ORDNANCE SURVEY Your guide to Ordnance Survey maps, guidebooks and more CONTENTS Ordnance Survey paper maps and guidebooks 4 OS Explorer 5 OS Landranger 15 OS Pathfinder Guides 22 100 Outstanding British Walks 27 OS Travel maps 28 OS Urban Series 31 Irish mapping 32 OS Historical maps 34 OS Wall maps 35 OS ancillary range 36 OS Official branded products 37 ST&Gs Marvellous Maps 40 Ordnance Survey point of sale (POS) 41 OS POS display units 42 Selling more maps 43 2 Stocking Ordnance Survey products has never been easier! There is no better way to help your customers discover the great outdoors than with Ordnance Survey maps, guidebooks, and map inspired outdoor gear. Covering the length and breadth of Great Britain, our range of products will help your customers explore breath-taking views across Lochs, enjoy hikes through the Highlands, listen to waves crashing along the coast, and so much more. To help you stock the right products for your customers, we’ve collected them altogether into this Product Catalogue for you. In here you’ll be able to find the ISBNs and SKUs you’ll need to order directly through Birlinn and enable your customers to discover Scotland and beyond. To order Directly via BookSource, 50 Cambuslang Road, Glasgow G32 8NB Phone: 0870 370 0067 Email:
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