Curriculum Vitae

Marko Malink

New York University New York University Department of Department of 5 Washington Place 100 Washington Square East New York, NY 10003 New York, NY 10003 Email: [email protected]

PERSONAL DATA born on February 2nd, 1980 in Bautzen (Germany) German citizen, US permanent resident

RESEARCH INTERESTS AOS: Ancient Philosophy, especially Ancient AOC: Philosophical Logic, History of Logic, Philosophy of Language

EMPLOYMENT 2018– New York University, Professor of Philosophy and Classics 2014–18 New York University, Associate Professor of Philosophy and Classics 2013–14 University of Chicago, Associate Professor of Philosophy 2011–13 University of Chicago, Assistant Professor of Philosophy 2007–11 Humboldt University Berlin, Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter 2004–07 University of Leipzig, Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, part-time

EDUCATION 2008 Dr. Phil., Humboldt University Berlin (Philosophy) 2005–06 University of Oxford, Recognised Student (Philosophy) 2004 M. A., University of Leipzig (Logic and Theory of Science, Ancient Greek, Sorbian Studies)

HONORS 2018 Philosopher’s Annual selection for ‘ on Principles as Elements’, chosen as one of the ten best philosophy papers published in 2017 2016 Philosopher’s Annual selection for ‘The Beginnings of Formal Logic: Deduction in Aristotle’s Topics vs. Prior Analytics’, chosen as one of the ten best philosophy papers published in 2015 2015-16 Humboldt University Berlin, Visiting Fellow, summer 2015 and 2016 2013 Philosopher’s Annual selection for ‘A Method of Modal Proof in Aristotle’ (with Jacob Rosen), chosen as one of the ten best philosophy papers published in 2012

CV, Marko Malink, 7 November 2018 1 2008–09 , visiting scholar at Department of Philosophy 2005–07 doctoral fellowship, German National Academic Foundation 2000–04 fellowship, German National Academic Foundation

PUBLICATIONS Book: 2013 Aristotle’s Modal Syllogistic, Harvard University Press Reviews: Angelelli, I., Mathematical Reviews (2016), MR3185722 Beere, J., Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 90 (2015), 742–747 Bronstein, D., Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 90 (2015), 724–732 Crivelli, P., Phronesis 60 (2015), 129–132 Kirby, J., Journal of the History of Philosophy 52 (2014), 838–840 Leunissen, M., Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 90 (2015), 733–741 Pakaluk, M., Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2014.03.04 Raymond, D., History and Philosophy of Logic 35 (2014), 209–211 Rosen, J., Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 2014.08.33 Uckelman, S., Metascience 23 (2014), 573–579

Articles: 20xx ‘Aristotle and Bolzano on Grounding’, forthcoming in Priority Among Truths: Bernard Bolzano’s Philosophy of Grounding, ed. by B. Schnieder and S. Roski, Oxford: Oxford University Press 20xx ‘Modalities and Modal Logic’, forthcoming in: The Cambridge Companion to Ancient Logic, ed. L. Castagnoli, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 20xx ‘Hypothetical Syllogisms and Infinite Regress’, forthcoming in: Epistemology after Sextus Empiricus, ed. K. Vogt and J. Vlasits, Oxford: Oxford University Press 2019 ‘Leibniz on the Logic of Conceptual Containment and Coincidence’ (with Anubav Vasudevan), forthcoming in: Leibniz and the Structure of Sciences: Modern Essays on Logic, Mathematics, Dynamics, ed. V. De Risi, Berlin: Springer 2019 ‘The Peripatetic Program in Categorical Logic: Leibniz on Propositional Terms’ (with Anubav Vasudevan), Review of Symbolic Logic 12 2017 ‘Leibniz’s Theory of Propositional Terms: A Reply to Massimo Mugnai’ (with Anubav Vasudevan), Leibniz Review 27, 139–155 2017 ‘Aristotle on Principles as Elements’, Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 53, 163– 213 2016 ‘The Logic of Leibniz’s Generales Inquisitiones de Analysi Notionum et Veritatum’ (with Anubav Vasudevan), Review of Symbolic Logic 9, 686–751 2016 ‘Aristotle on One-Sided Possibility’, in Logical Modalities from Aristotle to Carnap: The Story of Necessity, ed. by M. Cresswell, E. Mares, and A. Rini, New York: Cambridge University Press, 29–49 2015 ‘The Beginnings of Formal Logic: Deduction in Aristotle’s Topics vs. Prior Analytics’, Phronesis 60, 267–309

CV, Marko Malink, 7 November 2018 2 2015 ‘Précis of Aristotle’s Modal Syllogistic’ and ‘Replies to Beere, Bronstein, and Leunissen’, book symposium on Aristotle’s Modal Syllogistic, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 90, 716–723 and 748–762 2014 ‘Deduction in Sophistici Elenchi 6’, in Strategies of Argument: Essays in Ancient Ethics, Epistemology, and Logic, ed. by Mi-Kyoung Lee, New York: Oxford University Press, 149–174 2013 ‘Proof by Assumption of the Possible in Prior Analytics 1. 15’ (with Jacob Rosen), Mind 122, 953-986 2013 ‘Aristotle on Circular Proof’, Phronesis 58, 215–248 2013 ‘Essence and Being: A Discussion of Michail Peramatzis, Priority in Aristotle’s ’, Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 45, 341–360 2012 ‘A Method of Modal Proof in Aristotle’ (with Jacob Rosen), Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 42, 179–261 2012 ‘Figures of Prosleptic Syllogisms in Prior Analytics 2.7’, Classical Quarterly 62, 163– 178 2011 four handbook articles: ‘Organon’, ‘Modalitäten’, ‘Syllogismos’, ‘Wirkung: Logik’, in Aristoteles–Handbuch, ed. by C. Rapp & K. Corcilius, Stuttgart: Metzler, 65–74, 275– 80, 343–8, and 480–4 2009 ‘A Non-Extensional Notion of Conversion in the Organon’, Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 37, 105–141 2009 ‘Indeterminate Propositions in Prior Analytics 1.41’, Logical Analysis and History of Philosophy 12, 165–189 2008 ‘ΤΩΙ vs ΤΩΝ in Prior Analytics 1.1–22’, Classical Quarterly 58, 519–536 2007 ‘Categories in Topics 1.9’, Rhizai. Journal for Ancient Philosophy and Science 4, 271– 294 2006 ‘A Reconstruction of Aristotle’s Modal Syllogistic’, History and Philosophy of Logic 27, 95–141

Reviews and Translations: 2015 Translation into German of Prior Analytics II (with N. Strobach), in: Analytica Priora, Buch II, übersetzt von N. Strobach und M. Malink, erläutert von N. Strobach, de Gruyter: Berlin, 1–44 2012 Review of L. Castagnoli: Ancient Self-Refutation: The Logic and History of the Self- Refutation Argument from Democritus to Augustine (Cambridge UP), in: Classical Philology 107, 367–371 2009 Review of Th. Ebert & U. Nortmann: Aristoteles. Analytica priora, Buch I (Akademie Verlag Berlin); in: History and Philosophy of Logic 30, 389–396 2008 Review of J. Barnes: Truth, etc. Six Lectures in Ancient Logic (Oxford UP); in: Gnomon 80, 676–681 2006 Review of P. Crivelli: Aristotle on Truth (Cambridge UP); in: Philosophie Antique 6, 208–211

CV, Marko Malink, 7 November 2018 3 OTHER PUBLICATIONS In Linguistics: 2008 ‘Phase Structures and Quantification’, Event Structures in Linguistic Form and Interpretation, J. Dölling et al. (ed.), Berlin: de Gruyter, 413–434 2008 ‘Right Boundary Achievements under Conative Negation’, The Discourse Potential of Underspecified Structures, A. Steube (ed.), Berlin: de Gruyter, 145–162 See: C. Piñón, “Negating Right Boundary Achievements (Comments on Malink)”, ibid., 163–175 2008 ‘Russian, Czech and Upper Sorbian uže / už / hižo and Aspectual Relations’ (with T. Heyde-Zybatow), Formal Description of Slavic Languages: FDSL 5, G. Zybatow et al. (ed.), Frankfurt a. M.: Peter Lang, 201–212 2008 ‘Clitic Climbing and Theta-Roles in Upper Sorbian and Czech’ (with Š. Lešnerová), Formal Description of Slavic Languages: FDSL 5, G. Zybatow et al. (ed.), Frankfurt a. M.: Peter Lang, 396–407 2003 ‘Phasenpartikeln und Verbklassen’ (with T. Zybatow), Proceedings of the Conference sub7 – Sinn und Bedeutung, Arbeitspapier 114 des FB Sprachwissenschaft der Universität Konstanz, M. Weisgerber (ed.), 337–351 2001 ‘Zur dreidimensionalen Modellierung der Phasenpartikeln um schon’ (with I. Max), Linguistische Arbeitsberichte 76, Institut für Linguistik der Universität Leipzig, J. Dölling and G. Zybatov (ed.), 89–120

In Sorbian Studies: 2014 ‘Friedrich Nietzsches Slawische Vorfahren’, in Europa Erlesen: Lausitz /Łužica, ed. by M. Retschke, Klagenfurt: Wieser Verlag, 102–109 2008 ‘Słowjanski pochad Friedricha W. Nietzscheho’, Rozhlad, 43–48 2006 (ed.) Serbska Poezija 52: Matej Urban, Bautzen: Domowina 2005 ‘Arno Schmidt a Łužicy’, Rozhlad, 127–133 2004 ‘Besprechung, Heilung und Musik – M. A. Pohles Dissertation von 1706’, Beiträge zur slawischen Musik in Mitteldeutschland, B. Greiner and K. Rebling (ed.), Frankfurt a. M.: Peter Lang, 25–38

PRESENTATIONS 05/2019 TBA, History of Philosophy Roundtable, UC San Diego 05/2019 TBA, 1st American Symposium on the History of Logic, UCLA 05/2019 TBA, The B Club, Faculty of Classics, University of Cambridge 05/2019 TBA, Conference on Aristotle’s Prior Analytics, University of Vienna 04/2019 TBA, Workshop on Aristotelian Logic, Tufts University 03/2019 ‘Antisthenes on Definition: Aristotle’s Metaphysics H 3, 1043b23–32’, Annual Workshop in Ancient Philosophy, University of Toronto 12/2018 ‘Demonstration by reductio ad impossibile in Posterior Analytics 1.26’, Princeton Classical Philosophy Colloquium, Princeton 11/2018 ‘Aristotle on demonstration by reductio ad impossibile’, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou

CV, Marko Malink, 7 November 2018 4 11/2018 ‘Aristotle on demonstration by reductio ad impossibile’, Fudan University, Shanghai 11/2018 ‘Aristotle on demonstration by reductio ad impossibile’, Department Colloquium, Peking University, Beijing 11/2018 ‘Aristotle on demonstration by reductio ad impossibile’, Department Colloquium, University of Utah, Salt Lake City 10/2018 ‘Aristotle on Modality’, Workshop on the History of Modality, Johns Hopkins University 09/2018 ‘Demonstration by reductio ad impossibile in Posterior Analytics 1.26’, 5th Campinas Conference on Aristotle’s Theory of Demonstration, University of Campinas, Brazil 09/2018 ‘The Peripatetic Program in Categorical Logic: Leibniz on Propositional Terms’, Workshop on Leibniz’s Logic, Laboratoire SPHère, Université Paris-Diderot 09/2018 ‘Demonstration by reductio in Posterior Analytics 1.26’, Conference Blowing in the Wind of Logos: Ancient Philosophy Today, Bologna 07/2018 ‘Demonstration by reductio in Posterior Analytics 1.26’, Williamstown Revisited Conference, Williamstown, M.A. 05/2018 ‘Antisthenes on Definition: Metaphysics Eta 3 (1043b23-32)’, Université Paris1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Workshop on Aristotle’s Metaphysics 05/2018 ‘Essential Predication in Posterior Analytics 1.22’, Brown University, Workshop on Aristotle’s Posterior Analytics 04/2018 ‘On the meaning of einai in Aristotle’s account of deductive inference’, University of Lisbon, Conference Aristotle in Translation: The Organon 11/2017 ‘The Peripatetic Program in Categorical Logic: Leibniz on Propositional Terms’ (with Anubav Vasudevan), CUNY Logic and Metaphysics Workshop, CUNY 10/2017 ‘Leibniz on Proof by reductio ad absurdum: A New Reading of the Specimina calculi rationalis’ (with Anubav Vasudevan), Eleventh Annual Conference of the Leibniz Society of North America, University of Toronto 10/2017 ‘Aristotle on Proof by reductio ad impossibile’, Providence College, Conference Dialectics and Analytics in the Aristotelian Tradition 09/2017 ‘Aristotle on Essence and Necessity’, Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Philosophie, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin 08/2017 ‘Introducing De anima 1.1 403a3-b19’, Workshop on Aristotle’s De anima A, Spetses (Greece) 07/2017 ‘Aristotle on Necessity-Makers’, Workshop on Modality and Truthmaking, University of Augsburg 07/2017 ‘The form of problems and premises in Topics B’, Workshop on the Middle Books of Aristotle’s Topics, Humboldt University Berlin 06/2017 ‘Aristotle on Arguments by reductio ad impossibile’, Workshop on Aristotle’s Topics and Prior Analytics, LMU Munich 05/2017 ‘Aristotle on Principles as Elements’, Hylomorphism Conference, Banff Centre, Canada

CV, Marko Malink, 7 November 2018 5 03/2017 ‘Hypothetical Syllogisms and Infinite Regress’, Workshop Epistemology after Sextus Empiricus, UC Berkeley 03/2017 ‘The Peripatetic Program in Categorical Logic: A Leibnizian Approach’ (with Anubav Vasudevan), University of Florence, Seminario di Logica e Filosofia della Scienza 03/2017 ‘The Logic of Leibniz’s Generales Inquisitiones de Analysi Notionum et Veritatum’ (with Anubav Vasudevan), Workshop: Logic and Algebra: Leibniz’s ‘Generales Inquisitiones’, Pisa, Scuola Normale Superiore 01/2017 ‘Aristotle on Principles as Elements’, Academy of Athens, Conference Aristotle 2400 Years: Aristotelian Conceptions of Time 01/2017 ‘Comments on David Bronstein’, APA Eastern Meeting, Baltimore, Author- Meets-Critics Session on David Bronstein’s Aristotle on Knowledge and Learning: The Posterior Analytics 12/2016 ‘Socrates the Younger in Metaphysics Zeta 11’, NYU Workshop on Aristotle’s Metaphysics, NYU 11/2016 ‘Aristotle on Principles as Elements’, Colloquium, Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science, UC Irvine 10/2016 ‘Aspasius on Defining Virtue’, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, Workshop Aristotle’s Practical and Theoretical Philosophy 10/2016 ‘Aspasius on Defining Virtue’, NYU, Ancient Philosophy Work in Progress Seminar 10/2016 ‘Aristotle on Principles as Elements’, Philosophy Colloquium, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver 10/2016 ‘Aristotle on Principles as Elements’, Neo-Aristotelianism Conference, Chicago 06/2016 ‘Predicables in Aristotle’s Topics A and B’, Humboldt University Berlin, Joseph Bjelde’s seminar on Aristotle’s Topics 06/2016 ‘Aspasius on Defining Virtue’, Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, Conference Recuperar la virtud: Aspasio y el segundo libro de la Ética nicomaquea de Aristóteles 06/2016 ‘Aristotle on Principles as Elements’, Humboldt University Berlin 06/2016 Comments on Richard Bett’s ‘Humor as Philosophical Subversion’, Workshop Laughter and Comedy in Ancient Philosophy, University of Oslo, 06/2016 ‘Aristotle on Principles as Elements’, Filosofisk seminar, University of Oslo 06/2016 ‘Aristotle and Bolzano on Grounding’, Helsinki, Humboldt Workshop on the History of Ground 06/2016 ‘Aristotle on Principles as Elements’, Université Paris-Sorbonne, Centre Léon Robin, Workshop Logique et métaphysique chez Aristote 04/2016 ‘Aristotle on Principles as Elements’, 3rd Campinas Conference on Aristotle’s Theory of Demonstration, University of Campinas, Brazil 04/2016 Comments on Jim Lennox’s ‘An Erotetic Framework: The Posterior Analytics on Inquiry’, Workshop Aristotle on Inquiry, NYU

CV, Marko Malink, 7 November 2018 6 04/2016 Comments on John Mahlan’s ‘What Was Aristotle’s Theory of Universals?’, APA Pacific Meeting, San Francisco 03/2016 ‘Aristotle on Principles as Elements’, UCLA, Aristotle Bash 03/2016 ‘Aristotle on Principles as Elements’, University College London, Workshop on Potentiality, Causation and Modality in Antiquity 02/2016 ‘Aristotle on Principles as Elements’, Yale University, Working Group in Ancient Philosophy 01/2016 ‘Introducing De interpretatione 9’, NYCAP Reading Group, New York University 10/2015 ‘Predication and the Syllogism in Aristotle’s Posterior Analytics’, , Workshop on Aristotelian Logic 10/2015 ‘Aristotle on Principles as Elements’, Stanford University, Philosophy Colloquium 07/2015 ‘Aristotle on Principles as Elements’, LMU Munich, Munich School of Ancient Philosophy, Workshop on Aristotelian Metaphysics 06/2015 ‘Essential Predication in Posterior Analytics 1.22’, Humboldt University Berlin, Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy 06/2015 ‘Interpreting Aristotle’s Modal Syllogistic: Weighing Costs and Benefits’, Humboldt University Berlin, Workshop Aristotle and Avicenna on Modal Syllogistic 06/2015 ‘Essential Predication in Posterior Analytics 1.22’, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, Workshop Aristotle on Episteme, Techne, Empeiria and Sophia 05/2015 ‘Monotonicity in Aristotle’s Modal Syllogistic’, Stanford University, 4th CSLI Workshop on Logic, Rationality, and Intelligent Interaction 05/2015 ‘Introducing Metaphysics Iota 8’, University of Cambridge, Faculty of Classics (B Caucus), Cambridge May Week on Aristotle’s Metaphysics Iota 05/2015 ‘Aristotle on Principles as Elements’, NYU, NYU Workshop in Ancient Philosophy 05/2015 ‘Essential Predication in Posterior Analytics 1.22’, University of Oxford, Conference on Aristotle on Science and Metaphysics 04/2015 ‘Deduction in Aristotle’s Topics and Prior Analytics’, Invited Symposium on Ancient Logic, APA Pacific Meeting, Vancouver 03/2015 ‘Aristotle on Possibility and Contingency’, Columbia University, Katja Vogt’s seminar on Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics 02/2015 ‘What, if any, Is the Use of Aristotle’s Modal Syllogistic?’, Université Paris- Sorbonne, Centre Léon Robin, Workshop Logique et métaphysique chez Aristote 02/2015 ‘Deduction in Aristotle’s Topics and Prior Analytics’, NYU, Ancient Philosophy Work in Progress Seminar 11/2014 ‘Deduction in Aristotle’s Topics and Prior Analytics’, University of Oxford, Workshop in Ancient Philosophy 11/2014 ‘Essence and Modality in Aristotle’, University of Virginia, Department of Philosophy 09/2014 ‘Responses to Angioni, Bronstein, Crager, Devereux, and Leunissen’, Georgetown University, Workshop on Malink’s Aristotle’s Modal Syllogistic

CV, Marko Malink, 7 November 2018 7 09/2014 ‘What, if any, Is the Use of Aristotle’s Modal Syllogistic?’, University of Lisbon, Workshop on Modal Syllogistic 07/2014 ‘Deduction in Aristotle’s Topics and Prior Analytics’, LMU Munich, Munich School of Ancient Philosophy 06/2014 ‘Necessity and Demonstration in Posterior Analytics 1.6’, Marquette University, Milwaukee, Conference Definition and Essence in Aristotle and the Aristotelian Tradition 05/2014 ‘Necessity and Demonstration in Posterior Analytics 1.6’, Pisa, Scuola Normale Superiore 05/2014 ‘Essence and Modality in Aristotle’, Pisa, Scuola Normale Superiore 05/2014 ‘Deduction in Aristotle’s Topics and Prior Analytics’, University of Chicago, Conference Aristotle’s Logic and Metaphysics 04/2014 ‘Essence and Modality in Aristotle’, NYU, Department of Philosophy 03/2014 ‘Necessity and Demonstration in Posterior Analytics 1.6’, University of Campinas, Brazil, 2nd Campinas Colloquium on Aristotle’s Theory of Demonstration 03/2014 ‘Deduction in Aristotle’s Topics and Prior Analytics’, University of Geneva, Workshop Validity and Truth in 03/2014 Comments on Terence Parsons’ Articulating Medieval Logic, UCLA, Moody Workshop on Medieval Logic and Philosophy 03/2014 ‘Proof by Assumption of the Possible in Prior Analytics 1. 15’, Stanford University, Alan Code’s seminar on Aristotelian Logic 03/2014 ‘Aristotle’s Modal Proof Theory’, Stanford University, Alan Code’s seminar on Aristotelian Logic 02/2014 ‘Reply to Ulrich Nortmann’, Author-Meets-Critics Session on A. Rini, Aristotle’s Modal Proofs, and M. Malink, Aristotle’s Modal Syllogistic (commentators U. Nortmann and G. Striker), APA Central Division Meeting, Chicago 02/2014 ‘Deduction in Aristotle’s Topics and Prior Analytics’, Chicago Area Consortium in Ancient Philosophy 01/2014 ‘Deduction in Aristotle’s Topics and Prior Analytics’, Université Paris Diderot, Workshop Deduction and Syllogistic Form in Aristotle and His Medieval Commentators 12/2013 ‘Essence and Modality in Aristotle’, University of Pittsburgh, Classics, Philosophy, and Ancient Science Colloquium 11/2013 ‘Essence and Modality in Aristotle’, University of Western Ontario, Department of Philosophy 10/2013 ‘Deductive Inference and the History of Logic: Two Perspectives’, University of Chicago, Humanities Day 09/2013 ‘Deduction in Aristotle’s Topics and Prior Analytics’, University of Groningen, Faculty of Philosophy, Conference Dialectic and Aristotelian Logic 07/2013 ‘Die modale Syllogistik des Aristoteles’, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, Institut für Philosophie

CV, Marko Malink, 7 November 2018 8 05/2013 ‘Bolzano’s Reception of Aristotle’s Logic’, University of Chicago, Wittgenstein Workshop and German Philosophy Workshop 05/2013 ‘Matter, Form, and Definition in Metaphysics Z.10–11’, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, Aristotle Workshop 05/2013 ‘Essence and Modality in Aristotle’, University of St Andrews, Arché Research Center 04/2013 Introductory comments on Metaphysics Theta 3–4, University of St Andrews, Aristotle Reading Party 2013: Energeia and Dunamis in Metaphysics Theta 04/2013 ‘Doxa in Posterior Analytics 1. 33’, Columbia University NY, Workshop Doxa in Aristotle 03/2013 ‘Matter, Form, and Definition in Metaphysics Z.10–11’, University of Notre Dame, Department of Philosophy 03/2013 ‘Essence and Modality in Aristotle’, University of Notre Dame, Department of Philosophy 03/2013 ‘Bolzanos Rezeption der Logik des Aristoteles’, LMU Munich, Center for Advanced Studies, Conference Aristotelische Forschungen im 19. Jahrhundert 02/2013 ‘Essence and Modality in Aristotle’, UCLA, Department of Philosophy 02/2013 ‘Essence and Modality in Aristotle’, University of Toronto, Department of Philosophy 01/2013 ‘Essence and Modality in Aristotle’, UC Berkeley, Working Group in Ancient Philosophy 12/2012 ‘Proof by Assumption of the Possible in Prior Analytics 1. 15’, Massey University, Palmerston North (New Zealand), Workshop on Aristotle’s Modal Logic 12/2012 ‘Essence and Modality in Aristotle’, Victoria University of Wellington (New Zealand), Workshop The History of Necessity 11/2012 Comments on David Charles’s ‘Aristotle on Perception: the Case of Taste’, University of Toronto, Department of Philosophy, Workshop Hylomorphism in Aristotle and Kant 11/2012 ‘Essence and Modality in Aristotle’, Syracuse University, Department of Philosophy, Philosophy Colloquium 10/2012 ‘Essence and Modality in Aristotle’, Indiana University Bloomington, Department of Philosophy, Conference Aristotelian Logic and Metaphysics 08/2012 ‘Słowjanski pochad Friedricha W. Nietzscheho’ (‘Friedrich W. Nietzsche’s Slavic Origins’), XVIII International Summer Schools in Sorbian Language and Culture, Bautzen, Germany 07/2012 ‘Aristoteles’ Begriff der Deduktion’, Universität Paderborn, Institut für Philosophie, Kolloquium zur Philosophie 07/2012 Comments on Irad Kimhi’s Thinking and Being, Humboldt University Berlin, Graduate School of Ancient Philosophy, Workshop The Space of Thought 06/2012 ‘Essence and Modality in Aristotle’, LMU Munich, Center for Mathematical Philosophy, Colloquium in Mathematical Philosophy 06/2012 ‘Aristotle on Circular Proof’, LMU Munich, Munich School of Ancient Philosophy, Oberseminar in antiker Philosophie

CV, Marko Malink, 7 November 2018 9 06/2012 ‘Essence and Modality in Aristotle’, Marquette University, Milwaukee, Conference Meaning, Metaphysics, and Inference in Aristotle and Aristotelianism 04/2012 ‘Ancient and Modern Perspectives on Logical Consequence’, University of Chicago, Franke Institute 04/2012 ‘Aristotle on Circular Proof’, Humboldt University Berlin, Graduate School of Ancient Philosophy, Workshop on Aristotle’s Posterior Analytics 11/2011 ‘Deduction in Sophistical Refutations 6’, Chicago Area Consortium in Ancient Philosophy 09/2011 ‘Deduction in Sophistical Refutations 6’, University of Chicago, Formal Philosophy Workshop 05/2011 ‘Deduction in Sophistical Refutations 6’, Humboldt University Berlin, Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy 01/2011 ‘Aristoteles über Schlüsse and Trugschlüsse’, Universität des Saarlandes in Saarbrücken, Kolloquium der Gesellschaft für antike Philosophie 12/2010 ‘Ewigkeit und Notwendigkeit bei Aristoteles’ (with Jacob Rosen), University of Hamburg, Institut für Philosophie 09/2010 ‘Aristotle’s De Caelo 1.12’ (with Jacob Rosen), Workshop on Aristotle’s De Caelo, Zadar, Croatia 05/2010 ‘A Method of Modal Proof in Aristotle’ (with Jacob Rosen), University of Campinas, Brazil, Department of Philosophy 04/2010 Comments on Alan Code’s ‘Aristotle and Existence’, APA Pacific Meeting, San Francisco 02/2010 ‘Essence and Modality in Aristotle’, University of Chicago, Department of Philosophy 01/2010 ‘Essence and Modality in Aristotle’, Harvard University, Department of Philosophy 07/2009 ‘Deduction in Sophistical Refutations 6’, Humboldt University Berlin, Conference on Aristotle’s Sophistical Refutations, 10/2008 ‘A Non-Extensional Notion of Conversion in the Organon’, Rutgers University, Department of Philosophy, Conference Aristotle on Predication 09/2008 ‘A Non-Extensional Notion of Conversion in the Organon’, University of Toronto, Collaborative Program in Ancient and Medieval Philosophy 12/2007 ‘Termlogik und modale Syllogistik bei Aristoteles’, Universität Rostock, Zentrum für Logik, Wissenschaftstheorie und Wissenschaftsgeschichte 05/2007 ‘Aristotle’s De Partibus Animalium 1.3’, University of Zagreb, Croatia 11/2006 ‘An Aristotelian View on Modal Propositions’, University of Oxford, Philosophy Graduate Conference, Respondent: Kit Fine

TEACHING At New York University: 2017–18 History of Philosophy: Leibniz’s Metaphysics (with Anja Jauernig, graduate) Modal Logic (undergrad)

CV, Marko Malink, 7 November 2018 10 Advanced Greek: Philosophy (undergrad) 2016–17 History of Philosophy: Aristotle’s Metaphysics Zeta (graduate) Greek Thinkers (undergrad) Intermediate Greek: Plato (undergrad) 2015–16 History of Philosophy: Aristotle’s Logic (graduate) Topics in the History of Philosophy: The Concept of Logical Consequence from Antiquity to the 19th Century (undergrad) Intermediate Greek: Homer (undergrad)

At University of Chicago: 2013–14 Aristotle’s Theory of Science: Posterior Analytics I (graduate) Algebraic Logic and Its Critics: The History of Logic from Leibniz to Frege (with Anubav Vasudevan; graduate and undergraduate level) Elementary Logic, (undergrad) Philosophical Perspectives (undergrad) 2012–13 Aristotle on Substance and Essence: Metaphysics Zeta (graduate) Ontological Dependence (with Anat Schechtman; graduate and undergrad. level) Elementary Logic (undergrad) Philosophical Perspectives (undergrad) 2011–12 Aristotle: Metaphysics Gamma (graduate) Logical Consequence (graduate and undergraduate level) Aristotle’s Syllogistic (undergrad) Philosophical Perspectives (undergrad)

At Humboldt University Berlin: 2009–11 Graduate Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy 2010 Plato’s Theaetetus (with Jacob Rosen) Logische Folgerung Aristoteles’ Logik (with Jonathan Beere) Aristoteles: Metaphysik Gamma 2009 Aristotle on Proof by Assumption of the Possible (with Jacob Rosen) Philosophie der Logik: W. V. O. Quine Aristotelische Logik Analytische Sprachphilosophie: G. Frege 2008 Altgriechisch für Philosophiestudierende 2007 Einführung in die Wissenschaftstheorie des Aristoteles

At University of Leipzig: 2003–05 tutorials in classical logic, intuitionistic logic, and modal logic

DEPARTMENT SERVICE At New York University:

CV, Marko Malink, 7 November 2018 11 2015– NYU Center for Ancient Studies Advisory Committee 2015–16 Bersoff Search Committee (Philosophy); Junior Search Committee (Classics)

At University of Chicago: 2011–14 Graduate Admissions Committee

At Humboldt University Berlin: 2009–11 Academic Coordinator, Graduate School of Ancient Philosophy 2007–11 Undergraduate Advisor for B.A. students 2007–11 Exam Committee

PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES Referee: Ancient Philosophy ×4, Apeiron ×4, Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie ×4, British Journal for the History of Philosophy ×4, Canadian Journal of Philosophy, Classical Philology, Ergo, History and Philosophy of Logic ×10, History of Philosophy Quarterly, Informal Logic, Journal of Philosophical Logic, Journal of Philosophy, Journal of the History of Philosophy, Logic and Logical Philosophy ×2, Logical Analysis and History of Philosophy, Mind ×3, Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic ×2, Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy ×5, Oxford Studies in Early Modern Philosophy, Problemos, Philosophical Quarterly ×2, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, Philosophers’ Imprint, Phronesis ×6, Review of Symbolic Logic, Rhizomata, Studia Logica, Synthese, Zeitschrift für philosophische Forschung, Oxford University Press ×2, Springer Publishers

Reader: Oxford University Press, Cambridge University Press ×2, Springer Publishers

Referee: tenure review for department in North America, reviewer for appointment to the retirement age at department in UK, Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek – Vlaanderen (FWO), Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) ×2, National Science Centre of Poland (NCN)

Section Editor: Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy (2015–)

Editorial Board: History and Philosophy of Logic (2014–)

Conference organization and co-organization: Workshop on Aristotle’s Metaphysics, NYU, December 2016 2nd Annual NYU Workshop in Ancient Philosophy, NYU, May 2016 Workshop on Jim Lennox’s “Aristotle on Norms of Inquiry”, NYU, April 2016 Workshop on Aristotle’s Metaphysics, NYU, December 2015 1st Annual NYU Workshop in Ancient Philosophy, NYU, May 2015 Aristotle’s Logic and Metaphysics, University of Chicago, May 2014

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LANGUAGES Spoken: Sorbian, German, English Reading: Ancient Greek, Latin, Czech

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