July 00;4 world's many cultures and reli- formation about the compassionate going to include negative things," 80 E. San Carlos 1987. That framework said history !)asis of the Jewish religion, Crab- Honig said. "In a controversy, the gions, could be purchased by local should be taught as a story and ge- (between 2nd and 3rd) 947-1333 school districts for use as early as Iree said. easy thing is to walk away and not \NV ography should be emphasized. It Honig said current textbooks are include it in the hook." next summer. said religion and its influence on "California is sending a strong history should be stressed, as message to publishers," said board should America's pluralistic member Marion McDowell. makeup. The framework says "We've had very bland textbooks world history should study all in the past because publishers were world cultures and not have the We don't just cut afraid that districts would not toler- European emphasis of traditional your hair... ate the controversy." books. "Youngsters, especially in Cali- fornia, which is such a pluralistic Honig said all book publishers society, were just not being chal- were told in 1987 that new books lenged," said state school Supt. would have to follow the frame- Bill Honig. work. He said the successful pub- lishers spent $15 million to de- The board by a unanimous vote velop and write books that met it approved the Houghton Mifflin se- ries for kindergarten through "A lot of publishers were not eighth grade and Holt, Rinehart willing to take that risk." said and Winston's eighth-grade Amer- Board President Joseph Carrabino. ican history book. That means dis- Nine publishers submitted books, tricts can buy only those books but the others were found not to with state funds, unless they get a meet the framework. We're obsessed with it! waiver from the state board. Charlotte Crabtree, the Univer- California spends about 5200 sity of California at Los Angeles 20% OFF million a year on textbooks, about education professor who headed for SJSU 12 percent of the national market. the commission's study of the students books, said districts that want The board, by a 4-5 vote, re- more information on Africa', jected a motion to also approve American or Chinese history. it'i Scott, Forsman's eight-grade his- example, can buy supplementary LILLLwith hair tory book, which had not been rec- material. Districts are allowed to ommended by the board's Curric- use up to 30 percent of their state ulum Commission. instructional materials funds for The books prompted criticisms such materials that can providc 947-8404 by some black, Asian. Moslem, more in-depth review of particul., 520 S. Second Jewish. Christian and gay groups, areas of' interest. which wanted more emphasis on their groups' contributions and less emphasis on negative aspects. The Commission, which Curriculum Introducing MAP. Upon completion of the program, you'll be studied the books for months and The Management Associate Program. ready to start a career with Household Credit SS Household Credit Services can help you Services, one of America's leading credit card "for all student biking needs" turn your degree into solid work experience. issuers. At Household, you'll work in an environ- Chess wm easy Thanks to MAP, you can make wise choices ment of innovation and support. about a long-term career in the growing field Your first career decision should be to see us on We of financial computer says services. campus Monday, Oct. 29. All business with a data processing minor, Visit the Career Planning and Placement office NEW YORK (API It's bad marketing, and accounting majors are eligible now to sign up for your interview. If your sched- specialize for enough that Anatoly Karpov had to our upcoming Spring program. Through ule doesn't allow for an on-campus interview, settle for a draw in his first game the season, you'll see the inner workings of contact Household Credit Services, P.O. Box different business units. Its against world chess champion in mountain a great way to 80041, Salinas, CA 93912-0041. We're an equal Garry Kasparov. Now comes the gauge your aptitude and interest, while eaming opportunity employer. news from a computer, no less a good salary. that he could have won, easily. and road bikes Chess-playing machine Deep bikes Household Credit Services Thought offered an electronic sec- open till 8:30 pm school nights, Where opportunity is a Household ond-guess Thursday. asserting word 131 E. William St. (between 3rd and 4th) 998-1618 Karpov could have brought Kaspa- rov to his knees with a pawn move. 1 The pair instead battled to a draw in the first game. Kasparov came back to win the second game of the best-of-24-game World Chess Championship. The $1 mil- lion match was to continue Friday. "Sometimes a machine can see things a human misses." said Mur- ray Campbell, one of Deep Thought's developers who works tail you know, nothing else matters. for IBM. "There would have been a very pod chance for Karpov to You've missed your period and it all you win, although it's not guar- anteed." can think about. You just want to know. Word of' the Deep Thought sec- ond-guess filtered in to both play- The FIRST RESPONSE. Pregnancy Test is ers. Campbell said. The word back to Campbell and co-developer here to help. Feng-Hsiung Hsu was that Kaspa- rov was already aware of his gaffe, With the FIRST RESPONSE. Pregnancy while Karpov was not. USA Today reported that Kar- FIRST Test, you can find out if you're pregnant in pov subsequently acknowledged RESPONSE the supercomputer was right. Kar- five minutes any time of the dayeven on povs manager was not available for comment Thursday on Deep the first day of your missed period. Thought's thoughts. 5-Minute The computer can consider I Pregnancy It's 99% accurate in laboratory testing and million moves in a second. Test Campbell and Hsu were Iwo of 16 easy to use five graduate students who devel- oped the chess-playing computer at lint My If you have any questions, call us toll I ree Carnegie Mellon University in of nsset1 pew 4 Pittsburgh. Deep Thought went on at I -8(X)- 367-6022 to become the first computer to de- feat a chess grandmaster. 1 Thi Kasparov and Karpov have de- feated Deep Thought in head-to- head competition. FIRST Campbell acknowledged his computer would he overmatched if RESPONSE. the champion performed the way Home Ofagnostic 'Qs he did in game two Wednesday against Karpov. "Kasparov played very well, We'll help mind better than the machine can play at put your at ease. this point," he said. I IR, I RI Anel rho. cp.,. migmerrcl I0,11nuc1o1 IIVII IA',I II 'Al I INI a ,c1Ineclutry of c am, Walla., Inc 1.41,16get ctc cent., In FEATURES SPARTAN DAILY, OCTOBER 15, 1990, PAGE 7 Billboard's top five videocassettes Practice makes perfect By The Associated Press 4."Step by Step" New Kids on (Warner) The following are the most pop- the Block (CBS) 3."Born on the Fourth of July" ular videocassettes as they (ippear 5."Peter Pan" (RCA-Colum- (MCA-Universal) in next week's issue of Billboard bia) 4. "Bad Influence" (RCA-Co- magazine. Copyright 1990, Bill- VIDEOCASSETTE RENTALS lumbia) board Publications. Inc. Reprinted I ."Glory" (RCA-Columbia) 5. "Joe Versus the Volcano" with permission. 2."Driving Miss Daisy" (Warner) VIDEOCASSETTE SALES I ."Peter Pan" (Disney) 2."All Dogs Go to Heaven" COUPON (MGM-UA) 3. "The Little Mermaid" (Dis- ; FREE ney) DELIVERYa , OFF ANY ; WE NEED $ 3 oo 16. pizzA : SEI14NOTIVATED STUDBITS. g0 . EARN UP TO $111/HR. Market credit cards on $ NOT GOOD WITH 100 TP/Iku,,NY I campus. Flexible hours. . ANY OTHER OFFER Only 10 positions available. Cell Now : Offer expires 1400-9504472 Ext.20 October 29, 1990 280-0707 OOOOO

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If you're the best Nou can follow the current Staff and Faculty to an: trader at the end of this national sundings of the AT&T Colle- EDUCATIONAL FORUM ON THE CSU BUDGET AND ITS stock market competition, you'll giate Investment Challenge be cashing a check for a very every Monday during the wins race IMPACT ON SJSU real $25,000! competition in the "MONEY" CFA has Invited State Legislators to this Forum to discuss with us how we can Real Trading section of USA TODAY. NEW YORK (AP) The se. jointly address budget concerns Win a hip to; you and a guest compliments ond-season premiere of Fox'. GUESTS: There is no better way to get ot the Holiday Inn Lucaya Beach Resort in Enter and Win and the Third Annual AT&T "The Simpsons beat NBC'. Senator Alquist Senator McCorquodale hands-on stock market experi- Freeport Grand Bahama Bahamas The ence You're on the phone, call Bahamas Ministry ol Tourism (.ollegiate Investment Chal- "The Cosby Show" by more than Assemblyman Sher Assemblyman Cortese ing your lenge begins the morning of half a ratings point, overnight rat- broker on a toll-free Assemblywoman F.astin (aide) AT&T 800 Service line to Build your portfolio from over November 1, 1990 and ends on ings showed Friday. But NBC oft) 5,000 stocks listed on the Oil . 28, 1991. Your trading . Assemblyman Vasconcellos (tent.) buy and sell stocks. "Give me February cials were not about to have a cow $100,000 worth of SARA LEE New York, and American Stock can lead to fame, a great Bahamas Exchanges. Brokers will give you man. and another 850,000 worth of ran, and a 825,000 fortune. Call Free refreshments & hors d'oeuvres up-to-the-second quotes and exe- When the national Nielsens AT&T" You start with a fictitious now to enter or to get your come in, Bill Cosby's series 'ut 8500,000 brokerage account. cute your orders. Monthly state- free brochure likelihood will win. said Pres- ments will keep you informed all Wed. Oct. 17 of your fortunes. ton Beckman. NBC vice president Casa Sehilaranla Awards Registration deadline: for audience research. 5:00- 7:30 p.m. Ill $25000 Real Prizes 2n0 10000 October 27, 1990. "The Simpsons." whose rerun. University Faculty Club 3r0 7 500 over $200,000 in total prize, 4th 5 000 will he awarded! This include, have been clobbered by NBC's hit 511. 4000 408 S. Eighth Street 611. 3 000 cash scholarship awards, trips series since the new season began 7111 2 500 to the Bahamas, and hundred, Entry tee only last month, averaged a 19.9 rating .CFA budget specialist Paul Worthman will present am 2 000 0th 1 500 of monthly prizes from Cham- in the 24-city overnight ratings a summary of the budget crisis, focusing on SJSU. 10th i000 pion USA. More than 1,000 win- $49.95 when it began its second season Student and trade unions will be represented. ners in all. You can win a C t.h Thursday night. Co sponsored by Costiy. show. which began its amTouasCall seventh season last month and has F,,,, tilt , Association TBoo_ siiriFishteryayll(aftlf Tourism (IELiltr: Tod Ext. 33 been a perennial ratings winner, CFA-c,,Iiit.,,i, 1 800 545-1990 1.______924-3735 or 292-0323 INFO: received a 19.3 rating. The A reel' Collegiate investment Challenge is produced and managed by Wail Street Games. Inc 40 Grove Street ,,,tey MA 02181 The first half-hour of a new "Columtx)" episode on ABC was third in the Thursday ratings battle, averaging an 11.5. A CBS movie, "Dark Avenger." was left far be- hind with a 5.2. SAN JOSE STATE The 24-city overnight ratings ACCOUNTING STUDENT-FACULTY SPECIALS represent more than 47 percent of the nation's 93.1 million TV househoulds. according to Nielsen Media 12,....irch. GRADUATES O McDonald's Corporation, A Fortune 100 Company, is looking -a7; kilte r for talented individuals to start in our regional San Jose NEW oil oil Accounting Center. We are currently recruiting for entry-level lnstall -grade chassis Multi .40011' Accounting positions. Responsibilities include ensuring the tibe 5 oats. levels Old shows at1011.410 accuracy of monthly financial statements For corporate restaur- hp to iluid histall Check ants. financial analysis, monitoring vanous accounts. ensuring that internal controls are in place and special projects as 51995 dominating necessary. TUNE-UP Successful candidates will possess a BS degree in Accounting ...... (or equivalent emphasis in Accounting) with a strong academic S5 6 Month, OFF 6,000 Mi. GUARANTEE record, as well as outstanding communication skills. The ability to on parts and new ratings relocate in the future, within the U.S.. is a plus for career labor. Standard ignition $5 LOS ANGELES (AP) Tele- advancement. We offer outstanding benefits including: extra vision's old favorites continued to Excellent starting salaries 4295 dominate the fall season while Tuition reimbursement - most of the network. new shows Vacations/Holidays/Flex Fridays drew mediocre ratings. Medical/Dental/Life Insurance 101 For the third consecutive week, Company funded profit sharing NoN 4 /9go __-cAt 1A N" Stock ownership option plan 1,re NBC's 9-year-old "Cheers" was Performance/Merit increases 'OA .% fitter ernison the most-watched show on tele- 0,01 Of _cts, Pr vision. followed by "The Cosby . usst8"..7to 5 G,.Auc," or t50^ We Will Be Conducting orf oe se. t. 3 Show," another NBC staple. s Lob. On-Campus Interviews: A95 sikuMACte C1106611, In the overall network race, get 0 coiSt030,c% Le NBC. squeaked past the competi- Monday, October 29, 1990 2 I spot. Since the . CAlec tion for the No. For more information, contact your placement office. Sept. 17 opening of television's new season, the network's stand- If you are unable to attend On -Campus Interviews, please send your resume to: 9 9, 4,1, SMOG CHECK ...... ings have been separated by less McDonald's Accounting Center. 2480 North First Street, Suite 240. San Jose, CA 6.00_, .... than a ratings point. 95131-1002 Always an equal opportunity /affirmative action employer ...... The latest figures released Tues- day by the A C. Nielsen Co. were no dillerent. showing NBC in first with a 12.9 average, followed by SAN JOSE DOWNTOWN CBS with Powered By People With Pride .- AMU-TUNE ABC with 12.6 and & BRAKE E. SANTA CLARA AT 1 1 th 12.3. 298-7722 Each ratings point represents 911.000 homes. VALID AT PARTICIPATING (ANTI AS WITH COUPON NOT VATID WITH WHIR DISCOUNTS PAGE 8, SPARTAN DAILY, OCTOBER 15, 1990 SPORTS SJSU offensive attack too mud, for Allen's Forty-Niners By Bill Williamson The senior became the second Daily staff writer Spartan to run for 2,000 yards in An overwhelming Spartan of- his SJSU career. He is second to fensive attack ruined the San Jose Gerald Willhite, who played foi leg of George Allen's comeback the Spartans during the 1980-81 tour Saturday night at Spartan Sta- seasons. dium. "The offensive line blocked SJSU erupted for 621 total of- well, and our flyback% blocked fensive yards (the fourth highest in well for me," Canley said. "It's school history) on its way to a 46- nice to know that I can reach those 29 Big West conference victory goals." he said, "but we still can't over Long Beach State. slack off." The Spartans raised their record The Forty-Niners turned the 46- to 4-2-1 overall and 3-0 in confer- 17 laugher into a 46-29 final a, ence play. Making the victory they scored two touchdowns in the more meaningful in the Big West last six minutes. SJSU took control race was the news that Fresno State in the third quarter as it scored two played to a 24-24 tie with Utah State. "San Jose is a good football "A lot of people said team." Allen said. "probably the Ralph wasn't going to best we've seen all season in the conference." be good enough, but he Spartan quarterback Ralph Mar- tini said Saturday night's game has turned into a great was another step toward the team's quarterback." ultimate goal of the Big West title. Bobby Blackmon, "Coach (Terry) Shea implanted in our minds that these conference SJSU wide receicer games are the ones we have to win." Martini said. "We're on a touchdowns to make it a 39-17 crusade to go to the California game with 15 minutes left. Bowl." Martini capped his evening with The quarterback helped the an II -yard keeper on fourth-and- march toward Bowl Heaven with one to give the Spartans a 46-17 his fourth 300-yard passing effort lead. in the past five games. Shea addressed the team's kick- The senior completed 19 of 35 ing woes in the first quarter by re- passes for 315 yards and three placing Raul De la Flor as the touchdowns before giving way to Spartans' placekicker with David Mike Jordan late in the game. Mar- Bowen. De la Flor missed four out tini has 14 touchdown passes this of six field goal attempts this sea- season. son. "A lot of people said Ralph wasn't-going to be good enough," Bowen began his tenure where Spartan Bobby De la Flor left off. Bowen missed a Blackmon said, "but he has turned 43-yard shot. falling 15 yards short Anna Marie Remedios into a great quarterback." before a Long Beach penalty gave Daily stall photographer Much of Martini's success him another chance. He took ad- SJSU receiver Walter Brooks, Jr., right, battles Long Beach State's Shawn Lawson for a pass in the first half. against Long Beach State was vantage of the second try when his complemented by Blackmon, who 30-yarder hit the goal post and Spartan Stats bounced in for a 3-3 tie. caught four passes and scored SJSU 3 22 14 12 29 IBS From 25 pass nom Studer !pass lated! INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS Wilson 4.68 Seay 4-43 B Waiams 2-44 Leslie 2-2 twice. Blackmon's shining mo- The Forty-Niners took their final Long Beach State 10 0 7 12 29 LBS Seay 25 pass lrom Stunei k 14,1edl RUSHING SJSU Canley 30-168 Barbosa 6-63 FIELD GOALS SJSU Bowen 1-1 1241 Cheevers ment came in the Hawthorne 7-33, Blackmon 1-24 Vargas 5-13 Martini 1.1,411 second quarter lead when quarterback Todd TEAM STATISTICS when he ran for a 24-yard touch- SCORING SUMMARY 3-10 Jordan 4+5) LBS Fassed 7-22 Nash 5-14 TACKLES t unassisted 8 assisted 5 or morel Studer hit wide receiver Mark Seay First Quarter SJSU LBS Clark 5-7 Leslie 4-4. Studer 6+441 SJSU Washington 8 C Thomas 8 Clarke 7 Bleach down on a reverse. He played de- at midfield and Seay went the rest LBS Cheevers 41 F. 28 First Downs NG udeS./20SU-34. Moartmint.ti9e-s135*-10-311.05.0Jordan 0- 6 Scialabba 6 Colar 5 Mayo 5 LBS Wilboum 16 spite a sprained ankle and toe. of the way to complete the 77-yard SJSU Bowen 30 FG 56-306 Rushes-Yards 271-35 i-IP-Q Tsangans IS. Jenkins 13 Patterson 13 Thomas 10 LBS Seay 77 pass from S',uer ,Cneek!eis kick) 315 Passing Yards 363 1.1111E.C:a1VI4.7 SJSU. Canley 5-94 Burnett 4-72 Stet: 6 "When Coach Shea called that scoring play. 19-36-2 Comp -An -Int 20-35-0 play, my eyes lit up." Blackmon Second Quarter Blackmon 4-62 Brooks 2-32 Barbosa 2-34 Hawthorne SACKS SJSU Mayo 25 Bleach 1 Scialabba SJSU Blackmon 8 pass trom Marv', Bowen kick! 621 Total Net Yards 366 LBS. Seay 6-135. Foster 5-98 Ekum 4. Si LBS none 4-1 said. "I was hurting. hut I was too Seay is competing again this SJSU Blackmon 24 pass from Martin! i Bowen kick) Fumbles-Lost 6-2 77 Fitzgerald 3-28. Woodyard 1-15 Ghck 1-10 FUMBLES RECOVERED SJSU Haber 1 Charl- 4-36 pumped up." year after sitting out for a season SJSU Brooks 23 pass non, Marti, ,Burnette PasS Sacks By-Yards Lost PUNTING SJSU Negrey 4-440 Morales 7-37 0 ton 1 LBS Lawson 1 17-137 Tailback Sheldon Canley com- and a half. In October 1988. he horn Jordan Penalties-Yards 241:4519823 Magana 1-42 0 INTERCEPTIONS SJSU none LBS B Williams Third Oust* 36 01 , Possession Time RETURNS q.ICIJ CnInr 1 33 LBS 2.44 pleted the Spartan offensive domi- Mlles shot when he jumped in front LBS Exum 9 pass from Studer ICheese. ko:k nance with 168 yards rushing on of a bullet to protect his 6-year-old SJSU Barbosa 5 pass tram Marlin Bowen k ., 30 carries. Canley also had five re- niece in a drive-by shooting. He SJSU Canley 3 run !Bowen kiCk ceptions lost a kidney. Fourth Wader tor 94 yards. SJSU Martin! II run ,Bowen kick! Canley excels rushing and receiving, follows in Johnny Johnson's footsteps By Steve Helmer Ralph Martini pass to the left side said. "He's the heart and soul it Daily staff writer which Canley took for 50 yards. the team. He reminds me i it PS Spartan tailback Sheldon Canley Canley follwed that with a 5-yard Johnny Johnson,'' proved to he an all-around player touchdown run. Saturday against Long Beach "Sheldon's a complete player." "I think we're totally different State following in the footsteps Martini said. "Our gameplan was players," Canley said, referring to of Phoenix Cardinals rookie-of- to get the ball to Sheldon. It Johnson. "I have more of a lateral the-year candidate and ex-SJSU worked really well." movement. 1 make guys miss Inc. star Johnny Johnson. By rushing for I65 yards. Can- but we both catch the hall well Canley ran 30 times for 168 ley became the second player in Canley 's longest run against wird yards. including a 5-yard touch- SJSU history to run for over 2.000 Long Beach State was an outside down, and also caught five passes yards in his career. Canley's 2.080 sweep in which he ran 35 yards for 94 yards in SJSU's 46-29 vic- yards rank second only to Gerald down the- right sideline. That tory. Willhite's 2.364 rushing yards. brought the ball to the 5-yard line. "I think I'm a versatile ath- Willhite, who starred for SJSU setting up a Spartan touchdown lete." Canley said. "Nowadays, from 1980-81, later played seven pass to Maceo Barbosa. you have to run and receive the years with the Denver Broncos. ball." "It will be a bigger moment "I had total confidence in my Even though Canley has proven when I break his record." Canley offensive line." Canley said. LOS ANGELES to he a good rusher and receiver, said. "Good things happen when "They were creating seams. the quick tailback prefers running you work for it. I have a few more "It doesn't take much to spring the hall. games to do it.' Sheldon," offensive guard An- running back." Canley "I'm a "I wasn't aware the record was thony Gallegos said. "He'll take said. "I like running the hall. hut I close," SJSU head coach Terry an average Nock and do good. I want to get still like big catches. Shea said. "If there's one player in He'll take an inch and tum it into a game more involved in the passing San Jose State history who de- mile The whole offensive line has often." serves it, Sheldon is that guy. It's been blocking toi him." Canley showed his running abil- very rewarding to see hard work Monday, October 29, 1990 7:30 p.m. ity particularly well at UNLV ear- pay oft." "Canley s a good hack.' said lier this season. In that game. he Martini said the team is well Long Beach State head coach The Event Center Arena ran the hall 43 times for 253 yards, aware that Canley is creeping up George Allen, who spent 12 yeai. both school records. on Willhite's record, hut said the coaching in the NH.. 'Eve! \ Canleys biggest reception team can't lei it affect them. game 1' se seen him play I've been San Jose State University against the Forty Niners came on a "He's a great blocker."Martini impresset I Tickets 925 96" Available at the Event Center Arena Box Office THERE ARE TWO SIDES TO (408) 924-6374 and all AVA.S:Se, BECOMING A NURSE IN THE ARMY. 77CIICM7"M And they're both repre- sented by the insignia you wear INAMMfrZ Mall orders* 77CKM711" as a member of the Army Nurse The cerite.r 408/998 -ads-.5 Corps. The caduceus on the left 415/762 -alms means you're part of a health care San Jose State University system in which educational and San Jose, CA 95192 career advancement are the rule, hew enclose SANE not the exception. The gold bar on the right means you command respect as an Army officer. If you're earning a BSN, write: Army Nurse Opportunities, P.O. Box 7713, Clifton, NJ 07015. Don't miss lunch with Warriors players and coaches. Sponsored by the San Jose Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce. ARMY NURSE CORPS, BE ALLYOU CAN BL For tickets and info call (408) 998-7000 SPORTS SPARTAN DAILY, OCTOBER 15, 1990, PAGE 9 111 ,14 I s I WI NI Mother upset win Spartan football In SJSU volleyball ply Shigeru Nishiwaki potpourri pally stall writer The football team was not the only SJSU team Iiictorious over Long Beach State this past weekend. The women's volleyball team defeated the de- A little of this and a little of that from SJSU's fending national champion Forty-Niners 7-15. 15-9, romp over Long Beach State on Saturday. 9- I 5. 1 5- 12. and 15-4 Friday night. It was kind of sad to see George Allen The match, which was played at the Spartan on the sideline Saturday. After achieving national due to the Joe Satriani concert at the Event Cen- acclaim for his coaching in the NFL during the rc r. attracted a crowd of over 700, the largest turntturnout '60s and '70s, it's tough to see him languishing on hus far this season. behalf of beleaguered Long Beach State. The Forty-Niners dominated early in the match Hem is a man who had a .712 winning as they took a 13-6 lead in the first game. The Spar- percentage over 12 years coaching the Los tans scored one more point before Long Beach closed Angeles Rams and Washington Redskins. After out the game. the game, Allen seemed tired and frustrated. Things turned around in the second game as the "We're probably the most inexperienced Spanans took an 11-1 lead. However, the Forty- team in Division I football," Allen lamented. . Niners rallied to come within four points at 13-9. With all due respect to Madonna and Janet After SJSU gained its first game point, both teams ex- Jackson, the biggest hit around SJSU this year Phanged sideouts. Senior Heather McPherson blocked happened on the football field Saturday. 0 shot by Long Beach's Danielle Scott to tie the match Early in the fourth quarter. SJSU safety Hesh at 1- I . Colar broke up a pass intended for Long Beach Game three was a close one. Even though the State's Gerald Woodyard. The pass was Spartans never led, they were able to stay within range of incomplete, hut that didn't stop Colar from putting the Forty-Niners, until they took a 13-9 lead. a vicious lick on Woodyard. junior Dawnis Wilson was called for a double hit giv- ing Long Beach a game "I saw that he dropped the ball," Colar said. point. After exchanging "But I ran that far so I went ahead and hit sideouts, junior Leslie Page him." netted a ball, and the The popping of the pads could be Forty-Niners captured the game. heard all Game four was even the way up in the press box. After a closer than game three, as few seconds, the Spartans were trying to both players got up slowly. stay alive in the match. The turning point came at 12-12. when both 'It was fun though." Colar teams ex- said, perhaps Nikki Hart Daily staff photographer changed sideouts three still a bit groggy from the times and the tension hit . . . Annie Shaughnessy, left, and Heather McPher- Beach State on Friday night. The Spartans beat mounted. Long Beach head The name of the coach Brian Gimmillam week goes to Long Beach son jump for a successful block against Long the Forty Niners in five sets. and outside hitter Sherri Thormahlen State defensive were yellow-car- back Bingo Williams. Williams ded for arguing with the referee. had an interception Saturday . . . Long Beach was not Though the Spartans won going away, the able to recover in the last game, as it was being shut out until it lack of a kicking game continues to haunt the put a point on Tie the scoreboard at 1-8. From then on. the Spartans team. After Raul De la Flor won the starting job breaks pair of Fresno streaks al- lowed the Forty-Niners just three more points before in summer camp. he has struggled. Besides FRESNO (AP) Doug won 20 straight games at home The Tigers (2-4, 1-3 in the Big LBSU's Antoinette White sent a shot over the missing a potential game-winning field base- goal Beach kicked a 20-yard field and 17 consecutive conference West) also set a school mark with line to close out the match. against Louisville. De la for missed a 33-yard goal with 2:26 to play tb give games. 747 yards in total offense. Ful- The Spartans, ranked ninth nationally in the attempt last week at Cal. Utah State a 24-24 tie with lerton State (1-6. 0-3) lost its NCAA poll, improved their 1990 record to 13-1. 7-1 "I felt that after last week's game, we Fresno State in a Big West Con- UOP scores 67 in win sixth in a row. needed a ference in Big West conference play and hold a seven-match change," SJSU head coach Ten', Shea game Saturday night. SANTA ANA (AP) Sopho- Kopp threw for 396 yards in said. winning streak. Long Beach fell to 13-6.3-4. The tic snapped a pair of more Troy Kopp passed for 515 the first half as Pacific took a 33- That prompted a switch to Fresno State winning streaks. "They have a lot of freshman players and they David Bowen, a yards and seven touchdowns, 24 lead. But the Titans drew were making a lot of walk-on kicker originally The Bulldogs, although knocked freshman mistakes." said Spar- from Shelbysville, both school records, as the Uni- within 33-31 less than two min- tan head coach John Corbelli of the Forty-Niners. Tenn. In the first quarter, Bowen made a 30-yard out of the nation's Top 25 a week versity of the Pacific routed Ful- utes into the second half when The Spartans played Big West Field goal, though the ball hit the upright and earlier when they suffered a 73- lerton State 67-37 in a Big West Paul conference rival Schulte threw a 17-year UC Irvine Sunday evening, but the landed with a thud just beyond the cross bar. 18 loss to Northern Illinois, had Conference game on Saturday. touchdown scores weren't xt pass to .1.1 Celestine available at press time.

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thinks the Democratic Party clearly is and lesbians in the Republican Party. the party of espousing a conclusion "The problem is that most of the PANEL and the Republican Party is a party of Republitans I know are heavily clos- eted." said O'Connell. From page 1 exclusion of the elite. However, because of societal Paiyou. a 20-year-old SJSU student people." he said. "Here it is 30 union changes. pro-Republican panel mem- majoring in international business. and those distinctions years later bers did not think that gays and les- said he came out of the closet when take Feinstein and aren't so clear. You bians should be Democrats just he was 18 and openly supports the they're as different as day Wilson the Democratic Puny is often Republican Party. and how you tell them because and evening affiliated with liberalism. "I believe that no political party is apart is beyond me." "I do not believe that one's sexual better than the other." he said. "but that lesbians and gay Wysocki said orientation establishes one's political people need to realize that Republi- even more dis- people of color face affiliation, nor should it," said O'Con- cans are making a change." than others. crimination nell. Paiyou said, funding for AIDS is at lesbians are the most invis- "I think O'Connell said one of the reasons its highest and therefore people in this country. Finding ible minority she thinks gays and lesbians should shouldn't make general assumptions power for lesbians is a real economic stay in the Republican Party is about Republicans. we're faced with." he said. battle that they are a minority. Although the panel disagreed on people of color are because "Secondly. guy "In order for any minority to gain the question at hand. there was a con- facing not only homophobia in soci- political power or civil rights they sensus that gays and lesbians at large but homophobia within Ann Nelson -- Daly slat photographer ety must establish a coalition." she said. shouldn't be arguing over which their own ethnic community and O'Connell said there is no question political party is right. hut rather unit- racism from the gay community." Thursday- in the as to whether there is a place for gays ing as group of people that are often Russ Paiyou, left, Martha O'Connell, center and Republican panel held In light of this. Wysocki said he and Paul Wysocki spoke during the Oay Student Union.

stepping stone." Associated Students President STEELE Arnez Washington attended the From page reading and said the essays are But what uc 'mist know even more "quite interesting" but are invalid than this ihrt nothing on this "unless he goes out and tests his earth can be promised but a own assumptions with research and chance." that his research can be duplicated Many clapped. The crowd began by others." to murmur in anticipation of the Others. especially Steele's peers. question and ansvier period after appreciated the book more. Steele's reading. "I liked it a great deal." said Some were curious about English Professor Scott Rice. "I Gear Up This Fall Steele's politics. certainly don't think that the book "It seems like there is opportuni- exonerates whites." ty, but this government is not taking Laveme Gonzalez. English lec- care of its people." one woman told turer. said "we begin to see things Steele. not as a one-sided situation... but "I'm very much in favor of pro- that we look at the whole picture" grams that help poor people devel- after reading the book. op." Steele responded. "Basically. I think his whole with Clans Software. "I don't think we should wait for argument is incoherent." said Social government." he added. Science Assistant Professor Maria His views on affirniative action Alaniz about the ambiguity she felt were given considerable attention. Steele's affirmative action stance "I am absolutely 100 percent in conveys. favor of affirmative action." Steele The tumult peaked when Sarato- said. He acknowledged. however. ga resident Diane Walker, incensed that he was critical of university by the mentioning of her family in ON SALE NOW enrollment practices "where a stan- his book, squared off with Steele. dard is lowered" in order to attain -Do you know me?...You an "artificial, manufactured diversi- attacked my family!" she screamed. ty." Steele targeted her family as a Steele also said that when ill-pre- case study of the reluctance of MacWrite II $39.95 Mac Draw 11 $89.95 pared blacks are allowed to enroll black suburbanites to fully integrate in universities. -you stigmatize into mainstream society. He said them with their inferiorities." that its refusal to allow interracial He said that black graduates are dating in the household exemplified likely to he perceived as incompe- this. 6 ikirinesem tent because "they have a big A.A. "On some level. I suspect. they Ifflfflffffffffffff111711MIIMIfffIT across their foreheads." doubt whether they are as good as He then gave a hypothetical situ- the white people who live around ation of a patient choosing a white them." Steele wrote in his book. male doctor over a black female Steele learned of the Walkers in a doctor because the lowered admis- newspaper article that featured the issocwritell sions standards are "perpetrating a family. A-1-#10cogivill perception of black inferiority." "I am inferior!" Walker shouted "That's not our thought. That is at Steele. "You know who I'm infe- the thought of the mainstream." rior to'? God, not you!" said 21 -year-old Paul Franklin, an Steele has been a member of the The academic race is on and Claris® software for The Hottest Combination Afro-American Studies major, after SJSU English Department since the Macintosh is sure to put you ahead of the pack. the presentation. Affimiative action, 1974 and is on a one-year sabbati- Together, MacWrite 11 and MacDraw H can help you he said. "is not the answer hut it is a cal. Powerful Word Processing to write, publish and design anything from a term MacWrite 11 software makes your writing paper, to a research project, to a resume that gets Explorer zooming beyond Earth assignments easier. Editing is a breeze with the results giving you the winning edge. No matter PASADENA (AP ) The Ulys- inch, and about 50 smaller ones. advanced spelling checker, 220,000-word thesaurus, what the race, you'll finish ahead with Claris ses solar explorer fired its thrusters "That's a very low number." and zoomed farther from Earth as Talone said. "Every time we come and footnote capability. Use custom fonts and styles, software. the shuttle that launched the space- hack, we seem to learn more about craft was prepared for next week's how to fly and land the thing with- and multiple columns for attention getting papers Get on Track This Fain piggyback jet ride home to Florida. out taking a lot of hits." NASA. meanwhile, formed a and flyers. Ask for details on the special Claris Back-to-School team to investigate why the shuttle Discovery's new carbon brakes, So, whether you're writing a lab report or an Discovery lifted off Saturday with which have been tested on only Offer on the popular software combination for your incorrect instructions for how it one previous flight, are in such economics paper your work will look professional should operate some of its com- great shape that "you could fly Macintosh MacWrite H and MacDraw H. puter programs, shuttle project en- those brakes today as they are." he and take a lot less time. gineer Chris Faircy said Thursday. said. Nevertheless, they were re- Enter the Claris Sweepstakes to win a brand new Ulysses' two-day series of moved and sent to B.F. Goodrich, Easy Graphics and Design thruster firings were to end late this the manufacturer in Ohio, for de- TREK Mountain Bike absolutely free! afternoon. The maneuver was de- tailed analysis. Use MacDraw® II software to complete the picture. signed to turn Ulysses so its 5.4- Talone said shuttle maintenance You can create anything from simple graphics and foot-wide main antenna dish was proceeding smoothly, so Dis- Enter at the pointed toward Earth, allowing covery should be ready for a one- charts to technical illustrations and architectural faster communication with control- day (light back to its Cape Canave- Spartan Bookstore lers. said Franklin O'Donnell. a ral, Fla.. launch site on Monday. drawings. spokesman at NASA's Jet Propul- riding piggyback on a modified Computer Department s ion I.aboratory. jumbo jetliner. MacDraw II is the perfect partner for any project The $250 million spacecraft. Faircy said the incorrect instruc- from the fraternity newsletter to a new bike design SPA.RTA which will explore the sun's polar tions were loaded into onc of Dis- for your engineering class. BOOKSTORE regions in 1994-95, is the cen- covery's computers Oct. 4 after SPA RTA N terpiece of a $750 million joint that computer was used to update SHOPS L)INC. mission by the National Aeronau- some of the programs on Ulysses. tics and Space Administration and which was sitting inside the shut- the European Space Agency. tle's cargo bay at the time. from Dis- Since it was launched The investigators will recom- Ulysses has covery on Saturday. mend steps to prevent such an error with its con- been communicating from happening again, he added. trollers through one of its smaller antennas, limiting the rate at which The incorrect instructions were information is transmitted, he noticed and fixed by Discovery's added. five astronauts about an hour after Discovery landed Wednesday at the shuttle was launched. They Edwards Air Force Base, Calif. never posed a danger to the shuttle or its crew even if the error Inspections by maintenance hadn't been detected, Milt Heflin, cress'. found Discovery "is in ex- lead flight director at Johnson cellent condition" after its 1.7- Space Center in Houston. said ear- million-suite, four-day flight. said lier. shuttle processing manager Tip Heflin had said NASA consid- Talone. ered the problem serious because it CLAMS He said only 10 to IS of Discov- went undetected before Discovery 01%.1 tJn.t 1111)1MX,At *In nnetnn1 J. Nat Wm Art move/111 ery's heat-shield tiles need to he was launched. Fairey called it Indrinulo 1 Lon t1111.111011 .4,16 0110I rt ?FIN. ,Lartt kpLir tell..., In replaced. Debris that hit the shuttle -really minor." but said it "did n nirarred tradnnut TUR Ravi 311 during its launch and landing point out a minor deficiency in the caused 13 "dings" larger than one way we code our software."