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DOCUMENT RESUME ED 285 570 IR 012 786 TITLE 1985 Annual Technical Report: A Research Program in Computer Technology. July 1984--June 1985. INSTITUT:ON University of Southern California, Marina del Rey. Information Sciences Inst. SPONS AGENCY Advanced Research Projects Agency (DOD), Washington, D.C. REPORT NO ISI/SR-86-170 PUB DATE Dec 86 CONTRACT MDA-903-81-C-0335 NOTE 157p. PUB TYPE Reports - Descriptive (141) -- Reports - Research /Technical (143) EDRS PRICE MF01/PC07 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS Computer Graphics; *Computer Networks; *Computer Oriented Programs; *Computer Software; *Expert Systems; *Man Machine Systems; Programing; Programing Languages; Research Projects; *Telecommunications ABSTRACT Summaries of research performed by the Information Sciences Institute at the University of Southern California for the U.S. Departm!nt of Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency in 17 areas are provided in this report: (1) Common LISP framework, an exportable version of the Formalized Software Development (FSD) testbed; (2) Explainable Expert Systems, a framework for building expert systems; (3) Formalized Software Development, a new automated software development paradigm; (4) Mappings, transformations for converting specifications of programs into implementations; (5) Command Graphics, a device-independent graphics system; (6) Internet Concepts Research, protocols for interconnection of computer communication networks; (7) Strategic Computing Information System, an automatic and efficient system for information exchange; (8) Wideband Communication, technology to support satellite-based wideband computer communication; (9) KITSERV, cost-effective test devices; (10) VLSI, a low-cost, fast turnaround LSI/VLSI device fabrication service; (11) Advanced VLSI; (12) Text Generation for Strategic Computing, methods for autonomous creation of text by machine; (13) Computer Research Support, operation and support of computing facilities and equipment; (14) Exportable Workstation Systems, remote testbed environment of advanced workstations and servers; (15) New Computing Environment, the next generation of computers and facilities; (16) Strategic Computing-Development Systems; and (17) Strategic Command, Control, and Communication Experiment Support. References are listed throughout. 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REPORT SECURITY CLASSIFICATION lb. RESTRICTIVE MARKINGS Unclassified 2s SECURITY CLASSIFICATION AUTHORITY 3. DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITV OF REPORT 2b. DECLASSIFICAMN /DOWNGRADING SCHEDULE This document is appra /ed for publicrelease; distribution is unlimited. 4. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION REPORT NUMBER(S) S. MONITORING ORGANIZATION REPORTNUMBER(S) ISI/SR-86-170 6a. NAME OF PERFORMING ORGANIZATION .1 6b OFFICE SYMBOL 7 s. NAME. OF MONITORING ORGANIZATION USC/Information Sciences Institute (If applicable) 6c. ADDRESS (City, State, and ZIP Code) 17b. ADDRESS (City, Sta.% and ZIP Code) 4676 Admiralty Way Marina eel Rey, CA 90292 8a. NAME OF FUNDING/SPONSORING 8b. OFFICE SYMBOL 9. PROCUREMENT INSTRUMENT IDENTIFICATIONNUMBER ORGANIZATION Of applicable) Advanced Research ProjectsAgency MDA903 81 C 0335 &. ALIDRESS (City, State, and ZIP Code) 10. SOURCE OF FUNDING NUMBERS 1400 Wilson Boulevard PROGRAM PROJECT TASK WORK UNIT Arlington, VA 22209 ELEMENT NO. NO. NO. ACCESSION NO. 11 TITLE (Include Security Classification) 1985 Anna Technical Report: A Research Program in ComputerTechnology (Unclassified) 12 PERSONAL AUTHORS) ISI Research Staff 13a. TYPE OF REPORT 13b. TIME COVERED 14. DATE OF REPORT (Year, Month, Day) 115. PAGECOUNT Annual Technical Report FROM July 1984 - June 1985 December 1986 156 16. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTATION 17. COSATI CODES 18. SUBJECT TERMS (Continue onreverse if necessary and identify by block number) FIELD GROUP SUB-GROUP 09 02 (continued on next page) 19 ABSTRACT (Continue on reverse ifnecessary and identify by block number) This report summarizes the research performed byUSC/Information Sciences Institute from July 1, 1984, to June 30, 1985, for the Defense Advanced Research ProjectsAgency. The research is focused on the development of computer science and technology, which isexpected to have a high DoD/military impact. (continued on following page) 20. DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY OF ABSTRACT 21. ABSTRACT SECURITY CLASSIFICATION Ea UNCLASSIFIED/UNLIMITED td SAME AS RPT. DTIC USERS Unclassified 22s. NAME OF RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL Sheila Coyazo 22b. TELEPHONE (Include Area Code) I22c. OFFICE SYMBOL Victor Brown 213-822-1511 DD FORM1473.64 MAR 63 APR edition may be used until exhausted. All other editions are obsolete. SECURITY ECIATIO THIS PAGE Unclassified Unclassified ICURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAUL 19. KEY WORDS (continued) 1. automated irnlementation, Common LISP, expert system, formalspecification 2. domain model, domain principles, expert systems. integrationknowledge, LISP, NIKL paraphraser, optimization knowledge, program writer, XPLAIN system 3. artificial intelligence, automatic programming,consistency maintenance, formal specifications, programming environments, rapid prototyping,rule-based programming, software evolution, symbolic evalution, virtual databases 4. automation-based paradigm, GIST specification language, granularity,high-level editing, locally formal notations, mappings, reimplementations, softwaredevelopment, software maintenance, software specification, Will programming language 5. briefing aid application program, command graphics, computergraphics, high-level graphics language, network-based graphics, online map display 6. computer mail, gateways, interconnection,internetwork protocol, multimedia mail, networks, protocol design, protocols, protocol verification, SimpleMail Transfer Protocol (SMTP), Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), type-of-service 7. automated user interface, information dissemination, online documentdistribution, Strategic Computing research community 8. computer network, digital voice communication, networkconferencing, packet satellite network, packet-switched networks, packet video, packet voice, securevoice transmission, signal processing, speech processing, vocoding 9. host-independent system, integrated circuit design, SUN workstation, VLSI test equipment 10. design rules, devict fabrication service, device testing, integrated circuit-orientedlanguage, MOSIS; MOS Implementation System, silicon compilation, standard padframes, VLSI design, VLSI design library, wafer testing 11. CMOS/Bulk fabrication, MOSIS, printed circuit board fabrication, scalabledesign rules, VLSI 12. Janus, knowledge representation, natural languagegeneration, Penman,Rhetorical Structure Theory (RST), text generation 13. application software, ARPANET, computer network, hardware, Interlisp, KA/LI, KL10/KL20, network services, operations, PDP11/45, QLISP, resource allocation, systemsoftware, TOPS- 20, UNIX, upgrades, VAX 11/750-80, VMS 14. distributed processing, portable workstations, survivable networks 15. distributed processing, local networks, personal computers, workstationenvironment 16. ARPANET/MILNET access, host systems, network services support 17. computer communication networks, packet radio, survivablenetworks, system support 4 Ur classified MIM` CLASSIFICATION OP THIS PACIC Unclassified CCUNITY CLASSIFICATION OF TNIS PAO' 20 ABSTRACT (continued) The ISI program consists of 17 research areas: 1. Common LISP Framework:producing an exportable version of the FSD testbed, which incorporates the well-understood portions of our research in FSD intoa new automated software development paradigm, and distributing it to outside users; 2. Explainable Expert Systems:creating a framework for builc!ing expert systems that enhances an expert system's explanatory capabilities (allowing it to explain and justify its reasoning), and eases modification and maintenanceof an expert system; 3. Formalized Software Development: studying anew automated software development paradigm in which a formal operation specification, usedas a rapid prototype, is evolved to have the intended functionality, and is mechanically transformed (withhuman guidance) into an efficient implementation;4. Mappings: development of transformations for converting high-level s3ecifications of programs into implementations in softwareor VLSI; 5. Command Graphics: development of a device-independent graphics system and graphics-orientedcommand and control applications programs; 6. Internet Concepts Research: exploringaspects of protocols for the interconnection of computer communication networks, specifically thedesign and implementation of an internetwork computer message system