No. 3 Forty-Niners upset Cheating on the increase? Spartans crush Volleyball team pulls a major upset as it beats Stanford officials say although the number of nationally ranked Long Beach State. The cheating cases has risen, it's because Beach in Long Spartans are now on a seven-game win streak. students are reporting it more. Reports from IL"111 ii ' .k.\ ; Page 9 SJSU state that occurrences in 1990 are down Homecoming li 1 AU by 39 cases from last year. Page 4 In additon to all the ceremony, it was a 'Don't have a cow, man!' great game. SJSU running back 4 341,1 National Alcohol Awareness Sheldon Canley rushed for 168 yards After going head to head, Bart Simpson and Fox Colleges nationwide try informing students of in the 46-29 win. Page 8 TV gets the best of the Cosby Show. Page 7 the dangers of drinking. See Below %%rather Published km. the University and %Iiistly Sunny. highs in the nivel 71k. University Communit) by the ( tear tonight sis tilt lows down to the Department of Journalism and low 50s. Mass Communications since 1934. SPARTAN DAILY tt cathei Si',. VoL time 95. NUMBER 32 RA( )EIDAY. O TuErER 15. 1990 Late reports hurt Steele's book incites outrage UPD crime solving By Angus Klein their acts because of reported date Daily staff writer rapes on campus.- Garrett said. Sgt. Bruce Lowe of the Universi- Lowe said there's heightened ty Police Department told the Asso- concern in the SJSU community ciated Students on Wednesday that because of several recent crimes. the biggest problem UPD faces in which has increased the demand for controlling crime is receiving late crime prevention speeches. reports. "I wouldn't he here today if "Some of these incidents involve someone hadn't invited me.- Lowe serious allegations. We often wish said. we had the information right away. Six assaults on women have instead of 48 hours later." Lowe been reported this semester, and said. three SJSU students were taken in Lowe said recent crimes on cam- to custody after fighting after a pus are not a result of weak crime dance on campus in September. prevention tactics by the UPD. On Tuesday. Lowe conducted a A.S. Student Services Director survey of crimes against persons on Gina Sutherst invited Lowe. who campus. The results show that said the UPD has been making these crimes are slightly higher this crime prevention speeches on cam- year than last. pus "since the first day of classes.' "'The difference is that this year UPD detective Brian Garrett said there's been a few more sex he and Lowe organize crime pre- assaults.- Lowe said. vention speeches to involve the Lowe said UPD chief Ric Abey- entire UPD officer force. ta has statistics in his office "that Among the groups UPD has spo- show that SJSU has one of the ken to this semester are: university highest arrest rates and lowest housing residents, new employees. crime rates in the CSU system.- faculty and staff, freshman during The majorit) of crimes on cam- orientation, the disable, and people pus are committed by non-students. over 60. Garrett said. Lowe said. Garrett and several other UPD Lowe urged victims of crimes officers were surprised to he invited and people who an: knowledgeable to several fraternities this semester. of crimes to file reports immediate- hut said that being invited by soror- also urged SJSU community' Roben W Soztle Special to the Daily ly. He ities was not as surprising. members to use the escort service. Diane Malker Elam yells at Shelby Steele fur portra) ing her land- Content of Our (liaracter: A New Vision of Race in America" has "I think some of the fraternities and if you're not willing to wait. ly in his nosel at a book reading on .1hursday. His work. "The raked a storm of controserss. are under some pressure to clean up use the istidik sssieni Book, author have 'New Vision' but some in audience unimpressed Panel says gays can By Anthony Cataldo induce low self-esteem in the belies mg Daily staff writer self as though it were the complete truth Shelby Sleek. author 01 a C1miroersial of the personality." he said. be Republicans too hook that discusses the problems it black 'And this is the piiint. The condition of America and the complexities id race being black iii America means that one By Laura DiMascio San Jose City Council and direc- lel:Mims. told a capacity crowd in the w ill likely endure more wounds to one's Deity staff writer tor for AIDS legal services Paul 'Music Concert Hall on Thursday night self -esteem than others and that the Two members of a three-per- Wysocki. spoke in behalf of the that he tried to he "unsparing" while writ- capacity tor self-doubt horn of these son panel urged gays and les- Democratic Party on Thursday. ing his hook. "'The Content of ()ur Char- wounds will he compounded and expand- hians to he actise in the Republi- in the Student Union Almaden acter A New Visual of Race in Ameri- ed hy the black race's reputation of irderi- can Party as a part of Gay and Room to an audience of eight. ca." Orli Lesbian Awareness Week 1990. "People are abandoning the Equally unspannl! cc is the audience's Sleek' also discussed what he called Event coordinators said the Democratic Party." said W) to ',1st reaction Inglish insmictor. "'white guilt" in America that stems from panel was one of the week's ki. "hut at the same time with At lost the mood \\ :IS 1 esl Ul the knowledge of the past racial crimes ininsi pros cativo: esents. The economic woes lacing us they're 11,1X%. II iii lii k S1Celt.' read passages ol whites committed against blacks. panel. called "Gay and Republi- not too enthralled with the his recorded thoughts about deep-roiled -Mow precisely. it comes from the jus- van?". discussed the question. "Is Republic Part). People are fed insecurities hindering blacks' I/11 yress ill t:11)0000n of this knowledge with the Mere a place for gays and les- up with both sides." mainstream 1111:10). ities table gratitude one feels for being Nans in the Republican parts'!" W) socki said that in the the essa) s lead were imt.iiiti Steele's white rather than black in America." Russ Paiyou, founder of the 1960s. there was a clear-cut dd. personal omits and obsei 5 amens on In the closing statements. Steele read Sitit gay fratenut) Delta Lamb- lerence in !dentin!) between the cone:cm,. pssche ol black Americans. the filial pas.ages of his Nails in mien:ince da Phi. and Martha O'Connell. a Republicans and Democrats. Ills list leading was ah1,111 Menial to Martin hither King: "We are on the Int:tither cif SJSU/Staff for Indi- "If son were a blue-collar per- V.011ikl% 1111110'AI on children that lead to other side ol his mountaintop. on the sidual Rights. spoke in favor ot son. the Republican Parry was sell -doubt and us hat Sleek. calls the "anti - does ice aid slope toward the valley he Dan Ocampo Daily man photo. homosexuals being active in the the pan) of the rich and elite. sell." saes. Illis soillethillg %NC 014111 to know Republican party. The final panel Shelby Steele signs a book for Paul John La Botill and the Democrats wen: the poi it "It is a cataly enerns that tiles to member former for See STEELE. page 10 at a book signing On Thursday. See PANEL, page 10 Campus to observe national alcohol awareness week for first time Till, \A first time the hell dose. .,1manda Helen ditiirial. page 2 ill be the Daily staff writer has heen rung since 1941. 'Fluoughout the week. ill, Alter parties and 110111l1 1C.111/C 111%.%) L.111 blase' Carla lwata ot the women's see mm- II:silk:We halls cc illparth. I[Site' V. tailgates collie lo .1 dose this week- "really good time doing things iltutig team and co-chair of the week's the eser-present bulletin hoard tly Alcohol Awareness Week end. and the beer cans are re1110% eel for the athletes, hopes the ens and ;limit: nights. The !tunics w dhow having alcohol involved." etch% Me% Alcohol Awareness Week starts today and continues through Saturday Sec,w of the from the parking lot at Spanan Sta- she said. hell will make an impact on the stu- tot example "Clean and Sober" and highlghts of the week include dium. students will he reminded with Events started texlay %kith "cita- dents. Die hell will be "very ellective "Less Than 1.ero." will all deal Monday: The University Police Department arid Prevention Education this week about the effects alcohol tions" h anded out dining a "road m gelling the message across.- she drugs and alcohol and their effects Prcgram Student Assostants will hand out information concerning the laws has on them. Newts" b y I !Ills Police Den:in- said. lwata cc ill take part in the bell on one's lute physically and socially regarding alcohol, including consequences and alcohol at the 10th and For the first time at SJSU. tik:N. The "citations- w ill he given ringing at 2:07 p.m. Pma oladas and other mixed Seventh Street Garages The 'Road Block' is taking place from 9 a m to 3 p m National Collegiate Alcohol Aware- to drivers entering the 7111 and 10th Mike Scialabba 01 the loothall drinks will be flowing 'reel \ urn and again from 6 p.m to 9 ness Week and events informing Street Garages 9 am to 3 p.m.
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