Area Land Auction Grosses $425,000
1111111111111111110 il 26,00 25,60 0 25,60 0 25,30 0 Itn 25.30 0 25,25 0 25,10 0 25,00 0 25,00 0243s 0 24,80 24,65 1 24,35 30 24,10 30 24,10 14th year no. 6 April 9, 1968 30 24,10 24,00 with the law. The board had set 30 2230 April 1 as the new deadline. 20.70 About 800 Feedlot Under provisions of the law, 20,10 feeders are deemed in compli- 1930 ance if they file their applica- 19,20 tion for licensing as directed by 19,10 Permits In By Deadline the board of health. Heble said 80 1930 he expects almost all of the 30 1930 More than 800 applications for 600 applications remain to be feeders to file their applications 1130 18.90 licenses to operate as commer-filed by lot operators and said during this week. 18,90 cialfeedlots, under control the department will start com- provisions to prevent water pliance activities as soon as the After the applications are re- 18,80 ceived, they are checked by res- 80 18,80 pollution, have been received at current applications are proces- ident engineers of the board of p 18,70 the offices of the state board of sed. health and inspections are made 18,60 health, officials say. Under an act by the 1967 Leg- of the sites to determine if there p 18,50 Vern Heble, chief of the waterislature, feed lot operators were The Last Bite is a water pollution hazard.
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