Miscellaneous Publication No. 96

Issued April 26, 1927



Most of the work of the Bureau of Standards is made effective through voluntary cooperation of States, municipalities, scientific and professional societies, trade associations, manufacturers, and individuals who accept the findings of the bureau (often the result of cooperative research) and incorporate them into a State law, a municipal ordinance, a dimensional standard, or a standard of quality, performance, or practice. All such cooperation is encouraged to promote a better under- standing between producer and consumer and between industries to the end that industry shall, as far as practicable, be self-regulatory. Many national organizations assist the bureau directly in research, standardization, and simplification projects and, in turn, the bureau cooperates officially with numerous national organizations engaged in similar effort, frequently designating members of the staff to serve on committees. The extent of these relationships is shown in the accompanying list, which gives the cooperating agency and the nature of the coop- erative project. This list includes also technical committees on which the bureau is represented. Organization supporting research associates at the bureau and groups constituting the membership of bureau advisory committees are listed in other publications.

i Prepared by I. J. Fairchild. 3 COOPERATING ORGANIZATIONS AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1926

[With projects sponsored by the bureau, or committees on which the bureau is represented]

Name and address of association Project

Advisory Committee to Bureau of Mines on Warn- Warning agents for manufactured gas. ing Agents for Manufactured Gas, A. C. Fieldner, secretary, Bureau of Mines, Pittsburgh, Pa. Allegheny Observatory, Pittsburgh, Pa New measurements of solar wave lengths. American Association for Advancement of Science, Committee of 100 on Scientific Research Council. B. J. Livingston, secretary, Smithsonian Institu- tion, Washington, D. C. American Association of State Highway Officials, Paving brick simplification; steel reinforcing bar 638 Munsey Building, Washington, D. C. simplification. American Association of Wool Blanket Manufac- Bed blanket simplification. turers, care of Chatham Manufacturing Co., Winston-Salem, N. C. American Bankers Association, A. Dunbar, presi- Bank checks, notes, drafts, and similar instruments dent, 110 East Forty-second Street, New York, simplification. N. Y. American Bridge Co., J. H. Edwards, assistant Arc-welded plate girder trusses for Stevens Hotel. chief engineer, Empire Building, 71 Broadway, New York, N. Y. American Brush Manufacturers Association, 505 Paint and varnish brush simplification. Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa. American Bureau of , William Spraragen, Joint Committee on Street Railway Welded Joints secretary, 29 West Thirty-ninth Street, New (operated through the National Research Council York, N. Y. jointly with the American Electric Railway Asso- ciation); Pressure Vessel Committee; Welding Wire Specifications Committee. American Ceramic Society, Ohio State University, Cafeteria and restaurant chinaware simplification; Columbus, Ohio. enamel division, Standards Committee; glass divi- sion; hotel chinaware simplification, refractories division; Special Cooperating Committee on Refractories; whiteware division, Committee on Standards. American Chemical Society, 1709 G Street NW., Board of editors, Journal of the American Chemical Washington, D. C. Society; Supervisory Committee on Standard Methods of Analysis; Committees on Standard Apparatus, Metric System, Guaranteed Reagents; Council. American Concrete Institute, 1807 East Grand Committees C-3, Treatment of Concrete Surfaces Boulevard, Detroit, Mich. C-6. Field Methods; E-l, Reinforced Concrete, Buttling Design, and Specifications; E-3, Re- search; E-4, Fire Resistance of Concrete; G-4, Nomenclature; T-l, Crazing. Concrete building unit simplification. American Construction Council, 28 West Forty- Better Building Committee (executive board). fourth Street, New York, N. Y. American Electric Railway Association, 8 West Steel-locker simplification. Fortieth Street, New York, N. Y. American Electrochemical Society,- Colin G. Fink, Committee on Primary and Secondary Batteries; secretary, Columbia University, New York, Board of Managers; electrothermic division; Monthly Review; Publication Committee. American Engineering Council, 26 Jackson Place, Simplified practice planning committee. Washington, D. C. American Engineering Standards Committee, Dr. Executive Committee; Electrical Advisory Com- P. G. Agnew, secretary, 29 West Thirty-ninth mittee; Safety Code Correlating Committee; Street, New York, N. Y. Simplified Practice Planning Committee; Special Note.—American Engineering Standards Committee on Form and Arrangement of Published Committee projects listed here are sponsored Standards and Specifications; Committee on Pre- by the National Bureau of Standards. ferred Numbers for Size Standardization; Sectional Committees i A-2-1919, Specifications for Fire Tests on Materials and Constructions; A-17-1925, Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators; B-13- 1924 on Safety Code for Logging and Sawmill Machinery; C-2-1922 on Electrical Safety Code; C-5 on Code on Protection Against Lightning; C-12-1922 on Code for Electricity Meters; C-18 on Dry Cells; D-l-1925 on Aeronautical Safety Code; D-3 on Colors for Traffic Signals; D-4 on Safety Code for Automobile Brakes and Brake Testing; K-2-1925, on Gas Safety Code; X-2-1922 on Safety Code for the Protection of Heads and Eyes of Industrial Workers.

i The National Bureau of Standards is officially represented on 56 additional sectional committees func- tioning under American Engineering Standards Committee procedure. 4 COOPERATING OEGANIZATIONS 5

Cooperating organizations—Continued

Name and address of association Project

"American Face Brick Association, 130 North Wells Face brick and common brick simplification. Street, Chicago, HI. American Foundrymen's Association, R. E. Ken- Pouring temperatures of brass; Committee on Cor- nedy, technical secretary, 909 West California rosion; Committee on Refractories; Joint Com- Street, Urbana, HI. mittee on Molding Sand Research (with National Research Council). American Gas Association, 342 Madison Avenue, Chemical Committee; Approval Requirements Com- New York, N. Y. mittee; Committee on Approval Requirements for Space Heaters; Safety Requirements Committee. American Geophysical Union (Section of Terres- Committee on Earth Currents and Polar Lights. trial Magnetism and Atmospheric Electricity), J. A. Fleming, secretary, Department of Terres- trial Magnetism, Carnegie Institution, Wash- ington, D. C. American Hardware Manufacturers Association, Sheet-steel simplification. F. D. Mitchel, secretary, 1819 Broadway, N. Y. American Home Economics Association, Mills Bed-blanket simplification. Building, Washington, D. C. American Hospital Association, W. H. Walsh, Hospital-bed simplification; hospital chinaware executive secretary, 18-20 East Division Street, simplification. Chicago, 111. American Hotel Association of the United States Chinaware simplification in general. and Canada, Auditorium Tower, Chicago, DJ. American Institute of Architects, 19 West Forty- Simplification of construction materials in general. fourth Street, New York, N. Y. American Institute of Electrical Engineers, F. L. Meetings and Papers Committee; Standards Com- Hutchinson, secretary, 33 West Thirty-ninth mittee; Committees on Communication, Electro- Street, New York, N. Y. chemistry and Electrometallurgy, Instruments and Measurements, Protective Devices, Research, Safety Codes. American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Committees on Iron and Steel; Institute of Metals Engineers, 29 West Thirty-ninth Street, New Division; Committee on Research. York, N. Y. American Iron, Steel, and Heavy Hardware Asso- Shovel, spade, and scoop simplification. ciation, B. R. Sackett, secretary-treasurer, 503 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa. American Marine Standards Committee, A. V. Marine simplification and standardization in general; Bouillon, secretary, division of simplified prac- Committes 8-6, Marine Joiner Hardware and Sky- tice, Department of Commerce, Washington, light Lifting Gears; 9-5, Pipe Flanges, Fittings, D. C. etc.; 9-11, on Fire-Brick and Refractory Cement; 10-12 on Chinaware, Glassware, Tableware, etc.; 10-11 on Hose, Fire, Water, Steam and Oil; 10-13 on Blankets, Mattresses, Pillows, Cushions, Linens, and Cottons; 8-15 on Fittings and Cowls for Ven- tilators. American Medical Association. Committee for formulating method for determining power of spectacle lenses of the section on ophthal- mology. American Mining Congress, 841 Munsey Building, Sectional Committee on Standards for Wire Rope Washington, D. C. for Mines; Committee on Outside Coal Handling Equipment. American Paper and Pulp Association, 18 East Paper simplification. Forty-first Street, New York, N. Y. American Petroleum Institute, 250 Park Avenue, Committee on Standardization; Correlating Com- New York, N. Y.; C. A. Young, 1508 Kirby mittee on Gauges and Gauging Practice. Building. Dallas, Tex. American Physical Society, Prof. W. E. Webb, Council; Committee on Standardization of Scientific secretary, Columbia University, New York, Instruments. N. Y. American Railway Association, 431 South Dear- Steel reinforcing bar simplification. born Street, Chicago, 111. Signal section, H. S. Balliet, secretary, 30 Committee on Batteries. Vesey Street, New York, N. Y. American Railway Engineering Association, E. H. Yards and Terminals Committee. Fritch, secretary, 431 South Dearborn Street, Chicago, HI. American Shovel Institute, 909 Oliver Building, Shovel, spade, and scoop simplification. Pittsburgh, Pa. American Society for Municipal Improvements, Asphalt simplification. P. O. Box 234, Saint Petersburg, Fla. American Society for Steel Treating, 4600 Prospect Committee on Hardness Testing; Recommended Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio. Practice Committee; Subcommittee on Heat Treatment of Wrought Aluminum Alloys; com- mittee cooperative with War Department. 43157—27- BUREAU OF STANDARDS

Cooperating organizations—Continued

American Society for Testing Materials, C. L. Committees A-l on Steel; A-2 on Wrought Iron; A-3 Warwick, secretary-treasurer, 1315 Spruce Street, on Cast Iron; A-5, Corrosion of Iron and Steel; A-6, Philadelphia, Pa. Magnetic Properties; A-8, Magnetic Analysis; A-9 on Ferro-Alloys; B-l on Copper Wire; B-2 on Non- ferrous Metals; B-3 on Corrosion of Nonferrous Metals and Alloys; B-4, Heating Wires; C-l, Ce- ment; C-2, Reinforced Concrete; C-3, Brick; C-5, Fireproofing; C-6, Drain Tile; C-7, Lime; C-8, Subcommittee on Slagging; C-9, Concrete and Con- crete Aggregates: C-10, Hollow Masonry Building Units; Oil, Gypsum; D-l, Protective Coatings for Structural Materials: D-2, Petroleum Products and Lubricants; D-5, Coal and Coke; D-8, Bitu- minous Waterproofing and Roofing Materials; D-9, Electrical Insulating Materials; D-ll. Rubber Products; D-13, Textiles; D-14, Screen Wire Cloth: D-15, Thermometers; D-16, Slate; D-17, Naval Stores; E-l, Methods of Testing; E-4, Metallog- raphy; E-5, Standing Committees; E-8, Nomen- clature and Definitions; E-9, Correlation of Re- search. Research Committees on Yield Point of ; Effect of Tin and Arsenic on High-Speed Tool Steel. Simplification of grinding wheels. American Society of Civil Engineers, 33 West Joint Committee on Standard Specifications for Thirty-ninth Street, New York, N. Y. Concrete and Reinforced Concrete. Society of Mechanical Engineers, Committees on Instruments American | and Methods, Power Calvin W. Rice, secretary, 29 West Thirty-ninth Test Codes; Lubrication, Investigation of Under- Street, New York, N. Y. lying Scientific Laws of Lubrication. Special Research Committee on Cutting and of Metals; Refractories Committee; Safety Com- mittee; Special Research Committee on Metal Springs; Committee on Standardization in the Mechanical Industries; survey of opportunities for simplification. American Society of Refrigerating Engineers, 35 Research Committee, Refrigeration Problems. Warren Street, New York, N. Y. American Society of Safety Engineers (engineering Executive Committee; Committee on Electrical- section, National Safety Council), W. H. Cam- Hazards; Committee on Research, Standards, eron, general manager, 108 East Ohio Street, and Codes; Committee on Static (electricity) Chicago, Hi. Research. American Specification Insitute, Frank A. Landall Metal-lath simplification; sidewalk, floor, and roof chairman, 160 North La Salle Street, Chicago, light simplification. m. American Supply and Machinery Manufacturers File and rasp simplification; die head chaser simplifi- Association, F. D. Mitchell secretary-treasurer, cation. 1819 Broadway, New York, N. Y. American Vitrified China Manufacturers Associa- Chinaware simplification in general. tion, Wheeling, W. Va. American Warehousemen's Association, 545 Warehouse form simplification. Wabash Building, Pittsburgh, Pa. Asbestos Paper Manufacturers Association, 246 Asbestos paper and asbestos millboard simplification. North Seventeenth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Asphalt Association, The, 25 West Forty-third Asphalt simplification. Street, New York, N. Y. Associated General Contractors of America (Inc.), Steel reinforcing bars simplification. 1038 Munsey Building, Washington, D. C. Associated Industries of Massachusetts, O. L. Survey of opportunites for simplification. Stone, general manager, 950 Park Build- ing, Boston, Mass. Associated Metal Lath Manufacturers, care of Metal-lath simplification. Berger Manufacturing Co., Canton, Ohio. Association of Educational Buyers, The, Lincoln, Steel-locker simplification. Nebr. Association of Manufacturing Bank and Com- Bank checks, notes, and similar instruments simpli- mercial Stationers, C. Conradis, Colorado Build- fication. ing, Washington, D. C. Better Bedding Alliance of America, 440 South Hospital-bed simplification. Dearborn Street, Chicago, HI. Box Board Association, John R. Maufi, general Box board thickness semplification. manager, 400 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago, 111. Bricklayers, Masons, and Plasterers International Structural slate simplification. Union of America, Box 575, Indianapolis, Ind. Building Officials' Conference, Frank Burton, Simplification of construction materials in general. president, City Hall, Cambridge, Mass. California Manufacturers Association, 805 First Survey for simplification opportunities. National Building, Oakland, Calif. Cap Manufacturers Credit Association, Colorado Milk and cream bottie and bottle-cap simplification. Building, Washington, D. C. Central Supply Association, 1915 City Hall Square Brass lavatory and sink trap simplification. Building, Chicago, 111. COOPERATING ORGANIZATIONS 7

Cooperating organizations—Continued

Name and address of association Project

Chamber of Commerce of the United States, D. A. National Fire Waste Council; Simplified Practice Skinner, secretary, Washington, D. C. Planning Committee. Chemical Society of Washington Executive Committee. Chemical Warfare Service, United States Army... Advisory board. City of New York purchasing department, Munici- Steel reinforcing bar simplification. pal Building, New York, N. Y. Common Brick Manufacturers Association of Face brick and common brick simplification, strength America, Ralph P. Stoddard, secretary-manager, of brickwork. 2121 Guarantee Title Building, Cleveland, Ohio. Concrete Block Machinery Association, 530 Dublin Concrete building unit simplification. Avenue, Columbus, Ohio. Concrete Products Association, 542 Monadnock Do. Block, 53 West Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, 111. Consolidated Gas Co. of New York, W. Cullen Mechanical properties of cast-iron pipe. Morris, chief engineer, 130 East Fifteenth Street, New York, N. Y. Contracting Sheet Metal and Roofers Association, Sheet-steel simplification. Twelfth and Breckenridge Street, Louisville, Ky. Copper and Brass Research Association, George A. Copper roofing. Sloan, secretary, 25 Broadway, New York, N. Y. The Cordage Institute, J. E. McDaniel, secretary, Methods of socketing manila rope. 350 Madison Avenue, New York, N. Y. Cotton Duck Association, 290 Broadway, New Cotton-duck simplification. York, N. Y. Department of architecture, State of New York, Steel-locker simplification. Albany, N. Y. Department of Commerce Committee on Pan American Standardization. Desk Manufacturers Association, J. Arthur Whit- Cut tacks and small cut nail simplification. worth, manager, 801 Michigan Trust Co. Build- ing, Grand Rapids, Mich. District of Columbia Building Code, Col. John W. Advisory Committee on Building Code. Oehmann, chairman, District Building, Wash- ington, D. C. Eastern Association of Electrical Inspectors, E. P. Program Committee. Slack, secretary, 85 John Street, New York, N. Y. Eastern Supply Association, 261 Broadway, New Range-boiler simplification; hot water storage tank York, N. Y. simplification. Electrical Safety Conference, R. B. Shepard, secre- Committee on Inclosed Switches; Committee on tary, 109 Leonard Street, New York, N. Y. Industrial Controllers. Employing Book Binders Association of America, Paper simplification. 141 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Federal Purchasing Board Federal purchasing policies. Federal Specifications Board Federal purchase specifications. Folding Box Manufacturers National Association, Box board thickness simplification. H. A. Dickie, secretary, 19 West Forty-fourth Street, New York, N. Y. Forged Tool Society, Pittsburgh, Pa Forged-tool simplification. Gas Products Association, J. M. Cameron, secre- Committee on Threads on Cutting and Weld- tary-treasurer, 140 South Dearborn Street, Chi- ing Torches. cago, 111 General Federation of Women's Clubs, 1734 N Bed-blanket simplification. Street NW, Washington, D. C. Glass Container Association, I. G. Jennings, busi- Milk and cream bottle and bottle-cap simplification. ness manager, 22 East Seventy-fifth Street, New York, N. Y. Manufacturers' Association of Grinding-wheel simplification. United States and Canada, Frank R. Henry, secretary, care of A. A. Simmonds-Dayton Co., North Summit Street and Negley Place, Day- ton, Ohio. The Gypsum Industries, H. H. McDonald, secre- Technical Problems Committee. tary, 844 Rush Street, Chicago, 111. Hollow Building Tile Association, J. S. Sleeper, Fire tests of hollow tile; hollow building tile sim- secretary, Conway Building, Chicago, 111. plification; strength of hollow-tile walls. Hollow Metal Door and Trim Manufacturers Builder's hardware simplification. Association, 648 Union Trust Building, Cleve- land, Ohio. Hospital Bureau of Standards and Supplies, 171 Steel-locker simplification. Madison Avenue, New York, N. Y. Illuminating Engineering Society, L. H. Graves, Council; Committee on Lighting Legislation; Mem- secretary, 29 West Thirty-ninth Street, New bership Committee; Committee on Motor Vehicle York, N. Y. Lighting v Committee on Nomenclature and Stand- ards; Committee on Papers; Committee on Street Lighting. Institute of Radio Engineers, A. N. Goldsmith, Board of Direction Standardization Committee. secretary, 37 West Thirty-ninth Street, New York, N. Y. Institute of Tack and Nail Manufacturers, H. W. Cut tack and small cut nail simplification. Acton, secretary, 28 West Forty-fourth Street, New York, N. Y. 8 BUREAU OF STANDARDS

Cooperating organizations—Continued

Name and address of association Project

Interdepartment Radio Advisory Committee, Advice on radio research. W. A. Downey, secretary, Bureau of Naviga- tion, Department of Commerce. International Acetylene Association, A. Cressy Committee on Screw Threads on Cutting and Weld- Morrison, secretary-treasurer, 30 East Forty- ing Torches. second Street, New York, N. Y. International Annual Tables of Constants and Numerical Data of Physics, Chemistry, and Technology, 7 Rue de Badneux, Paris, France. International Association of Master House Painters Paint and varnish brush simplification. and Decorators of United States and Canada, 210 East Third Street, Waterloo, Iowa. International Association of Municipal Elec- Committee on Standardization. tricians, Edwin H. Benz, secretary, West New York, N.J. International Astronomical Union Wave Length Commission. International Commission on Illumination.. United States National Committee, E. C. Crittenden, secretary-treasurer, Bureau of Standards, Washington, D. C. International Congress of Photography for 1927 International Critical Tables, National Research Council, 29 West Thirty-ninth Street, New York, N. Y. Editorial Board of International Critical Tables of Numerical Data of Physics, Chem- istry, and Technology. International Electrotechnical Commission Advisory Committee of National Committee; lamp United States National Committee, F. V. sockets and bases; oils; rules and regulations for Magalhaes, secretary, 708 First Avenue, transmission fines; standard voltages; symbols. New York, N. Y. International Milk Dealers Association, Room 607, Milk and cream bottle and bottle-cap simplification. 139 North Clark Street, Chicago, 111. International Railway Fuel Association, 702 East Commerical purchase form simplification; shovel, Thirty-first Street, Chicago, 111. spade, and scoop simplification. International Union of Pure and Applied Chem- Committee on Physico-Chemical Standards. istry, 49 Rue des Mathurins, Paris, France. International Union of Pure and Applied Physics. Executive Committee. International Union of Scientific Radio Tele- Committee on Methods of Measurements and graphy, American Section, J. H. Dellinger, Standards. technical secretary, Bureau of Standards, Washington, D. C. Joint Committee of the Interdepartmental Con- ference on Chemical Lime and the Committee on Lime of the A. S. T. M. Joint Committee on Investigation of Sulphur and Phosphorus in Steel. Joint Research Committee of American Society of Committee on Effect of Temperature on the Proper- Mechanical Engineers and American Society for ties. Testing Materials. Journal of the Franklin Institute, Philadelphia, Technical editorial aid. Pa. Journal of the Optical Society of America and Do. Review of Scientific Instruments. Linde Air Products Co., G. O. Carter, consulting Compressive strength of portions of riveted and engineer, 30 East Forty-second Street, New welded roof trusses. York, N. Y. Lowell Observatory, Flagstaff, Ariz Radiometric investigation of celestial bodies. Manufacturers' Association of Washington, Survey for simplification opportunities. Clancey M. Lewis, manager, tenth floor, Arctic Building, Seattle, Wash. Metallic Bedstead and Supply Manufacturers Al- Bed, spring, and mattress simplification. liance, 41 Park Row, New York, N. Y. Millinery Jobbers' Association, 308 North Michi- Box board thickness simplification. gan Avenue, Chicago, 111. Mount Wilson Observatory, Pasadena, Calif Temperature classification of spectral lines. National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D. C. National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics Materials Committee. National Aeronautic Association, Donald Douglas, Contest Committee. secretary, 1023 H Street, NW, Washington, D. C. National Association of Book Publishers, 334 Paper simplification. Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. National Association of Builders Exchanges, Earl Building material simplification in general. F. Stokes, executive secretary, 15 East Fayette Street, Baltimore, Md. National Association of Building Trades Em- Do. ployers, A. W. Dickson, executive secretary, 49C0 Euclid Avenue Cleveland, Ohio. COOPERATING ORGANIZATIONS 9

Cooperating organizations—Continued

Name and address of association Project

National Association of Certified Public Account- Commercial purchase form simplification. ants, 945 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, D. C. National Association of Cotton Manufacturers, Bed blanket simplification; cotton-duck simplifica- 80 Federal Street, Boston, Mass. tion. National Association of Credit Men, 41 Park Row, Commercial purchase-form simplification. New York, N. Y. National Association of Employing Lithographers, Paper simplification. 104 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. National Association of Farm Equipment Manu- Plow-bolt simplification. facturers, 608 South Dearborn Street, Chicago, 111. National Association of Master Plumbers of the Simplification of plumbing supplies in general. United States, 1260 Book Building, Detroit, Mich. National Association of Purchasing Agents, W. L. Simplified Practice Planning Committee; warehouse Chandler, secretary, 19 Park Place, New York, form simplification; commercial form simplifica- N. Y. tion; classification of iron and steel scrap simplifica- tion. National Association of Real Estate Boards, 1418 Face brick and common brick simplification. Consumers Building, Chicago, 111. National Association of Retail Grocers, H. C. Paper grocers' bags, simplification. Balsiger, secretary, 601 Bumbel Building, Kansas City, Mo. National Association of Sheet Metal Contractors, Sheet steel simplification; eavestrough, and con- 608 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. ductor pipe simplification. National Association of Sheet and Tin Plate Sheet-steel simplification. Manufacturers, 421 Oliver Building, Pittsburgh, Pa. National Association of Steel Office Furniture Intensity and duration of fires; steel-locker simplifica- Manufacturers, J. D. M. Phillips, secretary, tion. Union Trust Building, Cleveland, Ohio. National Association of Wool Manufacturers, 50 Bed-blanket simplification. State Street, Boston, Mass. National Bottle Manufacturers Association of the Milk and cream bottle and bottle-cap simplification. United States, 19 West Forty-fourth Street, New York, N. Y. National Builders' Supply Association, 1639 North Building-material simplification in general. Meridian Street, Indianapolis, Ind. National Container Association, G. R. Browder, Box board thickness simplification. general manager, 608 South Dearborn Street, Chicago, 111. National Education Association, 1201 Sixteenth Blaekboard-slate simplification. Street NW., Washington, D. C. National Federation of Implement Dealers Asso- Woven wire fencing simplification; plow-bolt simpli- ciation, Abilene, Kans. fication. National Fence Manufacturers Institute, Oliver Woven wire fencing simplification. Building, Pittsburgh, Pa. National Fire Protection Association, F. W. Went- Committee on Gases; Committee on Hydrants, worth, secretary, 40 Central Street, Boston, Mass. Valves, and Pipe Fittings; Committee on Build- ing Construction and Protection of Records. National Hardware Association of the United Simplification of hardware items in general. States, 505 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa. National Lumber Manufacturers Association, Lumber simplification. Transportation Building, Washington, D. C. National Builders Association, E. F. Die head chaser simplification. Du Brul, general manager, 817 Provident Bank Building, Cincinnati, Ohio. National Paper Box Manufacturers Association, Box board thickness simplification. Frank S. Records, executive secretary, 112 North Broad Street, Philadelphia, Pa.. National Paper Trade Association, W. C. Rid?- Paper simplification in general. way, secretary, 41 Park Row, New York, N. Y. National Paving Brick Manufacturers Association, Paving-brick simplification. Engineers Building, Cleveland, Ohio. National Pipe and Supplies Association, George D. Range boiler and expansion tank simplification; hot Mcllvaine, secretary, 909 Oliver Building, Pitts- water storage tank simplification. burgh, Pa. National Publishers Association, 15 West Thirty- Paper simplification. seventh Street, New York, N. Y. National Research Council, Vernon Kellogg, secre- Committees on Apparatus Makers and Users, Color tary, 2101 B Street, Washington, D. C. Standards and Colorimetric Essays, Corrosion, Alloy Research; Executive Committee; Commit- tee on Heat Transmission, Critical Survey of Heat Transfer Data; Committee for Improvement of Methods for Measuring Gravity; Committee on Insulation; Advisory Committee on Fatigue Phe- nomena of Metals; Committee on Structure of Line Spectra; Highway Research Board, Executive Committee; Division of Chemistry and Chemical


Cooperating organizations—Continued

Name and address of association Project

National Restaurant Association, 1115 Walnut Cafeteria and restaurant chinaware simplification. Street, Kansas City, Mo. National Retail Dry Goods Association, Edwin A. Bed-blanket simplification. Gooley, chairman, Supply Control Corner, 225 West Thirty-fourth Street, New York, N. Y. National Retail Hardware Association, Herbert P. Simplification of hardware items in general. Sheets, secretary-treasurer, 915 Meyer-Baser Bank Building, Indianapolis, Ind. National Retail Lumber Dealers Association, 820 Lumber simplification. Railway Exchange Building, Chicago, 111. National School Supply Association, T. W. Vinson, Blackboard-slate simplification; steel-locker simplifi- executive secretary, 53 West Jackson Boulevard, cation. Chicago, HI. National Commission, H. W. Plow-bolt simplification. Bearce, secretary, Bureau of Standards, Wash- ington, D. C. National Slate Association, W. S. Havs, secretary, Structural slate simplification; roofing-slate simplifi- 791 Drexel Building, Philadelphia, Pa. cation; blackboard-slate simplification. National Supply and Machinery Dealers Associa- File and rasp simplification; forged-tool simplifica- tion, 505 Arch Street, Philadelphia. Pa. tion. National Supply and Machinery Distributors As- Simplified practice planning committee; die head sociation, George A. Fernley, secretary, 505 Arch chaser simplification. Street, Philadelphia, Pa. National Trade Extension Bureau, 403 Mercantile Simplification of plumbing materials in general. Bank Building, Evansville, Ind. National Varnish Manufacturers Association, G. Steel barrel and drum simplification. B. Heckel, secretary, 509 The Bourse, Philadel- phia, Pa. National Wholesale Dry Goods Association, Bed-blanket simplification. George A. Fernley, secretary, 505 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Natural Gas Association of America, 905 Oliver Committees on Gas Measurement, Determination of Building, Pittsburgh, Pa. Gasoline in Natural Gas, Measurements. Operative Plasterers' and Cement Finishers' Inter- Metal-lath simplification. national Association, 401 Castell Building, Mid- dletown, Ohio. Optical Society of America, Prof. C. C. Bidwell, Committees on Colorimetry, Photography and secretary, Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. Photochemistry, Physical Optics, Physiological Optics, Radiometry and Photometry, Photo- graphic Standard of Intensity; Progress Committee on Optical Glass. Paint Manufacturers Association of United States, Steel barrel and drum simplification; paint and var- G. B. Heckel, secretary, 509 The Bourse, Phila- nish brush simplification. delphia, Pa. Pennsylvania Railroad System, operating depart- Steel-locker simplification. ment, Philadelphia, Pa. Physical Review Editorial board. Portland Cement Association, 111 West Washing- Concrete building unit simplification. ton Street, Chicago, 111. Presidents Interdepartmental Patents Board Patents. Radiological Society of North America Standardization Committee. Rail Steel Products Association, Franklin, Pa Steel reinforcing bars simplification. Railway Accounting Officers Association, E. R. Commercial form simplification; bank checks, notes, Woodson, secretary, 1116 Woodward Building, drafts, and similar instruments simplification. Washington, D. C. Railway Treasury Officers Association, E. L. Ros- Bank checks, notes, drafts, and similar instruments siter, chairman, Committee on Treasury Depart- simplification. ment Forms, 468 Lexington Avenue, New York, N. Y. J. Education; sand-lime brick simplifi- Sand-Lime Brick Association, Morley Zander, j Committee on Saginaw, Mich. cation. Screw Machine Products Association, The Eastern Die head chaser simplification. Machine Screw Corporation, Truman and Bar- clay Streets, Box 1589, New Haven, Conn. Sheet Metal Contractors Association, W. C. Sheet steel simplification; eavestrough, and con- Markle, secretary, 336 Fourth Avenue, Pitts- ductor pipe simplification; terneplate simplifica- burgh, Pa. tion. Sheet Steel Trade Extension Committee, G. L. Roofing materials, sheet steel garages. Bennett, director, Building Trades Extension, Oliver Building, Pittsburgh, Pa. Society of Automotive Engineers, C. F. Clarkson, Standards Committee, storage and battery division; general manager, 29 West Thirty-ninth Street, Committee on Upholstery Leather Substitutes. New York, N. Y. Southern Furniture Manufacturers Association, Bed, spring, and mattress simplification. High Point, N. C. Southern Hardware Jobbers Association, John Simplification of hardware in general. Donnan, secretary, American National Bank Building, Richmond, Va.

Southern Pine Association, Shreveport, La ; Lumber simplification. COOPEKATING ORGANIZATIONS 11

Cooperating organizations—Continued

Name and address of association Project

Southern Supply and Machinery Dealers Asso- Steel and machinery supply simplification in general. ciation, Alvin M. Smith, secretary-treasurer, care of Smith-Courtney Co., Richmond, Va. Southern Wholesale Dry Goods Association, Rich- Bed-blanket simplification. mond, Va. Steel Barrel Manufacturers Institute, 428 Bulkley Steel barrel and drum simplification. Building, Cleveland, Ohio. Structural Service Bureau, 112 South Sixteenth Structural-slate simplification; roofing-slate simplifi- Street, Philadelphia, Pa. cation. The Institute, Herbert Blake, secre- Threads, taps, and dies. tary, 150 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper In- Paper Testing Committee. dustry, 18 East Forty-first Street, New York, N. Y. Tile and Mantel Contractors Association of Structural-slate simplification. America, The, 9 Ely Street, Rochester, N. Y. Tissue Paper Manufacturers Association, E. H. Tissue-paper simplification. Naylor, secretary-treasurer, 44 Vernon Street, Springfield, Mass. Underwriters' Laboratories, Dana Pierce, presi- Fire council. dent, 207 East Ohio Street, Chicago, 111. United Roofing Contractors Association, 102 Roofing-slate simplification. North Wells Street, Chicago, 111. United Slate, Tile, and Composition Roofers, Do. Damp and Waterproof Workers Association, 1235 Monterey Street, N. S., Pittsburgh, Pa. United Typothetae of America, William John Paper simplification; bank checks, notes, drafts, Eynon, chairman, Standardization Committee, and similar instruments simplification 600 West Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, 111. University of Illinois, department of mechanical -cutter simplification; grinding-wheel simpli- engineering, Urbana, 111. fication. University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebr Magnetic separation of spectral lines. University of Nebraska, purchasing department, Steel-locker simplification. Omaha, Nebr. Vehicle Wheel Manufacturers Conference of the Plow-bolt simplification. United States (eastern division), care of Phineas Jones & Co., Newark, N. J. Washington Academy of Sciences Wisconsin Railroad and Industrial Commissions. _ Advisory Committee on Wisconsin State Electrical Code. Wood, Wire, and Metal Lathers' International Metal-lath simplification. Union, Superior Building, Cleveland, Ohio. Young Men's Christian Association (national Steel-locker simplification. council), 347 Madison Avenue, New York, N. Y. Young Women's Christian Association (national Do. board), 600 Lexington Avenue, New York, N. Y.

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