Regular Session Subject Index
FLORIDA LEGISLATURE 2021 - REGULAR SESSION 8/4/2021 1:00:46 PM SUBJECT INDEX (Boldfaced bill numbers, followed by a chapter number or "vetoed" notation, and bills preceded by an asterisk (*) all passed both chambers— Some entries may not be in final version. Adopted one-chamber resolutions also boldfaced) Agriculture and Nutrition, S1768, H1191 A Appropriations, S2500(2021-36) AGRICULTURE, HORTICULTURE, AND ANIMAL INDUSTRY Broadband Internet, S2004 AGRICULTURE, HORTICULTURE, AND ANIMAL Broadband Internet Infrastructure, H1239(2021-24) INDUSTRY Care For Retired Law Enforcement Dogs, S1810, H1405 Agency Contracts for Commodities and Contractual Services, Educational Opportunities Leading to Employment, S366(2021 S1616, H1079(2021-225) -162) Agriculture and Nutrition, S1768, H1191 Educational Scholarship Programs, S48 Executive Branch, H1537 Electric Vehicles, H817 Farming Operations, S88(2021-7), H1601 Energy, S1362, H993 Implementing the 2021-2022 General Appropriations Act, Energy Security and Disaster Resilience Pilot Program, S1360, S2502(2021-37), H5003 H1105 Largemouth Bass, S1018(2021-79), S1098, H669 Florida Commercial Rent Stabilization Fund, S2002, H1469 OGSR/Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, General Appropriations Act, H5001 S7036, S7040, H7007(2021-88) Genetic Counseling, S1770(2021-133) OGSR/Division of Fruit and Vegetables/Trade Secrets, S7038 Genetic Counseling Patient Protection Act, H1233 OGSR/Manufacturer’s Formula/Department of Agriculture and Hospital, Hospital System, or Provider Organization Consumer Services, S7048 Transactions, S1064 OGSR/Noncommodity Advertising and Promotional Program Implementing the 2021-2022 General Appropriations Act, Participants/Department of Citrus, S7044 S2502(2021-37), H5003 OGSR/Trade Secret/Department of Citrus, S7042 Innovative Agricultural Water Quality Enhancement Pilot OGSR/Trade Secret/Marketing Order/Department of Citrus, Program, H1535 S7046 Large-scale Agricultural Pollution Reduction Pilot Program, Pub.
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