April 29, 2019 Issue 59

This Earth Day, Senator this environmental and public health crisis Maria Collett Introduces and ensuring that the polluters - and not local municipalities and tax payers - are the Legislation to Address ones bearing the cost to clean up our water and soil. PFAS Contamination Crisis Under Article I Section 27 of the Pennsylvania Constitution, we "have a right n April 22, 2019, Senator Maria to clean air, pure water, and to the Collett (D-Montgomery/Bucks) preservation of the natural, scenic, historic O introduced two pieces of legislation and esthetic values of the environment." today to address the PFAS contamination According to Senator Collett: "The sad crisis. Senate Bill 581 reality is that this right has not been https://www.legis.state.pa.us/cfdocs/billinfo/ adequately preserved or defended as it billinfo.cfm?syear=2019&sind=0&body=S pertains to our drinking water and the &type=B&bn=581 lowers the acceptable contaminated soil from which water tainted level of PFAS in our drinking water to 10 with dangerous chemicals continues to flow parts per trillion until such time as a and spread through communities across maximum contaminant level is established Pennsylvania." by the EPA, DEP or a Governor's Executive Order. The culprit: firefighting foams containing dangerous per- and poly-fluoroalkyl Senate Bill 582 substances (PFAS) that were used in great https://www.legis.state.pa.us/cfdocs/billinfo/ quantities at military bases and fire training billinfo.cfm?syear=2019&sind=0&body=S facilities for decades. These chemicals, &type=B&bn=582 classifies PFAS as intended to do good, ultimately hazardous substances under Pennsylvania's contaminated groundwater, wells, and Hazardous Sites Cleanup Act (HSCA). The drinking water in Bucks and Montgomery bills are a key first step toward addressing counties and across the country. It also put

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our residents and the hard-working military study so we can understand what health and civil employees who worked on these effects we face as a result of the federal bases at risk for various negative health government contaminating our drinking effects, including infertility, high water," Stephens said in the letter. "This is cholesterol, and certain types of cancer. critical as we work to protect our residents' health. Excluding cancers and other ailments "The people of the 12th District are sick in the national study is unacceptable and I and tired of waiting for action and answers," implore you to correct this immediately." said Senator Collett, whose district includes the Horsham Air Guard Station and former He also sent letters to U.S. Sens. Pat Willow Grove Naval Air Station and Toomey (R-Pa) and Bob Casey, Jr. (R-Pa) Warminster Naval Warfare Center. "I can no and Reps. Madeleine Dean (D-Pa) and Brian longer count the number of community Fitzpatrick (R-Pa). members who have shared with me their stories of lost loved ones, personal health PFAS, a chemical used to extinguish struggles, and increased water bills. Passage fires, has seeped into local drinking water of these bills will be a decisive first step from the Willow Grove Naval Base. toward restoring the public's confidence and Stephens has called on the federal ensure that everyone impacted by PFAS government to fund the cleanup of area contamination has the resources necessary to water and to conduct a local health remediate the crisis. I urge my fellow assessment with long-term follow-ups. legislators to support this urgent and long overdue legislation." Cancers of the kidneys, testicles and Source: Senator Collett Press Release, bladder had been linked to some PFAS 4/22/2019 chemicals in prior studies, along with thyroid disease, ulcerative colitis, high cholesterol, developmental effects and Stephens Demands immunotoxicity. Ulcerative colitis and Cancer Rates Be autoimmune diseases will also be excluded from the CDC study. Included in CDC PFAS Several local residents affected by these Study serious health implications have contacted Stephens concerned about the lack of n a letter to the Centers for Disease information regarding PFAS exposure. Control (CDC), Rep. Todd Stephens (R- I Montgomery) demanded their study of "Just when I thought one federal agency-- PFAS on health include an investigation into the CDC-- was on the path to helping our cancer rates. He also called upon federal community deal with the effects of the officials to join him in his effort. PFAS water contamination the federal government caused, along comes this news," According to a document released by the Stephens said. CDC, its study of the health impact of PFAS will exclude cancer rates. Source: Rep. Todd Stephens Press Release, 4/25/2019 "Several years ago, I was the first public official to call for a comprehensive health

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including, but not limited to: decoupling PUC Adopts mechanisms, performance-based rates, Implementation Order formula rates, multiyear rate plans, or a combination of these alternatives. for Act 58 of 2018; In its Tentative Implementation Order Provides Guidance on http://www.puc.pa.gov/pcdocs/1582760.doc How Utilities May x of Aug. 23, 2018, the Commission proposed that the alternative ratemaking Establish Future mechanisms authorized under Act 58 be proposed within the confines of a utility Alternative Rate base rate case under Chapter 13. The PUC Mechanisms has a well-established process for reviewing base rate cases, which provides for hearings n April 25, 2019, the Pennsylvania concerning the lawfulness and Public Utility Commission (PUC) appropriateness of proposed rates, including O approved an Implementation proposed alternative rate mechanisms. Order for Act 58 of 2018 http://www.puc.pa.gov/pcdocs/1616766.doc The Pennsylvania Public Utility x (Act 58), putting forth procedures through Commission balances the needs of which utilities may seek Commission consumers and utilities; ensures safe and approval of applications establishing reliable utility service at reasonable rates; alternative rates and rate mechanisms in protects the public interest; educates future base rate proceedings. consumers to make independent and informed utility choices; furthers economic The Commission voted 5-0 to adopt the development; and fosters new technologies order, which the PUC finalized after and competitive markets in an providing for an extended comment and environmentally sound manner. review period on the Commission's proposed interpretation and implementation For recent news releases and video of of the new law. Act 58 gives the select Commission proceedings or more Commission express statutory authority to information about the PUC, visit our approve alternative rate mechanisms for website at http://www.puc.pa.gov/. Follow electric, natural gas, and water and the PUC on Twitter - @PA_PUC for all wastewater utilities, as well as what notices things utility. "Like" Pennsylvania Public of such ratemaking requests are to be given Utility Commission on Facebook for easy to customers. access to information on utility issues.

On June 28, 2018, Gov. Tom Wolf Docket No.: M-2018- signed Act 58, which added Section 1330 to 3003269 http://www.puc.pa.gov/about_puc/ Chapter 13 of the Pennsylvania Public consolidated_case_view.aspx?Docket=M- Utility Code 2018-3003269 https://www.legis.state.pa.us/WU01/LI/LI/C T/HTM/66/00.013..HTM (Chapter 13) and Source: PUC Press Release, 4/25/2019 enabled utilities to seek PUC approval of alternative rates and rate mechanisms

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Representative Klunk outlined legislation State legislators, leaders she's sponsoring along with Phillips-Hill to call on overhaul of establish the Independent Office of the Repealer as a way to objectively reform and state's regulatory system remove unnecessary and onerous regulations. citing bureaucratic red tape "The Independent Office of the Repealer would ensure state government is enator Kristin Phillips-Hill (R-York) functioning efficiently and effectively by and Representative Kate Klunk (R- reviewing existing acts and regulations," S York) were joined by local senators Klunk added. "Though some of these laws and representatives as well as local and state and regulations have been on the books for leaders at York College today to outline years, sometimes decades, they have never bicameral efforts to reduce and reform the been examined and evaluated for their state's regulatory process. relevance, appropriateness and cost. All too The lawmakers outlined six major reform often, we, as legislators, receive complaints measures, including efforts that would about the burdensome and, in some cases, require greater oversight of regulations that repetitive regulations that stifle business cost state taxpayers in excess of $1 million, growth. My bill would provide relief to our provide for the removal of two regulations current businesses and potential businesses for each new regulation added, as well as that opted not to come to Pennsylvania improve permitting transparency in because of the amount of red tape they'd Pennsylvania. have to cut through."

The leaders called for reforms and Representative Dawn Keefer (R-York) is improvements to the state's regulatory the sponsor of legislation to require an process and burden while standing in front enhanced review process for major of the entrance of the former York Narrow regulations that impose a significant cost Fabrics Company. burden on state or local governments, known as the Regulations from the "This site is the perfect location to talk Executive in Need of Scrutiny, or REINS about government red tape," Phillips-Hill Act. said. "This factory was once a booming operation, manufacturing the actual red tape "It's time to restore the balance of power used to bind the federal government's our Founding Fathers established," Keefer regulations. While the factory may be said. "My REINS Act legislation is a solid closed, red tape is persistent along all levels first step to restoring this balance by of government. I'm pleased to stand with my shepherding in enhanced regulatory review colleagues to propose significant reforms to to reduce the amount of prohibitive red tape. overhaul the state's complicated regulatory This would decrease unnecessary and process, which will grow our state's duplicated government oversight to create a economy, provide more opportunity for free market in which Pennsylvania employees and drastically improve businesses can thrive and grow, all while government accountability." attracting more businesses to the Commonwealth."

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modernizes government and ensures it is A George Mason University-based doing its part to foster success of its research center, Mercatus Center, compiled businesses and people." extensive data on Pennsylvania's regulatory burden as it relates to other states. Speaking on behalf of small businesses, the National Federation of Independent "At last count, Pennsylvania had more Business (NFIB) expressed the cost of than 153,000 regulatory restrictions on its regulations is prohibiting local employers books," Dr. James Broughel, an economist from growing and providing existing at Mercatus Center, said. "State economic employees with new opportunities. growth, while roughly in line with the national rate, could be much higher. It is not "Small businesses are the lifeblood of surprising then that legislators are looking to local communities and the root of implement meaningful regulatory reforms as Pennsylvania's economic success, but they a way to boost economic growth and are mired in a mound of red tape," Rebecca opportunity for state residents." Oyler, who serves as the Pennsylvania Legislative Director for the NFIB, added. "Legislation introduced today is a step in "Small business owners frequently say they that direction," he added. could grow bigger and hire more workers if only the government didn't get in the way Representative Greg Rothman (R- with costly, time-consuming regulations that Cumberland), who is proposing to overhaul don't seem to have much to do with safety the way in which costly regulations are and health." approved, is supporting efforts that would provide a one-stop-shop for permitting in "We have an incredible opportunity in Pennsylvania. front of us thanks to our energy assets and a strong performing economy," Kevin "I believe good government starts with Sunday, Pennsylvania Chamber of Business transparency and that is what I'm looking to and Industry's Director of Government accomplish with my bills," Rothman said. Affairs, said. "To take advantage of that "I'm also proud to be here today with my opportunity, though, we need a well- colleagues in support of legislation which functioning, efficient permitting and aims to make government work for the regulatory system in place in Harrisburg. people and to reform a job-killing We are thankful that members of the House bureaucracy." and Senate are championing much needed reform that will help bring about economic In addition to lawmakers, several groups prosperity for all of Pennsylvania." joined the event to express their support to overhaul the state's regulatory process as a Several manufacturing sites are cropping way to grow jobs at both the local and state up throughout the commonwealth, but Carl level. Marrara, Vice President of the Pennsylvania "It is wise for us to take a step back and Manufacturers Association, said that pump the breaks to assess how government removing burdens his members face could can run more efficiently," Kevin Schreiber, turn areas overlooked by redevelopment into President and CEO of the York County huge opportunities for attracting large Economic Alliance, said. "Doing so investment, growing jobs and providing

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family sustaining jobs to struggling regions economy and job market should be across the state. flourishing, but due to the burdensome regulations and red tape our businesses are "Our employers are facing an onslaught suffering. I am extremely proud to be a of regulations from a breadth of departments cosponsor of many of the regulatory reform at both the state and federal level," Marrara bills and I am proud to stand alongside my said. "This creates uncertainty in business colleagues and fight for business owners and planning and results in companies not their employees." growing, expanding, hiring, and investing as they could." Senator (R-York/Cumberland)

What they're saying about the need for "Businesses considering a move to regulatory reform for Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania all too often find an unfriendly, unwelcoming business climate, "In the preamble of the Constitution, the and turn to our neighboring states. The Founding Fathers established guiding administration's failed attempt to lure principles that are sometimes hard to see Amazon to Pennsylvania showed that tax today. From the time our alarms wake us, breaks alone aren't enough. We need to government is present through regulations, address our shortage of a skilled and semi- laws, licenses, taxes, permits, etc. By the skilled labor, reduce unnecessary litigation, time we go back to bed, it's almost and dramatically reduce the regulatory impossible to avoid some contact with some burden employers face if we expect them to level of government. We need to again focus call Pennsylvania their home." on the fundamentals of our Republic -- respect for the Constitution, respect for life, Representative Mike Jones (R-York) personal responsibility, and less government." Source: Senator Phillips-Hill and Rep. Klunk Press Release, 4/24/2019 Senator Mike Folmer (R- Lebanon/Dauphin/York) Senate Environmental "It is no secret I am staunch advocate for Committee to Consider improved government efficiency. This package of bills is a step toward the goal of Re-nominations of better government and fewer burdensome regulations. The approach we are taking -- McDonnell for DEP, having members from the two chambers of Dunn at DCNR April 30 the Legislature work together on these issues -- shows government can work together to he Senate Environmental Resources improve the lives of all Pennsylvanians." and Energy Committee is scheduled to meet April 30 to consider the re- Representative Seth Grove (R-York) T nominations of Patrick McDonnell as DEP Secretary and Cindy Adams Dunn as DCNR "With the amount of resources we have Secretary. and our close proximity to some of the nation's largest cities, Pennsylvania's Patrick McDonnell

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partnerships grant program, which provides McDonnell has led DEP since he was $30-$60 million annually for conservation nominated as Acting Secretary on May 20, and recreation throughout the 2016 and was later confirmed by the Senate. Commonwealth. Prior to his appointment in 2016, McDonnell served as Director of DEP’s The re-nomination of Russell Redding Policy Office. for Secretary of Agriculture was unanimously reported out of the Senate Prior to returning to DEP, Mr. Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee on McDonnell was executive policy manager April 9 and awaits action by the full Senate. for former Commissioner Pamela A. Witmer of the Public Utility Commission, focusing All three re-nominations are on day 15 of on electric, natural gas and water issues as the 25 voting days allotted for Senate action well as cybersecurity and the impact of on their nominations. environmental regulation on energy markets. The meeting will be held in Room 461 Previously, McDonnell spent 13 years Capitol Building starting at 9:30 a.m. Click with DEP in a variety of roles. As deputy here to watch the meeting live secretary for administration, he managed the https://environmental.pasenategop.com/. budget, human resources, information technology and oversaw the facilities Sen. Gene Yaw (R-Lycoming) serves as management functions of the agency. He Majority Chair of the Senate Environmental also previously served as policy director and Committee and can be contacted by calling as an assistant to the special deputy 717-787-3280 or sending email to: secretary. [email protected]. Sen. (D- Luzerne) serves as Minority Chair and can Cindy Adams Dunn be contacted by calling 717-787-7105 or sending email to: [email protected]. Dunn has led DCNR since she was nominated as Acting Secretary in January Source: PA Environmental Digest, 2015 and was later confirmed by the 4/29/2019 Senate. She returned to the agency where she worked under three governors in multiple positions over the last two decades. Dinniman, Senators: Hold on Reconfirmation Since November 2013, Dunn had served as the president and chief executive officer of DEP Secretary of PennFuture, a statewide environmental advocacy organization. he reconfirmation of Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Prior to her time at PennFuture, Dunn T Protection Secretary (DEP) Patrick served as DCNR’s Deputy Secretary of McDonnell should be put on hold until Conservation and Technical Services from investigations into Sunoco/Energy Transfer's 2007-2013, where she led DCNR's Mariner East pipeline project are complete, conservation landscape program and state Senator Andy Dinniman and others oversaw the community conservation said today.

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consideration of his reappointment. They In a memo included concerns regarding DEP's sharing http://www.senatordinniman.com/wp- of pertinent environmental information, content/uploads/2019/04/Sec-McDonnell- management of public and environmental Memo_042519.pdf to state Senators Gene safety issues, response to impacts local Yaw and John Yudichak, the majority and water supplies and geological stability, and minority chairs of the Senate Environmental approval of various permits. Resources and Energy Committee respectively, Dinniman, along with state "Given the ongoing investigations into Senators Daylin Leach, , Tom the Mariner East project - investigations that Killion, and , called for the cite state regulators, it is only prudent and hearing, scheduled for Tuesday, April 30 to proper for any consideration or be postponed. reconfirmation vote to be put hold until these concerns are fully addressed and "Due to the serious nature of these publicly disclosed," Dinniman said. "I hope concerns, we feel strongly that there should the committee chairs and legislative leaders not be any consideration or reconfirmation agree, but even if the confirmation vote goes vote in committee or on the floor until these forward, we have very important questions concerns are fully addressed and publicly that need to be answered." disclosed," they wrote. "In our view, it would be very improper to proceed with any Dinniman also noted that just today a vote until these questions are answered in sinkhole opened up along the Mariner East full and each of these investigations are pipeline route in Delaware County, complete." according to news reports.

Specifically, the memo cited the multiple Dinniman said his concerns about the criminal and ethical investigations currently Mariner East pipeline project's ongoing underway in the problematic and impacts to environmental protection, public controversial Mariner East pipeline project, safety and the overall quality of life in his including those being conducted by the district are ongoing and were further raised Chester County District Attorney, the by recent troubling news reports concerning Pennsylvania Attorney General (at the DEP involvement with and close ties to the request of the Delaware County District project. Attorney) and the Pennsylvania Ethics Commission. In fact, according to reports, a "At the end of the day, it's a matter of grand jury has been empanelled in West transparency. It's a matter of the truth. We Chester to review concerns for legal action. need to know more, and the public deserves to know more," he said. In addition, Dinniman, Leach, Muth and Killion raised a series of ten questions Source: Senator Dinniman Press Release, http://www.senatordinniman.com/wp- 4/25/2019 content/uploads/2019/04/Sec-McDonnell- Questions_042519.pdf to McDonnell related to DEP's management and oversight of the Wolf Administration Mariner East pipeline project that they asked Announces Funding to to have answered in detail prior to

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Slippery Rock Creek AMD Treatment, Support Environmental Education, and Recreation: The project Cleanup across the State will fund needed maintenance on five existing passive treatment systems located in he Pennsylvania Department of Brady and Washington townships. Environmental Protection (DEP) Additionally, the project will enhance announced the approval of $25 educational, recreational, and tourism T activities by restoring the Foltz million in funding for environmental cleanup and revitalization projects at Schoolhouse, which is part of the Jennings abandoned mine land (AML) locations Environmental Educational Center, and across Pennsylvania. provide significant repairs to bridges and trails on the North Country National Scenic "The approved abandoned mine cleanup Trail System. projects will help eliminate public health and safety hazards and improve stream, Carbon County groundwater, and land quality," said DEP Secretary Patrick McDonnell. "The funding No. 9 Coal Mine and Museum is an important investment in the community Complex/Dorrance Colliery: This project from environmental, recreational, and will carefully dismantle and transport economic development standpoints." historic ventilation fans and steam engines from their location in Luzerne County to a The local community and economic mine museum in Carbon County where the development projects include three surface pieces will be reconditioned and mine reclamation projects, one acid mine reassembled. The project significantly drainage treatment or remediation project, expands the No.9 Mine and Mine Museum three coal refuse pile/culm bank remediation Complex, preserves unique pieces of coal projects, and a historic mining preservation mining history, and strengthens the presence project to move a historic mine fan and other of historic sites in the coal mining area. The artifacts to a mine museum. project is expected to increase visitation by 15 to 20 percent at the tour site and increase Project funding comes from the federal utilization of all types of visitor services in Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and the vicinity. Enforcement (OSMRE) 2018 AML Pilot Clearfield County Program, which specifically targets abandoned mine cleanup projects that are Morgan Run Recreational Facility - linked to local community and economic West Decatur Post Office: Reclamation of development goals. This is the third year 3,700 feet of dangerous highwall, 20 acres that Pennsylvania has received funding from of spoil area, and seven acres of subsidence the AML Pilot Program. area. The project will lead to the expanded use of the facilities for CenClear and other The following projects were recently local organizations, a mile of multi-use approved: recreational trail, a parking lot for public using the facility, and an increase of jobs for Butler County CenClear.

Clinton County

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acres of AML that will eliminate dangerous Huling Branch East: Reclamation of and erosive refuse/culm banks and a 3,000 feet of dangerous highwalls, a 10-acre dangerous AML mine structure. The site dangerous pile and embankment consisting will be used as a future community of acid-forming shale, a half-acre slurry attraction for fishing and canoeing and will pond, and two acres of gob material. The create job and development opportunities. project includes construction of 5,000 feet of ATV trails within Sproul State Forest, The cleanup of abandoned mines is a construction of a grass parking area and flat priority of the Wolf Administration and has area to be used by helicopters for emergency been included in the Restore Pennsylvania evacuations, improvement of trout stocking https://www.governor.pa.gov/wp- fisheries, and will establish a more natural content/uploads/2019/02/20190204-Restore- environment for elk which are starting to PA.pdf initiative, a statewide plan to migrate toward the area. The project will aggressively address the commonwealth's encourage tourism, outdoor recreation, and vital infrastructure needs. Funded through a improve watershed quality. commonsense severance tax, Restore Pennsylvania is the only plan that would Luzerne County help make Pennsylvania a leader in the 21st century. Earth Conservancy Bliss Bank 4: Reclamation of 31 acres of AML Source: DEP Press Release, 4/24/2019 refuse/culm banks of the overall 220-acre Bliss Bank project, including the reclamation of a section of Espy Creek. This U.S.G.S Releases Study project allows the site to be developed in Of Bradford County anticipation of nationwide companies potentially coming to the area, creating more Private Drinking Water than 1,000 permanent full-time jobs. Wells; Nearly 50% Have Northumberland County Coliform Contamination

Anthracite Outdoor Adventure Area n April 18, the U.S. Geological (AOAA), Bear Valley Southwest: Survey released another in its Reclamation of 88 acres of AML surface O series of county studies mine highwalls, a hazardous water-filled pit, https://www.usgs.gov/centers/pa- and spoil piles. The project will expand the water/science/groundwater-quality- AOAA trails to include approximately 6,600 domestic-supply-wells-pennsylvania?qt- feet of extreme rock crawling trails, re- science_center_objects=0#qt- establish and/or construct approximately science_center_objects on the quality of 4,370 feet of off-road/ATV/dirt bike trails, water coming from private drinking water and create a new recreational attraction for wells. public use that will boost the local economy. Susquehanna and Wayne Counties The new study https://pubs.er.usgs.gov/publication/sir2018 Forest City East Fish & Boat 5170 described the results of a chemical Commission Access: Reclamation of 55 analysis of water from 72 private water

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wells in Bradford County which found “Most of Bradford County well-water drinking water quality exceeded federal and samples have chloride concentrations less state standards for total coliform bacteria than 20 mg/L, and those with higher (49.3 percent), sodium (48.6 percent), chloride concentrations have manganese (30.6 percent), iron (11.1 chloride/bromide ratios that indicate percent), methane (12.5 percent) and the anthropogenic sources (such as road-deicing proposed standard for radon-222 (70.4 salt and septic effluent) or brine.” percent). “Brines that are naturally present may Water well contamination related to total originate from deeper parts of the aquifer coliform bacteria is frequently associated system, whereas anthropogenic sources are with improper water well construction more likely to affect shallow groundwater allowing surface water to pollute the because they occur on or near the land well. Pennsylvania is one of only 2 states surface. which have no private drinking water well standards. “The available data for this study indicate that no one physical factor, such as the Improperly constructed water wells are a topographic setting, well depth, or altitude at particular problem in areas of oil and gas the bottom of the well, was particularly well drilling because they allow brine and useful for predicting those well locations methane to easily contaminate wells. with an elevated dissolved concentration of methane. Since Bradford County has been highly developed for Marcellus Shale natural gas “The 2016 assessment of groundwater extraction, the study looked at more specific quality in Bradford County shows results for methane as well as sodium, groundwater is generally of good quality, chloride and bromide that can be associated but methane and some constituents that with drilling operations and brine. occur in high concentration in naturally occurring brine and also in produced waters The study found, “Four of the six may be present at low to moderate groundwater samples with the highest concentrations in groundwater in various methane concentrations had parts of the aquifer.” chloride/bromide ratios that indicate mixing with a small amount of brine (0.02 percent The U.S.G.S. provided participating well or less) similar in composition to those owners with the results of their water reported for gas and oil well brines in samples and worked with Penn State Pennsylvania.” Extension and the Master Water Well Owners Network Program “In several other eastern Pennsylvania https://extension.psu.edu/programs/mwon to counties where gas drilling is absent, provide follow up support and interpretation groundwater with comparable of the results for well owners. chloride/bromide ratios and chloride concentrations have been reported, implying They also held a public meeting to a potential natural source of brine.” discuss the overall results of the study in Bradford County which included a well

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owner education program by Penn State 317-7226 or send email to: Extension. [email protected].

A 2011 study by the Center for Rural Background/Help Pennsylvania done by Penn State specifically on the impact of drilling on rural There are more than 1 million private drinking water supplies in the Marcellus water wells in Pennsylvania serving about Shale region found 40 percent of wells 3.5 million people across the failed at least one drinking water standard state. Approximately 20,000 new wells are for coliform, manganese and other drilled each year. parameters before drilling. Methane was also found in 20 percent of the wells before For more information on proper water drilling, but below advisory levels. well construction and decontamination procedures, visit DEP’s Private Water These results are generally consistent Wells webpage with over 30 years of research by Penn State https://www.dep.pa.gov/Citizens/My- showing 40 percent of wells do not meet one Water/PrivateWells/Pages/default.aspx . or more drinking water standards. Also visit the Penn State Extension The Bradford County study was Master Water Well Owners Network conducted by the U.S. Geological Survey in Program webpage cooperation with the Northern Tier Regional https://extension.psu.edu/programs/mwon Planning and Development Commission and for more information on water well issues was funded in part by the Appalachian and solutions, including a water test kit Regional Commission. available from Penn State.

Similar drinking water quality reports are The PA Ground Water Association available for Lycoming, Pike, Sullivan and website https://www.pgwa.org/ also has Wayne counties and soon for Clinton and helpful information on how communities Potter counties. Funding for many of these can protect groundwater and the health of studies included financial assistance by the their residents by adopting water well Commonwealth Financing Authority Act 13 standards, since the General Assembly has Baseline Water Quality Monitoring Program failed to pass legislation to set standards. supported by drilling impact fees. The Association will hold its Summer Click here for an overview of the Field Conference https://www.pgwa.org/ U.S.G.S. Groundwater Quality of on June 7 in Bellefonte, Centre County. Domestic Water Supply Wells in Pennsylvania Project Source: PA Environmental Digest, https://www.usgs.gov/centers/pa- 4/29/2019 water/science/groundwater-quality- domestic-supply-wells-pennsylvania?qt- # # # # # # # science_center_objects=0#qt- science_center_objects . Questions should This newsletter provides general information, be directed to John Clune, U.S.G.S. not legal advice as to any specific matter. It should Hydrologist, PA Water Science Center, 717- not be used as a substitute for appropriate legal advice.

12 Berks County Water and Sewer Association, Government Relations Update