Tasmanian Health Organisation – South InTHE NEWSLETTERfocus OF THO SOUTH SPRING – DECEMBER 2013 (EDITION No. 49) (L-R) Lucy Davy, Tameka Ridgeway, Dr Emma Huckerby, Dr Richard Opening of the Emergency Ward (in background), Sandra Ahokas, Susan Melross, Tenille Johnson Medical Unit (EMU) in EMU. The RHH’s new EMU is already playing an give patients an indication of their risk of developing diseases like important role in helping to reduce pressure diabetes and heart disease. “With hospital presentations around the country increasing, this on the Emergency Department (ED), enhance is an exciting opportunity for the Royal Hobart Hospital to be patient flow throughout the hospital and innovative in how we support and empower patients to improve their heath, potentially reducing pressure on hospitals in the future,” improve health outcomes for patients. Dr Huckerby said. The 10 bed Unit, funded by the Commonwealth as part of the $325 million Tasmanian Health Assistance Package, is co-located with the ED and is providing care for patients requiring four to 24 hours of hospital treatment. The unit was officially opened by the Health Minister, Michelle Contents O’Byrne in November. Learning Organisation 1 “The EMU allows patients to be moved into a more comfortable Appropriate, Response and Relevant to Our Community 4 ward environment, freeing up beds in ED, and also keeping beds available in other areas of the hospital for patients that need longer Redevelopment RHH 8 periods of care,” Minister O’Byrne said. RHH Emergency Department Director, Dr Emma Huckerby, said Governance, Leadership and Management of the RHH Emergency Medical Unit is going a step further than other THO-South is Effective, Innovative and Valued 14 EMU’s in the country. Safety and Quality are Priorities 16 “We are working closely with GPs and Community Nursing to help support patients improve their health, potentially avoiding the need Patient Centred Clinical Practice 16 for hospitalisation in the future. Patients admitted to the EMU will undertake an assessment called ‘How healthy are you?’ “This will Tasmanian Health Organisation – South Learning Organisation Sharing Midwifery Expertise PNG Midwives Julieanne and Teresita with staff at the RHH. Midwives at the RHH were recently given the As our nearest neighbours, these experienced midwives have reached out to opportunity to share their expertise with Julieanna Australian midwives, not just for help and compassion, but also to share their unique experiences, skills and knowledge. and Teresita, Midwives from Papua New Guinea According to the most recent DHS data (2006), the neonatal mortality rate (PNG). in Papua New Guinea was 29 deaths per 1,000 live births and post-neonatal mortality rate was 28 deaths per 1000 live births. This is in contrast to Australia The Midwives were in Australia to attend the Australian College of Midwives where ABS data between 2002 and 2004 reported the neonatal death rate 18th Biennial national conference in Hobart. The trip was made possible among Indigenous babies was 5.8 per 1,000 live births and 2.7 among non- thanks to an AusAid study tour grant. Indigenous babies. Papua New Guinea women experience some of the worst outcomes of Staff said it was an amazing opportunity to meet the wonderful midwives and pregnancy and childbirth in comparison with most other countries in the realise how incredibly lucky we are in Australia to be able to provide such high world. Over the last 20 years midwifery in PNG almost disappeared. quality services. The RHH Endocrinology Laboratory provides comprehensive testing of Endocrinology Laboratory samples needed for management of patients with Diabetes, Thyroid, Adrenal, Pituitary, Fertility, Growth and Parathyroid disorders. The laboratory also receives samples for neuroendocrine tumour testing and screening from Excellence in Service, throughout Australia, making the RHH Endocrinology Laboratory a national reference centre for endocrine testing. Professor John Burgess, Director Endocrinology Laboratory, said that the Research and Teaching laboratory’s expertise has resulted in strong collaborative research links with the University of Tasmania's School of Medicine and The Menzies Research Despite having a small team, the Royal Hobart Institute. The laboratory also has research commitments in the area of Hospital (RHH) Endocrinology Laboratory is punching Thyroid disease, Iodine Deficiency, Diabetes, Obesity, Vitamin D and inherited endocrine malignancies. The Laboratory's staff have a strong track record of above its weight. The highly skilled and dedicated staff publications in international medical research literature. are responsible for testing Tasmania’s most common, “The laboratory also plays an active role in both undergraduate and postgraduate as well a some of Australia’s most complex, endocrine teaching within the RHH by supporting both the University of Tasmania Medical School and postgraduate advanced training in Clinical Endocrinology,” Professor conditions. Burgess said. Infocus Page 2 Learning Organisation Overseas Health Professionals Visit ICU ICU staff at the RHH were recently given the opportunity to broaden their clinical knowledge and network with international experts, without having to leave Hobart. Our overseas visitors in ICU. The Australian and New Zealand Intensive Care Society (ANZICS) and the and Director, Department of Critical Care Medicine (DCCM) invited Australian College of Critical Care Nurses (ACCCN) Intensive Care Annual conference attendees from China, Singapore, Korea and Japan to visit the Scientific Meeting (ASM) (which incorporates the annual Paediatric and Royal Hobart Hospital DCCM. Neonatal Intensive Care Conference) was held in Hobart in November. Professor Turner gave the visitors an overview of the operation and services of Each year the meetings attract around 1,000 attendees from Australia, New the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and escorted the group on a tour of the newly Zealand and further afield, bringing together health care professionals working developed area. The visitors showed particular interest in the monitors and in intensive care, including medical, nursing and allied health. equipment used in ICU and the size of the cubicles. The overall consensus In recognition of their expertise in their specialised fields Mr Simon Foster, was that they were very impressed with the newly developed, light and Director Corporate and Support Services North West Regional Hospital, spacious unit. Associate Professor Peter Dargaville, Director Neonatal Paediatric Intensive Belinda Cooper, Clinical Nurse Consultant, and Felicity Geeves, Nurse Unit Care Unit (NPICU), and Dr Tony De Paoli, Staff Specialist Neonatologist, Manager, ICU, both said it was a great opportunity to learn about the nurse/ NPICU were invited to speak at the conference, along with other highly patient ratio, duties undertaken in intensive care units in overseas hospitals regarded international speakers. as well as network with others working in the intensive care field who are Clinical Associate Professor Andrew Turner (currently Vice President ANZICS striving to attain better patient outcomes. Flying High with the Royal Sam in Broken Hill. Flying Doctor Service Sam Simpson, a dental trainee with Oral Health Sam visited New South Wales outback communities Wilcannia, Ivanhoe and Menindee during his stay in Broken Hill. “It was a great learning experience Services Tasmania, flew to Broken Hill in October to assist the Dentist,” Sam said. “I definitely want to go again. I got a different to join the Royal Flying Doctors Service (RFDS) for perspective of dental needs in rural communities.” two weeks work experience, after winning a much “My first experience on the RFDS plane was very interesting. The six seater plane was full and I had to sit in the cockpit with the pilot. It was very different sought after scholarship. and exciting to be sitting up front and see the countryside spread out before me.” “The Scholarship was a fantastic opportunity,” Sam said. “I gained valuable clinical experience and at the same time provided the local dentist with When his traineeship is completed next May, Sam, who is interested in health clinical assistance. I was very fortunate to work alongside RFDS dentist Dr promotion, would like to like to obtain placements in rural communities to Lyn Mayne, who established the Tooth Program dental clinics, to provide oral gain further experience in his chosen field. health services to remote communities, in 2012.” Page 3 Infocus Appropriate, Response and Relevant to Our Community Celebrating Hospital Play Specialists Month Hospitals are not generally places associated with children’s parties, but in October the hospital’s Play Specialists took over the Paediatric Unit and threw a very special party for our young patients. RHH Play Specialist Jacqui Dawborn filled the halls of the Paediatric Unit with the sounds of her ukulele which quickly enticed some very excited young children to be part of the festivities which involved playing games, singing popular nursery rhymes and a special afternoon Play Specialist Jacqui Dawborn having fun at the party! tea. play to achieve developmental goals, and support families and siblings The children were enthusiastic, as were staff that joined in with the to engage with the child through play,” Jacqui said. singing and impromptu dancing. RHH Play Specialists also assist and advise other healthcare The RHH has four Play Specialists who provide a service from 8.30am professionals
Social Enterprise Models: the Indonesian Case Studies
Social Enterprise for Sustainable Urban Development Parallel Events of PrepCom3 UN Habitat III Collaboration between United Nations, City Government of Surabaya and Universitas Surabaya Surabaya, July 23 2016 ii Foreword Excellencies, Distinguished Delegates, Ladies and Gentlemen It gives me great pleasure to extend to you all a very warm welcome on behalf of the Universitas Surabaya (UBAYA) and to say how grateful we are to all of you who have accepted our invitation to attend the discussion on Social Enterprise for Sustainable Urban Development. This event is called as parallel events of the PrepCom3 UN Habitat III. PrepCom3 will be held in Surabaya, Indonesia, from Monday, 25 July to Wednesday, 27 July 2016 at the Convention and Exhibition Hall Grand City Convex Surabaya. Stakeholders, programmes and projects, as well as global and regional networks of partners, can use this opportunity to meet and advance the debate on the New Urban Agenda. Prior to Third Preparatory Committee of the UN Habitat III Conference, the original motivation of this event is to share experiences and research finding from private sector, research institution, and non-government organization to promote issue sustainable urban development. Hence, the social enterprise has become our concern to better respond to the challenges of our time, to address issues such as inequality, informality, insecurity, and the unsustainable forms of urban expansion. All of the members of the local Organizing Committee from the Universitas Surabaya wish you a superb conference experience and a memorable stay in Surabaya. Dr. Anton Tjahjo Anggoro Centre for Research and Community Service (LPPM) Universitas Surabaya iii Table of Content Foreword .....................................................................................................
UNIVERSAL MUSIC • Michael Franti & Spearhead – All People • David
Michael Franti & Spearhead – All People David Garrett – Music Robbie Williams – Live At Knebworth 10th Anniversary New Releases From Classics And Jazz Inside!!! And more… UNI13-31 “Our assets on-line” UNIVERSAL MUSIC 2450 Victoria Park Ave., Suite 1, Willowdale, Ontario M2J 5H3 Phone: (416) 718.4000 Artwork shown may not be final UNIVERSAL MUSIC CANADA NEW RELEASE Artist/Title: JAY‐Z / MAGNA CARTA HOLY GRAIL (Standard Version) Bar Code: Cat. #: DEFW4027102 Price Code: SP Order Due: ASAP Release Date: July 9, 2013 8 57018 00418 2 File: Rap / Hip Hop Genre Code: 34 Box Lot: 25 Key Tracks: *SHORT SELL CYCLE “Holy Grail” ft. Justin Timberlake *NOT ACTUAL COVER Artist/Title: JAY‐Z / MAGNA CARTA HOLY GRAIL (Deluxe Version) Bar Code: Cat. #: B001887702 Price Code: SPS Order Due: July 4, 2013 Release Date: July 23, 2013 8 57018 00414 4 File: Rap / Hip Hop Genre Code: 34 Box Lot: 25 Key Tracks: *SHORT SELL CYCLE “Holy Grail” ft. Justin Timberlake *NOT ACTUAL COVER KEY POINTS: • Over 50 Million Albums sold worldwide – 1 million in Canada! • 10 Grammy Awards including 3 for his 2009 release “Blueprint 3” which debuted #1 in Canada • Previous album Watch The Throne with Kanye West has scanned over 130,000 units • Magna Carta Holy Grail includes 15 brand new songs! • Deluxe Version includes intricate 6‐panel soft pack, 28‐page booklet with black o‐card. The idea behind the package is that it needs to be destroyed in order for the information inside to be revealed. • Massive advertising & promotional campaigns running from release throughout the
/ mmm.- ■ ■ m VOL. iô VICTORIA B. C.. FRIDAY, APRIL, Jil896, No. 48 Hot Water Bottles. i Lard pr. * I. losing tir-)» mi fast. then. rallied by N.spier 11 ml Dunce®, they Fountain and Bulb Syringes. j again assumed the offensive und drove We have a full line of these goo»te. j hack the 6Warms of mdives under a of the beet manufacture, at moder TIPPER j -low but well directed fire. Then it ate price*. was the turn of the Mata lades to give Surprised John Cochrane, ground, and a squad of troopers.’ charg ing with a ringing cheer, tbn-w them in N. W. Cor. Yates & Douglas 8te. HAS BURST to confusion, and the British were ap ON TOP parently getting the upper hand by slowly forcing the enemy buck ward, People The Long Pending Conflict when suddenly the retreat was ordered, Reports on Mines the British begun to full beck, and final The Blustering Tyrant Will Take Bui u way 0 Has at Last ly returned towards Bttluwu.vH. which the Belns of the Leadership When customers see the prices we Occurred. We are In 0 position to give clients the 11 iii'H considerably . he To-Morrow. are selling Solid Gold Watches, following for the prices set opposite: worse for wear and tear. Iteport on the value of 11 prospect, Much heroism was dismlkyed by indi Rings, Brooches etc., at, they ex- Including map and abstract, of vidual British troopers and volunteer* title .. .... ....................................$50 00 The Britsh Forces Attack the Mat claim : oh, they must be plated, at Report on the value of u developed j in rescuing their wounded comrades.
June/July 2017 Discover the World with YOUR AWARD WINNING LOCAL TRAVEL AGENT
On What’s Take That Andre Rieu Churchill Theatre Cinema Music JUNE/JULY 2017 www.forumnorthallerton.org.uk Discover the World WITH YOUR AWARD WINNING LOCAL TRAVEL AGENT VILLA BREAKS FAMILY HOLIDAYS TAILORED TOURS WINTER CRUISING SPORTS ACTION & ADVENTURE CITY BREAKS T: 01609 779821 3 Market Row, E: northallerton@speartravels.net Barkers Arcade www.speartravels.net DL7 8LN Welcome to the Forum We have a feast of music, comedy, theatre and film for your entertainment over the next two months. We have now changed our cycle of bi-monthly brochures so the next one will cover August and September; we will be producing a special leaflet for all events and activities during the summer holidays. My manager's choice in June is the film - The Sense of an Ending with the hugely talented Jim Broadbent. The following month we welcome back Crash Bang Wallop Youth Theatre with Legally Blonde - reviews of Spamalot, their last production, said - “such talent, professionalism and energy from the whole cast and crew” - don’t miss this show - it will be more of the same. USEFUL INFOrmatiON - HOW TO BOOK In person: The Box Office is open Monday to Friday 9.30am – 3.30pm and 11am – 1pm on Saturdays. By phone: 01609 776230 Online: Book online and select your own seat at www.forumnorthallerton.org.uk. A fee of £1 per transaction will be added to all telephone and internet bookings to cover the charge we incur on these transactions. Ticket Collection: We don’t send tickets in the post. You can collect your tickets from the Box Office during normal opening hours (see above).
MUSIC DVDs FOR SALE See sale conditions on Page 5 Recorded Approx * Seller's recommendations listed in BOLD type or released elapsed DVD date minutes Popular/Rock/Country Abba In Concert: Live at Wembley Arena, London 1979 100 Al Martino Most Famous: Live in Edmonton, Canada 1976 50 Andrew Lloyd Webber Masterpiece (Collector's Edition): Live from Beijing - 2 DVD set 2001 180 Andy Williams: Live at The Royal Albert Hall - 2 DVD set 1978 100 Ann Murray: What A Wonderful World (studio audience performance) 2001 55 Barbara Dickson In Concert: Live at Royal Albert Hall 1987 55 Barbra Streisand One Night Only: Live at the Village Vanguard, New York 2009 90 Barbra Streisand: MusiCares tribute in Los Angeles 2011 60 Barbra Streisand Back To Brooklyn: Live at Barclays Centre, NYC (DVD & CD) 2012 140 Bee Gees: One Night Only (Deluxe Edition) Live in Las Vegas 1997 260 Billy Joel Live at Shea Stadium 2008 155 Bing Crosby In Concert (compilation footage) 2005 60 Bobby Darin Mack The Knife 2005 65 Bobby Darin Entertains - 1960s TV studio performances 2006 75 Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band: Live in NYC (2 DVD set) 2000 180 Buddy Holly & The Crickets - tribute show & documentary 2005 60 Buddy Holly & The Crickets - The Definitive Story: 50th Anniversary Edition DVD 2009 125 Burt Bacharach & Dionne Warwick: Live in NYC 1996 60 Burt Bacharach A Life In Song: Live at Royal Festival Hall 2015 110 Carole King: Live in Tokyo 2008 90 Chet Atkins A Tribute (TV special) 1980 100 Chet Atkins A Life In Music (documentary) 2005 60 Cliff Richard The Countdown
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CONGRATULATIONS MARTINA for Many Programmers, It's a Long -Held Belief That What Goes Between the Songs Is What Sets a on BEING the ONLY ARTIST in Radio Station Apart
THIS WEEK IN MONITOR: Are Apple, Microsoft Interested In Universal Music Group? p. 3 How Country Radio Got The 'Picture' On Kid Rock p. 30 APRIL 18, 2003 We Listen To Radio VOLUME 11 NO. 16$6.95 More Between The Songs In NYC CONGRATULATIONS MARTINA For many programmers, it's a long -held belief that what goes between the songs is what sets a ON BEING THE ONLY ARTIST IN radio station apart. Now, several NewYork stations are again putting that hypothesis to the test. After months of speculation and three months GMT FLAMEWORTHY HISTORY TO WIN THE of stunting with an interim top 40 format, FEMALE VIDEO OF THE YEAR AWARD! Infinity's WNEW New York finally made its long -anticipated switch to a musically broad adult - leaning top 40 format with entertainment ele- ments April 10, becoming 102.7 Blink. In this week's Airplay Monitor, top 40/AC editor Skip Dillard talks to Infinity Radio president of pro- gramming Andy Schuon about the development of the new format, its possible future in syndica- tion, and why the station is defying traditional pro- gramming wisdom by casting a musical net that ranges from Coldplay to Etta James to Salt-N-Pepa. There's also sample hours from the first days and pictures of the much talked -about launch party. But WNEW's new format is hardly the first attempt by a New York top 40 station to co -brand itself with artists and pop culture. Heritage top 40 WHTZ (Z100), whose own efforts in that arena go hark to the mid -'90s, has unveiled its new "Reality Radio" program, where artists from Kelly Osbourn to Sean Paul "take over" the radio station and spike some unusual music of their own.
Creativity and Growing up in Literatures of Maturation, 1850-1920
University of Tennessee, Knoxville TRACE: Tennessee Research and Creative Exchange Doctoral Dissertations Graduate School 8-2014 Innocent Artists: Creativity and Growing Up in Literatures of Maturation, 1850-1920 Whitney Elaine Jones University of Tennessee - Knoxville, wjones23@vols.utk.edu Follow this and additional works at: https://trace.tennessee.edu/utk_graddiss Part of the Literature in English, British Isles Commons Recommended Citation Jones, Whitney Elaine, "Innocent Artists: Creativity and Growing Up in Literatures of Maturation, 1850-1920. " PhD diss., University of Tennessee, 2014. https://trace.tennessee.edu/utk_graddiss/2890 This Dissertation is brought to you for free and open access by the Graduate School at TRACE: Tennessee Research and Creative Exchange. It has been accepted for inclusion in Doctoral Dissertations by an authorized administrator of TRACE: Tennessee Research and Creative Exchange. For more information, please contact trace@utk.edu. To the Graduate Council: I am submitting herewith a dissertation written by Whitney Elaine Jones entitled "Innocent Artists: Creativity and Growing Up in Literatures of Maturation, 1850-1920." I have examined the final electronic copy of this dissertation for form and content and recommend that it be accepted in partial fulfillment of the equirr ements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, with a major in English. Amy Billone, Major Professor We have read this dissertation and recommend its acceptance: Nancy Henry, Urmila Seshagiri, Art Smith, Rosalind Hackett Accepted for the Council: Carolyn R. Hodges Vice Provost and Dean of the Graduate School (Original signatures are on file with official studentecor r ds.) Innocent Artists: Creativity and Growing Up in Literatures of Maturation, 1850 – 1920 A Dissertation Presented for the Doctor of Philosophy Degree The University of Tennessee, Knoxville Whitney Elaine Jones August 2014 Copyright @2014 by Whitney Elaine Jones All rights reserve ii DEDICATION To the quiet girl who found a voice.
Robert Burns Centre FILM THEATRE BOX OFFICE 01387 264808 • WWW.RBCFT.CO.UK June, July, August 2017 Robert Burns Centre Film Theatre, Mill Road, Dumfries DG2 7BE Tel 01387 264808 RBC FILM THEATRE COFFEE CLUB RBCFT FAMILY AUDIO Relish a cup of coffee and FRIENDLY DESCRIPTION BOX OFFICE JUNE Tue 20 Wed 5 Thu 20 Sat 12 INFORMATION tray-bake before settling down SEAT RESERVATIONS All seats – apart from Coffee SCREENINGS & SUBTITLES 01387 264808 Thu 1 Shorts for Wee Ones 10.30 The Secret Scripture (12A) 5.30 The Other Side Despicable Me 3 (PG) 2.00 to watch a film. Tickets £7.50. Club screenings – are unreserved. If you require Films for a younger audience and We have a system Their Finest (12A) 7.30 Going In Style (12A) 5.30 Hidden Figures (PG) 7.30 Of Hope (12A) 7.30 Alone In Berlin (12A) 7.30 Seats can be reserved for Open evenings for the seats together, please arrive in plenty of time to take Coffee Club screenings. Please their parents/guardians and tickets which enables Wed 21 Thu 6 Fri 21 + Sat 22 Tue 15 duration of the film Fri 2 advantage of our seat minding system. Please ask reserve your seats when cost £4.60 per person, irrespective us, whenever the Mindhorn (15) 10.30 The Secret Scripture (12A) 10.45 Gifted (12A) 7.30 Despicable Me 3 (PG) 2.00 screening and during the day Lady Macbeth (15) 7.30 staff for details. booking. Doors open at 10am of size or age or screening time! necessary digital files Shorts for Middle Ones 2.00 Hidden Figures (PG) 5.30 Tue 25 A Man Called Ove 7.30 Monday to Saturday Sat 3 If you’re having a meal at Hullabaloo Restaurant and films start at 10.45am.
Artist Concert 3 Doors Down Live at the Download Festival 3 Doors Down Live At The Tabernacle 2014 30 Odd Foot Of Grunts Live at Soundstage 30 Seconds To Mars Live At Download Festival 2013 5 Seconds of Summer How Did We End Up Here? 6ft Hick Notes from the Underground A House Live on Stage A Thousand Horses Real Live Performances A Thousand Horses Real Live Performances ABBA Arrival: The Ultimate Critical Review ABBA The Gold Singles Above And Beyond Acoustic AC/DC In Performance AC/DC Live at the Circus Krone AC/DC AC/DC - No Bull AC/DC Live At River Plate\t Acid Angels 101 A Concert - Band in Seattle Acid Angels And Big Sur 101 Episode - Band in Seattle Adam Jensen Live at Kiss FM Boston Adam Lambert Glam Nation Live Aerosmith Videobiography Aerosmith Rock for the Rising Sun After The Fire Live at the Greenbelt Against Me! Live at the Key Club: West Hollywood Aiden From Hell with Love Air Eating Sleeping Waiting and Playing Air Supply Air Supply Live in Toronto Air Supply Air Supply Live in Toronto Air Supply Live in Hong Kong Akhenaton Live Aux Docks Des Sud Al Green Everything's Going To Be Alright Alabama and Friends Live at the Ryman Alain Souchon J'veux Du Live Part 2 Alanis Morissette Live at Soundstage Alanis Morissette Live at Montreux 2012 Alanis Morissette Guitar Center Sessions Albert Collins Live at Montreux Albert Collins Live at Montreux Alberta Cross Live At The ATO Cabin Alejandro Fernández Confidencias Reales Alejandro Sanz El Alma al Aire en Concierto Ali Campbell Live at the Shepherds Bush Empire Alice Cooper Live