KaleidoSoul Recommended Resources For SoulCollagers

Volume 1: BOOKS & MOVIES

Compiled by Anne Marie Bennett, SoulCollage® Facilitator & Facilitator Trainer, Massachusetts, New England, the Internet, & Beyond www.KaleidoSoul.com Resources for SoulCollagers: Books & Movies from KaleidoSoul.com

KaleidoSoul Resources for SoulCollagers- Volume 1: Books, Movies & TV , copyright 2010 by Anne Marie Bennett. All rights reserved. Please do not copy, forward, give away or reproduce this material in any manner without written permission from the author.

Hundreds of hours (and much creative energy) were devoted to the creation of this e-book. Your purchase supports the continuing efforts of KaleidoSoul.com in its mission to make SoulCollage® available to people around the world. To give feedback or to contact the author, please email [email protected]

SoulCollage® is a trademarked process, created by Seena Frost. For more information about Seena, SoulCollage®, and Facilitator Trainings, please visit www.SoulCollage.com .

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2 Resources for SoulCollagers: Books & Movies from KaleidoSoul.com


I really love my dual roles as Editor and Writer of Treasures , the KaleidoSoul Kindred Spirits Members’ Newsletter. And one of my favorite jobs in those roles is seeking out resources for SoulCollagers to enhance their practice.

It’s a pleasure to stumble across a movie or book that I know will resonate with you. Films take on new meaning for me when I watch them now, in the light of the many facets of SoulCollage®. And books… well, say no more! I am a voracious reader, and really enjoy sharing my favorites and my finds with you in this genre as well.

It’s true that each of the resources included in this e-book have appeared in a previous issue of Soul Treasures already. My hope in compiling them into this one volume is that you can keep it on your shelf or in your computer as a permanent colossal SoulCollage® reference.

Several of the categories overlap, so please be sure to look at all of your favorites!

Thank you so much for your interest in our KaleidoSoul e-books. May these books and movies serve to enhance your SoulCollage® practice for many years to come.

Peace, joy and blessings,

Anne Marie Bennett Beverly, MA December 2010

P.S. If you have additional books and movies you’d like to share with us, please send an email to [email protected] and be sure to put “SoulCollage Resources” in the header.

3 Resources for SoulCollagers: Books & Movies from KaleidoSoul.com

Table of Contents Books

Body Image/Relationship with Food 6

Chakras 9

Children/Picture Books 10

Committee Suit/Inner Voices 11

Community Suit/Relationships 14

Companions Suit/Animals/Nature 16

Council Suit/Archetypes 21

Creativity/Self-Expression 26

Dreams 40

Fiction 41

Grief, Death, Dying 58

Intuition 60

Journaling/Writing 61

Just For Fun 63

Memoir/Biography 65

4 Resources for SoulCollagers: Books & Movies from KaleidoSoul.com Miscellaneous 67

Personal Growth/Authenticity 71

Poetry/Quotations/Readings 90

Shadow 93

Spirituality 95

Stress Relief//Retreats 106

Travel 110

Women Only 111


Comedy 122

Documentary 125

Drama 126

Holidays 140

TV 141

Hard to Classify 142

Editor’s Note: I hereby verify that all links are valid and working properly, as of December 22, 2010. If you find that a link is broken, please let me know as soon as possible so I can update this e-book for future releases. --- Anne Marie Bennett

5 Resources for SoulCollagers: Books & Movies from KaleidoSoul.com


Body Image/Relationship with Food

365 Energy Boosters , by Susannah Seton and Sondra Kornblatt. This absolutely yummy book feels "just right" in my hands and every page has one simple idea/activity that will keep you energized and motivated all year long. Some of the activities are physical, and some are more mind-oriented, but all are designed to boost your energy level as well as your morale.

Body Prayers: Finding Body Peace , by Rebecca Ruggles Radcliffe. Subtitled, "A Journey of Self-Acceptance," this slim volume will help you on your own journey of self-acceptance. Includes a section of short daily readings, as well as many prayers, poems and affirmations on the topic of making peace with our bodies.

Divining the Body , by Jan Phillips. Beautifully written and presented, by the author of the book Marry Your Muse. I'm slowly reading and savoring this book, which promises to help you "reclaim the holiness of your physical self." There's a chapter on each part of the body, including: feet, legs, hand, generative organs, belly, heart, breasts, throat, ears, eyes, and brain. Also each chapter includes practical exercises and to bring that part of the body into our consciousness more fully and with sacred reverence. This book is really helping me on my journey towards self-love and self-acceptance.

Eating the Moment , by Pavel Somov, Ph.D. Quick, enjoyable to read, full of creative exercises and insightful text. Learn original exercises to help you learn about your palates and manage your appetites.

Feeding the Hungry Heart , by Geneen Roth. This is the first Geneen Roth book I ever read and it holds a place of honor on my own bookshelf. She talks about compulsive eating in a way that is completely honest and believable. Her work offers solutions for those of us who struggle with this on a daily basis.

6 Resources for SoulCollagers: Books & Movies from KaleidoSoul.com

Fit From Within , by Victoria Moran. Through personal experience, the author has found that maintaining weight loss is more about honesty and courage than counting carbs. In this book she presents a body-mind-spirit approach to losing weight, showing how to find self-acceptance and break the blame cycle that surrounds "forbidden foods." Start living your life today with this beautiful book.

A Grateful Heart , edited by M. Ryan. Daily blessings for the evening meal, from Buddha to the Beatles. I've never seen a book of meal blessings like this one, but I love it dearly and have used mine well.

The Healing Secrets of Food , by Deborah Kesten. A Practical Guide for Nourishing Body, Mind, and Soul. Did you know that most cultures have a sacred, spiritual regard toward eating? It seems that many of us (myself included) have forgotten this vital connection in our daily busy-ness and struggles. Deborah’s book brings us back to the serious belief that our food is not simply physical things but substances that are intimately connected with our mind and consciousness.

Healthy Living From The Inside Out: Every Woman's Guide to Real Beauty, Renewed Energy, and a Radiant Life , by Mariel Hemingway. I heard this book mentioned on a talk show and immediately checked it out of the library. Just a few pages in, I ordered myself my own copy. Hemingway focuses on four main themes to renew our inner and outer lives: food, movement, silence, and home. It is immensely readable, and more important than that, it is immensely practical and do-able. Also available on CD .

The Intuitive Healer , by Marcia Emery, PhD. Subtitled Accessing Your Inner Physician , this book shows us how to unlock our inner powers of health and healing by harnessing the wisdom of our intuition. Forward by Carolyn Myss.

Life Without Ed , by Jenni Schaefer. Absolutely riveting. I highly recommend this if you have an eating disorder of any kind. Jenni learns to treat her eating disorder (Ed) as a relationship instead of a condition, which enables her to "break up" with Ed once for and all. This book is highly readable because it is written in very short chapters, each one an essay about how she learned to divorce her eating disorder. Also, if you visit this page , you can listen to two songs that Jenni wrote about this topic: It's Okay to Be Happy and Life Without Ed.

7 Resources for SoulCollagers: Books & Movies from KaleidoSoul.com Living Beauty , by Bobbi Brown. Finally, a book on how to look beautiful, written specifically for women over 40! With beautiful photos and helpful information about make-up, moisturizers and more. Also wonderful words of wisdom from older women we know and admire for their commitment to letting their INNER beauty inform their OUTER beauty: Susan Sarandon, Vera Wang, Lorraine Bracco, Rita Wilson, and many more.

Praying with Body and Soul , by Jane E. Vennard. Subtitled, A Way to Intimacy with God , this book is all of that and so much more. Includes chapters such as: Praying When Our Bodies Betray Us… Humor, Laughter and Playful Prayer… Praying with our Imaginations… Our Many Selves Guide Us in Prayer… Action Prayers: Work, Service, Justice and Care of the Earth.

Spirit in Action , by Irene Lamberti. Subtitle: Moving Meditations for Peace, Insight, and Personal Power . Contains photos with easy-to-follow, step-by-step movements that illustrate an exciting new kind of mind-body practice: moving meditations that give added physical power to our prayers. The author is a chiropractor and a teacher of workshops on embodied prayer. She draws on ancient, universal principles of sacred dance to create exercises that promote awareness and divine connections.

Weight Wisdom: Affirmations to Free You From Food and Body Concerns , by Kathleen Burns Kingsbury and Mary Ellen Williams. I found this book invaluable in helping me to change my relationship with food, and on the journey of accepting (and loving!) my body exactly as it is.

The Woman’s Belly Book , by Lisa Sarasohn. Finding Your True Center for More Energy, Confidence, and Pleasure. This wise yet practical book is all about trusting our “guts” and reclaiming the wisdom of our bellies. If you struggle with loving your belly, or any other part of your body, you will find this book helpful in bringing you back to self-acceptance and a healthier body image.

Women, Food and God , by Geneen Roth. An Unexpected Path to Almost Everything . This is Geneen's newest book and in my humble opinion, her very best work. If you have ever struggled with compulsive eating, or any other kind of eating disorder, this book will be a light in your darkness. There is a whole lot of good stuff here about how (and I mean, specifically how ) to be in our bodies. I have read this all the way through once and plan to read it again and again and again.

8 Resources for SoulCollagers: Books & Movies from KaleidoSoul.com


Chakra Clearing , by Doreen Virtue. This small, colorful book is powerfully packed with many visualizations and meditations to help you effectively balance your chakras. Written informatively, concisely and imaginatively, it really helped me to understand the connection between and among all of my chakras. Excellent resource for any SoulCollager who is working with the Companions Suit. Includes a CD with morning and evening meditations that are very helpful.

Chakra Healing Goddess Meditation - This 30 minute audio meditation guides you on a creative journey to cleanse your chakras, heal your body, and feel gorgeous all over. Use this meditation when you:

• are feeling out-of-sorts or really, really depleted • needing a burst of energy and replenishment • are in need of healing • are feeling sick or run down • want to keep all your chakras in beautiful clear order • need to feel clearer, happier and shinier • want some extra support as you are healing.

Sevenfold Journey , by Selene Vega and Anodea Judith. Lots of easy-to-follow information on each of the chakras. Also includes postures, dance moves, journaling exercises, and other ideas to help you open, heal, balance, and get in touch with all of your chakras.

Wheels of Light , by Rosalyn Bruyere. This book explores the seven chakras of the body with particular focus on the first chakra, which has to do basic life force. Drawing on scientific research, Native American culture, the ancient traditions of the Egyptians and Greeks, the philosophies of the Hindus, and the religions of the East, the author presents a unique perspective on the value and healing potential of the chakra system.

OTE: There are more great resources on the chakras in the KaleidoSoul ecourse: All Things Wise and Wonderful .

9 Resources for SoulCollagers: Books & Movies from KaleidoSoul.com Children/Picture Books

The Blessing of the Beasts , by Ethel Pochocki. Engravings by Barry Moser. Enchanting, down- to-earth story of two "lesser" animal friends, a skunk and a cockroach, who attend the "Blessing of the Animals" service at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine in New York City. It is a metaphor, of course, and one we can all relate to. Read it and see if your heart doesn't smile just a little.

Have You Filled a Bucket Today? , by Carol McCloud. This is a children's book that is perfect for adults too. Might even inspire a SoulCollage® card! The concept is simple: every person in the world is born with an invisible "bucket." This bucket represents our mental and emotional health. We are responsible for filling each others' buckets with kind words, smiles, hugs, affirming thoughts and honest love. This book shows children this simple concept in the form of a beautiful story with words and very colorful images.

I'm in Charge of Celebrations , by Byrd Baylor. You'll find this book on the children's shelf but there's something for us "grown-ups" here as well. It's about a little girl who makes up her own celebration days, and gives each special day a special name. "Last year I gave myself one hundred and eight celebrations- besides the ones that they close school for." This enchanting book has made me look at my days a little bit differently. And I wonder what would happen if we all made this a practice ourselves!

Ish , by Peter H Reynolds. This is a delightful little children's book that speaks to the heart of people who are afraid they aren't creative. Little Ramon loves to draw but his big brother is very critical of his artwork, so he throws his pictures away. Then his big sister comes along and hangs all of his crumpled up drawings around her room because she loves them. She tells him that it doesn't matter if something doesn't look exactly like it's supposed to, as long as it's ISH. As long as a dog looks doggish, a flower looks flowerish, a star looks starrish... it's all good. Excellent for adults as well as children!

Many Moons , by James Thurber. A children's picture book from 1943, but a timeless story of how the answers for all of life's many questions are already inside of us.

The Other Way To Listen , by Byrd Baylor. An old man shows a young girl "the other way to listen" in this delightful children's book that has universal truth and messages for all of us. This old man can hear wildflower seeds bursting open, rocks murmuring to one another, and the hills singing. The young girl wants to learn how to listen like this as well, and he begins to teach her. I wonder what would happen if we all listened in this "other way."

10 Resources for SoulCollagers: Books & Movies from KaleidoSoul.com

The Quiltmaker's Gift , by Jeff Brumbeau and Gail de Marcken. This is one of the most beautiful children’s picture books/stories I’ve ever seen, and since I taught 2nd grade for several years and spent a couple of years working in a book store, I can tell you I’ve seen a LOT of children’s books! The story is about a spoiled and selfish king who cannot get enough gifts from the people of his kingdom, and a generous quilt maker with magic in her fingers, who makes beautiful quilts and gives them away. Watch what happens when he tries to make her give him one of her quilts! A beautiful fable for young and old alike. See also the book’s website .

The Quiltmaker's Journey , by Jeff Brumbeau and Gail de Marcken. This was written after The Quilt Maker’s Gift (see above), but tells the story of how the Quilt Maker’s early years and how she came to know that making quilts (and making others happy) was her own special gift. Absolutely delightful!

Committee Suit/Inner Voices

Be Happy Without Being Perfect , by Alice D. Domar. This lovely book is "perfect" for anyone whose inner perfectionist tends to run the show, like mine. Alice points out several different areas where perfectionism can run amuck and then gives us valuable and do-able ideas for ways we can learn to live without the fear of failure.

Becoming Real: Defeating the Stories We Tell Ourselves That Hold Us Back , by Gail Saltz. We all tell ourselves "stories" about our lives that simply are not true. The stories are perpetuated by all those inner voices who entice us to buy into their stories. This book helps us to get past those stories and closer to our authentic selves.

The Book of Qualities by J. Ruth Gendler. An insightful, whimsical exploration of the rich diversity of human qualities. You just might be inspired to create a few more Committee cards for your SoulCollage deck!

The Care and Feeding of Perfectionists , by Cynthia Curnan. I identify very strongly with the inner committee part known as the perfectionist. This book delves deeply into this universal personality part. Very, very helpful and easy to read (in other words, it is not written in psychology mumbo-jumbo.) Note: This book is out of print, BUT many used copies are available at Amazon by clicking on the title link at the beginning of this paragraph.

11 Resources for SoulCollagers: Books & Movies from KaleidoSoul.com

Contentment: A Way to True Happiness , by Robert A. Johnson and Jerry M. Ruhl. This is a slim book, but it is packed with wisdom and plain simple truth. It will guide you slowly inward and towards a true understanding of lasting contentment.

The Dark Side of the Light Chasers , by Debbie Ford. This is one of the best books I've found that lovingly and fully describes our shadow parts. It gives practical, easy-to-understand examples and ideas of how to incorporate our dark parts into our light-full selves.

Embracing Your Inner Critic by Hal Stone. My therapist told me about this book, and it has made a huge difference in helping me to accept "Ethel" my own inner critic. Lots of practical examples and exercises for opening dialogue with our inner critics and understanding why they are the way they are.

Forget Perfect , by Lisa Earle. This engaging book reminds women of the wonderful life choices they have already made, and helps them to figure out where they want to go from here. It offers women of all ages a chance to rewrite their "to-do" list, and put themselves at the top. Forget Perfect is a smart and funny look at how trying to be perfect actually gets in the way of happiness, and how letting go of being perfect means raising standards to live life to the fullest and appreciate the things that really matter. If you've gotten in touch with your Inner Perfectionist, you'll find this book very helpful.

Healing Rage: Women Making Inner Peace Possible , by Ruth King. If you're struggling with anger management, this book will be enormously helpful to you. It's written in a way that teaches us how to embrace our pain, confusion and rage in a way that opens a pathway to liberation, healing, and vision.

Healing Your Aloneness: Finding Love and Wholeness Through Your Inner Child , by Erika Chopich and Margaret Paul. Described as a "valuable roadmap for healing the child within us," this important book puts emphasis on the Inner Parent as well as the Inner Child, and shows us how to create a healthy relationship between these two valuable Committee members. Also available is a corresponding workbook: Healing Your Aloneness Workbook , which gives you ideas and space for the 6-Step inner bonding spiritual process for healing yourself and your relationships.

I Know I'm In There Somewhere , by Helene Brenner. Subtitled, A Woman's Guide to Finding Her True Voice and Living a Life of Authenticity. I think you will find this book helpful and refreshing on your SoulCollage® journey. The author talks about listening to our inner voices versus letting the outer voices distract us from our true purpose. Very well-written.

12 Resources for SoulCollagers: Books & Movies from KaleidoSoul.com

Inner Bonding: Becoming a Loving Adult to Your Inner Child , by Margaret Paul. Excellent resource if you're beginning to work with your inner child. Guides you through a five-step process that will transform how you look at your inner child, yourself, as well as how you relate to family, friends and co-workers.

The Joyful Child , by Peggy Jenkins, Ph.D. A sourcebook of activities and ideas for releasing children's natural joy. This wonderful book is valuable whether you are working with the "real" children in your life or simply your own inner child. Divided into three sections: Philosophies and Ideas for Releasing Natural Joy, Activities to Release Children's Natural Joy, Putting It All Together. Also a great section of resources and helpful index. Lots of simple ideas for you to access your own inner child's joyfulness.

Making a Change For Good: A Guide to Compassionate SelfDiscipline , by Cheri Huber. When you think of self-discipline, do you think of bald monks sleeping on beds of nails? Chaste nuns rising at 4 a.m. to pray the rosary? Well, this book allows you to throw out all of these preconceptions and start over. According to Huber, a Zen teacher and retreat leader, self- discipline is simply about the practice of being in the present moment and listening to all of the voices in our minds that try to distract us from who we really are and what we're really trying to accomplish. This amazing little book belongs on every SoulCollager's bookshelf, because Huber explains in vivid, descriptive ways (and with lots of good examples) our Inner Committee members, and how we can relate to them in healthy, clearer ways in order to change our lives for the better.

Recovery of Your Inner Child , by Lucia Capacchione. If you're curious at all about your own inner child, this book is a great place to start.

Taming Your Gremlin - by Richard D. Carson. Wicked witch, inner critic, gremlin... whatever you decide to call it, we all live with this inner voice every day. This creative book (great illustrations!) also shows us how to talk with and understand that part of us which so many of us detest.

13 Resources for SoulCollagers: Books & Movies from KaleidoSoul.com

A Whistling Woman Is Up to o Good: Finding Your Wild Woman , by Laurel King. Excellent and fascinating book about one of our Inner Committee parts: the wild woman. Laurels identifies and confronts the fears that all too often keep us from owning and embodying our true natures. She talks about the grief that so many of us experience as we let go of our familiar ways and begin to welcome and rejoice in our wild side. Included are many creative ways to bring our uninhibited and sometimes disruptive "whistling woman" back into our lives and relationships.

OTE: There are more helpful resources on our inner voices, the shadow, and the SoulCollage® Committee Suit in the KaleidoSoul ecourse: Journey to the Center of YOUR Universe .

Community Suit/Relationships

The Circles , by Kerry Armstrong. I received this powerful little book as a birthday gift and have marveled ever since at how it is helping me with the Community Suit of my SoulCollage® Deck. The author has you draw seven big circles on a piece of paper. Then you put the names of people in your life into each circle. Starting with the first circle,who are the people who are closest to you in mind and spirit.... And all the way to the seventh circle, which is for the people who've hurt you, angered you, and let you down. The circles are never static. If you put a person's name in one circle, that doesn't mean it stays there forever. And that is the coolest thing about this process of The Circles . It has given me a completely new and fresh look at my relationships, as well as permission to put people in the outer circles of my life. Working with this book, I have been better able to grace my Community Suit with cards to honor those who have blessed me with challenges as well as support.

Conscious Loving: The Journey to CoCommitmen t, by Gay and Kathlyn Hendricks. The subtitle on the book cover says it all: A Way To Be Fully Together Without Giving Up Yourself . When my husband and I were going through couples counseling several years ago, we found the Hendricks' work very helpful when dealing with communicating to each other about our feelings. This book is a gem!

14 Resources for SoulCollagers: Books & Movies from KaleidoSoul.com

Dogs That Know When Their Owners Are Coming Home , by Rupert Sheldrake. Proposing new theories on the ineffable bonds between animals and humans, this is a fascinating, well- documented study by one of the most important and controversial scientists in the field.

Good Dog. Stay. by Anna Quindlen. I love this author's non-fiction (well, okay, her fiction really rocks too!). It is anchored in reality and rich in beauty. When you read her work, you actually feel like you are there with her, experiencing what she feels and thinks and sees. This very short book is about her relationship with her dog Beau. If you've ever been in love with a dog, you'll thoroughly enjoy this story that honors the life of a cherished and loyal family member.

The Holy Intimacy of Strangers , by Sarah York. A truly wonderful and unique book, not to be missed if you are exploring the concept of community in your own life. Sarah presents the paradox we often observe: how our seemingly casual interactions with strangers can help us discover how we need (and yet often resist) true intimacy in our relationships. Filled with stories that illuminate the presence and meaning of strangers in our lives, this book helps us to deepen our compassion... for ourselves, and for those "strangers" who cross paths with us on our individual journeys.

How To Be An Adult in Relationships: The Five Keys to Mindful Loving , by David Richo. This is a beautifully-written and joyfully-received book. Richo talks about love, not so much as a feeling, but as a way of being present. In this vein, the five keys to present, mindful loving are: attention, acceptance, appreciation, affection, and allowing. This book is an important addition to the bookshelf of anyone in relationship, or anyone who wants to be in a healthy, strong, mindful relationship.

Intimacy and Solitude: Balancing Closeness and Independence , by Stephanie Dowrick. Being alone and relating to others... both have the potential for immense personal satisfaction. But they can also seem painfully difficult to balance. Dowrick begins with the assumption that intimacy and solitude are not opposite ends of a spectrum, just different expressions of the same self. She uses lots of spiritual and psychoanalytic resources as well as many rich tales from her own life.

Pack of Two , by Caroline Knapp. An intimate exploration of the relationship between dogs and dog owners. If you have ever loved a dog, you must not miss this one!

15 Resources for SoulCollagers: Books & Movies from KaleidoSoul.com

Partnering: A ew Kind of Relationship , by Hal and Sidra Stone. How to Love Each Other Without Losing Yourselves. A powerful book on relationships from the couple who brought us "Embracing Your Inner Critic " and " Embracing Ourselves ," both of which are excellent resources for anyone delving into the SoulCollage® Committee Suit.

Perfect Love, Imperfect Relationships : Healing the Wound of the Heart , by John Welwood. This book really gets to the heart of why loving relationships can be so difficult, and how our deep longing for love can help us to heal the wounds that our heart has sustained in the past. Excellent resource for anyone currently in a relationship, or anyone who is seeking a new connection that is different from past relationships.

The Wolf in the Parlor , The Wolf in the Parlor, by Jon Franklin. The Eternal Connection Between Humans and Dogs . An informative yet personal and moving work about the history of dogs and their ancestors. You'll learn what Jon discovers about dogs and his own dog, but also what he discovers about himself.

Companions Suit/Animals/Nature

The $64 Tomato, by William Alexander. Subtitle: How One Man Nearly Lost His Sanity, Spent a Fortune, and Endured an Existential Crisis in the Quest for the Perfect Garden. An intelligent, funny memoir that's a tribute to humankind's irrepressible urge to cultivate the earth.

Alex & Me: How a Scientist and a Parrot Discovered a Hidden World of Animal Intelligenceand Formed a Deep Bond in the Process , by Irene Pepperberg. Alex is the African gray parrot whose ability to master a vocabulary of more than 100 words and answer questions about the color, shape and number of objects—garnered wide notice during his life as well as obituaries in worldwide media after his death in September 2007. This book is a moving tribute that beautifully evokes the struggles, the initial triumphs, the setbacks, the unexpected and often stunning achievements during a groundbreaking scientific endeavor spent uncovering cognitive abilities in Alex that no one believed were possible.

16 Resources for SoulCollagers: Books & Movies from KaleidoSoul.com

AnimalSpeak: Understanding Animal Messengers, Totems, and Signs , by Ted Andrews. 3 CD’s- 3 hours. According to Ted, the universe is whispering its wisdom to us through the hidden language of animals. This three-hour workshop helps us tap the power of the animal spirits in our own lives. Highly recommended for any SoulCollager working on the Companions Suit.

Animal Spirits Knowledge Cards , by Susan Seddon Boulet. I was delighted to come across these beautiful animal totem cards. All artwork is by this extraordinary artist. Each card (48 in all) features an animal as well as some words of wisdom about that animal on the back of the card. Perfect for anyone interested in going deeper with work about the SoulCollage® Companions Suit.

Animals as Guides for the Soul , by Susan Chernak McElroy. I picked this book up at the library because it had the words animals and soul in the title, hoping it would lend wisdom and story to my own understanding of the Companions Suit of my SoulCollage® deck. I was not disappointed. This little book is full of powerful stories of the connections between humans and animals, and was written by a woman with a deep love and understanding of animals. And the 43 page chapter Messengers, Dreams & Visions will truly inform your work with your Companion Animals.

Any Small Thing Can Save You , by Christina Adam. If you love the idea of animals as they affect us in our daily lives, then you will love this fictional collection of very short stories. There is one story for every letter of the alphabet, and all of them feature an animal or several animals. Some of the stories are only a few pages long, but all of them carry the important theme of how animals grace us with their energy.

Bird Vibes , by Catherine Bastedo. This is a deck of spiritual insight cards based on birds and the chakras. It contains 50 cards of birds, each one different, with a painting by Ottawa artist Heather Bale on one side, and a paragraph of text on the other. The message on each card starts with a fact about the bird, something about its habitat, or what it eats, how fast it flies and so on, and that leads into a spiritual message. There is a title on each card as well that gives a short message like Simplify your Life or Stay in Touch or See the Potential . The cards are grouped by eight chakras - seven birds for each of the first seven chakras and one for the eighth chakra.

Butterfly , by Thomas Marent. More than 500 breathtaking full-color photographs of butterflies in their natural habitats all around the world. Close-ups of intricate wing patterns plus fascinating facts. If Butterfly is one of your Animal Companions, this beautiful book is not to be missed.

17 Resources for SoulCollagers: Books & Movies from KaleidoSoul.com

Creation's Heartbeat: Following the Reindeer Spirit, by Linda Schierse Leondard. Fascinating story of a woman who follows her dream of the reindeer woman all the way to the Siberian wilderness to live with nomadic reindeer people. She also travels to Lapland to learn of the Shamanic Sami culture, and to Alaska to search for migrating caribou. More than all of this, though, it's the story of her spiritual journey, a quest that challenges her to look at herself and her life in a new way.

Dream Animals , by James Hillman. What a perfect book for anyone truly into SoulCollage®! Hillman combines the language of dreams, archetypes, and animal totems. Beautifully illustrated with full-color paintings by artist Margot McLean.

An Eagle amed Freedom, by Jeff Guidry . My True Story of a Remarkable Friendship . Tells the story of Jeff’s relationship with a deeply injured baby eagle. For weeks, he and the staff at Sarvey Wildlife Care center tended to her and when she miraculously recovered, Jeff became her caretaker. Though Freedom would never be able to fly again, Jeff was her wings. And when Jeff was diagnosed with stage 3 non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, Freedom returned his gift. Uplifting, extraordinary story of man and wild nature interacting.

Flyaway: How A Wild Bird Rehabber Sought Adventure and Found Her Wings , by Suzie Gilbert. Suzie chronicles the years of her chaotic household-cum-bird-hospital with delightful wit, recounting the confusion that ensued as her husband and two young children struggled to live in a house where parrots shrieked Motown songs, nestling robins required food every twenty minutes, and recuperating herons took over the spare bathroom. Gradually, however, the birds came to represent the value of compassion and the importance of pursuing even the most unlikely of dreams. Often funny, sometimes painful, Gilbert's encounters with these beautiful creatures reveal profound truths not only about animals but also about our own lives—lessons of birth and death, suffering and empathy, holding on and letting go. If there is a winged creature in your Animal Companions Suit (or even if you don’t!), you’ll find this book inspiring and insightful.

Four Paws, FiveDirections , by Cheryl Schwartz. Cheryl is a trailblazer in traditional Chinese medicine for dogs and cats. Here she shares her practical experience, insights and wisdom.

18 Resources for SoulCollagers: Books & Movies from KaleidoSoul.com

Gardening at the Dragon's Gate , by Wendy Johnson. The author is a "hands-on, on-her-knees gardener," and she shares with us a wealth of practical knowledge and fascinating garden lore. She is also a lover of the "untamed and weedy" and because of this she evokes through her exquisite prose an abiding appreciation for the earth. For gardeners and non-gardeners alike!

Heart in the Wild , by Susan Chernak McElroy. True stories about animals and nature that speak to the necessity for ritual, the value of generosity, and how to deal with essential life changes by reconnecting to the earth and its rhythms. McElroy is one of my favorite writers about Animals and Nature.

Kindred Spirits , by Allen M. Schoen. Subtitle: How the Remarkable Bond Between Humans and Animals Can Change the Way We Live. Oh, I loved this beautiful book! Sprinkled throughout with stories from Schoen's own personal life and career, it simply reverberates with his passion for animals. If you've ever felt connected to a pet in any way, shape or form, you will love this book. Pure joy, lots of hope and positive energy abound here as well.

Lives of the Animals , by Robert Wrigley. Robert, an award-winning poet, gives us forty-two darkly beautiful poems about all sorts of animals - bear, elk, rattlesnakes, horses, coyotes, and most of all, humans. Beautiful work to accompany any SoulCollager's Companions Suit.

Making Rounds with Oscar , by David Dosa, M.D. The Extraordinary Gift of an Ordinary Cat . This is the story of an unusual cat, the patients he serves, their caregivers, and one doctor who learned how to listen. Heartfelt, inspiring, and full of humor and pathos, this book allows us to take a walk into a world rarely seen from the outside, a world (of death and dying) that we often misunderstand.

Minds of Their Own , by Lesley Rogers. A courageous attempt to examine and consider consciousness in animals, this book makes it impossible to ever look at animals in the same light again.

atural Mandalas, by Lisa Tenzin-Dolma. Absolutely gorgeous book. Contains 30 mandalas found in nature (full color, glossy, large images), along with written ideas for meditations for each that will help you find peace and awareness in nature's beauty.

The Personal Totem Pole : Animal Imagery, the Chakras, and Psychotherapy , by Eligio Stephen Gallegos, Ph.D. You might want to pick up a copy of this if you are interested in the topic of how our animal guides are related to our chakra energies. It's fascinating stuff. This book was the major motivation behind Seena Frost's including the Companions Suit in our SoulCollage® decks. Gallegos has also written another book, Animals of the Four Windows , which you might find interesting as well.

19 Resources for SoulCollagers: Books & Movies from KaleidoSoul.com

The Singing Web , by Mary Summer Rain. In this rich and valuable resource, Mary identifies numerous natural objects and occurrences, their symbology, and their energetic natures, yielding new insights into Grandmother Earth. This lovely, special book is divided into two parts. The first part is Grandmother's Gifts of Life and is separated into 3 sections: Riches from the Depths of Her Heart( Gemstones, Rocks, Minerals), Beauty from Her Opened Hands (Flowers, Trees), and Life from Her Whispered Breath (People of the Earth, People of the Air, People of the Waters). The second part is Grandmother's Gifts of Spirit and contains 2 sections: Gifts from Her Spirit, and Wisdom, Intuition and Dreams.

To Touch a Wild Dolphin , by Rachel Smolker. A Journey of Discovery with the Sea's Most Intelligent Creatures. The first intimate encounter with dolphins in the wild. Dolphin is my 6th chakra companion animal, so I found this book a delight as well as a resource.

When Elephants Weep , by Susan McCarthy and Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson. A well-written, interesting account of emotions in animals. Backed up by both scientific and anecdotal support.

Why Buffalo Dance: Animal and Wilderness Meditations Through the Seasons , by Susan Chernak McElroy. This book will unequivocally inform your work with the Companions Suit and the Council Suit of your SoulCollage® deck. The short readings follow the natural cycle of the seasons and include topics such as: mystery, emptiness, resistance, reprieve, right timing (Winter); play and frolic, the trickster, new beginnings, the law of attraction (Spring); decay and healing, choice and discernment, unity, cleansing and purity (Summer); release, dreaming, leave- taking and migration, and completion (Autumn).

OTE: There are more great resources on animal guides and the SoulCollage® Companions Suit in the KaleidoSoul ecourse: All Things Wise and Wonderful .

20 Resources for SoulCollagers: Books & Movies from KaleidoSoul.com

Council Suit/Archetypes/Spirit Guides

The 13 Original Clan Mothers , by Jamie Sams. Here is the subtitle, which pretty much says it all: Your Sacred Path to Discovering the Gifts, Talents and Abilities of the Feminine Through the Ancient Teachings of the Sisterhood . "If you take the opportunity to dedicate yourself to this quest, the 13 Clan Mothers will bless your life, and the full Circle of life, with wholeness and holiness. -Brooke Medicine Eagle." This book really deepened my understanding of feminine archetypes, and is right now inspiring some new SoulCollage® cards for my Council Suit.

Spirit Guides , by Hal Zina Bennett. Excellent resource on finding and working with companions and mentors for your inner journey. The newest edition contains two previously unpublished chapters- one on freeing ourselves from our inner critics, and another based on the Native American tradition of "journeying," a particularly powerful and sacred way to access spirit guides and inner wisdom.

45 Master Characters: Mythic Models for Creating Original Characters , by Victoria Lynn Schmidt. This is marketed as a book for writers, BUT... if you're struggling with or curious about the concept of archetypes, it will help you immeasurably. 45 Master Characters explores the most common female and male archetypes. Examples culled from literature, television and film only serve to make the topic of archetypes more understandable. Also examined are the mythic journeys of heroes and heroines.

A Mythic Life: Learning to Live Our Greater Story , by . The author is a renowned psychologist and pioneer of the Human Potential Movement (and she is also one of Seena Frost's teachers). This book shows us how we can discover the mythic elements of our own lives, and how our personal mythology fits into the story of the world. She shows us all of this by sharing her own personal story. Fascinating resource that will inform the work you do with your SoulCollage® Council Suit of Archetypes.

Art Escapes , by Dory Kanter. Daily exercises and inspirations for discovering greater creativity and artistic confidence. This beautiful large-sized book is spiral bound so it's easy and practical to use. Divided into topics: Assemble Your Supplies for Creativity, Have Fun and Keep It Simple, Opportunities for Everyday Creative Moments, Putting It All into Perspective, Art Assemblage, Collage and Other Inspiring Ideas, Let's Go Outside and Paint.

21 Resources for SoulCollagers: Books & Movies from KaleidoSoul.com

The Archetypal Imagination , by James Hollis. Offering a lyrical Jungian appreciation of the archetypal imagination, Hollis draws on the works of poets and philosophers, showing us how our own spiritual instincts are expresses in images (as in dreams, myths, art, and religious traditions). The author draws on Rilke's Duino Elegies and also uses a series of paintings by Nancy Witt of Richmond, Virginia.

Archetype Cards , by Carolyn Myss. Caroline Myss has created a unique set of 72 Archetype Cards, each individually designed to provide the basic Light and Shadow Attributes of a different Archetype. The deck also contains six blank cards on which you can create your own Archetypes. Also includes an instruction booklet. Recommended by Kindred Spirit Rita in Ontario.

The Bridge to Wholeness , by Jean Benedict Raffa . A Feminine Alternative to the Hero Myth . Fairy tales and mythic journeys are inspiring-but all too many celebrate male heroes conquering enemies and slaying dragons, rewarded by the hand of a beautiful princess. But what happens to the princess? What is her story? How does she develop her potential? Dr. Raffa explores the neglected feminine element in our culture's collection of myths.

Feminist Fairy Tales , by Barbara G. Walker. The author has revamped, retold, and infused with new life some of your favorite classic fairy tales. No longer are women submissive, helpless creatures in need of redemption through the princely male. Instead they are vibrantly alive, strong women who take fate into their own hands. Trust me, there is no book like this anywhere! Here are some of the titles (there are 28 in all): The She-Wolf, Snow Night, Gorga and the Dragon, The Frog Princess, Ugly and the Beast, Jill and the Beanroot, Barbidol, Ala Dean and the Wonderful Lamp, Prince Gimme and the Fairy of the Forest, Lily and Rose, Little White Riding Hood, The Littlest Mermaid, How Winter Came to the World, The Empress's New Clothes, The Three Little Pinks, Fairy Gold.

Following Your Path: Using Myths, Symbols, and Images to Explore Your Inner Life , by Alexandra Collins Dickerman. This helpful book is shaped as a journal which leads you on a guided journey to the deepest part of yourself. Think of it as a guidebook to your inner world where you'll be able to connect with your most authentic feelings and thoughts. Through myths, symbols and images, Following Your Path will enable you to understand your dreams, to discover what you really want, and to be comfortable with the person you are inside. Contains hundreds of illustrations and lots of blank space for your thoughts and inner observations.

22 Resources for SoulCollagers: Books & Movies from KaleidoSoul.com

The FourFold Way , by Angeles Arrien. This is an insightful book based on Dr. Arrien's work as a cultural anthropologist. In this book you gain insights into practical ways to connect with the Warrior, Teacher, Healer and Visionary Archetypes. It will lend you insight into your own Council suit of your SoulCollage® deck.

The Goddess of Happiness: A DownToEarth Guide for Heavenly Balance and Bliss , by Debbie Gisonni. Most people consider happiness the most important pursuit in life, yet few seem to find it. Women, in particular, face a constant internal battle between finding their own happiness and ensuring the happiness of others. Debbie Gisonni, aka The Goddess of Happiness, shows that happiness is a choice that anyone can make, anytime and anywhere. In 44 dynamic entries the author shares her stories, insights, humor, and simple suggestions to bring out the radiant Goddess in every woman. Each entry includes affirmations and journaling ideas to help readers transform the pursuit of happiness into a tangible, everyday practice. Gisonni teaches that all women are goddesses -- they just need to tap their innate power and reacquaint themselves with their own magic; and that life is meant to be enjoyable -- not to be taken so seriously or made too complicated. Each of these chapters ends with five simple ways to have an easier and happier life.

Goddesses in Everywoman , by Jean Shinoda Bolen. Discusses archetypes specific to women, including vulnerability, sister, wife, commitment maker, nurturer, daughter... and more. Highly recommended resource for understanding and deepening the Council Suit of your Deck.

Healer: Dancing with the Healing Spirit , Volume 2 of the Archetypes of the Collective Unconscious Series. Introduction by Andrew Weil, M.D. Beautifully illustrated with contemporary art and photography, this volume shows archetypal energies at work in the memoirs of Caroline Myss and M. Scott Peck, in the touching tales of Ram Dass and Oliver Sacks, and in the verse of William Carlos Williams and Langston Hughes. In these stories of survival and faith we witness how the archetypal healer reaches beyond the individual to address the illness of society, the acknowledgement of which may bring recovery, acceptance, and joy.

The Hero and the Goddess: The Odyssey as Pathway to Personal Transformation , by Jean Houston. Excellent book to dive into and slowly immerse yourself in archetypes. Jean uses the mythic "Odyssey" by Homer as the basis for this story of our human journey. Fascinating stuff!

The Hero Within: Six Archetypes We Live By , by Carol S. Pearson, Ph.D. This book goes a long way towards helping us grasp the concept of archetypes. Pearson delves deeply into the idea of the Hero's Journey in this fascinating, easy-to-digest book. She also discusses in detail the following archetypes: Magician, Innocent, Altruist, Warrior, Wanderer, Orphan.

23 Resources for SoulCollagers: Books & Movies from KaleidoSoul.com

Kuan Yin: Accessing the Power of the Divine Feminine , by Daniela Schenker. A wonderful resource for connecting to KuanYin, the goddess of compassion, through art, story and your own spiritual practice. Let Kuan Yin be your guide as you welcome her gifts of compassion and healing into your life.

Mythologems , by James Hollis. Very powerful book that fits in perfectly with our SoulCollage® work. Explores the work of Carl Jung in relation to how images touch and affect our lives. Recommended by Kindred Spirit Lorraine in British Columbia, Canada.

The Mythic Path , by David Feinstein and Stanly Krippner. Discovering the Guiding Stories of Your Past Creating a Vision for Your Future. Through a series of detailed exercises using ritual, dreams and imagination, we learn to develop the skills to become less bound by the mythologies of our childhood and of our culture, while learning to influence personal patterns that once seemed beyond our control. David Feinstein is the husband of Donna Eden, who is well known for her Energy Medicine work.

The ine Muses: A Mythological Path to Creativity , by Angeles Arrien. A magical and practical guide to creativity. Angeles uses the myths of the most famous literary songstresses and sources of creative inspiration- the nine daughters of Zeus. She explores the mythology of the nine Muses to illustrate how we can inspire ourselves and see clearly the muses that abound in our own lives.

Rock Your World with the Divine Mother , by Sondra Ray. Subtitle: Bringing the Sacred Power of the Divine Mother into Our Lives . As a fusion of feminine qualities from all religions and traditions, the Divine Mother can be a nurturing presence and a powerful guide along your individual spiritual path. Through stories, prayers, and teachings, Sondra Ray enthusiastically escorts you into the profound reawakening of the sacred feminine in the hearts and minds of seekers throughout the world.

Sea Magic: Connecting with the Ocean's Energy , Sandra Kynes. I originally bought this book because of a SoulCollage® card I made about a mermaid, but found it to hold even more riches inside! Whether you live near or far from the ocean, this fascinating book will take you on a unique voyage of spiritual transformation. Kynes explores various types of shells and sea creatures, both real and magical. Call upon sea beings and saints to amplify your spiritual practice, and choose from a wide selection of creative activities and meditations. "Dive into your inner world of emotions, imagination, and creativity... and let the sea's timeless wisdom guide you on your life path." The book is divided into six sections: The Call of the Ocean; Myths, Deities and Saints; Altars, Tools & Divination, Seashells; Sea Fetches, Totem Animals, & Mythical Sea Creatures; and... The Moon, Meditations, and Everyday Life. The index is also very helpful.

24 Resources for SoulCollagers: Books & Movies from KaleidoSoul.com

The Shaman's Doorway , by Stephen Larsen. A rich, provocative investigation into how we can discover the mythic and archetypal wells we are so thirsty for. Subtitled: Opening the Mythic Imagination to Contemporary Consciousness , Larsen's book is for anyone interested in delving more deeply into the idea of archetypes.

The Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire , by Deepak Chopra. There's an excellent chapter in this book on "Desires and Archetypes" that is well worth reading for anyone trying to grasp the concept of archetypes. Subtitled, Harnessing the Infinite Power of Coincidence , this book has us look at coincidences as spiritual events that connect us to an underlying field of new possibilities.

The Unfolding Self, by Ralph Metzner. Describes the unfolding of the self from the symbolic to the real. Myths, legends, and magic sparkle in this coherent work that describes the various avenues of the heroic journey to awareness.

Visions of the Goddess , by Sherrill Miller. A glorious celebration of feminine mystique and goddess mythology. This insightful and wonder-provoking exploration of the feminine world is divided into sections--Earth Mother, The Fruit Bearer, The Water Goddess, and The Sky Dancer- -in a stunning photographic survey that will alter the way we think about Mother Earth.

The Woman's book of Guardians: Divine Guides, Muses, Totems, and Protectors for Everyday Life , by Peg Streep. Divided into three parts (Self, Relationship, Body & Spirit), this book is a magnificent reference for any SoulCollager. The author devotes a short chapter to a different goddess, animal totem, or other archetype based on topics within each part. For example, in "Self," she explores Isis in the topic of Intention, Joan of Arc for Leadership, and The Bee for Productivity. In "Relationship" she focuses on Hera for Marriage, Pele for Passion, and The Wolf for Divorce. In "Body and Spirit," she writes about The Cat for Pleasure, Anamterasu Omikami for Illumination and Jana for Future. These are just a few examples. In all, there are 50 chapters, each one shining wonderful light on that "larger story" and how we each fit into it.

OTE: There are more great resources on archetypes and the SoulCollage® Council Suit in the KaleidoSoul ecourse: Invisible Hands .

25 Resources for SoulCollagers: Books & Movies from KaleidoSoul.com


52 Projects: Random Acts for Every Day , by Jeffrey Yamaguchi. The author extends an invitation to indulge one's inner artist by committing yourself to one creative project a week for 52 weeks. 52 Projects chronicles the author's artistic journey over the course of one year and how it changed his life and also offers 52 jumping-off points for the reader's own creative inspiration:

500 Handmade Dolls , by Lark Books. If you've always loved dolls, or are just coming to appreciate dolls as an art form, you'll be thrilled to spend some time drinking in the pages of this lovely book. Some of them might even inspire a new ® card for your deck!

A String and A Prayer , by Eleanor Wiley and Maggie Oman Shannon. I picked up this delightful little book at a time in my life when I was longing to make prayer a special part of my everyday practice. Following the creative ideas and simple guidelines suggested here, I made my own string of prayer beads which I use to this day. The book covers the history and symbolism of prayer beads, and teaches simple techniques for stringing beads along with found object. There also is a good selection of prayers and rituals for using the prayer beads in an everyday practice. I was brought up Catholic, and loved the idea of the Rosary. This book shows you how to create one that is your very own, matching your soul completely.

Affirmations for Artists , by Eric Maisel. This little book is chock full of meditations, quotations, affirmations and guidance for creative and performing artists, and for the creative voice that lives in each of us. Very useful and inspiring too.

Altered Art for the First Tim e, by Madeline Arendt. If you've been longing to get started with altered books (or altered anything for that matter), then this is the book for you! I borrowed it from the library, then had to get my own copy! It's full of great ideas, and simple, amply- photographed instructions.

Art & Fear , by David Bayles & Ted Orland. This is a must-have for any artist. Insightful, challenging, and thought provoking, this truly is an artist's survival guide. This is the book you need on your studio bench when you are thinking your art isn't good enough. It debunks myths about being a "real" artist and challenges the perils and assumptions of the "art world."

Art and Soul: A Spiritual Approach to Crafts , by Cindy Lutz Kornet. The author is a talented artist and craftsperson whose work encompasses many media. With this beautiful book, she shares her philosophy on how healing arts can transform life and touch our .

26 Resources for SoulCollagers: Books & Movies from KaleidoSoul.com

Art and Soul: otes on Creating , by Audrey Flack. This book of nourishing wisdom by a leading woman artist, is a series of meditations on art, the art world and the creative process. Intended to offer comfort and nourishment to other artists (including poets, musicians, dancers, painters, and sculptors), Flack's insights help to open our pathways of creativity.

Art as Medicine: Creating a Therapy of the Imagination , by Shaun McNiff. Beautiful rendering of how our imagination can heal and renew itself through the natural process of creating art. Also includes discussions on storytelling, creative collaboration, and dialoguing with images (sound familiar?!).

Art Escapes , by Dory Kanter. Daily exercises and inspirations for discovering greater creativity and artistic confidence. This beautiful large-sized book is spiral bound so it's easy and practical to use. Divided into topics: Assemble Your Supplies for Creativity, Have Fun and Keep It Simple, Opportunities for Everyday Creative Moments, Putting It All Into Perspective, Art Assemblage, Collage and Other Inspiring Ideas, Let's Go Outside and Paint.

Art Heals: How Creativity Cures the Soul , by Shaun McNiff. If you are interested in any way at all about how art is also personal growth and soul work, then you will love this well-known book by the internationally known leader of expressive arts therapy as he reflects on the life- enhancing practice of imagination.

Art is a Spiritual Path , by Pat B. Allen. Author of the also popular Art Is A Way of Knowing , this book explores spiritual fulfillment through the creative process.

Art Is a Way of Knowing , by Pat B. Allen. This book shines a light onto the often neglected path of art as a process. It also gives you concrete, practical steps in finding an art space to call your own, working with materials and project suggestions. There are sections on painting, drawing and color, but they don't focus on art theory. They center more on how to gently get to know your self throughout the process of creating art. Since this is what SoulCollage® is all about, it is highly recommended for all of us!

27 Resources for SoulCollagers: Books & Movies from KaleidoSoul.com

Art Lessons: Meditations on the Creative Life , by Deborah J. Haynes. Reading this book is a personal, uplifting experience for anyone seeking artistic clarity and creative inspiration. Through her own reflections on art and being an artist, the author provides a spiritual compass for today's emerging artists (is that you ?).

Artists Journals and Sketchbooks , by Lynne Perrella. This book is so rich in color, inspiration, ideas, and contains a wealth of creative artist examples. Lynne shows several examples for using paint, slide mounts, collage, and more. This gorgeous book is a must-have tool for all who dabble in the arts (that's YOU!).

The Artist's Muse: Unlock the Door to Your Creativity , by Betsy Dillard Stroud. This is a book, but it's also a card kit and even contains a game, all designed to stimulate your inner artist. "Creative opportunity is always knocking, but can you hear it over the drone of everyday life? Unlock the door and open it wide to allow your muse to appear. Travel artistic pathways you've left uncharted, unrevealed, untried." Contains creative challenges, inspirational chapters and the processes behind the author's own creative work.

The Artist's Soul: Daily ourishment to Support Creative Growth , by Linda Coons. This little book of daily readings is a must-have for anyone who seeks to create (that's US!).

Art and Healing: Using Expressive Art to Heal Your Body, Mind, and Spirit , by Barbara Ganim. Artists have always known intuitively what science is just beginning to discover: that creating a visual image through any medium can produce physical and emotional benefits for both the creator as well as those who view it. Most important, you don't need to think of yourself as an artist or even believe you have any "talent" to tap into the healing powers of art. Ganim shows step-by-step how to use art to heal body, mind, and spirit. By using guided meditation and artistic techniques, you can gain insight and clarity into depression, anxiety, rage, and even illnesses, including cancer, arthritis, and AIDS. Filled with actual stories from those who have triumphed over adversity and with more than a hundred different pieces of artwork created using this groundbreaking method, Art and Healing is sure to provide the tools needed for healing body and spirit.

The Art of Dreaming A creativity toolbox for dream work, by Jill Mellick. Learn about the creativity your inner being already possesses and bring it to life. Through guided exercises and practical work, you can learn to understand your dreams (and yourself) better than ever before. Over 50 ideas for different types of creative work to use with your dreams, including mask making, poetry writing, sculpture creating...and more. These are things that everyone can do.

The Art of Emotional Healing , by Lucia Capacchione, Ph.D. I highly recommend anything by this author, but this one in particular is excellent. There are over 60 easy activities for exploring our emotions using artistic and creative means such as drawing, painting, dancing, writing, sculpture and more.

28 Resources for SoulCollagers: Books & Movies from KaleidoSoul.com

The Art Therapy Sourcebook , by Cathy A. Malchiodi, ATR, LPCC. The most up-to-date guidelines for art therapists. Innovative ways to interpret spontaneous imagery. Updated case examples of art therapy in practice. I am finding this book very helpful even though I'm not an art therapist, so I thought that you might too!

The Awemanac: A Daily Dose of Wonder , by Jill Badonsky. This is way more than just another daily readings book. This one is a treasure chest full of creative jewels and treasures. Written by Jill who wowed everyone with her fabulous book The ine Modern Day Muses (and a Bodyguard) I cannot recommend this book highly enough, for anyone wishing to shine their creativity into the world.

Chan Heart, Chan Art , by Venerable Master Hsing Yun. A beautiful, unique book that pairs one hundred traditional Chan (Zen)stories retold by a modern Chinese master with one hundred paintings that beautifully capture the flavor of traditional Chan art.

Changing Patterns: Discovering the Fabric of Your Creativity , by Daena Giardella and Wren Ross. If you could have only one book on the creative process on your shelf, it would be this one. But, wait! It's really TWO books in ONE! The first half of the book is called Exploring Your Creative Process , and I absolutely love the way it's written- immensely readable with lots of real stories and visual metaphors to get you really thinking, plus a wonderful chapter on ways to work with your Inner Critic. The second half of the book is called Knitting as a Metaphor for Life , and I have a feeling you will love this as well, even if you've never knit a stitch in your life!

Chi and Creativity: Vital Energy and Your Inner Artist , by Elise Dirham Ching and Kaleo Ching. The authors share a wide range of ideas and strategies to harness the power of Chi and cultivate our inner artist's sweet urge to create. They give us here an integrative process that includes exercises in Chi awareness, Chi Kung, art, journaling, guided imagery, and meditation, all of which are designed to build in us inspiration, awe, and increased energy for living a creative life.

Coaching the Artist Within - by Eric Maisel. Practical advice for creative people from a popular creativity coach. I highly recommend all of this author's books. This one is full of simple exercises you can do to bring your life into full-blossom creativity. Some of these exercises include: Chatting with Yourself, Deciding to Matter, oticing Anxious SelfTalk, and Creating in the Middle of Things (there are 24 exercises in all).

Collage Discovery Workshop , by Claudine Hellmuth. This book is loaded with ideas and techniques for creating multi-media collages. I took a workshop with Claudine a while back, and found her to be a wonderful, inspiring teacher. The step-by-step photos are excellent and easy to use for beginners in collage as well as the more experienced. Try creating some of these unique collages for yourself. They also make great SoulCollage card backgrounds!

29 Resources for SoulCollagers: Books & Movies from KaleidoSoul.com Collage Lab , by Bee Shay. Experiments, Investigations and Exploratory Projects. If this title and subtitle sound very scientific to you, don't worry! This book is anything but. It's chock full of practical, easy, and fun ideas for creating collage art. The basic idea is that we learn through experimenting and playing. There are no right or wrong results, yet you are guided to gain skills and confidence, allowing you to take your art to a whole new level.

Coloring Mandalas 3: Circles of the Sacred Feminine, by Susanne Fincher. Coloring the circular designs known as mandalas is a relaxing, meditative activity. The mandalas in this book are specially designed to provide a creative encounter with the Divine as a feminine presence. The archetypal imagery of the circle (appearing in the form of organic shapes of nature, the curves of the female body, the womb and childbirth rituals, the circular turning of cosmic rhythms, or geometric designs conveying the primal energy of the Goddess) celebrates the full range of the sacred feminine, from gentle and motherly to fierce and challenging. This book will help you get in touch with archetypal mother energies, or with your own inner mother.

Crafty Chica's Art de la Soul, by Kathy Cano Murillo. A book of brilliant crafts that is also a soulful exploration of the crafty lifestyle. Projects include: Fantasy Paper Lights, Corazon Candles, Hardback Book Purse, Conversation Canvases, Family Tree in a Box, Fabric Prayer Book. Lots of great illustrations and easy to follow directions.

Creating Mandalas for Insight, Healing, and SelfExpression , by Susanne Fincher. This book is a classic for anyone fascinated by the ancient (yet current) art of mandalas. Susanne introduces the history and ritual use of mandalas in cultures all over the world; discusses techniques for creating your own mandalas, offers guidance in choosing art materials, and explains the symbolism of colors, numbers, shapes and motifs. There are also several illustrated case histories of people who have successfully used her techniques.

Creative Is a Verb , by Patti Digh. If You're Alive, You're Creative is the subtitle of this colorful, inspiring book about creative joy. Part One is all about "Art Fear;” Part Three is all about "Art Yearning," and in between are the Six Creative Commitments (Be Ordinary, See More, Get Present, Catch Fire, Clear Ground, Let Go).

The Creative License: Giving Yourself Permission to Be The Artist You Truly Are , by Danny Gregory. The author focuses on this one question: Do you dare to be creative? It's inspiring and will help you to focus on the creative work you were meant to do in the world.

30 Resources for SoulCollagers: Books & Movies from KaleidoSoul.com

The Creative Life , by Julia Cameron. True Tales of Inspiration. Yes, the author of The Artist’s Way has another book and it is delightful and inspiring! Offers true stories from Julia’s life about how community and collaboration are crucial aspects of the creative process. Slow down, dip in, and allow your own creativity to be blessed with this new book.

The Creativity Book , by Eric Maisel. This book offers a year's worth of guidance in expanding creativity. There are two discussions/exercises per week, uniquely designed for both practicing "creatives" as well as those new to spreading their creative wings. The exercises are designed to promote creative risk-taking. And Maisel's voice is always encouraging and wise.

Creativity for Life, by Eric Maisel. Practical advice on the artist's personality and career, written by America's foremost creativity coach. Offers practical ideas as well as exercises and inspiration to nurture growth as an artist and as a person, exploring subjects like: establishing a creativity practice, obscurity and stardom, blocks to creativity, moods and madness, craft, the perils and rewards of isolation, community interactions, and more. If you call yourself an artist, or if you have never quite dared to do this, you'll reap huge benefits from this book.

The Da Vinci Enigma Tarot , by Caitlin Matthews. This stunning tarot deck is illustrated from the notebooks, drawings and writings of Leonardo da Vinci, renaissance genius with a prophetic vision of things to come. Create unique patterns to help unlock the enigma of the soul. As Leonardo gained fresh insights and impressions of human destiny, you too can discover the pathway of your own life journey.

Drawing as a Sacred Activity: Simple Steps to Explore Your Feelings and Heal Your Consciousness , by Heather C. Williams. Like many people, Heather Williams was not encouraged to embrace her creative side during childhood and as a result turned her back on part of her inner life. Beginning with an explanation of how she reclaimed her artistic impulses, this book invites readers to explore their own resources for creativity. With a step-by-step approach to personal development in the tradition of Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain and The Artist’s Way , it teaches not only the technical skills needed to draw but also ways to delve into our inner lives for healing and inspiration. The book is divided into three sections: Pencils and Perception (observing and drawing what is seen in the physical world); Crayons and Consciousness (drawing the interior landscape); and Ink and Intuition(drawing on one’s intuitive wisdom). With 300 black-and-white illustrations, this is an easy, fun way to unlock creativity and unleash the spirit.

31 Resources for SoulCollagers: Books & Movies from KaleidoSoul.com

The Dreaming Source of Creativity: 30 Creative and Magical Ways to Work on Yourself , by Amy Mindell. Written for professional therapists as well as the interested layperson, this book reveals where hidden sources of creativity and inspiration can be found in everyday life, such as in the body, the environment, material objects, or even daily activities. Taps into art, music, puppets, movement, and more. This inspirational guide to bringing artistic elements into one's life examines dreams, body experiences, and overall life situations.

Fearless Creating , by Eric Maisel, Ph.D. A StepbyStep Guide to Starting and Completing Your Work of Art . For writers, visual artists, musicians, actors, and creators in any field. If fear in any form holds you back from your creative work/play in the world, then you will find this book helpful and inspiring.

Finding Water: The Art of Perseveranc e, by Julia Cameron. This is the third book in the author's trilogy that began with The Artist's Way and was followed by Walking in This World. Sprinkled with abundant, beautiful quotations on writing, art, and creativity... Finding Water is also crammed full with practical yet wise and creative ideas for how we can continue to produce even when our creative wells have run dry. It's meant to be read and completed in the course of 12 weeks, but you can really dip in anywhere and find something meant just for you. Weekly topics include: Optimism, Reality, Support, Balance, Resilience, Truth, Perspective, and Safety.

Fingerpainting on the Moon , edited by Peter Levitt. As whimsical as it is profound, Peter Levitt shows how creativity is our birthright, and tells us that we need only dip into the well that lies deep within us and our authentic selves will come pouring forth. Whether we want to write, draw, or fall in love, this book is a journey that takes us from the first step, the ability to sit in silence, to the second, being willing to take a risk, and finally, to reaching paradise, which is here and now. Includes essays by favorite creative people such as Natalie Goldberg, Anne Lamott and Julia Cameron.

Foolsgold , by Susan G. Wooldridge. Subtitled: Making Something From othing and Freeing Your Creative Process . This is a fabulous collection of short essays and quotations that are all about creating, self-expression and living a life of authenticity. What I love about this book is that Wooldridge shares her own personal experiences, and her own creative journey with us as she writes.

Free Play: The Power of Improvisation in Life and the Arts , by Stephen Nachmanovitch. Make better use of playfulness, ingenuity and creativity. An in-depth guide to help you get in touch with your own creative abilities and possibilities.

32 Resources for SoulCollagers: Books & Movies from KaleidoSoul.com

Freeing the Creative Spirit , by Adriana Diaz. Drawing on the Power of Art to Tap the Magic and Wisdom Within. Beautifully blends art and spirituality, treating art as a playful and powerful tool for connecting with the self, the world, and the Divine.

Handmade Paper Collage -by Dawn Ackerman. Shows you how to create collages that express feelings and ideas. Great resource for creating amazing backgrounds for your SoulCollage® cards!

HeartSteps : Prayers and Declarations for a Creative Life , by Julia Cameron. Affirmative readings on living creatively from the author of The Artist's Way . Each entry is short, powerful, practical, and inspirational. Booster shots of wisdom and authenticity!

Her Evolution , by Shiloh McCloud. Oh, oh, oh! I can't wait for you to get your hands on this amazing coloring book for women. And it's so much more than just a coloring book! It's a large book, spiral bound and there are over 60 thick pages on which to write your sacred stories and vision your own images. There are 30 large images of women to color in any way you choose (watercolor, colored pencil, markers, pastels...), as well as 15 pages of guided instruction on developing creativity and exploring the path of transformation. In addition, there are 15 pages of artist's wisdom on art as a healing path and art as a spiritual practice. I have fallen in love with my own copy of this book... it feels like a sacred healing tool and I know I will be using it for many months and years to come.

How Art Made the World , by Nigel Spivey. A journey to the origins of human creativity by the host of the PBS mini-series. "A fresh introduction to the history of art and, through the visual image, the history of humankind." Spivey's motto is "Everyone is an artist."

How To Avoid Making Art , by Julia Cameron. The bestselling author of The Artist's Way delivers a tongue-in-cheek guide to doing anything and everything you possibly can to avoid making art. Anyone who is engaged in a creative pursuit will no doubt identify with these wonderful cartoons by award-winning artist Elizabeth Cameron of creative wannabes doing everything except actually getting down to work.

How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci: Seven Steps to Genius Every Day , by Michael J. Gelb. This book shows how each of us can become more creative in our everyday lives, using the 500-year-old genius of Leonardo da Vinci. Gelb identifies seven da Vincian Principles that he gleaned from studying Leonardo. Each Principle is examined in detail using examples from Leonardo's life, writings and work. Included are practical ways to apply the principles to our everyday lives, as well as exercises to aid understanding/develop skill. One Principle is Curiosita: curiosity. Leonardo was curious about everything! He endlessly explored nature and speculated on causality. The section on Curiosita includes a self-assessment, advice on keeping a journal to record your own observations, and additional exercises to enliven your own curiosity.

33 Resources for SoulCollagers: Books & Movies from KaleidoSoul.com

I Gotta Crow: Women, Voice, and Writing , by Jill Hackett. Featuring interviews with ten diverse women authors, this book is inspiring as well as informative. Women interviewed range in age from 24-84, and include: poets, novelists, and essayists as well as academic and technical writers.

The Illustrated Discovery Journal : Creating a Visual Autobiography of Your Authentic Self , by Sarah Ban Breathnach, author of the #1 New York Times Bestsellers Simple Abundance , and Something More . Put aside your intellectual, reasoning self and unleash your playful, creative, intuitive self with this beautiful, large spiral bound workbook. There's lots of journaling/art/creative suggestions, plus lots of space for your own written and colorful work. Also contains 10 pages of wide pockets for you to store anything that reminds you of your own authentic self.

Inner Journeying through ArtJournaling , by Marianne Hieb. This wonderful book introduces a holistic journaling process that combines art, art therapy, design theory and spiritual direction in order to attain personal balance, awareness of one's own inner processes, resolution o of internal conflicts and enhanced wellness. The author guides you through the process of creative journaling and presents the key elements of this technique.

Inspirations: Meditations from the Artist's Way , by Julia Cameron. A very small-in-size book that is bursting with wisdom. Each page has a short bit of wisdom from Julia's fabulous book, The Artist's Way . I keep this on my art table within easy reach for encouragement and support, and a reminder of who I am as creator and artist.

Kaleidoscope : Artistic Techniques for the Creative Soul, by Elisabeth Keely Wilson. Subtitled An Inner Journey of SelfExpression , this book with beautiful glossy illustrations is full of imaginative ideas, inspiration and examples for expressing yourself with art.

Kaleidoscope: Ideas and Projects to Spark Your Creativity , by Suzanne Simanaitis. This book is every artist's and wanna-be artist's dream! Tap into the joy of drawing, create art in bed, create your own folded paper shrine, discover the liberation of stream-writing, learn to quiet the inner critic in your mind, make your own duct tape purse, dream up your own creative studio space, and more. If you are anything remotely close to passionately curious, Kaleidoscope will open new doors of creativity for you. Go ahead... dive in and explore! Printed on glossy paper with hundreds of gorgeous full-color photos (and lots of wonderful quotes on creativity and art!).

34 Resources for SoulCollagers: Books & Movies from KaleidoSoul.com

Life, Paint and Passion , by Michele Cassou and Stewart Cubley. This book centers around the idea of art as spontaneous expression, and it really will help you accept your own artsy experiments with SoulCollage® as "real art". It will help you take more artistic risks and dive more deeply into your potential as an artist. It's an easy book to read with lots of great color illustrations.

Living Artfully , by Sarah Magsamen. A Heartfull Guide of Ideas and Inspirations That Celebrate Life, Love, and Moments That Matter . This book shows us how to create our own messages from the heart to celebrate the people, places, and moments that make our lives meaningful by using everyday things. This beautifully illustrated, transformative book shares the inspiring stories of people who pursued their own creative impulses or their desires to connect with others and were rewarded with unexpected, delightful results. I found this easy to read and very inspiring, and I hope you will too!

Living Color , by Natalie Goldberg. Join the bestselling author of Wild Mind and Writing Down the Bones as she explores a new realm of creativity - the world of color - and offers us an intimate view of how everyday life is transformed into art. In twelve high-spirited chapters, Natalie introduces us to her family, her artist friends, her New Mexico home, her painting trips to Europe - always focusing on the questions faced by any creative person, whatever their medium.

Living Into Art , by Lindsay Whiting. This gorgeous book reveals the candid and often profound thoughts of ten artists as they explore the rich and diverse ways in which the practice of collage cultivates their creativity, and engages their own spirituality. A must-have for anyone serious about collage (that's us!). Includes lots and lots of beautiful full-color collage images. Very inspirational for anyone doing SoulCollage® work.

Living Out Loud: Activities to Fuel a Creative Life, by Keri Smith. Remember those childhood days spent running in your bare feet, playing make-believe, and living life with a sense of wonderment? That youthful enthusiasm and playfulness are key to discovering who you are and what you love to do. Living Out Loud is the perfect prescription for a creative jump start to your life. Included are games, projects, activities, crafts, postcards, and playful ideas that will send you off on an exciting adventure, where you'll discover inspiration around and within you.

Maggie Taylor's Landscape of Dreams , by Amy Standen. If you love unique visual images (and what SoulCollager doesn't?), you'll enjoy this large-sized book of digital art by PhotoShop artist Maggie Taylor. She buys funky stuff at flea markets and on eBay, and then she photographs or scans them and creates amazing images with them. Talk about a method of self- expression that meshes with SoulCollage®!

35 Resources for SoulCollagers: Books & Movies from KaleidoSoul.com

Mandalas & Meditations for Everyday Living , by Cassandra Lorius. Featuring 52 exquisite mandalas. Each mandala has its own meditation with a special theme, offering signposts to the soul. Includes a guide for creating your own mandalas.

Marry Your Muse , by Jan Phillips. The subtitle to this awesome book is: Making a Lasting Commitment to Your Creativity , and it truly lives up to its title! It starts with The Artist's Creed, and it talks you through the Creed one line at a time. Full of delicious, simple activities that you can do to deepen your relationship to your creativity. Also, an added bonus: hundreds of awesome quotations!

The ine Modern Day Muses (and a Bodyguard) , by Jill Badonsky. 10 Guides to Creative Inspiration for Artists, Poets, Lovers, and Other Mortals Wanting to Live a Dazzling Existence . Creativity coach, SoulCollage® Facilitator and internationally known workshop leader, Jill takes the nine classical Greek Muses and updates them for our lives today. She personifies ten principles designed to overcome creative blocks and embrace the wonders of self-expression. Includes: empowering exercises to awaken creativity, brainstorming, muse rituals to inspire confidence, muse walks, spiritual affirmations, journaling and more. Perfect companion for everyone wanting to enjoy their own creativity more!

The ew Creative Artist: A Guide to Developing Your Creative Spirit , by Nita Leland. Oh, this book is delightful! First of all, it's big and has a hard cover but is spiral bound so you can lay it flat on your table. Second, it's packed with ideas, quotations, activities and projects that will be an excellent companion on your creative journey. This is an excellent investment for anyone interested in creativity, art, and self-expression.

o More Secondhand Art , by Peter London. A fine book about using art as an instrument of personal transformation.

Original Self: Living with Paradox and Originality , by Thomas Moore. Woodcuts by Joan Hanley. The 50 meditations in this lovely book offer fresh interpretations on living with originality rather than conformity, presenting portraits of the creative self and many different angles from which you can tap into your primal emotions and possibilities.

Painting from the Source , by Aviva Gold. Subtitled Awaking the Artist's Soul in Everyone , this amazing book is uplifting and glorious in its inspiration to artists everywhere. While Aviva specifically refers to the intuitive art of painting, everything in this book can be applied to anyone, no matter what your chosen form of creativity is. After reading just the first chapter, I felt inclined to get out my art materials and start journaling in color again.

36 Resources for SoulCollagers: Books & Movies from KaleidoSoul.com

Point Zero: Creativity Without Limits , by Michele Cassou. Michele gives us a real gift with this book, in my opinion. She shares with us an original method of self-inquiry that we can use in the face of doubt, conflict, and lack of creative inspiration. She leads us to confront three dragons: the Dragon of Product (which tries to kill our spontaneity), the Dragon of Control (which tries to stop us from exploring the mysterious unknown), and the Dragon of Meaning (which demands interpretation and answers at all times). The phrase "point zero" refers to the ground from which pure creation springs, and this book leads us directly towards that in a unique, engaging and inspiring way. The illustrations are fun too, plus there are many wonderful quotes to inspire.

Satchmo: The Wonderful World and Art of Louis Armstrong , by Steven Brower. Did you know that Satchmo (a.k.a. Louis Armstrong) had a passion for collage? In between sets, he snipped words and images from ads and greeting cards, letters, photos and then pasted them into jazzy, colorful collages. This book is an awesome collection of his beautiful and surprising art.

The Soul's Palette , by Cathy A. Malchiodi. Art therapy in a book! Promotes art-making and creative imagery through various (and awesome!) projects for many levels of healing.

The Spark , Igniting the Creative Fire That Lives Within Us All, by John Bacon. This remarkable little book tells the story of one burned-out sports agent who learns the lessons of a lifetime during his time of involvement with Cirque du Soleil. A detailed and fascinating behind-the- scenes look at what makes Cirque du Soleil so very special, not just as entertainment but as a business and as an art.

Spirit Taking Form: Making a Spiritual Practice of Making Art , by Nancy Azara. This book is a tremendous resource that presents the connections between art, visualization, and meditation with a compassionate creative spirit. It is full of art and soul, and imparts a gentle understanding of the spiritual process of making art. You can follow the book week by week or simply dip into its wealth of ideas and inspiration once in a while.

The Tao of Watercolor , by Jeanne Carbonetti. Aside from being informative and inspiring, this book is full of delicious, full color paintings by this Vermont artist/author. She approaching the beauty of watercolor painting from the perspective of the five Zen precepts of: Centering, Balance, Deliberateness, Playfulness, and Flow. Also included are chapters on: The Spirit of Partnership, The Spirit of Effortless Effort, and The Sacred Mystery.

True Colors: A Palette of Collaborative Art Journals , edited by Kathryn Bold. This book is a great place to go for inspiration for your art journals and your SoulCollage® card backgrounds. Using a wide variety of color themes, this book has page after page of inspiring work from 15 collaborative artists. The many images are beautiful and inspiring, and you'll find new ideas each time you open the book.

37 Resources for SoulCollagers: Books & Movies from KaleidoSoul.com

True Vision: Authentic Art Journaling , by L.K. Ludwig. If you keep an art journal, or any kind of a visual journal, this book contains exercises (with lots of colorful examples) that will encourage you to explore major life themes in your work, from the personal to the global. Offers ideas and techniques that help you create content that is rich in authentic expression.

Trust the Process: An Artist's Guide to Letting Go , by Shaun McNiff. Written by an artist and one of the most internationally respected creative art therapists, this book is a gem for any kind of an artist, whether it's painting, poetry, performance, music, dance, or just life in general.

Visioning - by Lucia Capacchione, PhD. I've been working my way through this book slowly but surely since last summer. If you love SoulCollage® (and I know you do!), you'll bond immediately with this book. The author shows you how to use collage to make your dreams literally come true.

Visual Journaling: Going Deeper than Words , by Barbara Ganim and Susan Fox. Even marginal scribbles can have you access your deepest inner wisdom. This powerful new way to journal includes a six-week plan and lively sample illustrations. Filled with easy to follow fun exercises.

Walking in this World , by Julia Cameron. The Practical Art of Creativity . This popular book by the author of The Artist's Way presents the next step in the course of discovering and recovering our creative selves. It shows us how to inhabit the world with a sense of wonder. Includes 12 weeks worth of ideas and activities that cover these topics in terms of the creative process: Perspective, Adventure, Personal Territory, Boundaries, Momentum, Discernment, Resiliency, Camaraderie, Authenticity, and more.

The War of Art , by Steven Pressfield. Ever read a book where you want to underline and highlight practically every sentence? This was one of those for me. It's really about resistance. So if you're familiar with one of those inner parts that seems to resist/block you whenever you try to do something good for yourself, you really need to read this book. I've read it once, but I'll be reading it again and again. Pressfield gave me incredible insight into this inner voice called Resistance, and I'm now looking for images to create a card to honor it. Before I read The War of Art , I had no idea how much of my life this part of me was controlling.

Watercolor for the Artistically Undiscovered , by Thatcher Hurd & John Cassidy. Have you ever wanted to try watercolor, but just don't know where to begin? Then this one's for you! Playful exercises teach basic watercolor techniques and encourage you to explore this terrific medium. Also, you get to paint right in the book as most of the pages are watercolor paper! Also includes a palette of artist-quality watercolors. What could be better than that? (Makes a great gift for your inner creative child!)

38 Resources for SoulCollagers: Books & Movies from KaleidoSoul.com

What We Ache for: Creativity and the Unfolding of Your Soul , by Oriah Mountain Dreamer. From the renowned writer and bestselling author of "The Invitation" comes a guide to cultivating a spiritually rich life through creativity.

Where Women Create: Inspiring Work Spaces of Extraordinary Women , by Jo Packham. Take a beautiful peek into the studios of more than 20 talented artists and see where they work. This book is full of photographs as well as words of inspiration for anyone looking to create their own space for artistic pleasures. Lots of excellent ideas too! Artists include: Susan Alexander, Dena Fishbein, Dee Gruenig, Susan Pickering Rothamel, Sue Weinberg, and 21 more.

Wide Open: Inspiration and Techniques for Art Journaling on the Edge , by Randi Feuerhelm-Watts. This is an amazing creativity notebook complete with a deck of cards that are full of juicy ideas to get you going on art journaling in many forms. Lots of cool ideas that can be transferred over to SoulCollage® card creation too!

Wreck This Journal , by Keri Smith. Not your average art journaling book! Each page has a different suggestion written right on the page, for you to complete, right on the page. How cool is that? And I love the warning in the front of the book: Warning: During the process of this book you will get dirty. You may find yourself covered in paint, or any other number of foreign substances… You may grieve for the perfect shape that that you found the book in. You may begin to see creative destruction everywhere. You may begin to live more recklessly . This is definitely a book to participate in, not simply read.

The Zen of Creativity: Cultivating Your Artistic Life , by John Daido Loori. American Zen master Loori presents a book that taps the principles of the Zen arts and aesthetic as a means to unlock creativity and discover self-awareness and expression.

39 Resources for SoulCollagers: Books & Movies from KaleidoSoul.com


Dream Power , by Cynthia Richmond. Subtitled How to Use Your ight Dreams to Change Your Life , this book comes highly recommended by SoulCollage® Facilitator Diane Trowbridge who led our July 2007 tele-class on using SoulCollage® and Dream Work together. It's broken down into 31 short, manageable and highly readable chapters covering important topics such as: Why We Dream, How to Remember Your Dreams, How To Interpret Your Dreams, Stress Management Through Dreams, Recurring Dreams, Nightmares, Healing Dreams, and more.

The Dream Workbook , by Jill Morris. This book was recommended by Kindred Spirit Diane in North Carolina, who led our Sweet Dreams tele-class in July 2007. I picked it up again last week and it's really been helping me to intuit some meaning from a perplexing but powerful dream I had a few weeks ago. There are many simple written and imaginary activities given in this book that are truly gifts for anyone seeking to understand their dreams in a deeper more concrete way.

Dreams and Symbols: How to Understand the Meaning of Your Dreams , by Lucien Morgan. Fascinating, illustrated guide to the world of dreams.

Inner Work: Using Dreams and Active Imagination for Personal Growth , by Robert A. Johnson. The author shows us, in a practical four-step approach, how to transform our dreams and imagination into an active, creative part of our lives. Perfect for anyone working with imagery on a regular basis (calling all SoulCollagers!). Divided into three sections. 1. Introduction- talks about the unconscious, archetypes and inner work. 2. Dream Work 3. Active Imagination.

The Three "Only" Things: Tapping the Power of Dreams, Coincidence, and Imagination , by Robert Moss. Have you ever said something was "only a dream," "only a coincidence," or "only my imagination?" In this book you'll discover that these "only" things can be keys to finding and living your bigger story. You'll learn to tap into the nine powers of dreaming, the nine rules of coincidence, and the seven uses of imagination. You'll be inspired by stories of how innovators and world changers have used these gifts, and you'll learn wonderful games to help you access your intuition, heal yourself, and bring juice to your everyday life.

40 Resources for SoulCollagers: Books & Movies from KaleidoSoul.com


A Summer All Her Own , by Rosanne Keller. Beautifully written novel of a middle aged woman who travels to Greece to start a new life. Also shows the story of her reclaiming herself as an artist.

American Savior , by Roland Merullo. This lovely novel operates from a creative, spiritual "what if" premise that I found engaging and intriguing: What if Jesus came back to earth and ran for President of the United States? What if Jesus was alarmed at how our country has lost its spiritual footing and become dismayed at how his own teachings have been distorted? What would happen? How would the media react? How would we react? Told from the first person point of view of a television reporter who is chosen as Jesus' Chief of Security, this book is one that I will want to sink into and savor more than once. I found it humorous at times, moving at others, and altogether a very fine blessing.

Annie Freeman's Fabulous Traveling Funeral , by Kris Radish. I devoured this novel eagerly on a plane trip from Boston to . The five hour flight zoomed right by! Kris Radish is fast becoming one of my favorite authors because she writes about women, and women's friendships, in a way that is very real and true. This story is about a woman named Annie who has left a unique legacy to 5 of her closest friends: they are to travel together to several of the places in the United States that were turning points for her while she was alive. What these women learn about Annie, each other, and themselves, makes for a wonderful journey, one that you won't soon forget.

Bad Girl Creek , by Jo-Ann Mapson. Phoebe can 't afford the farmhouse and flower farm her beloved aunt Sadie left her, so she advertises for roommates. She selects three women in need of a fresh start. Drawing on their individual talents and newly discovered strengths the four women work together to save the farm and rebuild their lives. Bad Girl Creek is a testament to the healing power of friendship and the family we choose for ourselves. Recommended by Kindred Spirit Lisa.

Belong To Me , by Marisa de losSantos. If you are looking for a novel where the characters are as real as your own friends and family, then you will love this new novel. There characters' stories interwoven into one big loving novel about family and community and home and friendship and love. It truly is the kind of novel that you don't want to end.

41 Resources for SoulCollagers: Books & Movies from KaleidoSoul.com

Birds in Fall , by Brad Kessler. This beautifully-crafted novel is about several people who come together at a Bed & Breakfast in Nova Scotia to mourn the deaths of loved ones who died in a tragic plane crash nearby. Each person grieves in their own way, yet they are bonded together in their grief. Kessler writes so gracefully about death and about loss and love, nature and relationship. Recommended by Kindred Spirit Jane in MA.

Blue Plate Special: A ovel of Love, Loss, and Food, by Frances Norris. The title alone made me grab this novel off the shelf at the library, but what kept me reading was the author's sense of individual growth and renewal, healing from grief, all done with a dose of seriousness as well as humor. The lead character, Julia, references her chorus of Inner Critic nonsense quite frequently, and refers to them as "The Parliamentarians." An interesting story of one woman's journey towards wholeness, love, and self-acceptance.

Breakfast with Buddha , by Roland Merullo. What our world needs is more novels like this one! It is timely, intuitive and wise without being pretentious or in-your-face with its spiritual concepts. Ride along with upper middle-class editor and family man Otto as he drives across America with a Skovorodinian monk named Volya Rinpoche. I found myself laughing out loud many times, and also many times pondering the essence of life and love and happiness. It is a story told so well that several times I had to check the book jacket to be sure it was fiction and not non-fiction. The story seems that true. I borrowed this one from the library, but I will be adding it to my personal collection and re-reading it many times in the years to come.

Bright Dark Madonna , by Elizabeth Cunningham. This is the third in the fictional trilogy of the Maeve Chronicles, which tell the story of Mary Magdalene. Fiction, yes, but much here is based in fact. I highly recommend all the books of this series, and you don't have to read them in order. There is so much bright wisdom here about the early Church, and about women's place in the beginnings of . Also much beautiful insight into women's wisdom and spirituality in general.

Broken for You , by Stephanie Kallos. I just finished this novel last night, but I put off that last reading session because I didn't want it to end. It's the story of an older woman and a young woman whose lives connect and are forever changed in that connection. It's the story of two women who are living in fear of their own broken places, and whose journey together is one of friendship and healing. It also weaves together the themes of theatre, mosaic art, and Jewish history in the most beautiful, heartful way.

Child of My Heart , by Alice McDermott. If you have ever loved a child, you will love this original, luminous novel that tells the story of 15 year old Theresa, a beloved babysitter in her neighborhood. You'll meet the young ones that are in her care, plus one special child, her eight year old cousin Daisy. It's a beautiful story of life and love and what it means to be a child and to love a child.

42 Resources for SoulCollagers: Books & Movies from KaleidoSoul.com

Church of the Dog , by Kaya McLaren. An absolutely brilliant novel which weaves together art, angels, spirit travel, and ordinary people who love and laugh and build community together. Absolutely not to be missed!

Church of the Old Mermaids , by Kim Antieau. If you love mermaids, or anything to do with the divine feminine, you will love this new novel. I thoroughly enjoyed this whole story. Vivid, funny, touching tales of the “old mermaids,” told side by side with tales of people in this time and space. Rich, wise, full of meaning and joy.

Crossing Oceans , by Gina Holmes. Jenny Lucas swore she'd never go home again. But being told she was dying changed everything. Years after she left home, she and her five-year-old daughter, Isabella, must return to her sleepy North Carolina town to face the ghosts she left behind. They welcome her in the form of her oxygen tank–toting (and down to earth) grandmother, her stoic and distant father, and David, Isabella's dad, who doesn't yet know he has a daughter. As Jenny navigates the rough and unknown waters of her new reality, the unforgettable story that unfolds is a testament to the power of love and its ability to change everything—to heal old hurts, bring new beginnings, even overcome the impossible.

Crystal Clear , by Jane Heller. What happens when you take an uptight New Yorker to Sedona, Arizona to clear her head? Wait and see. This fast-paced, funny and exciting little novel is part romance, part mystery, part journey of self-discovery.

The Day I Ate Whatever I Wanted (and Other Small Acts of Liberation), by Elizabeth Berg. This is my favorite fiction author's newest book, a brilliant set of short stories that all revolve around the themes of women and freedom. I love her work because I always recognize myself in her characters. She knows people, particularly women, really well. I always have "aha" moments when she describes a feeling or a thought or a place. And humor abounds here as well. You can't read this book and not feel moved in some way.

Earthly Pleasures , by Karen Neches. I can honestly say I have never read such a funny, touching, unique novel as this one. It's all about what happens to us after we die, and how we are all connected. Told from the point of view of one Heavenly Greeter named Skye. Lots to think about here, plus it's a story well told with believable, real characters.

43 Resources for SoulCollagers: Books & Movies from KaleidoSoul.com

Eating Heaven , by Jennie Shortridge. Meet my newest favorite author! I read this book in two sittings while on vacation and wished it wouldn't end. It's about 39 year old Eleanor Samuels, a freelance writer who loves food a bit too much. But her relationship with food and with herself changes when her beloved Uncle Benny falls ill and she is his closest caregiver. This is exactly the kind of book I love to read: it's wise, funny, sad, sensual and hopeful. And it's about real women and real relationships.

The Elegant Gathering of White Snows , by Kris Radish. This is the third novel I've recommended by the same author, and I'm totally NOT going to apologize! I'll say it again: I love her books for the way she writes about women and the friendships among women. This story is about a group of 8 women who decide they've "had enough" of living the same old way every day, and just go out the door and begin a long walk that will change their lives, as well as the lives of many women they don't know. If you love books about the intricacies of women’s lives and loves, hearts and souls, you will love this book!

The End of the Alphabet , by C.S. Richardson. This is such a thin, small novel that you won't believe that this entire plot could happen in this many pages. But it can, and it does, and beautifully. Ambrose Zephyr lives happily in a book-strewn Victorian with his lovely wife Zappora Ashkenazi. When he is 50, Ambrose is told that he has only a month to live. What follows then is a whirlwind journey to the places he has always loved, or always wanted to visit… 26 places, from A to Z, Amsterdam to Zanzibar. Honest, loving, intense, breathtaking in its simplicity. I can't say enough about this beautiful little (but huge) work of fiction.

Every Last One , by Anna Quindlen. I can't remember when a novel has so deeply touched me emotionally. This is a brilliant work, highly relatable story, of a mother who suffers the hardest loss imaginable. I have loved all of Anna's books, but this one is by far the most mesmerizing, the most dramatic, the most real.

Everyone Is Beautiful , by Katherine Center. Here's a beautiful keeper of a novel! I picked this up because of the title since this is something that I very strongly believe. And I was both delighted and amazed at the tender touch of this author. The story focuses on slightly overweight Laini who is a thirty-something mother of three boys under the age of 4. It is about mothering and family, but it is also about listening inside to follow your passion, which she does even though it's really hard to find the time and energy. Some of the scenes with her children made me laugh right out loud. Every character is very real, like they could be my own friends and neighbors. Enjoy!

44 Resources for SoulCollagers: Books & Movies from KaleidoSoul.com

Enlightenment for Idiots , by Anne Cushman. This is the story of Amanda who is commissioned to write what she thinks is just another "For Idiots" travel guide, but turns out to be an amazing journey both inside and out. Most of the book takes place in India, as she travels there from famous ashrams to well-known (and not so well-known) gurus. I didn't want this book to end, but end it did... and now it's a blessing to share it with you all. Full of rich, honest details, clear writing, powerful feelings and great humor. I can’t wait to read her next one!

Every Soul A Star , by Wendy Mass. I saw this beautiful novel’s cover on a shelf at the bookstore where I worked a few years ago, and it was calling my name even though it was in the young adult section. And then I read the first page and was completely drawn in. It’s about three teenagers who come together at a campground in the middle of the U.S. to view a total solar eclipse with a thousand other people. These three seem to be unlikely friends, but their stories intersect in a beautiful way. I was able to immediately relate to each of the main characters and many of the others. A lovely “plus” is the writing about the solar eclipse. I’ve never thought much about the stars or eclipses before, but now I’m inspired! The next total solar eclipse path in the United States is in 2017, so I’m going to start planning for that right now. I’m not kidding. Read this book and you’ll want to see the next one also! Plus, there’s a labyrinth, an art house, and a boy who can fly (with lucid dreaming).

Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close , by Jonathan Safran Foer. Meet Oskar, the 12 year old main character of this intriguing new novel. Oskar is intelligent and imaginative beyond his years, full of curiosity and new inventions that the world surely needs. His father died in one of the September 11 attacks, and Oskar has found a key in a mysterious envelope with the word "Black" written on it. It is now Oskar's mission to find the lock that fits this key, and to do so, he begins a wild journey that has him meeting every "Black" in the New York City phone book! I love this book because it approaches grief from a very real place, and also because it touched me with humor and tenderness along the way.

Fairy Tale Blues , by Tina Welling. This excellent novel focuses on a strong female character, Annie Laurie. On the evening of her 26th wedding anniversary in Wyoming, she walks out of the celebration dinner with her husband Jess and catches a flight to Florida. She has suddenly decided (with good reason) to take a "marriage sabbatical," and the narration of the rest of the novel easily slips back and forth, chapter to chapter, from the point of views of Annie Laurie, and Jess. It is really the story of a marriage, and of Annie Laurie's need for getting to know herself and follow her own path within the context of that marriage. This is something that I have struggled with and the author "hits the nail on the head" hundreds of times. Also included are several other married couples, two kind sons, a therapist who skis, several really cool dogs, a little mystery and intrigue, and a meditation retreat.

45 Resources for SoulCollagers: Books & Movies from KaleidoSoul.com

The Friday ight Knitting Club , by Kate Jacobs. A rich, many-layered novel, and not just about knitting as the title might imply. The author weaves the stories of several women (and one 12 year old girl) whose paths cross in a trendy knitting boutique in Manhattan. I will be recommending this book as one to read for back-up and inspiration when it comes to the SoulCollage® Community Suit. If ever there was a novel that created an environment for exploring our self-created communities, it's this one. Warm, real, and full of compassion, it is interspersed throughout with some wise and thoughtful spiritual knitting metaphors.

The Frog Prince: A Fairy Tale for Consenting Adults, by Stephen Mitchell. I don't often come across books that make me laugh out loud and ponder deeply in equal measure. This little book does this royally. It tells the short but simple "true" version of the Frog Prince fairy tale. But it's about so much more than a frog retrieving a golden ball for a princess. It's about the meaning of true love, and the nitty gritty of real relationships as well.

Garden Spells , by Sarah Addison Allen. Absolutely enchanting novel about love, life's journeys, and inner voices. This is one I will enjoy reading again and again. No matter who you are, you'll be able to relate to at least one of these very human, very believable characters. And there's some magic/enchantment thrown in for good measure.

Generosity , by Richard Powers. A teacher in a Chicago community college encounters a young Algerian refugee student (Thassa) with a "disturbingly luminous" presence. Her blissful exuberance and approach to life baffles and entrances everyone she knows. Dubbed "Miss Generosity" by her classmates, Thassa's joyful personality comes to the attention of a notorious geneticist whose research leads him to announce the genotype for happiness. After that, Thassa is more and more drawn into a frenzied media circus. I won't say any more except that when I was done, I went to my library online and reserved every other book that Richard Powers wrote! Written with rich description of both the inner and outer worlds of happy and non-happy people alike. Highly recommend.

The Girl with o Shadow , by Joanne Harris. If you enjoyed the novel (and movie) Chocolat, you will love this sequel that follows through on Vianne Rocher's life in a small French village. She is running a new chocolate shop in a different town, but there is no excitement, no magic. She wants a "normal" life for her daughters. Then a dangerous woman in lollipop shoes named Zozie appears in their life and the fun begins. Vianne learns that you can't live without magic... you just need to distinguish the good from the bad. And you can practically smell the chocolate, the descriptions are so vivid.

46 Resources for SoulCollagers: Books & Movies from KaleidoSoul.com The God of Animals , by Aryn Kyle. This is a moving, beautifully crafted novel about family, horses, love, death, class in America, and the many different journeys people choose to take or not take. Even though it's narrated by 12 year old Alice, it still contains a full measure of adult secrets, betrayals, longings and joy. Even if you've never been drawn to horses (like me), this novel will touch your soul in many places.

Godmother: The Secret Cinderella Story , by Carolyn Turgeon. An amazing novel, stroked with magic and the personal heartache of relationships. You won’t soon forget this story of Cinderella’s Fairy Godmother, Lil, who made a huge mistake in preparing Cinderella for the ball, and has been banished to “real” life in New York City. Honestly, I started this on a Saturday night, and had to put all other projects aside on Sunday afternoon so I could finish it. You will be moved by the story and by the wisdom inside these pages.

Half Magic , by Edward Eager. Thoroughly delightful children's book from the 1950's about four children who find a magic coin. If you love the magical, imaginative stories of E. Nesbit, C.S. Lewis, and Roald Dahl, you'll love this tongue-in-cheek tale of children and magic wishes. It will make you laugh out loud, and sigh in recognition of those good ol' days of simplicity and wonder.

Happenstance , by Carol Shields. Two novels in one about a marriage in transition. Someone on our KaleidoSoul Yahoo Group recommended this author to us and I thought I'd start with this one. It's fascinating and beautifully written. Read the wife's side of the marriage, then turn the book over and upside down and you'll be able to read the husband's story about the same marriage. Fascinating.

Hearts on a String , by Kris Radish. Imagine five (very different) women, from 24-64, coming together completely by chance, then choosing to weather out a spring storm in a luxury Florida hotel together for several days. This book is funny, wise, and a sweet testament to the inner power that all women possess. Highly recommend.

Henry's Sisters , by Cathy Lamb. I was riveted from beginning to end within the stories of the various members of the Bommarito family in this beautiful novel. It's about three sisters, a brother, a southern-belle terror of a mother, a grandmother who believes she's Amelia Earhart, a father who is long-gone, and two very quirky kids, the children of the furious sister. Each of the three sisters has major issues, and the brother is very special (you'll see!). This is a story about a family that's fallen apart and ends up being put back together again. It's about a Queen Anne house, a bakery, a motorcycle, a mid life crisis Corvette, flowery-smelling pink letters, an amusing divorce, burning bras, a crime writer, love, a kid who studies different religions each week, fear, giant cupcakes, a lost father, and a disastrous childhood partially spent living in a car. You will laugh and you will cry, I can promise you that! A bright, shining example of what a novel should be.

47 Resources for SoulCollagers: Books & Movies from KaleidoSoul.com How to Spin Gold: A Woman's Tale , by Elizabeth Cunningham. An earlier work of fiction by the author of the Maeve Chronicles (the story of Mary Magdalene), one of my very favorite women authors. This tells the story behind the famous fairy tale Rumplestiltskin. It didn't happen the way you've always heard it! There's lots of wisdom, journeying, healing and almost- magic in this lovely book.

Julia's Chocolates , by Cathy Lamb. "I left my wedding dress hanging in a tree somewhere in North Dakota. I don't know why that particular tree appealed to me. Perhaps it was because it looked as if it had given up and died years ago and was still standing because it didn't know what else to do." In this deliciously funny, heartfelt, and moving novel, Cathy Lamb introduces some of the most wonderfully eccentric women since The Divine Secrets of the YaYa Sisterhood and The Secret Life of Bees , as she explores the many ways we find the road home. I borrowed this from the library but I am purchasing it for my own collection because I know I'll want to read it again and again. Each character touched my heart in a precious way. There are some great discussion questions in the back too, in case you're in a book club.

Julie and Romeo , by Jeanne Ray. If you're looking for a light, sweet and sassy novel to read, try this one. It's a charming love story between two 60 year olds. Recommended by Kindred Spirit Lisa in orth Carolina, who adds that Jeanne Ray's other books are also great reads.

The Kindness of Strangers , by Katrina Kittle. I was immediately drawn into this powerful novel about a young widow and her two sons who decide to foster the troubled son of her closest friend when a family secret shatters his world. I cared about each and every character (except for two, and we're not supposed to care about those) from the first page until the last. This is a powerful story about tragedy and healing, about re-defining family and the power of love.

Kissing the Virgin's Mouth: A ovel , by Donna M Gershten. Beautifully written, lyrical novel, with a special insight into another culture. Join Guadalupe Magdalena Molina Vasquez, the irresistible heroine, as she takes you into her Mexican world for some unforgettable experiences. I loved it because she creates a philosophy of life that is based on gratitude and optimism. Recommended by Kindred Spirit Alia in North Carolina.

Knit Two , by Kate Jacobs. This is the long-awaited sequel to the much-loved Friday ight Knitting Club novel. Kate writes about women and community and relationships exactly the way they are in real life- warm and wonderful and messy too. There is something here for absolutely everyone, with lots of wisdom threaded in among the characters ’ various story lines.

48 Resources for SoulCollagers: Books & Movies from KaleidoSoul.com The Knitting Circle , by Ann Hood. Another novel about knitting... I know! But this one is just as good as the others. A true testament to the idea of community and how we bring comfort to one another just by listening to each other’s stories. A quote on the back cover says it better than I can: "It is brilliant and brave and extraordinary. It does what the very best novels do- it takes a tragedy and finds the heart of the pain and turns it into shimmering art." I haven't knit anything in about 25 years but this incredible novel really touched my soul.

The Language of Sycamores , by Lisa Wingate. I am thrilled to share with you a new "favorite author." She's not new... she actually has several novels out already. But she's new to me as I just read this one and I'm going to read all her others, in short order. If you like stories about relationships, women, and finding one's true work, you will be deeply satisfied with this book. It is rich, real, and full of soul.

The Last Beach Bungalow , by Jennie Nash. A wonderful novel about a real woman with real thoughts and feelings. I devoured it in one long sitting! If you've ever been in a relationship where you've wanted something more, or if you want to read a novel that captures the essence of what "home" is all about, then you'll love this book and you'll probably relate to April, the main character, who is feeling restless at the time of her five year cancer-free anniversary. This is Nash's first novel, and I only hope there will be many more .

The Last Time I Saw You , by Elizabeth Berg. Another brilliant novel from my favorite author, Elizabeth Berg. If you love stories about real women, you'll love this one. This story revolves around a 40th high school reunion. The main characters are two women and two men, all of whom played very different roles in high school, and how they come together playing very different roles in the present, 40 years later. This book is laugh-out-loud funny and it is heartwarming and tender, in all the right places.

The Leisure Seeker: A ovel , by Michael Zadoorian. By far the favorite novel I've read this year. I absolutely fell in love with the two main characters, John and Ella Robina, who are in their 80's. She has late stage cancer and he has beginning signs of Alzheimer's. Instead of checking into a nursing home or the hospital, they take their old RV (aka the "leisure seeker") and head on a cross country journey that will have you alternately laughing and holding your breath. "Ultimately it is the story of Ella and John: the people they encounter, the problems they overcome, the experiences they have lived, the love they share, and their courage to take back the end of their own lives.”

Life's A Beach , by Claire Cook. Funny, uplifting, delightful new novel by the author of the romantic comedy film Must Love Dogs . Focuses on the story of Ginger, in her 40's and still trying to figure out what she wants to be when she grows up. I loved this book because it made me laugh right out loud many, many times. And also because Ginger is playing around with the idea of being an artist. Oh and one more thing... she loves Eva Cassidy as much as I do.

49 Resources for SoulCollagers: Books & Movies from KaleidoSoul.com The Life of Pi , by Yann Martel. Several people strongly recommended this novel to me last year, and I borrowed it from the library but just couldn't get into it. For some reason it crossed my path again last month, and this time I fell in love! It's the imaginative story of a teenage boy who survives a shipwreck in the Pacific Ocean for almost a year. Oh, and one more thing… on the life boat with him is a 450 pound Bengal tiger! It's a story of survival and creative problem solving, sure... but it's also about hope and faith.

Linden's Last Life , by Alan Cohen. If you follow my writings, you know that I quote Alan Cohen often. I am a huge fan of his nonfiction writings on , wisdom, and inner authenticity. This is his first novel and I loved every page! It tells the story of Linden, a young man in his 30's, who has reached the end of his rope. Feeling he has nothing to live for, he is ready to jump off the Golden Gate Bridge. A mysterious monk rescues him and gives him refuge for a few nights. Linden then decides to escape the pain of the world forever, and makes a mystical deal (in a secret cave in the wilds of Tibet) to never be reborn again (his last life). Then a strange and unexpected turn of events happens and Linden has second thoughts about this "deal." Can he reverse it? I'm not going to tell! I found this book to be entertaining as well as insightful. I laughed out loud many times, and it also often gave me pause to think.

The Little Book , by Seldon Edwards. Even if you don't like historical novels, give this one a try. It is not like a historical novel at all. Edwards touches upon the history of Vienna at the turn of the century (1897). He writes of love, women's development, Freud, the young Hitler, World War II, and more. It's a timeless story told beautifully. The author made me care so much for each character represented. I fell in love with (almost) all of them. Recommended by Kindred Spirit Kate in Massachusetts

Lost and Found , by Carolyn Parkhurst. This amazing novel follows several pairs of partners who are part of an exciting around-the-world adventure reality called "Lost and Found" (kind of like "Amazing Race" meets "Jeopardy." ) But it goes much deeper than that. Each pair is holding a secret, and the story lines merge and cross as their secrets impact the outcome of the game. Carolyn has a beautiful way of creating character development that immediately drew me in. There is much in this beautiful book about authenticity and living one’s own inner truth no matter what is happening on the outside.

Lost and Found , by Jacqueline Sheehan. If you've ever loved a dog, or if you've ever lost someone you loved, then this novel will touch deep places in your heart. It's the story of a lost, grieving woman (Rocky) and a wounded black Lab (Lloyd) who reaches her wounded soul with his own being. Very grounded in reality, this story is also partly a mystery, as Rocky seeks to discover how Lloyd was wounded. Lost and Found is told from several points of view- Rocky's, Lloyd's (yes, the dog tells part of the story!), and a few characters (also wounded in their own particular ways) they meet along the journey.

50 Resources for SoulCollagers: Books & Movies from KaleidoSoul.com

Love Walked In , by Marisa De LosSantos. Oh, I loved this novel so much! You'll love it too if you love stories about love that aren’t necessarily romantic. The author works in old movies and childrens' stories brilliantly and unobtrusively to enhance the lead characters' journeys. One reviewer said this (and I can't say it any better): A bewitching, warmhearted grownup fairy tale about old movies, charming princes, and finding happily ever after in the place where you'd least expect it.

The Monk Upstairs , by Tim Farrington. Sequel to the also wonderful The Monk Downstairs , this novel captures the essence of relationships: husband/wife, mother/daughter, friend/friend, wife/ex-husband, daughter/half-brother...etc. I read both of these books and was quite moved with the spirituality subtly inherent in each one. Says one reviewer: I am caught and held firm by Farrington's tender treatment of his characters and their humanity. His ability to show the soft underbelly of the most complex questions death, life, love, spirit, God, the path, and family is inspiring, graceful and forgiving. I found this book to be a wonderful deep breath that filled my lungs with life and my mind with possibility.

Mozart's Ghost , by Julia Cameron. Did you know that author of The Artist’s Way writes novels too? This is her second novel, and I found it immensely satisfying. I was engrossed from the first page in this mystical story about30-something Anna who is a teacher by day and a medium by night. Living in her apartment building is another 30-something pianist named Edward whose continuous practicing at first annoys and distracts, then haunts and moves Anna. And of course, the third main character is the ghost of Mozart himself who reveals himself to Anna along with instructions for how Edward can win the competition he is rehearsing for. But Anna has lost in love before when her lover discovered her work as a medium. Will she trust Edward enough to reveal to him her secret (and often misunderstood) work? I hope you'll read their story and find out. When I turned the last page, I breathed a deep sigh of pleasure. This is one novel that truly satisfies my need for rich writing, believable characters, and a love story that's real and not sappy.

The Mystery of Grace , by Charles de Lint. This is an extraordinary novel! Where has this author been all my life? He has given us a beautiful story with honest, courageous characters, simple prose, and a strong spiritual base that is missing in most of today's literature. I found myself absolutely riveted with the story of Grace who works in the southwest at Sanchez Motor Works, customizing hot rods. She falls in love with an ordinary guy named John, but... well, this is where the mystery comes in. After one beautiful night of connection, Grace disappears, literally, into thin air. But wait... where did she go? I'm not telling! You have to read this, you just have to read this one and see for yourself.

51 Resources for SoulCollagers: Books & Movies from KaleidoSoul.com ecklace of Kisses , by Francesca Lia Block. I read this fascinating short and sweet novel with my mouth open most of the time, and can't wait for some of you to read it and tell me what you think! I can honestly say I've never read another story like this one... it has "equal shots of magic and realism," and I loved every one of the characters from the beginning. Besides our heroine Weetzie Bat (yes, that really is her name!), there is also a receptionist with blue skin, an invisible cleaning lady, a seductive faun, a real live mermaid, and several magic jewels. But really, in the end, it's all about self-discovery, relationships, family and community, and how we deal with the tragedies of our world. It didn't take me long to read, but the magic of these characters' stories will be with me always.

ight Swimming , by Robin Schwarz. I highly recommend this exciting, romantic novel about a woman peeling away the layers of herself to find the true soul within. The main character is Charlotte Clapp, who discovers that she has one year to live. She's never done anything bold or daring in her life, but she seizes the moment, quits her job and robs the bank where she had worked for 15 years. Two million dollars richer, she goes on the lam to learn what life and love are all about. She meets some interesting characters along the way, and gathers up all the lessons that life has to offer. Written with humor, joy, and a keen eye for life. Great story, memorable characters, lots of emotion. This is Schwarz's first novel and I'll be keeping a lookout for her next one.

The obodies , by Carolyn Parkhurst. This is the third novel by this author that I have read… no, devoured. She writes with an authentic, wise voice that I really respond to. This story is about Octavia Frost, a semi-famous author whose estranged son is a truly famous rock star. At the beginning, we learn that she has just completed a new novel, a compilation of revised endings of her previous ten novels. Then we learn that her son, Milo, who hasn't spoken to her in four years, has been accused for the murder of his girlfriend. Every page of this journey is intense, intelligent and real. Within this novel, Parkhurst weaves the many stories that bind Octavia and Milo together, as well as the stories that have torn them apart. It's a story with many other stories woven within it, of families, love, deep loss, and how endings and beginnings are one and the same.

One Door Away From Heaven , by Dean Koontz. I cannot believe that I've waited more than 50 years to discover this magnificent author! At the heart it is the story of a wounded child (Leilani) and her indomitable spirit. From now on, I will recommend this book at all of my SoulCollage® workshops that focus on the Community Suit because there is a war between good and evil going on in this book and the "good" is represented by a group of mismatched people with only one thing on their minds: love of Leilani. And if that's not enough to make you want to dive right in, Koontz refers to God as the "Playful Presence," and there is one character, a dog, who experiences that Playful Presence in Leilani’s dreams... and you will too, when you read this tender, tough, brilliant novel. I finished it last week but it lives on in my heart.

52 Resources for SoulCollagers: Books & Movies from KaleidoSoul.com One Good Dog , by Susan Wilson. Whether you love dogs or not, I think you'll love this novel. It touched my heart and engaged my passion for a really good story. The best part about this one is that it's told from two points of view. The major voice is Adam who is in his 40's, unemployed, divorced, and volunteering at a men's homeless shelter as part of his community service agreement with the judge. The other voice is Chance, a wise and lovable pit bull who spent a good part of his youth fighting. This book is the powerful story of how they come together, and how each life changes because of the love of the other.

The One That I Want , by Allison Winn Scotch. A very enjoyable novel about a woman in the midst of some major life transitions, even though she doesn't know it at the beginning of the story. The main character is Jillian who survived her mother's death as a teenager by taking care of her sisters and vowing to remain in their small hometown to be there for them, a place where nothing ever changes. Flash forward 15 years. Jillian is a guidance counselor in the same high school she graduated from. She is living a life of perfect happiness, or so she thinks. This is a perfectly crafted novel that goes deep into the heart of women.

Paper Hearts , by Debrah Williamson. I enjoyed absolutely every page of this beautiful, heartfelt novel about 15 year old Chancey, a runaway with a sad past, and 83 year old Max who is grieving his wife and considering suicide. They find each other just in time to learn that love heals even the deepest wounds. It's also a story about giving, and letting go of the past, and how community and family is all around us.

The Passion of Mary Magdalene , This is one riveting, passionately creative, and soul- expanding novel! This one will definitely get your mind, body and soul humming and thinking about Source, Spirit, Mother God, and the divine feminine in your own life. This is the third novel in the Maeve Chronicles, but it stands on its own beautifully as well.

Pieces of Happily Ever After , by Irene Zutell. I love stories about women who are asking themselves who they are, what they want, and how to live a life that is true to their soul. This witty, humorous, heartfelt novel does not disappoint! The main character here is Alice whose marriage has ended badly. She has a 5 year old daughter, Gabby, who believes in princesses and magic and "happy ever after." She also has an elderly mother with Alzheimer's and some really wise women friends who stick with her through it all. Light romance, but deeper on the soul romance level.

Pilate's Wife , by Antoinette May. This fascinating, breathtaking novel puts a "provocative spin" on the "greatest story ever told." A daughter of privilege in the most powerful empire in the world, Claudia has a unique and disturbing "gift": her nighttime dreams often come true. Based on fact, but with all the lovely mystery that draws us into good solid fiction, Pilate's Wife deepened my curiosity and held me captive. I read it during a trans-Atlantic flight and hardly noticed the time "flying" by!

53 Resources for SoulCollagers: Books & Movies from KaleidoSoul.com Plain Truth, by Jodi Picoult. This author is one of my favorites. Her novels are always intricate, fascinating, and full of characters I can relate to. You could call this one a murder mystery or a legal thriller, but it's really much more insightful than that. Set in an Amish community, it immediately drew me in.

Promise the Moon , by Elizabeth Joy Arnold. A powerful, wise novel about how the losses of war (this current one) affect a close-knit family. Told from the points of view of young mother Natalie, and her 10 year old daughter Anna, this book both riveted and held me. I literally couldn't stop reading it. All the characters are flawed and human, and Elizabeth writes with compassion, wisdom and grace.

The Pull of the Moon , by Elizabeth Berg. This novel tells the story of a woman who pauses her ordinary life to take a car trip with no destination in mind, in order to discover who she is.

Range of Motion , by Elizabeth Berg. Lainey is a woman who truly and deeply loves her husband. But while he spends several months in a coma, she finds that her love is deepened as she decides to trust her own deepest inner knowing that he will one day awaken.

Return of the Goddess: A Divine Comedy , by Elizabeth Cunningham. This novel will be just what you need for a spirited read if you love the idea of integrating feminine spirituality into everyday life. The story revolves around Esther Peters, an Episcopal priest's wife. One day while playing with play dough with her two small boys, she finds that she has shaped the dough into a resemblance of the goddess form. This tiny incident spreads like ripples throughout the story, changing everyone it touches. Other juicy characters include: Spencer, an elderly rich widow; Marvin, a former pimp who reads Tarot with an intuitive wisdom that is indeed divine; and Fergus, the wizened old estate keeper who knows of magic and healing. There is also an enchanted wood... you'll have to read it yourself to find out why I'm so enthralled with this book!

Riding with the Queen , by Jennie Shortridge. I loved Jennie's first novel, Eating Heaven, and this one is right up there along with it! The main character in this one is Tallie Beck, who is funny, sexy, smart and heartbreakingly real. There's a lot here about journeys, family, and the true meaning of community. Light reading + solid fiction + believable characters = JOY!

The School of Essential Ingredients , by Erica Bauermeister. I don’t know if I can describe how beautiful this book is, but let me try. It tells the stories of eight people who gather every month in Chef Lillian’s restaurant for a cooking class. Oh, but it is about so much more than a cooking class! Reading this not only made my mouth water, but it also fed my hunger for real characters and satisfied my need for poetry.

54 Resources for SoulCollagers: Books & Movies from KaleidoSoul.com

Shelter Me , by Juliette Fay. This rich novel has everything I love in my favorite stories: believable characters (men and women), deep family connections and friendships, a little romance, and a journey from a dark place to a bright place.

Sing Them Home , by Stephanie Kallos. This new novel by the author of Broken for You is immense in heart, body and soul. I immediately was drawn into the lives of the main characters: two sisters and a brother in eastern Nebraska. Their mother was whisked away by a tornado in 1978, her body never found. The story opens 25 years later as the children (now in their 30's and 40's) gather together for their father's funeral. Also figuring into the equation is their stepmother, who was their mother's best friend. The author goes deep into each person's life and relationships, and she beautifully weaves the lives of the dead in with the living.

Skyward , by Mary Alice Munroe. If you like fiction books with some meat to them, then this one is for you. It's also for you if you are in any way attracted to birds as totems. The story takes place at a South Carolina Conservation Center for Birds and it's about a doctor who cares for injured wild birds. You'll learn much about owls, eagles, raptors, crows, vultures, and there's even a white rooster who is one of the main characters! This is a love story on many levels- man and woman, woman and child, father and daughter, humans and nature.

Spirits in the Wires , by Charles de Lint. An absolutely brilliant novel full of myth and magic, as de Lint's books usually are. But this one is different, because this one focuses on magical beings who live in cyberspace, directly connected to the Internet. One of the main characters was "born" in a web site. Another is the central character's "Shadow." Intrigued? Go ahead and read it! May your imagination soar as much as mine did while reading this one!

Stay , by Allie Larkin. I absolutely couldn't stop reading it, and a few important projects had to be put on hold while I finished it. Smart, funny, very observant. This is a relevant story about friendship, love and healing. At its heart is the story of a heartbroken woman named Savannah who "accidentally" purchases a German Shepherd "puppy" off of the internet. This puppy turns out to be 70 pounds of pure dog. There are a couple of love stories going on here. Woman + dog. Dog + vet. Woman + vet. Woman + friend. Highly recommend.

Such A Pretty Face , by Cathy Lamb. This novel is powerful, soul-full women's modern fiction at its very very best. I have recommended other Cathy Lamb books and this one is extra- ordinary. It follows the story of Stevie Barrett who has lost 170 pounds after a heart attack at the age of 32. She is now "half the woman she used to be and about to find herself for the first time." But it's not really about the weight. It's about living authentically no matter what size you are; it's also about following your creative passion, letting go of the past and finding forgiveness. The characters are all recognizable, relatable and wildly individual.

55 Resources for SoulCollagers: Books & Movies from KaleidoSoul.com

Sugar Queen , by Sara Addison Allen. At 27 Josey spends her life catering to her demanding mother. Her only solace is the stash of sweets, romance novels, and travel magazines she keeps hidden in her closet. When a local waitress mysteriously takes up residence in the closet and refuses to leave, Josey is forced outside the confines of her safe, predictable world. With delightful magical touches, this book is a reminder that moving outside of our comfort zone can have wonderfully unexpected results. --- recommended by Kindred Spirit Lisa in North Carolina

The Sunday List of Dreams , by Kris Radish. Oh, yes! Another great one by one of my favorite authors ( Annie Freedman's Traveling Funeral, The Elegant Gathering of White Snows ...). Read this and your own imagination will take flight. Find out what happens when a retired nurse sets out to really live the "list of dreams" she's been keeping in her pocket for over twenty years. You'll be inspired to create your own list of dreams, I guarantee.

Thank You for All Things , by Sandra Kring. A completely wonderful and satisfying novel. Told from the point of view of future psychologist, 11 year old Lucy, it's full of wisdom and true portraits of peoples' stories, both light and dark. She goes back to her mother's homestead in Wisconsin, along with her mother, New Age grandmother, and "profoundly gifted" twin brother Milo. They are there to care for her dying grandfather, and along the way she discovers some missing pieces to her family's broken past and also the story of her own father's identity. In addition, there are lessons learned (but no preaching!) about the paradoxes of love and the grace of forgiveness.

Tuscan Holiday , by Holly Chamberlin. Riveting novel, full of mother-daughter relationship themes, as well as the story of two women learning to follow their heart and listen within to their own authentic selves. And the icing on the cake is the author's sensory and delightful descriptions of their journey through Florence and the Tuscan countryside.

Their Eyes Were Watching God , by Zora Neals Hurston. I don’t know how I let so many years go by without picking up this beautiful novel. It tells the story of Janie Crawford as she evolves through three marriages. Beautifully told with "haunting sympathy" and "piercing immediacy."

The Unfinished Angel , by Sharon Creech. A delightful short novel about an angel living in a remote area of Europe who is "in charge" of a village of a sleepy village with feuding neighbors and lost children. This angel does her/his job with the help of Zola, a determined American girl who wears clothes the color of rainbows. Watch the village wake up when Zola and the Angel get to work. Watch the Angel realize her mission. Enjoy and feel good right down to your own toes!

56 Resources for SoulCollagers: Books & Movies from KaleidoSoul.com

Veil of Roses , by Laura Fitzgerald. Step into the shoes of 27 year old Iranian-born Tamila as she is brought to America to begin a new life here. This is a little bit about romance, and a whole lot about family ties, cultural differences, and the importance of freedom.

The Way Life Should Be , by Christina Baker Kline. I found this to be a lovely, rich novel full of real people and the blessings of everyday life. It's about 30-something Angela who moves out of New York City and to a rural, little-known island in Maine (in the winter, no less!) simply because she feels drawn there and has nowhere else to go. In searching for meaning for her life, she realizes what it is that she doesn't want and starts drawing to herself friends and situations that speak to her soul. This book was a refreshing reminder to me that life is all about following our own hearts.

Welcome to the Great Mysterious , by Lorna Landvik. Delightful novel about a self-centered Broadway diva who spends a month in the Midwest caring for her 13 year old Down’s Syndrome nephew while her sister and brother-in-law get away for a much needed vacation. It will make you laugh and maybe even shed a tear. A central part of the story is "The Great Mysterious," a handmade book that the sisters created when they were 11, which is full of Questions about the mystery of life, and the answers from their various extended family members. I am thinking of creating my own "Great Mysterious" book and passing it around the table this month at Thanksgiving! Recommended by Kindred Spirit Lisa in NC.

The Whole World Over , by Julia Glass. I've just finished reading this magnificent novel and feel like I've found another "favorite author." I know the book belongs in this category if I feel a sadness, a loss, when the last page arrives in my hands. There are many stories woven into one beautiful tapestry of human love and longing here. If you love novels that go deep into peoples' lives, you'll love this one. I also thrilled to the way Glass weaves in poetry and children's stories, as well as the fact that animals play a hugely important role in the threads of just about everyone's lives. Not just dogs and cats, but horses and other animals as well.

Winter Garden , by Kristin Hannah. Fabulous new novel by one of my favorite authors. At first I didn’t think I was going to enjoy this one, which contains quite a bit of Russian history and themes, however I was drawn in right from the first page. I love Kristin’s books because there is a sweet emphasis on relationships, particularly mothers, daughters, and sisters. This one is no exception.

57 Resources for SoulCollagers: Books & Movies from KaleidoSoul.com

The Year of Pleasures , by Elizabeth Berg. This is one of my favorite novels by one of my favorite authors. When Betta Nolan's husband dies, she honors a promise she made to him to move to a small town and start a new life. Without minimizing her great sorrow, she nevertheless attempts to find pleasure on a daily basis. The Year of Pleasures is about deliberately acknowledging the solace found in ordinary things: a warm bath, good food, the beauty of nature, music, art found in museums and in gardens. Above all, it is about the various kindnesses people can and do offer one another. Betta's journey from grief to joy is an inspiring reminder of what is available to us all, regardless of our life circumstances. It suggests that no matter who we lose, life can still give bountifully to those who will receive.

You're ot You , by Michele Wildgen. Warm, real, and riveting novel about 20-something unfocused Bec who goes to work for 30-something Kate, a refined woman with Lou Gehrig's disease. The inner changes that Bec goes through as she befriends the older woman are riveting.

Grief, Death & Dying

A Grief Observed - by C.S. Lewis. I read and reread this book 13 years ago when my dad died, and then again 2 years ago when my mom joined him. It is both comforting and real. Lewis uses his own experience of the death of his wife as the base of his story, so you know he is coming from a place of compassion and understanding.

A Year to Live: How to Live This Year as If It Were Your Last , by Stephen Levine. Want to learn to live mindfully in each moment as each moment comes to you? This book shows us exactly that. Stephen Levine is known for his books about living and dying with grace and mindfulness, and this book is no exception.

Acquainted with the ight: A Year on the Frontiers of Death , by Allegra Taylor. This fascinating book is the story of the author's year spent working in a hospice and training to become part of London Lighthouse, a support network for people with AIDS.

58 Resources for SoulCollagers: Books & Movies from KaleidoSoul.com

Beloved on the Earth: 150 Poems of Grief and Gratitude , edited by Jim Perlman, Deborah Cooper, Mara Hart and Pamela Mittlefehldt. This is an absolutely beautiful and essential resource to have on hand for personal comfort and support after a loved one has died. The poems here encompass loss of many kinds: friends, siblings, parents, lovers, partners and long lost loves. "As unique as each life is, so is each death. And yet, in our isolated grief and mourning, we turn to the comfort, the embrace of the words of others.”

Life Lessons , by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, and David Kessler. Two experts on death and dying teach us about the mysteries of life and living. Topics include: authenticity, love, relationships, loss, power, guilt, time, fear, anger, play, patience, surrender, forgiveness and happiness. Much wisdom to savor and apply here.

Midlife Orphan: Facing Life’s Changes ow That Your Parents Are Gone , by Jane Brooks. When my mother died in 2004 (eleven years after my father’s death), I felt lost and alone, even though I was happily married and still had two loving older brothers. I was surprised by the consuming intensity of this feeling. When I found this book and practically devoured it, I no longer felt alone, and the feelings lost their pain. I felt validated after reading this book, and highly recommend it to anyone who has lost both of their parents.

We Are Here: Love ever Dies , by Jane Smith Bernhardt. a beautiful book that contains simple but powerful messages on the nature of love, forgiveness and the afterlife.

Readings for Remembrance , selected by Eleanor Munro. This is a beautiful collection of readings for funerals and memorial services. Includes poetry, quotes and short essays. Actually, reading through it, I found great comfort and peace, even though I'm not currently grieving a loss.

Remembering Well: Rituals for Celebrating Life and Mourning Death , by Sarah York. Excellent resource for anyone looking to plan a memorial service for someone they love. Includes special sections and ideas for special kinds of death (untimely, by choice, violent, infant, before birth, Alzheimers, AIDS).

Saving Graces , by Elizabeth Edwards. Excellent memoir, well-written and inspirational. I found this to be the best books I’ve read on learning to deal with loss and grief. Recommended by Kindred Spirit Mary in Massachusetts

59 Resources for SoulCollagers: Books & Movies from KaleidoSoul.com Tear Soup: A Recipe for Healing After Loss , by Pat Schwiebert and Chuck DeKlyen. This is classified as a "children's book," but I beg to differ! I wish I'd found this gem so much earlier in my life... it would have made many of my own losses so much more bearable. What Tear Soup does (in my humble opinion) is consolidate many wise teachings on death, loss and grieving into one beautiful story about a woman named Grandy who has experienced her own loss and goes about creating “Tear Soup” in order to help herself heal. I can see this being used in support groups for adults as well as children around the world.

Unattended Sorrow - by Stephen Levine. A meditation teacher and writer who is very in touch with the present moment, Levine offers a practical, helpful, rich book for anyone who has ever grieved any kind of a loss. He also talks about how unattended sorrow can accumulate over time and add to our stress while mucking up our emotions and daily life.

When People Grieve , by Paula D'Arcy. Subtitled The Power of Love in the Midst of Pain , this book speaks in a down-to-earth way towards the issue of how to be with a loved one when they are full of grief due to loss of any kind. Paula D'Arcy lost her child and husband in 1975 in a tragic auto accident, so she speaks from experience. This book is very helpful. It's not just theory, it's practical too. Here are some of the chapter titles: Every Grief is Unique, Don't Rush Me…Accept My Timetable, Shock, Anger, The Body's Response to Grief, Things ot To Say, Specific Ways to Help, Unmentionable Deaths, Practical Ideas.


Trust Your Vibes, by Sonia Choquette. Excellent resource for understanding and developing your own intuition

Your Sixth Sense: Unlocking the Power of Your Intuition , by Belleruth Naparstek. A thoughtful, illuminating guide that helps us access our own intuitive wisdom. Includes a set of powerful guided imagery exercises that will help you unlock your own sixth sense (and we all have one, never fear!)

60 Resources for SoulCollagers: Books & Movies from KaleidoSoul.com Journaling/Writing

A Year in the Life , by Sheila Bender. Subtitled Journaling for SelfDiscovery , this little volume will help you use your journal for deeper levels of self-awareness. It guides you through one full year of introspective writing, using weekly prompts and topics as a springboard into your deepest feelings.

And ow We Dance: Journaling for the Woman Within , by Linda Senn. Excellent resource for anyone who loves to journal, or is just getting started journaling. Each page contains a quotation, a short essay about that quotation, and a journal exercise related to the theme. Topics include: age, comfort, beware, joy, laughter, menopause, now, judgment, being judged, beginnings, words, wisdom, time to weep, optimism, decisions, connecting...and many, many more.

The Creative Journal: The Art of Finding Yourself , by Lucia Capacchione, Ph.D. Another wonderful book by one of my favorite self-help authors. The Creative Journal is a guide to discovering and releasing your inner potential through writing and drawing. You don't have to be a professional writer or artist to benefit from the wonderful exercises and suggestions in this practical book. You'll find this book helpful if you're new to journaling OR if you've been journaling for years.

Journalution: Journaling to Awaken Your Inner Voice, Heal Your Life, and Manifest Your Dreams , by Sandy Grason. Studies confirm what avid journalers have always known: that writing about difficult experiences helps the writer move forward. With chapters including "Completing Your Incompletions," "Masterminding Your Destiny," and "Communicating with a Higher Power," the book balances basic instruction in the art of journaling with intimate entries from the author and her workshop participants. Activities, such as timed and stream-of- consciousness writing exercises and keeping a dream log, follow each chapter. Grason offers guidelines and prompts, encouraging readers to pick up the pen and journal their way to greater self-awareness.

Journal Bliss , by Violette. Creative prompts to unleash your inner eccentric. Chock full of ideas, suggestions and examples of ways to express yourself creatively within the pages of an art journal.

Journal Revolution: Rise Up and Create , by Linda Woods and Karen Dinino. Full of many color photos, techniques and ideas for creating an art journal that celebrates your own soul. Even if you've never done journaling in color before, you'll want to once you've read through this beautiful book!

61 Resources for SoulCollagers: Books & Movies from KaleidoSoul.com

Journal to the Self , by Kathleen Adams. Excellent resource for anyone looking to deepen their journaling practice.

Life's Companion , by Christina Baldwin. Subtitled Journal Writing as a Spiritual Practice , you will find this book very helpful, and to use hand in hand with your SoulCollage® practice. This is a powerful tool for personal growth and heightened creativity/self-awareness.

ote to Self , by Samara O'Shea. On Keeping a Journal and Other Dangerous Pursuits. Fabulous little book on journaling. Talks about stream of consciousness writing, how to ask yourself questions, how to use quotes to help yourself figure out your life, and how to practice patience right along with your creativity.

One to One: SelfUnderstanding Through Journal Writing , by Christina Baldwin. Completely revised edition. Christina shows us how our journals can become sanctuaries of safe self-expression. She uses her own journal entries as examples, and shares an abundance of ideas and suggestions for using our journals to know ourselves better.

The Playful Way to Knowing Yourself , by Roberta Allen. I once was lucky enough to have a spiritual teacher who knew the value of asking questions. He always knew the right ones to ask me at just the right moment, and each one brought me closer to my own truth. This book is the same kind of teacher! The photos are moving, and the questions will shine the light right into your dearest soul. Lots of space for writing the answers too.

Prayers to the Moon: Exercises in SelfReflection , by Kay Leigh Hagan. Lots of food for thought here. Contains lovely and wise journaling prompts (52 in all) and 3 open pages for your response in words or art. Meditative, with lots of space for your own practice.

Swimming Lessons: Life Lessons from the Pool, from Diving in to Treading Water , by Penelope Niven. It’s not just a book about learning to swim, it ’s about living to live. Excellent book that uses swimming as a metaphor for our beautiful lives. Divided into sections on: Getting Into the Water, Learning to Float, Breathing, Treading Water, Swimming, Diving, Swimming Alone, and Swimming in the Ocean. Also includes excellent journaling exercises.

Writing Down Your Soul , by Janet Conner. If you only read one of these journaling books, this is the one to read. Has a big spiritual component. My life hasn’t been the same since I’ve begun practicing writing down my soul!

62 Resources for SoulCollagers: Books & Movies from KaleidoSoul.com

Writing Out the Storm : Reading & Writing Your Way Through Serious Illness or Injury, by Barbara Abercrombie. Using various writing exercises, the author shows us many creative ways to transform anger, despair, loneliness, fear, and other emotions into very beneficial and positive energy.

Writing the Mind Alive, by Linda Metcalf. Fascinating method of writing that is simple, clear and direct. I went to a retreat led by the author and immersed myself in this method, which is called proprioceptive writing. I find that it calms and centers me, every time!

Just for Fun

14,000 Things To Be Happy About , by Barbara Ann Kipfer. This fat little joyful book is really one humongous long list of things (in no particular order) that will make you smile and remember to be grateful. Here's a few examples: freedom, curtains whispering, one perfect rose, going somewhere you've never been, openlate shops, a bag of lemons, a small boy running into his mother's hug, reversible place mats, trying to play the harmonica . 612 pages. Dip into this any time you're feeling slightly down or blue and it will change your energy in a heartbeat!

2,002 Ways to Cheer Yourself Up , by Cyndi Haynes. Lift your spirits with this book full of practical, fun, easy ideas.

All I Want is a Warm Bed and a Kind Word and Unlimited Power , by Ashleigh Brilliant. This is just one of Brilliant's many books full of his irreverent yet wise cartoons called Pot- Shots. Here are a few examples: ot even a great leader can get very far without great people to lead. I hate arguments, particularly between the watch on my wrist and the clock in my body. Each is accompanied by a black and white drawing. You'll read some of them over and over again. I actually have photocopied a few and propped them up on my desk!

63 Resources for SoulCollagers: Books & Movies from KaleidoSoul.com Before You Leap , by Kermit the Frog. A Frog's Eye View of Life's Greatest Lessons . At long last, the world's most famous and beloved frog shares his story - and the lessons of his life - with all the fans who have loved and laughed with him over the years. After reflecting on his life, Kermit shares what he's learned to help you live a better life. Whether you're trying to make your dreams come true, looking for love, graduating from school, starting a new job, retiring, or just wanting some sage (green) advice, Kermit has insights (and admonitions) you won't find anywhere else. Whatever your goals in life, the frog is here for you with ideas, inspiration, and advice for taking on the real world - warts and all.

Book Lust , by Nancy Pearl. Recommended Reading for Every Mood, Moment and Occasion. This fun book is organized into more than 175 creative, useful, sometimes amusing lists, and will satisfy any reader's desire for the right book at the right time. Also, check out Book Lust to Go: Recommended Reading for Travelers, Vagabonds, and Dreamers . Great gift idea!

Diary of a Modern Day Goddess , by Cynthia Daddona. The author is a dynamic on-air personality, inspirational speaker, journalist, humor writer and comedian. You'll enjoy this light take on spirituality. Get in touch with your Inner Goddess, and have fun in the process!

How to Be an Explorer of the World , by Keri Smith. Contains 59 creative, fun and mind- blowing "explorations" that will stretch your imagination and get you excited about living and creating again. Unlike any book you have ever seen before!

If... Questions for the Soul , by Evelyn MacFarlane. From the authors of the bestselling "If" books, with nearly half a million copies in print, this book contains 500 new, inspiring, and provocative questions to help readers answer the deepest question a person can ask: What is my soul?

Ice Cream for Breakfast, by Leslie Levine. Subtitle: If You Follow All the Rules, You Miss Half the Fun . The author's premise is that breaking just one "rule" a week can make your whole life a little more exciting and full of joy. Whether the rules come from your inner world, or the outer world, challenging yourself to note these rules and find ways to rebel against them are sure signs of taking care of yourself. This book encourages you concretely to give yourself a break.

Really important stuff my kids have taught me , by Cynthia L. Copeland. An absolutely wonderful little book that will make you smile and laugh out loud with delight. The wisdom is divinely simple. Here are a few of my favorites: Build the base of your block tower wider than the top. You can make your crystal ball say whatever you want it to. Sometimes you have to scream on the way down. Write your name everywhere. Silence can be an answer.

64 Resources for SoulCollagers: Books & Movies from KaleidoSoul.com


A Book of Silence , by Sara Maitland. She talks about her decision to live alone in a small cottage in the Scottish Highlands, in search of silence. She also describes her experience of spending six weeks alone in a remote cottage on the Isle of Skye, by way of describing some of the experiences common to those who embrace long periods of silence.

Butterflies On A Sea Wind , by Anne Rudloe. The author was attracted to Zen as a college student but it seemed premature for a 21-year-old to focus on the difficulties of life when she'd hardly begun to live. Twenty-five years later, she was ready to explore the spiritual discipline that originated in Asian monasteries more than a millennium ago. Rudloe's quest is compellingly chronicled in this book. Her narrative describes how she applied what she learned there to her work as a marine biologist in Florida, as well as to the rigors of raising children and caring for an elderly grandmother. In words that intimately draw in her readers, she describes how Zen helps us look inward and use the wisdom we find there to reach out to others.

Easter Everywhere: A Memoir , by Darcey Steinke. Called by one reviewer "a luminous, heartbreaking and thoroughly modern update on the spiritual memoir," this book tells the story of the daughter of a minister and a former beauty queen. A beautifully crafted, riveting personal story that bravely addresses the big questions of faith, love and happiness.

Me: Stories of My Life , by Katharine Hepburn. Unpolished stories of her life, her lovers and the films that she made, told about her, by her. Fascinating stuff... another free-spirited, strong womanly role model for us all. Do I see another Community Suit card being born?

On Pilgrimage , by Jennifer Lash. This sparkling memoir captures the experiences of Jennifer as she embarks on a solitary pilgrimage through France and Spain after her encounter with cancer. Inspiring and full of spiritual wisdom and grace.

65 Resources for SoulCollagers: Books & Movies from KaleidoSoul.com

Once Upon a Quinceanera: Coming of Age in the USA , by Julia Alvarez. Stories about adolescence told through a look at the Latina version of the coming-out party. The "quince," a celebration marking a girl's 15th birthday, is the background for this book. Julia, a noted novelist and poet, argues against a tradition that creates "one night princesses" and for a ritual that gives them tools to survive the long haul.

Mandela's Way , by Richard Stengel. Fifteen Lessons on Life, Love and Courage . Some of you might already have a SoulCollage® card for Nelson Mandela in your Deck. If not, this book might inspire you to add one! Time magazine editor Richard Stengel has spent hundreds of hours (more than any other journalist) in conversation with Mandela, the hero of the South African antiapartheid movement. He draws on these talks in this inspiring new book.

The Only True Genius in the Family , by Jennie Nash. A wonderful story about a woman trying to find her creative voice while feeling caught between the reputation of her father, a legendary photographer, and her daughter, an up and coming painter. Recommended by Kindred Spirit Kat in California.

Pilgrim Heart: The Inner Journey Home , by Sarah York. This beautifully crafted volume is a keen exploration of the art of inner and outer pilgrimage. Even if you've never left your hometown, you're still on an inner journey, and Sarah shares her soul with us as she delves into them both.

Praying with Katie: God, My Cat, and Me , by Don Holt. An unemployed man, depressed, lonely and anxious, begins a journey of prayer which is constantly interrupted by his cat, Katie. The lessons he learns from Katie about life and God and himself are at the heart of this profound and delightful little book.

Reason for Hope: A Spiritual Journey , by Jane Goodall with Phillip Berman. This is Jane’s memoir that she wrote with an expert on comparative religions. Fascinating and wise, it is not just about her work with the chimps. She writes about mystical experiences, her amazing discoveries in Tanzania, the risk of environmental destruction, and her mother’s and grandmother’s religious faith. Definitely gives us all a reason to hope .

The Scent of God: A Memoir , by Beryl Singleton Bissell. A beautifully written true story of one girl/woman's movement into a convent and out again, the tension between her love for God and for the humans in her life. Said one reviewer: "Reading this story, you come to realize that the book itself is about faith, about trusting in what we can't possibly understand, surrendering to what life gives us and recognizing that even the most unbearable moments are gifts.... You find God's grace swirling around inside every contradiction."

66 Resources for SoulCollagers: Books & Movies from KaleidoSoul.com The Sea Is So Wide and My Boat Is So Small , by Marian Wright Edelman, founder and president of the Children's Defense Fund. Marian challenges all of us to end the ongoing physical and spiritual poverty afflicting millions of our children. She inspires us with ways to leave our children with a better, safer, and fairer world, but WE have to be the ones to care enough. Now. All royalties for this book are donated to the Children's Defense Fund.

Three Cups of Tea , by Greg Mortenson. In 1993 a mountaineer named Greg Mortenson drifted into an impoverished Pakistan village after a failed attempt at mountain climbing. Moved by the inhabitants' kindness, he promised to return and build them a school. This book is the story of that promise and its amazing outcome. Over the next decade he built not one, but fifty-five schools (especially for girls) in the forbidding terrain that gave birth to the Taliban. His story remains a testament to the power of community and the ability of one person to make a difference.

Through the Flower: My Struggle as a Woman Artist , by Judy Chicago. A remarkable story of a personal journey, invaluable for all women whether you call yourself an "artist" or not. It's a blend of human, honest and revealing personal history woven into the larger issues of creativity along with women's challenges throughout the history of art. A sign of Judy's creative personality is her continuous self-induced movement forward. Disappointments, betrayals, obstacles...nothing deters her from her dynamic flowering (hence, the title of the book!).

The Year of Magical Thinking , by Joan Didion. A touching memoir about the year following the author's husband's death. Excellent resource on the grieving process.


A Guide for the Advanced Soul , by Susan Hayward. Subtitled, "A Book of Insight," this wise little book is exactly that. Designed to be consulted in times of indecision and crisis, to help you make sense of your path and give you guidance, it is full of quotations and answers that will guide you on your way. It is suggested that you approach with book with a question in mind, then intuitively open to any page. The quotation there will help to guide you to the answer that your soul needs.

67 Resources for SoulCollagers: Books & Movies from KaleidoSoul.com 50 Ways to Love Your Mother: Gift Ideas for Aging Parents and Others When All They eed is Love , by Jane Monachelli. A brilliant book, full of ideas for showing our aging loved ones that we care, without loading them up with "stuff" they don't need. I love giving gifts and usually can intuit just the right one for someone, but I was always challenged when it came to finding things for my elderly mom. I wish I'd had this book several years ago...it would have helped me enormously.

The Alphabet Versus the Goddess , by L. Shlain. This book's intriguing thesis is that literacy changed the way people perceived the world, shifting the balance of power between men and women, Masculine and Feminine.

Between the Covers , by Margo Hammond and Ellen Heltzel. The Book Babes' Guide to a Woman's Reading Pleasures. Taking inspiration from Judy Chicago's The Dinner Party (an art exhibit that honors hundreds of women), this cool book is wise and witty, smart and sassy. It's a compilation of over 500 book suggestions and reviews, and all of them are about wise, witty, smart, sassy women. The recommended books are both fiction and nonfiction, and combined into categories of 10's. For example: 10 That Say "I Did It My Way," 10 About the So-Called Golden Years, 10 For Making Peace with Mom, 10 That Make You Laugh, 10 to Save the Planet, 10 That Face Illness Straight On, 10 About Raising Kids (Not the Fairy Tale Version)… and so on. An excellent gift/resource for any book lover in your life, including yourself!

Big Green Purse: Use Your Spending Power to Create a Cleaner, Greener World , by Diane MacEachern. This book is especially written for women who want to clean up our planet. If we harness "the power of our purses," and spend our money on commodities that have the greatest environmental benefit, we can create a cleaner, greener world.

The Book of Answers , by Carol Bolt. Ask a question and open this book to any page. Voila! An answer just for you. Insightful and fun. Recommended by Kindred Spirit Barb in Minnesota.

Celebrations: Rituals of Peace and Prayer , by Maya Angelou. Slim, elegant volume of some of Angelou's most powerful poems. Includes: On the Pulse of Morning, A Brave and Startling Truth, Continue, Sons & Daughters, When Great Trees Fall, A Black Woman Speaks to Black Manhood, Amazing Peace, Mother: A Cradle to Hold Me, In and Out of Time, Ben Lear's Bar Mitzvah, Vigil, and Prayer. Beautiful, graceful, eloquent.

Contemplative Photography , by Howard Zehr. If you love taking photographs and have often wondered if there is a place for it in your spiritual practice, this is the book you've been waiting for! Its subtitle speaks volumes: Seeing with wonder, respect and humility . Filled with practical exercises such as: Tuning Up Our Eyes, Receiving an Image, Exploring the Ordinary, and many more. Excellent gift for someone in your life who loves taking pictures, and who has the gift of "seeing" in more ways than one.

68 Resources for SoulCollagers: Books & Movies from KaleidoSoul.com Coyote Wisdom : The Power of Story in Healing , by Lewis Mehl-Madrona, M.D, PhD. Explores how we can apply the wisdom of stories from all cultures in order to empower and transform our lives.

Creative Stars: Using Astrology to Tap Your Muse , by Trish MacGregor. A unique premise for a book, and highly readable also. Talks about the creative aspects of each sign, as well as each rising sign.

Encounters with the Soul: Active Imagination , by Barbara Hannah, as developed by C.G. Jung. As soon as I started reading this treasure trove of a book, I immediately resonated with the process of "active imagination" as exactly what we practice when we interpret and then work more deeply with our SoulCollage® cards.

Healing Mantras: Using Sound Affirmations for Personal Power, Creativity, and Healing, by Thomas Ashley-Farrand. A slim volume that explains the power of using sound to meditate, whether you're listening to outside noise or chanting ancient words and prayers.

Heart: A atural History of the HeartFilled Life , by Gail Godwin. What is the heart? We know it as not only the beating thing in our chests that sustains life, but as the wellspring of all faith, hope, and love. In this remarkable book, critically acclaimed author Gail Godwin takes us on a breathtaking journey that spans the history of human civilization, combining myth, art and religion to understand how humans have conceived of the heart through time. From the first valentine to the first stethoscope, from the Ancient Egyptians to the Buddha, from the heart of darkness to heart-to-heart talks, Godwin weaves her own stories of heartbreak and hope through it all.

I Found All the Parts: Healing the Soul Through Rock 'n' Roll , by Laura Faeth. Join mini- van driving mom Laura Faeth, a life-long rock 'n' roll fan, as she suddenly finds herself in the throes of a metaphysical mid-life awakening with a well-known classic rock band. This true mystical musical adventure reveals how one fan discovers her sense of self-worth, courage, and life's purpose through the healing power of rock 'n' roll.

Kabbalah and the Power of Dreaming: Awakening the Visionary Life , by Catherine Shainberg. Guides us through the possibilities of inner growth through dream work, offering exercises that are intriguing and open the mind and heart. Included are practices used by ancient prophets, seers, and sages in times past to control their dreams and visions.

69 Resources for SoulCollagers: Books & Movies from KaleidoSoul.com Many Winters , edited by Nancy Wood. Drawings and paintings by Frank Howell. A slim volume that is rich in imagery as well as the wisdom and poetry of the Pueblo Indians.

The Merry Recluse: A Life in Essays , by Caroline Knapp. Excellent set of intelligent, personal and grace-filled essays. Topics include family, friendships, dogs, grief, loss, sobriety, the state of the world, solitude, shyness, and loneliness. A perfect glimpse into an imperfect life.

Movie Yoga: How Every Film Can Change Your Life , by Tav Sparks. Forward by our very own Seena Frost. While you watch movies and munch popcorn, you can connect the dots between your own life and what's up on the screen. The author describes the epic territory common to all genres of film. Once you know how to look for it, you will discover your own life by watching it play out in film, frame by frame. Sparks inspires us with examples from his favorite movies and writes his descriptions with the beauty, power, and surprising force of the film clips themselves. You will never look at movies in the same way again.

Organizing for the Spirit :, by Sunny Schlenger. Recommended by Kindred Spirit Cheryl , in Illinois, who is using this book to guide her in re-organizing her work, art, and living space.

Play , by Stuart Brown. Subtitle: How It Shapes the Brain, Opens the Imagination, and Invigorates the Soul . Fascinating and easy to read book about the meaning of play in our lives. Also addresses how and why to purposely add more play into our lives.

Potluck , by Kim Thomas. It all begins at the table. A long table dressed in an oversized tablecloth and covered with various pyrex dishes, fiesta bowls, covered casseroles, dutch ovens, and cake plates. The tradition is familiar, the recipes are old and new, the people are known and unknown. But by the end of the evening, everyone is full, all having given something, taken something, and found something. This compelling and transparent collection of meditations is based on the Potluck dinner heritage. Kim Thomas explores the beauty and diversity of food at the community table as a metaphor for the community of faith. The table offers a place of discovery and delivery, becoming and belonging.

Telling Our Tales: Stories and Storytelling for All Ages , by Jeanette Ross. The premise of this fascinating book is that we are all connected. In this collection, the mythical tales, adventure stories, ancestral legends and magical fairy tales from around the world reveal the underlying connection between people of all cultures. Features 38 stories for audiences of all ages, plus abundant ideas for generating new stories on your own or with a group.

70 Resources for SoulCollagers: Books & Movies from KaleidoSoul.com

This is Getting Old: Zen Thoughts on Aging with Humor and Dignity , by Susan Moon. Fabulous book of short essays on growing older, from a spiritual perspective. The essays are about the author’s own life and her own experience of aging (she is in her mid-sixties). I found them to be full of humor and grace and the real nitty-gritty of daily life. A little bit like an older Anne Lamott would write!

Personal Growth/Authenticity

31 Words To Create a GuiltFree Life: Finding the Power To Be Your Most Powerful Self , by Karen Bouris. A month-long guide to self-care, balance, and joy.

101 Exercises for the Soul , A Divine Workout Plan for Body, Mind, and Spirit , by Dr. Bernie S. Siegel. I can’t say it any better than the Rachel Naomi Remen quote on the cover: “This step-by- step fitness guide is for the part of you that has wings.” Yes, our souls have wings, and choosing just one exercise from this book each week, you will invite it to fly as it was truly meant to. These are all simple, easy activities that you can do at home, with no special materials, just lots of patience, self-love, and imagination.

A Beginner's Guide to Changing the World , by Isabel Losada. Subtitled, A True Life Adventure Story , this amazing book surely is just exactly that! A little bit like the well-loved book Eat, Pray, Love with several dashes of humor thrown in. From her home place in England, Losada decides to make a difference. She travels to Nepal, Tibet, and even meets the Dalai Lama. This is not-your-average travel book. You will laugh out loud, you will be led to think deeply about what matters to you, and you will definitely be challenged to make your own difference in the world, no matter what your passions are.

A Deep Breath of Life , by Alan Cohen. Daily inspiration for heart-centered living. I've seen a lot of books of "daily readings" in my time, but this one is the best. I keep it right beside my computer and read the short message for the day while it's booting up. I love Alan Cohen's work because he uses real-life stories to get his messages across, and I find myself responding to his stories on many levels. Each daily reading fits on one page and also includes a short prayer and an affirmation to carry with you into your day.

71 Resources for SoulCollagers: Books & Movies from KaleidoSoul.com

A Life at Work: The Joy of Discovering What You Were Born to Do , by Thomas Moore. If you're seeking work that makes your heart sing, please don't let this one pass you by. Moore, who is also the author of Care of the Soul , draws inspiration from a delightful array of sources, including Yeats, Socrates, and Rapunzel.

A Map for Joy - by Teri Johnson. I have read and reread this little gem of a book many times. The pages are full of my underlining, notes, highlighting, and turned-down corners. The author outlines 16 lessons that lead to living a joyful, passionate life. I even created a suit called Keys To Joy for my SoulCollage® deck based on this book. Practical, simple advice for living your life from joy.

A Weekend To Change Your Life , by Joan Anderson. The subtitle of this wise book is Find Your Authentic Self After a Lifetime of Being All Things To All People . And who among us is not ready for that ? Several years ago Joan Anderson, at the age of 50, left her husband and grown children to spend a year by herself in their cottage on Cape Cod . Kindof like a modern-day female Thoreau! She wrote a book about it, called A Year By The Sea (another favorite of mine). From there she went on to lead weekend workshops for women that enable them to take time for themselves, and reclaim their own best selves. This book is a compilation of the author's wisdom and personal experience. There are lots of simple exercises and suggestions that you can do at home for your own personal retreat towards weaving a new definition of yourself.

A Wish Can Change Your Life , by Gahl Sasson. Blending wisdom from traditions and cultures all over the globe into an unprecedented metaphysical mosaic, A Wish Can Change Your Life shows us how to tap the archetypal energies of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life - the eternal structure that created and animates everything in the universe - to fulfill any wish, whether it is for material gain (a new car, a higher salary), personal improvement and pleasure (weight loss, a better job, more intimacy with a partner), or a life-changing message from God.

A Year of Living Consciously , by Gay Hendricks. 365 Daily Inspirations for Creating a Life of Passion and Purpose . Full of wisdom, inspirational quotes, and rich with transformational exercises, this book sets us on a fantastic journey to personal and relational success. One reading per day, plus each day has a “Conscious Living Practice for Today” attached. Examples of titles of daily readings: Soft in the Middle, Truth Telling, Openness to Possibility, Soul Choices, Rebirth, The Fallacy of Safety, Budgeting Creativity, Mirroring.

Advancing Your Spirit , Dr. Wayne Dyer and Marianne Williamson. 4-CD set. These two brilliant authors and teachers address vital questions on finding the meaning in your life's journey. You'll be able to transform your challenges and concerns into spiritual triumphs. Learn the keys to empowering yourself in the midst of change, chaos and complexity, plus see your life as a blueprint for growth and personal evolution.

72 Resources for SoulCollagers: Books & Movies from KaleidoSoul.com Affirmations for SelfHealing , by Donald Walters. A best-selling, practical guide for daily use of affirmations--statements of truth that one aspires to absorb into one's life--presented in a method designed to overcome deeply rooted, negative thoughts at the subconscious level. Contains 52 affirmations and prayers devoted to strengthening qualities such as will power, patience, good health, forgiveness, security, and happiness.

The Aladdin Factor , by Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen. Powerful book by the motivational team that brought us the Chicken Soup for the Soul series. It's about getting clear about what you want and finding the self-centeredness you need to ask for what you want.

Anyway: Finding Personal Meaning in a Crazy World , by Kent M. Keith. NPR called this book "simple, elegant, and profound." A wonderful set of guidelines for centered, joyful living. Also known as "the paradoxical commandments." Example: People are illogical, unreasonable and selfcentered. Love them anyway."

The Art of Extreme SelfCare , by Cheryl Richardson. Transform Your Life One Month at a Time . Aside from being a veritable treasure-trove of resources on deeply caring for our beautiful selves, this book just feels good in my hands! And it's beautifully printed on special paper with a gorgeous design. Takes self-kindness to a whole new level.

Being in Balance , by Dr. Wayne Dyer. 9 Principles for Creating Habits to Match Your Desires. This book looks and feels like a special gift book, and it's one that you can give yourself as well as someone you love. It's about re-aligning our thoughts to match up with what we truly want. Beautifully illustrated, and simple to read.

The Best Year of Your Life , by Deborah Ford. Number one "New York Times" bestselling author Debbie Ford offers a proven, practical blueprint for making today the beginning of the best year of your life. Filled with inspiring guidance, encouraging stories, and life-changing exercises, this book is a call to action. It's time to stop pretending that the life of your dreams will magically arrive, and instead make a clear and precise plan of action that is guaranteed to deliver the life you've been waiting for.

Broken Open , by Elizabeth Lesser. How Difficult Times Can Help Us Grow . Written by the co- founder of Omega Institute, this book is full of humorous insights, practical guidance, and personal stories. There are powerful tools here to help us make the choice we all face in times of personal challenge. Elizabeth shares tales of ordinary people who have risen from the ashes of illness, divorce, job loss or the death of a loved one. She draws on the worlds’ great spiritual and psychological traditions to support us as we learn to break open and blossom into who we are meant to be.

73 Resources for SoulCollagers: Books & Movies from KaleidoSoul.com

Choose Peace & Happiness: A 52Week Guide , by Susyn Reeve. Inspired by a quote by Mahatma Gandhi, "Be the change you wish to see in the world," this book opens the door for you to experience greater peace and happiness. It consists of 52 chapters (for example: Use the Law of Attraction, Meditate, Be a Visitor in Your Town, Use the Good Dishes, Be the World's Greatest Love, Pray, etc.), one for each week with seven days of exercises to guide you in practicing the idea presented in the chapter.

Callings: Finding and Following an Authentic Life , by Gregg Levoy. A beautiful and wise book that is all about listening to that still small (and sometimes very insistent) voice that calls us onward on our journeys. Written with a groundedness and clarity that is rare. I think you will find this one helpful if you are seeking for the path that is yours and yours alone.

The Chocolate Cake Sutra: Ingredients for a Sweet Life , by Geri Larkin. I first picked up this book because of the title (who wouldn't?) but when I started reading it, I couldn't stop. It's about chocolate cake as a metaphor for adding more of life's sweetness to our lives, and not the sugary kind but the kind that truly sustains us.

The Craggy Hole in My Heart and the Cat Who Fixed It by Geneen Roth. This book is not just about cats. It's really about life and loss and how to go about accepting our beautiful selves, flaws and all. Powerful book by one of my favorite authors.

Creating a Life Worth Living , by Carol Lloyd. Subtitled A practical course in career design for artists, innovators, and others aspiring to a creative life , Lloyd's book lives up to its promise. We are led through unconventional career design, step by step, complete with comprehensive lists of possible alternative careers for creative people in all fields.

Daily Cornbread , by Stephanie Stokes Oliver. 365 Secrets for a Healthy Mind, Body, and Spirit. Practical and easy-to-follow advice in the form of daily readings, on how to nurture your spirit, strengthen your mind, and keep yourself healthy.

A Daily Dose of Sanity , by Alan Cohen. A FiveMinute Soul Recharge for Every Day of the Year. Another set of daily readings by one of my favorite body/mind/spirit authors. Each day's reading consists of a quotation, a short real-life story to illustrate the concept, a few questions for personal inner work/journaling, and an affirmation or two. I've been using Alan's A Deep Breath of Life for a few years now, and am so happy to add this one to my personal collection as well. His writings almost always hit home for me, and have taught me much about living in the present moment.

74 Resources for SoulCollagers: Books & Movies from KaleidoSoul.com

The Dance of Anger , by Harriet Lerner. Subtitled A Woman's Guide to Changing the Patterns of Intimate Relationships , this book is an excellent guide to anger, what it is, and how to express it in ways that are healthy and creative.

Dance of Intimacy , by Harriet Lerner. Lerner writes from the assumption that the most intimate relationship is the one we have with ourselves, and all other relationships flow from that one.

Dark ights of the Soul: A Guide to Finding Your Way Through Life's Ordeals , by Thomas Moore. This well-loved author shows us how honoring our periods of fragility (dark nights of the soul) as times of incubation and healing can provide us with a new understanding of life's meaning. Dark ights of the Soul presents our metaphoric dark nights as times of transition and occasions to restore ourselves. Topics include: the healing power of melancholy; finding solace during illness and in aging; anxiety, anger, and temporary insanities; linking creativity, spirituality and emotional struggles, finding meaning and beauty in the darkness, the sexual dark night and the mysteries of matrimony.

Eat Mangoes aked , by SARK. This is a beautiful, warm, colorful, creative book that deals humorously with life's difficulties and people's "splendid imperfections."

Experience Your Good ow! , by Louse Hay. Learning to Use Affirmations. This is a very powerful little book! Describes what affirmations are and how to use them. Also gives specific examples of how to turn negative thinking into affirmations in these categories: health, fear, inner critic thinking, addictions, forgiveness, work, money and prosperity, friends, love and intimacy, and aging. Includes 75 minute CD!

The Exquisite Risk , by Mark Nepo. Excellent book of thought-provoking essays on how to live an authentic life. I've just started this one, and am thoroughly entranced. I am savoring Nepo's words and ideas like a rich after-dinner wine, just a few sips at a time. This book is continually reminding me of what the essence of SoulCollage® is all about- getting to know, accept, and love ourselves more fully in order to live our lives with graceful authenticity.

The Extraordinary Healing Power of Ordinary Things , by Larry Dossey, M.D. Subtitled: Fourteen Natural Steps to Health and Happiness, this book is a powerful treasure-trove of fact and mystery, and full of pathways to healing that you might never have thought about. A few of these 14 steps to full health are: optimism, tears, dirt, music, voices, and get this....nothing! It's very readable, although very grounded in scientific fact, and will get you thinking about health and wholeness in a whole new light!

75 Resources for SoulCollagers: Books & Movies from KaleidoSoul.com Facing the Fire: Experiencing and Expressing Anger Appropriately , by John Lee. Shows you how anger can be expressed safely and completely so that it leads not to pain but to strength, increased energy, deeper communication, and personal serenity.

Facing the Lion, Being the Lion , by Mark Nepo. Subtitle: Finding Inner Courage Where It Lives . And where it lives, according to Nepo, is inside of us. He shares stories of ordinary people, political activists, artists, and spiritual teachers from a variety of traditions, all people who are summoning the best of who they are in all kinds of moments, big and small. These short stories and essays invite us each to stand by our core and to then sustain the practice of living from our core. Beautifully written, incredibly wise.

Finding Meaning in the Second Half of Life: How to Finally, Really Grow Up , by James Hollis. Hollis is a world renowned Jungian analyst and teacher who writes often about our conscious and subconscious lives, as well as archetypal energies. This book is not written in psychobabble, but is very easy to understand. You'll take a look back at the first half of your life and uncover some fascinating truths that will help you to change the direction of the rest of your life. You'll discover, as I did, "a new way of uncovering and embracing our authentic selves."

Finding Your Own orth Star , by Martha Beck. Subtitle: Claiming the Life You Were Meant to Live. Written by an Oprah Magazine columnist, this book shares a step by step program that will guide you to creating the authentic life you were born to live. Learn how to read your internal compasses and why you've ignored them for so long, and also become reacquainted with your own deepest desires. Beck provides an easy-to-follow map that will guide you through your life changes and transformations. I read this at a time in my life when I was questioning what to do next and it really, truly helped me find my way forward.

Finding Your Way Home, by Melody Beattie. Subtitled A Soul Survival Kit, this book packed a whollop of an impact when I first read it several years ago. Beattie writes with wisdom and grace about how we can all come home to our selves every day of our lives.

Five Wishes , by Gay Hendricks. Subtitle: How Answering One Simple Question Can Make Your Dreams Come True . This is a very small book that you can read in less than two hours, but packed with a powerful message that you won't soon forget. In the author's own words: "In my 30's, I received the gift of a question that changed the course of my life. My decision to answer that question gave me a life in which all my dreams came true. Now I want to offer you this gift, so you can use its gentle power to create your own fulfilled life."

Four Acts of Personal Power , by Denise Linn. I've loved Denise's books on prayer and ritual, so I picked up this one with high hopes and I was not disappointed! She is a healer and teacher who draws on her own story as well as the wisdom she's gathered from native cultures around the world. Her intent is to guide us through four profound acts of personal power that assist us in breaking free of negative family and ancestral patterns so that our light can help to illuminate the world. It's about healing your family tree, and in doing so, healing yourself.

76 Resources for SoulCollagers: Books & Movies from KaleidoSoul.com

The Gift of the Acorn , by Susyn Reeve. This is an inspiring story with a powerful message that within each of us is all that is needed to be a mighty expression of Love in the world. Using an acorn and its transformation into a mighty oak tree as a metaphor for the seed of Love that is alive in each of us, this story touches the heart of young and old alike.

Half Full: Meditations on Hope, Optimism, and the Things That Matter , by Mina Parker. Take some time with this beautiful book, and get to know your own inner optimist. And if your inner pessimist is louder, Parker's words and Daniel Talbott's rich photographs will cause an energy shift for sure. Each meditation is based on a wise quotation from an eclectic collection of people, including Dolly Parton, Winston Churchill, Mark Twain, and Emily Dickinson. And each is also an invitation to look at your life in a new way. Allow the words and images on these pages to speak to your heart and mind, touch your funny bone, and strengthen your inner optimist's muscles.

Happier , by Tal Ben-Shahar. Dr. Ben-Shahar is one of Harvard's most popular teachers, and this book is the distillation of a well-loved course he offers there, which is all about how to cultivate and thrive on something that eludes most of us on a daily basis: happiness. He weaves scientific studies, research, wise advice and spiritual wisdom into a set of principles that we can apply to our daily lives. His exercises and "Time-In's" (as opposed to Time Out's) are thought-provoking and inspiring.

Happiness is an Inside Job: Practicing for a Joyful Life , by Sylvia Boorstein. I love all of Sylvia's books, but this one especially because it feels like she's right here with me in my living room having a little chat. She shares her inner life and her outer life and uses stories as examples and inspiration for how we too can create our own inner happiness.

The Happiness Project , by Gretchen Rubin. Gotta love this subtitle: Or, Why I Spent a Year Trying to Sing in the Morning, Clean My Closets, Fight Right, Read Aristotle, and Generally Have More Fun. I didn't expect to be inspired by this book as much as I was. I love Gretchen's style. Lots of good ideas here, and she backs them all up with wonderful stories from her own life.

The Healing Art of Storytelling: A Sacred Journey of Personal Discovery , by Richard Stone. The author is passionate about storytelling and its possibilities for human healing, and the book flows along with that fervor. Stone's book also offers a series of exercises to help individuals reclaim and polish the stories our real lives are waiting for us to tell. Not just for storytellers, this may prove an excellent resource for teachers, seniors, and spiritual seekers, too.

77 Resources for SoulCollagers: Books & Movies from KaleidoSoul.com

The Heart of the Soul - by Gary Zukav. This book is all about emotional awareness- being aware of your feelings every moment (which in actuality is a bit harder than it sounds!). But there's wisdom galore in its beautiful pages.

High Tide in Tucson: Essays from ow or ever , by Barbara Kingsolver. These essays are ripe and resplendent with wisdom, reverence and the small hopes of daily life. Kingsolver finds grace in the mundane and tells stories that touch the heart and illuminate the mind with lush description, humor, honesty and veneration of the natural world. A beautiful book to read again and again.

How Did I Get Here ? by Barbara DeAngelis. An uplifting, inspirational handbook for anyone of any age going through change, challenge, or reevaluation in any aspect of their lives. It is about finding your way to renewed hope and happiness from wherever you are. Renowned transformational teacher Barbara De Angelis masterfully guides you through an understanding of your own life lessons, and teaches you how to successfully use whatever you're going through as a springboard for regeneration and rebirth. Don't let the cover of the book turn you off, as I did for many months. When I finally read it, I was bowled over by this author's wisdom and insight.

How Much Joy Can You Stand? By Suzanne Falter-Barns. Subtitle: How to Push Past Your Fears and Create Your Dreams . This is the little book of wisdom you've been looking for that will steer you back on the path of your dreams. Joy is everywhere around us... are you opening your arms and pulling it in, or are you pushing it away subconsciously. Suzanne shows us how to reach out and embrace joy with all our souls.

How ot To Be Afraid of Your Own Life , by Susan Piver. Subtitle: Opening Your Heart to Confidence, Intimacy, and Joy . I found this book easy to read and very helpful in my SoulCollage® practice, particularly in the realm of fearful inner voices and the shadow. The author is a strong believer in meditation. She talks about the inner stillness that results from meditation as a healing grace. If you're ready to delve deeper into the feeling of your own fears and discover what they mean and how these fears can help you (yes, really)... then pick up this book, and let the journey begin.

How To See Yourself As You Really Are , by the Dalai Lama. Another wise book from a very wise man. This is an important book for anyone seeking to become better acquainted with their inner world, and how that inner world relates to the world around them.

How You Do Anything is How You Do Everything: A Workbook , by Cheri Huber and June Shiver. I'd never heard of this, but someone on the KaleidoSoul Yahoo Group mentioned it recently and I looked it up. It comes highly recommended by all the reviewers there. Take a look and see if it's for you.

78 Resources for SoulCollagers: Books & Movies from KaleidoSoul.com I Promise Myself , by Patricia Lynn Reilly. This wonderful, wonderful book offers you step-by- step support to make a vow of faithfulness and love to yourself and your dreams. Reilly draws upon the 8 parts of a traditional wedding ceremony to help you create your own vows to yourself, culminating in a sacred ritual that you can perform with yourself or with a circle of friends.

I Will ot Die An Unlived Life - by Dawna Markova. Subtitled: Reclaiming Purpose and Passion , I read this book when I was recovering from treatment for breast cancer several years ago. It is a moving, vital, passionate book that no soul-seeker's bookshelf should be without.

Imagery In You , by Jenny Garrison. Mining for Treasure in Your Inner World . I am so glad and deeply grateful that I found this book! I have underlined and highlighted and scribbled notes all over my pages. There is a lot here to do with SoulCollage®, so please take note. The book is all about deep imagery, the practice of calling forth images from inside ourselves. Jenny leads us into our inner worlds and then helps us to call forth teachers and guides who assist us with our fullest growth and truest self-expression.

Improv Wisdom: Don't Prepare, Just Show Up , by Patricia Ryan Madson. In an irresistible invitation to lighten up, look around, and live an unscripted life, a master of the art of improvisation explains how to adopt the attitudes and techniques used by generations of actors and musicians. It is based on the premise that life is something we have to continually make up as we go along, no matter how carefully we formulate a "script." This wise and witty little book shows us how to apply the form of improvisational theatre to real-life challenges, whether it's dealing with a demanding boss, a tired child, or one of life's never-ending surprises.

The Intention Experiment , by Lynne McTaggart. Subtitle: Using Your Thoughts to Change Your Life and the World . This is an easy-to-read, comprehensive overview of the best research on how our intentions can affect our lives and the world around us.

It's All Too Much and corresponding It's All Too Much Workbook , by Peter Walsh. This is the best book I have read in a long time. It is about organizing, but that is only the surface work that this book helps the reader accomplish. It is not about buying organizers and more plastic totes, but about having only what fits in your space, which is a metaphor for your life. In one week, my life was drastically altered by reading this book. I have always been a "neat" and organized person. However, I still had more "stuff" than I could, or would, possibly use. Mr. Walsh talks about living the life you imagine and having the space to do it. Rather than keeping things that remind me of the person I thought I could make myself, I now have a house of things that express the essence of me. I am going to make a SoulCollage® card for Peter Walsh for my Community Suit. He is someone who has freed me to have time and space for SoulCollage® -- rather than working on a lap desk because my beautiful art table has other projects I started but lost interest in but felt too guilty to throw out. Recommended by Kindred Spirit Kate in MA.

79 Resources for SoulCollagers: Books & Movies from KaleidoSoul.com The Journey: A Road Map to the Soul , by Brandon Bays . This book is riveting and so easy to read. Subtitle: A Practical Guide to Healing Your Life and Setting Yourself Free . The author tells her story of how she healed herself of a basketball-sized tumor in her uterus without drugs or surgery. In doing so, she also shares how doing simple emotional healing work can heal our bodies at a cellular level. This is very powerful stuff here!

Joy o Matter What , by Carolyn Hobbs. Subtitle: Make 3 Simple Choices to Access Your Inner Joy . There are quite a few books on the subject of joy, but this one speaks directly to my soul. According to the author, there really are three simple steps to everyday joy: saying "yes" to what is, witnessing ourselves, and responding differently. There is much everyday wisdom in this beautiful book. She teaches us to make friends with feelings that we're usually uncomfortable with (disappointment, angst, loneliness, and anger... to name a few). She also helps us to let go of several beliefs that get in the way of our joy (I'm not good enough, I don't deserve love, I can't have what I want...etc). My favorite chapter is the Jump Starts , which are questions and activities that will give you immediate access to your own inner joy.

The Language of Letting Go , by Melody Beattie. A daily book of meditations for anyone on the path to serenity and a healthy inner relationship. This book really saved my life years ago when I was struggling with a codependent relationship with an alcoholic, but its wisdom still speaks to me today. Readings include becoming whole in a wide variety of areas: relationships, asking for what you want, boundaries, finances, work, intimacy, having fun… just to name a few.

The Language of Tears, by Jeffrey Kottler. This is a fascinating little book which gives much affirmation to the healing power of crying. Discusses many different aspects of tears/crying: across cultures, throughout history, women, men, and personal transformation… etc. If you're like me (I cry at Hallmark commercials!), you'll find this book full of wisdom and support for your journey, which must include sacred tears.

Lean Forward Into Your Life , by Mary Anne Radmacher. You might be familiar with Mary Anne's art (link). This book lends us wisdom and insight into boldly looking forward and daring to move through life's obstacles with joy, honesty and personal velocity.

Learning to Fall , by Philip Simmons. I have always been afraid of falling/failing, but this book gives me the freedom to fall, and permission to fail... as well as the grace and wisdom to get back up again. This book has a permanent place on my book shelf and I pick it up at least once a month for inspiration and guidance.

Less , by Marc Lesser. Accomplishing More by Doing Less . Beautiful little book full of practical thoughts and rationale for living a simpler life. It really IS possible!

80 Resources for SoulCollagers: Books & Movies from KaleidoSoul.com Letting Go of the Person You Used to Be , by Lama Surya Das. Subtitle: Lessons on Change, Loss, and Spiritual Transformation. This book could also be titled "Confronting the Curves That Life Throws Your Way." It almost reminded me of an updated version of Why Bad Things Happen To Good People. It is easy to read and full of personal stories, anecdotes, guided meditations and reflections that will help you to embrace change (both wanted and unwanted) more fully.

Life Is a Verb: 37 Days to Wake Up, Be Mindful, and Live Intentionally , by Patti Digh. An amazing book, so much to look at and read and be inspired by. If you're looking for a book that will motivate you to live with intention, intuition, intimacy, intensity, inclusion and integrity... then this is what you are looking for. It's about inhabiting our own best selves, and living the truth of our own story. And it's full of collage!

The Life Organizer : A Woman's Guide to a Mindful Year , by Jennifer Louden. Subtitle says exactly what it is: Tips, Stories and Prompts to Focus on Your eeds and avigate Your Dreams . I have used it since it was first published and find it a necessary ingredient in planning my life.

List Your Self , by Ilene Segalove and Paul Bob Velick. Subtitled: Listmaking as the Way to Personal Discovery , this book is 290 pages of ideas for lists you can make that will help you on the road to getting to know yourself in an authentic way. If you ever finding yourself unsure of what SoulCollage® cards to make next, just spend a few minutes doing some of the suggested lists and you'll be on your way to SoulCollage® heaven! They have also written More List Your Self , and List Your Creative Self . All are excellent resources for any SoulCollager's bookshelf.

Living Big , by Pam Grout. Embrace Your Passion and Leap into an Extraordinary Life . I've thoroughly enjoyed this little book which was easy to read and full of examples and stories. There are a lot of books out there on the topic of living life to the fullest, but this one has just a certain special spark of something extra.

Living in Process , by Anne Wilson Schaef, author of the bestselling Meditations for Women Who Do Too Much . Anne offers us a bold new way of engaging in life- by shifting our obsession with "product" to a mindful participation in life as "process." She helps us reconnect with our long-forgotten spirituality, filling our souls with the power of the present moment, and thereby setting our spirits free.

81 Resources for SoulCollagers: Books & Movies from KaleidoSoul.com

Living Out Loud , by Anna Quindlen. I absolutely adore Anna Quindlen's essays. They are full of life, truth, wit and honest intelligence. This selection is particularly inspiring. Her work always helps me see myself and the world in new ways.

Living Your Best Life , by Laura Berman Fortgang. The basic premise of this wonderful book is that we already have the answers inside of us, especially when it comes to the question of what makes us happy. Laura helps you get in touch with your own personal inner compass so that you can live the life you long for and deserve.

Living Your Joy , by Suzanne Falter-Barns- This little book has been referred to as a "joy mentor." It will show you how to let go of suffering and embrace the joy that is your natural birthright. Offers practical advice on accessing joy by following your creative dreams.

Making Peace with the Things in Your Life , by Cindy Glovinsky who is a licensed psychotherapist as well as a professional personal organizer. This is different from other books about cleaning up the clutter in your life. Glovinsky helps you get to the heart of the matter of why you've been gathering and focusing on things for so long. The subtitle says it all: Why Your Papers, Books, Clothes, and Other Possessions Keep Overwhelming You... And What to Do About It.

Mayday! Asking for Help in Times of eed , by M. Nora Klaver. Is there a Neter in your Deck that insists on not asking for help? This book takes a look-see at why we don't ask for help, why we should, and how exactly to do it.

Moving On , by Sarah Ban Breathnach. Subtitle: Creating Your House of Belonging with Simple Abundance. From the best-selling author of Simple Abundance , this new and deeply personal book focuses on the crucial difference between letting go and moving on- in life, love, and houses.

My Answer is o . . . If That's Okay with You , by Nanette Gartrell. How Women Can Say o and Still Feel Good About It. A practical guide to setting boundaries while preserving important relationships.

aturally Powerful , by Valerie Wells. 200 Simple Actions to Energize Body, Mind, Heart, and Spirit. Valerie is one of my very favorite self-help authors and you'll see why as soon as you read one of her books. Her ideas are very simple and easy to carry out. Plus I love the way she uses imagination and creativity! This book is packed with stimulating actions, meditations, exercises, healing rituals, energy activators, focusing techniques, affirmations, and visualizations... all with the single goal of awakening your true power.

82 Resources for SoulCollagers: Books & Movies from KaleidoSoul.com ew Clothes From Old Threads , by Sally Hill. This is a book of daily readings unlike any other I've ever seen! Each month’s readings are based on a beautifully illustrated children's story or fable which contains important truths for us today. Includes daily reflections and affirmations woven in with wise and insightful twelve-step messages. Beautiful book, for the child in each of us.

One Small Step Can Change Your Life (The Kaizen Way), by Robert Maurer Ph.D. This is a small book with huge impact for change of any kind that you want to create in your life. And you can start right now. Kaizen is the Japanese technique of achieving great and lasting success through small, steady steps. Kaizen works no matter what the goal because it melts away resistance- in particular the "fight-or-flight" brain chemistry behind people's underlying fear of change.

Overcoming Life's Disappointments , by Harold S. Kushner. Another gem by the author of When Bad Things Happen to Good People . This one is about how to continue our journey with grace and love even when things don't work out the way we expected them to. I found it full of wisdom and comfort.

The Pathway , by Laurel Mellin. I've been dipping into and out of this book for a month now and am seeing real changes in how I'm listening to and talking with all of my inner voices, particularly my inner child and inner mother. The Pathway is about giving ourselves a healthy mixture of self-nurturing and limits. The skills are easy to learn. If you're trying to be kinder to yourself in general, you'll reap many benefits from this book.

Radical Acceptance , by Tara Brach. A book with the power to change your life. It took me several months to read it, because it was so rich, and I found I needed to stop reading every several pages and practice what the author was talking about.

The ReEnchantment of Everyday Life , by Thomas Moore. I am totally enthralled with this book, even though it is so rich and deep that it is taking me a while to actually read it. I find that I am savoring this writing like a fine bold wine... just a little bit at a time is enough to delight in its value and grace. Moore 's point in writing this wonderful book is that "enchanted engagement with life is not a childish thing to be put away with adulthood but a necessity of our personal and collective survival." So read this then, and become re-enchanted (and re-acquainted) with your own sweet life.

83 Resources for SoulCollagers: Books & Movies from KaleidoSoul.com Refuse to Choose by Barbara Sher. Don't know what to do with your life? Are you drawn to so many things you can't choose just one? Then you will love this book..."a revolutionary program for doing everything that you love."

The Renaissance Soul: Life Design for People with Too Many Passions to Pick Just One , by Margaret Lobenstine. This book really helped me deal with the part of me who has many interests and who delights in focusing on a multitude of projects instead of just one. I’m still looking for just the right image to create a SoulCollage® card for my own “Renaissance Soul,” but this book helped me get to know this part of myself much better.

Romancing the Ordinary: A Year of Simple Splendor , by Sarah Ban Breathnach. I love this book because it feels beautiful in my hands, plus each of the short readings helps to keep me centered and balanced throughout the year. Keep this one on your night table or read a little every morning. Excellent quotations for anyone else who collects them.

Saying o: A User's Manual - by Karen Bading. This is a very small book with a very big message! With pages for journaling, sketching, and reflection, it lives up to its title, and then some. It’s all about giving yourself permission to draw boundaries, to say no to anything that stops you from being your authentic self.

Scaling Down: Living Large in a Smaller Space , by Judi Culbertson and Marj Decker. This book offers brilliant, practical ideas about where to start in the process of scaling down our lives to a more manageable size. It's unique in that it helps us overcome the emotional roadblocks that may be keeping us from clearing our clutter and streamlining our lives.

Second Bloom , by Anne Marie Smith and Michelle Gamble-Risley. 10 Steps to Reinvent, Rejuvenate, and Realize a ew Life . How would you feel if you could set a new direction in your life that challenges and fulfills you? Wouldn't you love to renew your passion for life and be in a place where you bounce out of bed looking forward to every single day? You can. All you need is the desire and a plan. Second Bloom is a practical and powerful 10-step planning tool that you can use to transform your life and achieve your dreams.

Second Journey: The Road Back to Yourself , by Joan Anderson. Author of the bestselling A Year by the Sea , Joan takes us with her on another intimate journey where she learns the fine art of self-care in a much deeper way than she was able to on her first journey (as noted in her other book, mentioned above).

84 Resources for SoulCollagers: Books & Movies from KaleidoSoul.com SelfEmpowerment Journal , by Gary Zukav and Linda Francis. Designed as a companion to The Mind of the Soul: Responsible Choice , this excellent workbook/book stands on its own perfectly well. This book contains empowering exercises and questions specifically designed to help you discover for yourself new ways of being that will bring satisfaction and wholeness into your life. Sections include: Choice, How to Choose, Power, Choice & Power, and Responsible Choice. Will help you make a connection between your choices and your experiences, and in the process will give you a new freedom to make better choices for your life.

Setting Your Heart on Fire : Seven Invitations to Liberate Your Life , by Raphael Cushnir. The author offers seven simple pathways to freeing yourself to live a loving, joyful life. Briefly, these invitations are: Feel Everything, Question Everything, Resist Nothing, Live Like You're Dying, Live Like You're Dreaming, Love Like You're Dancing, and Widen Your World. Much truth and heartfelt wisdom can be found on these pages and by accepting these seven invitations.

The Simple Abundance Companion: Following Your Authentic Path to Something More , by Sarah Ban Breathnach. This is a workbook based on Sarah’s popular workshops and expands upon the wisdom provided in her bestsellers Simple Abundance and Something More . Through a series of exercises and meditations, readers will be able to truly get to know themselves and discover their authentic selves.

Slow Time: Recovering the atural Rhythm of Life , by Waverly Fitzgerald. I am only just beginning to read this book, but I couldn't wait to share it with you. I am finding it incredibly valuable in my own relationship with time. What makes this workbook special is Waverly's beautiful organic method of aligning your goals and projects with the energies of the seasons and the natural world. If you've ever felt like you "don't have enough time" or that you can never get everything done "on time," I think you will find this beautiful book a practical volume to keep beside you always. The journaling exercises and other activities are fascinating and thought- provoking.

Snap Out of It! by Ilene Segalove. Subtitle: 101 Ways to Get Out of Your Rut and Into Your Groove . Ilene is an artist who shows how simply exploring the realm of our senses can unleash undreamed of creative powers from the chains of habit and routine. This book helps us to "snap" back into paying attention to our lives by using our senses to get at a deeper, more exciting reality.

Something More : Excavating Your Authentic Self , by Sarah ban Breathnach. I found this book to be full of immediate wisdom and practical knowledge for getting to the heart of who I really and truly am. Explores how we can get to know our most precious selves through feelings, relationships, and time alone.

85 Resources for SoulCollagers: Books & Movies from KaleidoSoul.com Soul Coaching: 28 Days to Discover Your Authentic Self , by Denise Linn. This beautiful book contains a four-week program dedicated to an in-depth clearing and cleansing of the mental, emotional, physical and spiritual parts of your life. You'll find it helpful if you want to know who you are, why you're here, and what your mission is. You'll also enjoy it if you'd like a little help: loving yourself, putting your needs ahead of everyone else's, and living life at a peaceful, moderate pace. By using the energy of the elements of nature (Air, Water, Fire, and Earth), this program allows you to clear away old blockages so you can truly begin to hear the secret messages of your soul.

Stand Up For Your Life , by Cheryl Richardson. Subtitle: Develop the Courage, Confidence, and Character to Fulfill Your Greatest Potential . Richardson helps you transform inner obstacles such as fear, self-doubt and worry about what others think... into a new foundation of confidence and improved self-esteem. This wonderful, wise book offers some new" inner life skills" to those who are ready to stop hiding their power and start living according to their Divine assignment. Uses many real-life examples and stories (including her own).

Steering by Starlight, by Martha Beck. Find Your Right Life o Matter What . I've just started reading this book and am loving every page. For one thing, the first chapter is called "The End" and the last chapter is called "The Beginning." Beck reconnects us with our authentic hopes, needs and desires by bringing together cutting edge research in psychiatry and neurology. Combining practical exercises with funny, touching stories about her clients and friends who have steered by their own starlight, this book will entertain you and give you the tools you need to become your own guide. There's lots of metaphor and imagery involved too, so SoulCollage® will make a nice companion to your work with this book.

Stop Being Mean To Yourself: A Story About Finding the True Meaning of SelfLove , by Melody Beattie. This book had a powerful impact on me in the 90's when it was published. It's part travel adventure (Northern Africa) and part spiritual quest. Very powerful, real, honest writing.

Storycatcher: Making Sense of Our Lives through the Power and Practice of Story , by Christina Baldwin. Storytelling - both oral tradition and written word - is the foundation of being human. In this powerful book, Christina Baldwin, one of the visionaries who started the personal writing movement, explores the vital necessity of re-creating a sacred common ground for each other's stories.

Success is the Quality of Your Journey , by Jennifer James. If you love quotations, self- discovery and becoming more aware of life as a journey and process, then you will love this wisdom-filled, insightful little book. I've had mine for years and refer to it often.

86 Resources for SoulCollagers: Books & Movies from KaleidoSoul.com Surrendering to Yourself: You Are Your Own Soul Mate , by Iris Krasnow. This book is about living from truth; uncovering who you are beyond your parents, marriage, children, career, peers' expectations and social games. Krasnow tells the stories of many people who have shed costumes and pretenses and unhealthy relationships that have impaired their authenticity and their potential. "Once you come to know who you really are, you are ready for anything.”

Ten Zen Seconds , by Eric Maisel. This is the famous Creativity Coach's latest book, and it's a jewel. I am reading it very slowly and it's changing the way that I breathe, and the way that I "do" my life.

the not so big life: making room for what really matters , by Sarah Susanka. Very readable, valuable book that lives up to its title and subtitle. Especially fascinating as it’s written by an architect who uses the architecture of a house/home as the groundwork for the structure of this book. Helpful for anyone who struggles with making joy a priority in their life.

This Time I Dance: Trusting the Journey of Creating the Work You Love , by Tama J. Kieves. This book is quickly read; every line has an important, wise, inspirational message. Read the book for encouragement and to get your bearings, and then go do it.

This Year I Will... , by M.J. Ryan. This is absolutely the best book you will ever read on how to make a new beginning for yourself in any way: lose weight, change jobs, find a mate, stop an annoying habit, get out of debt, start enjoying life more...etc. The book is small and very easy to read with lots of real life examples, but it is also intelligent and full of practical, wonderful ideas for how to make a new habit permanent and real in your life. She focuses her ideas and information to the right brain as well as the left.

Timeshifting: Creating More Time to Enjoy Life , by Stephan Rechtschaffen, M.D. If you're like me, you probably think there's not enough time in a day to get everything done that you want to get done. I'm reading this book right now (even though I don't have time to do this!) and am discovering a whole new way to look at time. Instead of battling against time, time can become our companion and bring more spirit and soul into our moments, days and life itself. Hey, if I can change my mindset about time, so can you! I created a SoulCollage® card about Time a while back, and this book has made me see it in a whole new light.

Through the Dark Wood , by James Hollis. 6 CD's- 7 hours. When the illusions of our youth begin to crumble, we reach a turning point that the poet Dante called "the dark wood." In this 7 hour workshop presentation, Hollis reveals the steps we all must take on our own personal roads to meaning, fulfillment, and maturity. Includes an essential "road map" for traveling through the universal challenges of midlife, such as building genuine relationships, cultivating a mature spirituality, and letting go of beliefs that no longer serve you.

87 Resources for SoulCollagers: Books & Movies from KaleidoSoul.com Tough Transitions: avigating Your Way Through Difficult Times , by Elizabeth Harper Neeld, PhD. This author has written an exceptional book that teaches us how to take on challenges of all kinds, and offers a new path that leads to happiness and growth. She uses the metaphor of journey and has created a life-map just for this book. Blending the latest scientific research, real-life stories, and the wisdom of many spiritual traditions, she reveals what experiences you're likely to encounter and what positive actions you can take to move forward.

Treasure Maps: Discover the Wealth Within You , by Catherine M. Kasper. Over 400 easy and effective activities that reveal your inner beauty and strength, through mind, body and soul. I especially love the chapter by chapter journey with my Angel. A beautiful blend of creativity, soul work and action steps needed to create the life you want to live. Also endorsed by Seena Frost (see back cover for her quote).

The True Power of Water : Healing and Discovering Ourselves , by Masaru Emoto. A powerful little book! Japanese researcher Emoto has done a lot of work with the power of water to heal us physically and emotionally. He has scientifically proven the effects of gratitude, love and positive thinking on water crystals. And since human beings are 70% water... well, the consequences have a direct impact on our daily lives. Beautiful photographs too!

The Velveteen Principles: A Guide to Becoming Real , by Toni Raiten-D'Antonio. Through the simple wisdom of the children's classic story, The Velveteen Rabbit , the author invites us to strip off the trappings of the culture we live in and remember the things that make us unique, happy, and worthy of love. A wise and wonderful little book...excellent gift for someone special, or for YOU!

Vision Walk , by Brandt Morgan. This book gets you up and on your feet, clearing your mind, moving your energy, shifting your emotions, and allowing nature to support you in your decision-making process.

Visioning: Ten Steps to Designing the Life of Your Dreams , by Lucia Capacchione. This book shows you how to create Visioning collages that you can use to help you create any kind of a change in your life. If you love collage (and I know you do!), you'll eat this book right up!

Wake Up To Your Stories , by Alyson Mead. Subtitle: Using the Art of Personal arrative to Heal Your Past, urture Your Relationships and Ask for What You're Worth . A mouthful maybe, but well worth reading. Our stories are our lives...and we all have them. Our personal stories control how we see the world, how we interpret it, and how we relate to others. Stories are also how we connect to others. This book helps us get in touch with our own personal stories so that we can heal past wounds, reinforce connections with family and friends, and begin the process of building the lives we really want.

88 Resources for SoulCollagers: Books & Movies from KaleidoSoul.com

We Are the Ones We Have Been Waiting For: Inner Light In a Time of Darkness : Meditations by Alice Walker. This is an important book, full of the rich wisdom and clear insight that Walker is known for. She talks about how to fill the world with peace and understanding, as well as her love for her little big dog, and everything in between. Read these essays and find yourself reaching deep within yourself for the best you that you can be.

What Should I Do with My Life? , by Po Bronson. I just read this book and really loved it. It is not a career planning book in the usual sense. Bronson is a novelist turned "reporter" who interviewed people who grappled with this question (see title). The book is a series of stories of people and how they answered it plus Bronson's own thoughts and experiences. I loved it! Recommended by Kindred Spirit Sharry in Oregon.

What Would You Do If You Had o Fear? Living Your Dreams While Quakin' in Your Boots , by Diane Conway. An inspiring (and often funny) collection about ordinary people daring to live their dreams.

When Love Meets Fear , by David Richo. Becoming Defenseless and Resourcefull . We are all afraid sometimes, and sometimes that fear is necessary. Yes sometimes it is inappropriate. In every case, fear reduces our ability to be ourselves. It convinces us we shouldn't take risks or chances. David wrote this book for people who want to let go of unreasonable fear, and to act more creatively in the face of reasonable fear.

Why Good Things Happen to Good People , by Stephen Post, PhD, and Jill Neimark. Subtitle: The Exciting ew Research That Proves the Link Between Doing Good and Living a Longer, Healthier, Happier Life . Dr. Post has been making headlines by funding studies at the nation's top universities to prove once and for all the life-enhancing benefits of caring, kindness, and compassion. Fascinating ideas and truths. Your Inner Committee Member, Generosity, will love this book.

Who Ordered This Truckload of Dung? by Ajahn Brahm. Inspiring stories for welcoming life's difficulties. A monk for 30 years, Mr. Brahm beautifully combines masterful storytelling with effective teaching. The stories are funny, touching, and speak straight to real-life situations. Stories are grouped into categories: perfection and guilt, love and commitment, fear and pain, anger and forgiveness, creating happiness, critical problems and compassionate solutions, wisdom and inner silence, suffering and letting go... to name a few.

89 Resources for SoulCollagers: Books & Movies from KaleidoSoul.com

A Year of Living Consciously , by Gay Hendricks. 365 Daily Inspirations for Creating a Life of Passion and Purpose . Full of wisdom, inspirational quotes, and rich with transformational exercises, this book sets us on a fantastic journey to personal and relational success. One reading per day, plus each day has a "Conscious Living Practice for Today" attached. Examples of titles of daily readings: Soft in the Middle, Truth Telling, Openness to Possibility, Soul Choices, Rebirth, The Fallacy of Safety, Budgeting Creativity, Mirroring.


The Gift of LovingKindness: 100 Mindful Practices for Compassion, Generosity & Forgiveness , by Mary Brantley and Tesilya Hanauer. Simple meditations for compassion, kindness, and altruism- a beautiful gift for yourself and for those around you.

Go In and In: Poems From the Heart of Yoga , by Danna Faulds. Beautiful poems that I love to read during my own moments of quiet time

Great Occasions , Edited by Carl Seaburg. The four "great occasions" that are the cornerstone of this highly indispensable book are: birth, coming-of-age, marriage, and death. This treasure- trove contains over 650 memorable quotations from prose and poetry, to help us commemorate the milestones of life. Seaburg has included a broad spectrum of highly regarded writers, including: Aiken, Pound, Dickinson , Seneca, Blake, Buddha, Bronte, Marcuse, Stevens, Sexton, Tagore, Lippman, Sandburg, Sarton, Pasternak, Lao Tzu, Yevtushenko, Yeats and many more. Also includes a Cermony of Adoption, A Rite of Divorce, and A Memorial Service. The multi- leveled index (by author, by first line, and by subject) is also extremely helpful.

90 Resources for SoulCollagers: Books & Movies from KaleidoSoul.com Heart Thoughts: A Treasury of Inner Wisdom , by Louise L. Hay. A powerful little book that's a unique combination of meditations and excerpts from Hay's workshops and lectures. Each focuses on an aspect of our day-to-day experiences and are meant to guide and assist us in particular areas with which we might be having difficulty. Contains a helpful alphabetical list of the 95 topics so you can find the help you need in a flash. Topics include: Uniqueness, Spirit, Sleep, Peace, Abundance, Holding On, Being Enough, Negative Thoughts, Work, Change, Childhood, Lost... and the list goes on.

Hidden Music , by Rumi. Translated by Azima Melita Kolin and Maryam Mafi. Born in the 13th century in what is modern day Afghanistan, Rumi is one of the greatest mystic poets of all time. His unique message of love speaks directly to the heart and transcends the boundaries of language and time. These poems, carefully selected from the "Divan of Shams" (Rumi's collection of 3,000 poems), speak powerfully to the seeker and lover in all of us. These translations from the original Persian are arranged thematically and lead us through the intricacies of love, longing and the quest for truth. Each section is accompanied by Persian calligraphy of several of the poems, as well as evocative paintings by Azima Melita Kolin, reproduced in full color.

Journal of a Steadfast Fence , by Seena Frost. Yes, that's right. This is our SoulCollage® founder's first book of poetry. All of the poems here are about living into old age. Words for the wise, from the wise!

Mandalas and Meditations for Everyday Living , by Cassandra Lorius. Mandalas are pathways to peace and enlightenment. Used for centuries as a way into meditation, each mandala is a map for the mind to explore. This beautiful book showcases 52 exquisite, specially commissioned mandalas, one for every week of the year. Each comes with a meditation, and all have a special theme. From love and compassion to gratitude or becoming a parent, these mandalas offer signposts to the soul, illuminating our path through life. Includes a guide to creating your own mandalas and affirmations. Also discover the history of mandalas and the roles they play in global culture.

Rumi: In the Arms of the Beloved , translated by Jonathan Star. Beautiful collection of soul healing poems from one of the world's finest poets. Go ahead, dip in. Read a whole poem, or sink into just a few lines once a week, and feel the soul-richness seeping into your bones.

Sunbeams: A Book of Quotations , edited by Sy Safransky. A wealth of witty, humorous, insightful, touching quotations. Perfect for personal reflection, gift giving, bedside reading or anytime you want to get in touch with the beauty and wisdom of the human spirit. Those quoted include gurus, actors, philosophers, rock stars, film directors, baseball players, poets, sages from 5th century China, the celebrated and the unknown.

91 Resources for SoulCollagers: Books & Movies from KaleidoSoul.com Ten Poems to Change Your Life , by Roger Housden. Whenever I read one of Housden's books, I feel my soul simply soaring. This one is no exception. Includes poems by Kabir (The Time Before Death), Rumi (Zero Circle), Walt Whitman Song of Myself), Mary Oliver (The Journey), Derek Walcott (Love After Love), Pablo Neruda (Ode to My Socks),St. John of the Cross (The Dark Night), and more. Even if you aren't ordinarily "into" poetry, this book will win you over.

Ten Poems to Last a Lifetime , by Roger Housden. This amazing collection of poems range from Rilke to Billy Collins to Seng-Ts'an to Mary Oliver, with more in between. I enjoy Housden's poetry collections because he writes about each one as if we were sitting down together discussing it. This helps me to glean meaning from the poetry that I somehow can't ever seem to do on my own. My favorites in this compilation are When Death Comes, by Mary Oliver... The Art of Disappearing, by Naomi Shihab Nye, and Weathering, by Fleur Adcock (being completely happy with oneself, no matter what).

Ten Poems to Open Your Heart , by Roger Housden, who says Great poetry can alter the way we see ourselves. It can change the way we see the world. I never understood this exactly until I read his books! In this slim but powerful volume, Housden writes about ten beautiful poems by well-loved authors such as: Mary Oliver, Robert Bly, Rumi, Sharon Olds, and more. He lovingly discusses each poem and how it relates to our lives here and now. All of Housden's "Ten Poems to..." books are special and full of current wisdom.

Ten Poems to Set You Free , by Roger Housden. I picked this little book up at the bookstore because its cover was simple and beautiful. I also picked it up because while I love the idea of poetry, the reality is that I never seem to be able to slow my mind down long enough to really read a poem, immerse myself in it, discover its meaning from within, digest its beauty into my soul. This book helped me to do that with poems by artists: Polish Anna Swir, Greek Constantine P. Cavafy, Spanish Miguel De Unamuno, Turkish Rumi, and the Americans Jane Hirshfield, David Whyte, Mary Oliver, Stanley Kunitz, Naomi Shihab Nye, and Thomas Merton.

Thirst , poems by Mary Oliver. This is a new collection of (43) poems by one of Seena's favorite authors, who is a Pulitzer prize winning poet. The trees whisper, a ribbon snake imparts lessons and the poet is likened to a swimming otter. Oliver's new work reflects her faith in God and her grief over the death of her longtime partner.

To Bless the Space Between Us: A Book of Blessings , by John O'Donohue. According to the author, culture has lost the moment of reflection, gratitude, and hope that precedes a beautiful day. In times when meaning is most necessary, the space between us is most empty. This book is his answer to this emptiness. It speaks of blessings, ritual, belonging, permanence and trust. The words are luminous, moving, colorful, and full of blessing.

92 Resources for SoulCollagers: Books & Movies from KaleidoSoul.com

Words That Matter: A Little Book of Life Lessons - Oprah Magazine is celebrating its tenth anniversary with this powerful little book, which offers more than six hundred quotations selected from the pages of the magazine over the years. Words That Matter is a gathering of some of the greatest wisdom to appear in the magazine over the last decade, from historical figures and spiritual leaders to authors and actors, philosophers and Nobel Prize winners.


Dancing in the Dragon's Den , by Rosanne Bane. Rekindling the Creative Fire in Your Shadow. I am going through this one very, very slowly as it is rich and deep and I find I can't breathe in too much of it at once. When we explore our creativity, we open the treasure chest of our unconscious. There is energy and joy buried there. But there is also the dragon (our shadow self) there who guards the treasure. Since creativity is intimately tied to shadow, we must learn to dance with our inner dragon so we can live the creative life we long for. This book is helping me discover what my shadow is, how it is connected to my creativity, and how I can use it to rekindle my creative fire. Encouraging, inspiring, down-to-earth.

Feeding Your Demons , by Tsultrim Allione. Ancient Wisdom for Resolving Inner Conflict. What would our lives look like if we weren't continually struggling, if we weren't always hating ourselves for our problems and weaknesses, but rather relating to these challenges with awareness and compassion? This book answers that question in language that we can all understand. If you've ever made SoulCollage® cards that seem to be about your darker inner voices, you'll definitely relate to this book.

93 Resources for SoulCollagers: Books & Movies from KaleidoSoul.com

Healing Through the Dark Emotions , Miriam Greenspan. Written by a therapist, this book is an invaluable guide to unlocking the hidden gifts within our darker feelings, including grief, fear, and despair.

Meeting the Shadow , by Zweig and Abrams. This is the book that Seena recommends on working with shadow. Full of more than 60 short, easy-to-read essays about the shadow, this book will help you gently discover your own shadowy parts and befriend them.

The Secret of the Shadow: The Power of Owning Your Whole Story , by Debbie Ford. All of her books are gems, and this one is no exception! Ford believes that each person is born with unique gifts and a divine purpose, which are lost when we create a "story"--a collection of beliefs--that manufactures a false self and casts a shadow to hide our uniqueness and prevent us from success in work and love. As she explains, "the key is to stop chasing the feel-good moments and make peace with our stories so we can understand, accept and embrace everything in the past that has caused us pain." Once we stop trying to change the painful parts of our story, we will discover the divine plan for our lives.

Shadow Dance , by David Richo. Focusing on helping us to befriend the shadow self instead of projecting it onto others in dysfunctional or destructive ways. This book also will help us with the inner work we are doing with SoulCollage® and our darker voices.

Why Good People Do Bad Things: Understanding Our Darker Selves , by James Hollis, Ph.D. Excellent resource for looking at the shadow as active in our own inner committee parts and in the world at large.

94 Resources for SoulCollagers: Books & Movies from KaleidoSoul.com


Addiction and Grace , by Gerald G. May, M.D. I came across this book more than 20 years ago and I treasure its wisdom and clarity. Drawing on his experiences as a psychiatrist working with the chemically dependent, May believes that addiction represents an attempt to assert complete control over our lives. He also believes that it is only by surrendering to God's grace that we can come to terms with ourselves and attain harmony with the world.

After the Ecstasy, the Laundry , by Jack Kornfield. What happens after enlightenment? What happens when you return from a few days (or an hour) of solitude and retreat? After the honeymoon comes the marriage, and after a joyful cliff top experience, we have to go back to our everyday life. This book shows us how, and beautifully/

Altar in the World, An: A Geography of Faith , by Barbara Brown Taylor. From simple practices like walking, working and getting lost, to deep meditations on topics like prayer and pronouncing blessings, Barbara shows us concrete ways to discover the sacred in the small things we do and see. A thoroughly satisfying and lovely book for anyone on a spiritual journey.

Angel Wisdom: 365 Meditations and Insights from the Heavens , by Terry Lynn Taylor and Mary Beth Crain. I was a little skeptical when I firsts picked up this book, but immediately was drawn to its intuitive wisdom and clear insights. You can read these short daily readings in order or flip through until you find a topic that is of interest to you today (just a few examples: moods, dreams, flattery, comfort, healed, willpower, depression, your question, spiritual oil change, magnetizing, tragedy, wonderfully wrong...). This book now sits on my nightstand and I reach for it right before drifting off to sleep almost every night.

Answered Prayers: Love Letters from the Divine , by Julia Cameron. I keep a copy of this small book on my altar and read an entry a few times a week. They are written as if directly to me from God, or Spirit, or whatever you call the Divine. Whichever one I randomly choose always seems to speak directly to my soul.

Arriving at Your Own Door: 108 Lessons in Mindfulness , by Jon Kabat-Zinn. This lightweight little book is laden with rich, deep thought, generously ladled out in small doses. I

The Art of Ritual , by Renee Beck & Sydney Barbara Metrick. Subtitle: Creating and Performing Ceremonies for Growth and Change . Excellent resource for any SoulCollager. Lots of great ideas for rituals you can use to create sacred space. Also has much information that will allow your own creation of ritual to flourish.

95 Resources for SoulCollagers: Books & Movies from KaleidoSoul.com Awareness , by Anthony de Mello. Subtitle: The Perils and Opportunities of Reality . Mixing Christian spirituality, Buddhist parables, Hindu breathing exercises, and psychological insight, Anthony’s words of hope come together beautifully in this book. Consists of short chapters that are perfect for reading in those "in-between" times. De Mello was a Jesuit priest known worldwide for his writings and spiritual retreats.

Beautiful ecessity , by Kay Turner. The Art and Meaning of Women's Altars. The author has been exploring the subject of women's altars since accidentally encountering an extraordinary altar, described by its makes as a "beautiful necessity" in Guatemala. Since then she has found altars in the most diverse locations around the world. She shares with us many altars and the stories of the women who created them. Many photographs.

Blessing: The Art and the Practice , by David Spangler. This powerful book offers simple, practical steps in using our power to bless as part of a spiritual practice for personal transformation. Includes many examples of blessings, as well as exercises for you to do.

Blue Like Jazz , by Donald Miller. One reviewer compared this author to "Anne Lamott with testosterone," then went on to compare this book to Lamott's "Traveling Mercies" book of essays on life and faith. Well, that about sums this book up! Beautiful prose and down-to-earth spirituality. This is definitely worth reading.

Catching Light: Looking for God in the Movies , by Roy M. Anker. In-depth essays on 19 well-known films and how they relate to us on a spiritual level. Fascinating ideas for anyone truly passionate about movies. Some of the movies explored are: American Beauty, The Mission, Star Wars, Grand Canyon, Three Colors: Blue, Babette's Feast, Places in the Heart .

Channeling Grace: Invoking the Power of the Divine , by Caroline Myss. This is a brand new set of two CD's, an audio learning course. Myss presents exclusive new teachings and visualizations on how to invoke the healing power from grace, receive direction for important life decisions, and more.

The Dalai Lama's Book of Love and Compassion . In this small book, intended to speak to Buddhists as well as non-Buddhists, one of the world's most beloved spiritual leaders simply and clearly addresses the concerns of modern life and the need to balance spiritual and material values, and to create harmony and energy in life.

Eat Pray Love , by Elizabeth Gilbert. This is a book that I will read again and again. Not just a travel book, although it does tell of the author's year of adventures in Italy, India and Bali. It is a story of her personal journey, and a beautiful story of spiritual discoveries. Full of spot-on descriptions and practical wisdom, it made me see my own journey in a whole new light.

96 Resources for SoulCollagers: Books & Movies from KaleidoSoul.com

The Ecstatic Journey , by Sophy Burnham. In this deeply personal book, Sophy Burnham describes her momentous journey into mystical awareness. In addition, Burnham describes the practices that invite mystical experience - prayer, fasting, and meditation.

The Essential Dalai Lama The best of all of the Dalai Lama's writings. Perfect, wise, brilliant in simplicity and much to meditate on.

Faith: Trusting Your Own Deepest Experience , by Sharon Salzberg. One of America's most beloved meditation teachers shows us how to develop trust within ourselves and in our lives. "Faith is not a commodity we either have or don't have- it is an inner quality that unfolds as we learn to trust our own deepest experience."

Finding the Deep River Within , by Abby Seixas. This is a must-have for anyone who is longing to spend more time soaking in their own soul-ness. Abby brilliantly outlines six (highly do-able) ways that will lead you accessing your own "deep river," the spiritual soul that runs through all of us. These include: making time to be alone, saying no (creating boundaries), doing what you love, and .... well, read it and find out! I love this book because the author also addresses all the reasons and excuses we give for not having enough time to dig deeper into our own souls. And... she talks about the "inner critic" and the "perfectionist," both of whom play a huge role in whether or not we are able to access this "deep river."

First Light , by Sue Monk Kidd. A collection of her earlier inspirational writings. If you've enjoyed Kidd's recent bestsellers The Secret Life of Bees (a wonderful novel about feminine spirituality) and The Dance of the Dissident Daughter (a nonfiction book on the author's spiritual journey from traditional religion to a more liberating feminine spirituality), you will thoroughly enjoy this book as well.

Let Your Goddess Grow: 7 Spiritual Lessons on Female Power and Positive Thinking , by Charlene M Proctor PhD. Proctor shares seven spiritual lessons that take you on a journey to create a positive and powerful life. This book teaches you how to recognize negative thought patterns and develop self-discipline and wisdom to consciously stay in the present moment. Affirmations are included to help you replace old, negative thought patterns with ideas that encourage you to create a balanced life!

The Four Agreements , by don Miguel Ruiz. The author reveals the source of self-limiting agreements that rob people of joy and create needless suffering. Based on ancient Toltec wisdom, the Four Agreements offer a powerful code of conduct that can rapidly transform anyone's life to a new experience of freedom, true happiness, and love.

97 Resources for SoulCollagers: Books & Movies from KaleidoSoul.com

Gift of the Red Bird: A Spiritual Encounter , by Paula D'Arcy. If you're interested in faith, nature, creation, animals as kin, and trees as friends, you will love this little book. It's the story of one woman's three day vision quest in the hills of . And it is also the story of so much more. This is the second of this author's books that I have devoured in one sitting, and now I'm seeing how many more I can read!

Godtalk: Travels in Spiritual America , by Brad Gooch. As the nineties were drawing to a close, Brad set out on a journey to explore traditional and nontraditional forms of spirituality that took him across America and to India. Gooch's quest - partly personal and partly investigative - took him to Chicago to read the mysterious Urantia Book; to Goa and La Jolla to experience the talks and treatments of Deepak Chopra; to Ganeshpuri and South Fallsburg, New York, to listen to the charismatic leader Gurumayi Chidvilasananda; to Bardstown, Kentucky, to observe the quiet solitude of the Trappists, to Iowa, to see the Trappistines; to Dallas to worship with the members of the congregation of the Cathedral of Hope; and to New York to talk with Muslims and Sufis. As Gooch proceeded on this unique spiritual odyssey - from fringe to mainstream - he witnessed diverse movements and religions and their strong appeal to a broad spectrum of followers.

Grace (Eventually): Thoughts on Faith, by Anne Lamott. Reverent and irreverent, these essays make me feel even more that I am not alone, that others think and feel and mess up exactly like I do. From a detailed account of an eating binge (titled The Muddling Glory of God ) to a story of losing track of a beloved dog on a mountain hike (titled The Last Story of Spring ), to tales of raising a teenage boy alone but not alone ... Lamott's stories and ideas about life and the living of it will have you chuckling with merriment and sighing in recognition.

Handbook for the Soul , edited by Richard Carlson and Benjamin Shield. A magnificent gathering of warmth and wisdom to nourish your soul, featuring original writings by: Lynn Andres, Melody Beattie, Joan Borysenko, Jack Canfield, Stephen Covey, Wayne Dyer, Bernie Siegel, Ram Dass, Jean Shinoda Bolen, Rabbi Kushner, Steven Levine, Thomas Moore, Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, Marion Woodman, Jon Kabat-Zinn, John Gray, and many more. Titles of essays include: Windows of the Soul, Pay Attention, Becoming a Waking Dreamer, Soul Creation, Soul is a Verb, Soul Work, Passion and Soulfulness, Cleaning Out the Clutter, Ensouling Ourselves, Embracing the Everyday, Soul Moments ... and more.

Hot Chocolate for the Mystical Soul : 101 True Stories of Angels, Miracles, and Healings, edited by Arielle Ford. If you like wonderful, engaging tales of real-life mysterious happenings, then you'll love this book. Divided into categories: Mystical Places, Magical Moments... Divine Guidance and Inner Direction... Romances of the Soul... Spiritual Healing... Help From Above... Vision... and The Other Side. The stories are all short, but packed with meaning and hope.

98 Resources for SoulCollagers: Books & Movies from KaleidoSoul.com

How To Pray Without Being Religious , by Janell Moon. Subtitled Finding Your Own Spiritual Path , this book is loving and concise. Lots and lots of suggested practices that are simple to do. Includes ideas for prayers of gratitude, asking for help for self as well as others, envisioning change, and social justice.

In The Spirit of Happiness : A Book of Spiritual Wisdom , by the monks of New Skete. Yes, these are the Greek Orthodox Monks who are most famous for raising German Shepherds. Full of practical advice and suggestions for all of us striving towards spiritual growth and authentic happiness.

The Instruction Manual for Receiving God, by Jason Shulman. This helpful book contains 108 "seed passages" which are insightful statements that are meant to unlock your mind and open your heart. Based on the author's belief that we don't need to seek God, we simply need to make ourselves available to receive God, who is always present and awaiting us. Learn practical ways to connect to the Divine every day. "Feel the constant rain of compassion washing over your spiritual life and receive the sacred blessings that are endlessly offered by reality itself."

The Joy of Ritual - by Barbara Biziou. This book is beautifully designed, and feels beautiful in my hands. Discusses what ritual is, and offers hundreds of simple ideas for daily rituals to deepen your spirituality, as well as rituals for: rites of passage, moving through stressful times, relationships, groups, health... and more.

Living Your Yoga: Finding the Spiritual in Everyday Life , by Judith Lasater. The author stretches the meaning of yoga beyond its familiar poses and breathing techniques to include the events of daily life... all of them... as practice. Off-the-mat practices are here to guide us in deepening our relationships with ourselves, our family and friends, and the world around us. This lovely book is both inspiring and practical, and useful even if you've never attempted a yoga pose in your life!

More Hot Chocolate for the Mystical Soul , edited by Ariel Ford. This cool book brings together more true accounts of the magical, the mystical, and the miraculous. It carries the wisdom of the ages in 101 extraordinary tales - of preternatural phenomena, remarkable healings, divine interventions, and angelic rescues - certain to enrich and enhance our spiritual lives. Told by people from every religion and culture, these uplifting real-life stories open our hearts, minds, and souls to a realm of infinite wonder.

Peace Prayers: Meditations, Affirmations, Invocations, Poems, and Prayers for Peace , edited by the staff of Harper San Francisco. This little book is an excellent compilation of prayers, reflections, affirmations, poems and quotations on peace. From ancient Rome to modern Vietnam, from Africa to Australia, the writers, thinkers, poets, politicians, religious figures, and even warriors collected here all express the urgent need for a true and lasting peace that can only come from a just and cooperative world community.

99 Resources for SoulCollagers: Books & Movies from KaleidoSoul.com

Pearls of Life for the Personal Spiritual Journey , by Martin Lonnebo, Carolina Welin, & Carolina Johansson. Includes a bracelet of 18 prayer pearls/beads that can be catalysts for inner spiritual work. Each bead/pearl represents a different focus of contemplation (Mystery, Desert, Night, Silence, Serenity...etc). The bracelets are made in India by Christians, Muslims, and Hindus in a traditional glass-making village, and a portion of the revenues go to improve healthcare and education in third world countries. Makes an excellent gift, too!

Power of Rituals for Women , by Linda Ann Smith and Kelly Blair Roberts. An absolutely fabulous book chock full of ideas for rituals that can be done with groups of women of any kind. "...the go-to book for turning ordinary events and occasions into extraordinary memorable experiences." I plan to use some of the included rituals in my upcoming workshops and SoulCollage® retreats. The best thing is, it is inspiring me to create my own rituals too!

Practicing the Presence of the Goddess , by Barbara Ardinger, Ph.D. Everyday Rituals to Transform Your World . I found this lovely little book quite by "accident" but I'm loving every page. Barbara invites us to make the Goddess present not only between the worlds but in the rounds of our daily lives. She demystifies ritual for us and brings joy and Presence to the process.

Prayers to the Great Creator , by Julia Cameron, author of the best-selling The Artist's Way. This beautiful volume contains, for the first time in one volume, Julia's four books of short daily inspirational readings: Blessings: Prayers and Declarations for a Heartful Life Transitions: Prayers and Declarations for a Changing Life Heart Steps: Prayers and Declarations for a Creative Life Answered Prayers: Love Letters from the Divine

A perfect book to keep on your bedside table or nightstand. I find myself dipping into this one a couple of times a day. It keeps me rooted and grounded in grace and self-kindness.

Praying in Color , by Sybil MacBeth. Drawing a ew Path to God . This is for anyone who loves to connect with God (however you choose to call God) and who loves to express themselves artistically. If you're very visual, kinesthetic, have a short attention span, a restless body or a tendency to live in your head, learning how to pray in color (it's really easy!) will feed your body, mind and spirit. Recommended by Kindred Spirit Mary in Massachusetts.

100 Resources for SoulCollagers: Books & Movies from KaleidoSoul.com

The Presence of Absence: On Prayers and an Epiphany, by Doris Grumbach. This wonderful memoir follows the author's journey to recover through prayer the sense of God's presence she felt so deeply at the age of 27. Eventually abandoning formal prayer in church, she begins to celebrate God using a private ceremony of worship. Illuminated by her readings of accounts of Epiphany (Meister Eckhard, Thomas Merton, Simone Weil, Kathleen Norris), her searching attempts at private prayer reflect some of the most compelling questions of faith. Intensified by an extended period of extreme and chronic pain, Grumbach's quest to feel the presence of God is a moving and inspiring journey through vanity, faith and love.

Quiet Mind, Fearless Heart: The Taoist Path through Stress and Spirituality , by Brian Seaward. With graceful wisdom and gentle humor, the author helps you see past the limitations of the ego to the highest potential of the human spirit at the core of your very being. Through a unique alchemy of the ancient Chinese philosophy of Taoism and the timeless insights of the visionary Joseph Campbell, Seaward shows you how to harness this potential so that you may find the courage to be a victor , not a victim of life's problems. Through the realization of this alchemy you will become the hero at the center of your own mythical life journey.

Quiet Mind, Open Heart: Finding Inner Peace through Reflection, Journaling, and Meditation , by Laura Wright. This book brings to life a way to reach the meaningful and relevant answers within. It teaches us to hear the silent calling of our innermost being, and to live with compassion and truth. This insightful book uses stories, inquiries, and meditations to lead readers to know for themselves their own deep reservoir of inner peace, love, and wisdom.

The Red Book , by Sera Beak. A Deliciously Unorthodox Approach to Igniting Your Divine Spark . This book is described by one reviewer as "a spiritual fire starter... a combustible cocktail of Hindu and Zen , Rumi and Carl Jung, goddesses and psychics, shaken with cosmic nudges, meaningful subway rides, haircuts, relationships, dreams, and intuition." Need I say more? Okay, I will. It's wise and witty and smart...everything you need to grow your own spiritual life into a flourishing of your true authentic self.

Red Fire: A Quest for Awakening , by Paula D'Arcy. If you love imaginary tales that speak deeply of the truth, you will love this short fable by a wonderful writer. Using only 3 characters: Anastasia, the Teacher and the Magician, she weaves a beautiful story of one soul's inner journey towards God and Spirit.

101 Resources for SoulCollagers: Books & Movies from KaleidoSoul.com

Sacred Threshold , by Paula D'Arcy. I read this little book of essays in one sitting because I simply could not put it down. It's been on my bookshelf for months, and I picked it up today to simply scan through it to see if I should keep it or give it away. It is so full of rich and priceless treasure, and deep wisdom... I might buy some more copies to give away, but this one is mine ! The author writes with a deep faith, and grace-filled honesty. Her stories are personal and oh-so- real. One of her stories involves her work as therapist and spiritual friend to Morrie Schwartz, of Tuesdays with Morrie fame.

The Seeker's Guide: Making Your Life a Spiritual Adventure , by Elizabeth Lesser, one of the founders of Omega Institute. This is a great, comprehensive guide to connecting with your own spiritual journey. Inspiring, profound and very smart. Recommended by Kindred Spirit Cynthia in New York.

Soul Food: Stories to ourish the Spirit and the Heart , by Jack Kornfield and Christina Feldman. A delicious banquet of wise tales from the world's greatest spiritual traditions. These hundreds of lively stories and inspiring parables offer glimpses of revelation, examples of virtue, and moments of truth that sustain us on the path to a more spiritual life. Excellent resource for speakers and facilitators too!

The Soul's Code , by James Hillman, who was/is one of Seena Frost's teachers and inspiration for her SoulCollage® work. Seena recommends this as one of Hillman's less-difficult books for non-psychologists to read. Fascinating and helpful to us all as discovering our individual Soul Codes is what our SoulCollage Decks® are all about!

Speaking of Faith , by Krista Tippett, creator and host of Public Radio's Speaking of Faith. A former diplomat and Yale Divinity School graduate, the author grew up in an evangelical culture and spent a decade as a nonreligious person. Now as someone who for many years has reflected on and talked about faith, she brings deep insight and a unique vantage point as she explores religious traditions- viewing them all as rich resources for our spirits, and as guides on our various life journeys.

Spirit Taking Form: Making a Spiritual Practice of Making Art , by Nancy Azara. This book is a tremendous resource that presents the connections between art, visualization, and meditation with a compassionate creative spirit. It is full of art and soul, and imparts a gentle understanding of the spiritual process of making art. You can follow the book week by week or simply dip into its wealth of ideas and inspiration once in a while.

102 Resources for SoulCollagers: Books & Movies from KaleidoSoul.com Spiritual Literacy , by Frederick and Maryann Brussat. Subtitled Reading the Sacred in Every Day Life , this wonderful book is an evocative treasury of inspirational readings, accompanied by personal reflections and meditations, features works by Helen Keller, Barbara Kingsolver, Thomas Aquinas, and others on such themes as nature, relationships, animals, creativity, and work.

St. George and the Dragon and the Quest for the Holy Grail , by Edward Hays. This is the well-told story of the 20 th Century St. George, who was not a saint, and a dragon with glowing wounds who prepared him for a sacred search. As a Chinese Mystery Box holds boxes within boxes, so this book contains 22 parables woven within one story: the journal of an adventure that echoes the greatest of all quests.

The Spirited Walker , by Carolyn Scott Kortge. I used this book as my bible several years ago when I was beginning to make physical activity an integral part of my life. It was helpful to me because the author speaks about walking, not just in terms of physical fitness, but also brings spirituality and emotional clarity into the picture. I still use some of the "mind work" she suggests in this book whenever I go walking now.

Stalking the Divine , by Kristin Ohlson. Wandering into a forgotten downtown Cleveland church for a Christmas mass, the author discovered the Poor Clares - a tiny, threadbare congregation of cloistered elderly nuns with one mission: to pray day and night for the sorrows of the world. Kristin was utterly enchanted by these devoted women and started to attend church for the first time in many years. Why, she wonders, have these women retreated from the world to joyfully devote themselves to perpetual adoration? How do they sustain their faith? And what, ultimately, is faith? As Kristin - a long-time skeptic - opens up to the Poor Clares, she opens herself to the possibility of the sacred. The result is an inspiring personal journey as well as a poignant reflection on the power of the church and faith, no matter what our religion may be.

Standing Still: Hearing the Call to a SpiritCentered Life , by Meredith Jordan. This is an engaging set of 38 essays on living a life centered in Spirit. Titles include: Find Your Pod, Carry the Truth Stick with Grace, Go On Singing, Ripe Peaches, Turtle Nature, To Everything a Season, Be Here Now, Her Holy Face, Medicine Bag Lessons, Heroic Journey. Each one fits in so beautifully with the tenets of SoulCollage®.

Strands of Eternity , by Vasant Lad. It has really 'knocked my socks off' with descriptions of the interplay of our inner and outer worlds as well as prose about how different 'difficult' emotions like anger can be felt and overcome. The book is a compilation of mystical poetry and discourses. Each poem is derived from the ancient sutras of Ayurveda. The intro page contains the following quote: "The Sanskrit word Sutra means thread or suture. It is as if the lower self is one piece and the higher Self is another; the flow of eternity sews these two together." Some of the poem names: "The Witness", "The Shadow", "The One Behind the Many." (Sound familiar?) –Recommended by Kindred Spirit Diana in Minnesota

103 Resources for SoulCollagers: Books & Movies from KaleidoSoul.com Transitions: Prayers and Declarations for a Changing Life , by Julia Cameron. This is a small book full of short readings about what to “do” and how to “be” when life interrupts our everyday normalcy with challenges that seem too difficult to face. I love, love, love this book! It has been a catalyst for my own inner healing many times.

The Unmistakable Touch of Grace , by Cheryl Richardson. Every event we experience and every person we meet has been put in our path for a reason. When we awaken to this fundamental truth, we begin to understand that a benevolent force of energy is available to guide and direct our lives. Richardson calls this energy the unmistakable touch of grace . This book tells the story of how grace has transformed her life as well as the lives of others.

Visions of the Goddess , by Courtney Milne. A glorious celebration of feminine mystique and goddess mythology. For centuries, cultures throughout the world have venerated the feminine aspect of God--a goddess archetype that was the giver of life and death. Through breathtaking photos of natural landscapes and in-depth histories of goddess archetypes, this book takes us back in time through the eyes of the ancient peoples. I love the photos in this book, simply breathtaking!

The Way to Love , by Anthony De Mello. This small-sized book is full of very big thoughts on love and loving. This is De Mello's last book. He was the director of the Sadhana Institute of Pastoral Counseling in India and the author of several spiritual books. Each short essay begins with a quote from Scripture, but the ideas contained within go beyond religious parameters.

When Fear Falls Away: The Story of a Sudden Awakening , by Jan Frazier. One day in August of 2003, the author experienced what she calls "a dramatic falling away of fear," not just the immediate fear of an upcoming medical test, but (as she learned as time went on) her fear of everything. She was "flooded with a causeless joy” that never left her." Jan portrays in this book the ways that she changed from being at the mercy of fear to living in a state of joy. Her day-by-day record shows her awakening as it unfolds over the course of 18 months.

When in Doubt, Sing: Prayer in Daily Life , by Jane Redmont. A refreshing and personal book all about the many aspects and shadings of prayer. From praying with the body and with music, through writing and meditation, and teaching children to pray, to praying during times of anger, doubt, hope, depression or overwhelming joy, Jane offers a fresh perspective on the variety of traditional and new prayer experiences. Lots of practical and personal suggestions, examples and ideas.

104 Resources for SoulCollagers: Books & Movies from KaleidoSoul.com Why is God Laughing? by Deepak Chopra. I found this to be a refreshing new take on the idea of us being spiritual souls in physical bodies rather than being people searching for our souls. Chopra uses the parable of an aging comic named Mickey to teach us the 10 Principles of Spiritual Optimism (which is the path to joy). It reads like a novel, but it is full of divine truths that we can realize right here, right now, on this earth, and in these physical bodies that carry us through life.

The Wisdom of Wilderness: Experiencing the Healing Power of ature , by Gerald G. May. I don't usually get caught up in nonfiction books about nature, but this one caught my eye because it's written by an author I admire (not to mention the beautiful cover!). In the 80's when struggling with a friend's addiction to alcohol (and my own addiction to helping the friend), I read May’s book Addiction and Grace , and my whole spirit took a new direction. So I picked up Wisdom of Wilderness with sweet anticipation and was not disappointed. Read this book and savor it for its tales of a person longing to know and then experiencing the Divine through nature. Read this book and receive the gift of its teaching about following our deepest soul's knowing, about life, death, Spirit, animals, and our own human nature. Read this book and then pass it on, for it holds valuable insight and wisdom for all of us today.

Wisdom Walk: ine Practices for Creating Peace and Balance from the World's Spiritual Traditions , by Sage Bennett, Ph.D. After experiencing a crisis of faith, the author looked to the practices of the world's religions for help. Here she beautifully outlines nine of these teachings, making them accessible without diminishing them, while exploring the essential beliefs of each tradition. These are the nine practices she discussions in creative detail: creating a home altar (), meditating and finding peace (Buddhism), surrendering to prayer (Islam), forgiving yourself and others (Christianity), making time for the Sabbath (Judaism), letting nature be your teacher (Native American Spirituality), going with the flow (Taoism), catching God's vision of your life (), and offering yourself in service to others (All Traditions).

Wisdomkeepers: Meetings with ative American Spiritual Elders, by Steve Wall and Harry Arden. This book takes an extraordinary spirit-journey into the lives, minds, and natural-world philosophy of Native American spiritual Elders. With magnificent photographs and powerful words, the Wisdomkeepers share their innermost thoughts and feelings, their dreams and visions, their jokes and laughter, their healing remedies and apocalyptic prophecies and - above all - their humanity. Lots of inspiration here for SoulCollage® cards.

A Woman's Journey to God: Finding the Feminine Path, by Joan Borysenko. Empowering story of her search for and embrace of her distinct path amidst a sea of more male-based spiritual ideas, teachers and traditions.

105 Resources for SoulCollagers: Books & Movies from KaleidoSoul.com Yoga for Your Spiritual Muscles , by Rachel Schaeffer. A complete yoga program to strengthen body, mind and spirit. This full-sized book with lots of beautiful photographs is not your average yoga book. I love it because it talks about the "12 Spiritual Muscles" and gives yoga poses and suggestions for each one: Awareness, Acceptance, Focus, Flexibility, Balance, Confidence, Peace, Strength, Compassion, Energy, Playfulness, and Connectedness. If you are a seasoned , or are just thinking about starting on a yoga journey, consider adding this invaluable book to your library.

Your Altar: Creating a Sacred Space for Prayer and Meditation , by Sandra Kynes. Creating an altar is a fun, creative activity that helps you to access spiritual stillness and your own inner wisdom. Sandra uses numerology, as well meditation techniques and examples of prayers, practices, and rituals from all major faiths in this wise and wonderful book. If you don't have an altar already, this will be inspiration. And if you do have an altar, you'll find brilliant new ideas here as well.

Your Soul's Compass, by Joan Borysenko and Gordon Dveirin. Borysenko uses sacred texts, ranging from the Torah to the Tao Te Ching, to explore spiritually guided lives.

Stress Relief/Meditation/Retreats

20Minute Retreats , by Rachel Harris- I have found this book extremely helpful in instilling the feeling of a retreat into my everyday life in just minutes, instead of hours. Excellent resource for creating more peace, harmony, and balance in your life, and for making "time for myself" a priority instead of a luxury that languishes at the bottom of my to-do lists.

A Thousand Paths to Comfort , by David Baird. A juicy, thick little book full of wise, witty and inspiring thoughts that will bring you comfort no matter what you're going through on your journey.

Calm , by Steve Barnett. This beautiful book features photographs and soothing, inspiring quotes that evoke a stress-free, quiet mood. You can set aside just a few minutes of the day to escape and recharge with the approximately 200 calming images in this little book. Or allow any of them to inspire some new SoulCollage® cards for your deck.

106 Resources for SoulCollagers: Books & Movies from KaleidoSoul.com

Creative Meditation and Visualization , by David Fontana. Shows how visualization can become even more powerful when practiced as a form of meditation. Can be used for physical healing, stimulating creativity, career advancement, inspiring confidence, and more.

Everyday Dharma: Seven Weeks to Finding the Buddha in You , by Willa Miller. I was fortunate to hear this author speak at a bookstore a while back, and really benefited from her wisdom. Dharma is spiritual practice; it's what one does every day to make one's mind and world a better place to live. Each chapter includes a passage to read, an exercise of the day that relates to each week's topic, a quote from a wise one, and tips on how to make daily practice a little easier. The book shows that it's not necessary to subscribe to a particular -- or any -- belief system to benefit from this program.

Finding Serenity in the Age of Anxiety , by Robert Gerzon. I love this author because he shows us how anxiety is a natural, even sacred, part of being human. He identifies and unravels three different kinds of anxiety and shows us how to respond to each effectively: toxic anxiety, natural anxiety, and sacred anxiety. If you struggle with anxiety of any kind, this book will help you look at it in a new way.

Five Good Minutes in the Evening , by Jeffrey Brantley & Wendy Millstine. Subtitle: 100 Mindful Practices to Help You Unwind from the Day & Make the Most of Your ight . This book really lives up to its title and subtitle. Take the author's word for it, "Just five good minutes stand between your stressful workday and a restorative evening of calm, serenity and joy." It's a small book that's easy to keep beside your bed. My favorites (so far) are: Waterfall of the Mind, Body Mantra, Never Alone, and Media Vacation. You don't need anything additional to do the activities in this book.

Full Catastrophe Living , by Jon Kabat-Zinn. This is one of my favorite books on meditation. Important writings on the necessity of slowing down, of practicing mindfulness, and ideas for how to be in the present moment more easily and more often.

Goddess Relaxation and Meditations - Includes a 30 minute relaxation track, plus an 18 minute grounding meditation, and a 15 minute inner sanctuary meditation.

107 Resources for SoulCollagers: Books & Movies from KaleidoSoul.com Guided Meditations, Explorations and Healings , by Stephen Levine. Techniques for deep exploration of the mind/body connection. Topics of these guided meditations include: sacred journeys, forgiveness, choosing a teacher, the moment, taking the first step, eating, addiction, grief, healing, letting pain float, opening the heart, and many more.

How to Meditate with Pema Chodron: A Practical Guide to Making Friends with Your Mind , by Pema Chodron. And isn't this what the SoulCollage® Committee Suit is all about? making friends with our minds? Beautiful set of five CD's from Chodron, an American-born Tibetan Buddhist nun who has written many wise and gentle books on the art of being kind to ourselves. If you are new to meditation, this is a perfect place to start.

Into Wholeness: The Path of Deep Imagery , by Eligio Stephen Gallegos, PhD. This author is the one who inspired Seena Frost to create the Companions Suit of the SoulCollage® Deck to include both animal energies and chakra energies (the personal totem pole process). In this book he describes his own experiences with Deep Imagery, one of the most powerful tools we have in working towards wholeness.

The Joy of Visualization , by Valerie Wells. One of my favorite books of guided imageries by a wonderfully creative author. Contains 75 short visualizations that you can use for yourself or if you're leading a group. Divided into categories such as: Personal Problem Solving, Physical Health, Goal Getting, Emotional/Mental Health, and Image Shining.

The Magic Shop , by Helen Graham. Healing with the Imagination . Wonderful book and resource on the power of imagery to help you relax, improve your health and develop awareness of your physical, emotional and spiritual needs. Learn how to: discover and translate your own personal symbolism, gain insight into the healing energies of your body, and more.

Meditations for Awakening , Edited by Larry Moen. Contains scripts for 58 short visualizations (guided imagery) by Robert Gass, Gloria Steinem, , Gerald Jampolsky, and many more. These guided imageries will help you awaken your heart and mind to higher levels of consciousness, in order to reach your highest spiritual potential

Meditations for Healing , Edited by Larry Moen. Contains scripts for 61 short visualizations (guided imagery) by Stephen Levine, Bernie Siegel, Tom Kenyon, Pauline Fisher, Lynn Robinson and many more. These guided imageries will help you develop your own inner healing powers to overcome pain, disease, emotional distress and other obstacles to leading a fulfilling life.

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The OneMinute Meditator , by Bill Birchard and David Nichol. Think you don't have time to build a regular meditation practice into your week? Think again! This book shows you how you can experience the stress-reducing benefits of meditation in just one minute increments. Unbelievable? No... it's possible and do-able! This book's format is very easy to ready, so pick it up and get started. You've got nothing to lose, and everything to gain (more peace, less stress!).

Snow Melting in a Silver Bowl - a Book of Active Meditations, by Nancy Brady Cunningham and Denise Geddes. Simple ceremonies and peaceful meditations, combined with lovely black and white photographs make this book a must-have to help you make every day sacred.

Stress Busters: 101 Ways to Inner Calm , by Robert Holden. I heard Robert Holden speak on the Oprah show once and was impressed by his sense of humor, as well as his practical way of looking at life with joy and ease rather than anger and frustration. This book is jam-packed with easy to use ideas that will give you: more energy, inner calm, greater confidence, sounder sleep and better health, among other things. Try them and see!

Stress Relief and Relaxation Techniques , by Judith Lazarus. Excellent resource on practical, simple ways to deal with stress and invite more relaxation into our lives. Sections include: What is Stress, The Mind/Body/Spirit Connection, Relaxation Techniques, Bodywork, Diversion, Changing Perspective , and Putting It All Together . Lots and lots of resources listed as well.

Ten Zen Seconds , by Eric Maisel. Twelve Incantations for Purpose, Power and Calm. A powerful antidote to stress that can be used anytime and anywhere. This exercise is easy to learn and very simple to use. It's a blend of Eastern breath awareness and Western positive psychology. I have read and re-read this book several times and find it extremely enlightening and useful.

The Woman's Retreat Book , by Jennifer Louden. This book is a wonderful collection of ideas and exercises for creating individual retreats that last an hour, a day, or a weekend. Louden shows how to structure your time, and how to create sacred space in ways that are creative, beautiful, and self-loving.

A Woman's Spiritual Retreat , by Joan Borysenko. An experienced retreat leader and best- selling author, Borysenko lays out 12 guided retreat sessions on CD, for women in small group settings or individuals. Includes meditations, teachings, and rituals designed to celebrate your authentic feminine wisdom.

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Zen 24/7: All Zen / All the Time , by Philip Toshio Sudo. Using light hearted wit and easy-going wisdom, Philip uses parables, koans and very simple stories to encourage us to stay rooted in the here and now. He takes us through the minutiae of a single day (alarm clock, coffee, bad hair day, keys, corn flakes, drive through, bank deposit, phone, lunch, computer, mirror, rain, toilet, candle, dessert, bed.... and so on. Powerful little book that I found in a used book store for $2.00. Best money spent in a long time!


100 Places Every Woman Should Go , by Stephanie Elizondo Griest. Looking for adventure, inspiration, celebration, empowerment, and/or renewal as you travel? Then you will love this book which is packed full of worldwide sites that make perfect short get-aways and longer vacations. Sections include: Powerful Women and Their Places in History, Places of Adventure, Places of Purification and Beauty, Places of Indulgence, Places of Celebration and Womanly Affirmation, Places of Inspiration and Enlightenment.

The Geography of Bliss: One Grump's Search for the Happiest Places in the World , by Eric Weiner. The author, a self-described mope, is a longtime foreign correspondent for National Public Radio. Over the past 20 years, he has covered a multitude of catastrophes and maladies from more than 30 countries. Then he decided to tell the other side of the Story by writing this book! He shares with us his visits to some of the world's most contented places: The Netherlands, Switzerland, Bhutan, Qatar, Iceland, Moldova, Thailand, Great Britain, India, and … believe it or not… America. This is travel writing that inspires and uplifts and practically transports us to the places he writes about, and transports us at the same time to a deeper level of our own inner bliss.

Traveling with Pomegranates: A MotherDaughter Story , by Sue Monk Kidd and Ann Kidd Taylor. The 50-something author of Secret Life of Bees writes this starkly beautiful story with her 20-something daughter. Join them as they travel through Greece and France. Explore in depth their own relationship as well as the famous mother-daughter story of Demeter and Persephone.

110 Resources for SoulCollagers: Books & Movies from KaleidoSoul.com Without Reservations: The Travels of an Independent Woman , by Alice Steinbach. This newspaper reporter and divorced mother of two sons decides in mid-life to experience life instead of simply write about it. She travels solo in Europe and this book tells of her adventures and experiences. Romance, danger, dancing... it's all here.

Women Only

12 Secrets of Highly Creative Women , by Gail McMeekin. The subtitle of this book is A Portable Mentor and that is exactly what this book feels like. McMeekin introduces you to lots of wonderful creative women, in many disciplines, so we can hear their stories and secrets. I really enjoyed this book and felt like I came away with some some wonderful tidbits to enhance my creative life.

A Woman's Book of Meditation , by Hari Kaur Khalsa. Excellent resource for anyone just starting or wanting to go deeper into a meditation practice. There are many photographs/illustrations for postures and poses that enhance meditation, as well as easy-to- follow instructions for several simple meditations.

A Woman's Book of Strength , by Karen Andes. Use the pathway of your body to access your mind and spirit as well. We all possess inner strength... this book shows how the inner strength is woven together with our body's strength.

A Woman's Worth , by Marianne Williamson. A love letter to women to remember their inherent worth and goodness. Perfect for days of loneliness and fear, this slim volume is portable and packed with inspiration for women at any age. Makes a great gift for special women in your life too!

The Age of Miracles: Embracing the ew Midlife , by Marianne Williamson. This is one of my favorite spiritual and real-life authors, and this new book is holding a special place on my bookshelf. Her purpose is to psychologically and spiritually reframe our transition into "middle age," which is not a crisis but a time of rebirth.

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Aphrodite's Daughters : Women's Sexual Stories and the Journey of the Soul , by Jalaja Bonheim. How does a woman's sexual experience affect her spirituality? Bonheim invited dozens of women from various spiritual backgrounds to tell their stories of their sexual experiences: the result is a collection which reflects upon connections between sexuality, spiritual and social development.

Breaking Free: Women of Spirit at Midlife and Beyond , edited by Marilyn Sewell. A groundbreaking anthology for women searching for spiritual guideposts to the second half of life. Contains 27 personal, daring essays by some of the finest women writers who are examining the second half of their lives. Contributing authors include: Isabel Allende, Erica Jong, Maya Angelou, M.F.K. fisher, Germaine Greer, Gloria Steinem, Grace Paley, and many more.

The Burning Bush Women and Other Stories , by Cherie Jones. In these truthful, strange, funny, and tragic short stories set in Barbados and the United States, a path is woven through the joys and suffering of women's lives- from breast cancer, madness, and abortion to love, magic, and a deep connectedness between women. The stories always lead to remarkable, unexpected places. Themes of race, gender, and sexual orientation are key to these stories, as is the interplay between modernity and the African traditions of the Caribbean.

A Call to Power: the Grandmothers Speak , by Sharon McErlane. In September 1996 a group of elderly women who call themselves "The Great Council of the Grandmothers" appeared to the author as she walked her dog. These wise women who represent all cultures and races of humanity revealed to her their mission. "It is time to return to balance, and for this, women must lead. Women must be empowered. This is why we have come." The Grandmothers have come to awaken the presence of the deep feminine, to bring men and women and all life back into harmony. A Call to Power is the story of the author's encounters with these wise women and the powerful and important message they bring.

Changing Woman and Her Sisters: Stories of Goddesses from Around the World , retold by Katrin Jyman Tchana. Beautifully illustrated storybook containing 10 stories of Goddesses from Navajo to Celtic, Buddhist, Mayan, Egyptian and Hindu. I felt thrilled and inspired reading these wonderful stories. And I feel another SoulCollage® card coming on now!

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Chocolate for a Woman's Heart , by Kay Allenbaugh. Love, like chocolate, comes in many varieties - pure and simple, rich and complicated, sweet and bittersweet, and always memorable. This book has77 delectable new "chocolate stories," real-life tales that celebrate the many ways we express our love. Find strength in stories that honor the power of unconditional love, and learn a lesson in courage as you read about women facing their ultimate moments of truth. Take delight in a reflection on the ever-elusive perfect relationship, and find comfort in stories about the generosity of the human spirit. Like the finest chocolate, these inspiring tales will boost your spirits, lift your heart, and soothe your soul.

Circle of Stones: Woman's Journey to Herself , by Judith Duerk. This has been on my shelf for years and I just picked it up the other day and was reminded about its power to heal and enlighten. It's a book about women helping women, about mentoring and bonding, and about the sacredness of women being there for each other at all stages of our lives.

Comfort Secrets for Busy Women , by Jennifer Louden. This book offers priceless advice and encouragement for embracing a creative life, no matter how busy we are. Louden presents a series of nurturing essays accompanied by spirit-awakening questions that really helped me get to the core of my individual path.

Coming Home to Myself : Reflections for urturing a Woman's Body and Soul , by Marion Woodman and Jill Mellick. I first picked this book of short readings up because I was caught by the title. But when I started reading, I was truly hooked! Mellick takes excerpts from Woodman's wise writings and turns them into almost-poetry, and sometimes adds a comment or two. These short excerpts have really gotten the wheels of my mind and soul turning in a more centered direction. Soft tonal illustrations throughout add to the beauty of this book that is filled with page after page of wisdom and grace.

The Dance of the Dissident Daughter , by Sue Monk Kidd. This is Sue's memoir of her leaving traditional religion in search of the Divine Feminine. Recommended by Kindred Spirit Cynthia in New York.

The Dark Goddess: Dancing with the Shadow , by Marcia Starck and Gynne Stern. This book directs our attention to the much misunderstood mysteries of the feminine shadow. Each author tells her own story within the context of these goddesses: Lilith, Inanna, Pele, Medusa, Kali,Sekhmet, Hecate, and the Triple Goddess.

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The Dinner Party : A Symbol of Our Heritage , by Judy Chicago. You HAVE to read this book, or at least take a look around the virtual tour of the Brooklyn Museum exhibition . The Dinner Party comprises a massive ceremonial banquet, arranged on a triangular table with a total of thirty-nine place settings, each commemorating an important woman (but maybe not so well- known) from history. The settings consist of embroidered runners, gold chalices and utensils, and china-painted porcelain plates with raised central motifs that are based on vulvar and butterfly forms which are rendered in styles appropriate to the individual women being honored. The names of another 999 women are inscribed in gold on the white tile floor below the triangular table. This permanent installation can be viewed at the Brooklyn Museum in Brooklyn, New York. The book tells the story of how Judy came to create this breathtaking piece of Art through her own journal entries, colorful sketches, and photographs. There is also a short biographical paragraph (or 2 or 3) of each of the 1038 oft-overlooked women in history who are honored in The Dinner Party. There is another fascinating book (with lots more color photos!) about this as well: The Dinner Party: From Creation to Preservation.

Embracing Our Essence , edited by Susan Skog- spiritual conversations with prominent women such as Madeleine L'Engle, Joan Borysenko, Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, Christiane Northrup, Jane Goodall, Rachel Naomi Remen...and many more. 29 women share with you the "philosophies, practices, touchstones, and struggles that shape their lush interiors." Empowering and insightful.

Empowering Women , by Louise Hay. From the dedication page: "Now is the time for women to break the barriers of self-limitation. You can be far more than you ever dreamed possible." The goal of this powerful little book is to see that all women experience self-love, self-worth, self-esteem, and a powerful place in society. Hay offers penetrating insights on how women of all ages and backgrounds can achieve this goal and make the coming years fulfilling, productive and empowering.

Eye of My Heart , edited by Barbara Graham. 27 Writers Reveal the Hidden Pleasures and Perils of Being a Grandmother . Oh, there are so many good essays in this wonderful book. If you are a grandmother, you will enjoy the wisdom and humor of many women, including: Ellen Gilchrist, Anne Roiphe, Judith Guest, Judith Viorst, Sharati Mukherjee, and Elizabeth Berg (my favorite novelist!).

Faith in the Valley: Lessons for Women on the Journey to Peace , by IyanlaVanzant. Short, timeless readings for those dark days we all spend "in the valley" from time to time. Truly heartwarming and inspirational on a soul-level. I like that the readings are not dated, so you can pick the book up at any time and take the wisdom within as you need it.

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The Feminine Face of God , by Sherry Ruth Anderson and Patricia Hopkins. The Unfolding of the Sacred in Women . I read this in the early 90's when it first came out and it was one of the books that really helped me forge a new spiritual path for my life. I think it's a huge testimony to the richness of wisdom here that this book is still in print. Shows how many different women have redefined traditional beliefs and rediscovered their own unique spiritual heritage. Explores: childhood, leaving home, relationships, spiritual practice, sexuality, and more.

Fifty on Fifty: Wisdom, Inspiration, and Reflections on Women's Lives Well Lived , edited by Bonnie Miller Rubin. In this remarkable book, a Chicago Tribune reporter interviews fifty famous women who are approaching or have passed their fiftieth birthday. They reflect insightfully upon their past experiences, what they have learned, and their happy expectations for the future.

Finding Stone: A Quiet Parable and SoulWork Meditation , by Christin Lore Weber. This little gem of a book explores the ancient meditative practice of standing before life's mysteries. Join "Finding Woman" on a journey to find your own personal Stone of healing, wisdom and power.

Gift From The Sea , by Anne Morrow Lindberg. I received this book as a high school graduation gift, and it has held a special place on my nightstand ever since. The book holds short meditations on subjects such as love, marriage, independence, peace, and solitude. It is written and themed around various sea shells that the author found on the beach during a brief solitary vacation when her children were young. This book speaks to me of the necessity of taking time alone for ourselves, no matter how busy we are.

A God Who Looks Like Me , by Patricia Lynn Reilly. Discovering a WomanAffirming Spirituality. This is another book I read in the 90's that really helped to shape the spiritual path that I am still on today. Patricia does a wonderful thing by weaving the personal stories of women of all ages and lifestyles with the collective stories of women buried in the Hebrew Scriptures and the Christian Bible. She explores the lost wisdom and glory of Eve, Lilith and Mary. She helps us to explore the depths of our relationships with our mothers, our bodies, ourselves, our sexuality and vulnerability, and our journey into old age. Includes a rich tapestry of poetry, ritual, story and meditation.

The Heroine's Journey: Woman's Quest for Wholeness , by Maureen Murdock. Using her own personal experience, Murdock shares the essence of the archetypal female journey. Clear, compassionate and insightful, The Heroine's Journey draws on the author's personal life as a mother, artist, and therapist, as well as from the collective wisdom of a wider community of women.

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I Am A Woman Finding My Voice - by Janet Quinn. This is still one of my favorite books and I take it off the shelf when I need a reminder of who I am, and how I am connected to other women. Contains over 100 (1-2 page) short essays which celebrate the blessings of being a woman. Examples of essay titles: I am a woman saying no.... I am a woman saying yes... I am a woman forgiving myself... I am a woman who sleeps alone... I am a woman choosing bliss... I am a woman owning my fears... You just might get some more ideas for parts of yourself to honor with SoulCollage® cards in this book!

In the House of the Moon: Reclaiming the Feminine Spirit of Healing , by Jason Elias and Katherine Ketcham. This is a fascinating book that interweaves traditional values with insights from ancient and contemporary healers/thinkers. The authors' goal is to help women access the feminine yin energy that has been overlooked by conventional medical science. Examining the major phases of a woman's life from puberty through menopause and into "the wisdom gathering years," Elias and Ketchum offer gentle, natural remedies that can be used to complement conventional treatments to promote health, emotional well-being, and spiritual enrichment.

Invoking Mary Magdalene: Accessing the Wisdom of the Divine Feminine , by Siobhan Houston. Helps us bring forth the living wisdom of Mary Magdalene through a complete program of sacred ritual and reflection. Includes information on how to create your own personal shrine to Mary Magdalene, including altar design, prayer beads and shawls to devotional gardens and more. Also includes CD with 5 guided visualizations, prayers and meditations.

Lit From Within , by Victoria Moran. Excellent resource for any woman longing to connect with her inner beauty.

Meditations for Women Who Do Too Much , (revised and expanded version), by Anne Wilson Schaef. Step back from the overload - that overwhelming combination of work,chores, caring for children, and meeting everyone's needs but your own- and let the sage advice, warmhearted humor, encouraging reminders, and inspiring thoughts from women around the world help you discover a much-deserved calm amidst the whirlwind of your life.

Meditation Secrets for Women , by Camille Maurine and Lorin Roche. Excellent book full of ideas and suggestions for women who long to make meditation a regular practice. I read this several years ago and it really inspired my own practice.

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Old Wise Woman , by Rix Weaver. A Study of Active Imagination. One of the first books made available to the public on the subject of Active Imagination, a technique developed by Jung in which one's imaginary world is entered deliberately while awake in order to gain self-knowledge and growth. Weaver shares here the story of one of her patients, which begins with a dream and yields into her own personal myth.

On the Wings of Shekhinah , by Rabbi Leah Novick. Rediscovering Judaism's Divine Feminine. A guide to the lessons that Judaism's divine feminine offers for individual and global transformations. Also includes meditations for personally connecting with Shekhinah.

The Queen's Cloak - A Myth for MidLife , by Joan Chamberlain Engelsman. Using the timeless form of the classic fairy tale, Engelsman creates a story about our own life's unfolding. Imaginative and very real.

Radiant Body, Restful Mind: A Woman's Book of Comfort , by Shubhra Krishan. Hundreds of simple ideas to help even the busiest woman create ease and comfort in her life every day. Divided into sections on the following topics: joie de vivre, nourishment, beauty, sanctuary, love, repose, and bliss. Very practical ideas, and easy to incorporate into your life.

Sacred Circles: A Guide to creating Your Own Women's Spirituality Group , by Robin Deen Carnes and Sally Craig. This wonderful book shows us how we can use a group to explore our relationship to the sacred, and to honor the divine in everyday life. Divided into sections: Women's Spirituality Today, Examples of Different Kinds of Women's Circles, Circle Basics, Creating the Circle, First Meetings, The Power of Storytelling, Reclaiming Ritual, Juicy Themes for Drawing Closer, Home Remedies to Keep Your Group Healthy, and A Sacred Scenario.

The Second Half of Life: Opening the Eight Gates of Wisdom , by Angeles Arrien. Working with images, poetry, metaphors, and other forms of symbolic language from various world cultures, Angeles introduces us to the 8 Gates of Initiation, which are thresholds we must cross in order to fulfill our destiny on this earth. She takes us step-by-step through each gate in order to deepen our most valuable relationships, reclaim our forgotten creative gifts, and much more. Contains beautiful black and white photographs. A beautiful gift for yourself or another wise woman in your life.

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Secrets About Life Every Woman Should Know: Ten Principles for Total Emotional and Spiritual Fulfillment , by Barbara De Angelis, Ph.D. Each of these 10 principles is simple enough, and we've heard them all before. But the author really zeroes in on our relationship with ourselves, and shows us how to "build an inner center of emotional and spiritual self-reliance that nothing and on one can take away from you."

Secrets and Mysteries: The Glory and Pleasure of Being a Woman , by Denise Linn. Through her own extraordinary life experience and her knowledge of native cultures around the world, Denise reveals how you can activate ancient wisdom to become a magnificent embodiment of strength and grace. Reveals: the invisible patterns that shape a woman's life, how to discover the mysteries of the Goddess, the art of sacred sexuality, how to awaken your inner warrior woman, the secrets of a shamaness's power, and more.

Singing at the Top of Our Lungs: Women, Love, and Creativity , by Claudia Bepko and Jo- Ann Krestan. If there is one book that started me on my own intentional creative journey many years ago, this is it. Often our desire to "sing at the top of our lungs" is quelled, but there are specific paths that we can follow to embrace our self-expression and source of joy in work, relationships and creative pursuits. Based on original research with more than 300 women, the authors identify four dominant life patterns that women can create in order to lead lives that are passionate, creative, exuberant, and loving. I remember reading this book and feeling like I'd fallen into step with many kindred creative spirits, as well as falling into step with my own creative self for the first time.

Some Things You Just Have to Live With: Musings on Middle Age , by Barbara Crafton. A lovely book, just the right size for pocket or purse. Written by an Episcopal priest in New York, I found it right on target with much of the soul of a woman’s life. It will make you laugh out loud, it will make you think, and it will remind you of the beauty that is your life.

Soul Sisters: The Five Sacred Qualities of a Woman's Soul , by Pythia Peay. Full of exercises, anecdotes and meditations, this book will help you cultivate your full potential through the lives of the world's greatest spiritual heroines as well as the stories of modern-day women who have midwifed new forms of spiritual sisterhood.

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Spider Woman's Web: Traditional ative American Tales About Women's Power , by Susan Hazen-Hammond. Storytelling is an ancient art, yet it is as poignant today as it was a millennium ago. North American native storytelling in particular offers numerous legends that echo contemporary feminine struggles and desires. This relationship was not lost on Susan Hazen-Hammond, who gathered this expertly retold collection of brief stories that include magical sages, feminine healers, murdering mothers, and reluctant women warriors. At the end of each chapter, the author offers exercises and meditations that help women relate these mythical stories to everyday life. Recommended by Kindred Spirit Lorraine in British Columbia.

Spinning Straw into Gold : What Fairy Tales Reveal About the Transformations in a Woman's Life , by Joan Gould. What's your favorite fairy tale? Whether it's 'Cinderella,' 'Beauty and the Beast,' 'Hansel and Gretel,' or another story, your answer reveals something significant about you, your experiences, and your soul. Recommended by Kindred Spirit Lorraine in British Columbia.

Still Groovin': Affirmations for Women in the Second Half of Life , by Ruth Beckford. Drawing on her extraordinary experiences in dance, theatre, and community service, Beckford offers more than 100 affirmations for women at midlife and beyond. All aspects of life are covered here including: inner peace, health, empowerment and romance.

Succulent Wild Woman , by SARK. In this fun, vibrant, colorful book (handwritten, beautifully painted), the author explores everything from sexuality, love and romance to fat, fears and recovery. Discover the keys to expressing yourself more freely.

The Survival Guide for Landlocked Mermaids , by Margot Datz. I found this book "accidentally" on Amazon when I was searching for information about mermaids because of a SoulCollage® card I'd created. I ordered it totally intuitively (the way I made my card!) and when I took it out of the shrink wrapa nd opened it up, I knew I'd made a best friend. At first it seems like a child's picture book, but once you start reading it, you'll see that it is so much more. Each double page spread has a beautiful painting of a mermaid scene as well as a paragraph or two of words of wisdom about a certain "landlocked mermaid" topic. And by the way, the author's definition of a "landlocked" mermaid is a symbol of the contemporary woman, trapped in a paradoxical dilemma of being part worldly and domesticated, part untamable and intuitive. I don't know about you, but I can definitely relate to that! I will keep this beautiful book on my nightstand and read its wisdom many times before I leave this earth, this I know for sure.

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Things I Want My Daughters To Know: A Small Book About the Big Issues in Life , by Alexandra Stoddard. A collection of motherly advice from a self-fulfillment expert. She writes about self-reliance, gratitude, and perseverance with style, wit and grace.

Twilight Travels with Mother , by Mary Ann Mayo. If you have a friend or family member with Alzheimer's, are their principle caregiver, or fear the disease will someday affect you, this book gives you the encouragement and tools you need to keep going. Certified counselor Mary Ann Mayo has cared for two parents struck by Alzheimer's disease. Like a trusted friend, Mayo guides you on quality of life issues from nutrition and independence to letting go and inevitably planning a funeral. She also brings you relief and laughter as she recounts surprising ways to cope with the unimaginable (like when her mother decided to marry again . . . if she could just remember how to get to the church on time - and who the groom was).

Voices of the Earth: The Path of Green Spirituality, by Clea Danaan. The author is an environmental activist and author of Sacred Land . She invites readers to cultivate an awareness of the natural world and become an earth ally. Individual chapters describe the author's experiences of discovering harmony between body and Earth, the sacredness of land, controlled use of psychotropic plants and a sense of belonging in nature. Each chapter also devotes considerable space to directed meditation and practical exercises so that readers can gain such insights themselves.

What Do You Care What Other People Think? Further Adventures of a Curious Character , by Richard P. Feynman. World-renowned author and Nobel Prize winner Feynmann has created a wonderful book of essays that is well worth reading. They don't need to be read in any particular order, and are great for sitting on your nightstand and reading one or two each day on waking or going to sleep. There is much food for thought here. I am especially drawn to his natural propensity for curiosity, a deep hunger to know what there is to know. There are stories of his childhood, his marriage, his science adventures, and his life as a teacher. If there is an inner voice inside of you that lives with an intense curiosity, you will like this book

Weaving the Visions: ew Patterns in Feminist Spirituality , by Carol Christ and Judith Plaskow. Key writings in feminist spirituality drawing on the great diversity of women's experience.

What I Know ow: Letters to My Younger Self , Edited by Ellen Spragins. 41extraordinary women share the wisdom they wish they'd had when they were younger. All of these short, wise essays answer the question: If you could send a letter back through time to your younger self, what would the letter say? I found this inspiring and dear. Authors include: Maya Angelou, Madeleine Albright, Ann Curry, Olympia Dukakis, Macy Gray, Trisha Yearwood, Lee Ann Womack, Vanna White, Beverly Sills, Nora Roberts, Cokie Roberts, Phylicia Rashad, Jane Bryant Quinn, Camryn Manheim, Mary Matalin and more.

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When the Heart Waits , by Sue Monk Kidd. A lovely and inspiring guide to the spiritual life....full of warm personal sharing of her own journey. Recommended by Kindred Spirit Cynthia in New York.

Wise Women , photographs by Joyce Tenneson. A celebration of the power and beauty of women in the third phase of their lives. I spent a long time gazing at these gorgeous images (and reading the powerful words) last night, and felt my soul expand as I absorbed the truth of each woman's soul. Not to be missed!

The Woman Who Found Her Voice: A Tale of Transforming , by Sue O'Halloran and Susan Delattre . This medieval fable for modern adults is a story of empowerment for all women. The heroine is in despair over losing all that she once loved. Then a magical hawk enables her to assume the identity of mystical creatures. From a family of wolves she learns the value of community; from a turtle, the right to be; and from the hawk, how to trust the larger web of life.

The Woman Who Lost Her Heart: A Tale of Reawakening, by Sue O'Halloran and Susan Delattre. A story for every woman who feels caught up in the rat race and wonders "is this what life is really all about?" In a fable set in the "not-too-distant" future, the heroine awakens to discover she has literally lost her heart. The woman's search for her heart leads her to discover how much she has injured herself trying to adjust to a heartless world. Along the way, she faces old wounds and learns to listen to her body and feelings.

The Women's Book of Empowerment : 323 Affirmations That Change Everyday Problems into Moments of Potential, by Charlene M. Proctor, Ph.D. I love working with affirmations, and this book is unique because it allows me to find a beautifully worded affirmation based on what is happening for me in my life right now. The topics included are: Insight, Balance, Resiliency, Your Authentic Self, Abundance, Corporate Soul, and Divine Feminine. And each of these topics is broken down into smaller categories so that it's really easy to find exactly the affirmation you need at any given time, for any given circumstance.

Woman's Comfort Book , by Jennifer Louden. A Selfurturing Guide for Restoring Balance in Your Life. Does taking care of yourself seem self-indulgent? Too tired? Not enough time? Then take a quick dip into this luscious book of hundreds of wonderful and simple treats for nurturing yourself in body, mind and spirit. You won't regret purchasing this book, I promise.

Words of Gratitude for Mind, Body, and Sou l, by Joanna Hill and Robert Emmons. Beautiful book that offers words of encouragement and guidance, proverbs, and prayers, interspersed with highlights of recent psychological research measuring the effects of gratitude on our everyday lives.

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You Can Do It! The Merit Badge Handbook for GrownUp Girls , by Lauren Catuzzi Grandcolas. Remember Girl Scouts and how earning badges was a great way to delve into different topics and learn about new and exciting things? Well, this is kindof like that Girl Scout handbook except it's for grown women, just like you! Start a band, build a business, throw a party, reconnect with a loved one, plant a garden, knit a scarf, walk on fire, give a speech, launch a web site, learn a new language, surf, tango... Whatever your dream it, you'll find help, encouragement, support, concrete ideas, and practical advice. The author began this book a year before she died on September 11, 2001 aboard Flight 93. Her family stepped in and finished the book in her honor. Proceeds from the book are donated to the Lauren Catuzzi Grandcolas Foundation which supports charitable causes and scholarships f



The Accidental Tourist, featuring William Hurt, Geena Davis, Kathleen Turner. A quirky film about the unpredictability of love. Macon writes city guides for business travelers who only want to experience the familiar when away from home. He leads a rather boring life. When his wife leaves him, he moves in with his reclusive siblings. Then Macon meets a spontaneous, fun- loving dog walker. Before he quite knows what is happening, she has pulled Macon out of his cocoon and into her slipshod life. This romantic comedy demonstrates how an exuberant soul adds color and magic to the lives of all those she touches. from Spiritual Rx, Prescriptions for Living a Meaningful Life, by Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat

Alice , featuring Mia Farrow, William Hurt, Joe Montegna, Cybill Shepard, Alec Baldwin. Seeking a cure for back pains, Alice sees an acupuncturist who soon realizes that the pains are really in Alice's heart. The doctor's magical herbs bring Alice out of her romantic rut and back into her self where she belongs. If you're looking for a witty, laugh-out-loud funny film with several bits of zaniness and imaginary hoopla thrown in, look no further. I loved this movie for all of those reasons (plus the stellar cast) but also because it has a subtle message about being who we are no matter what people around us are saying.

122 Resources for SoulCollagers: Books & Movies from KaleidoSoul.com As Good As It Gets , featuring Jack Nicholson, Helen Hunt, Greg Kinnear, Cuba Gooding Jr. Funny, touching, witty, wise and intelligent, you'll probably find an archetypal character that you identify with in this film! I usually watch this whenever I need a laugh and an uplift.

The Bee Movie , featuring voices of Jerry Seinfeld, Renee Zellweger and Matthew Broderick. This movie made me laugh from beginning to end. Very clever, fun, and with a great story line. I know a lot more about bees now that I didn't know before. If any of you are still looking for some Animal Companions, you might want to check this out and see if you identify.

Bridget Jones's Diary featuring Renee Zellweger, Hugh Grant, & Colin Firth. A sweet film that reminds us to laugh at ourselves as we're in the process of turning into swans!

The Bucket List , featuring Morgan Freeman, Jack Nicholson, Sean Hayes. Moving yet funny portrayal of choosing to live life instead of letting it pass you by.

Failure to Launch - with Sarah Jessica Parker, Matthew McConaughey, . A light film that will have you laughing in no time. Plain good old fashioned fun. Also some very funny scenes with the main character and various animals.... see if you can figure out the message they bring to him throughout the movie.

Groundhog Day , with Bill Murray and Andie MacDowell. Romantic comedy/fantasy about a weatherman who keeps waking up and re-living the same day over and over (and over) again. There are some serious life lessons here as well as many laughs.

Little Miss Sunshine , with Greg Kinnear, Toni Collette, Steve Carell, Alan Arkin. I love this one because it's laugh-out-loud-funny AND it's touching, very real, and carries a deep message about the real meaning of success, failure, family, and winning.

Mama Mia , featuring Meryl Streep, , Colin Firth, Pierce Brosnan. If you want a feel-good film that will make you feel like dancing, be sure not to miss this one. It has a lovely story line, and fabulous acting. The photography is exquisite. You can tell it was made with love.

Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium , featuring Dustin Hoffman, Natalie Portman, Jason Bateman. When the 243 year old Mr. Magorium discovers his health is failing, he turns over his fantastical toy store to the quiet, depressed manager, Molly Mahoney. Since the store reflects the energy of those who run it, Molly must work to lift her spirits and help the shop recapture its magic. This movie is magic! Watch it with your inner child in mind and she will thank you for a long time. --- recommended by Kindred Spirit Barb in Minnesota.

123 Resources for SoulCollagers: Books & Movies from KaleidoSoul.com My Cousin Vinny , with Joe Pesci, . I watch this movie whenever I need a few hours of belly laughs (and believe me, I've watched it a LOT). But aside from the obvious comedy, watch Vinny (played impeccably by Joe Pesci) who is a great example of a man passionate about his work. And Marisa Tomei is hysterical as his girlfriend who is equally passionate about helping him succeed.

Outsourced , featuring Josh Hamilton. Absolutely charming story (fictional) of an American customer call center manager who travels to India to train his replacement because his department has been outsourced. It's a little bit love story, and a little bit about cultures merging and clashing.

The Princess Bride (1987), featuring Mandy Patinkin, Robin Wright Penn, Cary Elwes. This is an amusing tongue-in-cheek take on the classic fairytale of a princess, her true love, and the forces that come between them. Although a lot of the humor is geared towards a more mature audience, it nonetheless works as a fantasy film for children in its own right. From start to finish, the movie will have you in stitches – and will also keep you interested enough to care how it all pans out.

Runaway Bride , starring Julia Roberts, Richard Gere. I watch this DVD whenever I need to be reminded that being in a healthy, loving relationship is only possible when each person is grounded in their own uniqueness. It's funny, with light and weight in all the right places. The reason Julia Roberts' character has run away from so many weddings is simple: she doesn't know who she is. Watch what happens when she finds out!

Sister Act , featuring , Maggie Smith. This film teaches us about the value of enthusiasm. At the heart of the film is the enthusiastic one, Deloris, a lounge singer in Reno. After she witnesses a murder, the police decide to hide her in a convent. She has trouble adjusting to life there until she is asked to direct the choir. With inspired creativity, she translates the pop songs "My Guy" and "I Will Follow Him" into snappy devotional anthems. The nuns respond with their own zest for life and soon the choir is packing audiences into their inner city church. Deloris embodies enthusiasm, and it is catching. from Spiritual Rx,Prescriptions for Living a Meaningful Life, by Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat

Stranger Than Fiction , starring Will Ferrell, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Dustin Hoffman. I found this movie totally charming, imaginative, and genuinely funny. Will Ferrell plays the main character in an author's new novel (excellently portrayed by Emma Thompson). Dustin Hoffman joins in as an English Literature professor who helps him discern what kind of a novel he is "in" and who the author is. The bottom line of this movie is to take your life into your own hands, to make your life exactly what you want it to be no matter what is happening around you. Funny, touching, a little silly, but always real.

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Yes Man , featuring Jim Carrey, Zooey Deschanel. Yes, this movie is a bit silly, but there’s a great deal of wisdom simmering beneath the surface. It’s the story of Carl, a banker, who has hunkered down into a drab, gray yet predictable life. A friend of his challenges him to attend a seminar with a world famous speaker whose "thing" is helping people say "yes." In accepting this challenge, Carl begins saying "yes" to things that he ordinarily would say "no" to. My husband and I laughed out loud so many times during this film (and we don’t ordinarily flock to Jim Carey movies). It’s also helped me to take an honest look at how often I say "no" within the context of my own life, and what I might do to say "yes" instead.


Baraka . Recommended by Seena Frost herself! (This is her review.) Produced in 1992 by Ron Fricke, Baraka is a film with no words and no plot, just a river of magnificent images and music filmed in 24 countries. Many shots are like SoulCollage® cards. There is no verbal interruption at all; you aren't told where the shots are taken, which is the point as he says in the extra blurb on the CD. The hope is to delve into the essence of the subject, into the inner workings of the images. As I watched, somewhat in a trance, everything seemed alive to me, not just the humans. Everything was full of divine essence. I found myself identifying with every image as though I were doing the "I Am One Who..." process, and it was a truly a spiritual experience. By the way, the name Baraka means "a blessing" and comes originally from the Sufi tradition.

Mad Hot Ballroom - 6000 Kids, 60 Schools, 10 Weeks, 1 Dream. An award-winning film that follows NYC fourth and fifth graders as they journey into the world of competitive ballroom dance. Told from their candid perspectives, they learn that dance is not just about a few steps- it's about life. Delightful, inspiring, fun!

Mythic Journeys - An inventive fusion of documentary, story, artwork and animation that shows how mythology can bridge cultures, communities and generations.

Passion for the Possible , featuring Jean Houston. Jean was/is one of Seena Frost's primary teachers. Her work with archetypes, imagery and the soul highly influenced Seena's creation of the SoulCollage® process. I have watched it twice already and have found it inspiring, uplifting and informative... a delicious combination.

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The Power of Forgiveness Featuring Thomas Moore, Marianne Williamson, and Elie Wiesel. An Amish community rocked by a school shooting, survivors of 9/11, victims of the "troubles" of Northern Ireland and others share their views on how forgiveness has helped to alleviate their grief and resentment in this emotional documentary. Filmmaker Martin Doblmeier explores the spiritual, physical and psychological benefits of forgiveness and includes interviews with Elie Weisel and Vietnamese Buddhist leader Thich Nhat Hanh.

The Shift - featuring Wayne Dyer, Michael DeLuise, Portia de Rossi. To tell the truth, I wasn't sure what to expect when I rented this, but I was really pleased with the experience. Wayne Dyer stars as himself, and there are several others who are trying to put his teachings into action in their lives. The movie teaches without preaching and it's fascinating to see the interplay of the teaching and the practical aspects of his wisdom.

Sunrise, Sunset - The Dalai Lama as you've never seen him before... at home!

Try It On Everything If you're even the littlest bit curious about EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), this is the movie to watch. It's fascinating to watch the changes that occur in several people as they go through an EFT weekend. But the best thing is... you don't need to go somewhere for a training. You can learn this simple, powerful and effective technique yourself just by watching this film.

Women & Spirituality – featuring Starhawk, Merlin Stone, and Luisah Teish. This DVD set explores the power of the sacred feminine in mythological, historical and cultural contexts. It examines goddess-based pre-historic societies, the witch-hunts of the Middle Ages and the continuing popularity of contemporary women's spirituality movements. An award-winning series never before released on DVD, Women and Spirituality is a stunning and poetic work comprised of three one-hour films (Goddess Remembered, The Burning Times and Full Circle) and is the definitive series on feminine spirituality.


About a Boy , featuring Hugh Grant, Toni Collette. Based on Nick Hornby’s best-selling novel, this film is the story of the rich, hip, single and immature thirty-something Will (Hugh Grant), who makes an unlikely friendship with an isolated 12-year-old boy Marcus who has problems at home and school. The two learn a significant amount from one another: Will teaches Marcus how to be cool, and Marcus teaches Will how to be responsible. There are some humorous moments along the way – and also some melodramatic ones brought on by the condition of Marcus’s mother (Toni Collette).

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Adam , featuring Hugh Dancy, Rose Byrne, Peter Gallagher, Amy Irving. Tells the story of a moving romance between beautiful teacher Beth and awkward Adam who has Asperger's syndrome. As they overcome the obstacles to intimacy in this unusual courtship, they learn how to face life's other challenges too.

Akeelah and the Bee , starring Angela Bassett, Laurence Fishburne, and Keke Palmer. There is so much about this movie to like! It puts a whole new beautiful spin on spelling bees, and the father-daughter/teacher-student relationship. But what touched me most about it is that it shows a living, clear example of what it means to be true to yourself in spite of what others around you are thinking about you. If you rent this, be sure to take a few minutes to watch the Special Feature, The Making of Akeelah and the Bee . Director and writer, Doug Atchison, also has much to say about this theme as it pertains to his process of writing/creating the movie.

American Beauty , featuring Kevin Spacey, Alison Janney, Annette Bening, Thora Birch. There is so much to love about this film. Every time I watch it, I am reminded to pay attention to the beauty that is around me every day- the beauty in nature, in myself, and in the faces and lives of the people I love.

And Then She Found Me , featuring Helen Hunt, Colin Firth, Bette Midler. I've been a big fan of Helen Hunt since her television "Mad About You" days, but this movie (which she wrote and directed as well) far surpasses those sitcoms. It's about a 39 year old woman going through huge transitions in a short amount of time. It's about family, particularly mothers and daughters, but also about not-your-ordinary-families created from unexpected love. There's lots of emotion, lots of layers, and it's brilliantly acted by all involved.

August Rush , featuring Keri Russell, Freddie Highmore, Robin Williams and Jonathan Rhys Meyers. This is a rich film, full of beauty and Story. The characters' story lines are woven together beautifully and lovingly into a believable ending that you won't soon forget. Watch it with the eye of a person on a journey, as are the three lead characters in this movie. I loved how even when one of them took what seemed like a "wrong turn," it only served to bring them closer to their desired end... a good reminder for us all not to second-guess the twists and turns of our own journeys.

Awakenings , featuring Robin Williams, Robert De Niro. A quintessential films about the spiritual practice of gratitude. Dr. Sayer, a shy neurologist, administers a new drug to a group of chronically institutionalized patients suffering from a kind of sleeping sickness that has turned them into living statues, conscious but not moving. One of them, Leonard, has been entombed in his body for 30 years. After receiving the drug, his rigidity vanishes. Now able to move, talk, and touch, he announces without bitterness: "I've been away for quite some time... I'm back." As we watch Leonard rejoice in his daily activities, we realize the precariousness and preciousness of the physical sensations we too often take for granted. --- from Spiritual Rx, Prescriptions for Living a Meaningful Life, by Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat

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The Blind Side , featuring Sandra Bullock, Tim McGraw. I saw this movie when it first came out. The theatre was packed, yet when it was over, not one person got up to leave during the ending credits. I consider that a compliment in and of itself (personally, I've never seen that happen before, ever). For me, I just wanted to sit still and absorb the powerful story for a few more moments before going back out into the real world. One person can change another's life, with the power of love and compassion. This is based on the true story of Leigh Anne and Sean Touhey, who took in Michael Oher, a homeless and traumatized boy who became an All American football player and first round NFL draft pick.

The Blue Butterfly , starring William Hurt. Based on a true story, this enchanting film tells the story of a terminally ill ten-year-old boy whose dream is to catch the most beautiful butterfly on Earth, the mythic and elusive Blue Morpho. His mother persuades a renowned entomologist to take them on a trip to the jungle to search for the butterfly, leading to an adventure that will transform their lives. The cinematography is absolutely breathtaking, and so is the story of love, redemption and healing that accompany it.

Bridge to Terabithia , starring Josh Hutcherson and Anna Sophia Robb. I first fell in love with this novel when I was taking "Kiddie Lit" in college as part of my Early Education classes. My good friend Gail used to read it out loud every year to her fourth graders. That was all a looooong (!) time ago now, and so when I saw they'd made a new movie of it, I quickly rushed out to rent it. And now I remember why I loved it so much. It is full of imagination, love, and laughter.... as well as the story of a friendship that is real and special.

Brothers - featuring Tobey Maguire, Jake Gyllenhaal, Natalie Portman. Excellent drama about the relationship between two brothers, one who serves his time in Iraq, and the other, an ex-con trying to find his way. Also makes a powerful, emotional statement about what it's like for a soldier to return home.

Chocolat - featuring , Johnny Depp, and Judi Dench. Vianne is a clear, strong example of a joyful woman living from the roots of her own self-acceptance. The more she acts from that center of her Self, the more joy she invites into her life (and watch the Johnny Depp and Judi Dench characters do the same!).

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City of Angels, featuring Nicholas Cage, Meg Ryan. This is one of my favorite films. The music is gorgeous, and I adore the feeling I get from knowing that Angels are all around us at every moment. I know it is billed as a love story, but I see it as a grander scale love story.

City of Joy , featuring Patrick Swayze, Pauline Collins. Based on Dominique Lapierre's book set in the slums of Calcutta, this film tells the emotionally affecting stories of an American doctor and an Indian rickshaw driver. It explores how compassionate service brings us face to face with our limitations and our need to work in community. from Spiritual Rx, Prescriptions forLiving a Meaningful Life, by Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat

Contact , featuring Jodie Foster, Matthew McConaughey. Foster plays Ellie Arroway, a driven American astronomer who is using highly sophisticated radio telescopes to listen for signs of extraterrestrial intelligence in space. When she picks up a message from Vega, a star 26 light- years away, scientists from around the world join her in an effort to decipher the continuing communications. --- from Spiritual Rx, Prescriptions for Living a Meaningful Life, by Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat

Crash starring Don Cheadle, Matt Dillon, Sandra Bullock. The first few scenes are hard to get through because of the rampant evil/wickedness they portray... but the movie is worth it. An excellent portrayal (among other things) of how light and shadow lives in all of us simultaneously.

The Crossing Guard - starring Jack Nicholson, Angelica Huston, David Morse, and Robin Wright Penn. A fascinating and dramatic portrayal of some profound inner growth, including forgiveness.

Cry, the Beloved Country , featuring James Earl Jones. Makes an eloquent statement about the transformative power of forgiveness. Stephen Kumalo, an Anglican clergyman from a rural Zulu village, travels to South Africa to find his son, Absalom. The two have been estranged, and now he learns the boy is in prison for killing an idealistic white man known for his altruistic work with blacks. Although Absalom insists the shooting was an accident, Kumalo is filled with remorse and seeks out James Jarvis, the dead man’s father, a rich white supremacist from their province. --- from SpiritualRx, Prescriptions for Living a Meaningful Life, by Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat

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The Curious Case of Benjamin Button , featuring , . I wasn't sure if I was going to like this movie or not, but I was completely and utterly riveted. One clue: the movie is almost three hours long and not once did I feel the need to look at my watch. I fell in love immediately with the story, the characters, and with the seamless way that the story flowed. This is a film about a love story that transcends time, yes. But it is also a film about life, death, and aging (not necessarily in that order). It is a gentle, soul-full story and there are a few stories- within-the-story that are poignant and entertaining at the same time. It is definitely a drama, but the story line is punctuated with just the right bits of laughter. Its memory and message continue to linger in my soul.

Dead Poet's Society , featuring Robin Williams, Robert Sean Leonard, Ethan Hawke. An inspirational and thought-provoking film that tells the story of a class of disillusioned teens who are encouraged to rediscover their thirst for life and creativity by Professor Keating (Robin Williams), their new and unconventional English teacher.

The Doctor , starring William Hurt, Christine Lahti, Elizabeth Perkins, Mandy Patinkin. William Hurt plays a well-known surgeon who is suddenly diagnosed with throat cancer. He puts his life "on pause" in order to deal with the necessary surgery. In the course of this temporary halt to his busi-ness, he discovers something immensely important about his life and the medical profession that changes the course of his career. I love this movie because it's based on a true story, and because it's basically the story of a person discovering who he really is. And... if you've ever been in a hospital and were treated like a thing instead of a person, you'll love it!

Doubt , featuring Meryl Streep, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Amy Adams, . Movies don't get much better than this, in my humble opinion. Strong acting, a mesmerizing script, and a LOT to think about when it's over. I'm still thinking about it, in fact!

Dragonfly , featuring Kevin Costner and Kathy Bates. This is a simple story of a man who deeply loved his wife, and then followed his heart after her death. All of the press for this movie made it out to be a psychological horror sort of film, but I've seen it three times now and for me, it's more of a love story. It is also a story of the mystical way in which all of us are connected through dreams, thoughts, premonitions, and more importantly...Love. The Kevin Costner character is very open to these signs and premonitions, and he follows them against everyone else's more practical view of things.

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Enchanted April , featuring Miranda Richardson, Alfred Molina. A portrait of many kinds of beauty: physical beauty, inner beauty, the beauty of place, and beauty in relationships. Four Englishwomen rent a medieval castle in Italy for a month. Although they come from different classes and stages of life, they share a need to put aside their burdens and find themselves again. Their vacation becomes a time of soulful renewal. from Spiritual Rx, Prescriptions for Living a Meaningful Life, by Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat

Erin Brockovich, starring Julia Roberts. You may have seen this one, but have you ever noticed how Erin channels her anger at "the system" into something that is powerful and good?

Evening , featuring Vanessa Redgrave, Claire Danes, Meryl Streep, Mamie Gummer (Streep's daughter), Patrick Wilson, and Toni Collette. Based on a novel by Susan Minot, this beautiful movie starts from the premise: What if there is no such thing as a mistake? It gave me a whole new perspective on my own life. This movie is beautifully acted, directed and designed. Redgrave is remarkable as she looks back on her life in old age.

Feast of Love , featuring Morgan Freeman, Greg Kinnear, Radha Mitchell, Billy Burke. This movie has stayed in my heart ever since I watched it the first time. If you enjoy character-driven movies about community and relationships, I hope it touches your heart as well.

Field of Dreams , featuring Kevin Costner, Amy Madigan, Ray Liotta, James Earl Jones. This movie is a Capraesque film about a man who wants to reconnect with the people and aspirations that are important to him. Costner portrays Ray Kinsella, an Iowa farmer with a wife and young daughter. The movie begins with him hearing a mysterious voice telling him to build a baseball field in his cornfield. Even though this means putting his family in financial jeopardy, Ray follows the voice's instructions. This stirring film uses baseball, the national pastime that has unified Americans for generations, as a point of entry for explorations of a variety of connections- between a deceased father and his son, a fan and the players of the sport, and a doctor and a significant moment in his past. It is these kinds of ties that give life depth and breadth. I also find this movie to be an excellent portrayal of someone following their intuition, no matter what.

Flatliners , starring Kevin Bacon, Julia Roberts, Kiefer Sutherland. Watch the healing that occurs when each of the main characters goes back in time to face their individual wounds from the past.

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Fly Away Home , featuring Jeff Daniels, Anna Paquin, Dana Delany. 13 year old Amy comes to live with her estranged father after her mother dies. At first distant and moody, Amy changes dramatically when she finds an abandoned nest of goose eggs and decides to raise the geese. She then realizes that they have to be taught to fly and how to migrate south for the winter. This story is based on actual experiments being conducted to change bird migration paths when their traditional routes and habitats have been destroyed. from Spiritual Rx, Prescriptions for Living a Meaningful Life, by Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat

The Fountain , featuring Hugh Jackman, Rachel Weisz, and Ellen Burstyn. I watched this movie in immediate awe and amazement. On one level, it is a profound love story that crosses many centuries. On another level, it tells a story of death, of dying, of those who die and those who are left behind. And on yet another level, it is a perfectly blended and stunning visual fable of Life and Love and why we are here. And weaving all of this together are absolutely gorgeous, breathtaking visual scenes that I guarantee you will want to freeze-frame and turn into SoulCollage® cards! One reviewer said, "Not many films can blow your mind and break your heart at the same time, but this one will." Well said! P.S. The soundtrack is beautiful too!

Freedom Writers , featuring Hilary Swank and Patrick Dempsey. Because of my teaching background, I have a soft spot in my heart for films that focus on teachers who make a difference. However, Freedom Writers goes to the top of that list because this teacher (beautifully portrayed by Hilary Swank) is using WRITING to reach the troubled teens in her English classroom. If you've ever doubted the affect that writing can have on your emotional and personal life, you'll have faith once you've watched this movie. I urge you to rent it, and as you're watching it, consider how you can use the simple power of words to change your own life as well (hint: it has something to do with writing with your SoulCollage® cards!).

Good Will Hunting , featuring Matt Damon, Robin Williams, Minnie Driver. Will, the emotionally troubled protagonist, is a 20 year old townie who works as a janitor at M.I.T. After a scrape with the law, he is taken under the wing of a math professor who has discovered that Will is a math whiz with a photographic memory. As part of his work, Will must see a therapist every week. An interesting relationship develops between Will and his therapist Sean, who is still recovering from the death of his wife. Gradually, they help each other to heal. --- from Spiritual Rx, Prescriptions for Living a Meaningful Life, by Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat

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Grand Canyon , featuring Danny Glover, Kevin Kline, Steve Martin & Mary McDonnell. The spiritual practice of kindness frees us from the isolation and the alienation that seems to be so rampant today. When we reach out to others, we open our hearts and theirs as well. This film perfectly illustrates this process. Set in contemporary Los Angeles, it deals with the serendipitous interactions of six people whose days are set on edge by the fear and uncertainty accompanying urban violence, racial conflicts, and the constant frustrations of modern life. Yet despite the palpable tensions all around them, these individuals ask themselves the right questions: Am I giving enough? Are my eyes open? How do I say thank you? Can I make a difference in the lives of others? As the characters connect, interact, and influence each other, new possibilities grow out of their deeds of kindness. In fact, we could even say that the gifts they exchange are modern-day miracles. from Spiritual Rx, Prescriptions for Living a Meaningful Life, by Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat

The Greatest , featuring Susan Sarandon, Pierce Brosnan, Carey Mulligan. Husband and wife Allen and Grace are still mourning the accidental death of their teenage son, when his girlfriend (whom they've never met) reveals that she is carrying his baby. Now their family must find a way to make room for this new life. This is a powerful, authentic and emotional drama about the many ways of grieving. Bring a tissue with you, but be prepared to be lifted up into a soft hopeful place at the end.

The Hours - starring Nicole Kidman, Meryl Streep, Ed Harris, . On the surface, this film is about death, dying, and grief. But if you can sit with all the emotion it stirs up, you'll see that it's really about the living of a full, real life, and about how precious each hour truly is.

The Ice Princess a sweet story that goes a bit deeper than you might think at first look. It's about a high school senior with a gift for mathematics, whose real passion is ice skating. It's also about how she finds a way to follow her passion, even when everyone and everything around her is urging her to go in the other direction. Watch this with a friend and a bowl of popcorn.... and ask yourselves, "What is my passion, and am I really doing everything I can to follow it?"

Invictus , featuring Morgan Freeman, Matt Damon. An astonishing and incredibly entertaining movie about the power of forgiveness, the art of transformative leadership, and the reconciliation of the races.

Jerry Maguire - Another passionate movie about a passionate sports agent (played by Tom Cruise) who is fired from his job because of his passion for integrity in his work. Watch as this passion fuels him to continue his work on his own. Also pay attention to Renee Zellweger who plays an equally passionate mother and employee.

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Latter Days , featuring Steve Sandvoss, Wes Ramsey, and Jacqueline Bisset. A friend of mine recommended this to me. If you know me, you'll know that I love movies so much that I'll watch anything that is suggested to me, whether I am drawn to it at first or not. This movie, however, totally surprised and amazed me. It is basically a love story between a straight-laced Mormon missionary and another man. The theme of the movie is how we are all connected, which I found quite pertinent as it really relates to the SoulCollage® Community suit. There are also several spiritual elements woven throughout this tender and funny love story. Oh, and did I mention the angel?

Lions for Lambs , directed by Robert Redford, featuring Meryl Streep, Tom Cruise and Robert Redford. A brilliant, compassionate and creative statement about the war in Iraq.

Lovely and Amazing - starring , Brenda Blethyn, Emily Mortimer, and Jake Gyllenhall. I've seen this twice now, and found it equally charming and quirky both times. It's the story of a mother with two grown daughters who has adopted a very young African-American girl. All (except perhaps the very young girl) have their own insecurities and idiosyncracies (inherited from the mother!), and so it's partly a story of how these inner voices get in their way of living peaceful, happy lives. But it's ALSO the story of mothers and daughters who look upon each other as Lovely And Amazing. Much food for inner thought here! And some sweet inner smiles as well. May we ask all of our internal red carpet admirers to call out "You are lovely and amazing" to us every day.

Miss Firecracker featuring Holly Hunter and Tim Robbins. This warm, witty, sometimes- funny, sometimes-sad film is about people who choose to say "no" to living the life that everyone thinks they "should" lead. The two leads play people who really deeply know who they are, in spite of how others see them.

Miss Potter , starring Renee Zellweger and Ewan McGregor. This is the biographical story of the life of Beatrix Potter, but it's so much more than that. Beatrix Potter was a woman ahead of her time. Unmarried and living with her parents, she ignored convention and focused on her art, her imagination, and her childrens' books. It's also a beautiful love story, and the tale of a woman coming into her own.

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The Mission , featuring Robert De Niro. This story is set in 18th century South America where the Jesuits have established missions to the Guarani Indians. Mendoza, a former mercenary and slave trader, experiences a release from the sins of his past when he comes to work with the Indians he has hunted. He and the other priests later discover the difficulty of modeling a life of love and forgiveness. The survival of the missions is threatened by the pragmatic needs of their religious order, the predatory racisms of European settlers, and political pressures from the colonial powers. Eventually the priests must make choices of conscience in a world not unlike our own. from Spiritual Rx, Prescriptions for Living a Meaningful Life, by Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat

ell , featuring Jodie Foster, Liam Neeson, Natasha Richardson. Foster plays Nell, a woman raised in an isolated cabin in the deep woods by her mother. Nell's speech was distorted as the result of several strokes. After her mother dies, she is discovered by two scientists from different worlds of thought. Eventually, through Nell, they get in touch with their feelings and the simple joys of the natural world.

ever Cry Wolf , featuring Charles Martin Smith, Brian Dennehy. Set in the Arctic wilderness of Canada. Tyler, a biologist, arrives to study some wolves believed to be preying upon the caribou herds. At an isolated campsite, he observes a white wolf, his mate, and three cubs. Tyler forms a genuine bond with these animals based on a deep respect for their individuality, loyalty to family, and intelligence. At one point in the film, Tyler also has a mystical experience of oneness with nature that makes him realize the importance of protecting wildlife. from Spiritual Rx, Prescriptions for Living a Meaningful Life, by Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat

Ordinary People - featuring Donald Sutherland, Mary Tyler Moore, Timothy Hutton, Judd Hirsch. Excellent film about the nuances of surviving a tragedy. Family relationships are explored beautifully, as well as relationships with self.

Phenomenon , featuring John Travolta. George is a big-hearted auto mechanic who is knocked over by a flash from the sky on his 37th birthday. Suddenly he can't sleep at night, he has telekinetic powers, he can read four books a day, and he is able to sense pre-earthquake activity. George’s transformation into a wunderkind confounds and amazes his friends and new lover. But even more astonishing is the way he is revealed to be a deeply spiritual man who demonstrates selfless love, sees clearly, serves others, and honors the connections between all things. --- from Spiritual Rx, Prescriptions for Living a Meaningful Life, by Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat

135 Resources for SoulCollagers: Books & Movies from KaleidoSoul.com

Phoebe in Wonderland , featuring Elle Fanning, Patricia Clarkson, Felicity Huffman, Bill Pullman. Whether at home or at school, 9 year old Phoebe always seems to get in trouble for breaking the rules. When her drama teacher casts her as Alice in the school play, Alice in Wonderland , Phoebe begins to receive personal advice from the play’s characters. Fantastic, touching story about inspiration and overcoming adversity. More for adults than children, though!

Places in the Heart, featuring , Ed Harris, Amy Madigan. When Edna's husband, the sheriff, is killed, this vulnerable and passive woman is suddenly faced with the challenge of taking full responsibility for her life and her childrens’ future. She hires Moze, a black itinerant worker, to plant and harvest a cotton crop on her 40-acre farm and also takes on Mr. Will, a blind man, as a boarder. This is a story about struggling through adversity and being sustained by hope. from Spiritual Rx, Prescriptions for Living a Meaningful Life, by Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat .

A Prairie Home Companion , starring Garrison Keillor, Meryl Streep, Lily Tomlin, Kevin Kline, Virgina Madsen. - "...a witty and wonderful meditation on one of the great mysteries of life the impermanence of all things. - Spirituality and Health Magazine" The story revolves around the final live-audience taping of the popular radio show of the same name. The music is heartfelt, the dialog is clever, and there's an intriguing plot involving a beautiful angel (played by Madsen).

The Pursuit of Happyness , with Will Smith. This movie is a testament to one man's unwillingness to give up. It will make you realize how MUCH you have to be grateful for. This is kindof like Rocky for soul searchers! Oh, and there's a good reason for the "y" in the word happiness (but you'll have to see the movie to discover what it is)!

Race the Sun , featuring Halle Berry and . This lively film shows how enthusiasm can conquer apathy. It’s about a group of working-class students at a high school in Hawaii who are down on themselves and down on life. Then their science teacher encourages them to build a solar-powered car for a 2,000-mile race in Australia. Her practice of enthusiasm propels them to rise to this challenge.

The Reader , featuring Kate Winslet, Liam Neeson, David Kross. Superb acting, riveting story. If you love character movies, this one is in a league of its own. It's also about how love crosses all kinds of boundaries, including age. And about how people remain connected no matter where life takes them.

136 Resources for SoulCollagers: Books & Movies from KaleidoSoul.com The Russell Girl , featuring Amber Tamblyn, Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio, Jennifer Ehle. Very powerful Hallmark TV movie. Riveting story about the power of forgiveness. Well done, not sappy at all (although you might need a tissue at the end).

Sabah: A Love Story , featuring Arsinee Khanjian, Shawn Doyle. Dutiful 40-something daughter Sabah shocks her conservative Arab family by falling in love with Stephen, a non- Muslim, in this romantic comedy set in Toronto. The relationship sparks a culture clash in Sabah's tight-knit, religious family. At times fierce, at times joyous, and always liberating, I loved every second of this fresh movie!

The Scent of Green Papaya - by Vietnamese writer and director Tran Anh Hung. One of the best films ever made about thes piritual practice of attention. The story opens in Saigon in 1951 as Mui, a 10 year old servant girl, comes to work for a merchant family. She has already mastered the art of approaching the world with mindfulness. Later, as a young woman, Mui takes her attentive service into the home of a young composer, where it yields intimacy and eventually love. from Spiritual Rx, Prescriptions for Living a Meaningful Life, by Frederic and MaryAnn Brussat

Secret Life of Bees , featuring Dakota Fanning, Queen Latifah, Alicia Keyes. Absolutely beautiful rendition of Sue Monk Kidd's best-seller book of the same name. For anyone interested in feminine spirituality.

The Secret of Roan Inish , featuring Jeni Courtney, Pat Slowey. This film is about an affinity for a type of geography, a landscape, or a particular place. Ten year old Fiona is sent to live with relatives on the Irish coast. She listens intently as her grandfather talks about the ancestral home they had to abandon on the nearby island of Roan Inish. Later, when Fiona visits there, she feels drawn to its gulls, seals, abandoned buildings, and ghostly inhabitants. This lyrical film speaks to the spiritual longing for home and the ways connections are conveyed through family stories. from Spiritual Rx, Prescriptions for Living a Meaningful Life, byFrederic and Mary Ann Brussat

Shades of Fear , featuring Vanessa Redgrave. Hope as a positive and animating force that enables us to follow our dreams is the theme of this fascinating film. When Gabriel Angel, a buoyant young black woman from Grenada, sets sail for England on an ocean liner, she carries with her the blessings of family and friends. Her plan to become an aviator makes her spirit soar. All those who meet her aboard the ship- including an art forger, a doctor, a missionary, and an art history professor- are affected by her exuberance, ardor, and optimism. from Spiritual Rx, Prescriptions for Living a Meaningful Life, by Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat

137 Resources for SoulCollagers: Books & Movies from KaleidoSoul.com The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants , featuring America Ferrera and Amber Tamblyn. Wouldn't you love to own a pair of jeans that makes you look slim and beautiful, no matter what shape your body is in? This pair of jeans, passed back and forth and around this circle of four teenage girls, does just that and more. I found this movie engaging and a very honest, real portrayal of growing up/coming of age as a young women. Not just for teenagers. Heartfelt, beautifully acted.

Shall We Dance? - starring Richard Gere, Susan Sarandon, Jennifer Lopez. Aside from the fact that it's great fun watching Richard Gere dance (or do anything, for that matter!), watch what happens to his marriage when he decides to be true to his heart by continuing to dance.

Snow Cake , featuring Alan Rickman and Sigourney Weaver. If you enjoy character films about real people and real feelings, you'll love this heartfelt drama. Rickman plays a man haunted by a fatal accident and forced to confront his past. On his emotional journey, he meets an autistic woman (played by Weaver) who is the mother of the girl who was killed in the accident. Even though she is going through an unimaginable loss, it is she who helps Alex find his life again.

The Spitfire Grill , featuring Alison Elliott, Marcia Gay Harden, Ellen Burstyn. Percy Talbot arrives in the small town of Gilead after serving five years in prison. She begins working for Hannah, the owner of a local eatery, and makes friends with Shelby, an insecure young mother. She also draws out a mysterious recluse living in the nearby woods. Because she has known pain herself, she is able to transmute it for others, creating new possibilities for the people around her. --- from Spiritual Rx, Prescriptions for Living a Meaningful Life, by Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat

Sunshine Cleaning , featuring Amy Adams, Emily Blunt. A sweet and wise little film with a lot of depth and excellent character acting. A little bit about letting go of the past, a little bit about believing in ourselves and following our dreams.

Tender Mercies , featuring , Tess Harper, Betty Buckley. This is a poignant movie about the healing power of love. When Mac Sledge, a burned-out country western singer, marries Rosa Lee, a widow whose husband was killed in Vietnam, they are both trying to drive away the shadows of their past. Her boy, Sonny, wants to accept Mac but first he must come to terms with the father he never new. This deeply spiritual film shows how these three people are reborn through the power of love, gaining strength even in the most broken places of their lives. - -- from Spiritual Rx, Prescriptions for Living a Meaningful Life, by Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat

138 Resources for SoulCollagers: Books & Movies from KaleidoSoul.com Truly Madly Deeply , featuring Alan Rickman, Juliet Stevenson. In this joyful film, Nina is an accomplished interpreter who lives alone in London. She is distraught over the sudden death of her lover, Jamie. One night he “appears” in her flat as a ghost with a body. She exuberantly accepts this miracle, but he gradually wears out his welcome by changing her living room furniture around and inviting his friends from the other world over for evenings watching old movies. By the time Nina meets Mark (an art therapist) she’s ready for a new lease on life. Their mission accomplished, Jamie and his pals watch from the window as Nina ventures out again into the world. This film shows how joy remains a wellspring underneath all the confusion, anxiety, and change in our lives. from Spiritual Rx, Prescriptions for Living a Meaningful Life, by Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat

Ulee's Gold , featuring Peter Fonda, Patricia Richardson. This film shows us how the spiritual practice of compassion opens the heart of a middle-aged beekeeper. Ulee uses his solitary work to isolate himself from the loss he feels as a widower and a Vietnam veteran. Jimmy, his son, is serving a prison sentence, and his daughter-in-law Helen ran off two years ago. Ulee is the sole caretaker for their children, teenage Casey and her younger sister Penny. When Jimmy asks his father to find Helen and take her into his home, Ulee reluctantly agrees. Over time, he begins to express his nurturing side, lets go of some of his rigid ideas, and even accepts help from his neighbor. from Spiritual Rx, Prescriptions for Living a Meaningful Life, byFrederic and Mary Ann Brussat

Whale Rider - This joyful movie can be seen again and again. It's about a young Maori girl who seeks her own freedom from prejudice by following the call of her heart. Not just for children! Her story will resonate somewhere deep in your own soul.

What's Eating Gilbert Grape , featuring Johnny Depp, Leonardo DiCaprio. Love in the family context is the theme of this film. Fabulous performances, depth of plot and character.

Wide Awake , starring Dana Delaney, Denis Leary, Rosie O'Donnell. A young boy loses his beloved grandfather and the movie tenderly explores what happens to those we love after they die. It's about a serious topic, but it will tickle your funny bone too, in just the right places. This is M. Night Shyamalan's ( Sixth Sense, The Lady in the Water ) first film. If you're a fan of his, you must see this one!

Wings of Desire , featuring Curt Bois, Peter Falk. This film lovingly portrays the appeal of the present moment. Damiel, an angel in Berlin, is spending eternity observing and testifying to the feelings and activities of humans. But, he confesses to another angel, he longs to be able to say "now, now, and now" rather than "since always" and "forever." When he falls in love with a beautiful trapeze artist, he decides to take the plunge, declaring it's "now or never!" He experiences life in the present moment and his contented expression later in the movie says it all: He has given up eternity for this moment, and it is enough. ---from Spiritual Rx , Prescriptions for Living a Meaningful Life , by Frederic and MaryAnn Brussat

139 Resources for SoulCollagers: Books & Movies from KaleidoSoul.com

The Woodsman , starring Kevin Bacon and Kyra Sedgewick. I rented this film because I admire these two actors' work immensely. I found it both fascinating, involving and powerful. It is the story of a sex offender who is on parole, and how he fits (or doesn't fit) back into society. Kevin Bacon plays the sex offender, and Kyra Sedgewick (his real-life wife) plays the only person in his new life who doesn't judge him.

Yentl , featuring Barbra Streisand, Mandy Patinkin. This favorite of mine is about a young Jewish woman who decides to dress as a man so she can receive an education. It was the first movie that a woman produced, directed, and starred in. A true classic, and the music is amazing too!


Borrowed Hearts , with Roma Downey, Eric McCormack, and Hector Elizondo. If you're looking for a heartwarming movie to rent that is full of joy and Christmas spirit, and is appropriate for all ages, look no further.

A Christmas Carol , starring Patrick Stewart. This is my favorite story of someone whose darker side serves him well in the beginning. But watch as he is given a chance to come face to face with these darker selves in his famous ghostly dream! And then watch him break through to reclaim his own true light-full self at the end. This is my favorite version of this universal story, but there are many other excellent versions as well.

Love, Actually - featuring Hugh Grant, Emma Thompson, Colin Firth, Liam Neeson, Keira Knightley. Many stories, and all of them interwoven beautifully (although you don't know it at the beginning). About so many different kinds of love, not just romantic. A fabulous movie that is set around the holidays theme, but watchable throughout the year. It will do your heart good.

140 Resources for SoulCollagers: Books & Movies from KaleidoSoul.com

Michael , with John Travolta, Jean Stapleton, William Hurt, Andie McDowell, Bob Hoskins. Tired of the same ol' holiday movies year after year? Then give this one a try. I guarantee, you WILL believe in angels after you've seen this movie!

A Season for Miracles , starring Carla Gugino, Patty Duke, , David Conrad, Lynn Redgrave. A friend gave me this movie last year (a few days after Christmas) with the words "This is my favorite holiday movie of all time." Hmm... I thought, that's odd. How could it possibly be better than Miracle on 34th Street, or It's A Wonderful Life ? Well, I finally watched it last week and now I understand what he meant! It now ranks in my top 3 of favorite holiday movies... go ahead- rent it and see. It's got everything a perfect Christmas movie needs: a little romance, children without a family who get one, a small town where everyone knows everyone.... and, oh yes, an Angel!


Joan of Arcadia , Season One- TV series on DVD. This is my favorite television show of all time; I actually cried a little when I heard they were taking it off the air. Follow teenager Joan as she travels through her life with God appearing to her in many different guises. Very different from the show , but eloquent and real as far as everyday spirituality is concerned. Season Two is also available .

141 Resources for SoulCollagers: Books & Movies from KaleidoSoul.com

Hard to Classify

Calendar Girls - featuring Helen Mirren. If you haven't seen this one yet, buy it or rent it as soon as you can! It's a celebration of friendship and life, and a lively, touching exploration of staying true to your soul in spite of...well, in spite of everything .

Charlotte's Web , with Dakota Fanning, Julia Roberts (and lots more famous people you will recognize, like Robert Redford and Oprah). I used to read the book by E.B. White to my second graders every year and loved it. Kindred Spirit Lorraine in British Columbia, Canada, calls the movie "a wonderful story of the circle of life." And hey, you might discover one of your animal companions while watching!

Oh, God! - featuring John Denver, George Burns, Teri Garr. Superb story for anyone on a spiritual journey. I love the subtle humor of this movie, but also the vulnerability of John Denver's character, who attempts to carry God's message to a world of skeptics. There are some very deep one-liners from "God" (in the form of George Burns) in this movie that will have you sitting up and taking notice. This film will meet you exactly where you are on your own spiritual journey right now. There's lots to be said here about environment, love, creation, community, and faith. Plus, it will make you laugh! Here's one of my favorite conversations between "Jerry" and "God" when Jerry realizes that God is asking him to take his message to the world: Jerry: But I'm not religious. God: Religion is easy... I'm talking about faith. Jerry: And I don't belong to any church. God: Neither do I.

Waitress, featuring Keri Russell, Nathan Fillion, Andy Griffith, Adrienne Shelley, and Jeremy Sisto. If you're a fan of quirky, off-beat, lovely little independent films, then don't miss this one. The thing I love best about this film (besides the fact that it has inspired my own pie baking frenzy, and besides the fact that it made me laugh in the most unexpected places) is that it shows a woman embracing and relishing her own enormous creativity (yes, she is a pie maker!) against all odds.

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