Central Florida Future, Vol. 36 No. 15, October 13, 2003
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University of Central Florida STARS Central Florida Future University Archives 10-13-2003 Central Florida Future, Vol. 36 No. 15, October 13, 2003 Part of the Mass Communication Commons, Organizational Communication Commons, Publishing Commons, and the Social Influence and oliticalP Communication Commons Find similar works at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture University of Central Florida Libraries http://library.ucf.edu This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in Central Florida Future by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Recommended Citation "Central Florida Future, Vol. 36 No. 15, October 13, 2003" (2003). Central Florida Future. 1696. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture/1696 www. UCFnewS:Com Monday, October 13, 2003 101.9WJHM-FM,a.k.a.102JAMZ, Knights football sets record lows celebrates 15 years on the air. in 28-0 loss to Ohio Saturday. JAM LANDO -SEE LIFESTYLES, 83 B -SEE SPORTS, 81 Faculty Senate steps. towards protecting gays felt gays and lesbians faced no dis- other." "I don't thillk Doctor Hitt wants Next step is vote at crimination. Also discussed was President to make unilateral decisions, bl'.l.t AB Provost Terry Hickey and . John Hitt's decision to allow sometimes he has to," M<;>dani said. full Senate meeting Faculty Senate Chairman Arle~ American flag-s to be installed in ~'It's just one of those thing-s, execu Chase listened, Senators voiced UCF's classrooms, without the con tive authority combined with timeli PATRICIA XAVIER approval ·of the resolution, saying sultation of faculty members. ness." Senior Staff Writer UCF's policy should be consistent "There were people who felt that Another issue facing Senate with state and national policies. it's their·classroom and it's their cli- members was the concerp. that A resolution asking UCF to The resolution readS, "Efforts to mate and if they don't want a flag on vaguely worded evaluation forms expand its anti-discrimination poli prevent both discrimination and their multi-cultural classroom they used by students at the end of each cy to include protections for gays hate motivated violen~ against les- shouldn't have to endure one," said semester did not accurately meas and lesbians is headed for an Oct. bians, gay men and bisexuals are Mathematics Associate Professor ure the performance of professors. 23 vote in the Faculty Senate. hampered by the failure of respon- Cynthia Young to1theSenators. ·~ lot of individual faculty mem The move, endorsed Thursday sible institutions to· include sexual Chase said the issue came up bers expressed that they feel it's a by the Faculty Senate Steering orientation in their anti-discrimina- when the Faculty. Senate was not · constraint in their teaching simply Committee, seeks to place UCF tion poliCies." meeting and that when he called because they are teaching, to the among the ranks of 20 other univer "I hope the senate adopts it [the faculty members to ~t their opin evaluation," Chase said. "There's a sities that have passed similar reso- resolution], " said Senate Vice ions, they said it was up to students purpose for the evaluat~on in terms . lutions. But it also runs counter to Chairman Naval Modani. "I simply · to decide. Other members argued of promotion and tenure but there the position voiced by UCF don't like discrimination of any that classrooms at UCF are shared are concerns with the questions:" President John Hitt, who said last· kind, and we are a university; we . by a variety of professors, so no Concerns were also raised that ASHLEY ROBERTSON I CENTRAL FLORIDA FUTURE spring that such a policy was not should be more tolerant of different classroom belonged to a particular Associate professor of economics Robert Pennington speaks to fellow Faculty necessary on a Campus where he opinions. We shouldn't fight each faculty memb!'J1: PLEASE SEE TEACHERS ON A2 Senators during the Thursday meeting. The Senate reconvenes Oct. 23. 'The Shake it down, baby! · UCF will return to Laramie .' ' Project' haunted Islands of Adventure over the summer but there SGA ;approves were some other circum stances that crune up," said by protests $50,000 in 11th SGA President Brian Battles, referring to the flag 1 1SAAC BABCOCK & ANTHONY A. NAREHOOD controversy; .saying that he ... News Editor I Contributing Writer hour move felt the Universal· bill could 1 Five years ago, a bicy Thoughitbecamepartof wait in lieu of the natio:Qally BEN BAIRD observed bill. clist just outside Laramie, a movement which led to the Senior Staff Writer . ' wyo. saw what he thought enactment of federal gay Despite intense opposi was a scarecrow tied to a rights legislation, "The Building on the success tion to the quick passing of fence. What he found Laramie Project" has drawn of last year's Universal the bill by some Senators shocked the nation. It was a strong controversy from Knights event, the SGA who would continue on to man m:·a coma, barely cling anti-gay organizations. Senate Friday night quickly the 36th senate from the ing to life. Eighteen hours The Westboro Baptist app;roved $50,000 to allow 35th, such as Olu Aduloju; earlier, Matthew Shepard, a Church of Topeka, Kan. has for a $139,700 spring event newcomers to the 36th 21-year-old college student, at Islands of Adventure. Senate were divided on the had been beaten, burned The move sparked issue. and left for dead in nearly intense controversy and a "I am ,g1ad that the 35th freezing temperatures. He "The·Laramie near walkout by Senators senate decided to go ahead • died five days later, a victim Josh Edmundson, ·and with the vote tonight," said . of two men who had tor- Project' is . Pavan Talakala who were Senator-Elect John Avola. "I tured hiII1 because he was opposed to passing the bill feel that I'm too inexperi gay. homosexual in just one night instead of enced to make this deci- ~ I During the trials of the three week minimum sion." On ·the other hand Shepard's assailants, as propa·ganda required by senate rules. Senator. Elect Michael J.G. people across the country "I can't see spending Mclaughlin expressed waited for a verdict, a small made by fags $50,000 in one night bywaiv anger, saying that the 35th .group took notes. Moises ing rules and procedures senate had done an injustice Kaufman ari.d members of for fags to not once but twice," said to his newly-elected body by the Tectonic Theater Project Edmundson. "Those rules circumventing the normal interviewed more than 200 promote the and procedures are in place procedures. Laramie residents over the for a reason and I don't Finally; . after more course of more than a year. filthy lifestyle." think we should be waiving attempts by Edmundson to They wanted to learn about them as much as we do to prevent the bill's passing, the people of a town at the - SHIRLEY PHELPS-ROPER begin·with and nonetheless including voting and then center of a national outcry. WESTBORO BAPTIST with $50,000 pieces of legis moving to reconsider his "The Laramie Project" . CHURCH ATIORNEY latfon that account for 20 vote, in essence attempting was born. In time the project The Pegasus Ballroom percent of our working to prevent anything from was filled to capacitY l;>ecame both an award win fund." happening on the bill, the ' when sorority Kappa bill did pass with a large ning play and movie, depict demonstrated against gays Delta held their annual However, the move to ing the horror of Shepard's for over 13 years. Slogans Shakedown to benefit forgo the Senate's normal majority of senators in its gruesome death and delving with the words "God hates the Arnold Palmer procedures and pass the favo~ Hospital on Wednesday. Details of the event indi into the hatred and intol!'Jr fags" and '~S cures fags" issue in one night was said Members of the Zeta Tau to be based on an impera cate that the event will run ance . toward gays · in adorn signs that they use in Alpha sorority shake it in America. In commemora what they refer to as "peace a dance competition tive that if any more time much like last year's tion of the fifth anniversarJ. ful' protests." They even with 20 other Greek was wasted, then Universal Universal Knights, however, of Shepard's death, the UCF demonstrated at Shepard's organizations (above) Studios could change the many of last year's prob Conservatory Theatre will funeral, saying that he was while judges look on. proposal or drop the event lems have been addressed ., present the play until Oct. ' altogether. "It should've been passed PLEASE SEE ON 19. PLEASE SEE RELIGIOUS ON A4 PARTY A4 ; • Diversity week celebration·marks 11th .year AMY CASSELL a more inclusive and diverse col Presentations will run through- a seminar · on the traditional expression where students use ihg out their thoughts. Staff Writer lege. The office sees diversity as out the day, with various keynote · Native American view of the the microphone as an outlet to Tsurumald said that each individ characteristics that people pos speakers being featured during importance of education and spir expose and confront the ques ual voice seemed to come togeth Starting today; UCF's Office of sess and processes that help the week. ituality. Ryan is a program spe- tions and issues concerning stu er as one voice of our generation. Diversity Initiatives will kick off build the community; which iS the One of the keynote speakers is cialist fu the Tribal Child Support dents of America today.