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Pbl-2019-Decarbonisation-Options-For-The-Dutch-Aluminium-Industry 3479.Pdf DECARBONISATION OPTI O N S F O R THE DUTCH ALU MI NIU M INDUSTRY Henk Kortes, To n va n Dril 04 June 2019 Manufacturing Industry Decarbonisation Data Exchange Net work Decarbonisation options for t he D utc h alu miniu m industry © P B L Netherlands Environ mental Assess ment Agency ; © E C N part of T N O The Hague, 201 9 P BL publication nu mber: 3 4 7 9 T N O project nr. 060.33956 A ut h ors H. Kortes and A. W. N. van Dril Ackno wledge ments We are grateful to Carlos Ka mpen (E - M A X Bill ets B. V.), Evelyn Overduin ( Bridging The Gap), Robert Quak ( Century Alu minu m Vlissingen B. V.), Jan van Wijck ( Zalco B. V.), Brenda van Gelderen ( Aluche mie) and Rindert Slagter ( Da mco/ Aldel) for their valuable input on the MI D DE N project. MI D DE N project coordination a n d res p o nsi bility T h e MI D DE N pr oj ect ( Manufacturing Industry Decarbonisation Data Exchange Net work) was i niti ate d a n d is als o coordinated and funded by P BL a nd E C N part of T N O. T he project ai ms t o s upport i nd ustry, policy makers, analysts, and the energy sector in their co m mon efforts to achieve deep decarbonisation. C orrespondence regarding the project may be addressed t o : K. M. Schure (P BL), Klara. Schure @pbl.nl , or A. W. N va n Dril (T N O) , Ton.van Dril @tno.nl . P rod uction coordi natio n P BL P ublis hers T his p u blic ati o n i s a j oi nt publication by P BL and E C N part of T N O and can be do wnloaded fro m: w w w.pbl.nl/en . Parts of this publication may be reproduced, providing the source is stated, in the for m: H. Kortes and A. W. N. van Dril (2019) Decarbonisation options for the Dutch alu miniu m industry PBL Netherlands Environ mental Assess ment Agency & E C N part of T N O , The Hague . P BL Netherlands Environ mental Assess ment Agency is the national institute for stra t e gi c policy analysis in the fields of the environ ment, nature and spatial planning. We contribute to i mproving the quality of political and ad ministrative decision - making by conducting outlook studies, analyses and evaluations in which an integrated approach is considered para mount. Policy relevance is the pri me concern in all of our st udies. We conduct solicited and unsolicited research that is both independent and scientifically sound. E C N part of T N O has a t wofold mission: to accelerate the energy transition and to strengthen the co mpetitive position of the Netherlands. E C N part of T N O conducts independent and internationally leading research and we stand for an agenda - setti ng, i nitiati ng a nd s up porti ng role for govern ment, industry and N G Os. T his re p o rt w a s r evie wed by the co mpanies . P BL and E C N part of T N O re main responsible for the content. The decarbonisation options and para meters are not verified by the co mpanies . Co nte nts Su m mary 4 INTRODUCTION 6 1 ALU MINIU M PRODUCTION IN THE NETHERLANDS 8 1. 1 Al d el 9 1. 2 Al u c h e mi e 1 2 1. 3 Century Alu miniu m Vlissingen 1 4 1. 4 E - M A X Bill et s 1 6 1. 5 Z al c o 1 7 2 ALU MINIU M PROCESSES 2 0 2. 1 H all – H éro ult process 2 0 2. 2 Production of prebaked carbon anodes 2 5 2. 3 Casting of liquid pri mary alu miniu m into billets and slabs 3 1 2. 4 Recycling and casting of alu miniu m fro m scrap into billets and slabs 3 6 3 ALU MINIU M PR ODUCTS A N D APPLICATI O N 4 1 3. 1 Alu miniu m production chain 4 1 3. 2 Characteristics of main products 4 4 3. 3 Alu miniu m econo mics 4 6 4 OPTI O NS FOR DECARBONISATION 4 9 4. 1 H all – Héro ult process 4 9 4. 2 Production of prebaked carbon anodes 5 8 4. 3 Melting and casting of pri mary and secondary alu miniu m 6 0 REFERENCES 6 4 A MI D DE N report – P BL – E C N part of T N O | 3 FI N D I N G S Su m mary In the Netherlands, three main types of activities in alu miniu m manufacturing can be distinguished. Pri mary alu miniu m production fro m alu miniu m oxide in the Netherlands i s located at Aldel, in the Dutch city of Delfzijl. The largest secondary alu miniu m producers, using mostly scrap, are E - M A X in Kerkrade and Zalco in Vlissingen. Aluche mie in Rotterda m and Century in Vlissingen are the producers of prebaked carbon anodes f or t he pri mary alu miniu m electrolysis process. E missions and the production capacity of each of those sites are su m marized in Table S1. The main direct C O 2 e missions are related to the use of carbon anodes at Aldel (process e missions), fro m ther mal fuel use in the melting furnaces at Aldel, Zalco and E - M A X, and fro m ther mal fuel use in the baking process of anodes at Aluche mie and Century. Indirect e missions associated with po wer generation for the energy - i nte nsive electrolysis process at Aldel are not included. PF C e missions consist of organic F - gas e missions, which may substantially contribute to global war ming. These e missions may occur at the anode, during the process of pri mary alu miniu m production. Aldel is currently scaling up production to its o ri g i nal c a p acity. Ta ble S 1 Ge neral c urre nt data per site Dir ect C O 2 P F C T her mal El e ctri cit y M ai n Pr o d uct e missi o ns e missions f uel us e use [ PJe] pr o d uct o ut p ut (E U ETS) [kt C O 2 e q ] [ PJ] [ kt] [ kt] Al d el, 2 0 4 6 6 0. 5 6. 6 Pri mary 1 8 0 D elf zijl ( at a n d secondary pr oj ect e d al u mi ni u m f ull c a p acity) Al uc he mie, 1 4 4 1. 3 0. 1 6 Car bo n 3 3 5 Rotterda m anodes C e nt ur y, 6 5 0. 5 0. 0 8 Car bo n 1 4 5 Vlissi n ge n anodes E - M a x, 2 0 0. 3 – 0. 5 0. 0 2 – 0. 0 4 Secondary 5 5 – 6 0 Kerkrade al u mi ni u m Z al c o, 1 6 0. 2 – 0. 3 0. 0 2 – 0. 0 3 Secondary 3 5 – 4 0 Vlissi n ge n al u mi ni u m O n - site decarbonisation options consist of carbon - ne utral fuels, such as gree n gas or hydrogen in the melting and anode - baking fur naces. Electric furnaces are also considered, but would require further develop ment. At these site s, t he no n - f u el - process carbon e missions related to anode baking, anode consu mption and melting of conta minated scrap are i mportant sources of direct e missions, which are not so easy to avoid. As a solution, carbon capture and storage ( C C S) see ms not feasible on this scale. Instead of carbon anode consu mption, ne w processes using inert anodes are no w being developed. At Aldel, this could avoid the process e missions of both C O 2 and PF Cs. If inert anodes would beco me the main technology, world wide, Aluche mie and Century could decrease or ter minate production, in t he lo n g r u n. P BL – E C N part of T N O | 4 – A MI D DE N report F or Al d el, el ectricit y - efficiency i mprove ments and the use of rene wable electricity represent i mportant potential for reducing indirect e missions. Increasing the use of scrap to replace pri mary production would gradually decrease the indirect e missions fro m el ectricit y ge neratio n for electrolysis. A MI D DE N report – P BL – E C N part of T N O | 5 FULL RESULTS Introduction This report describes the current situation for alu miniu m production in the Netherlands and the options and preconditions for its decarbonisation. The study is part of the MI D DE N project ( Manufacturing Industry Decarbonisation Data Exchange Net work). The MI D DE N project ai ms to support industry, policy makers, analysts, and the energy sector in their co m mon efforts to achieve deep decarbonisation. The MI D DE N project will update and e laborate further on options in the future, in close connection with the industry.
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    UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, U.S. Department of Justice Antitrust Division 1401 H Street, NW Suite 3000 Case No. 1:03CV02012 Washington, DC 20530, Plaintiff, v. JUDGE: Gladys Kessler ALCAN INC., 1188 Sherbrooke Street West DECK TYPE: ANTITRUST Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3A 3G2; DATE: September 29, 2003 ALCAN ALUMINUM CORP., 6060 Parkland Boulevard Cleveland, OH 44124-4185; PECHINEY, S.A., 7, Place Du Chancelier Adenauer CEDEX 16 – 75218 – Paris France; and PECHINEY ROLLED PRODUCTS, LLC, Rural Route 2 Ravenswood, WV 26164-9802, Defendants. COMPLAINT The United States of America, acting under the direction of the Attorney General of the United States, brings this civil antitrust action to obtain equitable relief against defendants, and alleges as follows: 1. In early July 2003, Alcan Inc. (“Alcan”) launched a $4.6 billion tender offer for Pechiney, S.A. (“Pechiney”), which was later endorsed by Pechiney’s board of directors. The United States seeks to enjoin this proposed acquisition, which, if consummated, would result in consumers paying higher prices for brazing sheet, an aluminum alloy used in making heat exchangers for motor vehicles. 2. Alcan, through its United States subsidiary (Alcan Aluminum Corp.), and Pechiney, through its United States subsidiary (Pechiney Rolled Products, LLC), are, respectively, the second and fourth largest producers of brazing sheet in North America. Brazing sheet consists of a class of layered aluminum alloys, each of which has a unique ability to form a uniform, durable, leak-proof bond with other aluminum surfaces. Brazing sheet is widely used in fabricating the major components of heat exchangers for motor vehicles, including engine cooling (e.g., radiators and oil coolers) and climate control (e.g., heaters and air conditioners) systems.
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