HAVE GERMAN WILL TRAVEL rh·1s wee k ·m Histor FAMOUS EVENTS: What happened on ... ? Was ist am 9. November 1989 geschehen? world-renown mu released simultaneously at five points, allmving these "sym seums, has been bols of hope for a world ,virhout walls" to gently glide into reconstrncted in the freedom of the night sky. Artist Ben Wagin's project -- a spectacular way. "Mauer keine Dauer" (VVall - no duration) will re-create Star architect David Chipperfield transformed the "Neu~s the Wall with office files, symbolizing its origin as an idea Museum," home of famous Nefertiti, into a Lmique blend developed in the offices of the East Berlin regime. In an of old ~d new, praised as an architectural masterpiece. other project called "Widerstandsrdume: Friedliche Revolu Others _like the Pergamon Museum are still undergoing tion" (places of opposition, peaceful revolution), there will renovation, and a new building being added as a visitor be panels, church services, and exhibitions throughout the center and underground connect.ion. year in East Berlin's Zion Church, which had played an The Gendarmenmarkt, considered one of the most important role as a safe meeting place for the dissenters. beautiful architectural ensembles in Europe, has been re So much has changed that tourists may quickly be at a loss stored to its former splendor, and the poor, run-down where to go first: Potsdamer Platz, the busiest traffic circle in areas of Kreuzberg, Prenzlauer Berg, and Friedrichshain Europe 199 years ago but turned into a wasteland in 1945, - ~ove~ty having prevented the architectural eye sores of untouched for decades, is now a showcase of glass-fronted umnsp1red post-war buildings - regained their turn-of high-rises bordering tl1e Sony Center, a huge white tent-like the century beauty and are now sought-after ne.igl1bor structure in the middle, colorfully illuminated at night.
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