Island Style Luau by Deborah Peck Awaiian Magic De Cended on the Outrigger Canoe Club at Thi Year's 89Th Hannual Club Luau
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Island Style Luau By Deborah Peck awaiian magic de cended on the Outrigger Canoe Club at thi year's 89th Hannual Club Luau. Our Island Style Luau was a smashing succe . More than 550 people enjoyed an e\·ening of traditional Hawaiian food, tropical flowers, music, hula and aloha. We were \·ery fortunate this year to have the Brothers Cazimero who thrilled the crowd with their outstanding performance. It was the high light of the evening. Palani Vaughan joined them on stage for a couple of songs, and what a trear to see Scrappy Lipton sing "Shells" with them. Other entertni nmenr included Arthur Lyman and his xylophone and Stewart Kawabmi and his group Stew and Poi, in addi tion to Rodman Muller and his fa bulous fi re dance, always a favorite. Everyone loved Mike Cote and Jesse Brown, winners of the 1997 Ukulele Smnd Up Shootout contest. What talent. Cathy Ostrem and her keiki hu la dancers lit up the night with their performance, and Baby Dave Rochlen wowed the audience with his dancing. ln111 Crew Scrappy Lipwn OCC Hula Halau Keiki Hula Trm~ P A G E • 2 0 U T Jl G G E I! Laurel Schuster, Bah\· Dar~ Rochlen, Leslie Muirh.?ad - Genie and Chris Kincaid enjoyecl rl1e food, with her mother. Mac \XIong, and kids, kssica and Raclrtl. Arthur L)'T11ll1l jlla~ed his ~-ylo· Corin Genrry ~hone before rhe ram SUD'lt-d Each year, the Entertainment Committee stri ves to make our annual Club Luau better than the previou year's, ahray a challenging task. Months of planning were required to put together this grand event. We couldn't have done it with out rhe effons of many people, roo numerous to mention. We want to thank Henry Ayau, our emcee extmordinaire throughout the event. We could n't have done it wi thout him. Damien Farckn Thank you also ro Jeff Zimmerman, our Entertainment Committee chainnan, who worked tirelessly to help make our luau such a success. Jesse Brown and Mikey Core Specia l thanks to Margaret Puder who helped transform the Club into a tropical par adise. Her creativity and hard work are responsi ble for the beautiful decorations and flower armngements. Another big mahalo ro Don Figueira and Liz Ventura and the re t of the staff for all their Cath)' and Renee Osrrem efforts in coordinming this e\·ent. You're the best. Thank you to all the great musical enter miners and dancers who truly m(lde our luau so memorable. M(lhalo to the imu crew and to Kaleinani Brown and the flower sellers. And last but not le<~s t , th<~nk you to the m <~ ny people who con tributed their time and effort in making our lsl<1nd Style Luau the best ever. We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did. We look forward to Rodman Muller seeing you at our next event. @ P A G E 3 0 U T R G G E R OCC Members Enjoy the Luau Gen. mul Mrs. Henry l!omnnek mul Mr. anti Mrs. MetUie Wildrick Brian mul Brenda Hoemig Paui and John Anderson Raruly and Anna Gnme Joe arul Elaine Erans Cindy, Mike and l?aclrel Cote Richard Ferguson and Noel Baker P AG E -4 0 U 'I' I{ I G G E R Na Wahine 0 Ke Kai Owrigg~ l was rhe firsr Hawaii amoe ro fin ish rhe women's Molokai ro Oahu race and finished rhird Orrrrigger 2 COIIIJllered rhe 41-mile course from Hale 0 umo 1-lar/xn· IO Dllke Kaharwmoku Beach in or~all in 5:42: ll. Cuw membas u·~e Coach Srere Scorr, Traci Phillips, Pam Clifford, Mary 6: 10:26, 14rh orcrall of 63 reams. The crew induded)ennif~ Thay~. Tracy Selling, Carol)ll Hall, Smolenski, Donna Kahakrri, Kaili Chrm, Diana Allen, Sara Ackennan, Srarr Dmrson, Nicole Wlilcox, Jennifer McTrgue, Vartessa Beacon, Coach Sret•e Scou, Kendra)enkins, Tra Fergusson, Ann Marie Kisi Hairte. Arrsrralia Panamwra won in 5:35:17 and Offshore was second in 5:40:34. Mimno, )ana Arakaki, Sasha MacNaughron. occ ,Members Luxuriate at 0 11trigger 3 won rhe masrers division, finishing eighrh overall in 5:56:4i. The crew wa.1 Coach Sre11e THE CpLONY Palaka Scorr, Ann Marrin, Na'rr Kamalii, Nancy Muller, /'aula Crabb, Kaiulu Dou1tin~, Trare Fimtey, Daun Darenport, Genil Kincaid, Tricia Nagaullli, Lisa Uring;ron. Nor piatcr<tJ: Kary Bot~Trte. SURF Party (ON TilE BEACH NEXT available 'F0 OCC) in red, blue, International Buffets Includes: newly fur yellow, nished unit with Maytag All buffets include Appetizers, Salad Bar, Theme Entrees, Carving green, Station and Dessert Bar WasheriD1JieJ; Bose music and system, FAX machine, November 7 Amumn Game Buffet black Maid service and Oceanview and 1'radewinds December 5 Hukilau Seafood Buffet Member/Owner I ' Wendy Lazer December 5, 1 (408) 625-1011 Noon 12:00 p m Fax: (408) 625-0410 Reservation~s Suggested 1222 Kaumualii St. Ph. 847-4806 Main Dining Room 923- 1585 Monday to Saturday 9-5 Sunday 10-3 J> A G E - 5 O U TRI GG ER The Porrers cel ebrace Bob and Pn!t.h's Golden · \Vcdding Annit•ersmy. Fromlejr , Darid,}ane, Bob, Pnuly, Bn1ce and Beuy Gail. Arrroding rhe brida151wu·a- for Elise SUJ5si tml, fronr, Shannon Boyd, Sora :\ckennan, Eli..<e, and Ekni Pfitteglr. Swnding, \Irs. Dmk \\'ood, ~lllT)jo Schull, Dimut Sn)da-, }~nifa- ~!cTtg11 l, Colleen Heya, \Irs. Ke1me)' and Dicey Brinck. ~ Alec 1111d TrOC)' \\Illite with son Logan Alexamh Dr. Tina Tom hosted a study rehearsal dinner, which Norm sn id Baba Kea White. The couple now party, you know everything will go group of ZO who call themselves had "all kinds of people from out of lives in Orange County. perfectly. This time it was a very the South Shore Dental Study town" was a lobster feed, 31 of And speaking of new grand special surprise birthday parry at: Group. They meet every orher them. Congratulations to the bride parenrs, Tim Guard says his grand the Club for husband Amby's month (on the South Shore?) and and groom who arc now at home son, Tyler, was born on September birthday and his retirement as a talk about health care interests. in Kahala. 19 with a canoe paddle in hand. judge. More than 80 friends and Shay and Julie Yarbrough Christian and Bob Peterson Proud parents are Matt and family members from as far as hosted a wedding shower luncheon vacationed in Kana and went to Allison Guard. Enghmd, joined in the surprise, for friend Corrine Takahashi. Shay North Kohala and kayaked the Michael Brinck and his which was a complete surprise. was one of the bridesmaids and the North Kohala water ditch. It was fiance Elise Stassi were in the Puamana and her group, hostesses outdid themselves with built 95 years ago of hand he\rn islamls for rhe wedding of Mia including lrmgatd provided the the table centerpieces. They were stone blocks and rhcy went Kresser. music. The gourmet buffet pre hurricane type tall vases with live through seven tunnels, one 1,800 Diana Snyder entertained at pared by the chef was fa ntastic and fish, corals, sand and shells. feet long, under flumes and water an elegant luncheon bridal shower included beef Wellington, min i Wedding bells for Norm falls. Ver'i scenic, they say. for Michael's bride, Elise. The cou lamb chops, smoked turkey, plu Skorgc and bride Joy Ito. They Alice and Terry \Vhite are the ple returned ro San Francisco everyrhing anyone could want. held their rehearsal dinner at OCC brand new parents of Logan where they will be married on New Congratulations to the Dining on the 29th of August and were Alexander, much to the happiness Year's Eve. Room staff and Chef and his staff. married on the 30th. The of patient grandparents, Ernie and When Jo Rosehill plans a Arthur and Grace Smith eel- p A G E 6 0 U T 1\ G G E R ]o and Amby Rosel1ill ar his su rprise birthday party. Auending rl1e Rosehi/1 /'IITl) were, seated, Gil Li1'ingsron, Suzanne \\loolaway, Mary Lon Livingston . Sumding, Oswald Swnder, Hic!wrd Rosehill. ~!embers of rhe Rosehill family are Keitf1 Ulsh , Hob)'ll Hickendorf, Queen £/iznbet/.?2 S!IIC> Rosehi/1, Sum.mer HickeJJdorf, Valerie and Andrea all(/ Rick Davis on rhe QE2. Adrian Rose/UU, Mela11ie Rosehi/1 and Alan, Belly Anne Uls/1. ebrated their 67th wedding after being away for three years. ments. her associate donated their skills to anniversary at the Outrigger on Bill and wife, Cyndi moved with Their families are happy ro the Alger Foundation's Ke Akia September 6. They were joined by their two children Brittany Lei lani, have them back in California o Ho'ona project in Waianae. a few family members. Their 6, and Chase Hi ikau, 4, w Brittany and Chase can grow up Designed for low-income, first time daughter and niece, Noel Ia Washington, D.C. in 1994 follow being spoiled by their grandpar homeowners, the eight families Kanoelani and Kanoelani ing Bill's graduation from his resi ents, Tom and Linda Bridger, that recently moved into their first Sherwood came from California to dency as an orthopedic surgeon Ht along with Bi ll 's mom Nancy home were offered a workshop on honor Arthur and Grace. UCSD Medical School. He did a Bugbee and Howard and Eileen home organizing, fi ling, garage Bruce and David Potter and one year fellowship in hip and Bugbee.