Ellis Peters | 272 pages | 01 Feb 1996 | Little, Brown Book Group | 9780751517415 | English | London, United Kingdom The Rose Rent by Ellis Peters

By reason of the prolonged cold, which lingered far into April, and had scarcely mellowed when the month of May began, everything came laggard and reluctant that spring of The birds kept close about the roofs, finding warmer places to roost. The bees slept late, depleted their stores, and had to be fed, but neither was there any early burst of blossom for them to make fruitful. In the gardens there was no point in planting seed that would rot or be eaten in soil too chilly to engender life. The affairs of men, stricken with the The Rose Rent petrifying chill, seemed to have subsided into hibernation. Faction held its breath. King Stephen, after the first exhilaration of liberation from his prison, and the Easter journey north to draw together the frayed strings of his influence, had fallen ill in the south, so ill that the rumour of his death had spread throughout England, and his cousin and rival, the Empress Maud, had cautiously moved her headquarters to Oxford, and settled down there to wait patiently and vainly for him to make truth of rumour, which he stubbornly declined to do. He had still business to settle with the lady, and his constitution was more than a match for even The Rose Rent virulent fever. By the end of May he was The Rose Rent his way manfully back to health. By the early days The Rose Rent June the long sub-frost broke. The biting wind changed to a temperate breeze, the sun came out over the earth like a warm hand stroking, the seed stirred in the ground and put forth green blades, and a foam of flowers, all the more The Rose Rent for having been so long restrained, burst forth in gold and purple and white over garden and meadow. The belated sowing began in jubilant haste. And King Stephen, like a giant breaking loose from some crippling enchantment, surged out of his convalescence into vigorous action, and bearing down on the port of Wareham, the most easterly still available to his enemies, seized both town and castle with hardly a graze to show for it. Brother , preoccupied with his own narrower concerns, continued to survey the vegetable patch outside the wall of his herb-garden, digging an experimental toe into soil grown darker and kinder after a mild morning shower. Lucky the fruit-blossom held back until the bees began to wake up, but even so it will be a thin crop this year. Everything's four weeks behind, but the seasons have a way of catching up, somehow. Wareham, you were The Rose Rent What of Wareham? So Robert of Gloucester, who went out by that gate barely ten days earlier, has it slammed in his face now. Did I not tell you? The word came three days since. It seems there was a meeting back in April, in Devizes, between the empress The Rose Rent her brother, and they made it up between them that it was high time the lady's husband should pay a little heed to her affairs, and come over in person to help her get her hands on Stephen's crown. They sent envoys over to Normandy to meet with Geoffrey, but he sent back to The Rose Rent he was well disposed, no question, but the men sent out to him were unknown to him, name or reputation, and he would be uneasy in dealing The Rose Rent any but the Earl of Gloucester himself. If Robert will not come, says Geoffrey, no use sending me any other. Cadfael was momentarily distracted from his laggard crops. He feared to leave his sister to the loyalties of some who were all but ready to desert her after the Westminster shambles, and I doubt if he The Rose Rent any great hopes of getting anything out of the Count of Anjou. But yes, he let himself be persuaded. And he's sailed from Wareham, with less trouble than he'll have sailing back into the same port, now the king holds it. A good, fast move, that was. If he can but maintain it The Rose Rent Three days ago that was not even there. If the kale shot up like that I should be pricking the plants out by tomorrow. It's high time, there's more than one's work here in this season. What they'll offer me there's no knowing. Prior Robert has one or two among the younger ones he'd be glad to shuffle off his hands and into mine. Happily the ones he least approves tend to be those with more wit and spirit than the rest, not less. I may yet be lucky in my apprentice. He straightened his back, and stood looking out over the newly turned beds, and the pease-fields that sloped down to the Meole Brook, mentally casting an indulgent eye back over the most recent of his helpers here in the herbarium. Big, jaunty, comely Brother John, who had blundered into The Rose Rent cloister by mistake, and backed out of it, not without the connivance of friends, in Wales, to exchange the role of brother for that of husband and father; Brother Mark, entering here as an undersized and maltreated sixteen-year-old, shy and quiet, and grown The Rose Rent a clear, serene maturity of spirit that drew him away inevitably towards the priesthood. Cadfael still missed Brother The Rose Rent, attached now to the household chapel of the Bishop of Lichfield, and already a deacon. And after Mark, Brother Oswin, cheerful, confident and ham-fisted, gone now to do his year's service at the lazarhouse of Saint Giles at the edge of the town. What next, wondered Cadfael? Put a dozen young men into the same rusty black habits, shave their heads, fit them into a single horarium day after day and year after year, and still they will all be irremediably different, every one unique. Thank God! Why should they waste a simple, sweet saint like Rhun on you? He's made already, he came into the world made. You'll get the rough, the obdurate, the unstable to lick into shape. Not that it ever comes out the shape that was expected," he added, with a flashing grin and a slanted glance along his shoulder at his friend. He makes the candles for her himself, and borrows essences from me to scent them for her. No, Rhun will find his own duties, and no one will stand in his way. The Rose Rent and she between them will see to that. They crossed the little foot-bridge over the leat that fed the pools and the mill, and emerged into The Rose Rent rose garden. The trimmed bushes had made little growth as yet, but the first buds were swelling at last, the green sheaths parting to show a sliver of red or white. I'd begun to wonder whether the Widow Perle would get her rent on time this year, but if these are making up for lost time, so will her white ones be. A sad year, if there were no roses by the twenty-second day of June! Oh, yes, the Vestier girl! So it's due on the day of Saint Winifred's translation, is it? How many years is it now since she made the gift? One white rose from that bush in her old garden, to be delivered to her on the day of Saint Winifred's The Rose Rent. He died, and she miscarried. She could not bear to go on living, alone, in the house where they had been happy together. But it was because she valued it that she wanted it spent for God, not hoarded up with the rest of a property large enough to provide handsomely even without it for herself and all her kinsfolk and workfolk. It pays for the lighting and draping of Our Lady's altar the The Rose Rent year round. It's what she chose. But just the one link she kept—one rose a year. He was a very comely man, Edred Perle," said Cadfael, shaking his head mildly over the vulnerability of beauty, "I saw him pared away to the bone in a searing fever, and had no art to cool him. A man remembers that. So I have! Did ever you hear me say I'd forgotten any one of them? But a young, handsome man, shrivelled away before his time, before even his prime, and his girl left without even his child to keep him in mind A sad enough case, you'll allow. But after what she lost, I doubt if she'll look at a grey old skinflint like Godfrey Fuller, who's buried two wives already and made a profit out of both of them, and has his eye on a third fortune with the next. Or a fancy The Rose Rent fellow in The Rose Rent of an easy living! William Hynde's youngster, for one, if my gossips tell me truth. And the lad who's foreman of her own weavers is a very well-looking young man, and fancies his chance with her. Even her neighbour the saddler is looking for a wife, I'm told, and thinks she might very well do. Hugh burst into affectionate laughter, and clapped him boisterously on the shoulders as they emerged into the great court, and the quiet, purposeful bustle before Mass. I wish my own intelligencers knew half as much of what goes on. A pity your influence falls short of Normandy. I might get some inkling then of what Robert and Geoffrey are up to The Rose Rent. Though I think," he said, growing grave again as he turned back to his own preoccupations, "Geoffrey is far more The Rose Rent with getting possession of Normandy than with wasting his time on England. From all accounts he's making fast inroads there, he's not likely to draw off now. Far more like to inveigle Robert into helping him than offering much help to Robert. Well, we shall see if Robert can sway him. Are you coming The Rose Rent to Mass this morning? They should have been shearing before this, but they put it off for a while because of the cold. They'll be hard at it now. I'll leave Aline and Giles there for the summer. But I'll be back and forth, in case of need. Are you not ashamed? For I came, among other errands, to bid you to supper with us tonight, The Rose Rent we leave early in the morning. Abbot Radulfus has The Rose Rent his leave and blessing. Go, pray for fair weather and a smooth ride for us," said Hugh heartily, and gave his friend a vigorous shove towards the corner of the cloister and the south door of the church. It was purely by chance, or a symbol of that strange compulsion that brings the substance hard on the heels of the recollection, that the sparse company of worshippers in the parish part of the church at the monastic Mass that day should include the Widow Perle. There were always a few of the laity there on their knees beyond the parish altar, some who had missed their The Rose Rent Mass for varying reasons, some who were old and solitary and filled up their lonely time with supererogatory worship, some who had special pleas to make, and sought an extra opportunity of approaching grace. Some, even, who had other business in the Foregate, and welcomed a haven meantime for thought and quietness, which was the case of the Widow Perle. From his stall in the choir Brother Cadfael could just see the suave line of her head, shoulder and arm, beyond the bulk of the parish altar. It was strange that so quiet and unobtrusive a woman should nevertheless be so instantly recognisable even in this fragmentary The Rose Rent. It might have been the way she carried her straight and slender shoulders, or the great mass of her brown hair weighing down the The Rose Rent so reverently inclined over clasped hands, hidden from his sight by the altar. "Mystery!: Cadfael" The Rose Rent (TV Episode ) - IMDb

Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Other editions. Enlarge The Rose Rent. Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See The Rose Rent Problem? Details if other :. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. A late spring in brings dismay to the Abbey of Saint Peter and Saint Paul, for there may be no roses by June 22nd. On that day the young widow Perle must receive one white rose as rent for the house she has given to benefit the abbey or the contract is void. When nature finally complies, a pious monk is sent to pay the rent - and is found murdered beside the hacked ro A late spring in brings dismay to the Abbey of Saint Peter and Saint The Rose Rent, for there may be no roses by June 22nd. When nature finally complies, a pious monk is sent to pay the rent - and is found murdered beside the hacked rose-bush. The abbey's wise herbalist, Brother Cadfael, follows the trail of bloodied petals. He knows the lovely widow's dowry is far greater with her house included, and she will The Rose Rent wed again. But before Cadfael can ponder if a greedy suitor has done this dreadful deed, another crime is committed. Now the good monk must thread his way through a tangle more tortuous than the widow's thorny bushes -- or there will be more tears Get A Copy. Paperbackpages. Published November 1st by Mysterious Press first published More Details Original Title. Chronicles of Brother Cadfael Brother Cadfael. Other Editions Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of The Rose Rent book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about The Rose Rent The Rose Rent, please sign The Rose Rent. Lists with The Rose Rent Book. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 4. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Oct 10, HBalikov rated it it was amazing. I will not hide anything from you. This house is your gift, and truth is your due. But you must not take to yourself more than is customary from any godly gentlewoman in compassion for a young life taken untimely. No part of this stems from you, and no part of what must be done about it falls to your duty. She watched the death of her husband from disease and then lost their child to miscarriage several weeks later. Her family of clothiers was the The Rose Rent successful in . In her grief and wish to give up some of her worldly things she gave to the Abbey of St. Peter and Paul one of her properties that was in the town. Then comes a murder that affects the Abbey and her in ways never anticipated. This is one of the most poignant stories in the Cadfael series. She is a strong woman who has the intellect to consider issues both large and small. And all of this is again probed by the ever curious Cadfael whose compassion and insights The Rose Rent so interesting to follow. Even her good works conspired against her, even her generosity turned venomous, to poison her life. That is what makes this series so unique and has me hooked. Peters can weave a mystery but what she does best is to give us as full a picture as possible of context of that mystery. The characters are nuanced and they often have deep psychological or pathological elements. The sheaf of carded wool before her was russet-red. He knew his craft. The lengths of cloth he would finally get back for fulling had a clear, fast colour, and fetched good prices. Others worked in their own homes, and so did five other weavers about the town. The Vestiers were the biggest and best-known clothiers in Shrewsbury. Only the dyeing of the fleeces and fulling of the cloth were put out into the experienced hands of Godfrey Fuller, who had his dye-house and fulling-works and tenterground just down-river, under the wall of the castle. At this time of year the first fleeces of the clip had already been purchased and sorted, and sent to be dyed, and on this same day had been duly delivered in person by Godfrey. He had even worked occasionally with others of his trade in the founding of bells, but that was a very rare commission, and demanded travel to the site itself, The Rose Rent than having to transport the heavy bells after casting. Now all four were curled up like a litter of puppies on their hay mattresses in the little loft, fast asleep, and round the trestle table in the hall the elders could talk freely without disturbing them. And I will keep the door against the world until you see fit to go forth again. The crops, slower to take risks, might still be as much as a month late, but they would be lavish and clean, half their hereditary enemies chilled to death in April and May. No power or persuasion could The Rose Rent induced him to depart from the service of the saint who had healed him. What to Cadfael was still the serious burden and stumbling-block of obedience, Rhun embraced as a privilege, as happily as he accepted the sunlight on his The Rose Rent. View all 11 comments. Sep 02, Girl with her Head in a Book rated it really liked it Shelves: fictionchallengecrimemedieval. I have mentioned before that I am easily scared and gore really does The Rose Rent interest me in the slightest. Increasingly, modern crime fiction seems to concentrate on progressively baroque incidents that really put the offensive into criminal offense, all of it solved using high-powered technology and borderline supernatural forensic techniques. I am thinking here in particular of Criminal Minds, which my family enjoyed for the first two series but then the rising levels of sexual depravity put us off. Sophie Hannah wrote an Agatha The Rose Rent inspired Poirot story. More and more pieces of crime fiction are being set in the s or even earlier. Oddly though, this was the only story which I remember being adapted for television. I watched it aged roughly nine and tried to read it the book but gave up after only a few pages. The plot revolves around wealthy widow Judith Perle — still only twenty-five, The Rose Rent is mourning her husband who passed away four The Rose Rent previously, the grief of which caused her to miscarry a much-wanted baby. Mistress Perle has chosen to make a gift of the house she once shared with her husband to the abbey, requesting only one white rose a year as rent. However, with the deadline for the rent The Rose Rent, it appears that someone is very keen for the contract to be defaulted upon, with first the rose bush being attacked and then Mistress Perle herself going missing. Ellis Peters is a very gentle writer, the very sentences of her prose feel dainty. Each book introduces where we are The Rose Rent the Stephen- Matilda conflict before zooming in to the action in Shrewsbury. Although it may stretch credulity slightly that all these crimes could occur in such a relatively small town and that the person best-placed to investigate should be a monk who has sworn to a life in the cloister, but somehow it works. Cadfael, as regular readers of the series are aware, is no ordinary monk. He fought in the Crusades, knew the love of several good women, lived in the world and travelled it and finally, when he heard the call, he settled down to a life tending The Rose Rent herb garden. He is no innocent, he knows his stuff and he should never have been played onscreen by David Jacobi. Here he is called upon for life advice by the mournful Judith Perle, garden The Rose Rent by people interested in the rose bush and then also a bit of the standard crime scene investigation with a sideline in footprint analysis. The Rose Rent takes place around the festival marking the translation of St Winifred, patron saint of the Abbey. Ellis Peters may look sweet and prim in the photos, but she has such grace for her characters — there are few sins which she is unwilling to forgive and even the most culpable characters are generally explained as having been weak or foolish or having got themselves into situations which overwhelmed them. Nobody is ever wholly evil. There is a particular unhappiness at the core of The Rose Rent however, with a strong woman being got at by all sides because her unmarried state makes her an anomaly in a world governed by strict rules. Judith Perle is beholden to no man, she has neither husband nor father to order her but nobody is willing to let her be. Peters contrasts her life as yet The Rose Rent with that of Sister Magdalena The Rose Rent flourishes as a nun The Rose Rent thus hopes to expatiate her sin. On the other hand there is Niall the bronzemith, widower with a child who he has not the time to care for but who longs for a life with a greater softness. The The Rose Rent Rent is one of those editions of the series where Cadfael himself takes something of a back seat, stepping in only at crucial moments and The Rose Rent his tongue when he thinks it wise. For all that Cadfael may play by the social mores of medieval Britain, written by someone with borderline Victorian sensibilities, it is a pure comfort read. While An Excellent Mystery was a hymn to love The Rose Rent all its forms, I think that The Rose Rent was more about finding a way back to contentment, discovering a way and a place of being. There are few authors who write with such a holistic sense of kindness as Peters and as always, I finished The Rose Rent thinking that the world was a nicer place than I did before I started it. An almost melancholy book--one of the quietest of the series thus far. Young Judith Perle is still grieving for her husband, who died way too young and for the child she miscarried shortly after his death. The Rose Rent - Wikipedia

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