THURSDAY June 14, 2018 BARTOW COUNTY’S ONLY DAILY NEWSPAPER 75 CENTS Adairsville City Council gets a clean opinion BY NEIL B. MCGAHEE opinion, also referred to as a clean opin- $3,439,748, a net increase of $316,923. In- of water, due to the flooding experienced • Heard a motion to approve a Memo-
[email protected] ion.” creases in SPLOST, LOST, local property during the last several weeks randum Of Understanding with the Boys In his report on the city’s internal control taxes and hotel/motel taxes accounted for • Heard a request to approve the annual and Girls Club relating to the financial If it’s 2018, it must be the time for clean over financial reporting and compliance the increased revenue. funding agreement with the county library commitment to the CDBG funded project. opinions. with law, regulations, contracts and grant Hatch said the General Fund increased system for $67,500. • Heard a motion to authorize the city That’s accountant talk for “your audit agreements, Hatch said, for the fiscal year, its balance by $397,411 to $2.42 million. • Heard a motion to amend the contract manager to approve a task order for the de- looks good.” the city did not receive any audit finding Total budgeted revenues of the General with RDJE for emergency sewer repairs to sign of McKenzie Street sidewalks and And accountant Christian Hatch brought nor were any instances of non-compliance Fund amounted to $3.38 million. $318,491. paving project. that message to the Adairsville City Coun- identified.