3. ADOPTION OF MINUTES 3-7 1. Minutes of May 9, 2012

4. DELEGATIONS 1. Ross Latter of Kemp Elliott and Blair


6. CORRESPONDENCE 8-12 1. Mayors Coalition Steering Committee re: Policing 13-22 2. Association of Francophone Municipalities of request for sponsorship 23-24 3. Englehart & District Hospital re per capita contribution 25 4. Englehart & District Hospital re Accreditation 26 5. Englehart & District Horticultural Society 27-28 6. Township of 911 Agreement 29-30 7. Tillsonburg re PIL 31-32 8. Ontario Building Officials Association 33-34 9. City of North Bay re ONTC 35 10. Timiskaming Health Unit re Smoking By-Law 36-37 11. Ministry of Natural Resources re Bear Wise program 38 12. Ontario Trillium Foundation 39 13. Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration re Ontario Medal for Good Citizenship 40 14. Joyceline Landry re heavy traffic on Second Street 41 15. Quantum Express re TVO antenna 42 16. E&D Agricultural Society 43-44 17. Teachers of English as a Second Language Assoc. Of Ontario 45 18. Englehart Legion Ladies Auxiliary Branch 104 46 19. Ontario Heritage Trust 47-49 20. Correspondence Log

7. FINANCE REPORT 50-51 1. Finance Report



9. COMMITTEE REPORTS 1. Airport 2. Environment/Public Works 3. Planning Board 4. Museum 5. Finance/General Government 52-67 6. Learning Center 68-70 7. Library 8. TMA 9. Fire 71-72 10. Recreation 11. Community Policing 12. Emergency Management 13. Economic Development 73 14. Chamber of Commerce 15. Hospital Retention & Recruitment 16. 701 Restoration 17. Wheelchair Bus Committee 18. Elevator Committee



12. NEXT MEETING June 13, 2012 at 6:30 pm 13. ADJOURNMENT

Page 2 of 73 ... Agenda Item # 31.

The minutes of the last regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Englehart, held in the council chambers of the Town Hall on Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Mayor Nina Wallace chaired the meeting.

Councilors present: Doug Metson, Dianne Peplinski, Steph Palmateer, Annette Wood- Wheeldon.

Absent: Pauline Brassard and Twyla Wilson

Staff present: Jana Van Oosten, Susan Renaud, Jackie Stewart and Ryan Vickery Guests: Darlene Wroe of the Temiskaming Speaker


COU1-12-05-01- Wood-Wheeldon-Metson - That the agenda be adopted as printed. “Carried”

Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest None noted.

Minutes of last council meeting

COU1-12-05-02-Wood-Wheeldon-Metson - That the minutes of the last regular meeting be adopted as printed. “Carried”


1. Ministry of Environment provided accreditation information. Jana will forward a copy to OCWA. 2. KCDC would like to know if the committee will be going forward with the restoration of the 701 engine. Sue will send a letter to confirm that the project is still going to be done. 3. TVO would like to know if the Town of Englehart would like to assume ownership of the TV tower or have them remove it. Council would like to take ownership and rent it to a communications company. 4. The Municipality of will be hosting Canada Day fireworks and are looking for contributions from the surrounding municipalities. Council agreed to contribute $500 towards this event. COU1-12-05-03 Peplinski-Palmateer- Be it resolved that the Town of Englehart contribute $500 towards the Canada Day Firework display hosted by the Municipality of Charlton and Dack. “Carried”

Minutes of May 9, 2012 Page 3 of 73 ... Agenda Item # 31.

6. The City of North Bay requested support for heir motion regarding the divestment of the ONTC.

COU1-12-05-04-Palmateer-Peplinski- That the Council of the Town of Englehart supports the City of North Bay’s motion requesting Premier Dalton McGuinty immediately terminate the planned divestment of the ONTC and meet with the Northern stakeholders as requested in correspondence from Northern Mayors dated April 2, 2012. “Carried”

7. The Ontario Human Rights Commission requested the Town of Englehart declare June 15th Human Rights Code Day. COU1-12-05-05- Wood-Wheeldon-Peplinski-Whereas Ontario has been a leader in protecting and advancing human rights for more than 50 years;

Whereas the Ontario Human Rights Code was first proclaimed on June 15, 1962;

Whereas each person has the right to be free from discrimination and harassment and to reach their full potential – no matter their race, ethnic origin, place of birth, religion, ability level, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, or any other status;

Whereas protecting human rights reduces tension and conflict and creates an atmosphere of mutual respect and belonging;

Whereas municipalities play a critical role in nurturing human rights and creating equitable environments where everyone is included in work and services and able to enjoy the benefits of their community;

Whereas each one of us has a role to play in making sure that human rights are respected;

Now therefore be it resolved that the Town of Englehart proclaim June 15th Ontario Human Rights Code Day. “Carried”

Finance Report

COU1-12-05-06-Metson-Peplinski- That the report of the finance committee in the amount of $99,259.17 be adopted. “Carried”

Minutes of May 9, 2012 Page 4 of 73 ... Agenda Item # 31.


COU1-12-05-07-Metson-Peplinski-That the by-law for the Town of Englehart, being a by-law to adopt the Official Plan, be given a first and second reading this 9th day of May, 2012. “Carried”

COU1-12-05-08- Metson-Peplinski-That the by-law for the Town of Englehart, being a by-law to adopt the Official Plan, be read a third time, signed, sealed and numbered 2012-11 this 9th day of May, 2012. “Carried”

Committee Reports

Public Works/Environment- The Public Works Department has noticed that there is a discrepancy in the garbage rates for businesses as to the amount of waste generated. This will be reviewed more closely once all the data is collected. There is still a property which requires public works to attend the premises to collect the waste. This is clearly indicated in the By-law that town employees are not to attend any premise for this purpose. A letter with a copy of the by-law will be sent to them. An update was received from AECOM indicating that the tender will be ready to be sent out in July for the water sewer project. One quote for work on well #2 was received to date. There are higher than normal levels of TTHM in the water. This occurs when the high level of organics are treated with chlorine. There are other possible methods of treatment to reduce or eliminate this occurrence. OCWA may take samples and send them to the Walkerton test centre for analysis. Flushing will be done in the meantime. There is no health risk at this time. Spring cleanup will not occur on regular garbage collection days as this created some minor problems. A sign will be put on the garbage truck next year to advertise the date of the clean up and if the dates could be put in the water bills everyone would be informed in a timely fashion. The Public Works department requested that there be monthly management meetings to discuss ongoing matters and keep all departments informed of various activities. Energy efficient lighting is being looked at for the arena.

Finance/ General Government- The budget was looked at and with an increase in assessment values from MPAC it was suggested that the lower tax rate be implemented to avoid a burden on the tax payers. The actual figures for the budget will be ready by month end from the auditor and the rate can be set at that time.

Fire Committee- Mayor Wallace reported that the budget was set for 2012 with the Town of Englehart’s share being $55,710.11. COU1-12-05-09-Wood-Wheeldon-Palmateer- That the Town of Englehart accept the 2012 budget for he Englehart & area Fire Department in the amount of $127, 800 with the Town of Englehart’s contribution of $55, 710.11. “Carried”

Minutes of May 9, 2012 Page 5 of 73 ... Agenda Item # 31.

Economic Development- Councilor Palmateer reported that the 701 project was discussed and local companies such as Nor Arc are being approached to perform the required work. Quotes for hand stenciled logo will be coming in and a quote for stick on letters will come from GraphicId’s. The question regarding the request for extra land has yet to be addressed by the ONR. It was suggested that a letter be sent to the ONTC again and a copy to John Thib also. The Clerks have put out an RFP for the strategic plan. It was suggested by Lorie Ypya of MNDM that NOHFC may have available funding. The Chamber has 44 members with 10 new this year. A number of members have not renewed for 2012. They have $8,030 in the bank account and are looking at replacing the signs on the highway. It was suggested that Council pass a motion to list the Red School for sale. A partner community is still being sought to do the First Impression exchange.

Hospital Recruitment and Retention- Mayor Wallace reported that the committee has not appointed a new chairperson and the deputy chair will take on the duties. Letters will be going to the local municipalities in the hospital service area requesting a per capita contribution towards the recruitment efforts. Mike Baker went to the High School to speak to the students about health care.

Wheelchair bus- The wheelchair bus committee is hosting the Band Country Blend on May 25th and are hoping for a good turnout.

Elevator Committee Councilor Metson reported that the footings are being poured. The water and sewer lines are way below the area where the shaft will be constructed. The Charlton Englehart Lions club will match any donations made after May 15, 2012 up to $20,000.00.

Closed Session

COU1-12-05-10- Peplinski-Wood-Wheeldon- Whereas Section 239(2) of the Municipal Act, 2001 allows for councils to move into closed session when the subject matter is labour relations or employee negotiations; Now therefore the council will move into closed session at 7:25 p.m. “Carried”

COU1-12-05-11-Wood-Wheeldon-Peplinski-That the council move out of closed session and return to regular meeting at 8:22 p.m. “Carried”

Minutes of May 9, 2012 Page 6 of 73 ... Agenda Item # 31.

Next Meeting

Next regular Council meeting will be held on May 28, 2012 at 6:30 p.m.


COU1-12-05-12- Wood-Wheeldon-Peplinski -That we do adjourn. “Carried”

______Clerk Mayor

Minutes of May 9, 2012 Page 7 of 73 ... Agenda Item # 61.

Mayors Coalition c/o John Lessif Town of Tillsonburg 200 Broadway Tillsonburg, ON

N4G 5A7

May 10, 2012

Good day Mayor Wallace,

The Mayors Coalition is gaining fast ground on this extremely important topic. Beyond the Policing taskforce that was developed two months ago, we now see the following new committees being formed: The Future of Policing Advisory Committee, this committee is designed to provide a forum for the follow up on key issues and in particular, the review of police services. The Committee will also oversee six different subcommittees which will review: crime prevention, law enforcement, assistance to victims of crime, public order maintenance, emergency response, and administration and infrastructure. And secondly, an OPP Costing mProject Tea has been created. This team is dedicated to improving the transparency and accountability of municipal costs in communities policed by the OPP. All of these things are a result of the fact that the High Cost of Policing topic, while difficult, perhaps unpalatable for some, had to occur and must continue to occur.

The above activities will certainly allow us to better understand our police bills, and that is important, however the conversation still needs to turn to how we reduce those policing bills and the Mayors Coalition remains focussed on the financial aspect.

What is it we are looking to achieve?

It is one of two things, a true partnership with the Province or if not, have the Province take on100% of the taxation for OPP Policing services.

To understand in which direction we are headed we are asking the following:

1. Is the Province interested in a true partnership where municipalities have some control over our costs? 2. If yes, can we develop a working group to delve into the weeds with our new municipal control and make changes? 3. If not, will you take collection for services right out of the municipal levy where it no longer belongs?

Why are we pursuing this in light of the Ministries task force in which AMO is participating? Simply put, the task force is not allowed to speak to the items of true and meaningful significance. The Minister has clearly stated they cannot speak to or address:

• The province‐wide model for developing municipal police costs; • The adequacy standards and/or other legislative or regulatory requirements for policing; • The policy or practice for collective bargaining with the OPPA.

As elected municipal officials we are fiscally accountable to our citizens and accountable to look after all levels of our community. We need to protect Seniors and the less fortunate in our communities from the over burdening taxation, we need to deliver 100% of mandated services, at affordable price points,

Mayors Coalition Steering Committee re: Policing Page 8 of 73 ... Agenda Item # 61.

we need to protect our local business and industries from undue taxation causing them to close their doors or layoff our citizens, we need to deliver programs for our youth. Our ability to deliver these programs are crippled by the rising costs of Policing.

To accomplish the above we have a 3 phase plan that would see the following unfold:

Phase One

• Develop a comprehensive stakeholder map

• Prepare key messages for meetings with stakeholders

• Canvass key stakeholders

• Gather intelligence at Queen’s Park

• Analyze primary information

• Deliver report assessing the prospects for achieving needed changes and the most approach for moving forward.

Phase Two

• Continue to gather intelligence and interact with government and opposition members

• Continue to conduct government outreach and meetings

If we choose to go with a more public campaign,

• Develop key messages for public education campaign

• Outreach to key decision makers

• Develop ‘constituency of supporters’

• Designate priority targets for engagement based on Phase One activity

• Designate key regional spokespeople

• Design a consistent narrative for use with media

• Create opportunities to engage with Queen’s Park influencers and policymakers

• Creation of materials, media lists, stakeholder list, fact sheetsd an construct a bilingual media toolkit

Mayors Coalition Steering Committee re: Policing Page 9 of 73 ... Agenda Item # 61.

• Deliver a report measuring and assessing the impact of the public campaign against our stated goals, along with recommendations for future action

Phase Three

• Continue to communicate with stakeholders and influencers

• Continue to monitor media

• Provide stakeholders with updated information

We trust you share our vision and commitment. Please consider supporting our effort in one of two ways:

1. Financial support of $1,000 (recognizing tight times, less is acceptable) 2. Moral support via joining the coalition as registered member of the Mayors Coalition for Affordable, Sustainable, Accountable Provincial Policing.

Please find attached a coalition membership form and invoice for your convenience,

Thank you so much for your ongoing support,

Mayors Coalition Steering Committee Cochrane Mayor Peter Politis Arnprior Mayor David Reid Penetanguishene Mayor Gerry Marshall Parry Sound Mayor Jamie McGarvey Norfolk Mayor Dennis Travale Tillsonburg Mayor John Lessif

Mayors Coalition Steering Committee re: Policing Page 10 of 73 ... Agenda Item # 61.

Mayors Coalition c/o John Lessif Town of Tillsonburg

200 Broadway Tillsonburg, ON N4G 5A7

May 10, 2012

Mayor Nina Wallace Town of Englehart

Quantity Description Unit Price Total

1 Fee to assist in operating costs as describe in $1000.00 $1000.00 correspondence dated May 10 ,2012


Please submit payment to:

Director of Finance Town of Tillsonburg 200 Broadway Tillsonburg, ON N4G 5A7

Mayors Coalition Steering Committee re: Policing Page 11 of 73 ... Agenda Item # 61.

Mayors Coalition c/o John Lessif Town of Tillsonburg 200 Broadway Tillsonburg, ON N4G 5A7

Membership Form

NAME: Mayor Nina Wallace

MUNICIPALITY ADDRESS: Town of Englehart______


Mayors Coalition c/o Town of Tillsonburg 200 Broadway Tillsonburg, ON N4G 5A7

Mayors Coalition Steering Committee re: Policing Page 12 of 73 ... Agenda Item # 62.

fg—u V Association franchise TCtftlSKCUTliltf* des municipalites Vni. _ _ O de I'Ontario Dr««rr< <,«.J. N,U- • IV

May 9, 2012

Town of Englehart P.O. Box 399 Englehart, ON POJ 1HO

Attention: Mayor, Council, and Staff

RE: Sponsorship Request for AFMO'S Annual Conference 2012

The City of in partnership with the Association of Francophone Municipalities of Ontario (AFMO), is pleased to invite you to AFMO's 23rd annual conference. This event will take place at Riverside Place and at the Home Granite Curling Club in the City of Temiskaming Shores from Wednesday, September 5 to Friday, September 7, 2012.

Under the theme of "Let's be Innovative" this conference will hold discussions on such themes, amongst others, as the possible partnerships between the many players in our society and the interaction between governments and society as well as innovation as it relates to tourism, economic development and networking. This annual conference will mobilize more than 250 leaders, partners and key participants involved in the development of Francophone communities in Ontario.

In taking part at this conference, we hope to pool our resources, find solutions to some of the challenges facing municipalities and share our experiences.

The success of such an event is based on the financial support of businesses, community groups and organizations as well as all levels of government, be it municipal, provincial and federal. Please find enclosed, a copy of our prospectus that details sponsorship opportunities along with pertinent information on kiosk rental.

We would like to count on your participation and involvement at our annual conference.

For more information, please do not hesitate to contact the following individuals: Jacqueline Noiseux Suzanne (Sue) Weiss General Manager AFMO Municipal Clerk, City of Temiskaming Shores 613-834-7067 705-672-3363 ext 4104

Sincerely, Sincerely,

Clermont Lapointe Carman Kidd President of AFMO and Mayor Reeve of McGarry Township City of Temiskaming Shores

Association of Francophone Municipalities of Ontario request for Page 13 of 73 sponsorship ... Agenda Item # 62.

Association of Francophone Municipalities of Ontario request for Page 14 of 73 sponsorship ... Agenda Item # 62.

Association frangaise des AFM& municipalites de I'Ontario In collaboration with

Dyatont UtliTftxirj Vrir I nlr«frf ViOf ,1. Shores i OnUi-l.i • IM U.IT: *• (u«(

Annual Conference 2012 « Let's be Innovative »


September 5 to 7, 2012 Temiskaming Shores, Ontario

Association fran^aise dcs municipalites dc I'Ontario 3349, Navan road, Ottawa ON K4B 1 H9 Telephone: 613-834-7067 Fax: 613-834-6312 .ca

Association of Francophone Municipalities of Ontario request for Page 15 of 73 sponsorship ... Agenda Item # 62.


Take part in one of the largest conferences of French-Bilingual Ontario. Meet municipal representatives, high-calibre managers and decision makers who have an impact on the development of these communities.

This year's annual conference of the Francophone Association of Municipalities of Ontario will take place in Temiskaming Shores, September 5th to the 7th, 2012 (delegates to arrive the 4th of September).

By sponsoring an activity or the entire event, you will have the opportunity to be seen and recognized by AFMO, a leader in municipal affairs, its members and its partners. The Association is part of an important provincial network in municipal affairs which includes other associations such as AMO, AMCTO and OGRA.


AFMO organizes a major event each year, which includes its annual general assembly: a provincial conference that brings together more than 250 leaders, partners and key players in the development of Francophone and bilingual communities throughout Ontario.

It is in the enchanting setting of the City of Temiskaming Shores that AFMO will be highlighting its 23rd year of operation. This year's conference theme is "Let's be Innovative " and this conference will hold discussions on such themes, amongst others, as the possible partnerships between the many players in our society and the interaction between governments and society as well as innovation as it relates to tourism, economic development and networking. It is necessary to capitalize on our strengths to build a better future!

Elected officials, managers and staff of Ontario municipalities, public servants at the provincial and federal levels, as well as key players in the development of the arts, culture, environment, community development, tourism, immigration and the social and private sector entrepreneurs will all be attending to discover exemplary practices, learned lessons, strategies, structures and processes involving a variety of partners adopting an integrated approach to sustainable development while addressing the complex problems faced by communities. With a warm welcome from the residents of Temiskaming Shores, you will fall under its charm.

In collaboration with public and catholic school boards and the program "Elargir I'espace francophone", AFMO will once again present its fourth youth program and will welcome the participation of students from French public schools and catholic schools in the region. Students will participate in workshops on leadership within the framework of identity construction and will present their talents as hosts during special activities within the annual conference. Delegates will be able to share their experiences with these effervescent youth, which in return can share its challenges as part of a minority. In short, everyone can find their place in this great project of enlargement of Francophone space and the vitality of Franco-Ontarians.

For further updated information on the conference, please visit our Web site at

See you in September!

Association of Francophone Municipalities of Ontario request for Page 16 of 73 sponsorship ... Agenda Item # 62.


Mission • Provide French-speaking elected municipal officers and directors a public forum and relevant services in French, and act as representative and advisor to ministries and organizations related to municipal affairs in Ontario.

Objectives • Act as representative for members in matters of common interest; • Foster professional development and ongoing training of its members; • Serve as a forum for sharing information and opinions by its members; • Liaise with other municipal stakeholders in Ontario and throughout Canada; • Promote and encourage the use of French in municipal affairs; • Promote the immigration of Francophones to Ontario and support the integration of racial and ethno-cultural minorities within various Francophone communities in Ontario.

Priorities • Claim the maintenance and betterment of municipal services in French in Ontario by improving rules and legislative measures related to services and programs offered to residents and taxpayers within the province's 25 bilingual regions designated by the French Language Services Act; • Offer training and professional development programs to municipal elected officials, their executives and employees as well as to our associate members; • Develop templates and linguistic support tools for the municipal sector; • Ensure the up-dating of AFMO's Website to promote communications between members and to increase awareness of our communities on municipal affairs; • Negotiate and actualize agreements between communities for their growth and economic development as well as that of the municipal sector; • Define the strategic operational plan for French services for the Ontario Provincial Police through the Justice Forum.

Background History • The Francophone Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AFMO) was founded, in 1989, by Gisele Lalonde, then Mayor of the City of Vanier. Her goal was to uphold and improve municipal services delivery and governance, in both French and English, in the regions of Ontario designated under the French Language Services Act of Ontario.

Association of Francophone Municipalities of Ontario request for Page 17 of 73 sponsorship ... Agenda Item # 62.


More than 250 elected officials, representatives, managers and staff from Ontario municipalities, public servants at both provincial and federal levels (AMO, AMCTO, OGRA,...} and key players in the development of the arts, culture, environment, community economic development, tourism, youth, and organizations involved in community economic development (CLE, AEFO, OPP, RDEE, AJEFO,...), as well as social entrepreneurs, etc. > Potentially more than 400 young people taking part in a francophone gathering; > Fifteen sponsors; > Fifteen departments and partners (booths); > Ministers from both levels of government; ^ More than fifty young people participating at the conference, including 5-8 resource persons or facilitators for the workshop; > More than twenty sectarian associative partners in tourism, agriculture, agri-food, youth, health, high technology, employability, cooperative development, immigration, finance, etc.


Objectives of the conference:

1. Expose the participants to concrete and successful strategies and experiences in governance while offering a public forum for discussions and expert presentations;

2. Encourage the implementation of communication and partnership networks between municipalities and economic development, employability and social economy organizations;

3. Share information, encourage renewal, create an exchange for expertise amongst partners from Ontario and Quebec, allowing municipalities and organizations to better understand the scope and implementation advantages of municipal policies for the economic development of our communities;

4. Raise awareness of elected officials to the fact that the Francophone identity of their communities is part of an undeniable asset for their socio-economic development by the recognition of their heritage, the vitality of their Francophone communities, the awareness of and promotion of services in French, and the promotion of their assets (arts, cultural events, infrastructures, etc.).

Association of Francophone Municipalities of Ontario request for Page 18 of 73 sponsorship ... Agenda Item # 62.


Date: September 5-7, 2012

Place: Conference / Meals: Riverside Place at 55 Whitewood, New Liskeard Kiosk / Refreshments: Home Granite Curling Club at 11 May New Street

Profile of delegates:

Province-wide elected officials, managers, organizations and partners, representatives of the various levels of government, decision makers in communication, tourism, etc.

Opportunities for sponsorship:

The City of Temiskaming Shores and AFMO are searching for sponsors for one or several activities or for the entire conference. By sponsoring the conference or a particular activity, you will have excellent visibility by raising the profile of your department, your business, your company, your products, your services!

The City of Temiskaming Shores and AFMO offer sponsorship programs that are adapted to your needs and your intent to invest in this event.

AFMO's annual conference is a major event that provides you with the opportunity to increase your profile...and your business!


Sponsorship: $1,000 or 6 breaks for $5,000

Benefits: > Publicity in the conference program - business card size > Opportunity to distribute documentation during the breaks > Small cardboard advertisement on the coffee table > Visibility on the sponsorship recognition board * If a partner sponsors 6 breaks, additional visibility will be offered.


Sponsorship: $3,000 per breakfast or 3 breakfasts for $7,000

Benefits: > 3-minute presentation at the podium > Publicity of the sponsor's logo on a giant screen > Publicity in the conference program -1/2 page > Opportunity to distribute documentation during the sponsored meal > Visibility on the sponsorship recognition board > Reduction of 50% of rental fees for a kiosk > Logo on AFMO website 2 months prior to the conference and link to the sponsor's website

Association of Francophone Municipalities of Ontario request for Page 19 of 73 sponsorship ... Agenda Item # 62.


Sponsorship: $10,000 per event

Benefits: 3-minute presentation at the podium ^ Logo on the menu Sponsor's logo featured on a giant screen Publicity in the conference program - 1 page Opportunity to distribute documentation during the sponsored meal Visibility on the sponsorship recognition board Reduction of 50% of rental fees for a kiosk Logo on AFMO website 2 months prior to the conference and link to the sponsor's website


Sponsorship: $5,000

Benefits: > Publicity in the conference program - 1 page > Sponsor's logo featured on a giant screen > Opportunity to distribute documentation in the delegate's kit > Visibility on the sponsorship recognition board > Reduction of 50% of rental fees for a kiosk Note: With $1,000 and up, the sponsor has his logo printed on the participants' kits along with the logos of the official organizers of the conference.


Sponsorship: $1,000


> Kiosk > 1 table, 2 chairs > Electricity > Internet > Wine will be served during the opening cocktail ceremony


Gold - $500 Silver-$250 Bronze-$100

Benefits: > Business card attached to gift(s) > Mention in the program's list of sponsors for gifts by category.

Association of Francophone Municipalities of Ontario request for Page 20 of 73 sponsorship ... Agenda Item # 62.

We are interested in sponsoring an activity at the 2012 AFMO Annual Conference.

Name of contact person

Company Organization Department

Mailing address (Street, city, province, etc.)

Postal code

Please send this form by fax to: Jacqueline Noiseux, General Manager, AFMO, fax 613-834-6312 or Suzanne Weiss, Municipal Clerk, City of Temiskaming Shores, fax 705-672-3200

Association francahc des miniicipalites do ('Ontario 3349Navan Road, Ottawa ON K4B 1H9 Telephone: 613-834-7067 Tel£copicur: 613-834-6312 ad mi n (ft

Association of Francophone Municipalities of Ontario request for Page 21 of 73 sponsorship ... Agenda Item # 62.

Association of Francophone Municipalities of Ontario request for Page 22 of 73 sponsorship ... Agenda Item # 63.

i ,. m i . g


April 30, 2012

Town of Englehart PO Box 399 Englehart, ON POJ 1HO

Dear Reeve and Council:

With the acute shortage of family doctors across the country we are indeed fortunate to be able to attract and recruit physicians to our community.

This does result in an increased cost to the hospital but with the cooperation of municipalities, businesses and interested parties we have been able to offset a portion of these costs.

Seven years ago, the hospital formed the Englehart and Area Healthcare Professional Recruitment and Retention Committee to assist in recruitment and retention of physicians. It is comprised of community members and chaired by the Vice Chair of the Board of Directors. The committee has worked to develop strategies and initiatives to recruit and retain physicians and other health care professionals for the hospital and family health team.

Our most successful method is to advertize in the Canadian Medical Journal We have expanded our media campaign to include the Medical Journal. In fact, the Englehart hospital and family health team were recently featured in the Journal reviewing the success of the community in recruiting physicians. You can view the article on their website under the "News" sub heading.

We enjoyed a full complement of physicians at the beginning of the year. However, since that time, Dr. Olokodona decided to relocate in March, Dr. Hudson moved to Peterborough in April and Dr. Slivko will relocate in June. Combined with Dr. Primrose's retirement at the end of June, our task is larger this year that it has been in many previous years. We have hired Dr. Regina Mbuva, who has been a wonderful addition to the staff. Dr. Lynn Lacasse from Earlton returned to the area April 23 to join the Englehart team. We have also had another very promising contact, who we hope to sign in the coming week. We have been working very diligently to shore up our physician compliment with locum physicians, which can be very costly, but necessary to ensure our Emergency Department stays open.

P.O. Box 69, 61 5"' Street, Englehart, ON POJ 1HO Telephone (705) 544-2301 Facsimile (705) 544-5222

Englehart & District Hospital re per capita contribution Page 23 of 73 ... Agenda Item # 63.


We will again attend the Annual Health Professional Recruitment tour this fall, hosted by Health Force Ontario. This tour provides us with an opportunity to meet a large number of medical students, residents and established professionals as well as other health care professionals to show them what Northern Ontario has to offer. In addition, we continue to host medical learners from the Northern Ontario School of Medicine.

All of these initiatives are expensive and I would ask each municipality to assist the hospital by contributing $1.50 per capita toward our recruitment efforts. With approximately 8,600 residents in the area, the additional $12,900 would go a long way to offsetting the costs of these important initiatives.

Thank you for your consideration and ongoing support. If you require further information please do not hesitate to contact me at 705 544 2301 extension 5200.

Yours Sincerely,

Mike Baker Chief Executive Officer- Englehart & District Hospital Executive Director - Englehart & District Family Health Team

MBB: re

P.O. Box 69, 61 5* Street. Englehart, ON POJ 1HO Telephone (705) 544-2301 Facsimile (705) 544-5222

Englehart & District Hospital re per capita contribution Page 24 of 73 ... Agenda Item # 64.



May 8, 2012

Mayor Nina Wallace Town of Englehart PO Box 399 Englehart, ON POJ 1HO

Dear Mayor Wallace,

Engiehart & District Hospital is undergoing an Accreditation Survey with Accreditation Canada on June 10,11,12 and 13th. The purpose of the Accreditation Survey is to assess our provision of services and improve patient care and patient safety; A Community Partners discussion group is scheduled for Tuesday June 12, 2012 from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. in the Boardroom of the Hospital.

We would be grateful if you or a senior representative from your organization would be able to attend this Community Partners Focus Group meeting.

The surveyors who are visiting are:

• Dianne Calvert-Simms • Richard Gibson

The surveyor will center the discussion with our community partners on planning and service design and communication.

Please RSVP to Christine Brownlee at [email protected] or Barb Cook at [email protected]

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me at 705-544-5200.

Thank you for your participation in this important quality improvement process.

Yours Sinceffly

Mike Baker, CGA Chief Executive Officer

MB: be

P.O. Box 69. 61 5lh Street, Englehart. ON POJ 1HO Telephone (705) 544-2301 Facsimile (705) 544-5222

Englehart & District Hospital re Accreditation Page 25 of 73 ... Agenda Item # 65.

R.R. #1TCharlton, ON


May 1,2012

Dear Council,

On behalf of the Englehart and District Horticultural Society, I would like to request that you declare the week of June 9th to June 16th, 2012, Horticultural Week in your community. To encourage horticulture in the area, we will be putting up displays and posters, doing gardening activities in the schools, and generally sharing the joys of gardening. We appreciate your participation in the achievement of our goals for this week.


Co-chair Horticultural Week:

Co-chair Horticultural Week:

Englehart & District Horticultural Society Page 26 of 73 ... Agenda Item # 66.

Tel (705)544-8200 TOWNSHIP r ax (705) 544-8206 * ^ ™ *** II mail" [email protected] wv/iw.evanture! com EVANIURJLL RECEIVED , , ,,

May 17.2012

Town oi'Kngleharl P.O. Box 399 Unglehart. ON POJ 1HO

All; Susan Renaud Ueput) Clerk-Treasurer' 1'xonomic Development Officer

Dear Mrs. Renaud.

He: Knglehart & Area Historical Museum -2012 Contribution

Hud enclosed our cheque in the amount ol'SKSOX.OO representing the portion allotted to The Corporation of the Township of livanturel by the Knglehart & Area Historical Museum Board lor the 2012 Contribution Year; and as invoiced b\n of Hnglehart Invoice No. 122.

Also find enclosed a true copy of Resolution No. 4 passed in open council March 28, 2012. by the Council of The Corporation of the Township of Iwanlurel, accepting this amount of $1,808.00 allotted to the municipality for 2012.

Yours trulv. c

Virginia Montminy Deputy Clerk-Treasurer 'I 111-, CORPORATION ()!• fill TOWNSHIP OF lA'ANTURia.

I-ncl: Cheque No. 10937 Copy of Resolution No.4

Township of Evanturel 911 Agreement Page 27 of 73 ... Agenda Item # 66.

OWNSHIP OF i T* 1705) S44-820G ELVevanWoladm

Resolution of Council Session No. March 28, 2012 2012

Moved by

Seconded ;1 hereby accepts the 2012 . n THAT the Council of The Corporate of $1,808.00 (I-vimturePs portion). Unglehart Historical Museum Board as presented in the amount

Township of Evanturel 911 Agreement Page 28 of 73 ... Agenda Item # 67.

The Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg

April 23, 2012

Honourable Dalton McGuinty Premier of Ontario Legislative Building Queen's Park Toronto ON M7A 1A1

Dear Honourable Sir:

At the Tillsonburg Town Council Meeting of April 23, 2012, Council passed the following resolution:

"WHEREAS in 1970 the rate of provincial payments in lieu of taxes for universities was arbitrarily set at $25 per full time student; and

WHEREAS in 1973 that was doubled to $50 per student and the payment was expanded to include hospitals and provincial correctional institutions; and

WHEREAS in 1987 that rate was increased by 50%, still without apparent justification, to $75 per student and bed; and

WHEREAS that rate has remained constant since that time despite the fact that inflation would in 2012 require an almost doubling of the payment ($146); and

WHEREAS at least sixty-five communities have called for an increase in payments; and

WHEREAS heads of universities are supporting that call; and

WHEREAS Premier McGuinty has looked to the municipalities of the province to be the economic engine of Ontario; and

WHEREAS the payments in lieu of taxes do not meet the actual costs of municipalities to provide the necessary services for the various institutions, thus placing an unfair tax burden on their property tax payers, thereby jeopardizing a municipality's ability to meet infrastructure demands, and consequently weakening their ability to act as economic engines;

CORPORATE OFFICE 200 Broadway, Tillsonburg, Ontario, N4G 5A7, Telephone #(519) 688-3009, Fax #(519) 842-9431

Tillsonburg re PIL Page 29 of 73 ... Agenda Item # 67.

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg calls on the government of the Province of Ontario to include in the budget now being prepared an increase to the payments in lieu of taxes; and

THAT the Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg calls on the Province of Ontario to meet with the host municipalities for the purpose of reviewing the basis for payments in lieu of taxes, and determining a stable foundation going forward for those payments that meets associated costs prior to the 2013 budget cycle; and

THAT copies of this motion be sent to: the Premier Dalton McGuinty; the Honourable Dwight Duncan, Minister of Finance; all Ontario municipalities with any of hospitals, post secondary institutions or provincial correctional institutions; Ontario Small Urban Municipalities (OSUM) and the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO), MPP Ernie Hardeman, MPP Toby Barrott, MPP Jeff Yurek, MPP Tim Hudak, Head of the Opposition Party and South Central Ontario Region (SCOR)."

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at 688-3009 Ext. 3224


Donna Wilson Clerk Development & Communication Services Town of Tillsonburg 200 Broadway, 2nd Floor, Suite 204 Tiilsonburg, ON N4G 5A7 Phone: 519-688-3009 Ext. 3224 Fax: 519:842-9431

CORPORATE OFFICE 200 Broadway, Tillsonburg, Ontario, N4G 5A7, Telephone # (519) 688-3009, Fax #(519) 842-9431 wvvw.rillsg_nburg,ca

Tillsonburg re PIL Page 30 of 73 ... Agenda Item # 68.


Ontario Building Officials Association Building Knowledge/Growing Communities

May 1,2012

Town of Englehart Mayor Nina Wallace & Council P.O. Box 399 Englehart, Ontario POJ 1HO

RE: Ontario Building Officials Association Northern Affairs Special Invitation for Clerks & Treasurers

As mentioned in my February 23, 2012 letter, I am writing to you as both a Director and Chair of the Northern Affairs Committee on behalf of the Ontario Building Officials Association (OBOA).

I hope you have had time to consider our personal invitation for you and your building staff to attend our 2012 Annual Meeting and Training Sessions (AMTS) being held this year in Sudbury from September 9th to the 12th. The OBOA wishes to extend a special invitation to all northern clerks and treasurers to attend Monday's events at no cost.

The day includes the opening ceremonies presided over by representatives of the various levels of government followed by a presentation by advisors from the Building and Development Branch of the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing. We ask that you join us for lunch and enjoy the afternoon technical sessions presented by experts in the building industry and visit with the many exhibitors displaying the latest in construction materials and practices that enhance public safety.

The AMTS is a highly educational three day event where building officials come together from throughout the Province to access invaluable training and professional development opportunities while communicating with each other in an effort to achieve uniform building code application.

We are excited about this opportunity to showcase Northern Ontario and look forward to extending our warmest hospitality to the rest of the province. For further information on the AMTS, feel free to visit our website or contact Mike Leonard at our head office (905) 264-1662 or email [email protected].

Also I wish to thank Carol Trainor Chair of Zone 7 of AMCTO for allowing me the opportunity to present at the Spring Workshop in Sundridge on May 3, 2012. It is an honor to be invited and I am anxious to hear more from your respective municipalities.

Ontario Building Officials Association Page 31 of 73 ... Agenda Item # 68.

I can be contacted at [email protected] or by phone at (705) 360-2600 ext. 2980.

I look forward to seeing all northern clerks and treasurers in Sudbury.

Yours truly.

Esa Saarela, CBCO Northern Affairs Chair Ontario Building Officials Association

200 Marycroft Avenue, Unit 8 Woodbridge, Ontario L4L 5X4 Telephone 905.264.1662 Fax 905.264.8696 Website: Email: [email protected]

Ontario Building Officials Association Page 32 of 73 ... Agenda Item # 69.

OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK The Corporation of the CORPORATE SERVICES DIVISION City of North Bay Direct Line: (705) 474-0626, ext. 2510 200 Mclntyre St. East Fax Line: (705) 495-4353 P.O. Box 360 North Bay, Ontario E-mail: [email protected] NORTH BAY Canada P1B8H8 lust North Eaoushtft be PERFECT Tel: (705) 474-0400

02 May 2012

RECEIVED MAY09M1? Premier Dalton McGuinty Legislative Building Queen's Parks Toronto, ON M7A 1A1

Dear Sir:

This is Resolution No. 2012-292b, as amended, which was passed unanimously by Council at its Regular Meeting held Monday, April 30, 2012.

Resolution No. 2012-292b:

WHEREAS the Mayors of the Northern Communities Working Group met with the Minister of Northern Development and Mines, Rick Bartolucci, in Toronto on April 19, 2012, regarding the Provincial Government's proposed divestiture of the Ontario Northland Transportation Commission (ONTC);

AND WHEREAS the Mayors requested that the divestiture process be stopped until the recently commenced Northern Ontario Multimodal Transportation Strategy was completed;

AND WHEREAS the Mayors requested a meeting with Premier McGuinty, to be held in Northern Ontario, and at which meeting Premier McGuinty would be asked to explain in a clear and transparent manner how the Government would satisfactorily address the concerns of Northern communities, business and residents;

AND WHEREAS Minister Bartolucci confirmed the Government's intent to proceed with divestment in spite of the growing grave concerns of Northerners;

AND WHEREAS there is no apparent Government plan or divestment criteria that addresses the concerns of Northern stakeholders with regard to the current initiative and lost future opportunities.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the City of North Bay requests that the Government of the Province of Ontario immediately stop the divestment of the ONTC;

AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the Council of the City of North Bay request that Premier McGuinty and Minister Bartolucci meet with Mayors of the Northern Communities Working Group, affected Aboriginal leaders, Business leaders, and affected labour organizations in order to commence negotiations for a "New Deal for the Ontario Northland";


City of North Bay re ONTC Page 33 of 73 ... Agenda Item # 69.

AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT a copy of this resolution be sent to the Honourable Premier Dalton McGuinty; the Honourable Rick Bartolucci, Minister of Northern Development and Mines; the Honourable Bob Chiarelli, Minister of Infrastructure and the Minister of Transportation; the Honourable Dwight Duncan, Minister of Finance; the Ontario Northland Transportation Commission-Administration and Union; the Federation of Northern Ontario Municipalities; all municipalities in the ONTC catchment area; all affected First Nation communities in ; Victor Fedeli MPP; JayAspin MP; Tim Hudak, Leader of the Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario; Andrea Horwath, Leader of the Ontario New Democratic Party; the members of the Northern Ontario Multimodal Transportation Strategy Working Group; and to the North Bay and District Chamber of Commerce.

Yours truly,

Catherine Conrad City Clerk


cc. Hon. Rick Bartolucci Hon. Bob Chiarelli Hon. Dwight Duncan ONTC Administration - Paul Goulet ONTC Union - Brian Kelly Federation of Northern Ontario Municipalities All Municipalities in the ONTC Catchment Area First Nations - Northern Ontario Victor Fedeli, MPP JayAspin, MP Tim Hudak - Leader of the Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario Andrea Horwath - Leader of the Ontario New Democratic Party Northern Ontario Multi Modal Transportation Strategy Working Group - Attn: Caroline de Groot North Bay and District Chamber of Commerce

W \CLERK\RMSVT10\2012\ONTC\GENERAUQOQ3 - Res. 2012-292bdoc

City of North Bay re ONTC Page 34 of 73 ... Agenda Item # 610.

RfcCtWED «j?«f Services de sante du Head Office: 421 Shepherdson Road TIMISKAMING New Liskeard, ON POJ1PO ' ^^^—^^_^_^^^_^^^— Health Unit Tel: 705-647-4305 Fax: 705-647-5779 Enhancing your health in so many ways! Branch Offices: Dymond Tel: 705-647-8305 Fax:705-647-8315 Englehart Tel: 705-544-2221 Fax: 705-544-8698 Tel: 705-567-9355 Fax: 705-567-5476 Town of Englehart Mayor and Council P.O. Box 399 Englehart ON POJ 1HO

Mayor and Town Council:

Re: Smoke-Free Spaces By-Law and Next Steps

Congratulations on your recent by-law to regulate smoking on municipal property. The Town of Englehart joins a growing list of municipalities across Ontario who have implemented outdoor smoke- free spaces by-laws. With nearly 20% of Timiskaming residents still smoking, leadership by local government to implement healthy public policy deserves praise.

As you know, benefits of smoke-free outdoor spaces (e.g. arena properties, parks, playgrounds) include protection from exposure to second-hand smoke; de-normalization of smoking behaviour/reducing smoking cues; and reduction of associated litter and pollution.

Enacting a local by-law that extends beyond the Smoke-Free Ontario Act (SFOA) shows commendable leadership and a commitment to healthy lives and communities. Like you, the Timiskaming Health Unit is committed to working with local partners on healthy public policy. Public health staff can assist in various ways to ensure success of a local smoke-free spaces by-law including: • Developing and implementing awareness and education campaigns/events; • Creating supportive environments (e.g. signage, butt stops); • Supporting cessation programs and services; • Engaging youth in promotion and prevention efforts; • Enforcing the SFOA and, where capacity allows, local related by-laws.

We appreciate that council and staff are very busy. Please don't hesitate to contact us should there be opportunities for us to enhance and support your efforts.


Dr. Marlene Spruyt, BSc, MD, CCFP, FCFP, DPH Medical Officer of Health(A)/Chief Executive Officer

Timiskaming Health Unit re Smoking By-Law Page 35 of 73 ... Agenda Item # 611.

0 Ministry of Natural Ministers des Richesses Resources naturelles Office of the Deputy Minister Bureau du sous-ministre Ontario Room 6643, Whitney Block Edifice Whitney, bureau 6643 99 WeHesley Street West 99, rue WeHesley Quest Toronto ON M7A 1W3 Toronto (Ontario) M7A 1W3 Tel: 416-314-2150 Tel.: 416-314-2150 Fax: 416-314-2159 T6!6c.: 416-314-2159

May 3, 2012

Dear Chief Administrative Officer/Clerk:

I am writing to let you know about some changes the Ministry of Natural Resources is making to the Bear Wise program.

As part of our Transformation Plan announced in the 2012 Ontario Budget, the ministry conducted a review of how we deliver programs and services to Ontarians. The Bear Wise program was part of that review.

Bear Wise has set a solid foundation, helping municipalities and the public to reduce preventable human-bear encounters. In fact, no other jurisdiction in North America has provided this level of support to communities.

Today, eight years into the program, awareness of Bear Wise is high and many municipalities have good, robust bear wise strategies in place. As a result of the program, the public is better educated about what to do when they encounter a bear. In this regard, Bear Wise has achieved its main goals, and the time is right to transition from an active management model to one that places a greater emphasis on personal responsibility.

Most aspects of the Bear Wise program will continue, including:

• operating the toll-free Bear Reporting Line (1-866-514 -2327) 24 hours a day, seven days a week from April to November, with trained staff handling calls and determining the appropriate response • educating the public about black bears and bear behaviour in Ontario • providing advice to municipalities, the public, and other stakeholders about what they can do to keep bears away from urban and semi-urban areas, and how to manage problem bears • tracking and collecting information about human-bear occurrences • maintaining our comprehensive website to assist Ontarians with tips to ensure that their properties are not inviting to bears.


Ministry of Natural Resources re Bear Wise program Page 36 of 73 ... Agenda Item # 611.

* I


The ministry will continue to support the Ontario Provincial Police and local police services in responding to emergency situations. However, moving forward, we will no longer provide individual site visits to help landowners who are having site-specific conflicts with bears, and the ministry will no longer trap and relocate problem bears. Trapping and relocating has always been our least effective tool to manage problem bears, with research showing that many relocated bears simply return to the area from where they were removed.

Responsibility for managing human-bear conflicts continues to be shared between the province and local governments. The investments municipalities make in bear wise strategies, whether it's a public awareness campaign or bear-resistant waste management infrastructure, will result in long-term savings and cleaner, safer and healthier communities. Going forward, the ministry will continue to provide advice and support to municipalities on how to manage bears, as we do for other wildlife species.

Senior ministry staff have already been in contact with the Ontario Provincial Police regarding the Bear Wise program changes. Where formal or informal agreements exist with local municipal or First Nations police forces, ministry staff from the districts will be following up with their contacts in the police services.

If you have any questions about these changes to the Bear Wise program, please contact the district manager for your area. Contact information for district offices is available on our website at Click Contact Us from the top toolbar, and then Where to find MNR services from the toolbar on the left.


jC David OToole Deputy Minister

Ministry of Natural Resources re Bear Wise program Page 37 of 73 ... Agenda Item # 612.

Ontario -r-vf^—"1 Fondation Trillium ^ Trillium 80° BaV Street' Fifth Floor' 80° rue BaV> ^ etage • Toronto, ON • M5S 3A9 Foundation *l> de ('Ontario 416.963.4927 • 1.800.263.2887 - Fax - Telecopieur - 416.963.8781 - TTY • ATS - 416.963.7905 • www,

May3,2012 „.-..„„-RECEIVE,D ,„ . r ,, ,.

Mrs. Nina Wallace Mayor Town of Englehart P.O. Box 399 Englehart ON POJ 1HO

Dear Mrs. Wallace:

Re: Grant ID No. 114223

Thank you for sending us your signed Letter of Agreement (LOA).

It gives us great pleasure to forward to you the enclosed cheque in the amount of $55,000.00.

The Ontario Trillium Foundation's new granting system gives you online access to a variety of functions, including the following documents:

• Your original grant application; • Our LOA, which includes your payment and reporting schedules, and any additional conditions or requirements; • Reporting Forms

You can access the documents above online through your OTF portal, even if you sent your application on paper. All grantees will be able to create and submit reports online. If you would like more information on OTF's online reporting system, or to obtain your user name and password to enter your OTF portal, please call us at 1 800 263-2887 and ask to speak to your Coordinator of Program Administration.

If you have any questions related to this grant, please do not hesitate to contact Donna Maitland for assistance or clarification.

Best wishes for the important work you are doing.


Kelly Taiabjee Acting Vice-president, Finance and Administration

Encl. Cheque

Ontario Trillium Foundation Page 38 of 73 ... Agenda Item # 613.

Ministry of Citizenship Ministers des Affaires civiques and Immigration et de ('Immigration

Minister Ministre

6th Floor 6e etage 400 University Avenue 400, avenue University Toronto ON M7A2R9 Toronto ON M7A 2R9 Ontario Tel.: (416) 325-6200 Tel.: (416) 325-6200 Fax: (416) 325-6195 Telec.: (416) 325-6195

RECEIVED May, 2012

Re : Ontario Medal For Good Citi/enship

Dear Friends:

I am pleased to let you know that nominations for the Ontario Medal for Good Citizenship are now being accepted.

Established in 1973, the Ontario Medal for Good Citizenship honours Ontarians who, through exceptional, long-term efforts, have made outstanding contributions to community life.

I am pleased to invite you to participate by nominating a deserving citizen. Recipients will be presented with their medal by the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario at a special ceremony at Queen's Park in the Fall of 2012.

Nomination forms are now available on-line by visiting the Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration's website at: You may submit your nomination on-line by choosing the "Nominate Online" option, or download the PDF or HTML format from the website. For any further information, please contact the Ontario Honours and Awards Secretariat at 416 314-7526, 1 877 832-8622 or (TTY) 416 327-2391. Nominations must be received by July 17, 2012.

I encourage you to take the time to nominate a deserving citizen in your community for an Ontario Medal for Good Citizenship. The men and women we honour stand as shining examples to us all.


Charles Sousa Minister

Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration re Ontario Medal for Good Page 39 of 73 Citizenship ... Agenda Item # 614.

RECEIVED MAY ? i ' May 22, 2012

Englehart Government Offices - City, Village & Township

Joyceline Landry & tax payer

35-8th Ave P.O. Box 425

Englehart, Ontario

POJ 1HO - 705.544.5447

Mayor. Engineer and all concerning departments:

I have purchased this house on 8th Ave in Englehart, on January 20th 2012. I would like to bring to your attention the serious issue concerning this house. Heavy traffic causes my house to vibrate

and shake. I have noticed every time a transport truck, travels on 8th Ave going across my front door

the house shakes and vibrates. This also occurs when transport trucks travel up or down 2nd Street.

The train does not cause any vibration or shaking, as I have been paying close attention to all possible traffic.

/ am writing this letter to inform the council of the serious issues of heavy traffic on these fragile Englehart roads.

I also believe that these transport trucks should use 4th Ave. to deliver their goods, as this is the location they are going too and the most direct route.

At present the route these transport trucks take are as follows; offHwy 11 north ~ right on 1st

street - left on 8th Ave, - right down 2"d Street to Tibs Valuemart. - the other transport trucks

travels - Hwy 11 north - right down 2nd Street into the town of Englehart towards Valuemart and the liquor store.

I understand that this council is aware of the route of these transports, however; I would like to believe that the council is not aware of the shock wave - vibration - and shaking these heavy trucks are doing to the present and future safety of this Town?

I would like this letter to go on record and documented as received by the Englehart Government Offices - City, Village & Township.

rempin Sincerely Yours

Joyceline Landry re heavy traffic on Second Street Page 40 of 73 ... Agenda Item # 615.

Page 1 of 1

Jana Van Oosten

From: Town of Englehart [[email protected]] Sent: Friday, May 18, 2012 12:25 PM To: Jana Van Oosten Subject: Fw: TVO surplus towers

From: Peter Snowdon Sent: Wednesday, May 16, 2012 11:20 AM To: [email protected] Subject: TVO surplus towers

Dear Jana van Oosten, Regarding your letter of May 10th. We are interested in the purchase or rental of surplus TVO antennas depending on the tower location. If your Municipality can take possession of a surplus TVO tower and it is in a place were Parolink can utilize the tower to augment our service then we are willing to assume the responsibility for the maintenance of the tower in its place. We are prepared to pay an annual rental fee of $500.00 or provide a municipal facility with an internet service. In the event that the tower is in a location that our Parolink service can not utilize then we will offer to purchase the tower from the Municipality for $500.00 and remove the tower at our expense. It is my understanding that you have the opportunity to take possession of the tower in Englehart. Our technicians are of the opinion that this tower could be used to improve our Parolink service in the Englehart area.

Peter Snowdon QuantumXpress / Parolink (705) 647-3832 EXT 56 Box 1587 32 Armstrong Street New Liskeard, Ont Canada POJ IPO


Quantum Express re TVO antenna Page 41 of 73 ... Agenda Item # 616.


Englehart ft District Agricultural Society RO. Box 490 Engl«har t, Ontario POJ 1HO

Mrs. Nina Wallace May 12,2012 Mayor Town of Englehart Englehart On POJ II10

Dear Nina:

Re: Englehart Fall Fair

The Hnglehart Fall Fair will be held on September 6, 7, & 8th, 2012. The Board of Directors requests your presence to bring greetings from the Town of Englehart during the opening ceremonies.

The opening ceremonies will be held on September 6th, 8:00 PM on the ice surface of the Englehart Arena Complex.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation, if you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact myself or Dorothy Robertson at 544- 2527.


Dorothy de Champlain President 705 544 7242

E&D Agricultural Society Page 42 of 73 ... Agenda Item # 617.

TEACHERS OF ENGLISH RECEIVED MAY 2 •' 2112 27 Carlton Street, Suite 405 AS A SECOND LANGUAGE Toronto, Ontario M$B il_2 ASSOCIATION OF ONTARIO 1416-593-4243 F 416-593-0164 7TSL TF 1-800-327-4827


May 16th, 2012

Her Worship Mayor Nina Wallace The Town of Englehart P.O.Box 399 Englehart, Ontario POJ 1HO

Your Worship,

We thank you for taking part in our Ontario wide initiative to raise the awareness of the importance of English language learning opportunities for newcomers to Canada by declaring English as a Second Language (ESL) Week in the Fall of 2011 during the week in which our annual conference took place.

I am writing on behalf of TESL Ontario (Teachers of English as a Second Language) to invite you to again take part in our Province-wide initiative to recognize Ontario's ESL community and declare the week of November 4th to 10th, 2012 as "English as a Second Language Week". Given the ever growing diversity of the population of Ontario, we hope you will continue to support our efforts and grant us this request. In 2011, fifty-one municipalities declared ESL Week and we anticipate that this number will continue to grow, helping the ESL community to celebrate and expand its development.

For 40 years, TESL Ontario has held its Annual Conference to provide professional development for educators, administrators, students and volunteers who make it possible for immigrants, refugees, citizens, and visitors to learn the English language. This year, our conference "TESL Ontario at 40: Thriving, Excelling, Sharing, Leading" will be held November 8th to 10th, 2012 and we will be honoured if representatives of your council can participate.

Last year's TESL Ontario conference attracted 1510 registrants. Our members travel from across the province and beyond to attend workshops, research symposia, our technology fair and publishers' displays. For many of us, this annual journey to Toronto marks a time when we can share our experiences, expand our skills, and reaffirm the positive contribution that our province makes to diversity.

Through a set of criteria developed to ensure measurable qualifications among ESL professionals, TESL Ontario demands the best qualifications of our members, as well as the best in training from our teaching programs. As a result, we offer the finest in second language education to our students, who are capable of contributing a wealth of knowledge and experience to Ontario communities

TESL Ontario will be developing a poster for our annual conference that will display all of the municipalities who have contributed to the success of ESL Week by granting a proclamation. Should you decide to grant the ESL Week Proclamation again this year, we would appreciate it if you would email to [email protected] a .jpg or .eps version of your community logo so that we may display it on the poster-

Attached, please find our suggested wording of the proclamation If you have any suggestions or comments as to the content of this document, please contact our Executive Director, Renate Tilson, at 416-593-4243 ext. 203.

Thank you for your consideration,


Sheila Nicholas, Chair

Teachers of English as a Second Language Assoc. Of Ontario Page 43 of 73 ... Agenda Item # 617.


Ontario has been the destination of choice for many immigrants who have added to the diversity of the province by bringing their culture, customs and language, even as they endeavour to acquire the ability to communicate in English.

The community of English as a Second Language learners are represented in all aspects of society. They are students in elementary and secondary schools, universities, colleges, public and private schools, adult education students pursuing literacy and basic skills, participants in workplace-training programs, researchers and subjects, volunteers and workers, employees and business owners, labourers and professionals, neighbours and friends.

The professional organization Teachers of English as a Second Language (TESL) Ontario hosts a conference in Toronto each year consisting of workshops, research symposia and a technology fair to maintain and expand the skills and abilities of its members.

NOW THEREFORE, I, on behalf of of Council, do hereby proclaim November 4th to 10th, 2012 as "English as a Second Language Week" in the of .

Teachers of English as a Second Language Assoc. Of Ontario Page 44 of 73 ... Agenda Item # 618.


Englehart Legion Ladies Auxiliary Branch 104 will be celebrating their

75th Anniversary on Sunday June 3rd,2012.

We will be having a parade at 12:30 p.m. and a luncheon at 1:00 p.m.

with guest speakers and presentation of awards. We hope to have

all auxiliaries in our Zone represented.

We would appreciate an idea of how many of you will be able to

attend by May 30th if possible.

This is quite a milestone for our auxiliary with so many Legions

closing down so come on out and share with us.

Yours in Comradeship

Branch 104 Ladies Auxiliary.

R.S.V.P. to Maureen at (705) 544-2488

Doris at (705) 544-2702

or Betty at (705) 544-7675

M o

Englehart Legion Ladies Auxiliary Branch 104 Page 45 of 73 ... Agenda Item # 619.


An agency of the Government of Ontario


May 11,2012

Mayor Nina Wallace Town of Englehart 61 Fifth Avenue PO Box 399 Englehart ON, POJ 1HO

Dear Mayor Wallace:

It is my pleasure to enclose a copy of the Doors Open Ontario 2012 Guide which lists events being held between April and October in communities across the province and highlights some of the sites that will be participating this year.

If your community is participating this year, or has in the past, congratulations! If your community is not a member of the Doors Open Ontario family, I urge you to consider joining in the coming years. Doors Open is a great educational experience for residents, a tourism draw that boosts local economies and an excellent tool for building civic pride. You may be interested to read some of the program statistics on page 8 of the guide.

Included in the guide is Trails Open Ontario 2012. Now in its sixth year, Trails Open Ontario celebrates more than 88,000 km (54,680 miles) of Ontario trails. Trails Open Ontario offers outstanding recreational opportunities and actively promotes natural heritage conservation and stewardship, physical activity and a health lifestyle.

The Trust is grateful for the support of the Government of Ontario through the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport, the Ontario Cultural Attractions Fund, and the Ontario Tourism Marketing Partnership Corporation, and The Globe and Mail as Doors Open Ontario 20 1 2 supporters.

If you would like additional copies of the guide, please contact Carole Choucoutou at 416-325-5015or carole. choucoutou(q) To learn more about participating in these programs please contact Michael Sawchuck at 416-314-3586 or michael.sawchuckfojhcrita^

With appreciation and best wishes,

Thomas H.B. Symons, C.C., O.Ont., FRSC, LL.D., D.U., D.Litt., D.Cn.L., FRGS. Chairman

Ontario Heritage Trust Page 46 of 73 ... Correspondence Log

Town of Englehart Correspondence Log April 2012

Sender Topic Distribution Item # Date Received NEOWWC 201 2 Conference File 1 April 19, 2012 Township of Armstrong ONTC Motion Council 2;April19, 2012 TDSSAB :Minutes March 21, 2012 File 3 April 19, 2012 Incentives for replacemnet of Equipment Sue 4 April 20, 2012 UnionGas City of'North Bay ONTC Council 5~April20, 2012" Council/ Steph .KDCDC • 701 Steam Engiine project request for letter 6 April 26, 2012 Jana Assessment Review Board Assessment hear notice 7 April 25, 2012 Temiskaming Earlton Regional File i Airport Meeting Minutes April 19, 2012 8 April 25, 2012 i request for support re Recycling and Landfill Council Oxford County sites 7 April 25, 2012 Rec Committee/ Nina/ Recreation Programing Coodinator Council 9 April 26, 2012 Valerie Kennedy 2012 program fees etc File/Arianna 10 April 27, 2012 Lifesaving Society Council/ POA Jana 11 April 23, 2012 City of Temiskaming Shores Pre-Hearing conference call Jana 12 April 23, 2012 Assessment Review Board Environment report File 13 April 30, 2012 Georgia Pacific Temiskaming Earlton Regional Agenda Item#620. MinutesApril 19,2012 File 14 April 30, 2012 Airport 2011 FIR Performance Measurement File 15 April 30, 2012 OPP 2011 Annual Report and Financial StatementsFile 16 April 30, 2012 MPAC Invitation to attend annual inspection Nina /File 17 April 30, 2012 355 Polaris Squadron Page 47 of73 Corporation of the Township of re adoption of a by-law for Wind turbine generators Council 18 April 30, 2012 Wainfleet " ~~AMO Councillor Training Council ~19:Aprif3b,2012~ Council 20 May 1,2012 Charlton and Dack Fire Works Display Transmitter Council 21 May 1,2012 TVO

... Correspondence Log Court Security Prisoner Transporataion Ministry of Community Safety and Program Second Installment Jana / File Correctional Sevices 22 May 4, 2012 Accreditation Bodies for Drinking Water Ministryof Environment Systems _J Council 23 May7, 2012 request for per capita contribution to Dr recruitment Council E&D Hospital __ 24 May 1,2012 Declaration request Council Ontario Human Rights Commission 25 May 2, 2012 Englehart & District T-iorticultural request for declaration Council 2,2012 Society 26 May data sharing Jana 8,~2012 Statistics Canada 27"May_ Summer student positions funded Sue \2012 MNDM _ 28 May Negotiation dates Jana _ 9,2012 CURE 29 Ma_y_ PIL information _ Jana ^,2012 Min Municipal Affajrs and Housing 30 May Changes to Bearwise program Council 9,2012 Min of Natural Resources 31 May Tim Heath Unit Smoke free by-law Council 9,2012 ONTC^re meeting_with Premier Council 32 May City of North Bay ~^_ 33 May 9, 2012 2012 Annual Meeting invitation Council 9,2012 Ontario Building Officials Association 34 May Tillsonburg requesHor support re PIL Council 9,2012 re 911 agreement Jana 35 May Township of Evanturel 36 May 9,2012 Solicitation re Aboriginal law Jana/File_ 9,2012 AbLaw 37 May City ofTemiskaming_Shores 'POA _ _ "Jana/File " 38 May 9,2012 Building permit report reminder Sue 10,2012 Statistics Canada 39 May^ Mintues of April 11L2012 Meeting _"~File ~~ "10,2012" Timiskaming Health_U_nit 40 May MPAC~ ~" _"" Request for reconsideration Jana 41 May^ 11,2012 Unopened Nina Agenda Item#620. "11,2012 Timmins^ District Hospital 42 May E&D Hospital Accreditation Survey Council _ 43 May ^1,2012 Min of Citizenship and Immigration Unopened Nina 44 May 14,2012 iMin of Citizenship and Immigration Ontario Medal for Good Cirtizenship Council 45 May 14, 2012 : Norma & Bob Greeny Water_Charges Council 46 May "14, 2012 Mayors Coalition for Affordable, Page 48 of73 Sustainable.Accountable Policing Police Costs _ Council 47 May 14, 2012 OMERS 2011 Reconciliation report Jana 48 May 15, 2012 amended T4s Sue 49 May 15, 2012 CCRA renewal of 911 _ Jana/File 50 May 15, 2012 Information update Jana 5l"May15, 2012 Subway

... Correspondence Log

52 May 15, 2012 North Tech Electronics Water Charges Jana/Council Kap Kiglwan electrical safety inspection 53 May 15, 2012 Electrical Safety Authority results. Kelly/File Association of francophone 54 May 16, 2012 Municipalities of Ontario 23rd Annual Conference information Council 55 May 16, 2012 Lifesaving Society Swim for Life Program info & CD Arianna 56 May 16, 2012 Charlton and Dack By-Law Accepting the Official Plan Sue 57 May 14, 2012 ; Catholic Womans League Thank you for pens & book :Council i | Nina/ 58 May 17, 2012 RCL Ladies Auxiliary Invitation to 75th anniversary Celebration 'Council Englehart & District Agricultural 59 May 17, 2012 Society Invitaion to bring greeting at he Fall Fair Nina/Council 60 May 18,2012 Township of Evanturel Museum grant Sue/council .Planning 61 May 18,2012 NovaTech Comments on Official Plan : Board 62 May 22, 2012 Joyceline Landry Heavy traffic on Second Street Council Nina/ 63 May 24, 2012 Ontario Heritage Trust Doors Open Ontario 2012 Guide Council Agenda Item#620. Page 49 of73

... Agenda Item # 71.

Report of the Finance Committee Monday May 28, 2012 We, your Finance Committee, having examined the following accounts find them correct and recommend payment of same. Cheque # Company Item Amount 20539 Air Liquide Canada Inc. supplies $ 41.92 20540 Marie Black Sale of art $ 76.00 20541 City of North Bay ONTC Consultant $ 1,000.00 20542 Cousin's Restaurant Fire Dept Gift Cert $ 50.00 20543 Englehart Diamond Developments Rec Updates $ 165.30 20544 Garlin's Gift Gallery Supplies $ 45.00 20545 Grant Home Hardware Supplies $ 106.16 20546 Englehart Electric Streetlight/ Cent Park Lights $ 785.01 20547 Gabbani Courier freight $ 17.03 20548 Hydro One electricity $ 14,218.68 20549 Tom Henderson Fire Dept supplies $ 361.53 20550 Technical Standards and Safety Lift Lie $ 100.00 20551 Vicki Leroux Art Sale $ 28.00 20552 Lifesaving Society Affiliation fee $ 225.00 20553 Minister of Finance Hwy Sign Renewal $ 260.00 20554 Minister of Finance EHT $ 1,065.89 20555 New Liskeard Biker's Reunion Lawn Sign Museum $ 169.50 20556 Wilson Chevrolet & Oldsmobile Key $ 9.61 20557 TDSSAB Social Services $ 24,936.97 20558 OMERS Pension Contributions $ 6,484.02 20559 ONR freight $ 7.35 20560 Ontario Museum Association 2012 membership $ 100.00 20561 OCWA Lagoon Debt $ 662.23 20562 Canada Customs and Revenue 2011 Assessment $ 652.60 20563 Canada Customs and Revenue Payroll deductions $ 28,681.76 20564 Squeaky Clean Windows Window Cleaning $ 186.45 20565 Taylor Made Repairs One Ton Inspection $ 604.58 20566 United Supply Hydrochloric acid $ 1,110.11 20567 L.V. Vickery Top-soil $ 678.00 20568 Wiliams & Scott Hardware Supplies $ 226.24 20569 WSIB Payroll deductions $ 946.71 20570 CGIS GIS Services $ 290.30 20571 CIBC credit Cared Services Interest $ 23.38 20572 Catherine Cribbs Art sale $ 40.00 20573 Lionel Venne Art Sale $ 60.00 20574 Arianna Coghlin Travel to North Bay $ 317.29 20575 Laura Landers Art Sale $ 136.00 20576 Pauline Holenski Art Sale $ 40.00 20577 Elk Lake Eco Centre Elevator Fundraiser $ 1,898.82 20578 Fire Fighters Association of Ontario 2012 membership $ 50.00 20579 UCC industries Sign posts $ 971.71 20580 Acklands Grainger supplies $ 1,285.54 20581 A&P Copy Systems Photocopies $ 88.99

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20582 Bastein's Beverages Pop $ 66.67 20583 Jana VanOosten Travel Expenses $ 384.87 20584 Kelly church Travel to Guelph $ 1,271.52 20585 Clean Scene Industrial Mat Rental $ 337.12 20586 Gosselin Pools Steps $ 64.41 20587 Grand & Toy supplies $ 270.78 20588 Hydro One electricity $ 9,210.47 20589 'Kingston's Service Centre Tow truck $ 73.45 20590 Kone Inc. Museum Lift $ 194.37 20591 iBrad Knox Excavating Dump Maintenance $ 1,498.38 20592 Temiskaming Speaker Visitor guide $ 327.70 20593! Minister of Finance Police Services $ 22,878.00 20594; void . 20595 Christine Mills Tartan Scarves $ 50.00 20596 Twyla Wilson Lift operator/meals $ 63.25 20597 void 20598 1 Ontario Clean Water Agency ' Water Treatment / chlorine $ 17,157.28 20599 1 Pioneer Diesel Parts $ 83.50 20600; void i 20601 Royal Tire Tires and rims $ 932.20 20602 Squeaky Clean Windows 'Inside window cleaning $ 56.50 20603 Earlton Country Store pool chemicals $ 29.36 20604 .Reliance Home Comfort Water heater rentals $ 70.72 20605 1 Union gas Natural Gas $ 2,142.97 20606iVoid 20607 'Wamco Waterworks .parts $ 64.27 20608 'Englehart & Area Artists Studio Tour fee $ 25.00 20609 Laframboise Oil ;oil $ 97.18 20610 Alex McMurray 'Lift operator $ 51.25 20611 Margaret McMurray | Lift operator $ 51.25 20612 Miller Thompson , Legal Fees $ 3,243.10 20613 Bruce Wilson Lift operator $ 51.25 20614 Tunnock Consulting Ltd. i Official Plan $ 339.00 20615 Aquam Inc. 'Diving Board anchors $ 289.28

TOTAL $ 150,578.78 COU2-12-05-

Moved bv: .Seconded by:

That the report of the Finance Committee, in the amount of $150,578.78 be adopted

Carried Mayor

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Englehart Community Learning Centre Meeting May 1, 2012 12:00pm

Present: Jana, Diane, Pauline, Glenna, Arianna

Regrets: None

1. Approval of Agenda: Moved by Pauline, seconded by Jana

2. Approval of Previous Minutes: Moved by Pauline, seconded by Jana

3. Business Arising from Previous Minutes: None

4. Contact North/Academic Upgrading/Employment Ontario -Contact North – See stat sheet attached ACTION: Arianna will talk with CN staff to inquire about any info regarding students dropping out because of facilities or the way CN operates -Employment Ontario – Marie has not come in this month, but is planning on returning within a few weeks ACTION: Arianna will request a stat sheet from Marie including; number of clients served, number of employers served, and the success rate. We will also request an Annual report from her.

6. New Business: -FNETB survey results were reviewed and some interesting points were highlighted. See attached survey. The common thread was an interest from the public to learn more about computer programs, receive certification courses, Financial planning courses, and Health/fitness information. *Glenna has tried to run financial planning type courses, but there was little interest. We would need to look at the statistics of the majority of the community members to base the type of course around that. ACTION: Arianna will contact Guy Boileau for teaching a Financial Bootcamp ACTION: Arianna will look into putting Learning Center info in the Speaker Englehart page. Arianna will also draft a new LC flyer to send out with tax bills for all surrounding municipalities.

7. Next Meeting: June 5, 2012 at 12:pm.

8. Adjournment:

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Contact North

Hours of Operation Monday – 9:00-4:30 Tuesday – 8:00-4:30 Wednesday – 8:30-4:30 Thursday – 9:00-4:30 Friday – 8:00-11:30

Occasional evenings and weekends as additional training or courses are scheduled.

Winter 2012 Students

First Year Office Administration – Full-time: 18 hours per week First Year Business – Part-time: 8 hours per week (DROPPED OUT) First Year Social Service Worker – Full-time: 15 hours per week First Year Social Service Worker – Part-time: 6 hours per week First Year Social Service Worker – Part-time: 3 hours per week (DROPPED OUT) First Year Early Childhood Education – Full-time: 15 hours per week (DROPPED OUT) First Year Business – Part-time: 2 hours per week (DROPPED OUT) Instructor – Occasional: Up to 3 hours per week

We support 3 full-time students, 4 part-time students and 1 instructor.

April 2012

The Centre supported 18 video classes and 69 e-learning classes in April and employed Centre Assistants for 107.5 hours.

Centre Assistants invigilated 11 exams this month.

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Introduction...... 1

Background...... 1

Methodology...... 2

Survey Respondents...... 2

Summary...... 2

Survey findings...... 4 Section A: Anticipated training needs...... 4 Section B: Training taken in the past year...... 8 Section C: Additional information...... 9

Appendix A: Respondents' profile ...... 10

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The Englehart Community Learning Centre Committee conducted a survey to identify the training and learning needs of the residents of Englehart in order to develop a plan to implement a Community Learning Centre. The results of this survey are intended to provide the Englehart Community Learning Centre Committee with the information that will allow it to implement a centre that will focus its activities and programs of the specific needs of the community.

The survey’s objectives were to identify:  Anticipated training and learning needs  Training taken in the past year  If training is available in the community  Specific job related, job readiness and general interest training and learning needs  Potential local trainers

The results of the survey will prove valuable to:  Assess the training that is in greater demand  Assess the number of individuals who require that training  Provide some direction in the areas of programming

This report reflects the training and learning needs identified by 45 residents (38 individuals and 7 employers) of the community of Englehart who completed a publicly distributed survey questionnaire. The information contained in this report is presented in a concise format and summarized to be as faithful as possible to the input provided by the survey respondents.


In October 2002 the Englehart Community Learning Centre Committee began investigating the best method for conducting the community needs survey. A survey tool was developed and translated during the months of November and December 2002. The group opted for bulk mail outs for distributing the survey questionnaire. The mail out covered Englehart, Charton, Earlton and the appropriate rural routes. In December 2002 a press release was sent to the local media to announce that the survey would be conducted and to encourage residents of the Englehart area to complete and return the survey questionnaire.

On January 6, 2003, 2341 copies of the survey were sent. The completion date was set for January 31, 2003. The surveys were collected from designated drop off locations. 129 surveys were collected by the end of January 2003. The Englehart Community Learning Centre Committee decided to extend the completion date to mid February. The last of the surveys wer collected on February 14, 2003.

In September 2011, the Englehart Community Learning Centre Committee decided to send out surveys. _____ surveys were sent. 45 surveys were collected by the end of December 2011.

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This is not a scientific research. It is a compilation of comments on the training and learning needs that were obtained as a result of a public call for input from the residents of the community of Englehart. Some of the data and information contained in this document was gathered from existing reports and surveys.

The survey questionnaire was available in both official languages and individuals were invited to respond in the language of their choice. The questionnaire was distributed via bulk mail out. 45 questionnaires were returned.


Appendix A provides a profile of the 38 individuals who answered the survey by gender, age, language, educational level and employment status.


This document contains a compilation of the responses received as a results of a public call for input by the Englehart Community Learning Centre Committee. The group’s main goal with this exercise was to highlight the training and learning needs of the residents of the community of Englehart, and ultimately, to implement a community learning centre that would address those needs.

The objectives of this project were to identify:  Anticipated training and learning needs  Training taken in the past year (and if that training was available in the community)  Specific job related, job readiness and general interest training and learning needs  Potential local trainers

It is important to note that this is but a snapshot of the training and learning needs of a small portion of the residents of Englehart. The results of this exercise however confirm an interest in seeing the implementation of a Community Learning Centre. It further re-affirms the Englehart Community Learning Centre Committee’s conviction that there are training and learning needs to be met, and that there are resources in the community to address those needs. This report is intended to provide guidance and to serve as the basis of the Englehart Community Learning Centre Committee’s planning process.

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The most mentioned common training needs identified by employed individuals who responded to the survey were at the certification level, where First Aid certification was the most anticipated training program. Training at the trades level was the second most mention training needs identified by those same individuals. As for the unemployed respondents, training at the college level was the most mentioned common training need.

The most mentioned common training needs as indicated by employers who responded to the survey were Health and Safety and Computer training programs.


Forty two percent of the individuals (9 people) who provided input in this survey indicated that they participated in a training program in the past 12 months. Of that number, 3 individuals (33%) traveled outside Englehart to access that training.


Respondents were asked to identify specific workshops or programs of interest to them under three heading: Job Related, Job Readiness and General Interest. Several programs were identified under each of the headings. The ones mentioned most often under the Job Related heading were in the business administration, health and computer programming. Under the Job Readiness heading, First Aid Certification/C.P.R., time management, basic computer skills and workplace hazardous material handling were most mentioned as training and learning needs. Several programs were indicated under the General Interest heading, the ones mentioned most often were fitness programs, health and related workshops, financial planning and stress management.

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The questions in this part of the survey were directed to 3 groups: 1. Employed 2. Unemployed 3. Workshops programs 4. Employers

Of the total number of respondents, 21 responded as employed, 15 as unemployed, 2 as other and 7 as employers.

1. Employed

1.1 In the next 12 months, will you require training related to your job?

25% (6 individuals) reported that they would require training related to their job in the next 12 months. 75% (18 individuals) reported that they would not.

1.2 Are there any specific training programs that would give you greater job productivity, stability or effectiveness?

8 of the employed survey respondents answered yes to this question. The training programs mentioned were:

Literacy and Basic Skills (2 individuals)  Computer Use College Diploma (3 individuals) University Degree (3 individuals) Certification (6 individuals)  WHMIS  First Aid ( 2 individuals)  Operations  Reflexology  Chainsaw Trades Training (4 individuals)  Welding

1.3 Would you participate in relevant programs/workshops offered locally?

2 employed survey respondents reported that they would participate only if their employer sent them, 5 would participate on their own time, and 15 indicated that they would participate in both circumstances.

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1.4 What is your preferred language for training?

22 employed survey respondents indicated English as their preferred language for training, 1 indicated French or English.

2. Unemployed

2.1 What type of employment are your searching for?... industry … sector… occupation?

Only 2 individuals answered that question. One individual responded finance or administration and the other responded employment that would take in account his or her leg disability.

2.2 What skills/training would help you get the job that you want?

3 individuals answered that question. 2 indicated a College diploma and 1 indicated a University Degree.

2.3 Would you participate in relevant programs/workshops offered locally on your own time and at your own expense?

The 2 individuals that responded, indicated that they would participate in relevant training on their own time and their own expense.

2.4 What is your preferred language for training?

The 2 unemployed respondents to answer this question, indicated English as their preferred language for training.

3. Workshop programs

Which of the following workshops programs would be of interest to you? (check all those that apply)

The following are the responses of all respondents – employed and unemployed:


11 individual responded that they would be interested in college programs and 5 responded university programs.

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Please indicate which discipline and/or for which occupation:

Business Administration (10 individuals) Health (8 individuals) Social Work (3 individuals) Science and Technology (3 individuals) Tourism and Travel (2 individuals) Computer Programming (7 individuals) Other (2 individuals)


14 individuals responded that they would be interested in these job readiness training and workshops:

Basic computer skills ( 5 individuals) Résumé writing (2 individuals) Job search skills (2 individuals) Job interview skills (4 individuals) Workplace hazardous material handling (5 individuals) First Aid Certification/C.P.R. ( 9 individuals) Time management (6 individuals) Aptitude Testing (2 individuals) Other (3 individuals)  Employer Recruiting : Human Resources Training  Gerontology  MS programs i.e. : Excel, Word, PowerPoint


28 individuals responded that they would be interested in these general interest workshops :

Fitness programs (21 individuals) Health related workshops (i.e. nutrition) (15 individuals) Parenting programs (4 individuals) Financial planning (10 individuals) Coaching, sports (2 individuals) Music (6 individuals) Writing skills (3 individuals) Communication skills (4 individuals) Client/customer services (6 individuals) Stress management (8 individuals) Second language (5 individuals)

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Other (2 individuals)  Computer

What specific training program(s) will you be considering in the next twelve month?

The following is a list of all the training programs that were mentioned :  Computer programming  Something new and exciting, have a diploma in Recreation and Leisure  French and Food/Nutrition  I believe a training workshop for meal planning consisting of meal plan for one month : cooking from scratch, how to shop and cook from seasonable and sale items. Simple meal plans : cost per serving versus restaurant meals or grocery store prepared meals. Possibility the health unit could promote healthy eating, with cooking workshops, recipes at food bank.  Currently doing college diploma by correspondence and possibly university in future  Young senior wanting one on one to learn how to use a computer, to be able to have another means of communicating with relatives and friends.  Reflexology  Bachelor Degree  Fitness/Financial planning/Stress management  French as a 2nd language  Speak French  Job interview skills  Retirement planning

4. Employers

1. Are you considering training for your employees in the next 12 months?

7 employers answered this question. 5 indicated that they would consider training for their employees in the next 12 months. 2 answered that they would not.

2. Which of the following types of training programs will your organization focus on over the next year?

Literacy, Numeracy and Basic Skills – 2 employers Health and Safety – 3 employers Sales and Marketing – 1 employer Client Services – 2 employers Computer Training – 3 employers First Aid – Food Safety – 1 employer

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3. Do you cover the following training cost for your employees?

Time-Off – 2 employers Tuition – 1 employer Travel/Accommodation – 2 employers Other – 1 employer  Sometimes

4. What is the preferred language for training within your company?

7 employers responded that their preferred language for training is English and 1 answered French.

5. In the past 12 months did your employees participate in any training?

6 employers answered yes that in the last past 12 months, their employees participated in training.

6. If you answered yes to question 5, please indicate which type of training:

First Aid (2 employers) Health Card Training Safety Food Safety course Database Program

7. Did your employees have to travel outside the community to access the training indicated above?

3 employers indicated that their employees did not have to travel outside the community to access the training and 3 employers indicated that yes they had to travel outside the community.


1. In the past 12 months did you participate in a training program?

20 respondents answered no to this question while 9 responded that they participated in a training program.

What was the type of training:


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 VMAB, Ladder, Needle, Ice, Health Safety  WHMIS  Fire Safety  Company Training, working on college 3 year business diploma  Management/HR  Medical Transportation  MS Word  University Courses  Pesticide Safety  Food Handling

2. Please indicate whether it was full-time, part-time or a workshop

4 respondents answered that they participated in part-time training in the last past 12 months and 5 indicated that they participated in a workshop.

3. Did you have to travel outside of your community to attend this training?

3 individuals travelled outside of Englehart to participate in training. These three individuals specified that they had to travelled to North Bay/Sudbury, Haileybury and Earlton to take this training. 6 were able to access their training in the community.


1. Are you a qualified trainer?

Only 1 identified themselves that they were qualified to deliver training in the following field: H&S WHMIS

2. Additional comments/Suggestions

 I work in the Tri-Town, I’m gone from 7 am to 10 pm sometimes I have no time to go in and found out what you have to offer. Information flyers, pamphlet would really interest me or even email notifications. I hope you get a good response back!  Any training that is offered needs to be affordable for all groups. If training is too costly – I personally – would not be able or willing to attend.  Please contact me if you have any information that might be of interest.  Basic computer skills workshop would be beneficial i.e. On a weekend to accommodate shift workers (or other MS program)

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Respondents by gender

Male 26.3% Femal e 73.7%

Respondents by age

Respondents by language

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Englis h 94.7%

Other - French and English 5.3%

Respondents by educational level

Respondents by employment status

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Englehart Public Library 2012 ABSENT , Shirley Blackburn, Twyla Wilson, Eileen Fisher, Munroe Burton MINUTES OF MEETING Correspondence: WeDATE have HELD:received theMay signed 14, 2012. contract from Charlton andTIME: Dack, 7:00Dan hasPM emailed TO 8:20 us a PM couple of enquiries #1 As a member do we get someone to sit on the library committee or how exactly that works? The Board will contact Englehart Council to change by law 889 to have 10 members on the board, council will be in touch with Charlton/Dack at a later date so they can suggest someone to fill the new Vacancy. If Englehart THOSE changesIN ATTENDANCE the by-law you will be contacted.

#2 Is it possible to have one spot but alternate who attendsGwen between Colquhoun two people if someone is not able to attend every meeting. TheDerek Board Mundle finds it more effective to have oneAnne committed Bougie Library Board member per council with an interest in the library for communication purposes. The Board meets the 3rd MondayJoyce Marieof each Smith month at 7 pm except for JulyGwen and August.Middaugh In the Act, minimum of 10 meetings per year. Hope this all works out forJoe you,Muething let me know if there is anything else I can do.

We have been successful with our student grant for a summer position of 30 hours a week for 10 weeks. Position is for a Computer Teacher/Reading Club Coordinator. Young Canada Works contribution will be 50% of the position. Total of $1759.13.

CAP Sustainability Funding for maintaining this CAP Site was scheduled to end March 31, 2012 and will not be renewed. We have been receiving 3,275.00 per year to spend on computers, software, hardware and upgrades as well as toner, ink etc. We have been notified that the other component of the program the Cap Youth Initiative will continue. This Initiative pays full wages for a young person between the ages of 15 and 30 to work in the site. Librarians have been flooding MP's offices with letters protesting the discontinuation of CAP sustainability funding and calling on Industry Canada to re-instate CAP funding. We sent ours with others from the Northern Lights Librarians Network. At present one of the mandates for Connectivity funding covers some hardware upgrading, I will look into it.

Thank you letter from Mrs. Landry, board suggested sending a copy to each of the councils, copy filed with the minutes. 6.1 A patron has been enquiring whether her son can come into the library during open hours, I have asked her to refer to the letter sent to her from the board in 2009 after an incident in the library. I also suggested she could put her concerns in writing for the board to look at again. On Apr. 3, 2012 Officer Cote from the OPP came in to ask me about the situation because the parent had called them to see if they had banned her son from the library. We discussed some of the situation he felt our offer of 2009 was suitable and would file the information with the last incident report they had. He was going to call the parent and also suggest the arrangement made in 2009 or re submit a letter to the board for consideration. The patron re issued another letter, distributed to the board and filed with the minutes. Vice-Chair will do some security investigating for the boards information and the parent will be contacted at a later date.

OLD Business: Reported on previous incident, idea’s discussed, motion made.

6.2 Free wireless hotspot will come to an end in March 2013. After that we will have to pay 70.00 per month.

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Sharon will contact the proper vendor for more information, Derek suggested contacting Amy at Evanturel to see if there would be any grant money for internet that could help us to cover this new expense.

CEO’s Report: Attached

Committee Reports: Finance and treasurer’s report (Shirley & Gwen). Circulated Investment Committee (Munroe & Joe) Planning, programs and policies (Eileen & Joe) Personnel (Anne Chair & Eileen) Hired 2 clerks, Liz Robitaille and Sharon Antonucci both very enthusiastic and are enjoying their positions. Property and maintenance (Twyla & Joe) Joe suggested the board try to find contracters that pay workman’s comp. if the board collects contact information, he will coordinate. FOL: Appreciation will be June 11 following the board meeting at 7 PM. Anne – Punch, Sharon- Tea, Coffee, Juice, Joyce – Cheese and crackers, Gwen C. – Fruit tray, Derek – Veggie tray, Eileen & Twyla – Desserts, Gwen M. – Pickle selection. Publicity Committee: Joyce Marie has taken the Chair position

New Business: OLSN will be offering board training in the fall, we will include other local boards for the training at our library would start a 6PM for 3hours Max. Invitations to libraries will be mailed in August and an update for board in Sept.


12-29 That the Vice chair of the Board contact the Englehart Town CAO to discuss the policy about public places and access for patrons with special needs.

MOVER: J M Smith SECONDER: Derek Mundle

12-32 That Joyce Marie Smith be appointed to the publicity committee

MOVER: Gwen Colquhoun SECONDER: Gwen Middaugh

12-33 That the meeting adjourns at 8:20 p.m. to meet at 6:00 p.m. Mon. June 11, 2012 at the Library.

MOVER: J. M. Smith SECONDER: Gwen Colquhoun



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Personnel Meeting Eileen Munroe April Contact Works Dep. To maintain eaves trough Sharon May Check for contractors to replace Board June the roof with steel & Staff 2012 Contact Amy for some help with the Internet expense Sharon May 1

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Englehart Recreation Committee Meeting May 15, 2012 Zia Pollock Room pm

Present: Regrets: Nina, Renee, Derek, Peter, Arianna Steamer, Steph, Allie, Jill, Jackie

Start Time: 6:35 pm End Time: 7:50 pm

Items: Discussion: Action:

1. Approval of Agenda: --

2. Approval of -- Previous Minutes:

3. Business None from minutes

4. Correspond- a)Letter from Charlton/Dack requesting donation for ence Canada Day Fireworks Celebration : Deffered b)Letter from Agricultural Society for approving use of hall after their Harvest Supper: accepted

5.Special Events a)Dodgeball tournament update: dodgeballs have been Arianna to pick up ordered, and Arianna will pick up rink dividers from New dividers from New Liskeard Pool and Fitness center next week. Liskeard -All other dodgeball concerns will be deals with via e-mail from the committee members

b)Day in the Park update: Invitation letters have been sent out, and slotting in participants will begin soon

6. Bank -Bank statements were reviewed Account Update

7. Former -Nina to contact Joey Plaunt regarding a key fob system put Nina to contact Action Items in the high school for access to the squash courts Joey

9. New a)Bleachers at ball field – Works department wondering if Business Rec committee wanted them divided between both fields. Decision not to move bleachers.

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b)Workplan- Arianna created a workplan template for upcoming events to remain organized and prepared. Renee offered to work with Arianna to build up workplan base.

c)Baseball update from Renee: approximately 150 youth have registered. There will not be a cutoff date to register, to ensure all youth are included. The Lions Club donated $1000. A company in Toronto has decided to sponsor youth baseball in Englehart on behalf of Subway. They are giving $300 to the 14-17 team. Renee will be spending the agreed $2000 for equipment soon. They will also be needing to buy more jerseys on top of the $2000 needing to be spent on equipment. The hope is to put a sponsorship bar with ‘Subway’ on the new jerseys. 10. Next Options for permanent date: (To be decided via e-mail) Meeting: 1. Third Monday of each month from 6-7pm 2. Second Monday of each month from 6-7pm

11. Adjournment Moved by Peter, seconded by Renee.

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Chamber of Commerce May 2012

5 members present.

Items discussed : road signs to advertise Christmas Unveiling.

701 & Economic Development ( same as Steph’s report ).

Membership is at 49.

Will be ordering Biker’s Reunion banner.

Concerned about Property Guys grand opening with Temiskaming Shores Chamber & not Englehart.

Members were encouraged to attend the opening of Dobson’s General Store on Sat. May 19th.

Financial report $ 7992.73.

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