Architecture and Copyright: Loos, Law, and the Culture of the Copy
Architecture and Copyright: Loos, Law, and the Culture of the Copy Today’s architectural model workshops have become alchemi- cal chambers of curiosity, invested in turning information from digital files and various powders, sugars, or liquids into solid three-dimensional objects. Machines such as the lat- est EOSINT M270 can build in bronze alloy, steel, and cobalt chrome used for “tooling” and “prototyping.” Thus, simulta- neous and very similar to the development of contemporary design techniques, the entire process of copying emerges at the intersec- tion of a set of digital media and design technologies. But what makes the Ines Weizman copy—and, in particular, the architectural copy—so interesting is that it is London Metropolitan University a phenomenon of modernity. Just like the print, the photograph, the film, or the digital file, it is both a product of the media and a media form that in every situation and period reflects on the existing means of examination, production, and reproduction. We tend to think of the problem of mimicry within architecture and media as belonging to photography; sometimes, we discuss the media facades of buildings, but in these cases the agent and agency of mediatization moves through images. As reproduction technologies start shifting into the third dimension, we must relocate the discussion of the copy from the context of the fake and copyright law and place it at the heart of the media field. The copy is a reproduction—a media form in itself—referring both to itself and to its original, a part of an endless series of “aura-less” multiplications.
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