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Volume LXVIIl. Number 33 Wednesday. November 19. 1986 Raleigh. North Carolina Editorial 737-2411 /Advertismg 737-2029

Soccer team Housing rate Housing Operations and Physical Plant Budget 1987 faces Duke to increase Renovations (19.6%) in tourney By Meg Sullivan budget ended up totalling more Senior Staff Writer than $10 million. with the $2 million By Deron Johnson overrun paid for by the university's Staff Writer Students planning to live on cash reserves. campus next year can expect to pay Main campus will see the TFR/ Prog (1.1%) ,4”! After receiving a bye through more for the privilege. smallest rate increase for the next Personnel (97.4%) the first round of the NCAA Mark Denke. associate director year. Rent for a double room will '. Southern Regional playoffs. the of Housing and Residence Life. go up to $617 per semester. a hike Equipment (5.4%) men's soccer team will play llukc presented a tentative 1987-88 of $29 from current rates. Sunday in the regional finals at budget for his department to the Watauga Hall residents will State's Method Road Stadium. Interresidence Council (IRC) last shoulder the biggest rate increase The 1 pm, contest features the week. The budget calls for an with next year's room rate jumping ' two top teams in the Southern increase of housing fees from $29 to $50 to $1.050. Denke addressed this Region. State. ranked eighth na $50. depending on the residence change by saying that the current tionally. leads the region with a hall. charge of $1.000 per semester in Debt services (1 7.1%) 133 2 record. followed by the Blue These increases reflect a 3—5 Watauga “doesn't even pay Devils. ranked 10th nationally. at percent inflation adjustment and three-fourths ofthe mortgage." l H 5 1. maintenance costs. according to the IRC president Sam Spilman said Services (3.5%) Tickets for the contest are $2 for budget. Some improvements pro- that the increase in campus room students and $4 for the general posed for next year are roof rates might deter students. and == public. repairs, painting the inside and especially freshmen, from living on Utilities (13.2%) outside of Sullivan Hall. buying campus. “I'm disturbed that prices Fixed costs (1.9%) lluke advanced to the finals on new beds for Sullivan and enclosing went up. especially when last year. Sunday by defeating lllth-ranked parts of West Campus dorms. (the university) said they wouldn't South ('arolina. 32. in Durham in Denke explained that the reason raise prices." Spilman added. Renovations $1,983,420 spite of the (iamecocks' early it) Sullivan will receive so many Denke responded to IRC mem- lead. improvements is because it is part bers' concerns of rate increases by Personnel $2,777,399 Earlier in the season. the Wolf of a "year by year process" to saying that hikes are necessary to Supplies $215,631 pack rallied from a second half improve all dorms. provide adequate living conditions deficit todefeat lluke..'l 13. at home. This year. improvements were in the residence halls. Repairs $870,029 “like and State are the only two made or will be made to Lee, “We're not like any land de- Services $350,675 A('(' squads remaining in the Bragaw. North Hall and East velopment company off-campus." Utilities playoffs. Maryland. ranked lllh Campus. These include brick and Denke added. “We‘re not here to $1,338,041 nationally. lost to (ieorgc Mason. railing renovations and new make a profit." Fixed costs $194,208 12. in overtime. and third ranked furniture. East Campus, the Quad The budget will be reviewed by Virginia. the A('(' regular season and parts of Central Campus were the university's Residence Life Debt services $1,731,000 champion, was upset by undefeated also set to receive new windows. committee and forwarded to Equipment $550,975 and lllh ranked Loyola of The budget for the 1986-87 fiscal Chancellor Bruce Poulton for final TFR/ Prog Maryland. ill. in the South year was originally set at $8 approval. IRC President Spilman $107,058 Atlantic llegionals. million, consisting of renovations. said the only thing his organization Total $10,118,436 personnel training lTF‘R program) and students can do is make the The winner Sunday will admin-i- and other costs. to the quarterfinals of the NlAA Denke said the committee aware of their concerns. playoffs.

Fraternities tie for Caldwell Cup honors By Madelyn Rosenberg Smith. assistant coordinator for other activities that enhanced the for first place. he felt that the the fraternity's winning of the to concentrate on winning the Senior Staff Writer fraternities and sororities. fraternities over the past year. ‘members could have done better. Caldwell Cup. according to Marty Caldwell cup. ' the award only The fraternities are given points “The Caldwell Cup is meant to “This year was probably our worst Blackmon. a three-year member of served as an extra incentive to do '4...!» For the first time in the 14-year for the grade point averages of pick out the best fraternities on year in the past four. but we still the fraternity. "We knew we were well. “We do well because we want history of the Caldwell Cup. two their members. intramural activi- campus," said Alan Paternoster. tied." Honeycutt said. in the top four. but we were not to. not because we're trying to win fraternities have tied for first place ties, winnings during the annual . president of the 21-member In- It is the fraternity's goal every expecting the win." he said. a plaque." he said. in the competition. Greek Week competitions and the terfraternity Council. “These two year to win the Caldwell Cup. he Sigma Alpha Epsilon followed The cup is presented annually at number of points accumulated in fraternities are usually the leading added. and the first place nonor This is only the second time that the winners as first runner up. with Homecoming to the fraternity or the interfraternity food drive. fraternities at N.C. State." "shows that we've accomplished the fraternity has held the Delta Sigma Phi holding the second fraternities with the best overall, Smith said. Faculty members also This is the fifth year that the what we expected to accomplish. It Caldwell Cup. "it's an accomplish runner tip position. Smith. the achievements in a variety of judge the chapters' reports, which Caldwell Cup has been won by shows a complete effort by the ment we're all really proud of." Student Development official, said categories. This year. the cup went contain information on rush pro- FarmHouse fraternity. FarmHouse fraternity." fllackmon said. the unexpected tie for first place to Delta Upsilon and FarmHouse grams. pledge education, alumni president Barry Honeycutt said Delta Upsilon. headed by presi lllackmon added that although it prevented the opening of a third fraternities, according to Drew affairs. community service and that although the fraternity did tie dent Tony Kapra. was suprised at is one of the fraternity's main goals runner up position.

Campus Briefs SAAC favors Welders accidentally drug program set off fire alarms Fire alarms accidentally triggered by construction Does not support workers sent students and staff scurrying out of the DH. Hill Library Tuesday morning. Maj. Larry Liles. deputy director of Public Safety mandatory testing operations, said smoke detectors were set off by contractors welding in the library's basement. The By Xavier Allen welders. who were working'on the new library Senior Staff Writer addition. had failed to notify Public Safety or the Physical Plant to get the alarm system turned off The Society of Afro-American Culture (SAAC) while they worked. Liles added. announced it favored implementing a drug education After the alarms went off, students had to wait program at its general body meeting Thursday in the outside for about 15 minutes while Public Safety Cultural Center. officers determined what set offthe alarm. SAAC. however. showed little support for the voluntary drug testing issue. Fraternities to raise ”It's like taking a written test." Regina Anderson said. “Just as a student can prepare himself for a tons of food at game written test. an athlete can prepare himself to take Members of State‘s fraternities are relying on that drug test." fans at this Saturday's Western Carolina football Programs Committee chairperson Dennis Rogers game to help them raise 10 tons of food for Wake did not favor mandatory drug testing because he felt it Staff photo by Mark lnman County‘s needy. violated the player's human rights. The Women of Interfraternity Council President Alan “If you test the athletes. then it follows that you ncsu Paternoster said brothers from the university‘s 21 should also test the coaches. the students. the Jackie Giron and Tracy Goldberg check out Pi Kappa Phi’s 1987 calendar, Women of NCSU, in fraternities would be manning boxes at each of chancellor. and so forth," Rogers said front of the DH. Hill library. The full color calendar has been selling like hotcakes, according to Carter-Finley Stadium's gates. where people could Anderson. a member of the SAAC Programs the fraternity. drop off canned goods. Paternoster said the program Committee. thinks drug testing would be beneficial could reach its goal of 20,000 pounds of food if each and would force the individual to choose either school fan would bring at least one can of food to the game. and athletics or drugs. “I think that this is going to be one of the biggest “With the mandatory drug testing law. you force an things to happen at N.C. State in terms of individual to make a choice." Anderson said. 'I Fraternity receives award community service," Paternoster said. The IFC personally think drug testing would be beneficial." started organizing the drive after Public Safety Rogers suggested inviting directors of drug re Alpha Phi Alpha named chapter of the year Chief James Cunningham told them about similar habilitation centers to speak on campus. "()ur best By Dwuan June of three chapters ll) .\oi'lb l ill’UllllJ lila-‘k .ind (iold. recent-d a trophy efforts in Washington state universities that netted alternative would be to prepare a program to educate News Editor to hate a house and l\ lilt' oiil\ loi‘ lil‘l‘ excellent pd) iii the up to 60,000 pounds of food. people about the harmful effects of drug abuse." black ll'iilt‘l‘illl_\ on Slate .. In \l.llt“~\lllt‘ Ms, lllack and (Bold Rogers said. ti-i‘li‘ati-rniti ('oiiiicil it is llll' only contest. Jacobs 1\ also this year's Group chooses three President Steve Caldwell suggested one way to black fraternity or ‘Hl'tlrll‘v on l'Ila lliiiicron chapter's Ms. Lady of implement such a program. ”We could educate college The l‘ltii lliiiici'oii chapter ol campus to h.i\e .i house .\lpli.i l’lii lllt' lilack and Hold. celebration sites students on the harmful effects of drug use and send Alpha l’hi .'\ll|ll.l captured \i'\t'l‘.|l .\l()llil sponsored Kim i{.llli\t‘tll'. the Kthll ('lai‘k. a minor lll com A university task force has recommended three these students to area high schools." Caldwell said. awards including I‘li.t()li'l‘ oi the lirsl black \llss ,\.('.\'I' ll) l'i Hull's piiii-i‘ science. and (lounge Adams. campus to hold celebrations after mayor “We could also invite former drug users and inmates vear during the 33th annual .'\l[)l‘..l ,i'lll' t'liapli-l‘ .ll\ll l'i'i'i-i‘.i-il .i l'll'Il .I [lillltll‘ in chemistry. sites on convicted on drug charges to speak to athletes." said l’hi Alpha Stale l'lill‘."lllllill held inetidalioii llil' il.l\lllif lllt' most recciyed the and football game victories.‘ l AnncSwinton.SAACsecretary. Nov. M iii at Nags Head. \ l' llroilii-r of Merit award and leader The group's list includes the (,ourt of {North President Steve ('aldwell said that the National Each chapter is.” iiiiliii-ii xiii brothers lll\i|l\i‘il in lilt l'ol)p ship .mard, respectnely A l\tl, Carolina near the 1911 Building, the track area (‘ollcgiate Athletics Association lNCAA) will require their academic standing. el program \dgiiiis placed second ill the behind and the parking lot area drug testing of all players participating in any bowl fcctiyeiii-ss of campus .t'lll inniiiiu for llir \i‘i‘uii-l ‘-i-.ii' l.'l .I run. lll'lllilt'r ol the year award. l‘Iach behind Riddick Hall. The site will serve as home for game or postseasonal play. He said the mandatory nity \t'l‘\lt'l' pi‘oiccts. Illillllii‘l' ul \lpli.i l’hi .\iph.i captured lhr =l.iti- .l\\.lf'll was based on their leader postrgame celebrations until the construction on drug testing procedure dehumanilat-s the athletes. active brothers in the l'l).lltl1'l' ind llllt‘ ll) lllt‘ ‘xll'pllllilf I'Hlliltt'lilllill \llllt roles. \(‘lllll.l\ll(' \l.llitillit{\ and l).ll. Hill Library is completed in 1988 and the "fly pushing the mandatory drug testing law. lhe'lititiiliii'iil'li‘.iili'r\l11ppositing. >1epp.iii:. .i tap «lance. is .l ll'dlllllltll campus coiiiiiitinzty \l‘l‘\ll‘(‘ pro brickyard is restored. society seems to be saying that athletes are the only the chapters lil‘ullii' hold on i li.ii .illmi \ lilai'l». ll'.1lt‘l'l:illl‘s .inii 3i l'l\ The recommendations were submitted to Vice members of society who are using drugs." Caldwell campus xiii‘iiiiliiw. tii i“\[l!i ‘~\ llitlli\lilt‘ lli l'ttli\t'llllltli dealt \silli .-\lpli.’i Chancellor for Student Affairs Thomas Stafford said. "Likewne. society's solution seems to be to Slitll‘ls i‘li.ipli-i‘ ill li l'I‘l ‘l .t’lti ~lio'ws lil.ii l. llllll‘v l" \ phi s l'.lllt|ll.|l llieiiie. "Vi-w The first post game celebration has been tentatively attempt to stop the drug problem by dealing with tlt't‘gradii.ilc (lupin) .1 in ‘xiilillilllllil" lli.i.I-iili.i|“. .i llxvm «tuiiil‘A ill lhc .\lrii .'\llll'l‘ll'.lll scheduled for the b skethall game played at them alone. l say no. people have to be educated about awardcdllii honor ll.‘ liilH‘i' H! .\iph.i l’lii \Eplm .piiiisiiri‘il .lll Hr.ll1)ill‘.ll ('arolina on Jan 13. J drugabiise.” ll‘lt l‘ils Hikicii, 3'. .., -. l.ll\ lii'.i'iili ill l,(i1.i tl' 'li .m i. «t .llllHlil’ lllt‘ chapters 2/November 19 1986 / TechniCian / Feanivw


Celebrating black culture

Black Students Board a force in campus programming By Clrrella Thaxton renovation of the Cultural ul‘leing on the board is a good celebration communicates black Staff Writer (Tenter as a university meeting way for all students. not just folklore through public events place for all State students was blacks. to become more aware of such as a pageant and dance The Black Students Board another topic Brown addressed. what's going on around campus." recital. (888) proves that there is more The energetic president asked for the accountingr major said. Although the “SB usually to committees than holding long. suggestions for future 888 in The BSB is a subcommittee ol sponsors activities with Afro dull meetings. volvement in the center's activi the llnion Activities lioard American themes. (Talhoun em During a recent meeting of the ties. (UAR), the student directed and phasized the group‘s willingness BSB. Kevin Calhoun. vice funded organization responsible to share its ideas with others. He Brown and Calhoun congratulated remarked, “(byl sponsoring president of the 888 and a junior “SB members Kenneth Howard. for many campus social events. in mechanical engineering. spoke winner of the "The main purpose of the BSB events like the Pan African before an enthused group about Benefit held in Chapel Hill several is to provide black culture and festival and Ilr. Martin Luther Homecoming activities. weeks ago. and Regina Jenkins. entertainment for the campus King Commemoration Day. we Charmette Brown. 888 presi first runner up in the Homecoming community." said Larry work hard for a cross-cultural dent and a junior in chemical Court this past weekend. Campbell. the assistant program awarenessamongstudents." engineering. led the preparation director at the Student Center Brown urges students to join Techn/oan file photo for the successful Greek step Michelle Junes. a senior serv- and group adviser. and support the group‘s unifying semester project, it’s show. which was held last Satur ing her second year on the board. Perhaps the board's best efforts. To her. being a part of No, this isn't a Forestry major doing his day evening in the Student stopped numbering step show known achievement is its annual the BS“ is an enlightening expe someone having loads of fun helping the poor at Woodchop. Center. tickets for a brief comment on I’an-African Festival. which rience opening doors to many The board's interest in the the benefits of BSB membership. begins on April 5. The week-long helpful personal relationships. You got an ax to grind? ByDeanna Rhein the. wood splitters (lent by StaffWriter Bruce Johnson 8.- Sons and time again, so put it out State's agricultural engi It’s Smokeout neering department). Re— plctely abandon the habit. help the Surgeon (icneral reach the employers should limit smoking to Hundreds of aspiring lum‘ freshments for woodchoppers. . . By Marissa Jobe In the past ten years. the issue of goal of a tobacco free society by the specified locations in the work berjacks are ex ected to at whose_ muscles_ aren. t as Willing, Staff Writer cigarette smoking has grown from year 2000. place. their noses. as pwell as man as theiESPIHI-S Will I)? pr0v1ded concern for the health of the The results of a poll conducted The poll also showed that 33 axes. to the grindstone Satur— by UHWCVSIW Dining. For Thursday. Nov. 20 will mark the smoker to equal concern for the by Lieberman Research Inc. of percent of those polled believed day at the fifth annual Wood— weeks afterwards, the center 10th anniversary of the Great health of nonsmokers exposed to New York City for the organization that cigarette companies should not chop project, will distribute the firewood American Smokeout. second hand smoke. There is also were released Nov. 10. The poll he allowed to advertise in newspa- Sponsored by Alpha Phi produced at Woodchop to For the past decade the Ameri major debate over the use of public was conducted among 1.025 smokr pers and magazines. while 45 Omega. the Forestry Club and homes across the county. can Lung Association. in conjunc advertising to promote the use of ers and nonsmokers. percent thought billboards adver- Student Government. Wood- Gary Mauney. studentubodly tion with the American Cancer tobacco. Reflecting the growing concern tising cigarettes should be banned. chop is a service project de- president. believes that it IS Society. has been encouraging The American Heart Association about the hazards of secondhand These results correlate with signed to provide firewood for important for Raleigh to 589 kick the has joined forces with the Ameri smoke. 94 percent of those polled those from a recent American we here at State are smokers nationwide to can Cancer Society and American believed that public spaces should Medical Association poll that con- the needy families of Wake Whilt habit for at least one day. It is the have “no srroking" sections. cluded that 64 percent of those County. Elizabeth Jackson of trying to do for our community. hope of these organizations that Lung Association to form the polled would support a ban on APO says “the project. will also SETVif“? projects make "5 bet.- one day without a cigarette will ”Tobacco Free. Young America" Eighty-four percent of the re give the university community ter citizens and W“”d"h0l) ‘5 persuade many smokers to com coalition. This group is working to spondents also agreed that advertising tobacco. (students. faculty, and ad one of the more worthwhile ministrationl a chance to come ones. ' SPECIALISTS IN HONDA CAB REPAIR-l together to do something For ”‘05“ who need trans- NCSU has useful outside the university." portation. shuttle buses will How does Woodchop work? pick up and drop off students People donate wood to the at, the Student Center at 8:45. Wake County Opportunities 11:15. and 1:45 on Saturday. "“EQUALIZER Center at 567 E. Hargett Jackson encourages Street and then volunteers everyone to come out to help HAS THE UNIVERSITY OR A LOCAL BUSINESS QUALITY PLUS AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE, lm.‘ from State come out between those less fortunate. even if TAKEN ADVANTAGE OF YOU ? NEED SOME- 9 am. and 4 pm. and chop it only for a couple of hours. 4309 NEW BERN AVE. RALEIGH. MO. 21010 up. with the Forestry Club Anyone having questions ONE ON YOUR SIDE ? GIVE US A CALL. ' W _: providing the manpower about Woodchop or transporta- CONTACT: Dan Hall 737-2797 RANDY M. BUNN TELEPHONE ' behind the Chainsaws tion may call Jackson at 859» Executive Branch of the Student Government, W. \ (919)821-2552 (furnished by area dealers) and 1024 for more. information. 5 Department of Consumer Affairs E .. .q r------‘ I l?ll Hillsboroug‘n Street ' I Raleigh, North Coroim 27603 I g .9 g g March 1 to April 4, 1987 I I x a: a: I ' I ‘5- § " ' I e" c 2 ,- : | 5g 58 3 {3 II. ,, _ __jI £15'3 EB5% Eo ‘2o BERMUDA I a I 23 9E S E i.- l “.5 E“ Q -- 8 . $5.00 Off I o. ”-5 3x a I TuneU .§= gts 88 as as COLLEGE WEEKS I - P I :a I33 532 é‘i § : With this coupon I v: cs :9 a: a I co I l g ' 833-4588 I a - ‘ “5 E THE LAZARE DIAMOND“ be.) <1 a:o a. - .33 THERE’S \Ki 3 “a AHIGH PRICE m g o. g TO PAY m 8 E a: 2 FOR BUYING E ,5 <9 ‘0. 5 DISCOUNT DIAMONDS. w .E‘ 8 E? z < 0 a) a Most iewclcrs who are Willing to til‘ i l unit [llt‘ll diamonds also give you diswiiiit quality and scrvn‘c. 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NC.devotedltosection Youcelebration.lthecan andhespring.younever

When you break away this year, I do it with style. Your (killegc Week in llt‘l‘llltltlit l\ more than iust .sun. It's touring the island on our hrcc/t mopeds sand and surf. (Do remember to keep left!) Right from the lirsi outrageous “college Bash" its logging on quiet country roads including an CarolinaStateNorthcapturedheinouryearare at Elbow Beach. it's an unrelenting test of mar carli morning l-k "Fun Run" from llorseslioc Itiii It's endurance. c\ploriiig the treasures lll our iiiicriiatioiiiil \llops Spectacular .scasiilc liiiffci ltlllt‘llt'tillN t calypso plat iiig golfon eight great courses. and on om- foryearbookofpersonalthisgreaturchaseacopyyour and limbo festival like none other hiiiiishiiig (lance-til- ltiti island-it idc courts The Lazare Diamond. Setting the standard for brilliance. "‘ you-drop beach panics. featuring Bermuda‘s top rock. lllll most of all. it's the feeling ion get on .i llll\ steel and calypso hands liven a "Party (rinse and titiiicrhctlcckctl l.\l'.lll(l. separated from t‘\t'l’_\\\ here Private island l-thravagan/a" All ('Hlllplllllt‘llls of the and everything hi (iiitl miles of sea Youcanp bermuda llcpanmciii of'l‘oiirisiii This year. go vi ilil Ill .st\lc Secwurtaiiipus bcrninda is all of Illl.\ and lllllt ll lllllt‘ll more 'l‘rau-l chrcsciilatiie or 'l'i'avcl \gcnt lor ilciails S’lATlifl ll.l.l1 I'RlANtilli MLRIIHAN flail ’5 TRM'lilhlzm ltll. |\( 'l'RAVlil. i\iiF.\(‘,l 'I‘RAVI'ZI. Slim It l' I) lim .' if ltilxucst \lainbt ltlli l .inicroii \l Wlllbespecial987editionAlsothelis.acontinuesin It} \ortli (.i'iitci \t liurliani \( l“til Ralcigli ‘~ t You; CAMERON V ' LACE Siziti-xiilli- \( 1N. ‘ t‘)l‘)l iii-i: fill or I‘ll‘l) I‘L’b -l‘il Ill If“ illlllt‘l‘ “ilti't‘l l‘)illt ‘tll I‘m "ll‘ k illt ‘lllll, .l7fillr) Yfl” Hi“ "t‘l i‘oi) s‘l itmtmi (”I‘ll tit“ l‘L’J tltroadkl lllliii-l Resciirt'li 'l'rianuli- link t lllllt in. ‘ N .ivl «milling EWII ff) 31%; duringthatofthetAllexcmngeventsoccur BuythebookaliveKeepyourmemories ikiioi ii: oil \ t‘ll‘ti Mi («Fl (Raleiglillttiu-I t‘ll‘l) w i“ xtijl Sports.AgroneckYearbook.thegroups.spe «slates 100th.‘wtale's‘anniversaryBe"prohibition'l.sat/edpart$100(thehaveameaslysincemoneyyouindivtdualsittingsinandthefreeportraittthedress-upsparIiCipatein wnllwhereknowupcameraspopour NW) ”3" (WM tiiil ll.l|lt'l llllll $10100foryears w“ AWHME._...... _. November 19 1986 / TechniCIan / Features / 3 l: t r Photos

By Alex Maxwell people who select the trips. The Stall Writer committee then divides into groups of two to complete the Brighten up your year by details oforganizing each outing. breaking the daily routine with a Jessen became involved with UAR sponurrwl trip next semester. I'AB as a freshman when she filled out a committee application. Now a Trips in the works for the spring junior and chair of the Outdoor semester include adventures in Recreations Committee. she snow skiing. river rafting. horse oversees trip planning and the back riding. canoeing and cave group's finances. exploration. said Karen Jessen of Jessen said she enjoys her work the Outdoor Recreation Committee. and feels she gains valuable skills Fall semester's trips Went rela such as responsibility and organi- tively smoothly. with just the zation. She also likes being directly exception of a river rafting trip involved with people. that had to be changed on location Any student interested in com a kayaking trip because of low mittee work with the UAB may fill water conditions. Student out an application. available at participation in the events this residence hall offices or the UAR (if! I' Cf‘KTIf’KlATl; year has been great . Jessen said. office on the third floor a! the ‘ :31): The three year-old Outdoor Rec- Student Center. Trip information L3331/4) reations Committee. one of the 12 may also be picked up at the UAB UAB commitees. consists of eieht office.

/’ / «0 a. a Vt Vincent Mislti (upper left), Grand Prize Winner of Technicians Limmerlck Contest. claims his loot while Dawn Leonard (upper right) is left out in the cold weather that set in earlier this week. There was a warm reception trom everyone for Chancellor Poulton (lower left) at the ROTC Scholarship Ceremony in Reynolds. in other handshaklng news, State's team practices good sports(wo)manship at the end of the Florida international game.

P-----,.'------' 6‘ o fl ' 'fi .. WT“A; ‘ Wv V' ‘— v’ Southern Eyes M an“ l 95‘ P339“ INT N)" N)". lrl‘ ’ , .RIWE, ’ Vint st le “Gramps” glasses ‘9 ' KO ' \kk “(Erhfir‘lél‘l'f ‘\ as seezgoen "moonlighting" $17 95 ‘ 5 ‘(OG A—LLEY EYE EXAMINATIONS , . \h /‘ REPAIRS Wayfarer CHlCKEN FILLEI, E ’ CONTACT LENSES 7, Q oRESTYLlNG 48‘ $29.95 FRIES,AND E Grandma 3 Homemade fSlg on. NANCY L. MIZE \' , oALTERATIONS a Raleigh.N.C., _K REGULAR DRINK . Waffle Cones on. FBEDEBICA MUNZ oMONOGRAMS ,ElemicCo' Ma”. . FOR $9 09 . anlrg ,rtorfprund unsure} . . fifi’ééfiugh CUSTOM MADE SUNS p. r n... .3313” EXPIRES Dec. 1 1986 5 Play Trlvra Daily 1.9%.“; . . i lg ’i'lllri 5}" g . 2946 100/0LAD'ESOFF DURING8‘ GENTSNOV, 86 “““"“h'llh- “32H.3212' 3“""’ --.------.--.---J‘ ' - For A Free Prize l ‘ rr rm; u... How. P--=------LOVE THAT Pay More??? at Sun Solutions CHICKEN! l~\‘».‘\|\(. \Allil‘\\~ th CLOTHESLINES FRET? 1ST VISIT couroNT FAMOUS FRIED :: CHICKEN BREAST. CHOICE OF FRENCH all fun, fine-quality brand name .\‘.ii CHICKEN z: ‘llllh‘l‘ FRIES OR CAJUN RICE women’s and men‘s fashions are at i’Hl i‘.l I ‘ BISCUITS 2th AND .1 Ai'v-r llfrrthfw‘i it till) OOOQVV"' 0006666oooo o ALL-THE—TEA-YOU- Controlledvl'anning Is Safe Tanning $6 & $10 Hui lulu": .m- Mnmla» through \dlllltldy 9 .4 m to 8 p m CAN DRINK for ( .ill HlLBS‘i.‘ tor an appointment $1.992 ! 832-4113, ------p.-S-A};S:-IZ‘JJAS-Jo'.aiifiiiniiiiiimi‘JEE—JT-éca.“ , H l' SEAFOODCOMPANY ’..\ AMWKANAo aECWlC COMPANY mALL N is 3-138 Electric Co. Mall, Hillsborough St. ’t Ciliiirlg'si afiizza , Calabash Style Seafood PRESENTS One slice of Cheese pizza Featuring; Fish, Shrimp, Oysters, FREE LIVE MUSIC ' Deviled Crab, & Clam Strips MON-SAT 6-8pm 8; a regular drink for only Appearing this Week $1.25 DAILY SPECIALS FOR $2.85 All r)“ alters 'c'gmg r:;>lv3él:l2~.u inn-.17»- ., ‘3; <’-’m‘3"'.1»:.r)ples Nov.19 - Jazz Halloween THE ELECTRIC COMPANY MALL l'ie’r' 1 rilqt' 9). >‘l [Hull wltlr \‘l/lll—l COUDON Nov.20 Lightening Wells Expires 12-1-86 l Ht‘dltn n1 r’.'lli [,p.y3511.30_85 > Nov.21 - Charles Pettee .IOOOIIII-ICIOICQIQIQIg--‘-.-----W’VgV-r3,337.7»."cr-the purchase:Olliir- 197.7. ‘ Tim Staubaugh r;4-.--.------.--Il ' I Nov.22 - Michael Kersh x. “TURN ON TO US" ‘0 A0 “79,4 Look for the £72024 “'1 yellow space frame «9 C; 0.; Q. 2526 HillsboroughSt, 6:6 (50 ‘1'. A Acrossfro L Greek or”2''9 o0 “9/, .1’9 04 v6 C. 4. o 4,> v4‘ 00, f. ML Letters l 0/]. >% 0"} it 47 Screen Printing 4) so Take-out Orders Welcome 4: 839-5875 NC State T-Shirts‘ . 4 s 'D itII CASEY’S HAPPY MIGHTY “Cll‘il‘i DAYS ARE HERE... i" l l :l‘-‘l?rlllllllc"ll ‘l l' \l 2‘.‘ qulll ForAHCKcasons «now; form Waters Regunrly $2.50 70 '3 Acoustic Rock Wltn this ad :52 OO on l2—Str/ng Guitar 3“} fl‘irtal :loucli 4. in, t'i'.‘ 'v".r~l low ll|( (rirnpany r------.-.---.--- -.----..--..A \,/\/\ -. '" -- “9V 9"t--z-sr—A-rzt,::f;:;2.wcswex‘ -~ ls l 4 / November 19, 1986/ TechnICIan / Sports


Bowls are ‘peachy’ Pack downs for current Pack By Deron Johnson and Bobby Crumpler. both WVU in five Sports Writer halfbacks. might see some time at fullback. By Chris Wilson In the fifth and decisive game. Dick Sheridan's 7-2-1 Wolfpack “Steve's loss is more than just a Staff Writer the Pack regained the momentum. football team appears to be headed physical loss to this team," using its highpowered offense. led to a New Year's Eve showdown in Sheridan said. "He's an intelligent by Johanna Fry and Pam Vehling. Atlanta with the 8-2-1 Virginia player who has a great personality State's volleyball team won its Ilut according to Martino. the Hokies in the Peach Bowl. and attitude in games and practice, fourth match in a row Sunday Wolfpack lacked intensity. Although Peach Bowl repre- which has a positive effect on afternoon with a five-game victory are not allowed to issue everyone. We're going to miss him over West Virginia. The win gives "We weren't as intense as we sentatives in a lot ofways." the Pack a regular season record of SITUu'd have been, probably because invitations to teams until after 18-11. we were looking ahead to the ACC regular season play in accordance State needed a victory badly to Tournament," she said. with NCAA guidelines, the bowl's Sheridan has an edge in prepar~ keep the momentum going into the Earlier in the weekend, the Pack executive director Lee Ayres said ing for Saturday's game with 6-4 ACC Tournament this weekend in beat Clemson on Friday and that it was likely that these two Western Carolina because Carmichael Gymnasium. Florida International on Saturday teams would be picked. Sheridan faced them in Southern The Wolfpack won the first two before toppling the Mountaineers “We want these two teams. This Conference play when he coached games with ease. taking the on Sunday. is one of our first best-choice at Furman. Mountaineers 15-8 and 15 3. 'I was extremely pleased with matchups for a lot of reasons," “I thought I was getting away “We came out and played tough, picking up the wins," Martino said. Ayres said. from these guys when I left aggressive volleyball in the first "We just needed to work on our Sheridan couldn't comment on Furman," Sheridan said. “They two games," coach Judy Martino game and get ready for the any bowl in particular, but summed always have the best offense in the said. tournament. It was good to see up his feelings about the season as and the sec- In the third game, Martino everybody playing and near 100 awhole. ond best defense. We always had inserted all substitutes into the percent." “I'll be happy if we get a bid." close battles when we played each lineup. West Virginia came back For the match, Fry had a hitting Sheridan said. “But there is the other when I was at Furman." and won, 10 15. Martino came back percentage of .386 with 24 kills. disappointment of those two losses The Catamounts will have an with her regulars in the fourth Melinda Dudley and Vehling had Staff photo by Eddie Gontram to and Virginia which added incentive to beat the Wolf- game. but the. Mounties still pre hitting percentages of .308 and cost us the league championship. pack. because they still have an vailed. 12-15. .333. respectively. State's Stephanie Taylor (15) and Pam Vehling go up to block a But again if you look back to spring outside shot at making the I-AA Scott. practice I wouldn't have expected playoffs. shot by West Virginia's Lisa to have done what we have." “We can't take them lightly." Although Sheridan couldn't talk Sheridan said. “The only difference team suffers heartbreaking loss about a possible bowl bid, Jim between ACC teams and Southeri. Women’s Valvano was more than happy to Conference teams is that ACC discuss it after the Red-White teams have larger offensive and By Trent McCranie After playing two regular team converted four goals, leaving into the penalty kicks." basketball game Saturday night. defensive lines. But Southern Con- Staff Writer periods to a scoreless tie, the battle the last two players with the job of With its second straight appear- “This team deserves a bowl bid. ference teams are usually quicker spilled over into a lSminute deciding the outcome of the game. ance in the NCAA quarterfinal, They have had a great — not good, at the skill positions." The women's soccer team sufa overtime, then another, with both The first of this second wave, State has improved the image of but great season and they need fered a 170 suddendeath loss to No. teams still scoreless. GIMII's Angela Berry, scored a women's soccer in the area. to go to a bowl. Our kids deserve it. the NCAA Then, a the NCAA rules dictate, goal; State's Jill Itutten saw her “(Statel has gotten the maturity Sheridan said that George Mason in a sudden death shoot-out was shot saved by I’atriot goalie Kim and has proven it is a legitimate "I've been quite proud to will be closer to full speed this quarterfinal last Sunday. one- Mdslin. GIVII' got the II) victory contender in a playoff format," establish this feeling of success week than last. as his sore ankle “(The players) now know what it ordered. Sudden-death is a I North Gross said. “We gained a tremen- with Dick Sheridan here. We hope and shin heal more. takes not only physically. but on-one situation in which a player and a chance to face No. this will be an annual thing here at emotionally; the intensity is very takes on the goalie single-handedly. Carolina in the Final Four. dous amount of poise and experi- “In practice Erik has said he's great. They now realize that it Each team got one shot each “It was a tremendously exciting ence." NC. State," Valvano said. about 75 percent. By the end of the taIIc. .'-. IIIIIII effort and then still from five players selected from the game," Gross said. ”and I think We For senior Dee Heib, the loss week we hope he's closer to 100 you are inot guaranteed a win)," 11 players left on the field at the got the better of it offensively. was the last game of her State Sophomore fullback Steve Salley percent so that we can go to our Coach Larry Gross said. end of the second overtime. Each (GMUI had more shots, but a lot of career. in which she played an suffered ligament damage in the option offense more often this them were from way out." inspirational role for four years. Wolfpack's 29-15 victory over Duke week," Sheridan said. Gross said he thought the long “Dee is one of the gutsiest Saturday. shots were very ineffective against competitors 'that I've known," Arthroscopic surgery could not If State defeats WCU it will have State's goalie, Barbara Wickstrand. Gross said. “I don't care whether be used to repair the damage, one of the best records in Wolfpack AUDITION "We played really good defense. it's from bingo to football. she has according to Sheridan, so Salley history. Only in 1927 when State sensational defense," Gross said. the intensity and desire that you faces a long rehabilitation period was 9-1 and in 1974 at 9-2 did the “We felt very good about going want. She will be sorely missed.“ which should last through spring Wolfpack ever win more games. FOR practice. The last bowl that State partici- Mal Crite will move into Salley's pated in was the 1978 Tangerine SOMETHING position although he has some Bowl. in which the Wolfpack nagging injuries of his own. crushed Pittsburgh 30-17 in Or- GRAND! ¥AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY' Sheridan said that Frank Harris Iando. PINEHURST COUNTRY CLUB . _,“L's.q, at PINEHURST, NORTH CAROLINA


The @119 a" IT, °”' RESERVE YOUR APT BEFORE North Carolina State University g TNANRSOIVINO, Cooperative Education Program POSITIONS OPEN: MOVE IN BEFORE 6 Singer-Dancers CHRISTMAS AND Pleas; hayi . an arr OIanaI MCI to may yOI II nI‘erIaI ed ".0! row.» and wear ‘\ rornlOI table Mom“. \2 RECIEVE ATTENTION CHEMICAL ENGINEERING STUDENTS 4 Instrumentalists t CASN REBATES or -’I Drummer-1 Bass player-1 Keyboardist-i Guitar player :6 TOS7SOIIIIIIIII The following companies have co-op positions- Please OI Inc; your 0er bass warm and drums Piano Will nf‘l‘flOVldf‘d available starting Spring 1987. AUDITION DATES: Call 851 -3343 UNC Chapel Hill Monday, NOV 17, (’aIOlIna IIIIIOTI AIIdItOIIIIIII, WI nin AVX —— MYRTLE BEACH, SC university of NC Greensboro SUMTERSQIARE ALLIED SIGNAL INC. —— MONCURE, NC & PETERSBURG, VA Sat Nov 22, film iJrIIv Center, AlexandrI POOIII, I-I—Inm CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT — RALEIGH, NC ClBA-GEIGY — GREENSBORO, NC _ Sat. Der R, A S Fletrbei Rebear sal Hall ifll, 12")p m COLLINS AIKMAN .— CHARLOTTE NC PIrégIriurrst coatinfryi“our;M p m A ; COLONIAL RUBBER WORK — KINGSTREE, so I .II 'I'ilfll IIIIIIII'IIIIIIII. tall IIIIIII I‘iiiilliliiili, Lx! )IIIIII Filling, DUPONT ——. FAWILMINGTON,YETTEVILL E,NCNC DUPONT —- NEH/JERSEY DUPONT KINSTON, NC EVEREADY BATTERY — GREENVILLE 6: ASHEBORO, NC; OHIO, VERMONT, IOWA GE —— WILMINGTON, NC IBM — OWEGO, NY BUILD IT IBM ROCHESTER, MN INTERNATIONAL PAPER CO —— MOBILE, AL ITT RAYONIER INC — JESSUP, GA YOUR WAY! LORILLARD —— GREENSBORO, NC You can create your own far 0 Salad MARTIN MARIETTA -— OAK RIDGE, TN at our delicious “Build tour ()er Bar". MILLIKEN & CO. SPARTANBURG, SC Top off any of our build your own items with your choices of sour cream, OAK RIDGE ASSOC. UNI. — OAK RIDGE, TN guacamole, refried beans nacho PUBLIC SERVICE ELECTRIC & GAS CO. cheese. peppers. sauces, lettuce, PEIRSON & WHITMAN —— RALEIGH, NC tomato, alfalfa sprouts, onions, black olives, hot piro. montcrcy jack and RICHARDSON-VICKS INC. —— GREENSBORO, NC cheddar cheese. RJR/NABISCO — WINSTON SALEM, NC Our build your own items also in‘ cludc Hamburger, Marlins Burritos. STANDARD OIL CO. — CLEVELAND, OHIO Tacos and fajitas, Come In and build SANDOZ CHEMICALS —— CHARLOTTE, NC yourscllone today! TENNESSE VALLEY AUTHORITY —— KNOXVILLE, TN Hr-ws». TENNESSE EASTMAN CO. —- KNOXVILLE, TN m,.I. VIRGINIA POWER — VARIOUS PARTS OF VA., W. VA., & NC Nicao‘s WESTVACO7L..-“.,, 7 — CHARLESTON,._7_,-‘- SC MEXICAN CAFE Any interested student should contact the Co—op office as soon 3904 WESTERN BLVD, 0 RALEIGH, NC. ' 832 1661 as possible. William Holloman 115 Page Hall 737-2300 November 19 1986/TechotoaniC'ir-i15 CIaSSifiEdScontinued on pageIO R 11‘1IIII’II ads cost 30¢ per word wrth a minimum r r1. t l lilll [Trading for ads is 400 pm two days on Teens Cat Ix«,. stwt II‘I'I 5188861114781.traitor. 1:1 . . Iii y . . . . ,r I. . 'jr, ,nf-;r nor: it; _‘, It‘nii your ad IS to appear Bring the ad by 3134 tans{9' ,Under 31011007 Call Ior laits today or campus, call today III-151811 -i':=I" " -r ‘ii.“ I.’ is“ i .. : . .mahli" it! I Well '81 i . ut-u' 1st .rwrsiiy Student Tenter All ads must he 8.1:l4lllfxip0:11 . ~ V --_---t ,...,..... 4.x,- .. LI'IJUBIO Rooms 1111'- y ,-.. W 8,";th puny .. V . ,V . E'I-irr-vECAEn "5.7557155875; i.' 3. 3- 83,-- i y .. . .4“, Vyy}'V1 "s "fin-y ig.. .V . n V,- . . Miscellaneous and .M". .V' ,n ‘rI ,.1.1 Vlr' 1;V-r.i 7.- , -- .. -- t‘ t ,. .1 116‘“ ”“an “(7:10:19erW a...RC Gi h Typing ,.___-____ . , ...... _ vea oot. .,~____~_~‘_~__ TINADIIATING. . \ SENIORS Your health plan expiresA -'I ’r--,tV'yV'V’" Vy... Vi. ,VtiI V‘“. 'i’ILVi,I “I" ' "Y "5 h H I ...t I“ "'H ”‘*”‘*““—'-r y ABC WORD PROCESSING, Resumes, Research ll December Short term coverage available Call Roommates '1'" ‘1' ' I ‘ " A I‘ V.,y.,V-- IV; m...- n,,. “P,” in, ~13; W. Don t pallute. Papers, Theses, Correspondence Prolessronal loin [Mart 878 4110/1 _ lat n2!" :.. “nut-m; "iliti NI...t f‘ta.’ ‘. 'I.‘. I7’1'1J'I'I; Seer-rs 2’ ti :- :a't wflMReasonable Rates. 8460489 Expen TypingFree Minor Corrections. $175185 page Barbara 839 0961 PROFESSIONAL TYPING Ourckwhile you wait Reasonable rates Word processor wnh specral rharacters Barbara, 8728414 Typing let US do your typing at a reasonable rate IBM Selectric ll Call Ginny 848-8791. Typing [Word Processorl: Dissertations, Term 1% Papers Fast, accurate Selma,4fi7 8239. EXTRA L TYPINGIWORD PROCESSING. Term papers, FOOD llON theses Resumes, cover letters IBM equtpment, laser printer Close to campus. VISA/MC accepted lingers 8 Assoc, 508 St. Mary's St. 834 0000. TYPING' FAST, ACCURATE, REASONABLE. Length, 10 Lbs. & Up difficulty immaterial. Mrs Tucker, 828-6512. Se" Typing/Word Processrng: term papers, resumes, cover letters, newsletters. Oiiality work. Call Annie: 848-4933 TYPING Papers Expenly Typed at $1.25 per double spaced page on word processor. Hannah Hamilton 783 8458 anytime. FOOD LION 3...... TYPING, Word Processrng, Term Papers, Resumes, Excellent Duality, Student Rates, North Raleigh, 69¢ B78 5053. WORD PROCESSING, TYPINGEDITING, RESUMES. The academic typing specialists at OFFICE SOLUTIONS can serve ALL your typing needs. We Reserve The Right Prices in this ad good thru 2008 Hillsborough lacross from Bell Towerl, TURKEYS To Limit Quantities. 83471527872-9491 levesl. MCNISA. Sunday November 23 1986. Help Wanted AIRLINES NOW HIRING. Flight Attendants, Agents, Shank Halves 'vlichanics, Customer Service. Salaries to $50K. Iizzry lewd positions. Call 1-805-687-6000 Ext. A4488. IIIIILEGE KP WANTED to distribute “Student POTATOES little" Minion cards at this campus. Good HAMS i‘ come. Frl information and application write to: SMOKED ”OLLEGIATE MARKETING SERVICES, 251 tilenwood Dr. Mooresville, NC 28115. DISC .IJCKEY WANTED - Mon-Sat 11:30 am 1:31 pm. System provided. Call 8212128. Ask for Amy. 1 1 3.. 10 Lb. Bag GOVERNMENT JOBS $18,040 - $59,230Iyr. Now hiring. Call 1805-887 6000 Ext. 84488 for current iederal list. Sliced FREE! Swift USDA Choice London Broil Or Crisp GREGORY POOLE EOUIPMENT COMPANY has part time nosrtion open in sales dept. Job involves clerical skills and light typing. Pay $4.001hr. Contact John Lambert at 828-0541 ext. 258. HOSTESS TOP RWOUNOVy GREEN MUSICIANS WANTED - to play 88 pm. Sound system provrded. Hillsborough St. location preler yazzlacoustic. Call 821 2128. Ask for Amy. News and Observer Circulation Depanment. AM. HAMS ROASTS 'wCELERY and PM. pan-time jobs. Call John or Jane R29 4712. $$$$$OPPORTUNITIES$$$$$ 100 Proven ways to earn Christmas money during holidays. Leads, ideas, opportunities. $2.00 to: Bucks, PO. Box 1/113 Winston-Salem, NC 27116. $999....fl 9cStalk Paid volunteers with asthma needed for study. Phone 787 5995, ask Ior Sandy. Part time posrtions, days, evenings and weekends Coca Cola Carlo available for Santa Clauses and Santa's helpers. Budweiser Apply in person Cary Village Mall Office 1-5 5c Monday Friday. Part time information booth positions. Days, 2 Liter - Caffeine Free Coke, Cherry Coke, RoSSI Beer Il‘t‘ttlilllgS and weekends available. Apply in person Coke Classic I aiy Village Mall Office 15 Monday Friday. Perfect part time job for students $4.50 hr. $6 $10 Diet Coke 599 to alter training 5:30-9:00 pm. Call 833-8150 after zoo I not 5c REPRESENTATIVE WANTED to sell tshirts to 4 liter - Burg., Sangria, Rhine, Chah., Pk. campus groups for Va. Beach based screen 2 liter - Caffeine Free Diet Coke Chah., Paisano, Vin Rose, Lt. Chianti Pkg. of 12 - 12 Oz. Cans Pkg. of - 12 Oz. NR Bottles - Reg. a Li. printing firm Responsibilities include marketing, orilor taking, arid deliver. Ca111804l4991699. Resort Hotels, Crurselines, Airlines, Amusement Parks, NOW accepting applications. For more EXTRA LOW PRICES _. . . . Everyday information and an application; write: National Ioliegiate Recreation Servrce, PO. Box 8074, HiltonHead, SC 29938 )1intn part time afternoons Neat appearance, citeigetic, good drivmg record Knowledge of Raleigh and surrounding area. Contact Jacqui Crana la Sealtest Dayle, Triangle Travel 8346871 Siwuisens is now hiring part time and lull time '1? ’It.lll Apply daily. 2811 Hillsborough St .ivinse‘ns is now hiring pan time and Iolltime telp Apply daily 7811HillsooroughSI Inc/i/iir‘iari is looking for a select group of -.iotlents interested in helping lay out the nation's largest thrice weekly student newspaper In 88"”¢Ouart Iervu‘ws are already under way, so call 7972411 32 Ounce 303 Can - White House 48 Oz. - Ocean Spray .mil ask Ior Mark 8 Please leave itame and ' ;lilllI!I The paper is laid out in Inor shifts on use l,liois and Sunfrom411 pm «liliiiikiICTS needed to set appointments pitierice preleired Flexible schedules Call Don I.II Ill/7715 Ramon Pride Veg etable IllHlll OT 1111 SAME DIDSHIFT?Pitt 8 little IIIN it your lili while earning extellent incomel ‘lllll‘lfi nightclub has numerous paiitiiiie Noodles Oil Top'too r‘lIIl'Ifl available including. cocktail waitresses, ’wi'l'llllillii, liarliacks, and front door hostesses 'IlI‘.II'I1 tirilicunts please stop by at I'HFLHS. “t’, lliill St promptly at it'pm Tues .ir 2'18 i WANI ‘i’Illl ll] HAVE DIJII MIINlY" But Iirst, §I89¢ ‘lity‘yl min it We ofler 12 large variety ol yuhs - MushroomlloefIChIcken 48 02. Food Lion 26 Oz. - Mrs. Smith's .iitillilll‘. Iii-rt.- nn tlte NCSU campus Wt:- Iiive iIII‘ll1"i' pay plan Willl the niiiiintorr; salary “5 i, * 111‘! hour We have a raise llllitllyllll viii llifi‘ lTit'yll‘v 1111 our employees WI' tiller ,y-, y my, days and are Willing ".- hurl .vl ‘In- 'Itii‘ZI llllIII'Illl 'LT‘I‘J’Il-lltl'x lI Dawn Bounty Twin Pet AI 0 Dog '~-:l tilt'ufm tall Ilriivt't'nly llllllllt] at i i-il vl‘l‘ ‘ii' Illlillil NIIW ltlllll‘lli lilll ‘.i SI WSIIII Ill IIIR,’I Dish Detergenti'rV Towels Cat Food For Sale " .iii lA’llIili-auli i‘x‘l Afr-34.n- 249 5131 4,31- l' Ilr.iIl .‘yil'y i’I'i‘I" “"- $109‘ 22 Oz. 350 Off Roll Pack - 30C Off 15 Oz. -Flsthish & Beef 14 Or. - All Flavors 6/Nove'TIDe'19 WW: 1 Technician 2“ intramural lntrannurals . #,#_.______—.

Volleyball playoffs, Dixie Classic basketball begiii

TKE, SAM advance to volleyball semi-finals; undefeated Sigma Kappa women’s champions By Mac Harris standing serving of David torx advances ’lKi‘i into the Sword Tails to defend its Krucy. and Elton Vogel also assists. 8 rebounds and 3 steals intramural Editor Mort-tr. the excellent net play semifinals against a tough all campus title. contributed to the effort by to lead the Sigma Pi Squad of Harry Kelly and Brian Sigmal‘bisiptail. controlling the boards inside. offensively. (liven chipped in Quarteriinal volleyball irenda, and the all around utili Three-player basketball is Another semifinal qualifier. underway, and Tau Kappa Sigma Pi ran out to a 36-6 with 11 points and 6 assists. playoffs were in action last ty effort, of Mike Alway. Sigma Alpha Mu. obtained a halftime lead and cruised Trask had It) points and 3 \M't'lx with teams contending for irenda led the way as usual Epsilon posted an impressive through the second half letting assists and \i'ogel added 8 a final four berth. Tau Kappa with his phenomenal lli slams berth by coming from behind in victory over Alpha Sigma PM the third and final game. After 2511. TKE was led by the the second team play most of points. Ben Bailey and John l‘lpsilon defeated Phi Kappa in the tvmga'ne sWeep. 'I‘Kl‘l being dim "l 9 to 3. SA M the way. Souther also played well off the 'l'au two games to none in last took control in the second game rallied inside power play of Bob Vince White had 14 points. 5 bench. l‘uesdaysplay. due to the serving of Rob to a 1:310 \ictory over Delta “Sleepy" Nesbitt. the outside 'l‘Kl‘I continued their winning l’adorano and the finesse setr Sigma PM. jumpers of Kevin Smith and the ways by defeating l’K'I‘ lSti in tingr of team captain Mike in residence sorority play for utility play of Brian “Scooter" Officials commended; the first game and lit in the l’igliaeelli. who continually fed the second consecutive year. Brenda. TKE jumped out to an second. 'I'Kl‘l took control early Kelly a n d Brenda for Sigma Kappa Sorority is un early 1676 lead before running more needed in spring in the match behind the out overwhelming spikes. The vic defeated in women's volleyball. away and never stopping to During the playoffs this year. look back. The intramural department prominent A(‘(‘ officials. for Sigma Kappa whipped Alpha The Dixie Classic Tournar would like to say a special conducting the basketball of- Delta Pt 20 in semifinal action ment continued action last thanks to the officials who ficials' clinic in preparation for anti defeated South Hall 2-0 in week as well. TKE was not so participated in the fall athletic the Dixie Classic. the finals to win the title. fortunate in this area of athletic events. The fall officiating crew Anyone who is interested in Members of the champion competition as it was schooled consisted of 70 Dixie Classic becoming an official for basket ship team are as follows: Laura by a tough Sigma Pi team 60 30 officials. 35 football officials and ball, volleyball or for Anderson, Julie Brady, for Sigma I’i's second victory in :50 volleyball officials. The of the upcoming spring season the tourney. ficials did an excellent job should contact the intramural Elizabeth ('heek. .lackie (Tosr maintaining control of each and office at, 72373161 or go to the grove, Allison liuncan. Meri Sigma Pi got off to a blazing every event and are to be office personally at :20l2 deth llaigler. Sandy King and start led by the hot hand of commended for their efforts. Carmichael Gym for further ilebbie ()ndrus. This week Thom Trask and the penetrat The department would also information. No experience is Sigma Kappa will play the ing drives of Bill Given. Mark like to extend their thanks to necessary and the pay is $3.50 Hill Check and Gary Wall. two per hour. ROOMS AVAILABLE g. The #1 Wolfpack i NOW :L ___ The world is waiting. 7‘ .31 Rental Comxzunity for 10 Years! 'i For the second semester Be an exchange student. ! Rent $190.00 per month i 15 min walk from campus! 2 Bedroom Special... 5 months at 1/2 price!!! CALL With a one—year lease, your rent from May through Logan D. Howell, Jr. PAM ROBERTSON OR DAN September is l/2 why go home this summer? Stay l TODAY and enjoy the pools, the parties and the fun for half price! Attorney at Law Clubhouse with party room, widescreen TV, billiards, exercise room... 821-1425 3 pools...sand volleyball courts...and more..PLUS .‘REE resident parties...clubhouse to watch Wolfpack sports Rooms are l5'x72' and D.W.I. i and other events on widescreen TV with your friends! t.i J. includes washer, dryer, We're the Wolfpack Community!!! .2? I‘ll/CIOWHVE, refrrgerator, a Traffic Offenses 5I large desk, and cleaning it servrces provrded week/y. Kensington Park Criminal Law Apartments l Bilyeu I mile from campus on Avent Ferry Road 420 S. McDowell St. 24 hour answering Rental Office in Clubhouse - 851-7831 Raleigh, NC. ‘37601 '0Mtg! Street 832-7790 '131",.0tV0 Raleigh, NC .1-

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THE MORNING AFTER . . . can be murder. AND...... l t. Militant» tit-iiil1 illo,... H'l t lililllt‘x WALT \Vl \ lill 2v l \l l. .‘t i l\\ “ah lt\.‘lellf DISNEY’S --.I new. '. DECEMBER 25TH STEWAR'I‘ THEATRE NVSI’ $1.00 { llani A, 7pm others $1.50 November ”3 1986 Technican / Serious Page/ 7

ierious Page RALPH SWORDMASTER by J. Grigni

among/more um Ire array/.0

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Now you can get the Clllllpt‘lllll't‘ tht'saorus. medical or legal dictionaries edge when Classes begin in January \I'Itb a 'l‘ogrthcr Willl your favoritr' MaClIitosh word OPENING Macintosh” personal computer. and all the processing software. you l‘:lll transform Friday Nov. 21 & Saturday Nov. 22 mite extras. your notes Into the clearest, most letter Offer good between 11am and 5pm call It the Macrotosh ll’i‘I/I' \lrrf/ llt‘rlt‘t‘l papers you over lllrllt'tl out Mid BUY 1 SANDWICH, GETp1 FREE! bundle You'll call it a great (lt'ill' llt‘t‘allsi‘ turned lll on time (must be of equal or less valuel (one person per visit. Not good with any other offerI when you buy a Macintosh 'erlt' Mull \lhat s lllllrt‘, Illt'rt'\ .l \larrntosil bundle before January I). 108". you ll rI'I‘t-iyr Support Kit llllt'tl Wllll yaluablv ;lt‘(‘t‘\\0rlt‘.\ 172273w/y4m a bundle of extras and saw 5.380 and t'tlllllllllt‘r t'fli‘t‘ produt‘ts from 4M ‘ ' titan UIII'IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII L'II. Not only will you get your choitr oi ;l (.Illllplt'lt‘ Will] all the things \ou llt’t‘tl lo CamVillagemm amVain, mumam Macintosh SllK Enhanced or a \lllt‘llllllsll kt‘t‘ll your \lIII‘Intosli running lolly: altt‘r Plus. you'll also get an lmagr- \ertr-r'” |l you w graduatrtl Sandwiched,§_ (salad; printer, the perfect solution for protlnring Avent Ferry Shopping Center open Sunr'l‘hurs near letter‘quality term papers or rvporls. l,t'l us shun you how to art through Avent Ferry Rd. llam»Midnight complete with graphs. charts and t'lillt'gt‘ bt'tttlr. “SIM. and \lllllrlt‘r Stop In Fri & Sat illustrations. and \t‘t‘ lls lor more Inlorinalion 859-2121 11am-2am Plus. you‘ll get MarlehtnIng. the premier spelling Cllt‘Ch’t'r con Wakefield Apartments Announces Free taining an 80,000 word dictionary Wllll options lor Direct Bus Service To And From Campus Great Off-Campus Living: Only $396.00 Per Semester?‘ One bedroom from only 8 to l 00. "ishared by tVio student \I Walter!!!” Two bedroom from only SW 00 AFNUMLNTS "lshared by [our student st You’re just 12 minutes from NCSU adjacent I.» W am- I... the Beltline. Nine month lease available Keep Why on, to 4 students per apartment EHIOy Ralelgh s most .; (mull. Year 'round indoor pool. plush Clubhouse s.” and volleyball courts. outdoor pool Modern one am: conditioning and carpet. Cable. HBO and rental ‘ow‘ service to NCSU on route 15 Pm crImplem mlmmw , model apartment! students Summer Session Leases Avatlable' “ULI Hll’slrvril 1’H' l4,,...‘v' l‘w" NIH” I'll *. i ' stores ‘ ‘ I' III-NW” supply Equal ,‘rm 5 July! g'r Mg .w? 1 - ,I ' Hill" . :l' ”WW and I'M who furl " l'h‘fi 411.11. umfm/I-r ’nr (/14: In“llh 4,11! m on n’rIIII-rrrl trademark :1 WW I rlmpulfl bit OpponunuyHousmg '(SU Um mini! and Implhlrr arr Imdrmrtr / W" - ,Impala-v ’Ii. Mu twin-nu It .I (nu. marl Imp! VII/nun 'm it 8 I November 19. 1986/ Techmcran / Opinion

ANTI-TERRoRlSM VfiflmfiiNEVER HAVING To SAY A A pope that s enlllvl‘y the product of the student body heromes at onre the offiual organ through which the YOU'RE SORRY. thoughts the artivtty and in fart the very life of the rampus are registered l' is the mouthpiece through which the students ltwrnwlvvs talk (frillqu life without its journal isblank Terhnirain vol lnri lFeb l 1920

aw“ Graduating on time ////////h ll/W WI// not necessary 3’, M W Chancellor Bruce Poulton recently sheepskin and a well-paying job after miw. appr ‘nted a committee of faculty and graduation. There is more to a II II administrators to investigate why modern education than “book- \V many students fail to graduate in four learning." years. Within a 10-day span, he A true university atmosphere pro- \I\ announced that State will close vides students with opportunities to admission for the spring semester, also experiment with new ideas and try cutting next fall's enrollment by 100 to new experiences. Higher learning 200 students. should help students grow mentally, ///// Closing admissions is a direct result spiritually and emotionally. of one problem: overenrollment. State meets this need through a Overenrollment is a direct result of variety of extracurricular activities. P two things: admitting too many Examples are student publications, students and too many continuing Thompson Theatre, UAB committees, students — i.e., many students fail to student government, campus political graduate in four years. organizations, volunteer services, in- Overadmittance of incoming fresh— ternships, co-op programs and more. men has been a problem ever since In the process of enjoying these for wrong party our erstwhile chancellor decided to varied activities, students might find a Blacks voting increase State's enrollment last year. future career that has nothing to do This can be easily dealt with by simply with their declared major, leading to The New York Times has for the third from 82 percent to 70 percent, black cutting freshman enrollment. curriculum changes. Thus, students time now published a “Portrait of the loyalty to the Democrats during the same We feel the second problem is really may not graduate in four years. Electorate," a brilliantly conceived and wmuAMFf‘ period moved insignificantly (89 percent no problem at all. Another point: Many of the comprehensively imaginative study of to 86 percent). Moreover, black affiliation Apparently, the administration's aforementioned activities simply take a who voted for the Democrats. who for the BUCKLEY with the Democratic Party proved much ideal student enrolls in State knowing lot of time. Students devoted to these Republicans. An explanation informs us . stronger than any putative black affiliation precisely which curriculum to major activities generally cannot handle 18 that the possibility of error is given by for other blacks. in. piles up on the books at the rate of credit hours each semester. statisticians as not greater than plus or during the past eight years (from 49 This was made most starkly clear in 17-18 credit hours per semester and What happens when students don’t minus a single percentage point. One percent to 53 percent); by contrast. the Michigan, where the Republicans graduates on time in four years flat. hundred voting components are examr East has moved toward the GOP (from nominated a black (William Lucas) for take and pass 17-18 hours each ined, yielding a remarkable particularity of 35 percent to 48 percent). , governor who opposed a white Democrat- That’s obviously not the case. Nor semester? They dOii't graduate on response. a Democrats are least popular with ic incumbent (James Blanchard). The should it be. Students should come to time. Here are some of the poll‘s findings: white fundamentalists or evangelical white Democrat defeated the blagk State looking for more than a slip of Which isn't all that bad. — Women are more heavily Demo» Christians (31 percent). most popular with Republican by 69 percent to 31 percent. cratic (by 3 percent) than men. but the Jewish voters (70 percent). White Pro- Michigan black congressman John Con~ four-year trend favors the Republicans (by testants prefer the GOP (57 percent), yers denounced Lucas on the grounds Students should pay more four percent). Catholics the Democrats (55 percent). that he was black only on his birth — Among whites, Republicans heat w There is surprisingly little difference certificate, and —— get this — as much a Democrats just slightly (by 2 percent); but in party preference between the poor traitor to his people as those Judas Jews attention to arts in society the trend is Republican (by 5 percent). (under $12500, 56 percent Democratic), who “led their brothers and sisters into the and the rich (over $50,000, 47 percent ovens of the Holocaust." ' When the Office of .lhstihstional horizons. in the areas of the cultural — Blacks are overwhelmingly Demo- Democratic). But here there is quite Research released a study that shows arts. cratic (86 percent to 14 percent). though emphatic movement in the past four Running for mayor in Washington, that State students do not feel their The arts play an important role in the trend is ever so slightly Republican (by years: in the low income group, anti- DC, white Republican Carol Schwartz college education has improved their society. Not only are they entertaining 3percent). Democratic (from 73 percent Democratic tried quoting Martin Luther King: ”l want understanding of the arts, music and and pleasing to the eye, but they help — Hispanics are almost as heavily support to 56 percent support); in the to be aCcepted for the content of my drama, we were not surprised. people discover themselves. Democratic (75 percent to 25 percent). high income. pro-Democratic (from 37 character, not the color of my skin.“ Miss Through art, artists are trying to The trend shows no movement of any percent to 47 percent). Schwartz said she was counting on State just isn't the cultural mecca of sort. “sophisticated voting" among the United States, nor of North convey emotions and experiences; it is w The unemployed and gov- blacks in up to the observers to interpret the — The age of the voters matters very Washington. “You can be sure there will Carolina. message and apply it to their own eriimentemployed are heavily Democrat- be less voting for blacks for blacks’ sake," little, though the highest disparity is ic (63 percent. 62 percent). while she said. “They’re going to vote for the The mission of State lies in experiences. But if observers do not among 45-to-59-year~olds. who vote homemakers and professionals are exactly person who will do the best job." She lost, agricultural and technical disciplines, know how to view art, then the Democratic 54 percent to 46 percent; by split (50 percent to 50 percent). 61 percent to 33 percent. and State students should not be message is lost. And if the message is comparison, young people 18 to 29 vote Union households are Democratic lndeed, the black monolith is a factor of ashamed of their university’s purpose. lost, then both the artists and the Democratic, but only by a margin of 51 (03 percent to 37 percent). . critical consequence. Races in Alabama, These studies are crucial in this age. observers lose as well. percent to 49 percent. In every age Firsttime voters went (narrowly) North Carolina, Louisiana and California Students should be in college to grouping, the trend is Republican. most Republican (51 percent to 49 percent). would have gone Republican, as would learn more than their discipline; they‘ pronouncedly among the youngest voters ~- Married voters were more narrowly However, students should be (59 percent voted Democratic in 1982; 51 Democratic (51 percent) than unmarried the organization of the Senate, if the black ashamed of their own performance. should be here to improve themselves percent voted Democratic in 1986). vote had been even 20 percent more True, students should concentrate on culturally, to better their environment. voters (56 percent). Republican. The headline winner of the — On the whole, the more -.. Southern blacks are more over- their fields of study, but they must also And the human race has nothing education whelmingly Democratic than Eastern whole election was New York's Governor their better to offer than art. the voter has, the likelier he is to vote Mario Cuomo. The majority of white be concerned about broadening Republican, ranging from 57 percent to blacks (93 percent to 87 percent). voters, however narrowly (51 percent to 43 percent for non«high 'chool graduates ,_ One-third of Democrats approve of 49 percent), voted against him. Forum Policy to 51 percent to 49 percent for college Reagan (36 percent). while 64 percent of graduates. Republicans approve of him. Which certainly demonstrates that the TechnicianwelcomesForum letters. Theyarelikelytobeprintedifthey: Republicans have a whole lot to learn 0 dealWilh significant issues. breakingnewsorpublicinterest. The most solidly Democratic region The figures are all interesting, but about how to talk to black voters, and that 0 aretypedorprinted legiblyanddouble spaced. continues to be the South (56 percent to 9 are limited to300words, and probably in respect of blacks and Jews black voters have a whole lot to learn t aresignedwiththe writer’saddress. phone numberand. iithewriterisa student. hisclassificationandcurriculum. 3“,: 44 percent); the least. the West (51 they are most interesting. even if they are about what is best for them. Technician reserves the right not to publish any letter which does not comply with the above rules or which is W percent to 49 percent). Only the Midwest dismaying. Whereas in four years Jewish inappropriateforprintingbytheeditorinchief Letters are subject to editing for styls. brevity and taste. In nocase willthe writer be informed before that his / hattom has moved in the Democratic direction enthusiasm for the Democrats reduced Univcisal Press Syndicate beeneditedforprinting e TechniCIon will withhold an author’s name only it failure to do so would result in clear and present danger to the wrong,. Rare exceptionstothispolicywillbe madeatthediscretionoftheoditorinchief. l, All letters become the property of Technician and willnot be returned tothe author. Letters should ba brought byW Forum Center Suite 3120 or mollod to Technician. Lam to the Editor. P O. Betti 8608 University Station. W NC 27f)”5-80l18 All of Africa is bad, And how bad is it for blacks in South Africa? approach any problem and solve it. St. Clair f... Qiiite had really. but South Africa harbors seems to think that a substitution for courses 3.000.000 blink refugees from Mozambique not used after graduation is acceptable. There not just South Africa rtllil Angola and more than 2,000,000 foreign will be some concepts learned in college which After reading that the Student Senate black worker‘s Perhaps ll is time we realize that will have little application after graduation, but 80$NortgmlluStatsUnimm’tysilicarm . . supports divestiture in South All‘lt'rt. l fwl I H'uiitli Alllt’rt may not be as bad as we think there are just enough courses in most technical EditorInChiat a ,1 should say out loud what I have only heard lll rillil always was a trustworthy ally and that just majors to give the well roundedness one needs John Austin ._ , private but nobody dares to say in public. lllt'l'l‘ .i fl'\k' decades ago apartheid was normal in to claim a technical degree from State. Lack of ManagingEditor is an extreme bias against South Africa This is North Carolina a daily use for Schroedinger's wave equation. - Mark Bumgardnar my point. What is bad about South Africa" for example. does not make it dispensible in a Naws Editors...... Dwuan June Advertising Apartheid What is bad about apartheid" ll is Robert Durieux physics curriculum. JooGalamaau Gonaral Hangar...... Biil Tourtoiiot ;- undemocratic. GR AG Knowledge of many different fields, includ- Asst. NamEditor...... PaulWoolvarton Salsa...... Choryt Zorot. Karon Now. according to my kiiowlvrlge llll'lt‘ ‘i\ ing ethics, is important, but a thorough Opinion Editor...... MichoolHughes TimEllington. BruceBataatini, DavinStool. not a single democracy in Altlt'rl Reflect on Technical courses knowledge of one's own field is essential. FoaturaEditor...... Jatt Cherry Ad. ProductionIanogor...... KaronHolland that After removrng the undemocratic min Entartainmant Editor...... JoeCorey Asst. Manager...... LisaKoonta are not dispensable Sports Editor...... Tirn Poster Doalgnors...... Julio York. Kori May nialistic Portuguese regime in Angola. we now Berry Credle Asst. Sports Editor...... Katrina Waugh Mike Braden,JodieZuncich. LisaCook see a true democratic communist li.'i_lllltL'. JR EE tntrarnurala Editors...... Kris Ford, Mac Harris TrevorHawkins.Jim Buyhltzin/ supported by 15 per cent of the Angolan l \Uiulll lllxi’ lvi address several ISSUES in Allen Photography Editor...... Scott Rivanbarlt CiaaaitladsMgr...... AngolaGantry - population and 15.000 Cuban troops Ail-iii St (‘liiir'x lipillliill column appearing in the Quote of the Day Asst. PhotoEditor...... Marc Kawanishl Production we glad we pressured the Portuguese in lean NH“. ll} «‘tlllliill (if Technician. St Clair Graphics Editor...... Ed Thomas Managar...... Andraw inman And aren't we proud We removed Ian Smith iiiipliwl that Sititv does not encourage its . Aaat. Graphics Editor...... Mark tnman Asst. Managar...... MelissaClifton and prowded Zimbabwe uith a true democrat \. students “to t‘.\[‘il4ilt' their interests and to The logic of all this seems to be that l Copy Editor...... Suzie Tutza Layout Artists...... Tom Olson where Robert Mugabe is presiilvut lot lilI.‘ and follow llli’il \‘lt‘rllHt’ instincts " l find the it is all light for young people in a l Asst. Copy Editor...... Brian Brauns Michele Schramm, DalaThompoon actively supporting the «tiling mmiuuiiist i'ilill.1l'\.' in be ti tie democracy to learn about any civiliza» 3 Sacratary...... Dana Kiotter DaveMoore. Mika Edgar. PaigaHarris regime in Mozambique (another "lilwititlnl" State has cultuinl activities which rival even i Senior Editor...... Bob Road Prootraodors...... Ern Georg, Todd Look country) With 1500 paratroopers‘ The llxl lllL‘ "liberal arts" colleges The musrc depart tion or social theory that is not l Asaoclata Editor...... BruceWinkworth Margaret Hale. Wanda Honoycutt. Tonya Purser continues iiiciit. l‘liompsiiii Theatre. the Craft Center. dangerous, but that they should Consultant...... Dwayne Waits SarvlcaEnginoars...... Jay Ennis. Bill Hansiay SO why the cxrtlvment about \nuili t‘\fllt .i’ intramural split'l-i, student government. the remain entirely ignorant of any civiliza- l Unlooa otharwioo indicatod. the opinions OW in "to oditoriois. oditorlal cartoona m oolum Because ll tonccriis whites against blot ks (if llllliill riituitius Board. professional socreties, tion or social theory that might be appoaring in TOChnIClflfl do not nacooaarily rotiact tho vlowpolnt at tho Univorsity's Studont Govormnont. course lhl\ is terrible, but in many Illlll i». ii is \Hldrll tillil liniioiary fraternities and sororities dangerous on the ground that what administration. tacutty or start. Opinions osmaaad In tho columns and oartooru oi Technician odttoriat worse, only ll'it‘l’t.‘ ll (Uttll‘rns \K'llllt'\ iivitiitisi till' lust (I luv. of the ways students can further pagaa ara tho vlowa of tho individual columnists and cartoonists. Tho mortals that app“!on whites (Poland) or blacks rig-tilt‘l lilili lts llli‘ll i'iiliurtil Ilt'K't'lliplnL’lll you don't know can't hurt you . . . a thoistt arathoopinionofTechnicianandonthoraaponaibllityofthoEditorinChiot. (Africa) so we don‘t pay illli’lilliill lli :i (1m i‘lillllil llll’ number of technical courses. complete denial of the democratic Technician (USPS 455-050) is tha otticlai studont nawspapor at North Carolina Btato Univaraity and is ti llrllllll‘. lrl-w l tluiil»; \t (‘ltiit tyill llll(l that a technical principle that the general diffusion of published ovary Monday. Wadnosday and Friday throughout tho acadornic yoor trorli August "trough lay America financially supports except during scheduled holiday and axornihation porioda. Summor publication is ovary Wadnoodoy from ZleU where massacres rm ill sit ltiillIlLIli-l tiny mum illli!li "llljill. \llillllll’\ the surface on :1 knowledge and learning through the May through August. Otttoaa ara ioootod in Suttos 3120-3121 oi tho Unlvoralty Studoht cm. Ooh i'ven the media avoid them 'lluw- llltli irinl 'il ‘iiwiri muggy ingui‘ As for “i l(l\\(’\ in narrow community is essential to the me Avonuo. Raioigh. N.C. 27007 Mailing addroaa is Don aaoa, flaloigh. N.C. areas-sacs. W coat st) l’i/m Huts are opened ill llti‘ (JSKH u lit i. w. .. 1'..:i tm. i.uiw iuinuj viii ltlw) future." $30 per year. Printod by Hinton Praaa the. Nations, N.c. POSTMASTER: Sand any oddrooa o'mgao to rotii‘i-nlrrttinri lamps are riuritml tut ’-ii' :rrt .i:-‘ ili“ i'llii‘tl ll» lunch prilWlt’nl seruation offree government. TI'L‘HHICIQH, Box 8608. Ralolgh, MO. 2705-0000. i. . in .ti‘ lllltl tirnrluiiti's can rliyi'stmi'iii 7 Carl Becker November 19 1986 / TechniCian / ODIHiOH / 9

Immigration reform bill

‘recipe for disaster”

WASHINGTON ,. For years. reform. because it threatens to ”immigration reform" was to His‘ simply regularize the influx, which panic leaders what ”law and WILLIAM iii any case will still have a order" used to be to the civil—rights negative economic impact on establishment: a white man's at- RASPBERRY Hispanic Citizens A straight sancr tempt to put a decent face on a tiotis provrsion. bereft of the racist policy. (J; iii Ill inDCrilttitiritat amnesty and farmrworker pro- 80 how does it happen that border and l have read the polls Visions. would have done the most much of the Hispanic leadership and the surveys. And what I find is good.“ and five of the 11 Hispanic that the rank and file Hispanic- Estrada. a former journalist, members of Congress supported Americans feel that they are historian and long-time student of AN the newly signed immigration bill. already being discriminated against immigration. sees the new legisla- essentially the same legislation that —- in favor of the illegal aliens. tion as “either the starting point of they had opposed for so long? Because of this. they tend to favor real immigration reform or poten- ‘ictpll The official explanation was employer sanctions provisions, tial immigration disaster." The offered by Rep. Bill Richardson which are the key to the legislai key. he says. is enforcement of the (D-N.M.), who called the bill tion. sanctions provisions. “better than nothing." adding that “You can justifiably argue that It is a crumal point Law he saw it as “the last gasp for there is a near‘unanimous concern enforcettietit of sanctions would legalization (of longtime illegal about the negative impact of create the worst of possibilities: a immigrants) to take place in a sanctions among Hispanic liberal amnesty. a generous 92?(CC‘Ir< humane way." advocates, but that in no way farm worker program and con- Richard Estrada has a shorter contradicts the fact that most tinued undercutting of low-level answer: “They were reined in by Hispanic—Americans are not con- American workers In short, a the economic realities." cerned with potential discriminae recipe for disaster Estrada, a fellow at the Center tion rising from the sanctions but for Immigration Studies, is of the with the negative labor-market KM. II‘II'VI‘IIII'll\I\kIlIllIN(1r'lllIl opinion that the Hispanic leader— impact of massive illegal immigra ship finally caught up to where tion." rank—andfile Hispanic-American Estrada, a 36«year—old sec workers have long been. end-generation American (his THE CUTTING EDGE cw.Pm\cytut,Moontroll.nnd The leadership's concern had grandparents were born in Mex, Worn.A .may.. L. M. Conant been with the prospect of ico), thinks that two provisions ABORTIONS up TO designed to make the bill more Welcomes Barbara Woodall 53“.call ”2-0635out at(tau-Onounto.in1100-5324303}m moo-”23 generalized anti—Hispanic discrimi- and former clients minimum-59m . 1er WEEK or nation resulting from employer palatable in fact make it weaker: PREGNANCY , sanctions, the bill’s key provision. the “grandfathering” of illegals $2.00 off Haircut-guys & gals Their often~expressed fear was who were in the country before $10.00 off Bodywave Jan. 1, 1982, and a special 22:65.. “Gan'in‘c” that making employers criminally exception for temporary farm appointment or walk in $32532 liable for knowingly hiring illegal ONE BLOCK FROM CAMPUS tam-99'" aliens might make them reluctant workers. Sat8am-3pm W——— —“—“ '" HEALT to hire any Hispanic. "Those two provisions make it a 2906 Hillsborough St. twpin-sl I/Iill/Kli “The black leadership reacted very schizophrenic. very am across from Hardees ”"““’°‘ 917 W. Morgan Street 832-0535 the same way," Estrada said. bivalent attempt at immigration “Remember at the 1984 Demo- cratic Convention, the Hispanic leadership humiliated Mondale into toeing the line on the issue. Jesse Jackson came out against immigration reform, as a corollary to his Rainbow Coalition. What happened this time is that the Take Us To rather unrepresentative views of the black and Hispanic leadership underwent a shift; they were reined in by the economic realities of the last couple of years." Those realities, .says Estrada, include the fact that, in the areas The Game! of the country most affected by illegal immigration, Hispanic- American workers were less wor- ried about new discrimination than about a flood of new workers willing to work for artificially low wages. Buckets of Chicken ”I have talked to many His- panicAmericans in particular along the MexicanAmerican Adefense 10 piece bucket 15 piece bucket 20 piece bucket against cancer can be cooked up in your kitchen. 49 There is evidence / -. that dict .ttid (ancer are related. Some foods may promote cancer,whilc others may---” protect you from it. Foods related to low- ering the risk of cancer PEPSI of the laran and esopli‘ 79¢ agtis all have high amounts of carotene, a DT PEPSI 2 LTR. LAYS MOLSON form of Vitamin A which is in canta. POTATO lotipes, peaches, liroe DEW GOLDEN $6.49 coli, spinach, all dark MT green leafy vegeta liles, sweet potatoes, CHIPS ALE 12/12 oz NRS e..trrot.~ pumpkin PEPSI FREE \\inter squtsli. and tomitoes (itrtis lttiits ind hrtisstls sprouts l‘oods that ”HIV help reduce the risk ol )4;istrointestinti and respira- From Our Deli! it)l\ ti;tct canier are c:zillhlgt' littiteoli lirussels sprouts kolil talii cll’llll()\\('l' Potato Salad. Fruits \egetthles and whole- gttin tettils such asoat Salad, { tneal lit:tti arid vihcat Macaroni mi} help lovitt the risk of eoloreetal or Cole Slaw ...... lb99“ cancer. " IN rods high in tats, I . ,. salt or nitrite cured fig ‘9 g .94" It )( ids such a.» ltattt, I I and lish and types of sausages \lllt ikcd hi traditional lllt'llit ills ‘xlll )llltl be eaten in mt itieratit lll lie moderate in t oiistiniption t )I alt ( lllt il :tlsi i st trot id rule t )l thumb is cut Party Tray’5 - Various Assortments $19.50 & up down on lat and don I lie tat. weight reduction Call Ahead 8 Your Order Will Be Ready! lll;l\ lir\\<‘l LJIH cr t'islx Hut 1: \(‘.ll' ‘~llltl\ «it lit .tll\ .i iiiillioti \tiicttciiis llllitl\(‘l'('l_l high Hwy. 70 E-401 S. at l .tti« ct risks [with lll.|ll\ .lllt itii§tictiiil< tumor iiitiit ii\(‘l\\t'|),{ll[ FARM FRESH Tryon Hills, Garner Mm. liltlll'llIJlll w‘l \H.‘ know \'4 in i .III t til|l\ up unit t)\\ll\l('lt'll\( .l'tLJIII‘inJliit'l \ii Jones Rd., (”,il lit .Illll'x .ttitl ltt'ltt'Jllll» 1300 Buck ltiilh tau ~ lllt . all M Cary warm CANCER sooenr ‘ttum-‘1‘.‘ 1 OINovomber 19. 1986 / Technician / Classmeds

Crier AEROBICS CLUB fIRST ANNIIAI AWARDS. ' ‘tmii the IInrvetsrty Student Center to manage Iile stresses Facilitated by Di Annette RANOIIEI Tues Nov 7'), 700 pm :lIi.’ I IIIIIII' 1 .w"t ;,,1 ' Anionic: Demonstration noon speamng German, please come' welcome! Call 834 I875 by noon for reservations fourth IIOOI of the Student Center at North Broadwell (Counselingl and Dr Marianne Turnbull , IF YOU IDVE THE OUTDOORS The NCSU Outing A program wrll follow Carolina State IInrversrty The forum is sponsored Walnut Rm Members $300 and ttpii fart-ti: "1- I‘ll-U”! Will have Dr Robert Patterson IStudent Health Servrcel Please call 737 2563 Dr Club does it all backpacking, whitewater sports, by the Prosbyterian Unrversny Ministry AdmtSSIon '3‘Off limited.eatirirta1ail,‘tgn ,; .. ;,' ,Zlill , Ii‘t.tItI I‘tflfltlf and How We Can Help Turnbull for further information andt‘ot climbing, hang gliding Beginner oriented, and we NC STATE SNOW SKI CLUB meeting Wednesday isfree Attention' EMT: toJoe 71”" hit ;,Itl""ll'I' A "r at / pm in the Design School apporntment BEFORE DECEMBER I Applicants Will hold kayaking and backpacking CIITIICS biweekly Nov I9 at 730 pm in Rm 2037 Carmichael va SENIORS STIII IOOKING FOR A .JOB7 Attend a interested in emergency medicivt ,,ir3 ‘i"' ,,,-;' be taken on a first come baSis pm in Info on trips to KILLINGTON, VT, and JACKSON NCSU Trained Emergency Mediial Iii", Meetings are every WEDNESDAY night, 7 HOLE, Wyoming, plus ski team and discount info workshop sponsored by Career Planning and iIIJ-itt/AIII IIII‘CATION TFXTIIF MAJORS EVERYTHING YOU HAVE ALWAYS WANTED TO 2036 Carmichael Gym All abflities welcome'! Placement "Continuing Your Job Search" Will be looking for people who like t-r It’ll, mm; l-wiww. 1t itilr tor the spring semester KNOW ABOUT HOW TO OUIT SMOKING You are Interested tn an MBA7 Babcock School of offered 2 times next week No Sign up necessary experience necessary h/ilifrllftqfi "1 ‘nrrzlliwi1 employers Allied, Burlington not committed to gun by coming you are only Management Will be on campus Thurs Nov 20, N CSU IStateI Gay/Lesbian Community for Wed Nov l0, 330E100, Hm 10, F'llddlck. Repeated pm ”1406 Mann Hall I,I1!llI t, E: Ailmari, Cqu, International saying you want to learn about how to pool I5 pm, Rm 05 Patterson. No Sign up necessary. counseling, peer support, socrals, and informational Thurs Nov 20, 5.30 700, Rm 221 I, Broughton Attention Canadians! A ’J'Utllrf '.rti-1t--r:i'tt'-1' "-1tli- »'-:'.'ia":1tit1r., Kendall, National Spinning, Members who attend erI have a chaice to Call Carol Schroeder, x2396 for more information servrces Write us at PO Box 33518, Raleigh, NC, SKYDIVING "U8 meeting this Thursday, Nov meeting erI be held for a Ila'tartiat- I.Iil. |fifllr’ truly Mount Undergarment ON continue their attempts at quitting by JOInll’Iq a 27606 or call 829 I202 III, at 730 In Trtittt Auditorium of Broughton Hall Ihiirsday. Nov 7Oal8l‘1irt the Hermit: "r ‘M‘I‘L', INHVIIWS include Allied on Nov 20 supporteducational group formed from those Medical Technology Maiors! There Will be a NCSU Economics and Busrness Society Next Tshirts are inI For more information call Fran Student Center 1.1 liII‘iIdU IIIITI ',;,-.,-t.~ " 1 .1 wt’.:'.IIII on Nov To srgn up, attending the two hour program "Only If You meeting on Nov 24 at 7:00 in 3533 Gardner Hall meeting Will be on Wed Nov 19 at 6:30 in link 85I2I4/ Alexander Hall 737 E12‘i7 It«IAMI M link, or phone 7377199 Choose To!" Please attend and see what you of the Medical Technology Club. Guest speaker E3107. Speaker erI be Mr Lilly, a senior vrce ATTN GAY AND IISBIAN SIIIDINI'; II’II: lie/1 1'1'tIItII'Iit till;IATIDN ORIENTATION SCHEO think Tues, Nov 25, 4.30 5‘30, 4th floor of the refreshments served Open to everyone. preSident at CPOL. Topic is careers in Corporate The USA Lectures Committee wrll meet Thursday Gay and Lesbian Association ICA. At wilt ts- LII MI ‘iIlVI MRI R Thurs 13, Wed l9, Wed Student Health Servrce MICROBIOLOGY MAJORS There Will be a Finance. Nominations fc' vice presrdent erI be at 2:30 pm in room 3114 of the Student Center. meettng soon for time and plate write ’0'». gt {.0 ,-II"'51III1'I') are held in G ITO link, 4 pm FRENCH CLUB meeting Thurs. Nov 20 at 4:30 in Microbiology Club meeting on Nov, 25 at 7-00 pm taken. Hope to see you there! "Thresholds The decrsronslbarriers to overcome in “AI A, 801 3365?, Raleigh, NI, L’t'fiflti 11' '1tr gtr, ‘illl tilt'.Il|fIII"1 available for the spring IQII Bldg. Faculty Lounge Therese Freeman erI to ISM CA. Dr. Upchurch erI be the speaker, Pre Veterinary Students: Need help With your our daily lives!" an ongorng Thursday night Bible 819828 5663 .w'tr xii-i It 'ltllffiliill students should apply speak about French holidays Refreshments include talking on the "Control of Plant Disease by application for veterinary school? Come to the Study led by the Chaplains at the Baptist Student Rachy pnpuTaT—dernandTWIOr‘TiIIP ”tell trim "I‘l/‘IIIIAIIII’ crepes, Everyone welcome. Bacteria." Everyone is welcome. Student Center North Lobby on Thurs. afternoons Union Iacross from the D II HiIl Libraryl Thursday, your body fat calculated, height, weintt, ‘ith ' '.'.-1'1i,-'1.1I Support Group for women wrth BINGE GERMAN STAMMTISCH Tuesdays, I21, Faculty Monday Night Supper ISIJSI at 530 pm Come between 35, September It through December 4. Nov. 20, at 7:00 pm All are welcome! tested, posture analy/ed, bIriotI prrmurr- mit- I"‘Itf:f IAlll-ift BEHAVIOR The group Will be Lounge, Room 133, 1911 Burlding. Students, out and enloy the fellowship at the Baptist A representative from the School of Veterinary get nutrition and IIITIOSF; irilnrtitntirin Turn, It- ..~ 11‘ mt- lltl,’ IIIIII‘; on learning alternative skills and anyone else interested in Student Union on Monday, Nov. 24. All are Medicine Will be available to discuss pre veterinary faculty, staff, regurrements and procedures for, making appltca Lost and Found tions for fall I887. For appointments, please call Reward For Pentax IX 35 mm camera wrth flash. (Chateau Mime-1i: 829-4205 between 85, MonFri This camera was missrng the Saturday morning Raleigh SKI & OUTING CLUB Rev. Joe Mann of Duke DiViniry School wrll speak after on Avent Ferry Rd. If you have any on "THE METHODIST BISHOPS PEACE PASTO information about this missrng camera, give Devin presents Looking for a RAL" on Thursday a call at 839 0506 Thursday, Nov.20th Nov 20 at I230 noon on the ’x. 7:00 & 9:15pm Classifieds continued from page 5 DOOR PRIZE; SKI TRIP place to live FOR TWO T0 CRE’IHTH) BUTTE. COLORADO available for Spring Semester ’87. Apply now, ‘/1 COMPLIMENTS ()f' block to campus. Call 834-5180. Tutoring AMERICAN AIRLINES NEEDED FOR DEC. I - 2 female roommates to CRFLSTET) BUTTI. RESORT share spacrous 2 BR, 2 bath townhouse Good tutoring available in calculus, chemistry and apartment. Pool and tennis, $I35Imonth plus II3 DI'IYSICS. 828 0409 utilities. Call 847-3892. WAKEFIELD APARTMENTS Modern, equtpped tr * . kitchen, carpet, air conditioning, clubhouse, Job Opportunities exercrse and sauna rooms. Indoor pool. On the busline. Cable TV and H80 available, Phone COOPERATIVE EDUCATION-TEXTILE MAJORS: 832-3928EHO Positions are available for the spring semster with the followrng employers: Allied, Burlington Nov; 19 Walk to NCSU, spams 2 bedroom, 2 bath quad Industries, Collins Er Aikman, Culp, International oft Gorman St. Carpet, fireplace, all appliances Trade Administration, Kendall, National Spinning, plus washer/dryer, Will hold up to four students Milliken, Rocky Mount Undergarment. ON $485Imo. One month free rent. 821 1391, CAMPUS INTERVIEWS include Allied on Nov. 20 2 bedroom apanment. Carpeted. Stove, re and Burlington Industries on Nov. 25. To frigerator, drapes. 2 blocks NCSU. 787 4459 sign up, WESTGROVE TOWER see LINDA MALAMI, M 5 Link, or phone 737-2199. A Residential Condominium Raleigh, North Carolina ' NEW FULLY FURNISHED CONDOMINIUM UNITS Stanley ll. Kaplan ELEVEN-STORY BUILDING ' SALE AND RENTAL UNITS AVAILABLE The SMART MOVE! EFFICIENCIES, ONE AND TWO BEDROOM UNITS PFIEPARATION FOR ' PRICED FROM mam Craft Center ' ADIOINS NCSU CAMPUS (WESTERN BLVD. AT BELTLINE) MCATODATOCPA ' EXCLUSIVE DIRECT BUS SERVICE TO NCSU CLASSES Mon-Thur 9:30-9:00 2534 Chapel Hill BlvdSuite 112 ' ON-SI'I'E MANAGEMENT Friday 9:30-5:00 Durham. NC 27707 SECURITY PERSONNEL Sat 81 Sun 10:00-6200 919-489-2348489-8720 Mini Christmas Fair, Saturday, Nov. 22, ' CARPEI'ED AND AIR CONDITIONED W: 10am-5pm, at the Craft Center. .— FOR MORE INFORMATION. CALL [- Great opportunity to get ajump on all your mimosa-1 w) —I ‘ Christmas gift shopping! t (mtonmrmmmmmuct %\carom0'0.

InternationalStgdents What A Great Season! International World Issue Forum. Thursday Nov. 20. “Southeast Asia and the Enemy Beyond,7pm BUT IT ISN'T OVER YE'I' Craft Center Gallery Thompson Theatre Lower Level Disscussion led by Dr. Robert Tillman with a panel of international students. N.C. State Wolfpack All are Welcome! Football Excitement 1986 International Coffeehouse.featturing Greece exmwwwmu"'*uWWWwem.avno'smwAW»'1'*‘-11..-.'-.vaw1‘11-“M..w~s~-“,5-, Friday Nov. 21, 7. 30pm Student Center Walnut Room Film and Refreshments All welcome! FINAL HOME GAME

SATURDAY, NOV. 22, 12:15 PM. WWI;mmw. Black Students Board NC. STA TE WOIFPACK Keith Pringlcs and NCSU's New Horizons Choir Gospel Concert, V5. Wednesday. NovIQ, 8pm Stewart Theatre Admission. WESTERN CAROLINA CA TAMOUNTS

Movies STUBE"1' PICK-UP DA ‘I'ES Stewart Theatre Tuesday, Nov. 18, 6:00 am. until 4:00 p.m. front of Reynolds Coliseum Wednesday, Nov. 19, 8:30 until 4:00 mm of Reynolds Coliseum Ange/s with Dirty Faces, Thursday.Nov..20,8pin (Bogart Series]: Thursday, Nov. 20, 8:50 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. front of Reynolds Coliseum Spies Like Us, Friday,Nov.,21. 7.9 8 Itpm. Studentsmustshowpicture IDandcurrentiicsuregistration toplclrup tickets. Late Night Prize Giveaways at 11pm Showing! NCSU Students . . . make plans to attend the final home football game of 1986 . . . Alice in Wonderland, Saturday,Nov.,22. Ilam & 7pm. show head coach DICK Sheridan, his staff and the entire team how much you Desperately Seeking Susan, Saturday,Nov.,22, 9 & 11pm. Late Night Prize Giveaways at 11pm Showing! appreciate their fine season . . . let’s fill up Carter-Finley Stadium one more time this season and end the season With a bang!

Join The Fun! "earned "6(0wa "6(1wa .. . show CI solid sea 0‘ Erdahl Cloyd Classical Movie Series red . . show your hue "Wk COIOI‘S ("Id Wear Red. The Cruel Sea, Wednesday, Nov.,19, 8pm. The Seventh Voyage of Sinbad. Monday,Nov.,24,8pm. Come Show Your Spirit! Get caught up in Wolfpack Football Excitement 1986! FREE