[email protected] Website: RISHRA MUNICIPALITY 49/56/57, RABINDRA SARANI RISHRA, HOOGHLY, WEST BENGAL, PIN – 712248 PHONE NO-(033)26721373/2953 FAX NO-(033)26720306 Notice Inviting e-Tender Notice Inviting e-Tender No: WBMAD/RISHRA/eNIT-08/2017-18 Memo No: 2077/XI Dated 21.02.2018 Chairman, Rishra Municipality on behalf of the board of Councilors invites e-tender from bonafied, reliable, resourceful and experienced contractors for the work detailed in the table below. (Submission of Bid through online) List of Works: Price of Technical & Financial Earnest Bid Sl. Estimated Period of Name of the works Money (Rs.) documents No. Amount (Rs.) Completion 2% and other annexures (Rs.) 1 2 3 4 5 6 A Supply & installation of Item rate tender 6600 2000 07 Days Microplate Reader. is invited B Supply & installation of Item rate tender 6600 2000 07 Days Microplate Washer. is invited C Supply & installation of Auto Item rate tender 6400 2000 07 Days Hematology Analyzer. is invited D Construction of Ground floor and 19860710 397214 14000 270 Days 1st floor of proposed G+4 Building of Matri Sadan Hospital under Rishra Municipality. 1 | P a g e Notice Inviting e-Tender No: WBMAD/RISHRA/eNIT-08/2017-18 Note : Bonafied, reliable, resourceful and experience contractors having sound financial status and having credential not less than 50% of the value of similar nature of work in a single contract during preceding 3 (Three) years under Govt./Semi Govt./ Statutory of local bodies. Credential means completion certificate as well as payment certificate of a single contract of a similar nature of work.