How haemolytica defeats host defence through a kiss of death mechanism Laurent Zecchinon, Thomas Fett, Daniel Desmecht

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Laurent Zecchinon, Thomas Fett, Daniel Desmecht. How Mannheimia haemolytica defeats host de- fence through a kiss of death mechanism. Veterinary Research, BioMed Central, 2005, 36 (2), pp.133- 156. ￿10.1051/vetres:2004065￿. ￿hal-00902968￿

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How Mannheimia haemolytica defeats host defence through a kiss of death mechanism

Laurent ZECCHINON, Thomas FETT, Daniel DESMECHT*

Department of Pathology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Liège, FMV Sart-Tilman B43, 4000 Liège, Belgium

(Received 22 June 2004; accepted 6 October 2004)

Abstract – Mannheimia haemolytica induced pneumonias are only observed in goats, sheep and cattle. The bacterium produces several virulence factors,whose principal ones are lipopolysaccharide and leukotoxin. The latter is cytotoxic only for ruminant leukocytes, a phenomenon that is correlated with its ability to bind and interact with the ruminant β2-integrin Lymphocyte Function-associated Antigen 1. This paper globally reviews all the information available on host-pathogen interactions underlying respiratory mannheimiosis (formerly pasteurellosis), from the stable and the Petri dish to the biochemical cascade of events triggered by the leukotoxin inside ruminant leukocytes. One conclusion can be made: the most widespread cattle respiratory disease with the most important impact on beef production worldwide, is probably due to a tiny ruminant-specific focal variation in the CD18- and/or CD11a-expressing genes.

Mannheimia haemolytica / leukotoxin / β2–integrin / ruminant

Table of contents

1. Introduction...... 134 2. Bovine pneumonias...... 134 3. Mannheimia haemolytica...... 134 3.1. Diversity...... 134 3.2. Antibiotic resistance...... 135 3.3. Pathogenesis...... 135 3.4. Clinical signs and lesions ...... 136 3.5. Known host-pathogen interactions...... 136 4. Leukotoxin ...... 137 4.1. The main virulence weapon ...... 137 4.2. Production and activation...... 137 4.3. Gene organisation and transcriptional regulation ...... 137 4.4. Natural diversity...... 138 5. The leukotoxin targets(s) ...... 138 5.1 Macrophages and neutrophils ...... 138 5.2. β2-integrins ...... 139 5.3. Lymphocyte Function–associated Antigen 1 ...... 139

* Corresponding author: [email protected] 134 L. Zecchinon et al.

6. The lipopolysaccharide...... 140 7. Modes of action ...... 141 7.1. Apoptosis/necrosis ...... 141 7.2. Death pathways...... 141 7.3. Pore formation ...... 146 7.4. Molecular synergies with other pathogens ...... 147 8. Conclusion and perspective...... 147

1. INTRODUCTION On the morbidity level, pneumonias do exert, by far, the most severe impact: they Man understood many centuries ago that are responsible for about 75% of clinically it would be more valuable to breed rather visible diseases [52, 85] with average res- than to hunt animals like cattle, sheep and piratory morbidity rates ranging from 15 to goats but he quickly realised the difficulty 45% [95]. in warranting good animal health. Several On the mortality level, pneumonias are practices such as sanitary slaughtering, quar- directly incriminated in about 45 to 55% of antining animals, importing restrictions, vac- the cases [52, 174]. cination and medical treatments have been On the production costs level, medical intended to control, if not eradicate, ill- treatments generate about eight percent of nesses. In the same way, antibiotics are used total production costs, without making an to fight against pathogens that have found allowance for losses due to lower zootech- in highly concentrated breeding conditions nical performances [65, 66]. a choice niche extremely favourable for the The main biological causes of bovine contagion. Nevertheless, it is now clearly pneumonias are (i) the lungworm dictyo- established that prophylaxy and metaphy- caulus viviparus, (ii) the viruses – the Her- laxy create a selective pressure towards the pes Virus-1, the Respiratory Syncytial Virus, emergence of resistant strains which in turn the Parainfluenza-3 virus, the Viral Diarrhea- could lead to new pathologies [55]. Mucosal Disease, the adenovirus, the coro- navirus and (iii) the – Mannheimia haemolytica, Pasteurella multocida, Myco- plasma bovis and Arcanobacterium pyo- 2. BOVINE PNEUMONIAS genes [51, 86, 87, 111, 131, 189]. Most authors consider that, whatever the The decrease of animal diseases (and causative factor (environment, virus, para- bovine diseases in particular) has thus become site), the bacterium M. haemolytica is sys- an absolute priority since it is well-known tematically found as a complicating agent. that medical cost has the main impact on Consequently, we will further focus on this farm profitability, independently of market bacterium and the way it acts. prices [60]. These costs are unequivocally brought by respiratory diseases [65, 119, 157] since about 25% of the calves experi- 3. MANNHEIMIA HAEMOLYTICA ence at least one episode of respiratory dis- ease during the first year of life, with fre- 3.1. Diversity quencies over six birth years ranging from 14 to 38%. The incidence of bovine respi- Mannheimia haemolytica is a weakly ratory diseases is greater in male calves than hemolytic, gram-negative coccobacillus with in female calves during both preweaning the following complete : superking- and feedlot periods [133]. dom Bacteria; phylum ; class Mannheimiosis (pasteurellosis) 135

Gammaproteobacteria; order Pasteurella- of their capsules, serotypes A1 and A6 are les; family ; genus Mann- extremely similar [39, 130]. heimia [166]. The bacterium has been the subject of 3.2. Antibiotic resistance extensive reclassification in the past: first called Bacterium bipolare multocidum by Due to the often ineffective immunopro- Theodore Kitt in 1885 [96], it was renamed phylactic measures taken, antimicrobials Pasteurella haemolytica in 1932 [135] and are used to a large extent for prophylaxy, classified into two biotypes, A and T, based metaphylaxy or growth-stimulation. More- on its ability to ferment arabinose and tre- over, the delay of analysing isolates from ill halose, respectively [154]. There were 13 A animals in a diagnostic lab makes it difficult serotypes and four T serotypes identified to choose a suitable antibiotic and that is [194], the latter being reclassified as Pas- why it is commonly required to start the ther- teurella trehalosi in 1990 [19, 155]. Nine apy immediately. Consequently, the result is years later, studies based on DNA-DNA that M. haemolytica exhibit increasing resist- ance to a large number of antimicrobial agents hybridisations and 16S RNA sequencing [177]. led to renaming previous A serotypes (A1, A2, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A12, A13, A14, Besides, isolates are investigated for their A16 and A17) as Mannheimia haemolytica antimicrobial resistance properties in the while the remaining A11 serotype became national monitoring programmes of only M. glucosida [7, 194]. The name Mannhei- five European countries: France, Germany, mia was given in tribute to Walter Man- the United Kingdom, the Netherlands and nheim, a German biologist whose research Portugal [25, 94, 118]. Data obtained from has improved the understanding of the tax- Germany and France in 1997 illustrate that onomy of the Pasteurellaceae family [7]. there is a high degree of variability among isolates originating from the same animal From the twelve serotypes described, A1 source and that resistance rates may also and A2 are prevailing all over the world. A1 vary over time [94]. is known as the major causative agent of Molecular analysis has provided insight bovine mannheimiosis (formerly pasteurel- into the variety of resistance genes so far losis, also known as the shipping fever), known to be present in Mannheimia iso- even if other serotypes like A6, A7, A9, lates. Most of these resistance genes are A11 and A12 have also been reported [144]. associated with mobile genetic elements A1 and A2 are both able to colonise the and can thus easily be exchanged between upper respiratory tract of cattle and sheep bacteria. The occurrence of these resistance but they are often -specific. So, genes in a wide range of bacteria implies healthy cattle frequently carry serotype A2 that Mannheimia isolates have access to in their upper respiratory tract but following large gene pools within which an inter- a stress or a coinfection, A1 quickly takes change of resistance genes takes place [94]. the place of A2 as the main serotype [58], The most frequent resistances are found probably by horizontal transfer from ill ani- against beta-lactams, tetracyclines, sulfon- mals [70]. However, recent surveys have amids and aminoglycosides [76, 94, 177]. shown that serotype A6 is increasingly A few resistance genes have already been prevalent in the United Kingdom [49] and cloned and sequenced [70]. in the USA [3, 143] with about 30% of strains serotyped. Nevertheless, based on 3.3. Pathogenesis lipopolysaccharide profiles and outer mem- brane proteins within each serotype, it has Mannheimia haemolytica plays a major been concluded that, apart from the nature role as a secondary pathogen in the final 136 L. Zecchinon et al. progression of severe pleuropneumonias in The interlobular septa are distended with cattle, sheep and goats. Its pathogenesis gelatinous material and contain edema, fibrin, involves many predisposing agents such as leukocytes, and distended lymphatics which viruses (Parainfluenza virus 3, Bovine Her- are frequently thrombosed. The bronchi pes virus 1, Bovine Respiratory Syncytial have normal walls although there may be virus), bacteria (Pasteurella multocida, some necrosis and desquamation of epithe- Mycoplasma bovis, Arcanobacterium pyo- lial cells. They often contain the products of genes), environment (excessive tempera- deeper inflammatory processes: necrotic tures, change of feed, dust, …) or stress debris, leukocytes, fibrin, etc. [51, 189]. The associated to weaning, dehorning and ship- cut surface usually consists of several col- ping [51, 111, 189–191]. These factors seem ours due to the changes described above, to alter the upper respiratory tract epithe- plus hemorrhage, infarction, necrosis and lium allowing M. haemolytica to colonise solidification of tissue; either in the acute, it, escaping clearance, and to move from the fluid, congestive stages of the disease proc- nasopharynx to the lungs, leading to a bron- ess (red hepatisation) or in the subacute cho-alveolar kind of pneumonia which is stages where exudates had become more accompanied by high morbidity [52, 85] purulent (grey hepatisation) [51]. The term and mortality [52, 174]. consolidation is used more commonly today for such exudative changes. The smaller 3.4. Clinical signs and lesions airways are inflamed, starting at the termi- nal bronchioles. The alveoli contain oedema, The severity of the clinical signs can fibrin, and occasionally haemorrhages in vary from unapparent to rapidly fatal dis- variable proportions, but the more interest- ease but a few characteristic features could ing aspects are the inflammatory cells (neu- be mentioned: there is always some degree trophils and macrophages) and the areas of of depression and anorexia, fever as high as coagulation necrosis. These latter are multi- 42 °C, increased heart rate, a substantial focal and may involve whole or confluent weight loss and rhinitis resulting in a mucop- lobules, but not whole lobes. The necrosis urulent nasal discharge or a dry, encrusted importance is in fact wrought by the cytol- muzzle. Increased lacrymation and a cough ysis of many neutrophils and macrophages are often present. The respiratory rate that pour a variety of toxic compounds increases in the early stages, followed by (enzymes, histamine, prostaglandins, etc.) dyspnea of such severity as to cause oral in situ which in turn aggravate pulmonary breathing and expiratory grunting in some damage [51, 189]. cases. Auscultation reveals increased vesic- ular and bronchial sounds anteroventrally, 3.5. Known host-pathogen interactions progressing to rales that are at first moist but later dry; pleuritic friction rubs may be Several virulence factors have been heard. Calves may stand with elbows described for M. haemolytica: they include abducted and neck extended and diarrhea the capsule that plays a great role in adher- occurs in some animals [189]. ence and invasion, outer membrane proteins Pulmonary lesions are lobar, anteroven- that are important in eliciting the protective trally distributed and are characterised by immune response, adhesins implicated in extensive infiltration of neutrophils (that colonisation, the neuraminidase that reduces fail to combat infection) [153, 175] and the viscosity of respiratory mucus and allows exudation of fibrin into airways and alveoli. closer bacterial apposition to the cell sur- In histological descriptions, the pleura was face, the lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and the seldom mentioned, presumably because it leukotoxin (LKT). did not differ from expectations suggested These factors allow M. haemolytica to by the gross lesions of fibrinous exudation. escape or exceed clearance and host defences, Mannheimiosis (pasteurellosis) 137 to proliferate in the lung and to cytolyse adenyl cyclase hemolysin, Actinobacillus alveolar macrophages and neutrophils, which equuli hemolysin, Actinobacillus suis hemo- further enhances the lung injuries [31, 91, lysins and maybe a secreted protein from 183]. Haemophilus paragallinarum [16, 91, 126, The roles of the main actors of the ill- 147, 180]. All these pore-forming toxins ness, that is to say LKT, LPS, neutrophils contain near the C-terminal ends of the pro- and macrophages, will be further described tein highly conserved regions containing below. glycine-rich nonapeptide repeats, the number of which ranges from six (LKT in this case) to 41, and seems to be related to their mech- 4. LEUKOTOXIN anism of activation and secretion [32, 91, 110]. LKT is synthesised as an inactive 4.1. The main virulence weapon form (proLKT) that needs acylation to become active. This process is thought to be Leukotoxin appears to be the main necessary in order to remove charges from virulence factor. Indeed, inactivation of the toxin and to increase its hydrophobicity M. haemolytica leukotoxin by a gene knock- [159]. Following Westrop et al., a domain out hardly causes any further pulmonary between amino acids 379 and 616 of LKT lesions although the wild-type and mutant is required for recognition of the protoxin strains were equally capable of colonising by the acylase and Lys-554 is a likely acti- the upper respiratory tracts of the calves vation site [182], although it may not be the [165]. Moreover, necrosis of neutrophils only one [140]. can be reproduced in vitro with purified The study of biological effects induced LKT [5, 34, 40, 46, 88, 89, 161, 162, 176]. by two genetically defined leukotoxin mutants Biologically, it is worth noting that even if has demonstrated that neither acylation nor LKT is able to bind leukocytes from various the amino terminal 344 amino acids are animal species, it is only cytotoxic for rumi- required for LKT binding to the CD18 sub- nant leukocytes, suggesting that the inter- unit of LFA-1, but are essential for LKT- action specificity between LKT and rumi- induced [Ca2+] elevation, generation of nant leukocytes could be responsible for the i ruminant-specificity of M. haemolytica [92, reactive oxygen metabolites, production of 149, 161]. Amongst leukocytes, macro- IL-8 and cytolysis in target cells [167]. phages are more resistant than neutrophils to the lytic effect of LKT, and alveolar mac- 4.3. Gene organisation rophages from adult cattle are more resist- and transcriptional regulation ant than alveolar macrophages from calves under 16 weeks of age [137]. A four-gene polycistronic operon codes for the synthesis, the activation and the secretion of LKT: in the order of their 4.2. Production and activation genetic organisation, lktC is needed for The leukotoxin is a 102 kDa-protein which LKT acylation and hence activation, lktA is secreted in the logarithmic-phase of growth. codes for LKT itself, and lktB and lktD code It belongs to the RTX (repeats in toxin) for proteins involved in secretion [71, 160]. family of multidomain exotoxins, which Two kinds of transcripts are produced, the includes amongst others the Escherichia main of which (90%) is ~ 3.5 kb long and coli hemolysin, Actinobacillus pleuropneu- solely encodes for lktCA. Rarer transcripts moniae hemolysins, Actinobacillus actino- span the entire four-gene cluster (~ 7.5 kb mycetemcomitans leukotoxin, Pasteurella long) via antitermination within the lktA– aerogenes Pax toxin, Bordetella pertussis lktB intergenic region [73, 160]. 138 L. Zecchinon et al.

The promoter region appears to be com- degree of selection imposed on different plex and LKT expression is regulated at the segments of the protein [42]. In 2002, the transcriptional level by various cis- and trans- study of polymorphism and molecular diver- acting factors [70, 72, 73, 116, 160]. The gence of the entire leukotoxin operon in operon promoter activity reaches its maxi- 23 bovine and ovine isolates of M. haemo- mum during the early logarithmic phase of lytica, six strains of Mannheimia glucosida bacterial growth and declines as the cells and three of Pasteurella trehalosi has con- enter late logarithmic and stationary phases firmed the complex mosaic structure of the [54], which is well-correlated with the max- operon, suggesting that it has been derived imum production of LKT [9, 14, 178]. LKT from a series of inter- and intra-species hor- is produced and secreted into the culture izontal DNA transfers between distinct lin- supernatant by all of the M. haemolytica eages of M. haemolytica. The most con- strains, although some strain-to-strain var- served gene seems to be lktD, while lktA iation in the amount of produced or secreted contains overall more substitutions than the leukotoxin could be observed [40]. other operon genes [43], even leading to Bacterial growth and LKT production leukotoxin diversity. For example, serotype are co-regulated by factors such as iron, A2 strains are associated with at least four temperature [117] and oxygen. The role of different leukotoxin types (LktA2, LktA3, O2 in the expression of LKT was studied by LktA8 and LktA10), whereas serotype A1, Uhlich et al. and it was demonstrated that A5, A6, A8, A9 and A12 isolates are much FnrP, homologous to Fnr, the global tran- less diverse and associated with very simi- scriptional regulator of anaerobic respira- lar leukotoxins (LktA1.2 and LktA1.3) [40, tion in Escherichia coli, suppresses and 42]. Accordingly, Davies and Baillie have increases LKT transcription respectively under studied the effect of this amino acid diver- aerobic and anaerobic conditions [171, 172]. sity on leukotoxin cytotoxicity against bovine Furthermore, similar results of anaerobic and ovine cell types [40], previously inves- regulation of toxin production have been tigated on the basis of their genetic relation- obtained with Actinobacillus actinomyce- ships [41]. Some leukotoxins associated with temcomitans [97]. At first sight, an increase bovine (LktA1.1) and ovine (LktA1.2 and in toxin production under anaerobic condi- LktA1.3) strains differ in their cytotoxicity tions seems astonishing for a respiratory against the same cell type, i.e. against bovine pathogen. This could nevertheless appear or ovine neutrophils but overall, the leuko- as an evolutionary advantage since the lung toxin structure and function are highly con- lesions are anteroventrally distributed, a served in M. haemolytica. Therefore, the region which is known to be less oxygen- data support the hypothesis that the most ated as the disease progresses. Thus, increas- likely advantage of the recombinational ing lesions lead to less oxygenated areas; exchanges to the pathogen is the generation which in turn cause an increase in LKT pro- of antigenic variation which will provide an duction that amplify the disease. adaptative advantage against the host anti- body response [40]. 4.4. Natural diversity Robert Davies and his team have studied the Mannheimia haemolytica leukotoxin 5. THE LEUKOTOXIN TARGETS(S) diversity in cattle and sheep. Sequence analysis of the lktA gene from 31 ovine and 5.1. Macrophages and neutrophils bovine strains has allowed the identifica- tion of eight main allelic variants. The sub- The central role of macrophages and neu- stitution rates differ across the entire struc- trophils in the development of fulminating tural gene, suggesting a variation in the pneumonic mannheimiosis is well supported. Mannheimiosis (pasteurellosis) 139

Experimental aerosol exposure to M. haemo- sible for the leukocyte fixation at the lytica induces rapid infiltration of neu- endothelium surface – the initial step of dia- trophils into the lung and a marked increase pedesis – through their interaction with in the neutrophil/macrophage ratio in pul- intercellular adhesion molecules (ICAM). monary lavage fluid of calves [175]. These Therefore, the resistance exhibited by BLAD changes correlate well with characteristic neutrophils towards LKT suggests that β2- reported histologic features in which (i) small integrins are the ruminants Achille heel for airways become plugged with purulent exu- M. haemolytica’s LKT. date [112] and (ii) clustered inflammatory cells with elongated or streaming nuclei, 5.3. Lymphocyte Function-associated referred to as “oat cells”, are commonly Antigen 1 found within inflamed alveoli [51]. Fur- thermore, there is reliable evidence indicat- Integrins are transmembrane receptors ing that mobilisation of neutrophils does that play an important role in cellular adhe- not effectively fight infection but contrib- sion even if their recognition as a surface utes to the development of lung lesions; as receptor family only dates back to 1987 [81]. a matter of fact, neutrophil depletion prior Since, they were extensively studied (more to inoculation with M. haemolytica pro- than 26 000 articles to date) and appear to tected calves from the development of gross be implicated in many biological, physio- fibrinopurulent pneumonic lesions [153, 179], logical and pathological processes. All although less severe inflammatory changes integrins consist of a 120 to 180 kDa alpha still occurred [20]. Thus, the host-pathogen subunit and a 90 to 110 kDa beta subunit interaction centrally involved is between that are non-covalently associated single- LKT and polymorphonuclear leukocytes pass transmembrane proteins [158]. The (PMN) and the neutrophil-mediated inflam- bulk of each integrin subunit is extracellu- matory response itself appears to be a major lar, where it typically functions as a recep- determinant of M. haemolytica pathogene- tor for extracellular matrix molecules or as sis. a counterreceptor for surface proteins of apposed cells [82]. Approximately 20 integrins 5.2. β2-integrins are described to date, which are classified into eight sub-families, named according to Another amazing observation has led to their beta subunit, for example β2-integrins. set a hypothesis concerning the nature of the CD18 is the constant beta-subunit of the interaction between LKT and ruminant neu- β2-integrin family. It is found associated with trophils: LKT do not induce leukocyte CD11a-d alpha-subunits, leading to the het- cytolysis from BLAD animals, an acronym erodimers CD11a/CD18 or LFA-1 (Lym- designating the genetic illness called Bovine phocyte Function-associated Antigen 1) Leukocyte Adhesion Deficiency, which is that predominates, CD11b/CD18 or Mac-1, characterised by a deficit in PMN traffick- CD11c/CD18 or CR4 and CD11d/CD18 ing. This shortage significantly decreases, [15, 168]. The CD11a-d/CD18 heterodim- nay, abolishes their ability to self-extract ers are expressed on all leukocytes and from the bloodstream by diapedesis, result- mediate high affinity adhesion to a variety ing in the recurrent apparition of infectious of cell types that express one or more of the disorders in these animals. β2-integrin ligands, the intercellular adhe- At the molecular level, the BLAD phe- sion molecules (ICAM-1 to -5) [8, 59, 129, notype is due to the D128G mutation in the 168]. CD18 beta subunit of β2-integrins which The expression level of β2-integrins is results in a very important decrease of their regulated by several factors, including medi- membrane expression [151, 152]. Indeed, ators of inflammation, cytokines (inter- this family of integrins is precisely respon- leukins-1 and -4, interferon α and tumour 140 L. Zecchinon et al. necrosis factor-β) and the formation of Fc- plexes result in enhanced and stabilised leu- g-receptor complexes. For example, phor- kolytic activity [100, 108]. It could then be bol myristate acetate (PMA), a mimetic of postulated that the reproduction of disease diacylglycerol that activates the protein in vitro with purified LKT would not be kinase C [50, 132, 136], increases the expres- attributed to LKT alone. This statement can sion of LFA-1 from normal bovines but not be disproved since (i) purified LKT is gen- from BLAD animals, because the mutant erally preincubated with the LPS inhibitor CD18 is no more able to bind any CD11. polymyxin B and (ii) LPS could be quanti- These findings indicate that the expression fied with the Limulus amebocyte lysate of CD18 by bovine neutrophils is a dynamic test. system, capable of rapidly responding to Furthermore, a recent study has indi- inflammatory stimuli by increasing surface cated an association between the incidence expression of CD18 [33, 62]. and severity of ovine pneumonic mannhe- In the context of the interaction between imiosis and the LPS chemotype, suggesting LKT and ruminant β2-integrins, several stud- an important role for the LPS chemotype in ies have demonstrated that when bovine determining host-species susceptibility to leukocytes are incubated with antibodies lung infection [75]. Indeed, the LPS chem- directed against CD11a or CD18, the cyto- otype varies both between and within sero- toxic effect of LKT is decreased, nay, abol- types of M. haemolytica and is predomi- ished. These data suggest that the binding nantly smooth in bovine isolates and rough of LKT on ruminant LFA-1 is liable for the in ovine isolates [4, 39, 98]. virulence specificity of M. haemolytica The LPS receptors and signal pathways against ruminants. The precise identifica- in mononuclear phagocytes have been tion of the subunit that binds LKT appears reviewed by Chen et al.; many investigators controversed [88], even if CD18 seems have reported that binding of LPS to many probable [5, 46, 109]. Fortunately, the recent cell types is nonsaturable. Many other stud- cloning, sequencing and characterisation of ies have on the other hand provided evi- the Bos taurus CD11a [56] will give the first dence for a role of receptors as potential tar- opportunity to express homologous and gets in LPS stimulation [27]. For example, heterologous LFA-1 in vitro to definitely it is amazing to know that β2-integrins have answer the question. been described as transmembrane signalling receptors for LPS [83, 185]. It has further- more been concluded that CD18 molecules 6. THE LIPOPOLYSACCHARIDE are not essential for cellular responses to LPS [186]. Bacterial lipopolysaccharides (LPS), Some experiments have shown that LPS derived from gram-negative microorgan- complexes with an LPS-binding acute phase isms, typically consist of a hydrophobic protein that is rapidly synthesised in vivo domain known as lipid A (or endotoxin), a following an inflammatory response. This non-repeating “core” oligosaccharide and a protein, termed LPS binding protein (LBP), distal polysaccharide (or O-antigen) [145]. binds with high affinity to all chemotypes The presence of LPS in RTX toxin prep- of LPS via lipid A [169, 170]. Complexes arations, as well as the harsh conditions of LPS and LBP interact with human mono- required to remove it, suggests that LPS cytes via specific binding to the CD14 mol- may complex with RTX toxins. More, con- ecule [187]. It has, however, been shown that centrated culture supernatant preparations LPS can activate mononuclear phagocytes of M. haemolytica contain LKT and LPS as in the absence of LBP, leading to the con- the most prominent components, with an clusion that the CD14-dependent pathway LPS/LKT molar ratio around 60:1. Com- may not be unique for LPS interaction with Mannheimiosis (pasteurellosis) 141 and stimulation of macrophages and mono- Table I. Main biological effects triggered by cytes. LKT and LPS in leukocytes. LFA-1: Lym- Most types of lipid A bind a membrane- phocyte Function-associated Antigen-1; LKT: spanning receptor identified as toll-like leukotoxin; LPS: lipopolysaccharide; NF-κB: receptor 4 (TLR4) present on macrophages Nuclear Factor-kappa B. and endothelial animal cells via an interac- tion that involves other proteins, including Biological effects LKT LPS LBP, CD14 and MD-2 [2, 77, 124, 141, LFA-1 synthesis • 148, 150]. In macrophages, lipid A activa- κ • • tion triggers the biosynthesis of diverse NF- B activation and cytokines release mediators of inflammation such as TNF-α Intracellular calcium elevation • • and IL-1β [17, 48] and activates the produc- Release of arachidonic acid metabolites • tion of costimulatory molecules required for the adaptative immune response [124, 125], events that are desirable for clearing However, activation of bovine neu- local infections. The reader who wants to trophils by M. haemolytica leads in bulk to know more about LPS endotoxin is invited elevation of intracellular calcium [139], to read the complete review of Raetz and oxidative burst [114] and production of sev- Whitfield [145]. eral lipid mediators [30, 69] and proinflam- Several transmembrane signalling mech- matory cytokines [193] (Tab. I). anisms appear to be involved in LPS-induced activation of alveolar macrophages [27, 163, 7.2. Death pathways 173, 188]. We will further describe those involved in M. haemolytica’s pathogenesis. Upon binding to LFA-1, LKT induces tyrosine (Y735) phosphorylation of the CD18 tail via a nonreceptor tyrosine kinase 7. MODES OF ACTION (NRTK) signalling cascade involving PI3- kinase and Src kinases in bovine (Figs. 1 to 7.1. Apoptosis/necrosis 4), but not in porcine leukocytes (LKT binds to porcine LFA-1 without eliciting Low and high concentrations of LKT any effects). This binding is known to induce respectively apoptosis and cell lysis in bovine leukocytes. The ability of low involve G proteins [79, 90] and to cause, in LKT concentrations to induce apoptosis in a dose dependent way, sustained elevation host leukocytes may allow bacteria to escape in intracellular calcium in bovine leuko- host immune surveillance by destroying the cytes [36, 89, 139] that results mainly from actors of innate response (macrophages and an incoming flux from the extracellular neutrophils) and enhancing the inflamma- medium via voltage-gated channels (Fig. 2) tory process. At higher concentrations, the [61, 79, 80, 139]. This calcium entrance is apoptotic mechanisms would be exceeded clearly involved in cytolysis [61] and is and necrosis occurs, leading to lung lesions. essential for triggering the NF-κB translo- Nevertheless, it is not really easy to distin- cation into the nucleus (detectable after five guish the effects caused by LKT and LPS minutes of exposure), as well as the produc- since it is likely that they could act sepa- tion of proinflammatory cytokines such as rately or together (when they form com- TNF-α, IL-1β and IL-8, since calcium che- plexes) via common or distinct pathways lation blocks both phenomena (Fig. 1) [80, that act as a complex network, transmitting 99, 192, 193]. It should be noted that NF-κB many messages inside and outside the cell, is known to be exploited by some pathogens controlling cell life and leading to cell lysis [164] and that its activation and calcium [34, 162]. elevation by LKT have only been observed 142 L. Zecchinon et al.

Figure 1. Leukocyte signalling pathways triggered by LKT and LPS. AA: arachidonic acid; DAG: diacylglycerol; 5-HETE: 5-hydroxy-eicosatetraenoic acid; IκB: Inhibitor kappa B; IL-1β: inter- leukin-1 beta; IL-8: interleukin-8; IP3: inositol triphosphate; LBP: LPS binding protein; LFA-1: Lymphocyte Function-associated Antigen-1; LKT: leukotoxin; LPS: lipopolysaccharide; LTB4: leukotriene B4; NF-κB: Nuclear Factor-kappa B; NRTKsc: nonreceptor tyrosine kinase signalling cascade; PIP2: phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate; PLA2: phospholipase A2; PLC: phospholi- pase C; PKC: protein kinase C; PTK: protein tyrosine kinase; ROS: reactive oxygen species; TNF- α: Tumour Necrosis Factor-alpha; TLR4: toll-like receptor 4.

in bovine alveolar macrophages (BAMs) pled signalling mechanism involving tyro- but not in porcine alveolar macrophages sine phosphorylation through a non Gi-Go (PAMs) or bovine pulmonary artery endothe- coupled activation of PLC activation seems lial cells (BPAECs), suggesting cell-type and to be necessary, even if the role of other G species-specific activation mechanisms. On proteins cannot be ruled out [79]. the other hand, LPS effects are demonstra- The expression of proinflammatory ble in BAMs, PAMs and BPAECs [80]. On cytokine genes is differentially regulated the contrary to LKT, LPS induces at very by tyrosine kinase-dependent and -inde- low concentrations (1 to 10 ng/mL) an ele- pendent pathways in BAMs in response to 2+ vation of [Ca ]i in the absence of extracel- LKT and LPS, since tyrosine kinase inhib- lular Ca2+, suggesting a release from intra- itor herbimycin A blocks the expression of cellular stores (Fig. 2). The requirement of TNF-α, IL-1β and IL-8 genes in BAMs stim- an LPS binding protein (LBP)-CD14-cou- ulated with LKT, while only the expression Mannheimiosis (pasteurellosis) 143

Figure 2. Leukocyte signalling pathways triggered by LKT and LPS leading to elevation of intra- cellular calcium. DAG: diacylglycerol; IP3: inositol triphosphate; LBP: LPS binding protein; LFA-1: Lymphocyte Function-associated Antigen-1; LKT: leukotoxin; LPS: lipopolysaccharide; NRTKsc: nonreceptor tyrosine kinase signalling cascade; PIP2: phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate; PLA2: phospholipase A2; PLC: phospholipase C; PKC: protein kinase C; PTK: protein tyrosine kinase; TLR4: toll-like receptor 4.

of IL-1β is blocked in BAMs stimulated of many different phospholipids which may with LPS [80]. themselves serve as intracellular second messengers or can be further metabolised Activation of phospholipases A2 (PLA2) by LKT and C (PLC) by LKT and LPS has as precursors in the production of specific also been reported (Figs. 1 to 4) [64, 79, 90, proinflammatory lipid mediators such as leu- kotrienes, prostaglandins and hydroxyeco- 142]. satetraenoic acids (HETES) via arachidonic PLA2 are a diverse class of enzymes with acid (AA) formation (Fig. 4) [123]. Mam- regards to function, localisation, regulation, malian leukocytes contain several types of mechanism, sequence, structure and role of PLA2 enzymes, the type most commonly divalent metal ions. They play a central role involved in arachidonic acid production being in diverse cellular processes including phos- high-molecular-mass (85 kDa) cytosolic pholipid digestion and metabolism, host PLA2 (cPLA2) [10, 11] which requires defence, and signal transduction by catalys- micromolar concentrations of Ca2+ for trans- ing the hydrolysis of the sn-2 fatty acyl bond location from the cytosol to the nuclear 144 L. Zecchinon et al.

Figure 3. Leukocyte signalling pathways triggered by LKT and LPS leading to NF-κB activation. κ β DAG: diacylglycerol; I B: Inhibitor kappa B; IL-1 : interleukin-1 beta; IL-8: interleukin-8; IP3: inositol triphosphate; LBP: LPS binding protein; LFA-1: Lymphocyte Function-associated Antigen-1; LKT: leukotoxin; LPS: lipopolysaccharide; NF-κB: Nuclear Factor-kappa B; NRTKsc: nonreceptor tyrosine kinase signalling cascade; PIP2: phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate; PLA2: phosphol- ipase A2; PLC: phospholipase C; PKC: protein kinase C; PTK: protein tyrosine kinase; ROS: reac- tive oxygen species; TNF-α: Tumour Necrosis Factor-alpha; TLR4: toll-like receptor 4.

envelope [44, 45, 47, 63, 123]. The cPLA2 68, 176]. LTB4 and 5-HETE may in fact activity seems to be regulated by G proteins serve as biological amplifiers in the inflam- and by protein kinase C [79, 90]. Although matory process by inducing a further accu- cPLA2 is clearly implicated, one must also mulation of polymorphonuclear leukocytes assume that other phospholipases, includ- (PMN) at the site of injury [69, 120]. More- ing sPLA2 (secretory PLA2), may also be over, the hydrolysis of phospholipids by involved in the molecular pathogenesis of PLA2 leads to the elaboration of lysophos- M. haemolytica LKT [176]. pholipids, which are known to cause deter- The 5-lipoxygenase products of AA, leu- gent-like effects on membranes [181] and kotriene B4 (LTB4) and 5-hydroxy-eicosa- to induce apoptosis (via NF-κB) as well as tetraenoic acid (5-HETE), are implicated necrosis (Fig. 3) [78, 121, 122]. (Fig. 4) as important chemotactic agents for Phospholipase C-induced hydrolysis of bovine neutrophils and mediators of inflam- phosphatidylinositol bisphosphate (PIP2) mation in M. haemolytica infection [28, 57, releases inositol triphosphate (IP3) and Mannheimiosis (pasteurellosis) 145

Figure 4. Leukocyte signalling pathways triggered by LKT and LPS leading to arachidonic acid metabolites. AA: arachidonic acid; DAG: diacylglycerol; 5-HETE: 5-hydroxy-eicosatetraenoic acid; IP3: inositol triphosphate; LFA-1: Lymphocyte Function-associated Antigen-1; LKT: leuko- toxin; LPS: lipopolysaccharide; LTB4: leukotriene B4; NRTKsc: nonreceptor tyrosine kinase sig- nalling cascade; PIP2: phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate; PLA2: phospholipase A2; PLC: phos- pholipase C; PKC: protein kinase C; TLR4: toll-like receptor 4.

diacylglycerol (DAG). It has been shown in bovine neutrophils, leading to enlarge the murine and rat macrophages that IP3 medi- disease by increasing the number of LKT ates intracellular Ca2+ mobilisation from binding sites (Fig. 1) [62]. Dore et al. have endoplasmic reticulum stores by LPS [107, shown that in PMA-non-stimulated bovine 142]. In BAMs, this release does not involve neutrophils, most PKC activity was detected AA [79], even if a DAG lipase pathway in the cytosolic fraction and was dependent could convert DAG to AA [6], most prob- on the presence of added calcium and phos- ably in LKT stimulation (Fig. 4). DAG is pholipids whereas membrane-associated PKC also known to activate the protein kinase C did not have such a dependence. Stimula- (PKC) family in a variety of cell systems tion with PMA caused redistribution of PKC [12, 132, 136]. Phorbol esters, such as phor- activity in the cell consisting of a decrease bol myristate acetate (PMA), can substitute in cytosolic PKC activity and an increase in for DAG in activating PKC [132] in a pro- membrane-associated PKC activity. As in longed action, since phorbol esters are not non-stimulated cells, the former was depend- readily metabolised. PMA rapidly induces ent on the presence of calcium and phos- NF-κB translocation into the nucleus [104] pholipids and the latter did not have such a and increases the expression of LFA-1 from requirement [50]. 146 L. Zecchinon et al.

Oxygen-derived free radicals are also interpreted this result by implying that the generated following LKT stimulation (Fig. 3) aqueous form of the toxin will not sponta- [114]. At the molecular level, they could act neously incorporate into a bilayer, but if the as second messengers and activate several toxin is partially unfolded, as likely hap- factors and genes involved in the immune pens at the lipid monolayer-water interface, response and in apoptosis [35]. When over- insertion into the membrane occurs and produced, they exceed the antioxidant channels are formed. These are also consist- defence systems i.e. nonenzymatic (vita- ent with LTX being required to interact with min A, C and E) and enzymatic (superox- a cell surface receptor in order to facilitate yde dismutase) mechanisms, which leads to toxin activation [93, 103]. It has been shown oxidative stress that entail several biologi- that this receptor is the human β2-integrin cal effects on proteins [37, 38], DNA and LFA-1, expressed on immune cell surfaces lipids [21]. For its part, Mannheimia haemo- matching the profile of cytolytic targets lytica may be able to resist at least to a cer- [101]. tain level of free radical damage, since A model for the pore forming structure serotypes A1 and A2 produce superoxide of the E. coli hemolysin HlyA has been pro- dismutase [1, 146]. posed which assumes that the hydrophobic In summary (Tab. I), several factors that N-terminal domains make up eight mem- lead to cell lysis could be produced or acti- brane-spanning α-helical sequences, four of vated following LKT and LPS stimulation. which are hydrophobic segments of 21 amino acids each and four are amphipathic with 7.3. Pore formation the polar side of the helices providing the hydrophilic, negatively charged interior of LKT belongs to the RTX toxin family the pore that may explain the reported cat- whose members are known to lyse their tar- ion selectivity of the pore. The N-terminal get cells through the formation of pores that amphiphilic portion of hemolysin does not lead to the efflux of K+, influx of Ca2+, col- directly participate in the pore structure but loidal osmotic swelling and eventual cell may compete with the insertion of the lysis. The pore size varies among bacterial α-helical amphipathic sequences assumed species from 0.6–1 nm (LKT in this case) to be part of the pore structure and may [29, 53, 84] to 2–3 nm in diameter [18, 102]. thereby regulate the lifetime of the hemo- The LKT pore formation mechanism has not lysin pore [113]. Conflicting data on the yet been described but we could approach number of toxin molecules required for it by analysing the way the other RTX tox- pore formation have been published. How- ins act. ever, it has been confirmed that HlyA cre- Thus, the characterisation of Actinoba- ates a cation-selective ion channel of high cillus actinomycetemcomitans leukotoxin conductance [13, 127, 128]. Moreover, the (LTX) pore formation in HL60 cells (a pro- data suggest that a receptor is needed for the myelocytic cell line) has shown that rapid lytic activity of the toxin [13] in a two-stage cell death ensues with large conductance process: first, the target cell binding requires increases within seconds following high con- glycine-rich repeat regions and modifica- centrations of toxin exposure. Cells undergo tion of the toxin by the C gene product at morphological changes consistent with rapid an adjacent site and, afterwards, the N-ter- cell death [93]. When adding LTX to the minal hydrophobic regions allow pore for- bathing solution of an artificial bilayer, no mation [32]. The target cell specificity channel activity was seen. However, if LTX could therefore be due either to a specific was added to the lipid monolayer before binding on the receptor, to the toxin ability forming the bilayer, large conductance fluc- to interact with the membrane or even to tuations were seen in the bilayer. The authors both parameters. Mannheimiosis (pasteurellosis) 147

Interestingly, Ana Soloaga and her col- then allowing Mannheimia haemolytica laborators have studied the perturbation to be released from its usual commensal produced by purified α-hemolysin on pure status [22]. phosphatidylcholine bilayers in the form of On the other hand, impaired neutrophils large unilamellar vesicles, under conditions and lymphocyte functions are observed in in which the toxin has been shown to induce bovine viral diarrhea (BVD) virus [23], vesicle leakage. The bilayer systems con- bovine respiratory syncytial (BRS) virus taining bound protein have been examined [184] and bovine herpes virus-1 (BHV-1) by differential scanning calorimetry, fluo- infected cattle. The latter is known to rescence spectroscopy, differential solubi- decrease host defence amongst others by lisation by Triton X-114, and freeze-fracture diminishing the activities of T lymphocytes, electron microscopy. The results obtained, B lymphocytes, monocytes and macro- complemented by structure prediction stud- phages [24, 67] and by interfering with the ies, have led to the conclusions that (i) α- host’s antigen presentation machinery to hemolysin, under conditions leading to cell evade the host’s immune response in vivo lysis, becomes inserted in the target mem- [74, 134]. Moreover, it has been shown that brane in the way of intrinsic or integral pro- leukocyte exposure to inflammatory cytokines teins and that (ii) inserted α-hemolysin released in response to BHV-1 infection occupies only one of the membrane phos- (interleukin-1 beta, interleukin-8, tumour pholipid monolayers, i.e. it is not a trans- necrosis factor alpha and interferon gamma) membrane protein. Consequently, the inser- can modulate the migration and functional tion of one or more of these molecules in the activation of bovine leukocytes [26, 105, outer monolayer of the membrane could 106]. So, when Mannheimia haemolytica induce an increase in the lateral pressure of enters a BHV-1 infected lung, it encounters the monolayer lipids and, beyond a certain leukocytes whose recruitment and LFA-1 increase, the monolayer will reach a point expression (and hence the leukotoxin sus- of transient breakdown (perhaps repaired ceptibility) are increased [26, 106]. In con- by a net transfer of lipids to the inner mon- trast, interleukin-8 expression was minimal olayer) and subsequent leakage of contents. in lesions of BRSV pneumonia [26]. Since Upon the whole, these experiments and cal- inflammatory cytokines (tumour necrosis culations are against the idea of E. coli factor-alpha, interleukin-1 beta and inter- hemolysin acting as a pore-forming toxin leukin-8) are also produced in response to [156]. Mannheimia haemolytica infection [80, 99, Moreover, it is intriguing to note that the 100, 192, 193], they may, therefore, repre- overall pore formation mechanism resem- sent therapeutic targets to be modulated in bles that of other toxins of bacterial origin order to treat or prevent mannheimiosis, as such as colicins, diphtheria, tetanus and recently demonstrated in vitro [115]. botulinum toxin [127].

7.4. Molecular synergies 8. CONCLUSION with other pathogens AND PERSPECTIVE As already stated above, Mannheimia M. haemolytica’s pneumonias are known haemolytica’s pathogenesis involves many to be one of the main diseases in the cattle predisposing viral and bacterial agents that industry. Several virulence factors have could break down the antimicrobial barrier been described, with the most important consisting of beta defensins and anionic being leukotoxin and lipopolysaccharide, peptides found in epithelial cells, resident that could in fact be compared to “the lips and inflammatory cells, and serous and that deliver the kiss of death”. They could mucous secretions of the respiratory tract, act together (because they form complexes) 148 L. Zecchinon et al. or separately through distinct or common [4] Ali Q., Davies R.L., Parton R., Coote J.G., pathways, leading to the production of sev- Gibbs H.A., Lipopolysaccharide heterogene- ity in Pasteurella haemolytica isolates from eral factors that are able to damage the cell cattle and sheep, J. Gen. Microbiol. 138 and to amplify the disease. Among these (1992) 2185–2195. 2+ actors, Ca signals play a crucial role by [5] Ambagala T.C., Ambagala A.P., Srikumaran governing a host of vital cell functions and S., The leukotoxin of Pasteurella haemolytica so are necessary for cell survival. However, binds to beta(2) integrins on bovine leuko- more recently, it has become clear that cel- cytes, FEMS Microbiol. Lett. 179 (1999) lular Ca2+ overload, or perturbation of intra- 161–167. cellular Ca2+ compartimentalisation, can [6] Ambs P., Fitzke E., Dieter P., AA-release is cause cytotoxicity and trigger either apop- under control of PLA2 and DAG lipase in rat liver macrophages, Adv. Prostaglandin Throm- totic or necrotic cell death [138]. boxane Leukot. Res. 23 (1995) 81–83. Consequently, we can say that M. haemo- [7] Angen O., Mutters R., Caugant D.A., Olsen lytica could be considered among the path- J.E., Bisgaard M., Taxonomic relationships of ogens that have reached the summum of the [Pasteurella] haemolytica complex as evolution, being able to cooperate with evaluated by DNA-DNA hybridizations and 16S rRNA sequencing with proposal of Mann- other microbes to use the innate immune heimia haemolytica gen. nov., comb. nov., response against its host by promoting neu- Mannheimia granulomatis comb. nov., Mann- trophils and macrophage cell lysis. In this heimia glucosida sp. nov., Mannheimia rumi- nalis sp. nov. and sp. way, LKT seems to be very important by nov, Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. (1999) 67–86. conferring species-specificity through spe- cific interaction with the β2-integrin LFA-1. [8] Bailly P., Tontti E., Hermand P., Cartron J.P., Gahmberg C.G., The red cell LW blood group The accurate study of this binding at the protein is an intercellular adhesion molecule molecular level will unambiguously repre- which binds to CD11/CD18 leukocyte integrins, sent a future step in the struggle against Eur. J. Immunol. 25 (1995) 3316–3320. M. haemolytica and could open the way to [9] Baluyut C.S., Simonson R.R., Bemrick W.J., the selection of naturally resistant animals. Maheswaran S.K., Interaction of Pasteurella haemolytica with bovine neutrophils: identi- fication and partial characterization of a cyto- toxin, Am. J. Vet. Res. 42 (1981) 1920–1926. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS [10] Bauldry S.A., Wooten R.E., Leukotriene B4 and platelet activating factor production in The authors wish to thank the Belgian federal permeabilized human neutrophils: role of services for public health and security of the cytosolic PLA2 in LTB4 and PAF generation, food chain and environment, grant S-6107. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1303 (1996) 63–73. [11] Bauldry S.A., Wooten R.E., Bass D.A., Acti- vation of cytosolic phospholipase A2 in per- REFERENCES meabilized human neutrophils, Biochim. Bio- phys. Acta 1299 (1996) 223–234. [1] Ackermann M.R., Brogden K.A., Response of [12] Bell R.M., Burns D.J., Lipid activation of pro- the ruminant respiratory tract to Mannheimia tein kinase C, J. Biol. Chem. 266 (1991) 4661– (Pasteurella) haemolytica, Microbes Infect. 2 4664. (2000) 1079–1088. [13] Benz R., Schmid A., Wagner W., Goebel W., [2] Aderem A., Ulevitch R.J., Toll-like receptors Pore formation by the Escherichia coli hemo- in the induction of the innate immune response, lysin: evidence for an association-dissociation Nature 406 (2000) 782–787. equilibrium of the pore-forming aggregates, Infect. Immun. 57 (1989) 887–895. [3] Al-Ghamdi G.M., Ames T.R., Baker J.C., Walker R., Chase C.C., Frank G.H., [14] Berggren K.A., Baluyut C.S., Simonson R.R., Maheswaran S.K., Serotyping of Mannheimia Bemrick W.J., Maheswaran S.K., Cytotoxic (Pasteurella) haemolytica isolates from the effects of Pasteurella haemolytica on bovine upper Midwest United States, J. Vet. Diagn. neutrophils, Am. J. Vet. Res. 42 (1981) 1383– Invest. 12 (2000) 576–578. 1388. Mannheimiosis (pasteurellosis) 149

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