Online Course 傳統拔罐 治療

Professors: Rick Scott and Jan Lasota [email protected]

(C) 2018 - Lasota Online Academy 1 History

 Used for over 5000 years.

 Suction cup usage can be traced to every civilization.

 Until the 19th century was used in the west in private practice and hospitals.

 Modern times it is making its way back into western culture.

(C) 2018 - Lasota Online Academy 2 History

 3000 BC: we have many records showing that at this time it was being used around the world.

 1550 BC: Ebers Papyrus – one of the oldest textbooks of medicine, talks about the Egyptians using cupping.

 400 BC: , Galen a Herodotus, were using cupping for internal diseases and musculoskeletal problems.

 ca. 600-BC: Muhammed writes about “hijama” and talks about its medicinal uses.

During this times cupping was mostly done by using animal horn (still in use by remote cultures). This then turned into using bamboo.

(C) 2018 - Lasota Online Academy 3 History

(281-341AD), a Chinese herbalist, writes about its medical uses in China. This is our first written account of the Chinese using it, but we can assume it was used much longer in China, before a book was written about it.

(Moses ben Maimon) (1135-1204AD), is a Jewish Rabbi and a man of science at that time. He writes about the use of cupping for medical purposes by the Arab and Islamic scientists.

 Charles Kennedy, Surgeon (1826): writes "The art of cupping has been so well-known, and the benefits arising from it so long experienced, that it is quite unnecessary to bring forward testimonials in favor of what has received not only the approbation of modern times, but also the sanction of remotest antiquity." (C) 2018 - Lasota Online Academy 4 History

 1700s-1900s: Many European and American doctors are using cupping in their private clinics and in hospitals to treat common colds, respiratory infections, and are often using “wet cupping”.

 1950: After much research the Soviet Union and China confirm the clinical effectiveness of cupping therapy.

 1950-Present: Cupping therapy is a mainstream therapy used in many hospitals throughout Asia, especially in the TCM hospitals of China.

 21st century: Many hospitals and Universities in the west have begun using and teaching cupping.

(C) 2018 - Lasota Online Academy 5 Cupping Use Today


2004: shows up at the New York film festival with fresh cupping marks on her back.

Kim Kardashian, Justin Beiber, Jennifer Aniston, Victoria Beckham and many others have since been seen in public with cupping marks.

(C) 2018 - Lasota Online Academy 6 Cupping Use Today


Serena Williams has been seen multiple times using cupping therapy and is a advocate for it saying: “it just feels like it’s suctioning and it just feels good.”

2016 (Rio Olympics): Michael Phelps, Alex Naddour, and Pavel Sankovich are among the athletes using cupping for therapy.

Phelps’ trainers say that cupping therapy is a favored recovery method that reduces soreness and speeds the healing process.

(C) 2018 - Lasota Online Academy 7 Research

Plantar Fasciitis: “The data indicated that both dry cupping therapy and electrical stimulation therapy could reduce pain and increase function significantly in the population tested.”

Weiqing ge, DPT, PhD1)*, Chelsea leson, DPT1), Corey VukoViC, DPT1), Department of Physical Therapy, Youngstown State University: One University Plaza, Youngstown, OH 44555, USA

Quality of Life: “After one month, the quality of life score of 155 participants (88%) increased, remained unchanged for 21 participants (11.7%), and decreased for 2 participants (1.1%). Asked about possible complications from cupping, 160 participants reported no side effects (89.9%).”

Cuppingtherapycanimprovethequalityoflifeofhealthypeoplein Tehran, Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicin 2017 August 15;37(4):558-562.

(C) 2018 - Lasota Online Academy 8 What is cupping?

Defined: The use of suction cups to provide treatment.

If used correctly it is harmless, and normally provides action within hours (if applied correctly).

Causes the body to react by providing stimulation that makes the body perform a repair process.

Will not effect healthy tissues, therefor it works by returning the body to a healthy state: regulating disease processes, reduces/eliminates pain and inflammation, and improves blood circulation.

(C) 2018 - Lasota Online Academy 9 Types of Cupping

Cupping: Also called Ba guan (Mandarin Chinese) There are the following types: • Glass • Bamboo • Clay • Plastic • Silicone • Others

(C) 2018 - Lasota Online Academy 10 Glass Cupping • Using a cotton ball soaked in 95% or 75% alcohol which is ignited, then it is moved around the inside of the cup, the cup is then added quickly to the .

• There is 20% O2 in the air when burned, it changes to

CO2, causing an O2 vacuum. • It’s difficult to handle.

(C) 2018 - Lasota Online Academy 11 Bamboo Cupping

• These are heated with warm . • The moisture is pulled out of the creating a vacuum. • Not used a lot outside of Asia.

(C) 2018 - Lasota Online Academy 12 Clay Cupping

• Works like glass, where the air is warmed to create a vaccum.

(C) 2018 - Lasota Online Academy 13 Glass Cupping with Suction Cups.

 Can by applied fast and are very safe to use.

 Works well for normal/general cupping.

 Difficult to regulate.

 Doesn’t work well with ”wet cupping”.

(C) 2018 - Lasota Online Academy 14 Plastic Cupping

• Most common type used. • They are easy to control. • Fast to use. • Requires no preparation. • Little more difficult to clean than glass.

(C) 2018 - Lasota Online Academy 15 Cupping Methods

“Dry” Forms: Most used form in many Western countries, because “wet cupping” draws blood. • Stationary Cupping: The cup ”sucks” over a specific point or ”knot” in a muscle for 5-15 minutes. • Gliding Cupping: The cup sucks on a specific acupuncture point or muscle and is moved up and down the length og the meridian or over muscle fibers, while it is suctioned onto the skin. • Motion Cupping: The cup is suctioned on a point or muscle area and is then moved fast. The technique can take a few applications in the same area with focus on reducing muscle tension and reducing/removing in the body.

“Wet” Forms: • Blood cupping: Here your goal is to get impure blood out. Very effective for removing toxins. (prohibited in some countries). • Cupping with Needles: This type of treatment can be good for chronic or Xu conditions.

(C) 2018 - Lasota Online Academy 16 Therapy Types Segmental therapy: treatment at the site of a disease/illness/disorder, or around reflex zones or skin areas that are connected to nerve tracts. Here the skin plays a very important role due to its effect on the nervous system.

(C) 2018 - Lasota Online Academy 17 Therapy Types

Regulation therapy: when the cups are applied they suck blood out of the capillaries, move stagnant blood and stimulate the body to enter a repair process. The body is not used to the blood being outside of where it is supposed to be, as a result cupping tricks the brain/body into thinking that there is an injury and sends the body into a repair process.

Although there is no “real” damage, the body begins to move fluids, send out hormones and chemicals as if there was a traumatic injury – including white blood cells to fight infection, elevates gland/lymphatic activity, which aids in a detox like effect.

(C) 2018 - Lasota Online Academy 18 How does cupping work? Western Prospective • Sucking causes extravasate (forcing blood out of the vessel and into the surrounding tissue), which results in a hematoma (), which can last for a few days. This causes the body to react in response to the sucking. • There is increased resistance to infection. • Acute: treatment on the 1-2 day(s) causes almost immediate effect. Chronic: speeds recovery, can be difficult to treat. • Most visible effects come from treatment of: Angina, , influenza, common colds, acute and sub-acute bronchitis. • Typically can relieve pain conditions quickly.

(C) 2018 - Lasota Online Academy 19 How does cupping work? Eastern Prospective • It is primarily thought of and used as a draining or sedating technique, but can be used to tonify. (ex. Kidney yang xu, very light cupping can be used at BL-23 to tonify, where a heavier cupping would make the condition worse. This type of technique could be used for many musculoskeltal deficiency syndromes as well.) • Massage can release and remove toxins, but if there are significant toxins which have built up, massage is not enough. • Tranditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), aims to warm the meridians to help remove stagnation and boost the flow of and blood, this removes kold, damp edema and pain. • This method works very good for Bi Syndromes caused by wind, cold, and damp in most of the body (back, arms, legs, abdomen, legs, shoulder, ankle, etc.).

(C) 2018 - Lasota Online Academy 20 General Benefits • Pain relief – back, shoulder, knee, or elbow pain; soft- tissue injuries. • Reduces swelling. • Headache. • Asthma, influenza, cough and/or colds. • Gastrointestinal and or genital problems. • Post operative care. • Hives and skin rashes. • Cellulitis and stretchmarks. (C) 2018 - Lasota Online Academy 21 Does it hurt?

• Yes, it can be uncomfortable sometimes. • If it hurts or how uncomfortable it is, can depend on many factors (ie. amount of toxins and metabolic wastes built up, how tight the fascia or muscles are, pain tolerance, etc.)

(C) 2018 - Lasota Online Academy 22 Does it leave marks? • Yes, often the cups will leave a mark or red circle where it was applied. • The greater the amount of toxins, metabolic waste, stagnation, etc. The higher the chance of suction marks will last for a longer period of time. This can depend on the darkness of the skin color of the patient. • The length of how long the skin discoloration will last really depends on the particular body and how fast it can eliminate and detox. Instruct your patient to drink plenty of water after the recieve cupping treatment. (C) 2018 - Lasota Online Academy 23 Is the time important?

• 5, 10 or 15 min? • When the skin becomes purple, dark red or even black (chinese thinking tends to be the darker the better), remove the cups from the body, because if they sit for too long, they can cause blisters. • For little blisters you can apply a Vitamin E salve.

(C) 2018 - Lasota Online Academy 24 Precautions

• Find a comfortable position for the patient. • You should apply them over the muscle mass. • You should try and avoid bony regions or areas with a lot of hair. • If the skin is very relaxed and/or loose. • Prevent burning of the skin. • Don’t allow the cup to suck for more than 10 minutes to prevent large blisters. • Small blisters should be left alone, but observed.

(C) 2018 - Lasota Online Academy 25 Other Precautions

No Cupping: • on sores, large blood vessels, high fever or cramps. • on pregnant women’s lumbar, sacrum or stomach. • on eczema or blood disorders. • on umbilicus, nipples, epigastric region or eyes. • on the face do not allow the skin to turn black, use significantly shorter time (approx. 1-2 min). • on area and large surface blood vessels (ex. neck and groin).

(C) 2018 - Lasota Online Academy 26 Why should you use cupping?

• Cupping is an excellent way to remove toxins and help prevent your body from accumulating excess wastes. • Relieves / reduces smerter. • Helps with faster post-operative healing. • Reduces cellulitis and stretch marks. • Addresses some conditions more effectively than acupuncture. • Extremely effective on hypertonic muscles.

(C) 2018 - Lasota Online Academy 27 Removes toxins in muscles.

• The muscular pain circle/cycle. • Hypertonus • Collagen • Receptors • Toxins / wastes

(C) 2018 - Lasota Online Academy 28 Pain

• Used on Trigger Points and Ashi Points. • What is a Trigger Point? • Why Trigger Points? • Use with magnetic tips (if available) • Joint Pain (bi-syndromes)

(C) 2018 - Lasota Online Academy 29 Cellulite • Men and women are equally affected by cellulitis, which is an infection, cellulite is the fat itself, when women are more affected by men can have it too. • Light cellulite (can be determined with a pressure test) is curable. • Medium grade cellulite (seen primarily in the thigh –mostly when you lay down) you can treat this for all circumstances, treatment is effective and can often affect a cure. • Severe cellulite (typically the patient has suffered from this for years) you can treat, but not cure. • Is a gelatinous substance that accumulates in large fixed bags that lay under the skin and contain fat, water and waste/toxins. • This improperly placed fat, acts like a water absorbing sponge and fills these wavy and relaxed surfaces.

(C) 2018 - Lasota Online Academy 30 Cleaning of Cups

• Place cups in warm soapy water. • If there is blood, rinse the blood first and then place the cup in warm soapy water (acupuncture). If it is a plastic cup and you do “wet cupping”, then you will need to throw away the cup. • Always wear gloves when cleaning the cups. • It is a good idea to dedicate some cups to gliding cupping.

(C) 2018 - Lasota Online Academy 31 Bleeding ”Wet” Cupping

• Stearlize skin with chlorhexidine or an alcohol prep/swab. • Prick the point or supervicial veins until blood comes, with a large needle, lancet, or a triangle needle. • Quickly apply the cup, so that it can draw the blood and toxins out of the area. • Do not use on weak people or children.

(C) 2018 - Lasota Online Academy 32 Gliding Cupping

• Apply a lubricant to the skin, such as massage oil, before applying the cups and sliding. • The cup runs parallel on the skin, up and down along the muscles until the area becomes a deep red or black color. • The same approach can be applied to the meridians themselves.

(C) 2018 - Lasota Online Academy 33 Diagnosis - Location

• Cupping can be used to find the location of the pathogenic disturbance. • Locations where the extravasates occur after cupping are indications of either the location of the disease or a remote referral of the segment connected to the organ which is diseased or in dysfunction. • Extravasates will never form over a healthy area.

(C) 2018 - Lasota Online Academy 34 Marks

(C) 2018 - Lasota Online Academy 35 Diagnosis - Morphology Normally: Skin turns red under suction cup.

Paleness: Lack of circulation. (ischemia)

Blood or Qi Deficiency: Normal

Causes: thrombosis, embolism, vascular spasms, inflammatory or degenerative tissue changes, and constricted lumen.

 Most common cause: chronic muscle tension in the area.

Ex: Muscle tension in the neck and shoulders can cause ischemia, which can cause pain in the neck, shoulders, upper back, arm, and headaches. (C) 2018 - Lasota Online Academy 36 Diagnosis - Morphology Normally: Skin turns red under suction cup.

Blood Stagnation:


Moderate Severe

Causes: Chronic diseases, cancer, fibroids, scar tissue, varicose veins, and tissue trauma. After an operation, injury, accident, menstrual or overstrain problems/traumas. Old age can be a factor.

Sx: Anxiety, pain, confusion, lumps, drier or darker skin at the sight of an injury.

(C) 2018 - Lasota Online Academy 37 Diagnosis - Morphology Normally: Skin turns red under suction cup.

Excess Damp or Toxins:

Blisters: Normal

Causes: Bee stings or bug bites, diet, chemicals in deodorant and other personal hygiene products, obesity.

Sx: swelling around the eyes, round sore joints, swelling after a bruise, swollen tongue, swelling during menstruation (breasts, around waist). (C) 2018 - Lasota Online Academy 38 Diagnosis - Morphology Normally: Skin turns red under suction cup.

Toxins, Pathogens, Disease Normal

Speckling: : Patches:


 Speckling: Congestion of the blood or lymph and toxins.

 Purpura: Vitamin C deficiency, and/or secondary vasculitis.

 Patches: Chronic stagnation/congestion/disease.

(C) 2018 - Lasota Online Academy 39 Therapeutic Prescriptions

• Using TCM knowledge you can use the points in treatment, based on a correct TCM diagnosis. • As a rule, you can use the tongue and pulse to diagnosis, and what is called Mu and Shu points to treat. • In Chinese Medicine, cupping has been used for approx. 2800 years. Unfortunately, that means that many of these prescriptions have been lost of the years, but we still use many of them today.

(C) 2018 - Lasota Online Academy 40 Treatment of Fascia / Muscle Compartments / Meridians • AKA ”Gliding Cupping” (Slow) • When applying to collagen, movement should be slow (too fast and the collagen will to relax with possibility of microtears) and less suction. • Always apply lubricant (massage oil), so that friction burns are not caused to the skin. • The same process is used to move Qi within the TCM meridians, following the flow of Qi within the channels. (Here a knowledge of TCM is imperative in order to facilitate correct flow and application of techniques. • Use only with the direction of the collagen, in relation to other anatomical structures. (C) 2018 - Lasota Online Academy 41 Treatment of Muscles

• AKA ”Gliding Cupping”, “Massage Cupping” (Fast). • To have maximum effect on the muscles, you use a slightly harder suction with a more physical technique. This ensures that the collagen is tensile and less moveable. • This technique is used to primarily move blood, remove toxins, and separate muscle tissue (ie. remove adhesions, improve muscle nutrition.) • Use with the grain of the muscle fibers (improve muscular functions) or directly against (break up adhesion). (C) 2018 - Lasota Online Academy 42 Treatment of Joint Problems

• In Chinese Medicine this fits into Bi-Syndrome problems. • TCM theory teaches us that cross-channel connections, where the shoulder connects to the hip, elbow to knee, wrist to ankle and this corresponding body parts (lateral lower leg to lateral lower arm) have a much more effective and longer lasting effect. • This can be done with or without the magnetic insert. (If it is a local treatment the magnet is more effective, then if you are using a local and distal cross channel technique.). (C) 2018 - Lasota Online Academy 43 Segmental Treatments

• This type of treatment, utilizes dermatome and segmental responses, whereby you treat a segmented dermatome in order to affect a change along that nerve innervation. • Utilizing the TCM acupuncture points known as the Front Mu and Back Shu, you basically able to hack the body, including the viscera through stimulation at the surface/skin. • You can use the western dermatomes, or the Chinese Mu and Shu points. We recommend both.

(C) 2018 - Lasota Online Academy 44 Therapeutic Prescriptions • Using TCM knowledge you can use the points in treatment, based on a correct TCM diagnosis. • As a rule, you can use the tongue and pulse to diagnosis, and what is called Mu and Shu points to treat. • You can take a western diagnosis and apply these techniques as well (this is meant as an adjunct to treatment, NOT to replace medicine.) • In Chinese Medicine, cupping has been used for approx. 2800 years. Unfortunately, that means that many of these prescriptions have been lost of the years, but we still use many of them today. (C) 2018 - Lasota Online Academy 45 Acute Bronchitis

If it is due to ”cold wind” (cough, white sputum, and possible fever): REN-17, BL-20, BL-13, LU-5.

If it is due to ”warm wind” (cough, yellow sputum, red and irritated throat, stuffed/stopped nose, joint pain, possible fever): DU-14, LU-1.

(C) 2018 - Lasota Online Academy 46 Asthma

If it is ”cold wind” (fast / rattling breathing, with white sputum): REN-17, BL-12, BL-13, DU-14.

If ”Phlegm-Heat” (pressure on chest, asthmatic breathing, rapid breathing, yellow sputum): BL3, REN 17 and LU-5.

(C) 2018 - Lasota Online Academy 47 Gastritis

Gastritis is an inflammatory condition in the stomach. Gastritis can have many different causes, and the term is very broad covering a range of causes for inflammation in the gastric mucosa (typical causes are: alcohol, medication, and/or diet).

REN-12, BL-21, ST-36, ST37, SP-6.

(C) 2018 - Lasota Online Academy 48 Diarrhea

Acute diarrhea is often caused by infection or food poisoning, and will usually subside without intervention in a few days.

Diarrhea can aid a quick recovery when bacteria, virus and toxins are to blame, because they can quickly be eliminated from the intestinal tract. While this is a way for the body to protect itself, it can sometimes be undesirable.

ST-25, ST-36, REN-12, BL-21, BL-20.

(C) 2018 - Lasota Online Academy 49 Migraine

There is not one specific cause for migraines, many professionals feel it can be diet related. What we know is that the large blood vessels outside the brain, during an attack, expand. It is thought that this dilation of the blood vessels, is what causes the pain associated with migraine.

GB-20, BL-18, LV-3.

(C) 2018 - Lasota Online Academy 50 General Headache

Headaches are typically a invasion of wind disorder. You can have headaches from many different etiologies in both western and eastern medicine. It is with this in mind that we cover general headache points.

LV-3, GB-21, GB-41, ST-43.

(C) 2018 - Lasota Online Academy 51 Frozen Shoulder

In TCM, a frozen shoulder, is not the same as in western medicine. Every time a shoulder has bad ROM.

LI-15, SJ-14, SI-9, ST-38.

(C) 2018 - Lasota Online Academy 52 Lumbago

Very broad term, which can mean acute pain in the lumbar, facet joint syndrome, pain in the back in general, or chronic lumbar pain.

BL-40, DU-3, BL-62, GB-34.

(C) 2018 - Lasota Online Academy 53 Chronic Lumbar (Lower back) Pain

Chronic lumbar pain, is defined as pain that lasts for over 3 months. These patients often have recurring onset of acute lower back pain. Afterward, it becomes more and more difficult to relieve or “let go of” the pain, and the have more and more time with pain in the lumbar area.

BL-17, BL-18, BL-23, BL-40, DU-3.

(C) 2018 - Lasota Online Academy 54 Sciatic Pain

Here we do not look at the cause of the pain, whether it is from piriformis syndrome or any of the many pelvic dysfunctions that could cause it, it does not matter.

DU-4, GB-30, BL-17, BL-23, BL-62.

(C) 2018 - Lasota Online Academy 55 Trauma in General Pain: Ashi-points, pain relieving points: LI-4, LV-3.

Tissue injury: BL-11: influential point for bones and cartilage GB-34: influential for muscles and tendons.

Inflammation or autoimmune: LI-11, ST-36, SP-6, DU-14 = homeostasis.

(C) 2018 - Lasota Online Academy 56 Acute Stiff Neck

BL-60: distal point for neck. GB-20: a very important point for wind. BL-10: expels wind from the neck. BL-11: connects BL with SI and DU, influential for bones and cartilage, loosens wind. DU-14: connects all yang meridians, works against wind.

(C) 2018 - Lasota Online Academy 57 Lateral Epicondylitis (Tennis Elbow)

LI-4: Distal point LI-10: Local point LI-11: Local point ST-36: Cross-channel point GB-34: Influential point for muscles and tendons.

(C) 2018 - Lasota Online Academy 58 Medial Epicondylitis (Golfer’s Elbow)

HT-3: Local point P-3: Local point SJ-6: Painful obstruction HT-7: Distal point KD-10: Cross-channel point

(C) 2018 - Lasota Online Academy 59 Knee Ailments

General points: ST-36, GB-34, SP-10

LV-8: Local point. BL-11: influential point for cartilage. LV-3: special point for knee pain. GB-37: special point for knee pain.

(C) 2018 - Lasota Online Academy 60 Treatment of Pain Points • This can be applied in physical medicine clinics. • ALL trigger points are Ashi Points (ashi = painful) • NOT ALL ashi points are trigger points. • Trigger points refer pain, are localized tender areas in muscles. • Ashi points are painful points, in muscles, tendons, bones, and ligaments. • Recommended: apply with magnetic inserts. • Let sit for 5-10min, may remove before if too dark.

(C) 2018 - Lasota Online Academy 61 Congratulations!

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(C) 2018 - Lasota Online Academy 62