r% 41* 10 agna f I e w - iA 0 V~t@ .-E 7nmia CUBOWEH-W~INIlkOa~£W-be-gnst~UWV-u -.iA~.W&dI..6**.D5QE~f?L

s, S CLIMG TM'S ACTCIN TO COST Tuing up or Pbi Ie Uunplsmtams with Thas TeaRim. Ferse DIAMOND STAR ALBIS RIR LOSING OUT1 LU'$100,o) AND MAY B HARRi NEtLT.- Thne *as WhN the" atblete did deed. of -ew. k "rY momN toba"etake thefield,majorbutleaguersit at artt wayin KUd Em kI ATTRACION Asb LfM AwT fee. Recent oeratione 1 to ad. It used to be gth a 60 A C0o". CeasWvky I, Mo. "Bonsetter" Reese at Youngstown, )hlo vi a -uw p-----e in* the club physician had failed to ap4 edge Landis, high eommmisloner si 4 but the faned Dee Reese 3o longe th t 00111 IwoOVft.. okP4-Us6n m. Coca^ 41emn Wil 004 -the Newkf bib at leat 80,000,a if, indeed, it Obst y so far as the ati-a-letes are concern a m the. colodt1 No Ain* from org0a5sedf Just now the boys are in an e* Md*and nder him aI lead asset to the Yan=ees. deuic of tonslremoaving. If a pitcher of lacks a suitable curve or blows up In twasSWW0:a replythe~thatoteano elyIyatuetob the seventh ining, remove his ton- by a eircumstances. sils. Roy Wilkinson, White loz of extsnuating hurler, who from time to time has diu'- LNDIS e DECISION and Bill until 1922, . ied.gi rth, Pierey May 20, of threat- a wgld serIs mowy, which played symptoms greatness, p a ens to have his removed. He thinks nditosed a bbshell Into the Be he might take on twenty additiona m While the sve tyf the puanismeat Wa not ex- pounds. "Wilke" has plenty of stuff, lct caries bars pr risleathat were Not anticipated. but as the ball players may, "pitches MAYBEFOUGHT d to stand a financial loss, * * himself out." The added weight prob- Ia eefee of so that the C ~ C C.* ably would make him a star. Yanhes next spring and then keep debaa Is a sample. s lifted. There In nothing the matter with BYBOBMEUSEL Ray Schalk's arm nor his ability to work, am he caught more than 100 Yank.. Outfielder inyists A iemuientasspremotorasand thus pre- games per season for nine consecutive Has No Right to Take aindoesasn onthce pWt years. When he started for the hos- To GoBac WitA pital he had a good job done-tonsils His Money. and adenoids both removed. If this 0 anesasoonele to him Giants causes a double-barreled improvement LOS ANGELE0. Dec. 7.--Bob K "Until be can tree f in his throwing gear the White Sox 30., Now York Yankee outfielder. No i d menner suggeuted by the ofB- By IswatiOni News orviee. pitchers next spring better arm them- Say declared te fines imposed 0n him. 04eim edlet. HAVANA, Dec. 7,-"This is selves with a mask and blanket. me.nBabe Ruth and WIILM PIWW DOO onsm Sor DO&e great news. It's just like Ye- "Shovel" Hodge, lox hurler, also had for infractloq of the mjor league rule Rafhts ledvissd barustorming tour t g home after a vacation an operation, but it simply was for ap- prohibiting "bernotormngn" tours fte oom- pendicitis, which Is likely to afflict the playern who participated In the oI bet ta netted him ss than $5000. In soene foreign co.untry" unathletic at any time. There no weres of that year could not be The lnteret en this, as charged by mented Heinie Groh, when in- longer is any distinction In having the to "stick." formed today that he had been the Landis. an esly amount to OWVT@us"* mem appendix removed, but the tonsils, "I have talked with attorneys ISO traded by Cincinnati to the New adenoids, the teeth-ah, me, that Is they tell me that a man's wages mm'b. i'fromn what Ruth Is worth as a York Giants. supper.. ,eko You the height of fashion. - not be taken away from is, Me bos d ftse attraction on a sprmg train- "I always did like New York TRADERUMORS BROTHERPAUL The tooth-extraction method flU- Ing trip and the Bret month ofa and McGraw will never regret vered in the case of George Tyler. N"I earned my world aes 01011 p emen. the strong poe- his action in securing my ser- That worthy went to the oelebrated knd Judge Landis has n rigt , , ebUat his Qtinga oent= base- Groh. Drs. Mayo in Rochester, Minn., and take It away from me. WhehuIt- -" can vices," maid was told to have his molars extracted. will into the a now Isose up. Babe Groh is a vacation take the matter o*rt U-ioubtedly ahe ig money on In- spending FILL AIR WHEN SAYSRUTH AS He did. During the season of 1910, will be decided after I set In Io~k :eeadent beokag next season, bat here. after a late start, Tyler succeeded I- with Plercy and Ruth. I earned the iafr that he may nat do so well. season. capturing fourteen games and seemed money. It in mine by? value to the team last Meusel, destined for a comeback, but he fell I Jeme a record buh pitchers however, Is an asset second in value ad Intend to have Ssotw inte baseball faa& ranked second down this year and passed Into the away he will be only to Ruth. He only International League. bvery right. Owe th = to Babe as a hitter. MAGNATESMEET BDLYADVISED t." be --, as a Tahee. 11e will soon To the los ineurred by Ruth's sus- Mammex a Sick Man, y old and be Is Xt- must be added the espense et Heinle Oroh Deal One of Bambino's Friend of Schoolboy Some ailment fastened weslt ad on l pension Biggest mysterious amn "634MW If souring two new outfidders with on Itself upon Al Mamax, Brooklyn aah 21jr league which to start the neXt champienship Deals Since Ruth Went Days Comments Fin* SUSPENDEDTRIO nmd Fomite to start one. assame. The chances of the Yoes Ei 's ss- to .attee at To Yanks. Fixed Landis. hurler. For years Al *as one of the ,the. easty 1en9l hmage aepesting as champions under hee by strong men of baseball-a thorough : st sut huh In the memories rircuntstanoes Is anything but bright. and hard working athlete. Last win- AMPM er-and seone Is tight no to By JACK VNIOCK. BALTIMORE, Md., Dec. T.--Cor. ter he and all Faiure then, with Ruth draw today on the and started losing weight law. the crowds and no wrl's series to BUFALO, N. Y.. Dec. 7.--Trade menting suspension summer continued falling off. Late MIYTAKE PART fine of by Judge Landis, -f Recoed aNgI. top the sason. could easly run the winds started blowing here today as Brother Paul, of St. Mary's Industrial In the season a doctor advised pulling In any eveat Ruth is not going to be Yankee leases up to a half milion say-ex%'~r.BT- the baseball magnate. warmed School, alma hIs teth, but that did not seem to dollars. got Ruth's mater, declared help, and at last reports he still was e berlis fure be was in 1M50 and up to their favorite winter pastime. Ruth was badly advised. Brother 1Wt I he quits he win be a The more one considens the laulfs Paul has been Babes friend and a very sick man. seossa.- ou With the announcement of the deal There are some ban players who IN If he SPRINGGAMES and What I mea loe to the club, sticks, Do adviser for years. ato until late decision the tougher it PM& Think?| that brings Heinie Groh back to the had could be operated on best with a chisel set ge training "Ruth been badly advised in Landis Quoted as not his form Giants from Cincinnati for and hammer, but medical science has Saying Play- Ia' heonaa regain Sknsow MWa You fass thinakof the George deciding to make the barastorming not reached that as to Laean d"W i 61,f be" Bob MesseI their Burns, Mike Gonzales. and something trip," said Brother Paul. "It was stage applied era Are for Train- sea- tuth, **rid sert@# athletics. However, it is all the rage Eligible And a month diced otf his 19Mo. like $100.00 In cold cash, other mag- sentiment more than money that sm.. be has no chance to pro an aspndg hs ssi iay SO, nates loomened up with announce- to attribute lack of efficiency to the ing Contests. gractically eerst Doeo thinek their prompted his action. however." He teeth. to the tonsila or to the equal or een approach his benerun STARSOFTENNIS offenee asnts. pointed out that the great batsman adenoids, BIFFALO. N. Y., De7.?.-ude MerrMad ther ete6stD and any ball who owns a com- re.erde of the pat two sese's. The Groh deal Is the largest pulled could have ande sore money in player Cenesaw M. Landis, high ownmls- It is of opmrs, that Judge off In baseball since the Yankees &:lete set of any of such equipment Peamble, other enterprises. has a alibi for sioner of baseball. who Monday land may relent to the extent of per- si rOd scrtent 41 ti dMlake it brutf Puat it a e bought Babe Ruth from Boston. The "lans In small towns wanted to always bandy whatever on with Tan- littl, third baseman taske his evil befalls him In the heat of a dia- xmed sentence Babe Ruth, Bob maittlag Ruth to tain the place see Ruth. Both QWrga and I had mond battle. Weusel and Bill Pieray, of the qq , boes next spring and to continue the COURTS FAVOR about sammng the highest-priced ball play- reepived hundreds 6 letters rork Yankees, for oeaaging -n11 W aAR D - era in the of the e -nditioning yrooe throegh Apri DITs.,4 history game. The babal enthuslastm- In' the 'aier inrnstorminir trip tollowing the world pla IUIn.no should thery s overdo a&god thing deal was not unexpected. It bd 4 MWa prolded be I hatdo not thinkmay befall themtheas their tsn- towu. who had no opportunity to HARRY CREB TOO STRONG walee. wa- quoted' a. saying t wherm s admission is charged, g penalty been talked of for many months. see him. Their ay: P*oed upon Babe Ruth byudge Consensus -of among base- enthusiasm prompted FOR KEISER IN PHILLY '"rhe players are at liberty to Itsentremely doubtful whether any opinion hin .andis too severe in ay It ball men is it "makes" to make the trip.' nto training with their teammates the high-truan Babe, with wildcat DRAW here that Brother Paul said Ruth had PHILADELPHIA. Dec. 7.-rarry n the South next and 0 FERENT ad by so doing. outrun asa,angood thing, always spring him, can be held ilmeeystand example the Giants and will give rival clubs Greb, Pittsburgh play poMoter tempting o ajll al In time to come to shoot been obedient to regulations and laws. light heavyweight, much practice games as are scheduled. ie that long, even If the New York of Titular o the ground.players something unusually high handed Keiser, of Cumberland. Believe Arrangement at If they hope to compete with He said he was expecting a visit Pay 3ut they mur:t not ensage In any deb guarantees him against financial Finn, from Ruth within the next few Md., a sound and Impressive lacing after the sea- Esq. ,hamplonship games Matches Should Not Be McGraw's team next season. Ruth Couldn't Have BeOn weeks, when the situation created In eight rounds at the Ice Palace on opens until their suspension Is Al the officials of the Yankee club 1 Leeking for Pitching. by the suspension and fine would be last night. Orb did everything pos. Ifted. The three players apply Buffalo Made Blindly. to rmunt were In yesterday attending I. 0. THRING, Knoded B llMer Vi The , still looking discussed. sible the Cumberland warrior, but or reinstatement on or within ten the ninor league meeting. Ruth is Judge for pitching talent, will try out two knock him down or out. after 20 before can E a vaudeville engagement in BOSTON, Dec. 7.---The arrangement A Baseball Fan. lays May they Pa&ing Landis EMad H im Pacific coast twirlers in .the spring. "BUCK" O'NEILL STICKS Keiser took his punishment with. )lay In any league game." $ ashington. Hence the opinion of of matches in the next national ama- o President Navin has purchased out a whimper and .caught tne This In of much most concerned In the DeareagueMr Judgeplayersperforminglanda'indecisionth coe crowd's ruling Importance, I those vitally teur lawn tennis championship tourn- r tot only too severe but the rule which 'Tween With Pitchers Pillette and Johnson from AS COLUMBIA'S COACH fancy by trying to fight back n view of the fact that Babe Ruth, t ladt decision could not be obtained t gsa wathnany t8oun othepayefrbe Eyes the Portland team for cash and In the seventh and eighth rounds inless he balks at the hand. Neither of the Yankee ament will be determined to some de- luth broke In unjust and should NEW YORK, Dec. 7.-Frank J. a punishment, 0 91 !orrected. Why not stop themjo PHlo Driver. players. Clark C. Griffith, of Wash- "Buck" after being given severe pounding will be a decided drawing card In the I a.Is'e1 nor Ruth would comment gree by arbitrary placing instead of ington. made a strong' bid for these O'Neill. head coach of the in the sixth. on the I- Columbia football team for the last txhlbltlqn garnes played trainm. 60taly on the verdict. They wisely being left entirely to chance If the faor ut. W maL am94W two pltch,-s, but failed largely and from can er leagfue? Ham not Ruth much two years, has been reengaged for nx trip on the way North. raftusned talking until they recommendations of most of the lead. with himself as these By KMa IMTT. L cause, he could not deliver the right yet JIM THORPE AND together and see what can be done. berty players in another campaig'n on the Blue and INDIANS ot women of the c or bndis himself,who in keeping an- UDG LANDI ht * one players exchange. IAMdms ter ud, ing men and players Dealy see that this Is true. Kansas City has several deals on White gridiron. The official announce- WILL PLAY HERE SUNDAY are followed. To a ther man off the magistrate's bench the Plate that Babe ain't seen ment came last night as the result of --CIGARS , was that country question- while I the which with minor league teams. and In- Jim and Bay Direct Firem Veetery It generally thought Judge naire on the subject sent to America's ho enjoysboA of baseball;$42,000they ant expects Manager McGraw a joint meeting of the university com- Thorpe his famous Cleve- andis would not announce his do- luthwhichhelpsRote tobroke?earn? dianapolis on land Indians will here on Sun- "first fifty" men players and the to name the players he Is going to mittee athletics and the advisory play 12c for 8o Mlola until after the major league leading ten women, together with all The baseball public does not care 'Smatter wit'yo boy?' Gft them exchange for Outfielder Shinners. football committee. O'Neill is at pres- day afternoon against the Washing- Cigars 092000 ber next week. The judge, living former champions, men and )ear Sir fawdust out o' yo eyes. President Tom Hayden. of the eat ep a business tour of the West ton Pros. Capt. Tim Jordan was in 10o Cigars for 61o 1 took no one into his confi- 90 cent have in ltuth; and if you will attend a Sunday and no contract will be or an- receipt of a wre this morning from finally committed himself women, per replied why leavewhen theRuthcaseIs of Ruth's In justwill Joplin club, announced that he has signed Ad favor of "seeding the draw." rame playing you That fine was so tat that Nieto signed Joe Dunn to manage that nouncement made as regards the rest Thorpe accepting terms for the en- 91out any last-minute conference The matter is in the hands of a corn- Babe thunk It was twins. team next season. He has als.> of the staff until he returns. gagement and promisig to bring his k 0 dfd4ant and those inter, mittee of players appointed last Sep- Of course, baseball must be gov- traded ? Irst Baseman Snedecor to Walter F. Koppisch, of Buffalo, has famous team for the engagement. 741 1" W. wrned rule, but thin rule Calac are W. tember by the executive committee of by why . K. to take away Bambino's Omaha for Infielder Spranger, and been ch(sen captain of next year's and Guyon In Thorpe's Bseball men are generally agreed de United States Lawn Tennis Asso- strate's bench czars. Yours very money but K. 0. to Oklahoma team. He Is a sophomore. backfield and his team recently de- one men- very to alienate Infielder Krueger City atthe decision virtually ruins ciation. It is to back to the If it was left to just of the his breath at same Infielder feated Charlie Brickley's team. ot's eM'eer as baseball's superman. report Ltors who want to oust lAndis from time. for Shanley. he Executive committee in New York on he be So Will Manage Hartford. YALE ELEVEN TO PLAY lb OedAot will operate inde- December 17, on the day before It will tu bench he wouldrn ousted. When seen In his room CAP SHOR .li... next season, but, eEto dressing Jack Coffey. who resigned as man- JAKE SCHAEFER AGREES lacking meet to frame its recommendations. The basbal no.blic dos Babt cRet today, was TEN GAMES NEXT YEAR CAP.S MADE hemajor and the onelo man'sbut behand? baeobasteyaltH Tha tnewa fturnedRuth into ager of the Des Moines club at tne league surroundings Seeding in some form and degree is -k still n a trance. NJ;IW TO PLAY HOPPE AGAIN he will soon dis. :ummittedI want toIfnousee RuthwrillstartataendttheaSnbayl ciose of tIe season, will manage HAVEN, Conn., Dec. 7.- ='e$ Grounds setting understood to be assured of favor, but season; H I past s NEW that his popularity is waning. lo do all dyed-in-the-wool fans who a attendants the Hartford club next year. Yalc 1922 football schedule contains YORK. Dec. 7.-Jacob ;.-r CAFP"D NGP ALL suggestions now under consideration -aetuk twr weretwstillasnthrow-th club has traded ten the Schaefer, who recently won the who know Judge Landis do vary. siy their admission to see belplayers The Galveston games, first time for many K he can be induced to mod- rhoiynd not wordto supporttha this $42,000can trveamaplus a mag- mony bt eryK.ing.mobuckets of Catcher Lapan to Little Rock for years that the has listed world's 18.2 balkline billiard cham- (APS IN TPF All have as their object the main- cold wateraxpenatveon university pionship from Willie has Sentence, and those who know taining of interest and of competition Of oursedo beball ofuhst erig? Infielder Moore. and there are many more than nine. The games with Ver-. Hoppe, ZEYe colonels are sure they will ruly, J. J. FRANK, him, but the other deals in the making. mont, Maryland, and Tufta have neot formally accepted the former cham- CAPITAL to the end of the national title tourna- ahll Ruthyr onfesdt gbl pion'@ challenge for a return match. the verdict an sportsnen and ment. This would be obtained by scat- 605 P street northwest. minute they With the resignation of George been definitely decided upon, but it is tandd,still pitn acethey McBride as manager of the Wash- The new champion posted $260 to = the judge, even though it tering the best players so that they expected these colleges will remain bind the match, and named Chicago DbREYFUSS BROS, mmss. the wrecking of a great base- not one another in Ington Senators, Clark Griffith Is on the schedule, which as tentatively will elin~inate early ahll.eahehae, bec hretame caenowouldmewrutagaistd.aSe-inr freed as the place wher elt should be held. rounds as occurred at several big setno baesebal casting about for a new pilot. aranged, follows: September 22. a ourld effertyof isa, eanse, "I haven't any one at present In Bates: 30, Vermont; October Messel ad Plesey. tournaments during the past season. cond water ona said Griffihh today. 7. Tufts; hen doutanut aortil dyedrte-woosebe Ruthrte fanseallon;whoh mind," 14, Iowa: 2!. WillIams; 28, Army: No- Rath probably feels home regret him, ut herb- President McCaffery, of the Toron- vemnber 4. Brown; 11. Maryland; 15, =wr the pights of Meusel and Piercy cmingtethe to club, announced that "Lena" Princeton; 25. Harvard. sha he do r himself. He is that ILLINOIS MUST SELECT Whoamnde dit or panyone wlle Blackburn will be his manager for All games will be played at Yale -3tchap. Both of these players NEW FOOTBALL CAPTAIN rull, usJsmeNewtonstreet northwest. W.B.N, likeproprtioantedoutey 1922. Bowl with the exception of that with -=. bis close friends and he induced URBANA, Ill., Dec. 7.'-University guied im oyurneud intosg Routine business for the most part Princeton. them $0 stand with him In defiance nateim frm a was the order as the national associa- sthe commissIoner. No doubt Meusel of Illinois must choose a new football Aredbyout s bt this rieonulaoe agadpao tions convention got down to its captain for 1922 as a result of a rul- Inhatse do your ink? ueton GEORGIA ELEVEN WILL ad Pierey depended oh Ruth's promi- It wsn' a ine t wasane scond session. to pufl them through., ing of the conference faculty board In the abmence of a rival candidate ,menee TACKLE STAGG'S TEAM 617A. 19 Par,. this arror- of judgment both dec1laring Don Peden, captain elect, in- homutld aoecrumeendedihsm baseban- estin tonow ost JudgeLnie for the 1922 meetIng of the assocla- AE.N hae already forfeited their worlds eligible. arried t uhameard concston. ion, Hamilton, Ont., apparently had PH'CAGO, Dec. 7.-Two Important -='=s sharesaounting to more Peden played a year at Lombard roWhomsetoy.wich hude aLansakaranyoeane.soeyfo the In its hip pocket, awaiting intersectIonal game. will be playred College while taking work preparatory Nimble juriterobabl utced ohim- plum by the University of Chicago foot- en$1,000 each-and their futures rho bdewsond orpnon epilhvemn only the taking of a vote by the as- in bseball are s uneltan as Ruth's to entering Illinois, and the faculty self inroomswtcp of aBlk ociaton. ball team In 1922. It was announced committee ruled that this year must Aot ain tim ohe plyeros. makehhiuheadbswim. today, when Coach A. A. Stagg made *TheNew ork clu, It Is believed, count on his playing allotment of puhlic the complete schedule for the aort tra. BaeRtsilhs TOSSERS OPEN bad planed to dispose of Pleroy this three years. Peden has played two miev, I hrinkblecime agntimnt base- Then e in ad wKeitns Swa GRACE sea son. --inter, Inaamuch as he was of little years at Illinois. aspirntabet olle itby bun- SEASON WITH VICTORY The Maroons will open the year Joe 8ternaman, quarterback, and ust, but too a eereobbl. I hin e ofcmrse y e Tothecon with a game in Chicago on October Dave Wilson, end, are the leading Grace A. C. Reserves opened their 7 with University of Georgia as op- candidates for captain. oocionh,.syponDraedhac in basketball season last night in Alex- ponent. On October 2S Princeton, Ne.w241 Frto ple ofihe pbpretin then oucedii- andria when they defeated the heavy which wasn defeated by Chicago this ALEXANDRIA GIRLS SEEK northest. ied m to theoutcouln'e. sg Crystal A. C. In the Light Infantry season, will meet the Maroons on I firsqeston Armory. 22 to 12. The splendid Stagg field. BASKETBALL OPPONENTS Coaswrtockou Waohn them babyew granpd piano- basket-shqoting of Grace was the Georgia eleven Is ooached by Her- The girls' basketball team of Ing wasn'tgh fne racks an epie- deciding factor of the victory. man 8tegeman, formerly a star foot- Friends playground, in Aleemandria, kl., bigt tooseare. on Gotn'h doei oBabem Rut wooked bie inter- Kersey and Owens of the Crystals ball and track athlete at Chicago. which will meet George Mason Yect or rere,dIhoee played well. tpe irmy which fae CiComstockraysesm . W. eaeced, eFtin ato knotw hourudge didn't Hi1gh School quint tonight in the r'hsecay afern y theio lle hae NORTHWESTERN SEEKING armery hall, is seeking opponents arcie ashi aown lconlin.h Linworths Want Game. TOCGRAB KNUTE ROCKNE among the freshman -teams of Wash- mbor jutiu plowrobalocked hn- Llnworth Midgets want a football naton inehool5. Miss Louise Jones, goThete baseball, ecasre, opponent for next Sunday in the 110- CHICAGO. Dec. 7.-A movement Is phone Aleiandrih 236, is the Friends h"RuhdCmsok of gCandiska, gutdny and hi ar wlogitch toV pound class. Richard Feart, of 826 on foot to obtain the services of Knute oweuray ntght. publictet will Thirteenth street southwesat, phone Rlockne, at present coach of the Notre eF'tends team will take the totbl seeamw hel ea take mone frod mAke itas hea swim dams FranklIn 2903, between 6 and 6:30 p. Dame football team, asE gridiron coach floor tonight sporting new uniforms. i., Is the acting manager. at Northwestern University. It was 500.fl'& 4409I ours Sincely. henbe butnhaeto eong.tils de- learned today. Rockne Is understood Want Saturday Game. The Hrnet. C. hs o ned ot crese yfwneastt n Tot jon- Midget Basketers Out. to have been made a tentative offer. The Panther want a Whether he will leave Notre Dame, basketers game ofw homes brwand tedngtceuda Park View MIdgets are seeking a where he baa had great success, is a for Saturday night with a 125-pound livetch to the otm e baketball with a In. team. Call C. W. Umhau at Incoln game teaml the matter of conjecture. oball teamwl lad tenBle all Whethb.madneam tope s.p 90-96-pound class having a gym. Wal- 1547 W, Avi.N.W. 5984-W. ter Harry. Phone Columbia 7471-J. s Grace A. C. to LOANS the manager. Play. to Grace A. C., which ha. won sta Quincys Play. gamnwthean 15-pound eam fo The Quincy courtmnen will encounter Mercurys Ready. straight game., will meet the Com.- u0Miln the pany M. National Guard, basketball Comet in the aggregation LUberty The Mercury A. C. haske era 'a lab team tomorrow nIght In the liegimen. hail gymnasium tonight. The Quie* to arrange with local quint a. fe~te1 wffi also gam tal Armory at Alexandria. All Orace Rsmerves perfue, mestbg Addre's C. at 654 I street players are requested to repeut m atranht. Comttunicate6 it anmkeL the ababsama tamaw at T p .