Guyénot on False Flags: Zionism, Psychopathy, and the Hijacked Provocation

Kevin Barrett Deep Truth Conference June 9, 2017 Dr. Laurent Guyénot

• Engineer, École Nationale Supérieure de Techniques Avancées in Paris • PhD in Medieval Studies, La Sorbonne, Paris • Author of several books including JFK‐9/11: 50 Years of Deep State and From Yahweh to Zion: Jealous God, Chosen People, Promised Land...Clash of Civilizations

L’affaire Merah: The Hijacked Provocation

• Spring 2012: Likud/Atlanticist neocon Sarkozy is about to lose the first round of France’s presidential election. • March 11th and 15th: 3 North African French soldiers shot in Montauban,, apparently by neo‐Nazi soldiers (a DCRI false flag designed to demonize the National Front and help Sarkozy). • March 19th, fake (?) shooting at Jewish religious school Ozar‐Hatorah in the residential area of la Roseraie “kills four.” (No autopsies, no hard evidence of deaths, “bodies immediately evacuated to .”) • March 21st: Innocent patsy Mohamed Merah dramatically executed. Hijacked provocation hypothesis

• “With the Montauban killings, the Mossad seized the opportunity to conduct a psychological operation, manipulating French and world public opinion to portray Israel as a victim and make us forget its massacres in Gaza. In all likelihood, the operation was the work of Lohamma Psichologit, the psychological warfare department of the Mossad. The idea was to create a second false crime, clearly anti‐ Semitic, linked to the real crime of Montauban.” • “Sent an implicit message to the public: Those who protest the war in Afghanistan, and the coming war in , are killers of Jewish children.” • DSGI vulnerable to blackmail due to pro‐Sarkozy Montauban op, forced to go along with Mossad agenda. JFK assassination: Another hijacked provocation? “Gary Wean in his book There’s a Fish in the Courthouse (1987), quoted by Michael Piper in his groundbreaking Final Judgment. Relying on a well‐informed source in Dallas (identified as Republican Senator John Tower in his 1996 second edition), Wean raises the possibility that the Dallas coup was ‘a double‐cross of fantastic dimensions,’ in which a failed assassination attempt staged by the CIA was hijacked by what he names the Mishpucka (Hebrew for ‘the Family’), the Russian Jewish Mafia, whose evil power reaching into the highest spheres Wean has been investigating for years in California. The Mishpucka wanted Kennedy dead and turned the operation into a successful assassination, then escaped investigation by hiding behind the CIA’s scheme.” From Yahweh to Zion, p.297 9/11 as hijacked provocation?

• “Decision‐makers in the US deep state had planned a false flag attack on a limited scale (for example, fake aircraft events at the Pentagon and Shanksville) with the limited purpose of justifying the invasion of Afghanistan; but that they were taken over by the infiltrated Zionist network, whose goal was much more ambitious.” ‐From Yahweh to Zion • “A complex operation like 9/11 necessarily involves a broad range of intertwined interests, and it is most likely that the Bushes, like many other key players with in the deep state, are held hostages of the Israelis by their own involvement in the plot, and kept in line by both retribution and blackmail. The Bushes, perhaps only interested in invading Afghanistan at the start, my have found themselves forced into the invasion of Iraq that the first Bush had resisted in 1991.” – JFK‐9/11 “The goddman Israelis!” • According to CIA Iraq Desk asset , her Case Officer, Richard Fuisz — who had known ahead of time that a big terror attack would be hitting Lower Manhattan — was on the phone with her on the morning of 9/11 as live television showed the Towers burning and then, suddenly, exploding. Lindauer says Fuisz’s reaction was an anguished scream: • “The god-damn Israelis!” “Colonel Mark Tillman said he and his crew received a radio message saying 'Angel is next' as America reeled from the attack on the twin towers.”

“Angel was the secret call sign for Air Force One as it left Sarasota, Florida, where President Bush had been told about the attacks on the Twin Towers.” Bush begged to return to Washington. Cheney refused and sent Bush to Barksdale LA then to Offut NE. “After Bush left Florida, where he had been reading a book to schoolkids, his plane was low on fuel but for hours had nowhere to land. …Inside the plane, Bush was furious, virtually unable to communicate with the outside world at a time of crisis.” —“Secrets of 9/11: New Details of Chaos, Nukes Emerge”, Wm. Arkin and Robt Windrem, NBC News, 9/11/16 Overview of “hijacked provocations”

• Western intelligence agency schedules illegal operation • Hijacked (and greatly magnified) by Israeli intelligence in collusion with sayanim and elements of organized crime • Result: the operation is turned to serve Israel’s interests. • Blackmail and silencing: Those who (like Richard Fuisz) know what Israel did have been implicated in the originally illegal, now shockingly murderous/treasonous act. They must remain silent. Le Carré shows how Mossad runs rings around Western intelligence agencies, thanks to its ruthlessness, proficiency, infiltration, and sayanim. Hijacking “truth movements”

• “In the quest for the truth about September 11 as in the Kennedy case, controlled opposition operates on many levels, and many honest scholars now realize that the 9/11 truth movement itself is largely channeled to hide the role of Israel. The half‐truth of the exclusively ‘inside job’ thesis, which denounces 9/11 as a false flag operation perpetrated by the American state on its own citizens, functions like a secondary false flag, insofar as it protects the real masters of the operation, who are in fact agents in the service of a foreign nation.” From Yahweh to Zion, p.386 Major false flags are dispro‐ portionately Zionist/Israeli • “Israel has a long history and grand expertise in false flag terror. A world history of false flag operations would need to dedicate at least half its pages to modern Israel, a nation less than half a century old.” –JFK‐9/11, p.193 • Confirmed/suspected examples: King David Hotel bombing 11/22/46; Lavon Affair 1954; USS Liberty attack 6/8/1967; Munich Olympic massacre 1972; Entebbe hijacking 1976; Beirut Marine bombing 1983; London Israeli Embassy shooting 1984; Achille Lauro 1985 (ben Menashe); German disco bombing 1986; OKC and WTC bombings, 1993; Israeli Embassy and Jewish Building bombings in Argentina, 1992 and 1994; Khobar Towers, 1996; EgyptAir 990, 1999; USS Cole, 1999; 9/11 2001; Bali 2002; Madrid 2002; Manila ferry 2003; Casablanca bombings 2003; London 7/7/2005; Rafik Hariri assassination, 2005; Mumbai 26/11/2008; underwear bomber 2009; Boston bombing 2013; Charlie Hebdo and 11/13 Paris attacks, 2015; Nice truck attack, 2016; Munich shooting 2016; Sinai massacre, 2017; Las Vegas shooting 2017…what’s next? What explains Zionist preeminence in false flags? • Paranoid “they want to kill us” mentality inculcated by Jewish scripture: Plagues of Egypt; Book of Esther; Jewish people repeatedly punished by Yahweh for consorting with goyim; etc. Bible also promotes materialist worldview. • Extreme difficulty of fewer than 15 million Jews invading and taking over the Holy Land of four billion Christians and Muslims—requires bold and radical measures. • International sayanim network: the envy of all other intelligence agencies. Economically successful, globally dispersed Jewish community includes 100s of thousands willing to volunteer for Mossad. • Media dominance: Those who run the media decide whether lies stand or fall. • Dominance of international organized crime, secret societies, banking, and politics. “Israel: The psychopathic nation” Can a nation be a psychopath? According to one expert on political psychopathy, Andrzej Lobaczewski, the answer is yes. Whole nations, even international political movements, can exhibit behavior that parallels that of psychopathic individuals. “The Jewish nation, as a state, but also as an organized world community, acts collectively towards other nations and other human communities in the way a psychopath acts towards his fellow men.” – Laurent Guyénot “It goes without saying that I do not intend to imply that ‘the Jews’ are psychopaths, but instead that they are the first victims of a mental straitjacket imposed by their elites, who through veritable intellectual terrorism, make of them, to the extent that they comply, the instruments of the collective psychopathy of Israel.” —Laurent Guyénot