Agenda No AGENDA MANAGEMENT SHEET Name of Committee Regulatory Committee Date of Committee 15 December 2008 Report Title Stratford Agripark, Clifford Chambers – Animal Carcass Transfer Station Summary This application seeks planning permission for the erection of a single storey portal framed building to accommodate a waste transfer station, for animal carcases, together with internal offices, external service yard, access roadway and landscaping on land at Stratford Agripark, Wincot Lands, Clifford Chambers near Stratford-upon-Avon. This application was deferred at the 18 November 2008 meeting of the Regulatory Committee in order to make a site visit to assess the visual impact of the proposed development. For further information Matthew Williams please contact Senior Planning Officer Tel. 01926 412822
[email protected] Would the Yes/No recommended decision be contrary to the Budget and Policy Framework? Background Papers Planning Application, received 5/6/2008. Letter from Welford-on-Avon Parish Council, dated 25/6/2008. Letter from Environment Agency, dated 1/7/2008. Letters from Stratford on Avon District Council (EHO), dated 7/7/2008, 11/11/2008, 26/08/2008. Email from Clifford Chambers and Milcote Parish Council, dated 7/7/2008. Email from Preston-on-Stour Parish Council, dated 9/7/2008. Letters from Stratford on Avon District Council (Planning), dated 7/7/2008 and 16/7/2008. Letter from Museum Services, dated 10/7/2008. E-mail from Councillor Mrs Seccombe, dated 18/5/2008. Quinton Parish Council, dated 21/7/2008. Emails from Defra Animal Health Officer, dated 6/7/2008 and 14/10/2008. Letter from Defra Animal Health, dated 27 October 2008.