
Transports to, from and in

Arlanda airport – Stockholm city

Info can be found at http://www.arlanda.se/en/Information--services-to/Traveller- information/Get-to-and-from-the-airport/. The distance between Arlanda airport and Stockholm city is about 47 km.

The fastest way to travel between Arlanda and Stockholm city is by the high speed train Arlanda Express. It takes 20 minutes, cost SEK 240 one way and arrives at the Central station. Timetable and more info at www.arlandaexpress.com. Remember to buy the ticket before you get on the train, it is SEK 50 surcharge per ticket purchased on board.

The easiest way is to take a taxi straight to your hotel. It takes about 30 minutes (up to 50 minutes if heavy traffic) and most taxi companies offer a fixed price in the range SEK 390-490. Ask about the price before you start off. If you are more than one person a taxi will not be more expensive than the high speed train and also the fastest way to your hotel.

The cheapest way (except by local bus and commuter train) is by airport coaches. It takes about 40 minutes (longer if heavy traffic), cost SEK 110 one way and arrives at the City Terminal next to the Central station.

Stockholm Central station – Swedish EPA (Naturvårdsverket)

Follow the signs to T-centralen (central metro station). Take Metro red line 13 from T-Centralen towards Ropsten to station Karlaplan (second stop after T-centralen). Exit Valhallavägen/Gärdet and walk approximately 750 m to Valhallavägen 195 (see map below, circled T:s on the map are metro station exits).


Stockholm Central station – Clarion Collection Hotel Tapto

Follow the signs to T-centralen (central metro station). Take Metro red line 14 from T-Centralen towards Mörby centrum to station Stadion (second stop after T-centralen). Walk approximately 600 m to Jungfrugatan 57 (map Hotel Tapto, circled T:s on the map are metro station exits).

Stockholm (SL)

Travel guide, time tables (bus, metro, tram, etc.) and other info: www..se (Swe) www.sl.se/Templates/SubStart.aspx?id=1906 (Eng)

There are two types of SL tickets: travelcards and cash tickets. A 1 day card cost SEK 100, a 3 day card SEK 200 and a 7 day card SEK 260. One pre-paid cash ticket within Sthlm city (2 units) cost SEK 30 (valid 1 hour, unlimited changes). A pre-paid slip with 16 units (8 trips within Sthlm city) cost SEK 180. Tickets can be bought at metro stations, news agents and other places. On buses you must have a pre-paid ticket, at metro stations you can pay cash but it cost SEK 40.

Stockholm is a very walkable city and even if the weather is bad or you have problems with walking you will probably not travel around more than it to be cheapest to buy cash tickets, at least not during meeting days.