Police Detail Recent Crimes 'Students Need to Be More Vigilant About Their Safety'

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Police Detail Recent Crimes 'Students Need to Be More Vigilant About Their Safety' aero e ad ance YING THE M D w • Men' WWE Cruiserweight Champion Paul London ' The Hens beat Hofstra ·8-5 to advance to discusses the upcoming "Smackdown! the AA championship game, which will Wrestlemania Revenge Tour.". be held at Rullo Stadium Saturday. Sports I B8 Mosaic I Bl 250 Perkins Student Center University of Delaware Newark, DE 19716 • • TUE DAYS & FRIDAYS Vl1lumc 131 . Issue 51 \\'11'\\'.Udrei'ICII'.com Friday, May 6. 2005 Police detail recent crimes 'Students need to be more vigilant about their safety' BY ANDREW AMSLER wony about insurance and liabil­ Mmzaging New.1 }!dllor ity, but sugge ts th eir policies arc The recent mtlrder of soph o· misguided. more Lindsey Bonistall, whose "Students should be given body was found by officials in the oppottunity to make intelli ­ her Towne Court apartmen t, has gent decisions," he said. "The left many students guessing what university has spent too much they ca n do to protec t their safety, time combating the sources of and administrators scrambling to drinking than the rea l problem." get information out before th e Tracy Downs, program weekend. di rector fo r the enter for ln a Tuesday morning press ounscling and Student conference, Associate Vice Development, said the Building President of ampus Li fe Responsibility Coalition has J_llan was responsible for a Cynt hia umming said it is researched safe ride pr grams imperati ve student s take all pre­ and there are a lot of issues home invasion on West cautions for protecti ng them­ invo lved. Park Place April 30. selves. "You 're dealtng with "Stud ents don ' t take th eir drunk.," she said "lt's tmportant safety as seriously as they to get students home safely, but BY BROOK PAITERSO Counesy or Newark Poli ce should," she sa id . "You must be you also don ' t want to be Afnnaging Neus Ethtor This video surveillance was taken at an ATM on Elkton Road hours after the home inva­ vigilant." enabling them." Newark Police rcfeased a And as some students attend Down said the problem is sion on West Park Place. The home invasion victim's ATM ~ard was used in the transac­ composite sketch Wednesday of a ~oni s tall 's wake, others may be not necessarily with underage man they believe is responsible for tion. geanng up for U1 e weekend. So ~rin kin g, but with over-con ump­ a home invasion on the 200 block what can students do t protect lton. of West Park Place in the early on nearby MulTI\y Road early Ma y and a wool hat when lust seen. resident and she handed him an themselves? "We've been uy in g to edu­ mo ming hours of Apri l 30. I. Accord ing to a police press undisclosed amount of money. Ca pt. Jim Flatley' of Public cate students about thi s for nine Newark Police Chi ef Gera ld Po lice describe the suspect as release, the suspect forcibly entered Conway sa id the suspect also Sa fety sa id university police have years," she sa id. "The more yo u Co nway said authorities arc till a black male in his late 20s and a residence on West Park Place at obtained an ATM card from the add ed patrols on campus to all e­ drink, the more yo u become a uncertain if the home invasion on approximately 5 teet 5 inches to 5 approximately l: 18 a.m., and con­ resident and attempted to use it at v iate students' fears, but all stu­ 1 otenli al victim." West Park Place is related to the feet 8 inches taU. He is said to be of fronted a 27-year-old female uni­ the Wilm ington Trust ATM dent s must be on alert. Still , students are wondering murder of sophomore Lindsey stocky build and was wcarit ' a versi ty student who lives there. He "Lock your doors, lock your what the university will do in the ~ee BONISTALL'S page A4 Bonistallor a fire that was reported dark hooded sweatshirt or jacket tl1cn demanded money from the wi ndo,';"s - . use good common long-T'lln to address their safety m • enso, he sat d. the aftermath of Bonistall 's death . In addition, he aid always Fo ur months ago, a man wa lk with someone when u·avel­ broke into the apartment of Linda ing at night, and be aware o!'your Trinh, a John 's Hopkins SUITOUnclin gs. Uni versity student, and strangled Speaker criticizes N. Korea policy lle also encouraged stude'nts her to death in her bathroom. Les to use the wa lkabout pulhs, incli­ than one month later, the univer­ cated by blue lights, on ca mpus sity anJlounced it was spending and use the escort service provid­ an extra $2 million to beef up BY EMILY PJCJLLO angered response from North Korea. a nuolear weapons progmm since it is the last ed by the university, which will securi ty on and arou nd campus. Staff Repol"lel" "The president should remember that we remaining militaty superpower, but be lieves th e be expanded to include' the area No word yet as to what the American attempts to di mantle North arc the bi g country and [North Koreaj is the lit­ govcmment must be willi ng to use restraint if it surrounding Towne Co urt uni versity will do to help all evi­ is go ing to prevent nations from establishing or Korea's nuclear weapons program through mul­ tl e counlly," he sa id. "Name-calling in this sit­ Apartment . ate theprob lem, if there is one, ti ple party talks remain at a standstill and show uation only begets name-calling." ending their own programs. "We have to work together," but the impli cations of such a signs of moving in a backward direction, a for­ Notih Korea 's recent missile test is not sig­ The Bush administration's overall neglect he said. "l don 'l th ink safety is a startling event could be great. mer White Hou e advis r sa id Wednesday ni ght nificant, Sherman said, but was most likely of the con fli ct in Notth Korea has increased the problem, hut I don ' t think it is Bonistall 's home county of in Mitchell Hall. employed to attract attention to the potential threat to all counLiies and t11cir citizens, she something that is paramount in We. t hester bas one of th e hi gh­ Speaking only days after N01ih Korea 's power of its am1s program on the eve of a said. some indi viduals minds." est attendance rates at the univer­ repotied launching of a short-range mi ssile into nuclear non prolifera tion co nference held in "lf the admmi stralion is not prepared to Newark Poli ce have also sity for the entire state o f New the Sea of Japan, Ambassador Wendy R. Geneva. change face, we might just see a downward spi­ stepped up patrols around the York. Sherman aid President George W. Bush's ln dealing wi th Nonh Korea, she noted ra l tO a nuclear holocaust that will change the community to ensure students' Loui Hir h, director of ad mini tration has not taken the iss ue seriously h w its sense of dignity and s clf~ re l i a n ce und er­ face of the emth," Sherman sa id . sa fety. ad mi siotis, said 263 students, and offers little hope in changin g its diplomacy pins all aspects of the country. She said during her past diplomatic hips to Bonistall 's death and a series nearly 2 percent of the uni versi­ in dealing with the Asian nation. Altl1o ugb the United Stales has provided N01th Korea, she often told officials nuclear of home in vasions and burglaries ty's 16,548 undergraduates, come Shennan, a former advisor to President the impoveri shed and tarving co untty with weapons will not guarantee the ecurity of their have al o raised co nce ms about from Bonistall 's county. Bill linton and Secretaries of Stale Madeleine food and other reso urces, Shetm an said No1th country. the safe ride program on campus. But he said he does not Albright and Warren hristopher, is now a prin­ Korea resembles a cult in the ense that it Sophomore Daniel Siders said Sherman Gianni Zillanell a, who Jun believe this will have long term cipal of The Albright Group, an international believes anything good that comes to it results brought up an interesting point about North the Safe Ride program th at serves implicati ons for enrollment. advis01y finn. from the work of Kim Jong 11. K rea's use of nuclear weapons as a form of sorority member on campus, Jronically, Hirsh said, the '_'The U.S., the world, is facing a nuclear Nevertheless, she ai d North Korea has urvival. one good thing that can come "Everyone makes it out like they are this said the escort service provided weapons proliferation crisis," she said . been put on the back burner as the Un ited States by the university is not enough. from thi is to show everyone "Whether confionling.that crisis in North Korea has placed the maj ority of its time, resources crazy, vicious countiy, b~tl nuclear teclmology "Students are in de perate how impoliant it can be to join orlran, tl1e U.S. govemment and tl1eAmcrican and efforts in ll·aq. might be their only feas ible economic cxpott," need of some type · of no-ques­ together.
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