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Another way RCA serres you through Eleetrouies HI -FI DESIGNERS i 9 "JAM SESSIONS" ...and they "dig" RCA TUBES "the most "! One designer "blows a horn" for one tube type. dissipation capabilities. And high -mu twin triode Another "beats the drum" for a 2nd. Everybody may RCA -7025 is tops in pre -amplifier stages when low "sound off" -but when they "take five ", designers noise and low hum are a "must ". For versatility, agree that RCA Hi -Fi Tubes...7027 -A, 6973, 7025 check RCA -7199, a triode -pentode that features low noise in tone -control amplifier, phase - and 7199... are "the most" ! hum and low Want big power? A pair of RCA -7027 -A's in Class splitter, and high -gain voltage -amplifier circuits. AB1 can deliver up to 76 watts. (Four in twin, push - So "get with" RCA Tubes for your hi -fi designs. pull Class AB1 circuits are superb for stereo, too!) Your RCA Representative can give you the facts. Designing a more compact package, say, 20 watts For data sheets, write RCA Commercial Engineer- each stereo output stage or 40 watts monophonic? ing, Section II-91 -DE, Harrison, N. J. Look into RCA -6973, a small tube with big plate FIELD OFFICES Visit the RCA Booth at WESCON! EAST: 744 Broad Street, Newark 2, N. J. HUmboldt 5 -3900 MIDWEST: OF AMERICA Suite 1154, Merchandise Mart Plaza RADIO CORPORATION Chicago 54, Illinois, WHitehall 4 -2900 Electron Tube Division Harrison, N. J. WEST: e 6355 E. Washington Blvd. RCA tubes for High Fidelity also available from your local Authorized RCA Distributor Los Angeles 22, Cal., RAymond 3 -8361 THE BRITISH INDUSTRIES 1C 1 ENpaSED \ n g't i /...just one reason -per -product why you should consider BIC components for your stereo requirements. The World's Finest Stereo Record Players Warm, universal endorsement by eminently satisfied users and dis- tributors everywhere, as the world's best automatic changers, manual players, and turntables, in every model, in every price range. Stereo -mono Amplifiers Incomparable quality in sound and construction (yet, with startling simplicity) ...quality which holds harmonic distortion to an infinites- imal 1 /10 of 1% at lull rated power, and permits an unconditional 5 year guarantee...the only one in the industry! Vharfedale Loudspeakers and Systems The rich, full range, yet non-stri- dent sound developed by England's renowned G. A. Briggs...the latest example of which is in the new ultra- compact (10" by IIW by 24 ") Model WS /2 lull -range system ... the sound of a BIG Wharfedale system. the size ideal for stereo. Speaker Enclosures A complete, restyled line of the original and patented high -per- formance, small -space speaker en- closures which are now a must for stereo. Although R -J is the most emulated enclosure on the market in size and shape... no one has been Jure to copy the patented R -J per- formance principle. River Edge Customized Cabinets and Do -It- Yourself Kits The Series 100 modular kits are as flexible for stereo as for mono sys- tems...and most important. they are built of Birch hardwood, to take a quality living -room finish. And...this one series is a complete kit line in itself. 5-Core Solder Pioneering solder advancements. Multieure. the world's finest solder offers the new copper -loaded SAVBIT Alloy which makes cop- per tips last 10 times longer. Only Multieure. in regular and SAVBIT Alloys, contains extra- active, non. corrosive ERSIN flux. Genalex Audio Tubes Origination and promotion of the famous KT66's and KT88's, ack- nowledged throughout the world as the finest tet rodes ever made? These Genalex tubes are selected and used by the leading manufacturers of quality audio power amplifiers for the highest possible performance with the lowest distortion. 14'e hate prepared a . ut ( potato, Gtdde, n critic the I (11C product ht.., and w e sill he hnpp to tend than to int . Please wrote, speeding the BIC products slid, uuerest ou. Address Dept. A V- /v BRITISH INDUSTRIES CORPORATION PORT WASHINGTON, N. Y. AUGUST, 1959 VOL. 43, No. 8 Successor to RADIO, Est. 1917. Discover for yourself why Sherwood is the most honored line of high fidel- ity components in the field. Sherwood Tuners (the first ever to achieve sensi- tivity under 0.95 microvolts) feature: Inter -Channel Hush, a noise muting system which makes FM tuning easier than ever FM Multiplex Output "Feather -Ray" Tuning Eye Automatic Frequency Control Flywheel Tuning. AU D Combine these tuners with either of Io Sherwood's "mated" ENGINEERING MUSIC SOUND REPRODUCTION stereo amplifier choices; 20 +20 watts or 36+36 C. G. McProud, Editor and Publisher watts. And only Sherwood offers all these features: Single /Dual Bass & Henry A. Schober, Business Manager Treble Controls Mid -Range Presence Harrie K. Richardson, Associate Editor Rise Stereo -Mono Function Indicator Linda Sueskind, Assistant Editor Lights Phase -Reverse Switch Damping Factor selection. Sherwood Janet M. Durgin, Production Manager also offers either 36 or 60 watt mon- Edgar E. Newman, Circulation Director aural amplifiers, FM Multiplex Adapters and a complete decorator- styledline of cabinetry and 3 -way speaker systems - The Finest in High Fidelity. Sherwood Electronic Laboratories, Inc., 4300 N. Sanford L. Cahn, Advertising Director California Avenue, Chicago 18, Illinois. Midwest Representative - W. A. Cook and Associates Model S -5000. 20 + 20W Slew Dual Amplifier -5189.50 161 East Grand Ave., Chicago 11,111. West Coast Representative - 0 0 ©6) 450: lames C. Galloway 6535 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles 48, Cali!. Model S -3000 U. FM Tuner -$105.50 CONTENTS Audioclinic- Joseph Giovanelli 2 Model 5.4400. Stereo Peins,. f 36W Amp. - $159.50 Letters 6 Audio ETC -Edward Tainan Canby 12 C3.C, ©6)0.x. Editor's Review 18 Model S.200013, FM -AM Tuner -$145.50 Transistor Music System Using Direct Coupling- Richard S. Burwen 21 Hi -Fi Speaker Enclosure Damping Materials -James A. Huff, Jr. 26 ©- Tape Guide -What to Look for in a Tape Recorder-Herman Burstein 32 Model 5.1000 a, 36W Monaural Amplifier- 5109 50 Variable Electronic Crossover and Biamplifier- George C. Kane 42 only for those who want the ultimate: Hi -Fi for Lo -Do-S. G. Lucas 50 Errors and Mistakes of Engineers-A lbert Woodruff Gray 56 Product Preview 67 STEREO Jazz and All That-Charles A. Robertson SG Record Revue-Edward Tatnall Canby 92 Book Review The Audio Cyclopedia 99 About Music- Harold Lawrence 100 Coming Hi Fi Shows 101 Advertising Index 114 COVER PHOTO: Custom installation in North Stamford, Connecticut, designed F. Barton, by C. with cabinetry by Russ Lang Corp., Bridgeport Conn. Unit is 14 feet long ill three sections; the record cabinet is two feet long and features an interior light. For further data and a close -up picture of control panel, record changer compartment, and ventilating ducts, turn to page 104. Photos by Frederick Schulze. AUDIO (title registered U. S. Pat. OP.) Is published monthly by Radio Magazines, Inc, Henry A. Schober, C. G. 3IcProud, Secretary. Executive President; and Editorial Omees, 204 Front St., Mineola. N. Y. Subscription Possessions, canada and Mexico, $4.00 rates -U. S. for one year, $7.00 for two years, all other countries. $5.00 per year. copies 504. Printed In U.S.A. at Lancaster, P.. Single All rights reserved. Entire contents copyrighted 1959 by Radio Magazines. Inc. Entered as Second Class Matter February 9. 1950 at the Post Office. Lancaster. Pa. under the act of March 3, 1879. RADIO MAGAZINES, INC., P. O. Box 629, MINEOLA, N. Y. Postmaster: Send Form 3579 to AUDIO, P. O. Box 629, Mineola, N. Y. For complete technical details write Dept. -8. AUDIO AUGUST, 1959 1 AUDIOCLINIC ?? JOSEPH GIOVANELLI' Power and Voltage Considerations that same direction, and the two arrive at that .maximum at the same instant. When Q. The specifications of my Dynakit am- this same current is applied across the plifier indicate that 1.6 volts input are re- terminals of an inductance, the situation WAYS quired for 60 watts output. It therefore is quite different. This can be made clear seems like an easy matter to measure the by considering what happens when d.c. is To ENJoY voltage at the output terminals when the applied to the inductance. When the volt- amplifier was fed by a 1.6 -volt signal. This age is applied, there is a magnetic field set E voltage was found to be approximately 40 up around the inductance. This field cuts volts. Since my speaker cannot handle 60 the turns of the inductance, causing a watts, this was a no -load measurement. I second voltage to be generated within the RoBERTS could not experiment with a lower input coil. By the rules of magnetic theory we because I did not know the corresponding know that when this happens, the direction output wattage. It would seem that the of this newly created back voltage is op- %;; !.+ Ohm's law a.c. formulas should be applica- posite to that of the originally applied volt- ble to this problem. Please tell me a simple age. This tends to oppose the flow of cur- way to determine wattage from voltage. rent. Soon the magnetic field reaches a What is the relation between input voltage maximum intensity because we are feeding and watts output! Tell me how to deter- d.c. to the coil, and this will ultimately mine the phase angle, for I understand cause the current to stabilize. From that that this may have some bearing upon the time on, the inductance behaves as though problem. Richard Meyer, East Lansing, it were resistive.