! Ajapeu Lodge 2 Order of the Arrow Candidacy Procedures for Lodge Offices The following rules govern Arrowmen who elect to run for lodge office: 1) The officer candidate shall obtain the endorsement of the candidate’s unit leader and, if under 18 at the time of election, his parent or guardian. Note: Email approval from the unit leader and/or parent submitted to
[email protected] will be accepted provided it contains the language provided on the form. Email approvals may be confirmed by a follow-up phone call. 2) The candidate must be under the age of 21 for the entire term of office and be a dues- paid member of the lodge. 3) Candidates must meet with the Lodge Adviser prior to nomination to discuss their candidacy and the requirements of the office. In addition, the following requirements will be in effect for those running for Lodge Chief or Lodge First Vice Chief: 4) Candidates for Lodge Chief shall have been in the Order of the Arrow for at least one (1) year. 5) Candidates for Lodge Chief and Lodge First Vice Chief shall obtain 10 signatures from the voting membership of the lodge to endorse their presence on the ballot. All nominees must use the enclosed Declaration of Candidacy to complete this process. Under no circumstances will candidates be eligible for nomination without a completed Declaration of Candidacy form. Candidates may elect to run for more than one office during the nomination and election process. However, if a candidate is elected to an office before the voting process has completed, the candidate will be stricken from the ballot for any offices remaining.