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Matilda Musical WHISKEYTOWN IS SOLICITING LOGO DESIGNS – PAGE 9 AFTER FIVE T H E N O R T H S T A T E M A G A Z I N E MARCH 2020 / 33rd Year / No. 5 THE NEWS, ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT MONTHLY ON THE COVER MATILDA MUSICAL Joanna Heneveld plays Miss Honey and Marin McIntosh is Matilda in the Cascade Theatre’s spring musical production of Roald Dahl’s ‘Matilda - The Musical,’ which opens March 20 and continues through March 29. See page 10 RICKY SKAGGS Ricky Skaggs, a child prodigy who picked up a mandolin at age 5 and hasn’t stopped in more than 60 years, talked recently about coming to Redding on the morning before he played at Nashville’s Grand Ole Opry. ‘Whether it’s the Opry or Redding, it’s great to get out and play with this incredible band I’ve put together,’ he said. Read the After Five interview on page 2 BUDDY GUY Legendary American blues guitarist and singer Buddy Guy, described by some as the last great bluesman, returns to the Cascade Theatre in Redding for a 7:30 p.m. show on March 5. See page 7 2 STUDIO SHOWS A Maryland-based artist who weaves traditional folk instruments with unique and quirky VRQJZULWLQJDQGDSDLURIJXLWDUD¿FLRQDGRVDUH two shows scheduled at The Studio in Cottonwood. See pages 5 and 13. Ricky Skaggs and Kentucky Thunder to roar into Redding for a March 8 show at the Cascade Theatre By Aaron Williams jacket or a well-worn pair of boots – it “We cover it all and always doesn’t hurt anywhere. Everything More than 2,300 miles separate about bluegrass makes you feel the Grand Ole Opry and Redding’s seem to come back to the something good.” Cascade Theatre, but the legendary bluegrass stuff for those fans And when it comes to bluegrass, stage of country music and the who feel like (modern) country Skaggs knows what he’s talking vaunted North State Art Deco palace about. From playing as a youngster share a little something in common. music has let them down... with Monroe to covering the Moody Both will have Ricky Skaggs and Everything about bluegrass Blues on a bluegrass compilation Kentucky Thunder grace their stage in makes you feel something to working with rock musicians like the span of a month. Bruce Hornsby and Jack White on Skaggs is schedule for a March 8 good.” bluegrass covers, Skaggs said the performance at the Cascade Theatre. - Ricky Skaggs American roots music is very much A child prodigy who picked up a alive and thriving. mandolin at age 5 and hasn’t stopped “I’ve been blessed to have a lot of in more than 60 years, Skaggs talked play a 90-minute or two-hour show those guys want to come in and play recently by phone about coming to and then I’ll head to the lobby to sign in my sand box,” he joked. “I grew up Redding on the same morning before autographs for everyone – sometimes with an older sister who listened to the he was to play that night at Nashville’s up to another hour or so,” Skaggs Stones, Beatles and Dave Clark Five Grand Ole Opry. said. “And I’ll head back to the bus members on the bus.” on one end of the house while my “Whether it’s the Opry or Redding, and the guys are huddled up and still And while exploring the area is mom and dad were listening to Flatt it’s great to get out and play with this playing and that’s what makes them nice, Skaggs said getting to play in and Scruggs and Bill Monroe on the incredible band I’ve put together,” said diff erent – they love each other and Redding is a treat he’s looking forward other. Skaggs, who was running “honey- love to play with each other.” to. “Sometimes I’d just sit in the do” errands in the morning before his The Thunder include Paul “We love Redding and can’t wait,” middle of the house and listen and it performance. “As a musician, a father, Brewster on vocals and guitar, Russ he said. would just seem right.” a county music statesman, I think Carson on banjo, Jake Workman on And he promises Cascade But given his choice, Skaggs one of the greatest things is that I can lead guitar, Mike Barnett on fi ddle, audiences a bit of everything from would rather sit with a mandolin in his hardly believe I get to play with guys Dennis Parker on guitar and vocals, some of his country hits to the hands and just play. And that’s what this great.” and Jeff Picker on bass and vocals. bluegrass music he returned to in the he promised will happen during his Which is saying a ton considering The Redding show is the fi rst of 1990s, as well as “a lot of incredible visit to Redding. Skaggs is a Country Music Hall of fi ve dates in California and Skaggs playing.” “I love to entertain and have fun,” Fame member, a member of the said he’s looking forward to getting “We cover it all and always seem Skaggs said. “It’s a great show and I Grand Ole Opry and who fi rst graced back to the North State and maybe to come back to the bluegrass know people will love it.” a stage at the age of 6 playing seeing some of the sites around the stuff for those fans who feel like Tickets start at $29 and are bluegrass legend Bill Monroe’s area. (modern) country music has let them available online at cascadetheatre. mandolin. “We travel light these days,” he down,” Skaggs said. “The beauty of org, by phone at 243-8877, or at the “I’ll tell you what, we go out and said. “Seven guys and two crew bluegrass is that it’s like an old worn Cascade Theatre box offi ce. Page 2 / March 2020 / After Five REDDING’S HISTORIC B: THE UNDERWATER BUBBLE SHOW 2EVGLȏ BUDDY GUY 2EVGLȍ RICKY SKAGGS & KENTUCKY THUNDER 2EVGLȁ 2EVGLȶȉȶȶ ȶȮȶȟ KATHLEEN MADIGAN: 8 O’CLOCK HAPPY HOUR TOUR &TVMPȦȁ CASCADETHEATRE.ORG | 530-243-8877 After Five / March 2020 / Page 3 THE POSTSCRIPT MOUSE VOMIT By CARRIE CLASSON /DVWZHHN,VWDUWHGGRLQJVRPHWKLQJ,·YHQHYHUGRQH EHIRUH,VWDUWHGZULWLQJÀFWLRQ , UHDOL]H WKLV GRHV QRW VRXQG VKRFNLQJ VLQFH ,·P ZULWLQJHYHU\ZHHN0\KXVEDQG3HWHUVD\V,ZULWH ÀFWLRQDOOWKHWLPH³HYHU\WLPH,ZULWHDERXWKLP%XW WKHWUXWKLV,KDYHQRWZULWWHQDZRUGRIÀFWLRQVLQFH, ZDVLQWKHVHFRQGJUDGHDQGZURWH´7KH3RXQG 0RXVHµ ,FDQ·WWDNHFUHGLWIRUHLWKHUWKHWLWOHRUWKHSURWDJRQLVW DVWKH\ZHUHDVVLJQHGE\P\WHDFKHUEXW,KDYHWR WDNHIXOOUHVSRQVLELOLW\IRUWKHGHHSO\GLVDSSRLQWLQJ FRQFOXVLRQRIWKHVWRU\ZKHQRXUKHURWKHQRZYHU\ ODUJHPRXVHWKUHZXSQHDUO\SRXQGVRIPRXVH YRPLWRQWKHIURQWODZQDQGZDVLQVWDQWO\UHVWRUHGWR his original size. <RXFDQQRZSUREDEO\ DSSUHFLDWHZK\,KDYH DYRLGHGÀFWLRQVLQFH :KDW KDSSHQHG ODVW week was that I woke ZLWKDSDUWLFXODUO\YLYLG dream. I dream a lot and my dreams are XVXDOO\ZHLUGVRWKLVZDV QRWKLQJQHZ7KLVWLPHLW ZDV D FRPSOHWH RXWOLQH WRDQRYHO7KLVZDVDOVR QRWDÀUVW,KDYHWHUULÀF VWRULHV SORWWHG LQ P\ dreams and the moment I am fully awake they fall DSDUWOLNHFREZHEV ´:DLW« ZDV , RQ WKH FRXFK RU LQ D FDU" :DV , UHVFXLQJP\VLVWHURUDGRJ"µ3RRI7KHLGHDLVJRQH %XWWKLVWLPHWKHLGHDVWXFN ´1RQVHQVHµ,DVVXUHGP\VHOI,GHFLGHGWRSURYH to myself what a really dumb idea it was by writing it DOOGRZQ7RP\FRQVWHUQDWLRQWKHLGHDORRNHGEHWWHU RQSDSHUWKDQLWKDGLQP\KHDG,SURPLVHGP\VHOI ,ZRXOGOHWWKDWLGHDVORZO\HYDSRUDWHRYHUWKHQH[W IRUW\HLJKWKRXUV,ZDVFHUWDLQWKHUHZRXOGEHQRWKLQJ left of it by then. 7ZRGD\VODWHU,KDGFKDUDFWHUVMXPSLQJRXWRIWKH woodwork and yammering at me night and day. ´2ND\ÀQHµ,JUXPEOHG,VDWGRZQDQGZURWH words. ´:KDWWKHKHFNLVWKDW"µ,VDLGWRP\VHOIZKHQ, UHDGLWRYHU,JHQHUDOO\WKLQNRIP\VHOIDVDIDLUO\VXQQ\ SHUVRQ7KLVZULWLQJZDVGDUNDQGRPLQRXVDQGDOLWWOH VFDU\DQG DWOHDVWWRPH UHDOO\IXQQ\ 6R QRZ LW DSSHDUV ,·P ZULWLQJ D QRYHO³ZLWK QR WUDLQLQJZKDWVRHYHUPLQG\RXDQGQRLGHDZKHUH,·P JRLQJ7KHVWRU\LVVSRROLQJRXWIDVWHUWKDQ,FDQW\SH LWGRZQDQGLWGRHVQ·WDSSHDUWKDW,DPLQYHQWLQJDQ\RI LW,WIHHOVDVLIWKLVVWRU\KDVWUDFNHGPHGRZQJRWWHQ P\SKRQHQXPEHUWDNHQP\SHWEXQQ\KRVWDJHDQG GHPDQGHG,ZULWHLW«25(/6( ,PDGHXSWKHSDUW DERXWWKHEXQQ\ 6R,·PZULWLQJ 7KHPRUH,ZULWHWKHPRUH,KDYHEHFRPHDZDUHRI KRZPXFKWLPH,VSHQGWU\LQJWRWDONP\VHOILQWRGRLQJ WKHWKLQJV,WKLQN,·PVXSSRVHGWREHGRLQJLQVWHDG RIGRLQJVRPHWKLQJWKDWGRHVQ·WIHHOOLNHZRUNDWDOO EXWIHHOVPRUHOLNHDJXLOW\SOHDVXUHPRUHOLNHHDWLQJ FKRFRODWHWKDQDQ\WKLQJSURGXFWLYH 6WLOOWKHUHDUHQRZZRUGVVWDULQJPHLQWKH IDFHDQG,NQRZWKDW,ZLOOÀQLVKWKLVWKLQJ³ZKDWHYHU LWLV,QRZZRQGHUKRZPDQ\RWKHULGHDV,PD\KDYH GLVFDUGHGEHFDXVH,WKRXJKWWKH\ZHUHVLOO\RU,ZDV XQTXDOLÀHGRU,MXVWGLGQ·WKDYHWKHWLPH,LPDJLQHWKHUH KDYHEHHQDORW %XW,·PQRWJRLQJWRGZHOORQWKDWQRZ1RZ,·YHJRW DERRNWRÀQLVKDQGZKLOH,GRQ·WNQRZKRZLWHQGV ,·PIDLUO\FRQÀGHQWLWZLOOQRWLQYROYHDVLQJOHRXQFHRI PRXVHYRPLW &DUULH&ODVVRQ·VPHPRLU´%OXH<DUQµZDVUHOHDVHG LQ/HDUQPRUHDW&DUULH&ODVVRQFRP Page 4 / March 2020 / After Five Maryland artist to perform in Cottonwood Kristin Rebecca, a Maryland-based artist who weaves traditional folk instruments with unique and quirky songwriting, is scheduled to perform at The Studio, 3270 Main St., Cottowood at 7 p.m. on March 12. Tickets are $20 and are available online at Rebecca has performed at the Philadelphia Folk Festival and Rockwood Music Hall and was recently nominated for a WAMMIE (Washington, D.C. Area Music Awards) for Best Traditional Folk Recording. After Five / March 2020 / Page 5 ‘Shifting Balance’ March 3 The Trinity Alps Chamber Music Festival will present the second program of their 2020 season at 7 p.m., March 3, at the Trinity Alps Performing Arts Center in Weaverville. Pianist Ian Scarfe, left, and cellist Charles Akert present “Shifting Balance,” a program featuring music by Schumann, Beethoven, Rachmaninoff , Chopin and Cassado. The TAPAC recently acquired a 95-year-old Chickering Concert Grand Piano that will be prominently featured during the concert. Admission is by donation. For more info. on the Trinity Alps Chamber Music Festival visit AFTER FIVE The North State Magazine After Five is published monthly for the communities in the north state and southern Oregon. Founded October 28, 1986. Advertising policies: The subject matter, form, size, wording, illustrations and typography are subject to the approval of After Five. Because a product is advertised in After Five does not necessarily mean we endorse its use. Display advertising rates and more detailed explanation of our ad policies are available on request. The entire contents of After Five are copyright 2020 by After Five. Mailed subscriptions are $50 per year.
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