Cham|_-ioj^^ Williams Beats mile run, in which Homer Baker «nd Richards NORRIS WILLIAMS. Miss Cuban Jack Sellers will start. The four vet¬ Golfers of *^"p Bjurstedt Contingent Cleans erans, Pat Ryan, Matt McGrath, Pat Young In 2d. holder of the na¬ McDonald and Egon Erickson, alone- to Contest Sets Double Winner prevent a rout in the field competi¬ Jersey Three^traight tional «singles title in 1914 and on tions. For Junior Crown Former Title-Holdex 1916 who yesterday defeated Up Grayssian Victory Entry blank for the national track Defeats Star in Second At Cedarhurst ..- <»>-,- and field championships have been Young »; the boy mailed to the various athletic associa¬ Round by 7.5, ite, won about as he pleased, but the tions of the A. A. U. A respite of one The next big golf tournament in this 6.1, 6-2; Johnston Diaz Adi¬ week has been in Extended; marvel of the courts, in Extra set matches featured yester¬ Entry Captures stewards took it away from him. granted the filing of vicinity will be the New Jersey State Brookes, McLoughlin aud Tilden day's play in the annual invitation There was absolutely no occasion to blanks, so that the list will not close Golf Association's first annual junior Also Win straight sets. In his defeat of women's lawn rondack from disqualify Robert Oliver. It is true that until September 8, four days before tournament of Handicap at last the championship, to be d<-c;ie..l on the the Hunt on the jump Oliver crossed Weld- games. Richards Williams has re¬ Rockaway Club, its was links of the Essex Cedarhurst, Long Island, courts. Kinnoul-10 to 1 Wnis ship, but he a couple of lengths in County Country By Fred Hawthorne moved one of the strongest Eight of the best players in the East front at the.time and in nowise inter¬ In the recent senior "Mets" Sellers Club next Thursday and Friday, Sep¬ Richard Morris Williams, 2d, Ä remained in the round before the fered with his opponent. Bush made boasted to friends that he would smash tember 4 and 5. Boston, national champion of 1914 obstacles in the way of his re¬ semi-finals. no claim; the stewards called the boy the existing championship record for and 191b and Wübam T. of By W. J. Macbeth before them. waited with the hurdle race, although The conditions are limilar *o other Tilden, 2d, Philadelphia, former national Mrs. Marshall McLean, former na¬ Kennedy 440-yard high Cay court champion, were the gaining the championship. tional Oliver till a half mile from home. He it was his first start in this specialty. ttate charopionstiips a competitor bright on the champion, vanquished Miss SARATOGA, Aug. 27..A. H. Diaz's came on He failed in starsWerday second dav Florence Ballin in a then and thoroughly beat the his boast, but only by the«1 must e.ther reside or be a member of of play . the thirty-eighth annual national third round Grayssian won the Adirondack Hand.*- matter of one second. singles" lawn enn cham¬ match of the singles by a score of early pacemaker. a New Jersey club, and in this case tournament at the West cap at six furlongs, the feature of J. W. May's Joyful, which ran a sus¬ pionship Side Tennis Club, of Forest Hin. «3.3, 5.7, 6.2. Miss Molla Bjur- must be under nineteen years of age. The brilliant of their former "Queen of the to-day's card. The victory added $3,925 picious race the other day, had the Many of the local athletes are mak¬ play in the socond round of he stedt, Courts," blanket off in the last event, and came ing use of the new Pershing Field in It is expected that some of the best /reaTto"n v was n double winner, scorine in sin¬ prize money to the coffers of his owner indicated that these two masters of to victory with a great rush through the Jersey City for practice. One who talent of Jers« will on strokes will clash in gles and doubles. and gladdened the hearts of the finds the field is young New y be t_i_se^Z Miss Molla loyal stretch. War Drive was second and handy Jack R. Fritts, hand to the laurel«. and Sh°Uld this -me Bjurstedt was her Cuban that Cock o' the Main third. the New York A. C. all around star, fight for a th W aW th cyclonic self in downing Miss Edith following always boards Rapi'l Day- at "HgalleriesTat the * estl*lfbid, clubW.'will see one of this looked the winner at the furlong pole, who is preparing himself for the com- Entries close to-morrtw the offica the classic battles of B. Handy by easy scores of 6.2, 6.3. good two-year-old colt every time but national American lawn tonnis history. Mrs. Edward W. Raymond had to he starts. stopped badly, Hamilton being un¬ ing championships. of E. P. Holden, jr.. 20 West Twenty- play able to help his mount. second Manhattan. Williams, with all his old three sets before she downed Mrs. Kinnoul added to into condi- Street, playing magic, defeated Robert a count ,an starter, finished Inability get proper the Vincent Rich¬ Leroy by of 4.6, 6.2, second and tion was responsible for Dick Renter's ards, national boy champion, a score of 6.1. Harry Payne Whitney's . an¬ by 7.5 6.1 6.'' whil Sammy was placed third. It looked poor showing in the Jersey City games The Forest Park C Clob Tilden conquered E. P. Play in the doubles advanced into much and Cinders a e Thomas, jr., by a score of 6.2 6.¦> 6 -2 and second round very as if the judges erred in Splinters Remer plans to lay idle until the na- ticipates record entry for its the with the favorites the for as tional when he will endeavor to those who wa.ched the« two . picking thoroughbred show, games, day tournament starting S I atches had much to the coming through. However, three sets R. T. Round A. C. retain his title. marvel'at, a¿ were Wilson, jr's. Robin, which By Cavagnaro concluding On a victors reeled off shots that fairly dazzled their needed in many cases to record closed with a seemed Monday. Sa'urday by brilliance victory. Miss Bjurstedt and Mrs. great rush, to round of for The othtvs who are considered íe-wY>rk Angelica with the that he once Chapman and Mrs. Marshal] McLean de¬ going, Grays- Styles MonroeClolliesNewtárk severity used, prevail against the Williams who de¬ feated Mrs. J. Cheever Cowdin ami Mrs. sian's challenge. but in: tea lie relied upon careful lighted us yesterday. P. Buzby, fi.4. 7.5. The third race at a mile fell to placing of his soft returns. Gerald L. Patterson, of J. R. Skinner's Midnight Son, a 10-to-l The was Westbrook was , result that Brooke«.' partner in the holding of the shot, which was overlooked. The form able to return many of the foreigner's American doubles title, did not have players did not think him capable of THE SATURDAY EVENING POST »shots during the first four games of to take the courts Entries the route. Kashmir was second the ball back yesterday, Randolph Saratoga going the nding crashing Lycett, his countryman, having gra- and Rifle third. for pass with vicious forehand ¡ously defaulted so as to The fifth race was a breeze for But when the crowd stand¬ save Patter, FJK.ST MOE For two-year-otd fillios. Five tur- just drive just son's si ra nc right arm as muc a longa. the favorite, Slippery Elm. Wilson's it the outer court, where tí «. o: r: 111,1 lei shp 10". 751 Druallla 10» ing 1 sible. The Australiai will face s'.»3 which was the contender, n.v as to Sadio 1) .lu". ;:>; Sea Green ..10". Wyoming, being played, expected Watson M. Wasi I urn of this c ty e 7 :ï L v. Lano II. LÛ5 M l.u ikett KM beat off Buford, the only other starter, see the American youth spring a yreal A. E. F. champion, at 4.30 o'clock this : 10 aul nu ¡05 7 ¦! ' '.Sugar Mint 00 by lengths for the place. V'3 ¦¦. kes tightened up in his on amiy Cook GS4 Basten« Glow 103 afternoon, the Xo. 2 grandstand SOG Retslnda 11 ¡>06 liariej Water 112 Sam lfililroth's two-year-old chestnut gar.» :.: began to reel off the games court, and this »Tea Koom not out 6hould give us a line ...loo Lady Lucillo ... 10.1 cult Dominique, which had been ir. the frictionless style that had dis¬ line on Patterson's chance in this SECOND KACE.THE BERKSHIRE HANDICAP; in some weeks, won the ofiening dash tinguished his work in the first two tourney. Washburn's for marcs three years, uld and upward. Six fui¦- of five and a half He sets. deadly driving longs. furlongs. sprint¬ and his clever covering up of the direc¬ (796) Oraonda .ll.ll Knot .108 ed the distance in 1:044-5, only one- T was doubtless method in the tion of his shots may prove trouble¬ 181 PenroM .1141 791» Passing Shower.Hi fifth of a second behind the track rec¬ Australian's tactics in the first half of some to the- 7GI» Tercntia .110 761 Herodlas .110 John Tus- meteoric man from the (816) Athlone .in' 741 Bou Jour .OS ord, established by Sanford's the final set, for although Westbrook ant ii odes. 81."» Fairy Wan 12i caloosa a year ago. Dominique's per- w: s in his successful returning op¬ For a time yesterday morning it THIRD HACE-VTHE AMSTERDAM; Belling; for formalice was the more worthy of the .i .. ponent's shots the effort in going after looked as though the tournament would yi .«:¦ ol«ls and upward. .«. mile. two, for the track had been wet down the .' shots from the have to 760 St,i lug .124 (7!>4) 'Wo «Itrap .1! y placed be called off for the day. The S212 "T«l ,-v .US 7n2 !;-.. im: 11!l by a drizzle just before the race. master's unerring racquet took all of early rain had made the courts ex¬ S22 -. Drag «il II... 114 »V3 Sa.,. We tbrook's reserve and when Second Round ("(¡»I Wy« Din.< ,...110i 770 111 m .dun .10' Dominique Nearly Beaten powers, tremely soggy, and Julian .*-. M y rick,. v to make an end of Arrow llfi 7S3 Uamioseh 11« Brookes decided vice-president of the .'. S. X. L. T. A. (74; Itallymn >n« IOS OSO ties .10 Though Dominique, which broke mat! .- .-.vent last five a he through the and official referee of the tournament, l-'Oi II i:.v !, THE w ii.r in HANDICAP; for away quickly, made every post win¬ g&r».¦ - almost without an effort-. had about to .¦ rai ...- aid lino nii o. one, he was somewhat to decided call ail matches Summaries in 1 ning lucky .'. of defeated off for the ..107 Sea Koek .107 last. W. R. Coe's was over¬ Kumagae, Japan., day when the rain stopped (7; ilUig Tlo 106 720 Bally .120 Cleopatra Ludlow Viindeventer, of X« .'¦ py, b; and the sun came out at intervals. But "S War God .i. líoyca Ruóla-...112 hauling the winner at every stride at ¦J a score of 6 even it was IV I'll 1! '¦¦:' T- -... ja. .10S the end. hit the stretch -2, 6.3, 6--3.. confining so, necessary to "¦.- Dominique hip cl ief attack court. Van- postpone National Tennis Manager Walle il .104 to to deep the first matches until 3 o'clock. (61.1) I.ucullite .130 Sil L.,k-harca .12G several lengths the good. Fator's deventer to force the net 9 colt was a attempted Alexander in Tippity WltcheUlll 778 Ti«*lish .109 finish with the anything but positii n with fine spirit, but the sting¬ Umpire's Chair FIFTH RAI E> Soiling; for three-year-olds and up¬ strong one. In the last sixteenth he ing drives that Kumagae shot through The threatening weather had kept National singlet, fiirf championship, sec¬ ward Hie m le did about everything but fall out of the away of those ond round.C. 1>. Doyle, Washington, de- S Col. Valentine. .108 s:0 Frank Shannon.]!):« rigs, down the side lines and many who would other¬ o-«-«! « Donaldson, New York. <>.0. 6.1. (794) «Dolta's Best 110 810 Millraco .10« the saddle. Captain Herschler finished ck-a- t e base line, made Vande- wise have made the to Forest T. SOO TI««' -« k .108 ¡¡lo «James .K« third. journey 0.2; F. Anderson. New York. i" M u livre * Harry Payne Whitney's Wildair, which persons when Williams' and «¡.'; W. M Wushburii, New York, de¬ 95 810= Mlmiui 10« Richards feated F. M. 79? S arusr .IOS 7" ,» A rord 10 opened favorite, raci-d head to head Kumagae Displays Skill came out from and [xxiglimnn, New York, 0.0, (Sil Man Ui He ¡i; 810 *íto«kport 10«; with to the stretch turn, th&.tljibho.use (;.::, <;.¦;; M. S. »:. »¦.¦. ¦¦. Cleopatra ittie a r started to warm Parker, New York, de¬ (56 'i le rr,7 V, Hitan! ¦.: Japanese put up*: Bo.iivVi.r..sweat¬ feated 1». KuJl. New York. 0.:i. li.6, 788 'GoMvaio MS MU Knit. win re he tired. Dominique will be a amount of t« p-spin on his :rr ui ers ami Richards /removed lhis v_ the t;.o. (I..'; N. IV. NIL'S. defeated G'.t Tie I'ín .IOS 7S7 "Nanette hard cok to beat from now on. He S Boston', Flack. 90 strokes, making the ball hard to handle first set, but Williams deign Kasllifl, New York. ('..1. I'.'-'. C.S ; SIXTH HACE Kor mailla two-year-olds. Five needed just such a race as this one to oí: ft ti rí, and he showe sj ten- to take his off And /went^**__r«*3ot \\. F. Johnson, Philadelphia, defeated K. an a lia Í furl ngs him. did in in behind the entire match vthnough U. Ivirkland, F.lizubelh, (i.1. G.2, C.3; Arrowhead Iun.lOSi J. P, Grier... .115 tighten judgment following v.\thc»ut «¿y_)i work¬ T. it. Pell. New York, defeated A. YV. 793 Gallagher .115 »o-i Larghetto 112 The Greenfield Steeplechase Handi¬ these forcing shots to finish off the ing up a good persjVrati.I, *>.1, C.~; 803 B. Hoauty _1121 S05 Lad, Wood _112 cap, at about two miles, was somewhat ease II. ¡H. defeated 368 Service star ...115 R23 Priu<-osa 1!^ points by terrific volleying. the and smoothnc__L_;ii-irt^ playing. Kelleher, Seattle, P. Yan- 814= Simpleton .115 7«^4 Mary of a flivver. Only three were named afternoon at 3 o'clock Fred doventer, New \'«>rk. «.3, f>.3. <>.2 ; W 804» Mañana .116 Kumagae Alexander as umpire T. Tüden. E. F. Repeater .115 80S Peace Pennant.. 115 overnight, and one of these, King will take on Robert Le the base¬ in this andpre__i.3. 6.1, 7..->. .Apprentice allowance claimed. the starter. Robert Oliver, the favor- driving rallies. Le Roy it was who: made his announcements with perfect I. KiiniiiRiii', New York, defeated I,. of the enunciation and Vandeventer, Plalnfield, C.2, C.3, C.3; sprang the first big surprise without the pause of N. ». Drookes, Australia, defeated W. tournament yesterday by vanquishing even the fraction of a second. Westbrook, Detroit, »..0, (>.0. (i.t: C. S. Clarence J. Griffin, of California, in a Richards started the service an-I ran Garlund, Pittsburgh, defeated K. I.. five-set the score at 4.6, with the as .lames, Saratoga, H.3. <¡.j, fi.1: a. I>. battle, going away opening game, Will¬ llarnmett, New defeated 8. a ein nounces the good news that Monroe 2- iams sent his returns out court or York, E. Dav¬ Su ramaries 6, 6-2, 6.0, 6.4. of enport, jr.. New York, C,.2, 0.1, (J.2; Clothes will this Fall be sold nation¬ This was largely a question of which into the net. The gallery gasped when R. N. Williams 2d, Boston, defeated V. man could hold to the steadiest driv¬ the seventeen-year-old youth broke Richards, Yonkers, 7..">, tl.1, «.8; K. V. Saratoga Racetrack. August 27 ally. Le the former Thomas, Australia, defeated !.. E, Mniian, This marks the ing from the base line, and P.oy, through champion's service New York, «.15. li.2, U.1; P. L. Kynas- WEATHER RAINY: TRACK FAST greatest step forward in tour¬ in the second it at tw«> the who baa been playing high class game, winning love, ton, Roekville t'entre, won fr«>m J{. {.'. 82t FITIST RACK.For year-olds; purse, $1.2(14.-«7. Fu-.- uni a half rurlongs. Start good; progress of New York's most fa¬ nament tennis for almost a score of Richards was closing in at the net Seaver, Boston, 4.0, 2.(I, »>.0. 3.;'> "won driving: p!a«-e same. Time. 1:04% VVlnnor, eh. e.. by Peter Qulneo.Berryíuaiil. mous clothes.and it will take but a years, his worth in with splendid speed and and (default); !.. Beekman, New York, de- sr,«l trainer, S. C Hildreth proved striking judgment fealed Dr. B. 1\ Drake, New Rochelle. I- de: Surtt-r. SVt. short time for Monroe Clothes to «mann« r. When Griffin led off tak¬ smothering Wjlliams's shots with se¬ Fl Jockey Open Illgb.jC-OfW. Plai.e.Sh. by 414'' ii .m 11 merit the same renown the first two sets it seemed a fore¬ vere overhead shots for the nlque 1« 13 Y* II I« .- r 1-5 7-5 .1-2 throughout ing volleying Gcrulri I.. Patterson, .ustralla, won 7«'.- Cleopatra 102 M Al.o 11-5 5-2 11¦- 1-2 American for and Ut¬ Wmm gone conclusion that tlie match was corners. Richards won the third game from K. l.y.ett, Australia, bj default; 7!-i«! 'apta II« fabler nnelly Quality, Style at and held the lead of 3.0 on William M. Johnston, San de- S19" \v.,-;,..,- Musgravi most Value that they now in his mercy. comanding l-'ranrisi-o, (461 hi»g Albert 60 enjoy games, and at the he was trav¬ feated G. A. !.. Dloniu-, New York. C.2, S< huttlnger, New York. But Le Roy never gave up hope, pace 7.,-,, (I.1: .1. 1!. St/ Allan . Ri.i i,il then it did not seem o.8, Alloue, jr., Dallas, and when Griffin began to show signs elling as though defenled R. M. Ilocrr, St. Louis, S.6, (i.3, if speed, but »11 ßl P ping at the end. Cleopatra. used with a rus'n arid Fall models in Monroe Suits and Over¬ of the strain in the third set Le Roy the Rostonian could pull out the set. 6.I M mi rice E. McLoughlin, Los Aujcelei-, e further to go. Captain llereliler ran a fair rae wiidalr had iw coats are for And then we to defeated t. I ready you.and if for kept adding pace to his forehand began get flashes of ("urley, ...vtuiket, 6.2, (>.1, no other reason than to see the real the of 7.5; I!. B. Taylor, Boston, defeated \V. J. ECOXD RACE Till. CUKl-.YFiri.H f.«r and what ''.-f-'^'^éà drives, so that he kept the solid little Williams, "Williams Xoubsuint, Nt-iv 823 TEBPIiECHASE, three-year-oliis upward; $S00 dressed men Wimbledon,'' the of the .oik. (>.1, f¡.I, t».3: art letl '-. two ml «-i.,. .i. won ,;:¦¦ Time 1 35 Winner, cli. g., by 8ea- well will wear this Fall Californian on the jump continuously. sharpshooter \V. II. li.ili, New iorlv, defeated -Moon «'.v. American courts. He won the fourth K It. Major Daisy ,-r. Edward M We Trail r W Williams we will be mighty glad to have you The New Yorker had splendid control Marran, Greut Britain, (i.I, 0.4. .'. Y of he his di¬ game on his own service, whipping 7.a; II. II. Bnssford, .Sew \.rk, defeated 1 ¦'. r- ¦!.--.- iiT.ii High .<..-. P!ae Sh visit us. his shots, and disguised I.. .V. Fisher, .Neu !¦¦ Kennedy ..9-19 6-5 4-5 rection well. the third forehand and backhand drives across Borp, li.2, «.4, 7...; 162 .» 1« 7 5 1 You will be After taking Richards's forecourt with such !.. Williams, Highland Park, defeated K. 2 2 Bush .D-10 particularly interested in set at «S.2 he simply overwhelmed speed W. «rnliury, Boonton, .1.I, «.S, li.¡Í; K. .Dlsr.iialitieiJ fur fouling. the saving that will be yours when set and marvellous accuracy of placement I.. Murray, Niagara It«.i en «: iver bad -, coming to the- lait jiitrp. whero he bumped \Vi»]dsh!p, causing the Griffin in the fourth, taking the Falls, defeated I'ean latter to stumble after vou see the wonderful values at that the slender youth could not get his .-lathe... Cranford, X. J., 6.',', ti.4, 10.H. landing, which lie was disqualified. Weldihili waa beaten at the time offered lu '_>_/_ "love" and squaring the match. on at and racquet the ball, no matter how des- K. C. Vuli Miet, TllUiI' RACE -For four-year-olds an-) upward; purse. One mile. Start good. $25, $30 $35. ¡ lloboken, defeated t. 826***" $1.564.87. Le Roy Defeats Griffin j perately he lunged. X. <. hiirtst, Baltimore, ô.7, 7._!, ««on driving p!a.v tame. Time, 1 '«'_. Winner, b. t., 4, by Peep.' Day.Summer Night. An abundant £*< B.3, Owner. J. It. Sklimi r \V A !.. selection of Monroe The sudden change in the fortunes Yet Richards won the fifth game at (!-1; Hubert l.eroj New York, defeated Trainer % ^^^H Clothes at his ,1. (.ritliii. Mm Fruncsico, 4.t), Innei \vi j'.P, >-. ', % Fin. Jock»; Open High. Cose. Pla«-e. $21. M of war must have shaken Griffin's "love," heavily topped service ball l«.a, (i.l), <..4; \V. II. 2.6, 5_rter,_ he at- a to Benedict, Kos« lie, Y- Mid licht Sun 110 8 3 2'*4 2V& 1 '% 1 '% tyl 6 8 8 3 ¿M confidence badly, and, although apparently being bafiling problem defeated G. Donaldson, jr., .New _ork. ¦.' Kashmir .108 rt t -jio, 2' Kummer .11-5 t<- t Williams. The sixth went li.3, 10._: rl ti» stave off «defeat in the last game to y.7, Charles Chambers, -Neu (812) Rifle . 110 2 1 1'-_ l'á Robinson ..11-5 5-3 »-5 ' York, defeated .Y. J. l7.r.:...... 108 1 3'$..' .et steadiness of "deuce" twice before the Bostonian ¡Sweeney, ~'~ Ralymnoncy 5 5M¡ most valiantly, the ti.-*, v._, Baltimore, Machine IM s h of an won the final point, and then the for¬ 2.0, 6.3; Willis E. Du vis, 5 ::«" opponent too much .«Sun (4-41 .l,«-k Stuart .... 110 4 6 f.* 6» G'-o 9-2 8-5 4-5 proved mer national title holder came Francisco, deteuirU W. J. Gallon, obstacle, and Le Roy took the last through New York, ti.2, ti.'., li.3. Ü.0 Fell Swoop 113 7 7 S 8 Ens« r 10 15 set at 6. 4 for the match. with a continuous series of wizard- 802 Trite ! 13 3 1 :.'_ 7 Hamilton, 12 Maurice E. the red¬ shots that thrilled the people in the Mldnighl Sun forced the pace to the middle «>f tha t'irn. where he went to the front and stixid a McLoughlin, and must caused drive gamclj «bei Ka hallenged In the 1. furlong. The ¡after was much the best ef the others. headed idol of the American courts, stands have young K.'le «a> »topping at the Richards to marvel at the men in the Direct from maker to the came his match against Clyde Results in Other Fin you.via Economy Route. through opposite court. J327 ItTli RACE niK ADIRONDACK HANDICAP; for two-year-old-.: $5.000 adde-L Sir Curley by à score of 6.2, 6.1, 7- -.'-. '¦¦-long» Start .«cor; won easily; place drivng. Tim««. 1 Î2*_. Winner, b. c. by Hessian hut his work yesterday was not im¬ Makes Sensational Spurt Title Tournaments -Dorothy Gray Own« r. .-, " Trainer, W. McDonald. pressive to those who recalled his Williams took the seventh and .,."Ut Jockey. open. High. C-.-wo. Place in eighth i>.an. 7 8 2 5 BRONX cyclonic playing against Brookes without Richards a games allowing Veterans' 123 M ilBravo 11-6 13-5 11-5 1 2-7 the matches of 1914. the and sinities for players of forty- 763 m n 11J Kl -leí-' 5-2 6-5 Bergen Ave. at 149th St. single point, dropped ninth, five years or older 793 Round Robin 42od Street cor. It may be that the great "Comet" with an un¬ (lirst round) K. X. 103V Hi b nsDO 10 4 B'way. for the then closed absolutely Dana. Pawtucket, defeated l_. II. Rogers, nw Kli ,: Thrush loftus 1&-) 6-5 " is conserving all his strength beatable brand of tennis, winning the New York, 6- 0, 6.0; S. U 7i»3 v David Hamm 3 50 E. 42nd" Madison McAllister, 7s-, = " " that face him as the Jersey defeated F. tan 1ère I» .... 110 4'A 7 greater struggles last three games with the loss of only City, B. Ögllvle, New 698 Parmandale Nassau Frankfort BROOKLYN neara its end. This afternoon Y*ork. 6.1, 6.1; \V. P. Rowland, Phila¬ 1". 1« 15 15 tourney three points, which gave him the first delphia, .A 1- " at 1 o'clock the court against defeated P. Hawkes, New York, ii'ry^B^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 5Cortiandt" Court and he takes set at 7 5. 6.0, 6.1; W. Fravell, New York, defeat¬ Gi yssian closed with great garr.enee« throueh the last fur'e g and won going away. K'nnoul B'way Montagne St. former Prince¬ ed N. was ««el! Leonard Beekman, the Richards again started service in Johnson, Now Yuri;, 6.3, 6.4. F- always up anil had no excuse. Sammy ran «.> Improv. 1 raco. Round Itobin appeared to 14th St. opp. Acad. Music Fulton and ton and I feel that the Cal¬ but this time Will¬ G. Anderson, New York, defeated F. Itot;- third. mi the judge-, gave show to Sammy King Thruih go tang «1 UD in the barrier at the Hoy. Street captain, the second set, by ors. New mart and carried It with Idin ai! the way. fast. 34th 587 ifornian must show us something more iams had all his brilliant strokes York, 6.I', 7.-6; C Garland, closing very Street, Cor. B'way Fulton at Flatbush Pittsburgh, defeated W. II. Boss, New FIFTH for added. One and " than he so in this tourney if he 7 *" RACE.Claiming; three-year-old* an.l upward; $2.'ji4.87 mile 59th at 151 has far working to perfection, and he swept York, 4.6, 5. 6--2. 828 an sun Col. Circle NEWARK- Market SteMt f his march toward eighth, good; won ridden out; place driving. Time. 1:58". Winner, br. f.. 6, " to continue along at an impressive pace, allow¬ by Ranilock! um Schwalbe Owner.. Mrs H A Smith Trainer, R. A. Smith 125th cor. 7th JERSEY the be¬ National lunior first round Ave. CITY-*"*" the final brackets. ing Richards only fifth game V.' T, championship, li'dejL ¦-¦-¦'." W i'l' St. % '-., l F;.--.." .ioei;.y. Open, llifh. Cose Place. Sh. £^, v to earn un¬ had the set at Anderson, Brooklyn, defeated Chrystie Street at Canal PATERSON-220 Main S_-..l ¡all to Beekman fore he taken 6.1. Charles A. Kupp, Ituffalo, -.1, 6.2, R.0; (ROD KÍlpperj K i» ¡06 f nu l'Vi 1'*- l'Vi MrAtce..... 3-5 6-. 9-ld 1-5 dying fame to-day by taking the meas¬ Although he was facing certain de¬ Curl Fischer, Philadelphia, defeated Will¬ (760) Wyoming 107 3 2 2* 2« 2' 2« Ere-or. 2 11-5 8-5 l-.t YONKERS-Getty -.*¦___ 803 -, ure of "Red Mac." But, then, Mc¬ feat, then, Richards did not give u iam J. Sweeney, Baltimore, 4.6, 6.4, Buford .: ,1 ; _:. 3 _3 3 Lang. T 8 »-2_t-5_. come a keen in the final set 6.0. 6.4. Slipper} Elm was off In motion, had all tinTTpe-d and won with iwuiething in reservo. \Vyo_"-- Loughlin will probably through without struggle lng bad no excuse. Itufurd was ai« No with the brand of lnwn the most brilliant kind of clo ays outrun. Charge for Satisfaction this afternoon By National boys' first round SIXTn RACE.For Six in the Bemi-tinal he managed to hold his op .Arnold \V. championship, 829 thr««-year olds arid upward; $1,264.87 added. furlongs. Start poor; Alteration« tennis he showed volleying Jones, Boston, defeated Gra¬ won il-iving; place same. Time 1:13% Winner, b. f.. by Mage«.Joste L. Owner and Guaranteed round of the national doubles at Long- poneñt even up to 2.all on games, bu ham Wentz, Philadelphia, 6.2, 0.2, 6.1; trainer. J. \V. May America's Largest Clothiers and was his limit. Jame» Farquhar, defeated Leon¬ wood, a week or ten days ago, that Williams, ard Brooklyn, Il de Starter. wt. p p. st. 1 v Fin. Ji?«-key. Open. High. Close. Pia, a. Sh. re¬ accurate Heed, l'lttsburgh, 6.3, 6.3. 6.3. in that match he bore a striking to his beautifully stroking 816 .105 fui _¦.... 110 1H *n Kumiber.... 6 8 :, War 1 "Comet" who ruled ran off the last four games for the Iirive . 115 SI« 4' 5-1 Butwell. 10 10 4-.-. semblance to the 7«7» Cock o' Main :. six and the match. the 108 6 :; .Y-u ¦'_ Cal alian. .. 12 3 the world of tennis some years at 6-2, Shoot at Sea Girt Mm Rapid May 11*. HamilUHü... 8 1 ago. Williams.) play yesterday is wo Tourney S00" Se ater Crow 11", _¦H 6"4) 4'*. Adranced of special comment, for it showed tha The annual tournament of the 7:il The Tump. -115 0- 1. Buiton. Davis New so«) - Yonng Bridesman II', 7* . 18 the former champion has finally ar York and New 796» 11 11- Rice Willis K. the tall Californian Jersey State Kifle associ¬ Chimney Swift ... 110 g: U.-nlstock. 1*« Davis, at the of his bes ations will be :.27 War Neu- . in S1 4. 15 at South- rived nearly pinnacle held at. Sea Girt, N. J., 7««7 Ensor. %ho vanquished Brookes mean that I.m-y U\- . 103 ir.» lOH Wr-i.«.«-r- IM 100 40 game, and that can only September 1 to 6, ¡¡elusive. Several lilgli Time U5 considered very sen IM. 11 Musgra.e... 4 ^km_6-5 will have to be matches will be shot each day. The Mis« Orb 110 12 Sue 1.lern an. KM JO«_40__15 in n. t. man who hopes to service teams Joyful moved Caukornia professional, any and up fait In the »tret« ...o »..1«". and won ously by j m_.ny of the state _, ñ^______* .»»-", tolu the thefronteighth _ bandlir. Drive closed lM* h. «jia^Yársj^ DWIUHT IKHGLA8S the national championship this ye»». 'teams now at Caldwell will Ä*f_J*_!_! ¿¡^. T"' U»«w«-b u» U*t cuwot-tiJ- -w did Qo__ .* Um __.___. _-***._<- Du vä» NewYork America CAÄ* «AMERICA« .LAWN TÄNNia.~r«A4n. compete. in Ibo last furl-n«. Styles >-^^*j*^Mon^eCMmiMÉÊC