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Central Florida Future, Vol. 28 No. 35, January 25, 1996

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Recommended Citation "Central Florida Future, Vol. 28 No. 35, January 25, 1996" (1996). Central Florida Future. 1340. Aslronomy program to take off observatory

by JENNIFER LINDSTROM nity interested and excited aoout astronomy," Contributing writer Barlow said. Barlow has been working to strengthen The next Galileo could make an excit­ the astronomy division of the physics depart­ ing discovery in the new UCF Robinson ment since December, when she joined the Observatory - and the next Carl Sagan could UCF faculty. She is a professional astronomer be a student sitting in an astronomy class right ·and previously worked at the Johnson Space now. Center in Houston, Texas. Barlow's experi­ After two years of production, the ob- ence includes galaxy and cornet data research. servatory, located on Neptune Road just be- The opening of the UCF-RO is a corn­ yond the UCF police station, is nearly corn- bined effort from both the university and the plete. .Central Florida Astronomical Society. The The new observatory will be a place Schrnidt-CassegrainTelescopeinsidetheUCF where people win get a chance to view stars observatory was found in a storage room at and planets from a large telescope. The site the University of Florida by the CFLAS. was chosen due to its isolation from campus The telescope has a 26 inch (diameter) lights because darkness makes visibility of lensandisatwinoftheonecurrentlyintheUF the stars much clearer. observatory. Most colleges in the state of The grand opening of the observatory Fforida have 14 inch lens telescopes. is set for Jan. 26. The facility will be acces- ' Dependingonatrnosphericconditions, sible to UCF students, faculty and members the new UCF telescope will be able to view of ihe community. galaxies, planets and nebula clearly in the east According to UCF astronomy profes- direction. However, celestial objects in the sor Dr: Nadine Barlow, the addition to the west will be more difficult to observe due to university is just the beginning of many plans Orlando city lights. to make the astronomy and physics program , Theobservatory'ssetupincludesasrnall even stronger. lecture room and~ computer and storage area photo/STRODE 1'The observatory is an excellent way The new Robinson Observatory sits near the UCF police stati_on and o~ns _ to get studen~and members of •-cornrnu• see OBSERVATO~Y, page 3 Jan. 26. It houses the largest-mirror of any Florida university telescope. Opposition meets proposal to sack SG Mac lab ·

·) of thing." by JUDYTH B4KER do to switch over to IBM." _' 'The SG Mac Lab recently added Contributing writer "He's not the only one," said Sem Shannon Martin . ."Some of us have years of eight new machines," said Shawn Stafford, an '1 never meant this to become an work tied up in Macs." Between noon and I anthropology major who works in the SG emotional issue." p.rn. Monday, as news of the "Sack the Macs" Mac Lab. "It took over a year to get these These words are Kevin Koenig's. proposal traveled from student to student things. They were actually ordered by an The Student Government senator has pro­ across campus, Kevin Koenig and John Turner earlier administration. They cost a couple posed a hard look at the high cost of running stood outside the lab explaining what their grand apiece." the popular SG Mac Lab. goals cqncerning computer facilities run by "Should anybody even think about "If it's economically unwise, then Student Government were meant to accom­ scr~pping the Macs and purchasing 21 more we shouldn't have the Mac Lab," he said. "I plish . . IBM stations?" Martin asked. "How long got the idea when we were going through the would it take to make that economically fea­ sible?" . ' budget last Sunday. We saw a purchase order ~ ''This is something that shouldn't ) for $700 -$800 of software duplicating what ... .--...... our IBM's use. I asked the question: Why (1 """""""""'" __ __ get out of proportion," Koenig repeated. "We should we buy two of everything?" haven't even made the proposal to the Budget .. Committee yet. We just want to try to save Koenig and Sen. John Turner vis­ ® = @ some money." ited the SG Mac Lab Monday afternoon ')ust ' """"" "'" '"""'"""""':' . to get an idea how students felt about this lab." . "We'd puy the equipment and pro­ : . grams for IBM to make all the Mac users '1'11 tel~ you how I feel," journalism ' : : happy," Turner stressed. "We want every­ student Alisa Huffsteler said. "I don't like it. ·::· ············· ·: ·· ·· ······ D. ' Some programs available on Mac are not body to be happy. That's why we' ve set up the available on IBM systems." labs in the first place. We would never cancel Greg Ferguson, SG Mac Lab em­ anyone's accounts, either." ployee and anthropology student, observed The University-sponsored IBM that "the atmosphere is different in an IBM ~~~~~::;;;;;;;;;;:;;;J computer labs suddenly shut down student lab." accounts early this year, forcing ac­ ''It's anal retentive in an IBM lab," a "It isn't economically wise to buy tive users to rebuild all their files when they graduate student offered. "Your typical IBM two sets of software for two different kinds of returned after Christmas. user is a math whiz or computer science major computers," Turner said. "I lost 28 messages and addresses," who hogs the machines all day and screams if ''It was basically my idea," Koenig one student complained. "I can't even begin anybody makes any noise. The Mac labs are interjected. "We'll simply be bringing up an to tell you how much stuff I lost when they simply more user-friendly and attract friendly idea to cut costs to the Budget Committee on cancelled my Pegasus account-and without users," said a student who wished to re~ain Sunday. Maybe we can get sight licenses notic~," said a graduate student. unnamed. instead, for example. I don't want this thing 'We would never do that," Koenig Doug O'Brien, SG Mac lab man­ ' blown up out of proportion. If we close down echoed Turner. "That is exactly why SG has ager, ·noted that 14I'd have a lot of learning to ,the Mac labs, it would be a phasing-out kind see 114'C, page 31

News 1 Opinion 6-7 Classifieds 5 Features 8-11 1 .. Our filmboy mes ahd a dead man walks. 2 • The Central Florida Future •Jan. 25, 1996

V·/ant your club or organization to Organization Highlight be featured r1ere? Better fa~~: us Campus Crusade for Christ 200 ··1·1or1js on it .. attn. ne··.·vs e1ji tor by TSCHAN MORRIS Many of these projects take place Contributing writer in cities such as: New York, Los Ange­ les, Chicago, Denver, Minneapolis, and Looking to get involved on cam­ Louisville. Students will visit various .aliz . pus in the New Year, but still wonder­ homeless shelters to help feed the hun­ ..,.i•• e·spea . em . ing how? UCF offers a variety of op­ gry, have the chance to talk with ex­ portunities to its students. gang members and prostitutes, as well • Some of these opportunities lay as work in youth development pro­ lawyers who care.about in the various Campus Ministries. One grams. of these ministries is. Campus Crusade In the youth programs, students • helping others••• for Christ. will have the opportunity to tutor chil­ Campus Crusade is an interde­ dren in their studies, help with emo­ <>- St. Thomas is committed to developing the nominational Christian organization, tional and social development and take intellecruaJ, spiritual, and ethical values of its futUre whose purpose is to give each student inner city kids back-packing on the mountains. lawyers the opportunity to hear about how to have a relationship with God and how These are just some of the ways in {>- St ..Thomas 1 low student-to-faculty ratio aJlows for to grow in that relationship. which Campus Crusade for Christ tries personalized the guidance from faculty Campus Crusade also offers a va­ to give students the chance to help the v -:he :-Oouse of Detegaces oi :ne Amer.c:ui "Boxes of Love" (food from a local communities, its real emphasis is on 3ar Assoc:acon on ~on.rary i 4. 1995. · organization). the campus. One of the main points the r------1 Aaron Reynolds, a student who Crusade wants to share with students Please send information about St. Thomas University School of Law I attended, said "The only thing in life on campus, according to staff member I . . UCF I Entrance Date: Fall 199 _ I worthwhile ·is influencing others for Brent Jordan, is, "to be real, we want God." Other opportunities open to stu­ students to -be able to come to us and • I N~ I dents are summer projects and intern­ get real answers to real problems. We I Address I ships. believe Christ has the only real an­ Inner city projects are summer swers." · r City State Zip : projects where a group of students will · So, for those of you students who have the chance to work side by side are still looking for the "Campus Life" I Daytime Phone No. , . _J with local churches and mission groups come to Real Life with Campus Cru­ L------~---- to meet the physical needs in the com­ sade for ·Christ. Call I 800 236 7268 munity. for details. •

• ..

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• Jan. 25, 1996 •The Central Florida Future • 3 Internet Access Special for students, faculty, staff, a lumni, and their families $12.00 for 50 hours/mo. $14.95 for 100 hours/mo. Greek 28.8Kbps V34 dial-up to the World Wide Web • FREE Software • FREE Hot List • FREE first time on-line access assistance Call GDI Today at 841-3690 or 1-800-9292-GDI

portantly, however, is maintaining by LESLIE ADAMS .679-5144. 679-6787 Greek Columnist interfraternal relations. In an effort to achieve this Complete line 15% Discount to O.K., we've mastered the art of goal, weekly meetings are held to bring of Fresh: Silks, all students & identifying Greeks by their letters. But members of each chapter together to Plants, Fl~~~r~; i ~ i ~}~~~-':with l.D. can we identify a member of IFC, NPC, discuss the general business of Greek orNPHC? life at UCF. Heading these meetings is .· ..··.·:·:·-· ';,-~ ..~ -·~·.. --.·.··.·· .. For those of you who are pon­ the coordinator of Greek Affairs, Greg dering the thought that IFC is a new Mason, and his graduate assistant, Meg ,,-- .CAScADES ... football conference, or that NPHC is the Manning. abbreviated name for an Israeli peace · In speaking with Mason and : : :l[ \. A Service Florist :·· Full ~ treaty, you're wrong. IFC, NPC, and Manning, several advantages of IFC, All maJor Credit Cards excepted NPHC are the abbreviated terms for In­ NPC, and NPHC were mentioned. terfraterni ty Council, National First, students who hold of­ Wire service to ALL parts of the country Panhellenic Council, and National Pan­ fices in-these organizations are better Valentin~s Day February 1 4th Hellenic Council, respectively. prepared for the real world, because 75 years. combined design experience So now that we know what the the idea of team work is instituted. 10069 Un ~ versity Blvd.• Orlando, FL 32817 letters represent, what are they, and who Second, leadership opportu­ . (on the corner of Deal'! & University, in the Publix shopping plaza) belongs to them? nities are made available, therefore "IFC is the governing body for affording students with the opportu­ all men's social fraternities chartered by _nity to enhance their leadership skills H War.n·er the University," as stated in the constitu­ by leading a large organization. :! ~ tion. IFC functions under the advisement Finally, it expands cultural of Student Affairs. All of the members of awareness by exposing its members to

the 13 fraternities at UCF belong to IFC. numerous ethnicities which are found .I'll :::: The members of NPC include in our culturally diverse Greek Sys- all of the womens' fraternities. NPC fos­ tern. ·qll Warner Bros. is. gearing up for the opening of its newest Studio Store at the Seminole Towne Center in Sanford! If you're looking for a fun ters interfraternity relations; assists col­ Finally, the main objective ii way to earn money and make new friends, stop by our: legiate chapters, and cooperates with uni­ Of these three bodies is to maintain ~ versities in maintaining the highest scho­ a positive Greek community. This JOB --FAI R lastic and social standards. can be achieved by increasing group WED., JANUARY nu, 10 A.M. -7 P.M. NPHC is the organization which interaction through events such as (OURTYARD BY MARRIOTJ" . governs traditionally black fraternities . Habitat for Humanity and seminars . 135 INTERNATIONAL PARKWAY and sororities. Its members are made up on hazing codes and alcohol poli­ HEATH ROW, FLORIDA of the eight existing affiliate groups and cies. -··--- On-the-spot interviews their local council. By focusing on the big picture, will be conducted for: Together these organizations rather than the letters one is wearing, we strive to assist colleges with educational can help improve interfraternal relations. • SALES ASSO(IATES and cultural objectives, serve as a stan­ Think about that -the m!xt time you • ASSISTANT MAt-IAGER dard-setting body for affiliate groups in ·classify someone as "Jane, from XYZ • ANIMATION ART GALLERY SUPERVISOR sorority.'.' Instead, acknowledge that the areas of rush, ,pledgeship, initiation If you are unable to join us, send your resume to: Warner Bros. and make recommendations to member he/she is a member of IFC, NPC, or Studio Store, Attn: Regional Human Resources Manager, organizations for legislation. Most im- NPHC. . l 1731 Fair Oaks, Space ) 216, Fairfax, VA 2'2033. Fax: (703 ) 691 -4645.

One Vision ... Many Voices. New observatory to /au~ astronomy program War.ner Bros . Studio Store is an Equal Opportunity Employer. We want from OBSERVATORY, page 1 is not offered·at UCF, Barlow intends to work on th.e development of ooth A Tune Worner Enttit>lnmmt C.., LP. TM l Q 1996 Wmier s,,,,., LOONEY lUNES, chmctm, nm1" >nd ~ I 1•h"d i{!clid1 '" tr:1donork< of W>mtr Bn><. 01996 for research. The telescope is located graduate and undergraduate degrees. you to in the upper level of the building. - -Independents~diesforstudents Research will play a primary enrolled in astronomy and physics role in the observatory. classes will be encouraged, but stu­ write for "It's important for the as­ dents will not be the only ones con­ tronomy classes to become.familiar ducting research. The CHAS plans with actually seeing the planets and to use. the observatory on weekends Pick ' ' us. a stars," ~arlow said. for p~jects, and future irivolvement NEW SUNDASH WOLF SYSTEMS She explained that when a per­ with NASA research is planned. son looks through a telescope, the The observatory will also section ideas and concepts of what exists out: serve ~ a learning center where Grand Opening Special side the earth become easier to under­ both area elementary and middle $10 off Full Set of Nails stand. school students will visit on field $39.95 1 month unlimited tanning and we'll ''It's bani for someone to real­ trips. ize how big the planets and galaxies We are.all excited to have this 1 free tan with full set of nails are without observing it for them- opportunity to get everyone involved let you selves," Barlow said. · and be able to enjoy the beauty of our 1011 LOCKWOOD BLVD. OVIEDO Although an astronomy major universe," Barlow said. 365-9755 write for -:.· it. Call ~ .. RECEIVE 10% DISCOUNT WITH VALID UCF l.D. ~ 823~8054 G R I L L G R I L L AMERICA'S VARIE1Y MENU r-- OPEN LATE ext. 27 r - FREEnROOZ & FruEs I FREEnRiNK & FruEs I I rJj,[41 ~ FREE iooz DRINK AND SMALL F-Rrns - I FREE 20oz DRINK AND SMALL FRIES a R I L L WITII PURCHASE OF OUR NEW G R I L L WITH PURCHASE OF GYRO I ~ask for CIDCKEN PHILLY SANDWICH 1-- OR CIDCKEN PITA. I AVAILABLE AT MIAMI SUBS G~ OF UCFI I AVAILABLE AT MIAMI SUBS GRILL OF UCFI Mike. MIAMI SUBS GRILL MIAMI SUBS GRILL I 12201 UNIVERSITY BLVD. I 12201 UNIVERSITY BLVD. I EXPlllES 3-lS-96 I EXPIRES 3-1 S-96 L ------NOT VAUD WITH ANY OTHFJt OFFEJl. LIMrr O'NE COUPON PF.It VISIT. ..I L -NOT VALID- WITH -ANY OTifFJt- OFFER.- UMIT- ONE COUPON-- PER VISIT. ...- 4 •The Central Florida Future •Jan. 25, 1996 Uyourclub CAMPUS CALENDAR •.JAN. 25 Lead Scholars: Leadership ororstanim­ The "Quotes" club will Week,Jan.29-Feb.2. meet at 4 p.m., Jan. 25, in V AB 213. The meeting -will The Cutting Edge Tour on fionhas feature sports promotion ex­ the SC Green. perts from the Citrus Sports V-UCFSpeaker: Stan Curtis Association, '96 Olympic on Hunger, 8 p.m., at the SCA. Soccer, the Solar Bears IHL •.TAN. 30 news that hockey, the Orlando Cubs TKL Comedy: Lynn. baseball and more. Trefgzer, 8 p.m., at the Student_ These organizations of­ Activity Center. pmplcneal fer internship · opportunities for students who are enrolled •.TAN. 31 Student Development Port­ in the Ad/PR communications folio meeting, SC Room 214, 3 track. tolmow p.m. The meeting is free and Volunteer Fair, 11 a.m.-2 all students are invited. p.m. "Quotes" members can par­ about, lcf us Cultural Music: Street ticipate in a drawing for a free Sounds, 8 p.m., at the SCA. lunch for the February meet­ ing of the Florida Public Re­ Parking costs to go up? COMING IN FEBRUARY lfnow.wc lations Association. For fur­ Black History Month ther information call Dr. Bob A letter from the SGA vice-president Davis at 823-2681. Speakers: Feb. 7, Lawrence Otis Graham, author of Member •.TAN. 27 Fellow Students: then explain it to the students in a mrc abouf of the Club. Feb. 13, Charles UCF Rugby Club vs. Uni­ As we all know, a parking manner that we should be able to Dutton, star from Roe TV show. versity of Miami, Intramural space on campus is alrea~y difficult understand. Please join me at this Comedy: Royale Watkins, Fields, 2 p.m. to come by. Yet, even though there meeting because this will affect all Feb. 20· you, wcrc­ .will be no great increase in the Volunte~r Week runs from of the students who park here at the Music: Feb. 2, Arturo Jan. 27-Feb. 3. For more infor­ amount ofparking spaces next year, main campus. Together, we can Sandovai" jazz concert. Feb. 28, mation, c-all 823-3318. the Traffic Advisory Committee is bring as many ideas as possible to Steel Band considering raising parking decal allydo. Violin . artist/teacher the committee chairper&on for an Films: Feb.. 4, Harlem Patrick Rafferty will perform at prices. alternate solution - then I would Nights; the 8 p:m.," at the Rehearsal Hall. The Parking and Traffic Ad­ like to bring i.t to the student body Feb. 8, The $hawshank Re­ •.TAN. 28 visory Committee is having a meet­ for some feedback. I am interested Cilll823- demption; ing this week, and I think we should ·Movie: Monty Python in hearing your concerns so that I Feb. 11, Guess Who's Com­ have as much student representa­ Night, 5 p.m. at the Student Ac­ can serve you better. I urge all stu­ ing to Dinner; tion as possible. The committee is tivity Center. dents to show up and voice opinions Feb. 14, A Walk in the considering making a recommen­ 8054 at. -n. at this meettng. Ifyou cannot make Final performance of A Clouds; dation of a decal fee increase for the the meeting,. but still have an opin­ Flea in Her Ear, Theatre UCF. . Feb. 18, The Autobiogra- construction of a second parking ion or solution to this issue, please •.TAN. 29 phy of Miss Jane Pittman; ACADEMIC garage. The meeting wlll be this call me at 823-2191 or e-mail: sga- Welcome Back Celebration. Feb. 21, Species; EXPLORATION Friday at 10:00 a.m. in the Engi­ \.'[email protected]. ' PROGRAM Motivational speaker, :Or. Dennis . Feb. 25, A Soldier-,s Story; . neering Building, Room 107. The Rahiim Watson will speak at 4 Feb. 28, .A Clockwork Or- committee wants to vote on the park­ Frank :X. Amoros p.m., at the SCA. ange. .. ~ ing decal increase this Friday and Stu~~I}t_Body Vice President

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The Central Florida Fµture Classified ·January 25, 1996

Tech Support - Part time. Flexible Accounting, Math, or Science Discount Spring Break '96 Club Info hours. Must have extensive Major 8 hrs per week to do books Colorado, Cancun, and Jamaica ·experience in PC/HW/SW, DOS for small business. Can pick Sun & Ski Travel 800-SUN- BUTOKUKAN CLUB Karate, and Windows based systems; working hours to fit your schedule. 0686 Aikido, Self Defense.Meets Mon. software applications: Will be trained to work on & Thu nites, Multipurpose room in Wordperlect 5.1, WP 6.0 for computer $5 per hour to start . Belly Dancing ~ns Education Building, COED. Windows, Excel, MS Access. 365-3648 Exercise your entire body while Beginners cJasses now forming Netware experience a plus. learning an art of an ancient HELP WANTED: Earn up to $500 info: 382-9747 or 282-5578 Excellent Communication skills wor~d. Re tone your body, acquire ·per week assembling products at required. Send resume to HR mental discipline and have fun. home. No experience. INFO 1- · Call W Med, Inc. 380-2706 Party Friday 26th! GLBSU is invited Director, PO Box 3068, Orlando, 504-646-1700 Dept. FL-307 Phone 657-0614. 32801. UCF students Part-time help . Roommates needed. Flexible hours/pays well. Call 658-2444 for more details Yamaha FZR 600 5k miles great ·Roommate wanted for 2/br 2/ba, condition garag·e kept lots of extras Earn cash stuffing envelopes·. Send washer/dryer,l 112 mi. to UCF, . very sharp asking 4500 Call 380- SASE to PO Box 774, Olathe, KS YEAST INFECTION Research Study available now! $299/mo. + 5907 Opportunity for qualified women -to participate in a nationwide research study utilities. Females only.please. Call .,______66051 ~ ., sponsored by a major pharrna~eutical company. (or.leave message w/ name& NEED A RIDE!!! White Dresser (formica) with a HOW.CAN YOU QUALIFY? number) 678-6277 from Collegiate Village Inn to really big mirror for sale. · If you are a fiem al e 18 years of age and. old er an d.h ave a t l eas t one symp tom ·College Park area aprox. 4:30 PM . Best offer. (other than discharge) of yeast vaginitis and have not recently begun treatment. UCF area, N/S roommate wanted· weekdays gas money$$ Call Bill Call Sam at 384-6647 WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS? 2b r/2b a,. w/d tience d yar d · $300/mo at 843-5901' or 620-9906 t------1 Free study related medical care (physical exam, pelvic examination & + 1/2 utilities Call · 282-3574 Polk Audio Loudspeakers, . laboratory evaluations) and study medication. Payment up to $10_0.00 ***Cancun Spring Break*** excellent bass, $200. 12" Call For An Immediate Appointment 7 Days a Week subwoofers with crossover ORLANDO CLINICAL RESEARCH CENTER UCF area, share house, washer/ Earn FREE Trips + Commis­ $125 obo Call Andre 277-7579 4401 S. Orange Ave., Ste. 108 dryer. garage $250 per mo + 1/3 sions! ! Call 8001798-1509 for info 407-240-7878 · utilities Call 277-7579 VALET PARKING POSI­ Assum, no qual, low dwn, 515 Free room & board for responsible UONS AVAILABLE P&I_, 2ba, 2ba Townhome w!lr~­ · "big sister" in exchange for after­ must have'clean clriving record fenced yd, 1989, 60 K, (407) 783- 3.762 eve.· noon evening, & every other great personality & customer service oriented Call Guest . _(iotf~A-TEC 610~0GICALS. weekend companion for 10 yr. old. JAMAICA Spring Break From Light housekeeping & cooking, . services management 481-0513 or $299 Mia ea, free info (800) 873- 222-9475 Must be 21 and up -~J • .-- Until Robots replace Humans reliable car req. Carol 359-5836 4423 ReggaeJAM l- ~~ · . ...your plasma will always be needed Roomate Wanted: Female, non- Desktop Publisher - Macintosh only Beautiful lady's diamond marquis c:>r . smokere with no pets. Privats - Pagemaker, Persuation, Photoshop engagement ring and wedding ~---~- . ---- .. -DIDYOU KNOW? bedroom and bath. Call ASAP 275- etc. small publishing'co. in Orlando band set $699 823-8988 YOUR PLASMA SAVES LIVES. 7506 $9.00 per hr- 384-9956 THE :PLASMA '«:>U DONATE HELPS: ' 486 33 MHz Computer Multime­ For Rent Cruise Ships Hiring - Earn up to dia, printer included preloaded, $2,000+/month. World travel. licensed software including *Patients in shock *Protect against infection Seasonal & full-time positions. Windows, Word, Excel. Prefect *Bleeding Disorders *_Accident vic~iins Room fbr rent near UCF $275/mo. No exp necessarY. For info. call .for student $1200 Call 382-3789 *Provide intravenous *Provide clotting factors +$250 deposit, w/d. Prefer male, 1-206-971-3550 ext. C54183 · fluid for bums, for Hemophiliacs non smoking, no pets. 904-788-18501------surgery, or *New research on life Driver wanted for visually Services .treatment of illness threatening diseases UCF area, room for female student, handicapped professor. "As family home $250/mo includes Needed" basis, Must have a clean International Students. DV-1 "We will compensate your time when giving the gift of liE" utilities 678-2331 driving record. Drive my car. Call Greencard Program available. 1- ~u.for Bill Quain 679-3247 _ 800-660-7167 YOU CAN EARN OVER $120 PER MONTH Sherwood Forest 1 med occ. 3/2 '212 t------;...______' ------1 , $25 UPON COMPLETION OF FIRST DONATION dmv prop 657-1067 1 800 929-4403 EVENT STAFF. ATTENTION ALL STU­ Call for information and/or appointment Immediate Openin~: DENTS!!! GRANTS & 1122 W. Church St (40_7) 841-2151 Orlando, FL . 2 bdr townhome, (407) 783-3762 ev Hard working, Dependable, SCHOLARSIIlPS AVAIL­ Personal, Individuals needed for ABLE! BILLION OF$$$ IN . Apartment for rent, Large two part-time employment. Flexible PRIVATE FUNDING. bedroom two bath, lake view, $450 hours. No experience :necessary. QUALIFY IMMEDIATELY. TODD M. FACELLO per month, (407) 349-2723 Applications avail. at the UCF 1 800 AID-2-HELP (1800 Arena. Rm 201. 823-3070 243-2435)

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_Cash _Check Amount$ _____, _------! would like the ad to run the following dates. (The Future publishes Tues. and Thu;s. -----~------! during the Fall and Spring Semesters. Deadline: 4 days prior) ______RATES: $1 per line for UCF students, faculty, staff an_d alumni. $3 per line for all others. Each c~aracter in a string of Boldface or Capital letters count as 2 characters. PREPAY­ MENT_. ONLY. NO REFUNDS. Mail form and payment to '1'4e Central Florida Future, 11875 High Tech Ave., Suite 250, Orlando, FL 32817 Attn: Classifieds, or fax form and copy of check to (407)823-9495. Ads may also may be placed in person in our offices, located in University Oaks behind the UC7 Plaza, next to Holiday Inn. For more info, call ( 407) 823-8054.

------~------Name, address, and phone (required): ______~------~ • • _Th_e_ee_ntral-Ro-rida-Future------~ Ill n January 25, 1996 A belated birthday wish -r .

t•.~:j.~ '

~ . i-~~

stories of depression years, and my dad's long lasting humor gave me a This is one time I don't mind differentsortofrespectforagenera­ being a little late, it says something. ti on most of my peers know nothing On January 20, 1896 a re- about. markabl~thinghappened.Although A man ':Ne know as George Mr. and Mrs. Birnbaum probably Burns saw his lOOth birthday last thought it was a spectacular day, week. He was born in the Lower this cold morning when their son East Side of New York City. Nathan was born, it was.certainly Perhaps I would have loved more than they could ha ye possibly hini anyway' because of his sweet known.· After all, Mr. gentility in the Oh God and Mrs. Birnbaum movies. They w·ere had no idea what tele- sappy,lknow, but there vision was, or what it was a certain truth to would come to be for them, and an un-obtru- their son Nathan, and sive hopefulness. for millions of people But I think it was who would come to my dad who really laid adore him. It is like- the .seeds for my fond- wise doubtful that they "------0------'-----" ness of this man. I re­ lack of ethical leadership at UCF would have any understanding of member one of those rare moments whatwouldbefamilyentertainment of seeing my dad get teary· eyed, of a different sort; sitting in ·the whenonsometalkshowtheyplayed everiing with kerosene lanterns or old black and white clips of George As some of you may know by candles, mother, father, sons and Burns and his late, Qeloved wife now, Richard Huseman, dean of the daughters, staring at a motionless Gracie Allen. CollegeofBusinessAdministration, box, and hearing voices entertain. My dad explained that theirs has resigned his position afterit was It was a different time, a time was one of those loves that the na­ discovered that Huseman had made when the imagination was all that tion admired, and that after Gracie some "ethical lapses" in his man­ filled in pictures of great radio stars died, George always ended his pro­ agement of the college. be eliminated. The athletic depart­ who brought laughter and chills to a grams with, "Good night, Gracie, Huseman had engaged in ment would not be touched) Fi­ nation plagued by hunger and world wherever you are." some questionable fiscal practices nally, Hitt said that he had accepted > war. Things we can barely imagine. George planned his centen- that the UCF adniinistration was any wrong doing, and that is very Huseman's resignation! Wow! 1am, at times like these, glad· nial birthday celebration more than unwilling to pursue until ·anony­ disturbing. You almost think that Could you be any tougher on him? to have had parents old enough to be a decade in advance; in fact, as long mous phone calls to the Aorida the old boy network is alive and well What Hitt fails to mention, grand parentS. Though most of the as I can remember, people have Comptroller's Office forced Dr. Hitt here. That begs the question, where however, is that Huseman will now time I rue the fact that neither of been betting that his ten cigars a day to act. was Dr. Hitt during all this? supervise a program at the . UCF them lived to see me graduate from and two martini lunches would pre­ . For his part, Huseman was The internal investigation was · downtown center and then slide into college, they left me with an appre- ventthegalaaffair.Heshowedthem. un-repentant, stating only that any­ earned out so hurriedly and un­ atenuredteachingpositionafterthat. ciationforothertimes.Mymother's _Happy Birthday George. - thing he did .in his tenure as dean enthusiastically that I have no doubt Why? As dean of the college of was done in the best interest of the that Hitt did not take it seriously. business, Huseman knew better than Web Address: CollegeofBusinessAdministration. Indeed, even after the ~te's inves­ to do what he did. He should have ~ E-mail: [email protected] · So, here's some of the things that tigation, Hitt still seemed disinter- understood the ethical consider­ Opinion E-mail: [email protected] Huseman considered "in the best ations here, but he chose not to. interest of the college:" Hitt stiH ·seen1ed Why should he be rewarded for his l. Huseman received com­ unprofessional and questionable Cerlftal Florida Future pensation from his landlord iil down­ disinterested, only behavior? Well, that's how the old © 1995 Campbell Communications, Inc. town Orlando (where his TEAM­ taking action when boys network works, I suppose. Offices: 11875 High Tech Ave., Suite 250, Orlando, FL 32817 Net program is located). He was What Huseman did was an embar­ Newsroom: (407) 823-8054; FAX 823-9495 paid to serve on a board of directors. it became clear he rassment to both Huseman and the Editor ...... •...... •..••..•..••••.••••...••.....••.....•••...... Sean. Perry 2. Fees paid to UCF by the had no more time to university. He deserves more than a Managing Editor •.•••.••••••••...•••••••.••....•••••..•••.•.•.•• Mike White FAA for a university training pro­ slap on the wrist. Hitt's handling of News Editor •.••••.•.•••.•••••..•.••••••••••.•••.•••••••••••...••••••••• Jeff Hunt gram went not into the general fund . . drag his feet. this issue is just as much of an Sports Editor ••••••••••••....•••••••••.•••...•••••.••.•.•••••• Jason Swa:n.cey or into tM College of Business Ad­ embarrassment, a testimony to his Features Editor ...... ~·············· l)erek Krause ministration Fund, but into the ested, only taking action when it lack ofleader2hlp. Why did we ever Opinion Editor •..•••••••••••••.•••••••••.•.•.••••.•••••.••• ~ •••••••••••• Pat Fox Dean's Discretionary Fund! became clear he had no more time to let go? Photo Editor •..•...••••...•...•••••....•....•••.....•.....••.•.•.•.•.. ~Jeff Hunt 3. The college paid a public drag his feet. Hitt' s eventual re­ Richard Huseman owes this Copy Editor ..•.••...•....••• ~ ...••••• Mike Melnick, David Swartz Jr. relations firm for picking out deco­ sponse was less than inspiring. university an apology. He also needs Production Manager ...... Pete Matchett rations for the redecoration of the In a letter written to The Or­ to sever all his ties with UCF and • dean's office! lando Sentinel, Hitt tried rather half­ move on. How can he go on to teach Staff Writers: Doris Bloodsworth, Laura Bundy, Joe Chabus, 4. Huseman erected an ex- heartedly to defend his lack oflead­ business when he cannot even con­ Darren Crovitz, Justin Delias, JeffDethuin, Dan Griffin, . travagant sculpture, costing the uni­ ership, saying that actions some­ duct it properly? needs to Ken Jackson, Pat Karsnick, Marc Loyd, Michelle Martinez, versity over $23,000, to showcase show some leadership sltjlls by not Tony Mejia, Joseph Nadeau, David Swartz, Jr., Tim Springer times speak louder than words.Yes, the college of business curriculum that old cliche is often true, but only accepting Huseman' s apology, Business Office: (407) 823-8054; FAX 823-9495 that Huseman bad devefoped! Was Hitt's actions amounted to only a but telling him he's no longer wel­ Publisher •....••..••••••..••••...••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.. Stephen Norris Huseman a college dean or royalty slap on the wrist. come here. There should be no place sitting in a.TI ivory tower? · Hitt said that he expressed his for Huseman at UCF. But as President ··················~····································· Richard Agster Business Manager .•.....••.•..••...•.•.•••.••.••••••.•.•.•..•. Ben Thomas You might remember, a few displeasure to Huseman. Boy, I'll that old boys network is in place, Advertising Manager ..•.•••••...... •.....•.••.•.••.... Donald Bates, Jr. years ago the college of business bet that had him shaking in his they'll continue to take care of their Distribution Manager ....•...... •...•.•...••...•.•••..•• Jonathan Evans tried to purchase a couch for Gucci's! Hitt noted that new proce­ own. And guess who pays the price Clas'sitied Manager ••••.••.•••...•...... •.....••..•.•.... Tracy Presson $200,000. The state wisely rejected dures were put in place to ensure in the end? this purchase, but I'd be willing to Opinions expressed in The Central Florida Future are those of the newspaper or its that this type of behavior would not Fidonet: Dan Griffin individual columnists and not necessanly those of the University administration or bet I know whose idea it was to reoccur. Well, why did it take so l :363/309Internet: Board ofRegents. Letters to the editor must be typed and include the author's signature, make that thrifty expenditure!! long to do this? Too busy kissing Dan.Griffin%309 major, and phone number. Letters are subject to the editing of grammar and for space, Now, keep in mind that it and become the property of the newspaper, subject to their publication. The Central Gene McDowell's butt? (Remem­ Standard dis­ Florida Future is a free, campus newspaper published t\vice weekly through the fall took the state's intervention to dis­ ber, when asked what he would do if claimer: The views of this user and spring semesters, and once weekly through the summer semesters. Campbell cover Huseman's indiscretions. An faced with a severe budget cut, Hitt are strictly his own. From Communications is not associated with the University of Central Florida Single copies internal investigation done previ­ are free;·additional copies may be purchased at the Future office for $.50 each. stated that educational programs C.F.Satlink +1-407-240-7781 ously by UCF cleared Huseman of such as the honors program would (ANSI or Vt-100 _required_). Jan. 25, 1996 •The CentralFlorida Future • 7 .A student's guide to interpreting quotable quotes Sentinel [119196]. OnTuesday,January9, 1996, Oh, they don't? Gee, I guess President Clinton vetoed the GOP that campus newspaper thefts and welfare reform plan. I like to think, burnings, speech codes, segrega­ "Give Clinton enough rope and he' 11 tion, double standards, • hang himself." This could be the big multiculturalism, censorship, anti­ fat knot in his political noose. We American4m, and historical revi­ should be so lucky. sionism are just figments of our '"I think the president wants Some Winter Park High imaginations. to do goOd by his country."' -Pat School students and other local teens "[The politically correct] seek Buchanan, quoted in The Orlando of the Communist Party. have unashamedJy cited their Chris- to censor certain forms of expres- , Sentinel [117/96]. Well, dear readers, now you tian beliefs (one of which is the sion in the name of diversity and Have you been smoking any­ know where liberal Democrats get conviction that marriage is a sacred 'tolerance." -Rush Limbaugh, See, thing, Pat? theirsentiments.Doesn'titjustwarm institution) as their reasons for ab- I Told You So. "To compel a man to furnish your hearts? staining from premarital sex. Uh- ''If we do not put a stop to the Dear Pat, funds for the propagation of ideas "[George]------oh, leftists - · Balkanization of America, we will As I've been watching the he disbelieves and abhors is sinful Washington and Humans' atavisli·c you'd better soon·have the same problems they debate over the federal budget drag and tyrannical."· --:Thomas his cronies were a fear of what . sound the alarm. have in the Balkans." - Charley on, one thing has bothered me. Al­ Jefferson bunch of s-t dis- 15 "Dangers . Reese, The Orlando Sentinel [12/ most everyone seems to agree that I couldn't have said it better turbers who, lay- different can be to a· society may 12/95]. our government has got to get a . myself. Let's cut all funding for the ing the ground- overcome." If that be mortal without Limbaugh/Reese '96! handle on its spending practices. Democratic ~arty. work for the fine being immedi- "I honestly ~lieve that all However, human nature dictates that "'[President Clinton] is a lib­ tradition we've W8S not possible, ate." -Thomas humans are born with the inherent therewiU be a_problem in deciding eral Democrat ·who wants to con­ followed ever America WOUid be Sowell, The Vi- ability to be racist." ~JeffHogan, wher~ reductions should be made. tinue more spending.'" -House sin,ce, were out to sion of the Central Florida Future [l/9/96). "Balance the budget. Save the fu­ Majority Whip Thoma8 DeLay (R­ getrichandkillthe in fhe same shape ft Anointed. In his column, Mr. Hogan ture Qf our country. Just don't in­ TX), quoted in a Los Angeles Times poor." -Girth · W8S _in before the But let's downplays the biologic'al aspect of convenience me." In essence, that's story in The Orlando Sentinel [1/8/ Jenkins. oust President race,buthere,hesaysthatallpeople the voice that's being heard across 96]. Readers, Civil War. Clinton and his may be innately racist. This view- th~ nation. And continue more waffling, please note that minions-imme- point is seemingly contradictory Take this newspaper for ex­ niore lying, more gun-grabbing, this"fact"hasnotpromptedJenkins diately. and race-fixated; in other words, ample. For months, articles written more socialism ... to take up residence in Russia or The UCF Student Govern- liberal. So, I digress. Humans' on these pages (usually the front Hillary Clinton may have to China, where Communism has made ment has made progress, according atavistic fear of what is different page) have attacked the idea of re­ appear before Congress about people's lives so utterly enjoyable. to Student Body President Miguel can be overcome. If that was not ducing government financial aid to Whitewater .. Although she denies .. ''TheCornmunistsarefurther Torregrosa. It's nice to know tbat possible,Americawouldbeinthe college studentS. Why? What have invo1vement in it, documents state reproached with desiring to abolish there is a government still capable same shape it was in before the we done to deserve the government otherwise. I'll bet she's sorry fornot countries and nationality." -Karl of doing so. Civil War. paying our way through school? taking lessons from Oliver North. Marx, Manifesto of the Communist "Although 'political correct- A recent study shows that 2 What says wehavetherighttomake "[Socialists] want to improve Party~ ness' or 'PC' is heard most often as out of 25 children of lesbians be- someone else pay for our educa­ the condition of every member of Ol' Karl whined about how a put-down ofliberals, they do not, come gay. Too bad there's no tion? The answer to both questions society, even ·that of the most his cronies met resistance. Let that by any means, have a monopoly on. count on the nuPlber of unfortu- is nothing. Sure, it's a nice thing that favoured." -Kar] Marx, Manifesto tradition ofresistance continue. it." -Clarence Page, ·The Orlando nate sou~Wtio become liberals. . we've gotten used to, butit's.notour ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,--~~~~~~~~~~~~~ money. Think about it. We don't have to go to a four year university in the In testament to another thrilling sporting event first place. This is a privilege. We should treat it that way and work, yes work for it. There are so many Last semester, I wrote a col­ ways we can get money on our own. umn about the vicissitudes of at­ carted off, probably for a full body- Get a job. Go to a cheaper cornmu­ tending a UCF football game. As cavity search. ·For tense moments, nity college for a while. Apply for usual, my comments. generated - the crowd howled its protests and some of the millions of scholarship shrieks ·of protest, this time from threatenedrevolt{Ipreparedmyself qollars that go on-claimed ~very rabid Knights supporters, who to don the guise of Robespierre,) year. Join the military. voicect the collective opinion that I nity to my fellow spectators, only to only to have its collective anger If we're not wiUing to sacri- was a big turd. At any rate, this be martyrized in a sh~werof crushed . defused by a placating troupe ofT- flee for our own education, why negative reaction did not' dissuade beer cups. shirt-hurling beefcakes. should we expect someone else to me from spectator sports, and in out over the field, qowever, I came As is usual at large sports - .. It WaS then that I made a per- . : sacrifice for us. All of these will not December I ventured back into that to realize that I had paid twenty events, there is often better enter­ son31 vow to remember this un.., only help us afford college on our forum with a trip to Tarripa to watch bucks, traveled 75 miles, and blown tainment in the stands than on the known fan, this philosopher-king own, but we'll get a lesson in capi­ the Bucs play the Lions. As always, an entire day to sit on a cold bench field, and once the fans realized that broughtdown by our civilized blind-· talism as well. If, while reading this I brought a scrupulous eye to this and, yes, watch.television. :for there, their Buccaneers were being beaten ness. In that panorama of capitalist -list Qf some . ways to get yourself staring across the field like some event to provide you, the reader, like runaway red-headed stepchil­ greed and on-culture, this brave thiough school, the words ''I don't with a candid look at American en­ colossal unblinking eye, sat a dren, they became pleasingly rowdy. soul's sacrifice lifted us all from the want to do that!" ran through your Gulliver-sized TV, and I ~oon found tertainment. Free posters handed out at the gate fetters of grievous social stagna- head, GROW UP. Our party bus arti ved at myself watching the "live" action became a corps of unsteady paper tion, if just for a few lovely mo- Chris Storms Tampa Stadium around 2 o'clock on this giant boob tube. Much like airplanes dive-bombing the field; ments. Social Science Ed. that afternoon. In the interest of regular television, this giant screen seat warmers, liberated from the journalistic integrity, I had been bombarded us with anon-stop litany humiliating duty of warming some steadily drinking since 11 :30; I soon of commercials, reinforced with fat fan's arse, splin wildly through noticed thatotherpeoplehadadopted triple-decibel sound blasted from the air. Near my section; several this professional tactic, neatly cam­ enormous speakers positioned on drunken spectators did Chevy ouflaged as clots of obnoxious the rim of the stadium. Chase/Gerald Ford impressions on ta1'l gaters. I But wait, the bastardization the concrete stairs, with immense 0" You will get to see actual photos of As game-time approached, ofAmerican sport doesn't stop here. crowd approval. we joined a swarming crowd trudg­ Anystoppagesofplay(andwithTV The most poignant moment .actu .al writers, given of course, we don't ing its way towar4 the distant sta­ time-outs, there were plenty) were of the afternoon, however, came break th~ camera. If you'd like to see dium. This huge amphitheater lay quickly filled with immediate late in the game. Spurred on by his your mug in our Opinion section you open to the heavens like some an­ stimuli: dancing "cheer:leaders," own enthusiasm, a renegade fan cient religio-celespal shrine, and I blaring and remorseless snippets-of broke through the security lines and have to write an article. casually mentionep to a feUow fan insipid music, or some other man­ breached the sacred~ of the field, o-David Swartz Jr. investigates the the Dante-esque n~ture of our jour­ ner of pabulum for the masses. eliciting an immense roar from the ney. He contested instead that we \ Now, some may enjoy this crowd. God bless this soul. For a · wackos who devote themselves to the were engaged in a more Miltonic "atmosphere" at a sporting event. I few precious seconds he trotted. Guiness Book of World Records. tableau of good and evil; on hearing don't. Several hours of this desul­ about,armsraisedinvidtory,goaded And much, much, more. our words, a nearby ticket vendor tory sensory overloaq gets tiresome, on by the love of 20,000 of his o curled his lip at us: "Nietzsche and the underlying implication - . brethren and the nonplused stares of The Central Florida Future welcomes your letters and slaves," he spat. that the attention span of the typical the football players. Alas, it was not articles. Submissions may be brought to our offices on disk, Faxed I usually enjoy the immediacy sports fan can be measured only in to be. Quickly encircled by a squad to823-9495,[email protected]; microns - is downright insulting. and energy of live sporting events. of stadium Gestapo, this saint was if you prefer, [email protected]. Upon finding my seat and gazing With fist raised, I voiced this indig- beaten down Rodney King-styleand Last week, s we... u n - g IT'S f:ll££1 Win a · w 1996 Ford I• Mustang!· t h

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( F-2 January 25, 1996 _,

'1ourney with me into the mind of a film maniac. A filmboy.

Mel Gibson? Grant me the honor of enlight~ning you. The Golden Giobes are a worthless scam. Anybody willing tP attempt to acknowl­ UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL FLORIDA edge that Steve Martin deserves an award for the recycling fiasco of cinema should be stabbed to death with Mel's bayonet. CONSULTANT~ FOR EFFECTIVE LEADERSHIP Further discussion of this silly charade would torment the most PRESENTS ••• dignified offilmmaniacs. At the risk ofsounding Jjkeacocky ignoramous, let me lay down some knowledge of my own. ·By the way, I survived jumping out of a plane. Next door is a still of what could've been my last DE,r$rOtf~ DE'r~rOtf~ rightS:'..' Dead Man Flying 1l G''{£iq " . A 30URff£Y TNROUGN L£AD£R~fll'P ' - **** Dead Man Walking (R) TEAM BUXLDXt{G- My hands clenched together, tighter and clammier than Pesci's vice in Casino. Sean Penn had just broke all tension in the room, with a smile preceded by a seemingly out of place joke. I had to take a deep breathe to calm myself, and that's when I realized my hands hurt. It was the first time I unconsciously was hurti~g myself while watching a film, that is if you don't count watching Lori Petty trying to act. XNTERAGi\IE VIDEO 'HALLENGE Moments later, a security guard sounded a fare warning; "Dead tXPJ\ffl) YOUR. MXHP!! Man Walking." Penn, prepped with slippers and a diaper, was leaving TJ\k£ Tflt Pt,X5XOH5 Dt,X5XOH5 '11.AUtHGt Death Row. Charged with the killing of a teen couple, Matthew Poncelet's six: years were up. His spiritual advisor, Sister Helen (Susan Sarandon), by his side, hls fate was inevitable. The drama had peaked. But it would not fall. DEPARlURE TIME: 'ilJOAM FE80ARY IOTH 1'1% ·LUNCH PROVIDED· FREE FOR ALL -u,F SlUDEITTS . ~S FOR All NON-SlUDEITTS

~ESERVE Yo<.RSPACE NOW! ~LL· 'il23-b471 1'9 ~· DON'T F'ORGi.T YOUR B~AXff .... ~~&.+

Directed by Tim Robbins, Dead Man Walking is an immaculate work, savoring human tragedy in its most evil faces and its kindest. Through conversations between glass and prison bars, Walking brings us inside the final days of Poncelet' s life, questioning beliefs, dealing with truths and discovering faith. , The emotion is terrifying, almost to the point of draining, but it grabs you. Robbins keeps a techpical simplicity, concentrating on the people and their language. Together, Sarandon and Penn share a vibrant static. Their relationship is one of mother-son, but a dark admiration exists, rarely shown, but always prevalent. Jazzed up like he should've been an extra in American Me and shouting "Ese," Sean Penn is sensational. Rowdy and charming, his only flaw is he's supposed to be a killer. A prisoner he is, though, and the mix of hatred and anxiety lures you into his soul. The creation of Dead Man Walking doesn't dwell into the controversial death penalty, the flavor of the Bible, or any theories of an eye for eye, it tests your morality.

*** 1/2 Sense and SensibUity (R) Not to confuse all Golden Globe winners for sacrificial lambs of Hollywood, but this fashionable Ang Lee semi-import is worthy of its best picture praise. A family romance, if you will, Sense focuses on the Dash wood's. Just kicked out of their mansion, they move to a cottage in the country. Marriage seems to be the only thing on anybody's mind in this pleasur­ able treasure, and for the two Dashwood sisters, (Emma Thompson and Kate Winslet) horse-hopping men are abundant. From Jane Austen's novel of the same, Emma Thompson's . Golden-Globed screenplay enchants as much as any pre-Sense classic . The snappy and fruitful dialogue gels together with the characters, · which, in their own right, are all satisfyingly original. A stylish period piece, Sense and Sensibility, moves right along, uplifting spirits with its wit and warming hearts with its rags vs. riches story. 26 Jan - Bed ofRoses, Big Bully, City ofLost Children, Screamers, Restoration . f I • • '•

. January 25, 1996 F-3 A Wild Nigbt ii) 'Her Ear' ARE You A NETAHouc? • Theatre UCF Takes a Ride Through a French Farce To keep your online tim e in line, The Future suggests the following: by CINDY ELA VSKY ' · Don Fowler exhibits a ·commendably Staff writer strong dual· performance. As both Victor • Keep track of how long you are on and Emmanuel and Poche, Fowler succeeds in what you are using that time for. Misunderstandings, mistaken identities, delivering two contrasting and likeable per­ exaggerated characters-Theatre UCF's pro­ formances. Don is always in control and on •· Be clear about when you are working duction of A Flea in Her Ear is everything a cue. The audience is equally entertained by farce should be. Hilarious and bawdy Flea is Victor's insecurity and Poche's stupidity. , , and when you are playing . . an entertaining treat for those who want a Jenn Remke's pc)rtrayal of Yvonne is • Use the Internet as a reward. break from-the ~?rm and from the politically neurotically energetic. Her facial expressions correct. perfectly convey her exasperation in any given • Admit when you have a problem and Our story begins in Victor Emmanuel situation. After a slow start, Brook Hanemann Chandel' s house in Paris, France in Spring of eventually warms into her role of Lucienne seek help from UCF professionals. 1935; The characters are introduced, and al­ and takes her designated place in the insanity. · most immediately the wacky plot is under- The cast of strong characters is led by a If no help is _available, - way. Yvonne Chandel suspects that her hus­ stand-out performance by Rosario Bogart, as Please contact, Team CFF on-line band, Victor Emmanuel, has been unfaithful Camille Chandel, Vietor's speech-impeded to her. Naturally, Chandels's supposed infi­ cousin. Every line he ~elivers, whetherunder­ at delity is a circumstantial misunderstanding. stood by _the audience or t, is greeted by Yvonne has jumped to the wrong conclusion laughter. Bogart's.~ 2~c timing is at the heart because of her husband's "performance prob­ of many of the play's most hilarious mo­ lems." . The deciding piece of .evidence is ments. Especially entertaining are his incom­ .or E-Mail: [email protected] presented when Yvonne reveals a package prehensible monologues, which rely on voice mailed to her husband from The Pretty Pussy inflections and hand movements to illustrate Inn, which contain a pair of suspenders. the essence of his emotional outpouring. Yvonne enlists the aid of her best friend Rosario deserves special kudos for his quick­ Lucienne, and together they hatch a plan to witted cover-up when a door fell off its hinges · MORALE IWD PRODlJCTMT'Y lNC:REASED trap the cheating Chandel. Lucienne writes an during one ef his scenes. ISro wtrH THE 1NTRODUCT10N OF anonymous love letter to Chandel, asking for Other notable performances include ROCl<'EM SOCl<'EM CO-WO_Rl VWR and Tournel, it is quickly decided that the Charlie Chaplan-esqueEtienne. Winebarger' s BLOCK OFF. letter has to be intended for the lady-charming physical comedy provides for quite a few of Tournel as opposed to the no-so-suave the play' s comedic high points. Chandel. Enter Don Homeniedes de The only disappointment of the pro- Histangua, Lucienne's hot tempered Hispanic . duction is the surprisingly unstable set. Walls husband, who reads the letter and recognizes shook unsteadily as doors were opened and his wife's handwriting. closed, most doors refused to stay closed, a Let the chaos begin! door frame fell off the wall, and stage hands Director James Cali has brought to­ were clearly visible as they helped to· sl'in a gether an ensemble of actors who work well revolving bed many times throughout Act II. with one another and with.Georges Feydeau' s Aside from these technical difficultjes, The­ playfully whimsical script. Armed with Cali's atre UCF's production of A Flea in Her Ear thoughtfui direction, the cast, made up en­ can be safely considered a success. Flea runs tirely of Theatre UCF students, takes the through January 28, with a free performance audience through an entertaining experience for UCF students on January 24. Call 823- filled with plot-driven twists and turns. 1500 for more information and reservations. ·weekend· Where Else Can The TOp Dog ~e Alittle Goofy, Concerts Thursday ·What It Is at Sapphire

Beat Me Ups at The Mill attend either day Walt Disney World® Resort will hold auditions to cast full-time, part-tirhe but not both days. Eyelight ·at Yab Yum and seasonal character and parade/performing positions for Applicants must be at MAGIC KINGDOM® Park, Disney MGM-Studios and least age 16, be prepared to Friday Epcot®. Full-time and part-time pay rate is $6.10 per hour. participate in a short movement Seasonal rate of pay is $5.70 per hour. exercise, wear tennis shoes and Auditions will be held: comfortable attire that allows free Average Joe at Sloppy Joe's Saturday, February 3, 1996 movement. All applicants must have proof of identity and employment eligibility. Valencia Community College Beat Tabitha's Lizard at The Mil:l *Added consideration will be 1800 South Kirkman Road given to candidates under 5'1". Barrage at Sunset Strip Physical Education Center­ Parade r~hearsals will be weekends in February. Gymnasium-9AM Sharp If you have any questions, call Walt Disney Saturday Use "Alpha" Parking Lot World Audition information at 407 /397-3220 Monday through Friday, 1OAM - 1PM and Forbidden Pigs at Sapphire Sunday, February 4, 1996 2PM - SPM ( except holidays). University High School LoAnn Arena at Yab Yum 11501 Eastwood· Drive ~ ·Waltli)isney World® Gymnasium- Moore Than Jazz at The Mill 9AM Sharp Sunday **TENNIS SHOES ONLY-· NO STREET OR . Brave Combo at Sapphire DANCE SHOES** Randy J. at The Mill ...Th_ e c_en_tral_ FI_o_rida_ Fu_ ture_· ____s_ n0 !9t s January 25, 1996 Wdh 10 conference games left UCF knows the time to win is now

by TONY MEJIA Everything seems to be reversed for this Staff writer squad as 6'7" power foward Rob Ritter is easily the team's best long distance threat. ·The plot is beginning to thicken for In the post FAU utilizes a rotation of 6'7" the UCF men's basketball program. Norwegian Bjorn Sjolund, 6'8" junior Cedric Peoples and 6' 10" beanpole Kelly Ten remain on the schedule· Horford. for the 4-1.2 Golden Knights, with all the The guards are the main strength of games c9nsisting of home and away matches this ballclub, and they'll provide a game against the other five inhabitants of the challenge to UCF' s guard quartet of Stacey TAAC East. Castle, Eric Riggs, Harry Kennedy, and Florida Atlantic comes into town to­ Abel Herrera. Point g,uard Derek Jackson night as the first of their T AAC East rivals, ·is a talented, experienced transfer from sporting the worst rcord in the conference Boston College. at 1-5. Senior Machael Harvey is a former However, the Owls are not exactly a walk-on who is an essential contributor to · . pushover. They played South Florida to the the Ow ls, offering over ten points and four wire before folflling 56-55. They've beaten boards a game. Huyler is the smallest Owl Mercer for their only conference win 67- by stature only. The'junior from the Baha­ 59, a·nd have lost conference games to mas is solid in his all around game and Southeastern Louisiana, Georgia State, a,nd plays li~e every lose ball is his. Finally, Centenary by a combined six points. there's Craig Buchanan, FAU's top scorer The Owls have looked bad in other averagifi1g over 30 minutes off the bench. encounters, also. They've seen enough of Many times, ~11 four guards are in the the University of Miami to last~ lifetime, game at the same tiine, so UCF has to guard losing to them twice this year by 20 and 30 (no pun intended) against being out-hustled I points respectively. They've also been by the smaller Owls. roughed up by Jacksonville 88-70. Florida Atlantic is also a very weird q>Ok for big games from Howard squad. For instance, the team's leading Porter, and UCF' s two headed monster at rebounder is 5' 11" guard· Phillip Huyler, center, Chris West and Brad Tice. Game plloto/HUNT averaging over six boards a game. Their time is, as always, 7:30, and the rematch of · Brad Tice, one-half of tJle twO-headed monster that center for UCF, leading scorer, junior Craig Buchanan, this one will be in Boca Raton on February J · has been contributing heavily on the boards as just a true freshman. 1 averages 17 points a game - off the bench. 24tli, the final game of the regular season. Big Mr. Harley and a speedy scat-back from GeorgB visit UCF

Name: Fred Harley Name: Edwar~ Mack , Position: Defensive end Position: Running back Height: 6'3" Height: 5' 9" Weight: 235 Weight: 173 High School.: Cape Coral Speed: 4.4 Planned Major: Accounting mgh School: Valdosta, Georgia Other schools visiting: South Planned Major: Unknown Fic.rida, Florida, and Kentucky Honors/Awards: Super 11~ .AJl­ State, All-Region. •How has.the recruiting process Mack may also be selected to play in been so far? the annual Flonda-Georgia High -"Some of the other schools I was School All-star game. planning on visiting gbt cancelled. Other schools visiting: Georgia . Like Oklahoma, the coach Southern and Troy State [Howard Scnellenberger] came down to visit me and then the next •How do you think UCF might b..e week he got fired or quit. Then at able to stand up against the Divi­ Kansas State, he quit his job and sion I-A competition. got a head coaching job at South -"I think we are going to be able to Florida, so that trip got cancelled." put up a good fight within a couple of years." •What attracts you to playing at UCF? - •Is it going to be hard for UCF to -"I know a lot of people up here. I recruit against programs like FSU would like to come here because it · and Miami? is in-state. I don't want to go up -'There's enough high school talent north where it snows and it's in Florida and Georgia. UCF has a fre.ezing. 1here's a pretty good good thing going and people are chance that I'll come here." going to come."

•About possibly being part of •Aoout possi&ly being part of bCF's pioneer I-A recruiting UCF's pioneer I-A reeruiting class. class. ( J (It would be pretty special. -"We'll be the foundation. Evecy­ plloln/SAGlllARIO I Wherever I go, I just want to play bod)j has to work, and we'll be the Ed Mack(top) and Fred ~arley (bottom) came to UCF t~is weekend to tour . ~ and have fun playing thtt game<' class that has to put in a lot of work." the campus. They also got a chance to talk with some local media moguls.