Congressional Record—Senate S5091
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July 27, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5091 The champions representing America I just want to share a couple He said: No. We have done it for sev- have taken Tokyo by storm. We have thoughts, if I could. I see the Senator eral years. won 25 medals, 9 gold medals so far. from Oklahoma is here to speak after I said: No kidding? But earlier today, we received word me, and I will be brief. He said: No kidding. that one of our great athletes, Simone I think maybe one of the last bills And, you know, when I think about Biles, was taking a step back from to- that Mike Enzi introduced, I was privi- that, I know we are going through a day’s competition. In announcing her leged to cosponsor with him. It was a tough patch right now with infrastruc- decision, she cited the need to ‘‘focus postal naming bill. We do those from ture and trying to figure out how to on my mental health and not jeop- time to time, as the Presiding Officer put together a bipartisan package with ardize my health and wellbeing.’’ knows. There is a post office in Wyo- water and water infrastructure, roads, There is no doubt that this is one of ming that under the bill would be highways, bridges, broadband, intercity the hardest decisions Ms. Biles has had named after the late father of Bobbi passenger rail, transit, and it is not to make in her young life, but it is not Barrasso, Senator JOHN BARRASSO’s easy. It is not easy. only what she viewed as the right deci- wife. Her dad had served in the mili- As I heard about Mike’s death today, sion, it was a courageous decision. tary—I believe in World War II and the I thought about that spirit, the 80–20 She is the most decorated gymnast in Korean war, as I recall—with great rule. Maybe we can take a little bit of America’s history. She is an inspira- honor and courage. He was awarded a that and use that to get us across the tion to millions of aspiring athletes number of military awards, I think in- finish line on the legislation that is and fans around the globe. And she is cluding the Bronze Star, maybe the being worked on. I hope so. It is an im- by all means a living legend. But she is Purple Heart and others. I was privi- portant bill, and it is important legis- also a human, a young woman who leged to cosponsor that bill, and it got lation. A lot of people in this country today had the courage to step forward passed in wrap-up in Congress last De- are counting on us to do that. and share her humanity with the cember. On a personal note, you can’t think world. She is an inspiration to all of us, One of my first memories of serving of Mike Enzi without thinking of his on or off the mat, in competition or in the U.S. Senate also involved Mike wife Diana. They were inseparable. not in competition. Enzi. I was the Presiding Officer sitting They were here. They were in Wyoming Over the past 18 months, the pan- right where you are sitting, Mr. Pre- and traveling all over the State to- demic has compelled each of us to ap- siding Officer, and Mike Enzi took the gether. As popular as he was, she might preciate our common humanity. floor and began to speak. He talked have been even more popular. I know COVID–19 has claimed the lives of too about something called the 80–20 rule, that is the case in my State with my many friends and family members. It and I didn’t know what he was talking wife and me. has prevented us from coming together about. I heard several iterations of an But I just want to say to her and to with people we cherish, and it has put 80–20 rule. But I listened to him talk. the Enzi family just a real thank-you many of our plans on hold. It has He talked a bit about how he and Ted for sharing not just with the people of caused and compounded unimaginable Kennedy, one of the most liberal Sen- Wyoming, but the people of this coun- stress, and it has exacted an unimagi- ators in the Senate, and Mike Enzi, one try, a very, very good man—a very nable toll. Job loss, not enough food on of the more conservative Members of good man. We are grateful for that gift the table, hardship, paying bills, racial the Senate, how they managed to work that you shared with us and mourn his injustice, all of these stressors on life together and get a lot done as senior death, untimely; he died too soon. I have been magnified. members of what would become the feel thrilled and privileged to have So if we can learn from Simone Biles’ Health, Education, Labor, and Pen- served with him. example today, it is that everyone has sions Committee, the HELP Com- With that, I yield the floor. a burden to carry, and the pandemic mittee, here in the Senate. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- has made many of these burdens heav- I didn’t know Mike Enzi. I was brand ator from Oklahoma. ier, especially for working families. new here, and he had been here a cou- NOMINATION OF TRACY STONE-MANNING I happen to think we have a responsi- ple of years before that. bility—if we can—to help each other Mr. LANKFORD. Mr. President, a few When he was finishing up, I asked weeks ago, President Biden nominated carry those burdens. Here in Congress, one of the pages to give him a note. we—as lawmakers—have the power to Tracy Stone-Manning to be the leader The note said: Dear Senator Enzi, be- of the Bureau of Land Management. help people. For the single mother who fore you leave the floor, would you lost her job waiting tables because of Many people in my State don’t know come and chat with me? much about the Bureau of Land Man- the pandemic, we have the power to I was sitting right there. It was a help her pay her utility bills. For the agement. We don’t have a lot of areas slow day, so he finished up, and he actually managed in our State by recent graduate struggling to afford came up to chat with me while I was student loan payments and health in- BLM. It has more than 10,000 employ- sitting—presiding as Presiding Officer. ees. It manages roughly an eighth of surance, we have the power to make I said: Mike, what is the 80–20 rule, their life more affordable. For the the Nation’s land, including 65 million and how does it apply here? acres of our forests. The land holds 30 owner of a coffee shop who is consid- He talked about his relationship with percent of our minerals. Whoever leads ering laying off employees to stay in Ted Kennedy. He said: Ted Kennedy is this entity leads the issue of how we business, we have the power to help one of the most liberal Democrats in are managing our forests, how we are him keep those employees on the pay- the Senate, and I am one of the more handling our minerals, how we are han- roll. To me, this is what President conservative Republicans. He said: We dling our energy development, live- Biden’s plan to build back better is all get a lot done. about: eliminating the daily stressors And they really did. It was a very stock grazing, recreation, and, yes, that keep people up all night, giving productive committee. timber harvesting. people some breathing room so that I said: How does the 80–20 rule work? The individual President Biden nomi- they can focus on the things that real- He said: Ted and I agree on about 80 nated we now know was an Earth First! ly matter. percent of the issues that come before ecoterrorist. She actually typed out, as I yield the floor. our committee, and we disagree maybe she has admitted in the past, a threat- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- on another 20 percent. He said: What he ening letter that was sent out to lead- ator from Delaware. and I have agreed to do is just—we ers who were doing forestry in Idaho, REMEMBERING MIKE ENZI focus on the 80 percent where we agree, saying in her letter that she typed Mr. CARPER. Mr. President, like all and we just say the other 20 percent, out—and she has admitted that she of our colleagues, I was stunned to we will set that aside and take it up typed out the threatening letter—that wake up this morning and find out that another day. ‘‘we,’’ as she put it, drove 500 pounds of our friend and colleague Mike Enzi had I said: Is that what you do? spikes into the trees in the Idaho forest been killed in a tragic accident, I think He said: Yes. and then threatened them, to say: If involving a bicycle, and I think we are I said: Is this something you just you harvest those trees, it will not be still reeling from that. started doing recently? good for you.