
Hardy vines are rewarding to grow, providing you with fresh fruit for eating, juice or making year after year. They are also a fast-growing vine for privacy screens.

Growing Tips -Plant in a warm, sunny location with a southern exposure -Well-drained soil is required -At planting time, apply Pro-Mix Root Booster fertilizer (5-15-5) and incorporate organic matter (such as Sea Soil or Hop compost) into the soil -Amend the soil with organic matter each year; additional fertilizer should not be applied unless plants appear deficient of nutrients. Overfertilizing results in lush excessive foliar growth at the expense of fruit production

Pruning -Annual pruning is required for optimal fruit production -Major (structural) pruning is done in late winter or early spring, before bud break (usually March) Year 1 -Do not prune the first year after planting

Year 2 -In March, remove all stems except the sturdiest one - train this vertically -In summer, once the main stem reaches the top of your support, pinch it back to a node to force side shoots (normally pinched at about 5 feet) 1st March

Year 3 Fruiting Cane -In March, select the two strongest side shoots (canes), which should Renewal Spur have at least 15-20 buds -Select canes that are as close to the head (top of the main trunk) as possible 2nd March -Also select two strong canes near the head and reduce them to 2 buds - this will become a renewal spur which will develop new fruiting canes -Remove all other canes and growth except the two strongest canes you selected. Train these canes horizontally along your support

780-467-7557 [email protected] Year 4 -The vine is now trained, and you will simply repeat the following procedure each year to ensure optimal fruit production -In March, remove all growth from the previous season except for your strongest fruiting canes, leaving 15-20 buds on each cane -Also leave two renewal spurs with 2 buds each

Pest Control -Aphids and leafhoppers are the most common pests for grapes -Apply horticultural oil each fall and spring (while vines are dormant) for control -Doktor Doom Botanics can be used to for spot control of aphids during the growing season -Always follow label directions when using pesticide products

Recommended Varieties -Beta: hardy and vigorous; high producer. Blue-black, tart fruit, excellent for jams, jellies and juices. -Emerald Ice: large, bright green fruit with high sugar content; excellent for fresh eating. -: black fruit ideal for wine-making, particularly red, rose and port. Also good for fresh eating. -Frontenac Gris: pink-red fruit, fantastic for fresh eating, dessert and ice wines. -La Crescent: pale golden-green fruit, ideal for white wine. -: dark purple fruit with high sugar content, suitable for fresh eating and red wine. -Valiant: the most proven northern variety; versatile blue-black fruit excellent for fresh eating, jams, juices, and wine-making.

780-467-7557 [email protected]