{Read} {PDF EPUB} ~download The State Counsellor The Further Adventures Of by Boris Akunin Книга: Boris Akunin «Special Assignments: The Further Adventures of Erast Fandorin» In Special Assignments, Erast Fandorin, nineteenth-century Russia`s suavest sleuth, faces two formidable new foes: One steals outrageous sums of money, the other takes lives. `The Jack of Spades` is a civilized swindler who has conned thousands of rubles from `s residents-including Fandorin`s own boss, Prince Dolgorukoi. To catch him, Fandorin and his new assistant, timid young policeman Anisii Tulipov, must don almost as many disguises as the grifter does himself. `The Decorator` is a different case altogether: A savage serial killer who believes he `cleans` the women he mutilates and takes his orders from on high, he must be given Fandorin`s most serious attentions. Peopled by a rich cast of eccentric characters, and with plots that are as surprising as they are inventive, Special Assignments will delight Akunin`s many fans, while challenging the gentleman sleuth`s brilliant powers of detection. ISBN:9780812978605. Издательство: "Неизвестный" (2012) Формат: 130x200, 352 стр. Другие книги автора: Книга Описание Год Цена Тип книги The Coronation Grand Duke Georgii Alexandrovich arrives in Moscow for the coronation, with three of his children. During an afternoon stroll, daughter Xenia is dragged away by bandits, only to be rescued by an… — Orion Books, - Подробнее. 2010 857 бумажная книга The State Counsellor General Khrapov, newly appointed Governor-General of Siberia and soon-to-be Minister of the Interior, is murdered in his official saloon carriage on his way from St Petersburg to Moscow. The killer… — Orion Books, - Подробнее. 2009 857 бумажная книга He Lover of Death Senka Skorikov, orphan and urchin, has been abandoned to the murky world of Moscow's gangster district. While picking a pocket or two, he glimpses the most beautiful woman he has ever seen, and joins… — Orion Books, - Подробнее. 2011 859 бумажная книга The Death of Achilles Erast Fandorin returns to Moscow after an absence of six years, only to find himself instantly embroiled in court politics and scandal. His old friend General Sobolev - the famous `Russian Achilles`… — Phoenix, (формат: 130x195, 368 стр.) Подробнее. 2006 1194 бумажная книга The Coronation Grand Duke Georgii Alexandrovich arrives in Moscow for the coronation, with three of his children. During an afternoon stroll, daughter Xenia is dragged away by bandits, only to be rescued by an… — Orion Books, Подробнее. 2010 1109 бумажная книга He Lover of Death Senka Skorikov, orphan and urchin, has been abandoned to the murky world of Moscow`s gangster district. While picking a pocket or two, he glimpses the most beautiful woman he has ever seen, and joins… — Orion Books, Подробнее. 2011 1157 бумажная книга The State Counsellor General Khrapov, newly appointed Governor-General of Siberia and soon-to-be Minister of the Interior, is murdered in his official saloon carriage on his way from St Petersburg to Moscow. The killer… — Phoenix, Подробнее. 2009 1109 бумажная книга. Boris Akunin. Boris Akunin ( _ru. Борис Акунин ) is the pen name of Grigory Shalvovich Chkhartishvili ( _ru. Григорий Шалвович Чхартишвили ; _ka. ) (born May 20 , 1956 ) is a Russia n essayist , literary translator and author of detective fiction . "Akunin" (悪人) is a Japanese word that translates loosely to "villain". In his novel " The Diamond Chariot ", the author redefines an "akunin" as one who creates his own rules. The pseudonym "B. Akunin" also alludes to the anarchist Mikhail Alexandrovich Bakunin and to "Akuna", the home name of poet Anna Akhmatova . =Life and career=Chkhartishvili was born in Tbilisi to a Georgian father and Jew ish mother, and since 1958 has lived in Moscow . Influenced by Japan ese Kabuki theatre, he joined the historical-philological branch of the Institute of the Countries of Asia and Africa of Moscow State University as an expert on Japan . He worked as assistant to the editor-in-chief of the magazine "Foreign Literature", but left in October 2000 to pursue a career as a fiction writer. Under his given name of Grigory Chkhartishvili, he serves as editor-in-chief of the 20-volume "Anthology of Japanese Literature", chairman of the board of a large "Pushkin Library " ( Soros Fund ), and is the author of the book "The Writer and Suicide" (Moscow, The New Literary Review, 1999). He has also contributed literary criticism and translations from Japanese, American and English literature under his own name. Under the pseudonym "Boris Akunin", he has written several works of fiction, mainly novels and stories in the series "The Adventures of Erast Fandorin ", "The Adventures of Sister Pelagia" and "The Adventures of the Master" (following Nicholas Fandorin, Erast's grandson). Akunin's specialty is historical mysteries set in Imperial Russia . It was only after the first books of the Fandorin series were published to critical acclaim that the identity of "B. Akunin" (i.e., Chkhartishvili) was revealed. Awards and honors. In 2000 Akunin was nominated for the Smirnoff- Booker Prize . In September 2000, Akunin was named "Russian Writer of the Year" and won the "Antibooker" prize in 2000 for his Erast Fandorin novel "Coronation, or the last of the Romanovs". In 2003 the British Crime Writers' Association placed Akunin's novel "The Winter Queen" on the short list for the Dagger Award in Fiction. List of Works. * Erast Fandorin - (dates are for the setting of the narrative, not publication) *#"The Winter Queen", original title Azazel / Азазель (1876): The 20-year old Fandorin begins his career by accidentally stumbling over a plot for world domination. [ http://akunin.ru/knigi/fandorin/erast/azazel/ ] *#" The Turkish Gambit " / Турецкий гамбит (1877) [ http://akunin.ru/knigi/fandorin/erast/turetsky_gambit/ ] : The story is set before the backdrop of the Russo-Turkish War, in particular the Siege of Pleven . *#" Murder on the Leviathan " / Левиафан (1878) [ http://akunin.ru/knigi/fandorin/erast/leviafan/ ] : The third novel in the series, but the second released in English. Set on a steamship headed from England to India . *#" The Death of Achilles " / Смерть Ахиллеса (1882) [ http://akunin.ru/knigi/fandorin/erast/smert_ahillesa/ ] : The story unwinds from the death of Mikhail Skobelev (called "Sobolev" in the novel) in a Moscow hotel. *#"The Jack of Spades" / Пиковый валет (1886) [ http://akunin.ru/knigi/fandorin/erast/pikovyi_valet/ ] : Fandorin hunts down a clever gang of swindlers. *#"The Decorator" / Декоратор (1889) [ http://akunin.ru/knigi/fandorin/erast/dekorator/ ] : After ending his string of murders in England, Jack the Ripper surfaces in Moscow . *#" The State Counsellor " / Статский советник (1891): Political terrorism in late 19th-century Russia takes center stage. *#"The Coronation" / original title "Coronation, or the Last of the Romanovs" (Коронация, или Последний из Романов) (1896): The plot surrounds the ascension of Tsar Nicholas II. *#" She Lover of Death " / Любовница смерти (1900): A decadent suicide society causes a stir in Moscow. *#" He Lover of Death " / Любовник Смерти (1900): Set in the slums of Khitrovka , Moscow. *#" The Diamond Chariot " / Алмазная колесница (1905 / 1878): Events of the Russo-Japanese War of 1905 set against a flashback to Fandorin's diplomatic service in Yokohama . *#" Jade Rosary " / Нефритовые четки (alternative title translation -- Jade Rosary Beads) (a collection of short stories and novellas set in the 19th century): Some of the "holes" in the canon are filled, including Fandorin's service in Japan, his investigations in the 1880s while a Deputy for Special Assignments in the Moscow city administration and his adventures in America. "The Jack of Spades" and "The Decorator" were published together in a single volume, " Special Assignments ". * Sister Pelagia : A series about a crime-solving nun in turn-of-the-20th-century provincial Russia. ** Pelagia and the White Bulldog / Пелагия и белый бульдог [ http://akunin.ru/knigi/pelagia/pelagia_i_belyi_buldog/ ] ** Pelagia and the Black Monk / Пелагия и черный монах ** Pelagia and the Red Rooster / Пелагия и красный петух. * Nicholas Fandorin : A series of adventure novels about Erast Fandorin's grandson, a modern-day British historian. **" Altyn Tolobas " / Алтын-толобас [ http://akunin.ru/knigi/fandorin/nikolas/altyn-tolobas/ ] : Nicholas visits Russia in 1995 while a story of his 17th-century ancestor is told in alternating chapters. **" Extracurricular Reading "/ Внеклассное чтение: Nicholas' adventures in Moscow in 2001 are told together with a story of yet another ancestor, this one set in the end of Catherine the Great 's reign. **"F.M.": Nicholas is looking for a lost Dostoevsky manuscript. *The Genres Project (novels written in different fiction genres, each book's title refers to the particular genre) **Children's Book / Детская книга: Erast Fandorin Jr. (Nicholas' ten-year-old son) goes on a time-travelling adventure. ** Spy Novel / Шпионский роман: Set in 1941, just before Hitler 's invasion of the . **Science Fiction / Фантастика: Two young men cope with their mysteriously acquired superpowers in the Soviet Union 's dying days. *Brüderschaft with Death: A "cinematic novel", written as a collection of ten novellas ("films") about the rivalry between Russian and German intelligence during World War I. Each "film" is written in a different cinematic genre. There are two main characters in the series: Alexei Romanov and Sepp von Theofels. **" An Infant and A Demon " / Младенец и черт. Comedy: July 1914. A German ace of espionage is trying to steal the plans of Russian military operations, as a young St. Petersburg student unexpectedly interferes. **" The Torment of a Broken Heart " / Мука разбитого сердца. Melodrama: November 1914. Junior sergeant Alexei Romanov, sent away from the front after being wounded, takes part in an operation in Switzerland, where Russian intelligence is attempting to neutralize a "dealer in secrets." **" The Flying Elephant " / Летающий слон. Aeronautic adventures: April 1915. Captain von Theofels infiltrates Russia's Special Aviation Corps in order to sabotage the development of the world's first heavy bomber, the Sikorsky Ilya Muromets . **"Children of the Moon" / Дети Луны. A decadent étude: August 1915. Ensign Romanov, fresh after completing the Russian General Staff's counter-intelligence course, goes undercover into a Petrograd society of young decadents. One of the members is about to transfer a copy of secret military documents to a German spy. *Non-series books: *The Seagull / Чайка, Комедия в двух действиях: a reworking of Anton Chekhov 's "Seagull" as a mystery [ http://akunin.ru/knigi/prochee/chaika/ ] * Comedy/Tragedy (the "Tragedy" is also known as "Hamlet", by B. Akunin," with "Mirror of Saint Germain" being the alternate name for the "Comedy".) * Yin and Yang (a play about Erast Fandorin, set in 1882). * Fairy Tales for Idiots / Сказки для Идиотов [ http://akunin.ru/knigi/prochee/skazki/ ] (a collection of short stories, not related to any of the series). Adaptations. Two Fandorin novels, " [ http://www.gambitfilm.ru/ Turkish Gambit ] " and " [ http://www.statskyfilm.ru The State Councillor ] ", were made into big-budget movies which broke Russian box-office records in 2005 Fact|date=April 2008 . Anatoly Brusnikin. In November 2007, AST, one of the publishing houses with which Akunin is affiliated, came out with an historical mystery novel by a new author, Anatoly Brusnikin, called Девятный спас ("Devyatny Spas", The Ninth Savior). Despite the fact that Brusnikin was a complete unknown, AST spent lavishly on an advertising campaign for the book, which almost immediately resulted in rumors that Brusnikin could actually be Akunin in a new disguise. The novel is set in the late 17th and early 18th centuries (in the beginning of the reign of Peter the Great ) and centers around three young Russians, a nobleman, a priest's son and a peasant, getting involved in an investigation of a regicidal plot. Despite Akunin's denials, the literary devices used by the author and the language of the novel give reason to believe that he may indeed have been involved in its creation. The rumors are also fueled by the total secrecy which surrounds the person of the author and the fact that his name, A. O. Brusnikin, is an exact anagram of Boris Akunin. AST has also released a photograph of Brusnikin, which appears to be either of a young Chkhartishvili or a computer-generated composite of several portraits, including his own. [ http://kp.ru/daily/24067.3/306445 ] Future plans. As Akunin has indicated in interviews, the Sister Pelagia series is finished (only three books were ever planned) while the other four projects will continue. In particular, he plans to write at least three more Erast Fandorin books, including another collection of short stories and novellas, similar in structure to "Jade Rosary" and taking place entirely during the 20th century.The next Fandorin novel, according to Akunin, will take place in Central Asia and may come out sometime in 2009. There will also be at least one more book about Nicholas Fandorin. Akunin has indicated that he already has the plot thought out (it will involve pirate s) and that the fourth book of the series may also be the last. The Genres project will continue as well. The next installment will be "Quest" (Квест), a computer-game-based novel. It will come out in the fall of 2008 and will be set in 1930. "Children's Book 2" (Детская книга-2), featuring Angelina, Nicholas Fandorin's 10-year-old daughter, is also in the plans. The Alexei Romanov/Sepp von Theofels series will end after 10 novella s. The names and genres of the next two ("films" 5 and 6) are already known: 5. "The Elder" (Cтарец). From the mores of high society. (The novella will focus on a Rasputin -like figure). 6. "Let the Thunder of Victory Rumble" (Гром победы, раздавайся). A battlefield sketch. (The events take place during the Brusilov Offensive ). The remaining four novellas will be about, in chronological order, the sinking of the Russian battleship Imperatritsa Mariya , the attempt on the life of the Czar, the German operation to transport Lenin to Russia in a "sealed train", and the Women's Battalion of Death . =External links= * ru icon [ http://akunin.ru/ Akunin's site ] (contains the full text of ten novels) * ru icon [ http://www.fandorin.ru/ Fandorin.ru ] Official Site of Erast Fandorin and other Akunin characters * ru icon [ http://erastimes.8m.net/ The Erast P. Fandorin Virtual Museum ] * [ http://www.akunin.net Akunin.net ] Akunin's published books in Russian, English, German and French * [ http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,23116-1721532,00.html Times online interview with Boris Akunin ] * [ http://www.russia- ic.com/culture_art/literature/236/ Boris Akunin: the Evil Spirit or Good Luck of Modern Russian Fiction? ] *2002 AEI [ http://www.aei.org/docLib/20030104_ro.pdf paper ] analyzing Akunin's works * [ http://www.lib.ru/RUSS_DETEKTIW/BAKUNIN/ Russian library ] site containing the full texts of most of Akunin's novels, including all three Pelagia novels, two Nicholas Fandorin novels, and all Erast Fandorin novels except the most recent, "Jade Rosary Beads" См. также в других словарях: Special Assignments — infobox Book | name = Special Assignments title orig = Особые поручения translator = Andrew Bromfield image caption = First edition cover author = Boris Akunin cover artist = country = United Kingdom language = English series = Erast Fandorin… … Wikipedia. Erast Fandorin — Infobox character colour = Red name = Erast Petrovich Fandorin caption = Oleg Menshikov as Erast Fandorin in the 2005 movie The State Counsellor first = The Winter Queen last = cause = nickname = Funduk ( schoolmates ); Erasmus ( Count Zurov )… … Wikipedia. The Coronation: The Further Adventures of Erast Fandorin | Chapter 9 of 25. He died in front of my very eyes, this strange and disagreeable gentleman. It all happened so quickly, so very quickly. The very instant the shots roared out, he was flung back against the cable. He dropped his little revolver, clutched at the shaky handrail and froze on the spot, with his head thrown back. I caught a momentary glimpse of a white face, bisected by a black strip of moustache, before it disappeared behind the black mantle. ‘Erast Petrovich!’ I shouted, calling him by his given name and patronymic for the first time. Or did I only mean to shout? The precarious decking swayed beneath his feet. His head suddenly bobbed forward as if from a powerful jolt, his body began slumping, chest forward, over the cable, then swung round grotesquely – and the next instant it was already hurtling down, down, down. The precious casket fell from my hands, struck a rock and split open. There was a flash of blinding sparks from the multicoloured facets of the diamonds, sapphires and emeralds, but I did not even glance at these incalculable riches as they scattered into the grass. From the ravine there came the soft crunch of an impact, and I gasped. The black bundle went tumbling down the steep slope, gathering speed along the way and only ceasing its nauseous whirling motion at the very edge of the stream. It dropped one lifeless hand into the water and lay there, face down in the gravel. I had not liked this man. Perhaps I had even hated him. In any case, I had wanted him to disappear from our lives once and for all. But I had not wished for his death. His trade was risk, he toyed with danger constantly, but somehow I had never thought he could be killed. He had seemed immortal to me. I do not know how long I stood there like that, gazing stiffly down. It cannot have been very long. But time seemed to rupture, to split apart, and I fell into the rent – back into the old, serene life that had ended abruptly exactly two weeks earlier. ISBN 13: 9780297848233. The State Counsellor: Further Adventures of Fandorin (Erast Fandorin 6) Akunin, Boris. This specific ISBN edition is currently not available. It's set just prior to the Russian Revolution so it has some historical context. The book has good insigh. "synopsis" may belong to another edition of this title. Shipping: US$ 3.00 Within U.S.A. Other Popular Editions of the Same Title. Featured Edition. ISBN 10: 0297852906 ISBN 13: 9780297852902 Publisher: WEIDENFELD & NICOLSON, 2008 Softcover. Customers who bought this item also bought. Top Search Results from the AbeBooks Marketplace. 1. The State Counsellor: Further Adventures of Fandorin (Erast Fandorin 6) Book Description Weidenfeld & Nicolson; 1st edition (January 1, 2008), 2008. Condition: new. Seller Inventory # BBB_newH_0297848232. 2. The State Counsellor: Further Adventures of Fandorin (Erast Fandorin 6), ***UNCORRECTED PROOF COPY*** Book Description W&N, London, U.K., 2008. Soft cover. Condition: New. No Jacket. 1st Edition. Paperback. An Imprint. London, U.K. ***UNCORRECTED PROOF COPY***. English language; Book Condition: New. Dust Jacket Condition: None. First Edition, First Impression. 370 pp, A clean and bright copy. Appears un-read. No creasing to spine, No signs of foxing. Without dedication. Can send more images. IN EXCELLENT CONDITION. (most of our books are 1st editions). We can send you photos of this book with a detailed description. Shipping is normally same day from the UK. "UK BASED SELLER ALL OVERSEAS SHIPPING VIA AIRMAIL". If you do not want this service please make it clear to Abebooks you wish by Ship. In Stock.- THANKS! We do not stock Ex-Library Editions or Book Club Editions. We offer a money back guarantee if you are not fully satisfied, please contact us if you have any questions. Bookseller Inventory #O. 7720180226_155626. Seller Inventory # 004024. 3. The State Counsellor: Further Adventures of Fandorin (Erast Fandorin 6) Book Description Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 2008. Hardcover. Condition: New. Brand New!. Seller Inventory # VIB0297848232. 4. The State Counsellor: Further Adventures of Fandorin (Erast Fandorin 6) [Hardcover] Boris Akunin. Book Description Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 2008. Condition: New. New. Seller Inventory # Q-0297848232. The State Counsellor: Erast Fandorin 6 (Erast Fandorin Mysteries) The reactionary Adjutant General Khrapov, newly appointed governor-general of Siberia and soon-to-be minister of the interior, is murdered in his official saloon carriage on his way from St. Petersburg to Moscow. The killer, disguised as Fandorin, boards the train at Klin, where it has been delayed by snowdrifts on the line. He leaves a knife bearing the initials "CG" (Combat Group) thrust up to the hilt in his victim's chest and escapes through the window of the carriage. Fandorin is first arrested for the crime, but quickly released when the train pulls into Moscow and the General's staff realise their blunder. The murder threatens the career of Prince Dolgorukoi, Moscow's elderly governor-general, and Fandorin's greatest fan. He asks Fandorin to investigate, even though someone new, Prince Pozharsky, has been sent from St. Petersburg to head the investigation. The head of the CG is a man named Mr. Green, the son of a Jewish pharmacist whose family suffered very badly from the pogroms. He bears a grudge and, together with his fellow revolutionaries, seeks vengeance. He is a man of steel, who has toughened himself so much that he is a worthy, and daunting, adversary. However, this is a battle between good and evil and Fandorin reminds us that two wrongs never make a right as he battles against Green in a test of wills. The mystery surrounds the mole: who is the leak? And what motivates them? This is what Fandorin must find out, even if it means that he places his own lover, the fiery Esfir, under suspician. In the end, Fandorin becomes so disillusioned that he walks away from promotion, and to the life of a civilian, at last. "synopsis" may belong to another edition of this title. Akunin is an outstanding novelist . Gloriously tongue-in-cheek but seriously edge-of-your-seat at the same time ( Daily Express ) Fandorin delights . a crime star ( Independant ) What Akunin's books have in common is charm, elegant writing, abundant wit - and Erast Fandorin . He is a delightful character like no other in crime fiction ( The Times ) Fandorin is a debonair combo of Sherlock Holmes, D-Artagnan and most of the soulful heroes of Russian literature . Andrew Bromfield's translation is key to maintaining the entertaining period pastiche ( Sunday Telegraph ) The perfect Sunday afternoon read! ( Scotland on Sunday ) Lively characters and a sinuous plot amply explain why Akunin's Fandorin thrillers have sold in their millions. ( FINANCIAL TIMES ) All the usual Akunin fingerprints are here - wonderful period settings, delirious plotting and that wry, understated sense of humour ( The Good Book Guide ) Fandorin is as likeable and charismatic as ever in what can only be described as a truly ripping yarn" ( The Gloss ) Book Description : A battle of wills and ideals, revolutionaries and traditionalists and good versus evil. [PDF] The State Counsellor Book (Erast Fandorin Mysteries) Free Download (304 pages) Free download or read online The State Counsellor pdf (ePUB) (Erast Fandorin Mysteries Series) book. The first edition of the novel was published in 1999, and was written by Boris Akunin. The book was published in multiple languages including English, consists of 304 pages and is available in Paperback format. The main characters of this mystery, cultural story are , . The book has been awarded with , and many others. The State Counsellor PDF Details. Author: Boris Akunin Original Title: The State Counsellor Book Format: Paperback Number Of Pages: 304 pages First Published in: 1999 Latest Edition: January 2009 Series: Erast Fandorin Mysteries #6 Language: English category: mystery, cultural, russia, fiction, historical, historical fiction, mystery, crime, mystery, detective, historical, literature, russian literature, mystery, historical mystery, contemporary Formats: ePUB(Android), audible mp3, audiobook and kindle. The translated version of this book is available in Spanish, English, Chinese, Russian, Hindi, Bengali, Arabic, Portuguese, Indonesian / Malaysian, French, Japanese, German and many others for free download. Please note that the tricks or techniques listed in this pdf are either fictional or claimed to work by its creator. We do not guarantee that these techniques will work for you. Some of the techniques listed in The State Counsellor may require a sound knowledge of Hypnosis, users are advised to either leave those sections or must have a basic understanding of the subject before practicing them. DMCA and Copyright : The book is not hosted on our servers, to remove the file please contact the source url. If you see a Google Drive link instead of source url, means that the file witch you will get after approval is just a summary of original book or the file has been already removed. The State Counsellor: Further Adventures of Fandorin. The reactionary Adjutant General Khrapov, newly appointed governor-general of Siberia and soon-to-be minister of the interior, is murdered in his official saloon carriage on his way from St. Petersburg to Moscow. The killer, disguised as Fandorin, boards the train at Klin, where it has been delayed by snowdrifts on the line. He leaves a knife bearing the initials "CG" (Combat Group) thrust up to the hilt in his victim's chest and escapes through the window of the carriage. Fandorin is first arrested for the crime, but . Read More. The reactionary Adjutant General Khrapov, newly appointed governor-general of Siberia and soon-to-be minister of the interior, is murdered in his official saloon carriage on his way from St. Petersburg to Moscow. The killer, disguised as Fandorin, boards the train at Klin, where it has been delayed by snowdrifts on the line. He leaves a knife bearing the initials "CG" (Combat Group) thrust up to the hilt in his victim's chest and escapes through the window of the carriage. Fandorin is first arrested for the crime, but quickly released when the train pulls into Moscow and the General's staff realise their blunder. The murder threatens the career of Prince Dolgorukoi, Moscow's elderly governor-general, and Fandorin's greatest fan. He asks Fandorin to investigate, even though someone new, Prince Pozharsky, has been sent from St. Petersburg to head the investigation. The head of the CG is a man named Mr. Green, the son of a Jewish pharmacist whose family suffered very badly from the pogroms. He bears a grudge and, together with his fellow revolutionaries, seeks vengeance. He is a man of steele, who has toughened himself so much that he is a worthy, and daunting, adversary. However, this is a battle between good and evil and, Fandorin reminds us that two wrongs never make a right, and he battles against Green in a test of will and good versus evil. The mystery surrounds the mole: who is the leak? And what motivates them? This is what Fandorin must find out, even if it means that he places his own lover, the fiery Esfir, unders suspician. In the end, Fandorin becomes so disillusioned that he walks away from promotion, and to the life of a civilian, at last. Read Less.