Comhairle Contae 053 919 6000 Loch Garman Carricklawn, Wexford Y35 WY93
[email protected] Roads Franchise Section 73 of Roads Act 1993 Value your Vote! Temporary Closing of Roads Register by Comhairle Chontae Loch Garman / Comhairle Baile Inis Corthaidh Wexford County Council / Enniscorthy Municipal District Council 25th November 2019 Notice of intention to extinguish a Public Right-of-Way at the following location: Check the Draft Register of Electors (pink copy) by 25th November 2019. The Draft Register of Electors is now on display at your local Post Office, Library, Garda Station, Chapel Lane Enniscorthy Wexford Citizens Information Centre or Local Authority Office and online at until Notice is hereby given that Wexford County Council / Enniscorthy Municipal District Council propose 25th November 2019. to extinguish the public right-of-way at the above location. If you are aged 18 or over on or before 15th February 2020 you should check that your name, address The right-of-way to be extinguished refers to a distance of approximately 130 metres of laneway, and other details are present and correct on the Draft Register, also if you have recently become an which extends in a northerly direction between Drumgoold Villas Enniscorthy and Marfield Estate Irish Citizen please contact this office in order that your details can be updated. Enniscorthy. If you have any queries please contact: The lane is bounded at the northern extremity by the Local Road L6173-1 and at the southern end by Local Road L2039-1 as indicated on a map which may be inspected at the offices of Wexford The Franchise Section, County Council, County Hall, Carricklawn, Wexford & the Enniscorthy Municipal District Office, Court Wexford County Council, Carricklawn, Wexford Street, Enniscorthy, County Wexford during normal office hours 9.00 a.m.