Election Campaign 2009 Ad Populos, Non Aditus, Pervenimus Published Every Thursday Since September 3, 1890 (908) 232-4407 USPS 680020 Thursday, October 29, 2009 OUR 119th YEAR – ISSUE NO. 44-2009 Periodical – Postage Paid at Rahway, N.J. www.goleader.com
[email protected] SIXTY CENTS Westfield Voters to Decide Mayor’s Race, Council Battles on Tuesday By PAUL J. PEYTON Assembly are up for grabs, with par- of Linden. Specially Written for The Westfield Leader ticular interest being focused locally on Other local races of interest in- WESTFIELD — Voters will decide District 22, where Democratic incum- clude Cranford, where incumbent the Westfield mayoral contest for the bents, Assemblywoman Linda Stender Committeeman David Robinson, a four-year term between incumbent Re- and Assemblyman Jerry Green, are re- Republican and the current mayor, is publican Andy Skibitsky and former ceiving a stiff challenge from GOP being opposed by Kevin Illing, who municipal judge Bill Brennan, a Demo- candidates former Scotch Plains Mayor lost a seat on the committee last year crat, as well as three contested races for Martin Marks and William “Bo” by under 100 votes. In Scotch Plains, seats on the town council on Tuesday. In Vastine, also of Scotch Plains. In Dis- incumbent Republican Councilman the First Ward, Republican Sam Della trict 21, Republicans Assemblyman Jon Dominick Bratti faces Democrat Fera faces Democrat Janice Siegel in the Bramnick and Assemblywoman Nancy Theresa Mullen for the remaining race to replace Councilman Sal Caruana; Munoz, who replaced her late husband, year on the seat previously held by Republican Vicki Kimmins is unopposed Eric, are opposed by Democratic Mayor Nancy Malool.