Portable Players Awaityule
$6.95 (U.S.), $8.95 (CAN.), £5.50 (U.K.), 8.95 (EUROPE), Y2,500 (JAPAN) [[I]nllnlln]Illni]nln]In]nI[IIIIIIII[]111[] #BXNCCVR 3 -DIGIT 908 #90807GEE374EM002# BLBD 860 A06 B0_13 001 MAR MONTY GREENLY 0. 2 3740 ELM AVE # A LONG BEACH CA 90807 -3402 THE INTERNATIONAL NEWSWEEKLY OF MUSIC, VIDEO, AND HOME ENTERTAINMENT NOVEMBER 9, 2002 Box-Office Records Fall Portable Players AwaitYule Joy As McCartney Wraps Tour Digital Devices Get Smaller, Capacity Grows; Will Consumers Respond? BY RAY WADDELL BY BRIAN GARRITY digital -music players in much the same way that NASHVILLE -Paul McCartney NEW YORK -Five years after their introduction multiple- format issues thwarted other new music wrapped his 50 -date North Ameri- into the marketplace, portable digital -music play- configurations in recent decades. can arena tour Oct. 29 at America ers still have not found a home in the psyche of What's more, there are West Arena in Phoenix, having most consumers. compatibility issues. While grossed about $100 million, and left Manufacturers including all of the portable devices a trail of house records in his wake. Apple Computer, Sonic - can play back unsecure MP3 A critical and financial winner, Blue, Sony, Panasonic, files -the primary use of the tour will likely end up the top - and RCA are hoping to such products -they are not grossing trek of 2002, averaging change that with a new gen- all capable of playing the about $2 million per night. "No- eration of products this holiday music being offered through body goes out [on tour] to lose season.
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