Early Detection & Diagnosis IN Women should have the choice to start annual 40 with mammograms WOMEN

Women should begin to have yearly WILL BE DIAGNOSED WITH BREAST CANCER IN THEIR LIFETIME mammograms 45

The ACS recommends women to continue getting mammograms every WHAT AFFECTS MY RISK? 55 two years or annually Women aged 55 and older are at higher Age risk of developing breast cancer.

Over age 45, white women are slightly Race & more at risk. There is no sure Ethnicity Under age 45, breast cancer is more way to prevent common in African American women. breast cancer, so early detection and Obesity after menopause and increased diagnosis through alcohol consumption can increase your mammograms and risk. self-checks are Certain inherited genetic mutations, like important! Genetics mutation of the BRCA1 or BRCA 2 genes, can cause hereditary breast cancer.

You can Self Check! Did you know? Breast cancer is: 1 In the shower the 2nd most common cancer among women in the U.S. 2 In front of a the leading cause of death for Hispanic women in the U.S. mirror 3 Lying down About 1 in 10 hispanic women living in the U.S.will develop breast cancer. MEN AND WOMEN SHOULD of new breast cancer cases in the U.S. are found in SELF CHECK 11% women under 45 years old.


4 0 % of diagnosed breast “ C A N B R E A S T C A N C E R B E P R E V E N T E D ?

are detected by women who There is no sure way to prevent breast cancer. However, feel a lump, so establishing a regular “ BREAST CANCER breast self-exam is very important. there are preventive measures for women who have a

- Johns Hopkins Medical Center strong family history of breast cancer, or certain genetic AWARENESS risk factors. 1. In the shower B R E A S T S E L F - Lift one arm over your head and use E A R L Y D E T E C T I O N & D I A G N O S I S A W A R E N E S S I S the pads of your 3 middle fingers to These are two early detection methods: press down on the breast and K E Y ! armpit area in small circular motions Being aware of early signs and symptoms for earlier diagnosis 2. In front of a mirror and treatment Inspect your breasts with your Screening tests to identify abnormalities: ( arms by your side, and then with screening, Breast self examination (BSE), Clinical Breast IN both arms raised over your head. Examination (CBE), Genetic Testing).

3. Lying down M A M M O G R A P H Y S C R E E N I N G Mammography screening is the WOMEN Place a pillow under one shoulder most effective and place your arm behind your screening method. head. Use the other arm to feel Reducing the loss of life by around 20% around your breast. Squeeze the nipple and check for any discharge. Women should have the choice to start annual breast 40 with mammograms Feel for . . . Look for . . . lumps, thickening, changes in contour, WWomomeenn s hshoouuldld h baevgein t htoe hcahvoei cyee atroly hardened knots, or swelling, dimples, or start annuaml barmeamsto cgaranmcesr WILL BE DIAGNOSED WITH other changes. changes in nipples screening with mammograms 45 The ACS recommends women to BREAST CANCER IN THEIR Make sure to: continue getting mammograms every 55 two years or annually LIFETIME READ INSIDE FOR MORE INFO! S U R G E R Y T O R E D U C E B R E A S T C A N C E R R I S K

You might consider preventive surgery if you: Have a mutation in the BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene Check Examine entire use your finger monthly breast and pads (not tips) (or other genes) armpit area Have a strong family history of breast cancer Have (or have had) cancer in one breast Use light, medium, and firm pressure.

ACCORDING TO : Move your fingers in a circular motion, up and down NATIONALBREASTCANCER.ORG BREASTCANCER.ORG WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION (WHO) your breast, and finally outwards from your nipple. ABCF.ORG OVERVIEW OF SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS BREAST CANCER W H A T T O L O O K O U T F O R ! AM I AT RISK?

Age Breast cancer risk increases with age. Most diagnoses are made in Cancer is a disease in which cells in the body grow women out of control. aged 55 and older.

Breast cancer is a disease in New lump, usually Redness or flaky skin Thickening or which the cells within the hard, in the breast or in the nipple area or swelling of part of Race/Ethnicity breast divide and grow out of underarm (armpit) the breast the breast White women are slightly more likely to develop control. breast cancer than Hispanic, African American, and Asian women. In women under age 45, breast cancer is more common in African American women. ** Breast cancer is the second most common cancer among women in the Lifestyle factors Obesity after Pulling in of the nipple Irritation or Nipple discharge other ** Breast cancer is the leading cause of menopause or pain in the nipple dimpling of breast than breast milk, cancer death among Hispanic women. A area, skin, including blood Increased alcohol Hispanic woman living in the United consumption (1 or States has about a 1 out of 10 chance of more drinks daily) have developing breast cancer both been linked to a higher risk of breast cancer.

Most Common Types of Breast Cancer: Certain inherited genetic mutations can also Any change in the size Pain in any area of increase your breast cancer risk. or the shape of the the breast. Invasive ductal carcinoma breast, The most common cause of hereditary breast cancer is a mutation of the BRCA1 or BRCA2 of breast lumps are benign Invasive lobular carcinoma 80% to 85% genes. or non-cancerous, especially in women younger than age 40

Male Breast Cancer If your mammograms have been The risk of breast cancer is lower in men than negative, odds are even better that in women. The lifetime risk of a male getting a breast lump is not cancer! breast cancer is about 1 in 833 compared to 1 in 8 women Ask your doctor if you are due for mammogram screenings!